HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-1-5 ~.. {a, ~~ CONS: ,'- ., .. UCTIQN/PLACEMEr PERMIT. . FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Pj". . Apolicat~o~ . -,. ." ,,:'" p;';'mt t # LL . .q t,. XL. .' o Two Copic; ~f, Plans ..., .: , ~ '," . '. , OTW~ cop~es .ofPiot 'Plan~r'.. . [JMechanic'al' Ch'eckiis"t [Jplumbing Checklist _ Dplan Check Info'Sheet! , . . .'~, /' ~. , . Cm1PLETE. THlEkBLOCK.PLEASE USE BLACI5 INK. AND PRINT'. To,mol7- . . j' O~ '. .1 o~rr', ~.~. j.llr' LOT, DOUT OF 0 SUBDIVI~ON/~TITroN (if apP."c~ 9_1 ~1_"'J'/PARCEL2('?WCK Z~ LidCW-IOY\+O~~ 100.I"g . LOCAT!ON.ADDRESS~l-\AnT}~~~~.4- I .(.~,~.;1-\?;pR'~:.-.t . r\'~I~: ZIP \7 f"('):=) y \l.AJiiiC.A15t':';:'ldd~ 'l\.A- ,~ ., . ~%W~.q~~, ..' ,~- ~osED&tQ~ tc L4>U\c:Ac1No.., M~)'~\,.I't{Z5~OV :3F.k;RbL4 . ~ OF rOYE,; ; . ,I # 0'V0~EES. . .1~~Ub;-1) U'0 ,~.~~~~~~~~ 0'~:K.':T::1:,13i:i~~&[~$:~: J~.. (k~. Jfj~~t7". CCCTOR:SOSR !;.DlREC'0S.T?SFi.,.. 1\.'. " ~~, ,,"- ,I..\..- uJ~.,L...' .'J.'(. _ 'r- (% .Y!1lJ..MV/J1Vl ,Q(L g) <<tV. I"I1)l1J rrIH . ~;~~:LY. ~ :F. ~J~~~ ~:tT~"~Fo~ ':-~I~~d ,~~ ~c~~,~~, a~ !:!.,:r:!hm~n '" teu; ""d co:;o;~ ,nd I fuet".O,- ca,".ty {Ji any and all wo,k pocto,,,,,,d ,hall b, dona ,n "cco'"a~aa ,,\h 'ho O,"""nce, oLLano CounLy and L"a I,"" of 'ho "n'-o of ~'''IO",,.n'''''',n,, to the work des,cribed'~,ereil"!,'and that 'N.O.OCCUPANCY,~~ilt be made of.~ny structur? without the pcrmission~of .~hu ,Building Divis~on. ,1 .furth'lr certify :- that. registration with the Builder' 5 Board is in' full force and effect as' requir~d by ORS 701. 055, that if exempt the basis for exemption is not<)d hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees who. are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be'us~d On this project. r HAVE REA'o'AND ClIECr:ED THIS APPLICATION THORO,UGl-ILY. '~". ';.1 ~;';'; '-, . '.. " ~ ~> . . " . .".- /. . 1"'. .. ~ . -, " . / ~ner ! V&/r~r.L #~~~~ ~.:. ~~: .>:'".I:/~,0D/A.Tff?/.. OConmcLOL . , . NAME ,(pl~~s~'l..pr~~.t) SIGNATURE - ,< ~ ~ P Agent ,., PROPOSED In{E 'ot P~OPER;l'Y._ ~Resideritial []~ry~ust~ia~ ,0 C9IlUl)ercial .- D'pl;lbli~ = o PLANNING/ZONU-iG: Parcel Sm qO)( lld' 7/1-) -/ 7/ "OIl"'" CL,;side'. ~ntenor__ y\ If- ,r~ar "-- r l...LC L orn.~ 6J ffih '~n:,tc;', 0S Paree] " , Zone KQ t . Par,ti tion # . 'li"im=..SctbacK" . ~L: f':O!'&~"C) co"""ents,(PA-t?U.....r. 17"\ 2Y'~ ()rr'i'On }( X 'd - Ll'-FLOODPLAINVv ,J. In _flood'hazard area? %N? o RURAL .ADDRESS lNG':. GR1D C~ORDINAn N \tyJ .t8I S1'.tHTATlON: l'D Yes, see attaci'Jed shee't~ Date:' h o n 0" E Date: ;:. ~S.":l~~#' 8. 'P"'~ ",1-.. '14~t07 InsJ:a"li'atlon Reeor'd ISSU~d? [J,Yes'.D NO., . . . ~ineal Feet ,'- t , o'f Drainfie'id '1 "Installation Specifications: Gallon Tank' , .n ~ pa: PLANS EXAMlNAT'ION:' ." . .. '1 .,. . Comments :~'r' ,.. "",r .;' .:. " . ). .....',f .' ", ,:f' .: .:" " Date,Jd~/b/ o CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT '. Sq. Ft. .e64- ~B Fixed Fee/ Floodplain Fee, Unit Co~t ~subsurface ~ees' guJf;,4jtf q( Building Fee 1"'lZOI tflt.I'I~sewer/storrn Drain/Water . - ...: ,4 Plumbing Fixtures ~ical .' " .. $ : $ 'fl)f)() $~).(ln $ $ $ $ $ Plans Check Fee State Surcharge .! TOTAL. FEE $ P<F:,. CI]) FEES PAID BY, 0 Check ~aSh By' (\('\\1 ~. . J /5/'Al I l . rw/IS:-~ I Date: alrLJ ~ TOTACVALUATION . . $ I ,'nrl ~ ~: ~~ PePD~~ ~~4Z-.~' ~.~J~~. . PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDI~~ OFFICIAL/DESI1NEE (per ORS 456.805(1)) DATE LANE COUN1'Y.DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT / 125 EAST EIGHTH AVENUE, EU~ENE, OREGON C74-194 SEE REVERSE r' ~ ... '. -.... " ....,- . . -r " .. .... .. . .~ ~. t l' t ~. SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS O~.APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVOCATION OF .THIS PERMi!:- ~"~ .' CITATIQN~:YNDER:pk6v~sjQNS OF .LANE. COUNTY'S INFRACTIONORDfNANCE, ANO/OR OTHER REMEDIES ALLO~ED BY LAW. . ~ -, . . - '.. ~ ... .";': .~ .' .. -' . ~ . .' ,":" '. . WHEN READY FOR -INSPECTION CALL 687c4065. A MINIMUM .OF AT, LEAST 24 HOUR ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPECTION' REQUEST MUST BE . GIVEN;. Have the "'fall Qw.ing. infonnation ready: '_p,ermit number;' job address. type of inspection . when it wi 11 be ready,','."""! , .your nani~. and: p'hone n.umbe.r,,_and:any ,specfal dfrec-ti'on~. to .sHe.'-' .- ' . '"".' . -'. . '7 . ,- ..-._' ~..- BUILDING DIVISION: ,.~;. '", ..~. -- j '''. ~) ...." ~ ~:~~"...._ ~:'.." "~.":-_. , .... i , REOUIRED.IIISPECTioNS ...<.. ..,' :'-1"1";:.. , 'I'.: . ,'.(., :,'~. 1)' FOUNDATiON INSPECTION: . To 'be.' made .after trenches are excavated and .fonns er.ected' anc!" when a 11 materi al s for .the foundation .': ,ar~ q~~; vered'~n the ~~b :,: ~~here: concrete from a centra:l mix ;n9 pl ant (commo~lY' terme.~ lI{ra.n~J ~ mi x~d") is to ~e u~ed;~ materla1s need not be on the,job.. ." " , ., . ' . . . ,.. _.. .._,,_. . ," , .,',. ~ . '~..... ,. .... ," 2) CONCRETE'ScAB OR. UNDERcFLOOR .INSPECTION: To be made. after all in-s1 ab or under~f..100r bui 1 di ng.se;.vi te.equi pment, , . ~. condui t, p,; pi n9. a~c~s?ories an~ othe~ ~anci) 18;ry equipmen~ items...ar(i"n.Lj:>,l ace:b!lLbefore,~any,. concr:et,e .1 j' pour,ed" ..", . Dr flo.or s~e~thlng.lnstalled, 'nclud.'ng,the subfloor., .. ..' ..' ... ., . . . ...... J It , '. t ~.'~; ,T ~I " " , ' ",', .... ,~'."'I" L " . -i ".I '-.1)r~;' ~ ': ' " ~ ~ '3)" .FRAMING & INSULATION INSPECHONS:---To be-made'. after th'e,roof ~ a-H'framirig, .fi'r.b10cking. and bracfng....;.e. i n place,and:. . all pipes, fireplaces and ,chimneys :andyents are complete,and all rough' electrica,l and plumbing are 'approved.~f~Al1...~ 'r::'; . \~al.~l. irs.,..uIal-\?nand vaP9f ba~r:i er';;~re i n_pl~a~~;,__. ".") _' . '. '1' ,- }' . .~.. ~",.,' -:"::. . - . t, ~ ." .. \.'..... , 4) ..LATH:cANO/OR GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTION: To be made after all lath.irigand .gypsum board, interior and 'exterior, is in place '. - I "but.'bef~re any ~lastering_ is-appl-ied or ~efore gypsum'board~joints' and fas.teners-are~tap'ea"':and-:fi_ni?~~9.-f ~ I'" :. ~:._, ~ 5) 'F.INAL"I~SPEdION': 'T~ be mad~;'~ft'er.the.e.ulldin_g:iscomp~t~ind,befor~".o~cupanc;. ~ r.'. ! "J. !o", ~ .. " _ '"' . ,..~, ' . .. . " .'. '..... '_ . . . .;.t~' "., .J APPROVAL REQUIRED. .No-work shall be cone on any part of. the bUi,lding.or structure Jjeyond the pOlnt indicated in each success.i ve_ i nspection, w,ithout~fir.St ,ob'taining .the appr.oval'-ofl-the'.buiidi'ng...6f.f.ic'i a1-~_. Su'ch a~pr.Qval sha 11 '"be .gi ven '0I1ly ..... after an inspection shall have been made of.. each successive step in the construction as indicated by each of the inspections required. . _' ...,.f....'. '\..... .:~ ;....('_.,\...,.4 '. f.-'1 'l_~.~ ... .._' _..... :... .._'... .;......_~ ," ~ _'_ .--.J.-.. ~ .-.-t.' ' _~ __... '!,._.~._.__...... :!....1_...."- NOTE: All building pennits require inspections for the work author-ized',such as but not .limited to: . . - . .. .. -, .', " "-~. ... '" ' . A. BLOCK WALL: To' be made after reinforcing. is in' place', b~t before any gr:out ispoured:- This inspection is" ,.; ~ required for each bond beam pour. There will" be.no approva'l ulitil the plumbing and electrical inspections ~~ve be~n ~a.de and. C!pproved,' '.. '." ".' "'.1:,. .' ... ',.I:. . B. WOOD STOVE: To be made~aftercompletion of masonry (if applica~l~land_ wh.en 'lnstallatjon. is.'-coinolete:.-' " Installation shall be in accor'dance with an approved nationally recognized~testlng agency and the manu- ~ factur.er's insfallation' instructions. .~.' . ~'~ .... '. . , ~ '. ,. .~ ~ . , , '. ' .0.., C: . I~OBILE HOME:- An- inspection. i s requi red aft~r. the 'mobil e'ho;;e 'is connected .to an ';-pproved. sewer-Dr septi C' -,"::., , 'system for: ".setback. requirements, blocki ng -,' footi ng connection, ti edowns,. skirti.rlg I 'and Rl umbi ng . 'connections:' ,,' '., ~ y . ~- ~'_. .".. ",,~.-..,.....:. ',,;;.,,'r:" (l) Footings and pi ers to comply with State foundation requi rements 'for,.mobil e ~hom~? ..or '-as re'c6inrnended. i - t '. ~. ~ ~ "-bytthe manufacturer:' ,. ~. _., . ~ "".~,', ,'~,. .~: ~ (2) Mob.i1e home minimum .finish floor elevation shall be certif.ied when'required'.by a. f.loodprain .- manageme'nt letter.~ :-.- ..... '. "- . ..... .~ ","" , .....--t.:.; ~ ....., '. ""'~;'. .' " : (3 }\'-r~obi.le~h'ome ti~downs'; when r~quir:ed,"-,and ski rti ng-shal'l-:-be .installed and :reaayl'fori risp~cti on . within .at least '30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be installed per "enclosur.e.- .. - . ....~..-'- -', ". ,-:--,,,:_,~,,,,;,;,,,;, D..,_~.swiMMiNG P,OOL:.' Beiow ,grade'-when sfeel is in place ?'na bef.oi'e,:con'crete~is, pou;ea. Above.gr~ade' w~~!!.)ool' ~_' is' installed: .' '.' f~. .: . , " .;.~"'.'. ',. . ~ .~. " ,.. .......... .. ..\ . .. _.." ..' ,w: APPROVED' PLANS MUST BE ON "HE JOB SITE,AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE'IF WORK DOES NOT BE~IN WlTHIN180 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDDNED~FDR..MORE THAN 18DOAYS. SUSPENSION 'OR ~EVDCATION.MAY OCCUR.If l'HI-5 . PER.'H.T WAS ISSUED ON}HE.8ASIS OF INCDf1PLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION.. . . ., ,; '--.. , . ,:.;, .' 'I" ANYONEPROCEEDING~.PAST ~H(PpINT OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS fIILL.DO. SO ~T HIS. OWN,RISK .. ."." t' . ~~ " ."j" -.- .. - . ~. SIJ.BJU.R~ACE AND ALIERNAT!Y! .?E!I~i;~ OISP.OSA.l.SYS.TEMS 1-:.... ,. /i), Pennits:sha.l1 .lie'-effective for.~one.,year.~f.rom t~e. d~te'Of _issuanc~. "., .. ;..'.,.. ..:.-,.._. ":"_'.'_ _ _...... _ ~ '2} :lJPon 'cpmpleting the'constru'ction. for..whi'ch...a <p~rmi~_ has be~~~.i ssue( the..penni,~. hqld"erih~ll nQ1;jfY }:D~".. ~_ ~ - ;,("._ ,'. Department by _submitting the. instpl-lation record form. The Depar,tmeJ)t. shaH, lnspect the cons.tructlon to 1- .detenni ne;'i"f~'j'.!:"'c9.!llP..rles wt~1\ 'the\'r'u.le's' con~a~h~~d:-in~ this d~ visi o.n.:. ,.tf. the: ~onstruction-' d07s~com'ply. \IIi th }...~ such rules, the Department shall issue a certl.flca.te of satlsfactory completlon. to t~e permlt holder., . If the' . c'onstructio.ndo~s not comply with -,such rules,_ the Department s~all ..notifj t~~p.e,:",~it:hol,der and s~all require sati sfactory completion before i ssui ng the certifi cate. .' ,Fa il ure t? 'meet. the requl rements fo~, satl sfactory . completion within a reasonable' time con.stitutes.a viola.tton!if ORS 454..605.1;9 454.745.and th.1S. rule. ~ '. :~. ....; .- \ . . ,- .' . Setbacks ~ Subsurface Sewage Disposal, ,~ 1 . -'.'r , . . ., ".. ~ . Septic Tank .10' '- 10' 5' 50' " ..... ......... .. -f. Drainfield 10' 10' .101 ....100' ~:..- \~~,.). . '..... ,. ,.- From: Interi or property 1 ines Edge of road right~of-way Building foundation " _. _ .1....-.- ~~.~ll s; oth~r w}iter.,~our.ces" . . ; '.:~, ,-~. ., -:'10.. ~" - I ",,';1' ," I >~~~~:.:t\ i ...... ~~: ,.....,- ..... '.',. . \".' '..~ ',"-:': }- " , .; \ _:--'." " _.,.'''':'..,_ .J '.'.-;:'-T- . ~. "0/;::)":' .~~:t'i : --'-- -- '. ;~\ '~::,"," , ;~ , ." .-'. ., .. ' , ., J." '- "," ~. ,~ . . '.... ~.~~...:.. '. - ;~.,:o ~":! , ~"' j , : ../ -'. ~ _::~~.:~':",~':.:":...:;,t~ " :..~.~ .'j, .. J,- . i,'1 ~'f\ ~.. )'1;J ';""'." l:t-. ..~; ~''''~'_'u~, _~":->", ~ "t .1..~ :~'~,"0~~:q\\~'J:':~" ..~ ';).' ." :.: t. ., ". . "'.... . -F .j ." ~;__r.i ,,-..' "'. S,-"'; . ,. . '. _:.. . . .~ ,\ } - . ~ ~ :-\. ~~:..\~~~ ., .'. : ,~ ... ~ ,. " ; .,. t .,. -. . ..... ,- ,'.'-J .1 " ,/ P.Qfm\t I Y -I... ( :), ' . ..,'. . ',"- ,', ~\ ,'\)., ~'.~, <>.;~ '.1 ". ['. ~':; . C> f'..,... I. I: I I I ,) li II !I Ii ~1V\cJJ \~~ BY " . "I . " . , "', "'11 "/ ...." , " ..' I... f'~:- " ~ '" I; j. .., I ., :...~ .:~,. }. : . ;..,-; ," , ! I ' \, ,. ", ", , I " 'j. t' ,! '~ - somQ..~t ~~';. n W~'K.. <1J\CM.Y\cI \~ , 'I 'o~c.\'-Sv<.C\: j I , I. . (.' . ,.." !':" :'....:~!: ~'/ I ' ,j,.. .' ,;\~~.. . .." '., j"I~~ f" ',' ,. ','" 1'. ,. ~,'j ..r,NI:~ l ,,'\. .' ,t'I.... ", ,., ,"h_.t_~ / I -f ',' . . ..." " ! , , .... .' .....:1,.:..,'... . ~j:Hil~~.~I~i~J~~...::'-:.. ;, - . ; ,.,' r "!ji' :~i~l~::~ Hill ~)iiJ,j li:~~ ~:dJ[~ lli1JLUll~JlU.~ ucw2J I f:k'"bJ''<llj.,llli 111;:.',1". ., .'.. '.1 .-. '.., ' ., ~(I'c. W :!7.'1.if9,lpiE: COMPUTED BY.iNSTALUrr:. .: .. . _ ~'; :!ire, '1,1 n, 'I ~GP"~!lTI [)SUED TO: . . . '.' I' -'. ....., 'nslalfer's nome (',}-j ?;r) /Y".')>ULV '. ' I ~I 11'111' I. ' . .... .,: .. . . . 'r .:,\I.J 'p-~.. To.." Kephart '.' . . Ocilding p"rrnii number 'k.2~. JJl..li;....._._._._ 'i 1'1:.11."11; ,,1'111111 II 1600 S th "A" S fld.' I L tin 0] I "I - 0" , ' "~' ;S.:::' r;'I~,t.'l:::i!.;::a"',l..-... ... ou P. ..Prv;.....rtvcddrcu 0...... _ O:r~:;, ",nL .'-:.,~ )....ai.,,~ ."~0!1:;"'I:II~IIL .'~! . '. I " ... I-E:tates: 2505 ]lnh Street, ISpf"j.. .-.--- .~: ~~;fY >..1 Tc..i'cl c:rt:~l: Uf_-=g c=H~ O:dr::;::c3.l eai~'Oasar.umt: Yes 0 No 0 ! :. n~i'>,~ t~l " Vlh:t srip;.~~ ......: f'cf:.~:.c ,+4:-- ,/ . 'n~fj-~iichdl sYs~~ _ Co:nm..nity system /%Hf/!. :1~i~lt~~~'~l:'~~~i'}M:lI' ;;=!. k~~C~~~~~~'~J1"'~: 'n~:'::d~~~~~r~":rr .' ft. :'fk~"+' I ni~::::~r ~t1)Q I ~t. li:;::d c!:plL-'S" :.j" gl. .1: , ~i I:;", ~ e:;:: I r.-'A. ""--"'-':-3 k~) V~ r::v R- n ""'-r ' 1ft. 11 ~ I ......:;.J. L..;;;.............._ ...._j '-'.oJ L::J ., ~,",i...... . ~ ~ I :, t=:;,~ c::c~ [;""', . ._ _ ,;,,,, ':zs:.n, [J4tc,-u:o from: ... :~ ,1. Tc~1 bs:~"' . ) ~.c;(J Ut. Vlcil t', 1'1< j ." \...."':2l aU ~~ _' '1 at, Neere.t .! .I'~-:".t.... Yc~ C:;==::l f=::~3 ~6n Ct. lot fine: Front 0 S:de l.:.'/ R.wr f)- .._~'() F.4,.. .'. "'-'~'-=" .. . 7fCl., F ~ " /") r .,:".. ,. '. . L-'_.__ '-'-.___ ,:= . . ." .1, c:"..o"o.__., _. _ ,oct. !jlf.,';:..: rr;J d C::> c:::'.-:l: G:....I'(>fTr;t",Pr.dJ>.-J ..011::, D:plb of littcr moterinl b.n.:._:~ tile t: inches. 111-' .<c" .... "'-':' cI c-. c:-'-':_] c-, t"',(, I--"~' J .. -1" . . -~./'. ......__ ..........;. ,_ .,- ......&,..;.;_ \. ':' ~ . .. ... l. ~JOI~l=:::--'--":. ~>~ ;...'. I : J',c, .. Ii '"f~ '. ...' I . I ;< i '". ; .~ }.~;, : :~ ,., ~: . ~tt.;. ~\'1;1,~..t::c, . ,'~ . .,., f l:'~ " 0:.' ~. _,J.. :\'.1" ~' . . ~i I]., . '\. if. f-U.-' ~().: ~ a i'~ ! ,1 .. l ~! . l ., . 1 . ....1 . , I t/ .~ . i: l: j! 1 , ~ .. " 1 I ~, oj. .JJ I ~Jl.!~sposa! ~ysr~m:, ..... .. f...:. t_.. f.et. ., d/6 . 1>, I' / ~ . _ _ :,:.. _...L --~:--- . .---'1 , .,\ . ./'J . I . ' - -- \" ,_. n~." "\ 1\ \ . '.' '\\) ...., "..:.\.' ':1"..' . ..l.....' ~~::': . r. ~5' v , I' ., " ~.( . r V I" t I ! 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'" / .1.1. ~! !" , ~. ;j lj -'11 " I ~ , ,1 .! ;;il , i' ",; .~ ~ _'i ,'" t'~i-' ..' ...'.........' .... . . . ,~'\~...:-~:~~~~>;~'":~..'"'1."'~~ ,; .~ ., '" '--~' ~~" ,\~ "~'~~.' 1'1';;1. ;'jl"'t;:~-'~Il~"I"'-;;;"'~'t". ' ~---t, lor .'~ - -r.:- -- ;; ':J~I t ITt:~, <'::.n ,'\ ''f;''''''''I~'''' .........,('~/"1\."'j:tjrr~~ I,i!)r~,lif ,I, ~,I" '" " ;-. ., ,;,,' ":':,'.;_'" '_,' .:I'''~,"' t, - -r . ,I., \ , " . j: C 'Ill ,I" , ,~ll " u" '~".;\l" . , . , ;" ",J' , I HENNING CONS'?"">"~CTJON COMPANY , 'I: ~i!~ .;.. 's'u IL 0 E :R,;:' 1 . , Custom Bulk Homes '~ ':,,~ , I" .". ,"",I ,." , To " "lI!:I'li';W;"",""';'''''I'iilIl'~'i\:I~/JO~,W~~I>":tt!''rlif'l'~~llf!!I!IiR'~~~ .;;>"-:-t~~~""7:~,;':~, ~"'k :',~<;~"""" - ~"J'""1<I~r:;l" T j ,-_'\:',.,,', '.' .....'. ,h",.:, '.I./i, l, '.,." ~",l>l"f'~'~"l;"~I~" :,rt, " ;'.--.( . " , ,; I, ESTIMATE.&AGREEMENT .' ~..., " Phone 343-7257 - 580 West 27th, Eugene, Oregon 97405 DATE: January 5, 1981 r -, i , Mr. Bruce Petersen 2:505 Harvest Lane Springfield, Ore. , L ..J ( tli~~, ~.l(,it' ,.,,,~ehereby submit specifications and estimate for: Remode ling Garage \:' . F'i ." ~i :~,~ ,,' If' . ~~~J~,~~;~-r:\~:' , l-!l->:.;:I,':,'; "~I ' 1..f;j,&:F".'~.I'."'.' ..""" ,i"'JIII-~i~ i,~ l'.~i f~;~~~',':~,~ '" .'. ~:,"''', , "~I, ,. " iI., " . " i' , . "'" ',< "I ,1~f'" 7<. VI:' ",.,':')'11,0,,"[-' ,\,~~,--,< ~~~--\jl" .j ~., >.1.,1 ;.' ,r..l':,--t, ,,,, b~~~ [-"\ It, j~! ~ ,::i.:~~:;:;; ": ;:,' ~~;I':,\~:'" i~''';' ~ "'I _ " 1'1,," - '1" j~j'i:f, ' "e Material Labor Cement Work Cabinet Electric Work Sheetrock Total $ 825.00 1)25.00 ] 50.00 4110.00 300.00 1)8'7.00 $3 ,04~ .00 L f **********************************************************************>>**** All of the work orr this dwelling is to be completed in a substantial and workmanlike manner. Payment is to be made the first of t.he month ann the balance upon comple- tion of the job. The Contractor agrees to carry Workmen's bompensation ann Public Liabil- ity Insurance, Old Age Benefit and Unemoloyment Compensat.ion Taxes upon the material and labor furnished under this contract as required by the United States Government and Stat.e in which this work is performed. Signed HE~!NI~G CONSTRUC~ION CO. . , ,Y'/ . , ~--~. ~ ('. UL;, ' . ;. (".c.?" ,'/ ...:, /?-/ {. (o~?-o''',-<-" Henning S{ Kristiansen ACCEPTANCE ~DU are hereb~ authorized to furnish all materials and labor reauired o.cQmplete the work mentioned in the above proposal for which ihe undersigned agrees to pay according to the terms menU.oned above. l . · 'o~ te . :il '1'1, . . " Sid ;;:f.:' "'-'-l"".""llf".'I'" ' " I.' gne .... .....~.L.. ~..,.. ,",,'\ .. . '. "" '.~'! . ":1 ,'~ '.p , .', ' , . " ~ ~-- ,(t, ! ,'l ",j"r , , .",~, I,!" ',: I '. . I :~; ~lf:'~tl~:~j"_I~~,':I~'" ,1; ':" I. ' : I, . Signed "~.'11.1'.)';:"'~li;;(.:... ".i'I~'.I.: .:. '. )'1' . --0 <;.';" nl', .J ", '1 . I 1 ", ~"".I __ ' t "'":'.d.~,,,,,j.L" ',;i'!"'1 r.' #1 i:, 8' ",j' I" I ,~"\ tI,~r_l~j --1 sC.' _,19 1':' /;-:' " .. :'! ;" .' ! " . . . ~\.",;,,', ,~,." 'I. ,', j r ' I. 11!,!l" I 1'. j] "~I 't, ,"'I .' "!.o" : 'l't~~~i~, ,;i;;,";,;,,;);J /' ~j ,,~l: ~11': '1;,<' t '.~' ~ ":'~ : ~ i: 1'/ ,,' .1) 1,1;' ,.' 'I < . .', ~ \j I" '~l~,,:''':t~~t.:': 'Fe':' ',;1' ,I'l I ~> ':" r, l . ;1'"' ~ . ' :: :' ,I '"" ,.'.,. ,11. .11'" 'I ,. 1U'..:;',.:h ~"jj_~. ",!! "I . f',' ... " . ....-::::-::~..:~" ".. ..r"./ ' ." .'/~L_...L.':::;' ..~.:...~---" " , " "\"\"11,11,,' 11.... ;;:\, ~t;' ~ , I' , '....".".]O;r...' 11'.''''l'lH~'in'I~''''':'l~'T1!;i'~ ~;l!mR, I'lttlll! 1 .'I:~~~ "fI.-'J'~llr'Ir'(T':"'\~'"j t:l~ :r ~"_":re~1l1 1....~i~~ l>'I\.'!J'Q rrUe .' ""Ul . ~ ,..,. ,.1,." . t,;., ' ~'~!'~~~i'~llJ~t~, ' ~~li~!~~~, :. 1~1i~~{ l'it IF: iit~PI#1' "I,' ,/~( j, ,loi{'i\,.. i lee _ \,. >!~I~;~irJ'''". . .' '~'~~ti~~'lq~ C;;OjMPA~NY...,. ,;,). I ;i,~ ,(j'h"l~d l ~H \ri!i ,,~.:~.,.;: ~DER~"~ '~ 1 .\' ~ 'WI\l',u!l'~ M Ill: ~~iU IIC"I'I'..:" ,~. ". ".1.,".:1: 1 I ,~ '.' ;. ': ... I, 1 .' I" I ,'<l.i, I~ .3 1 ,""" , ,""- S...., Homes. I I .. ..' . ,,1 , I',ir~~l~')~';t:."'!" ~~"'l" j!. ,. ' l.'ilr' I " " " . . lii~~~I-:':.5;80 WeSI27Ih".lEugene. Oregbn 97405 ' " , .::;~kf';,:,~'11r " ~;.: -', ~~ '~:l:~,~ii', f .;~, '.,> , ; If , ',I; . . 1 DATE: ~:"$';,il',l> ,\i'! ,,"' \ " ,: ,,:'\., ~- ~W'; Ii,' k. . <I'''''" ,/, .II ,Iet"i" ''>''i .'~ "r~I~' I ~l " i 'J \1:' , " '\. i " ~ 'J ,I .., i~, I!j.'" p~ ~i.i\_ c, II " .~,,' - 'I' I" , <- '.J, ll, " ' , ,':t, ,> ~' , , "', _ , , .:~~III'~;",:~~;~f.; ~]'i~,~~B;dtite;, Petersen ., 2"'0<:' u ' ~I;'.';".';l' ,.'"...., .r~ilT.',vest Lane ..!;~\:,.," ':..; S~rjrigfield, Ore" ,:t'~:jA!lr<';' "'1~1 r ;~ " ,,'I' :t ,'If' 'l~' ,I, 1"~~;lL:; . ( ','1 ~ ~i;rlll;~ ~I 'l~; ~, ,t '" " <". , ""I",' " :1' \1, :r',I~:'~'; _1" .;\'It!~; ~eCil!~(l!iOnsand estimate for: . Remade ling Garage '~'~1!l~i~l:~I~;~.) tabor i I te::ant t%rk Cahlne t Electric Work Shee trock ;'~:~::~':~ ':'.;~":r";J ;~::~:~;:;jt~",;:;~~~r'~'-~~~ ':- :;; , . H'" -l' ~f1J' t,j '.... '. ".'1 ">'" I .~, . " '; Ill' _.;.._ ,,' .'- . ,ESTiMATE'&:AGREEMENT . I : I '. , ,,,,,. ;; 1: ~ 'OJ''' , 'i . . "j1~ T I v' , ,\ 1 ... , , , January 5, 1981 -, I ...J ". ,,Ii,O',1,,-l,:, , '. '~ Total $ 825.00 625.00 150.00 460.00 300.00 68'2.00 $3,045.00 . I.. ,'. ":~i , '.< , . '1~1'~, .~l..;;";:~~,,~ . ;I', 'j, " -'! <I r.:' , 'I~' ,: ,"',.-:1 ~*.:.~i.~***~*~************.*****+************************~**************~. I All of the work on thIs (hlelling Is to be comp1eted in a substantial and workmanlike manner. ;o,'p lor., \1 .',' , : "~,, : 'j, :"1> .1\!\,1--';"", I Payment is to be made the flrst of the month ann tho ba]ance upon comole- I~,~};~I<! ,t1on of th'e job " ',. ,~. .. .' I :I~;~ ,i~~l; ,'II.I:n I I . ",,. 'ii", ~.~~ Contracto'r agrees t.o ca::-ry Workmen's Compensation and Public,J..iabil- ; 1,:iI,t1t-y I~surance, Old Age Benefit and Unemployment Compensation Tax,?s upon ';~f11f!!tl;1elmaterial ann labor furnishen unner this contract. as requiren, by the ""I"":~1Iht,ed S,tates"Government and Sta::e in which thisworlk is performed. '.:!;I...,....;;:!,,:;:: . H E~mPG CONST.R UCTION,G.~::. ,i ".., :;':;' .. .,. " ,--./, '-.1'/ . _., ,. ., 1 ':/-<'1 J" ".-1""'" . , . - , \ r' U4'/' L /:,_,;;... _~ .,' ,~' 4....;..3 i:' f.::':li~.t,:,,:, Signed i~en'n~';< ~1 K:i'st~a:e~~~~ ;-; :~' .~~ I ~ I" ,I p' "", . [l"vd;t.I..' . I , " j. 1"'"":1 . ,'I: '~! J~!'~; 'I .' .. '/1 I'.' ,,~tlll" I ~":r"';(, ~,.~:. "1~ll~lr !1il~'I: ,; II ' ,,9.~."l!-j'~p~~eby.. authorized to furnish all materials and labor required }11.cpmpletEl the work mentioned in the above proposal for which the d~IF,siglleQ agrees to pay according to the terms mentionen above. 1l2. ::~lm:il":i: : .j' :.1 /_';, . <:::::;':-/. ... "~ji~::I~I~~i~ ::1, rl'll ,..01 Si d j:--<;") ..:,'-!"/:./>...~:/ ,,>'-'~___ 1 j gne ,J"';' _y~;.~ 's', _.... .'1 ACCEPTANCE Signed '.. " ,.,1, ,,'," :; 1 'I.II::!: .', 'I' '~j",. '. ", , . ,-' <> ,:I;~ '; -I .' ~pl ~' ,;. .' I> .' ~,: ~ "1"- I ,', ,: :';;',;1,,;'.:, .' ,. , . . ...~ , .~li::,;;';r'l,f':p.-I:W!~,"""~ ..,:,.;,.!, ---':':..,...-.., . ,',"-: " " '. t " ,. rr /. , ./0 ,@Q? 'I "ji: iy"q 1f 1(,) ~~. V / . n r g108 \ '11 ~i / 15- " tfb 03 . '~ ' ~' ?y t'd~ I rll \ f}Jb ., , ~ I 1'\< 1:1 LANE COUNTY DEPT ENV'MGT RECEIPT 0 2181 DATE 01058, APPLItANT PETERSEN, BRUCE ADDR 2505 ~ARVEST LN., SPFD., OREGON . ~ TLO 1703243300120 SUBDIV 2ND.ADD TO ~WANK ESTATES LOT 10 BLK 5 NEW BLD~ TYPE USER NO,BDRMS 00 NO UNITS 001 NO STORIES NO BLDGS 001 1 CODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION FEE DAYS Bp REMODEL AND . PI'" BLD~ NEW GARAGE BF' BF' Bp Ill'" PCK F'L. HECH Sl.m PCK r t is'DS \ SDSI::: REI\OUTF.:: CDNNE:CTOI\S' 11ECI.HiNI CAl., FEE STATE SURCHAI\GE PLAN CHECK Fn: SYS.TEI1 \ 11253 15.00 EACH "" , i I '11 ~ ! L.C 2181 RAAA DEP6sIT NO. F IXTUrlES, NO. 4% :)0% . ~ , l 30.00 25" 0t) ) Q: 01 "';l '""' a <') U\TC; , M"P FI(.) FT' SoDS SI F'CK OTH ISS SEf,!U, 0 1 I 2 3 TAKEN BY CAD [ST. COi"\F'L[T I ON DATE 0127Bl TOTAL FEElH. '11;3 :)~5. 00 U, ij :\(1 " q 1'1 11 , 1'\ .] f1', :'11 '.V' /.__._-';~/~-. ~~---,---""""", '- _ 1- .~ " ~'~. \ J .~. , -~---v' ~--J ", -, .' . '. , ' " I t .~ ~ / :/- > n Of t1 'f! JI l, "r' , I. Ii '1 r' If: .;:;'