HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-2-12 :J.. \ ~C) 'Lo....b"d I I .1 'W: 5 LANE COUNTY DEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT I 46687 DATE 021287 APPLICANT SPRINGFIELD SAFETY DIV., ADDR 225 N. 5TH ST., SPRINGFIELD, OREGON TL'iJo 17032512(2) 00 . SUBDIV . L.OT BLI< ~EW BLDG TYPE , .USE R BDRMS 0 UNITS 001 STORIES OBLDGS 00t PHONE 746 4269 OWNER NME HOLMES, CHARLE~ ADDR 7118 N. 'C' ST... SPRINGFIELD. OREGON CODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION FEE DAYS'[" ",I" BP [if" ",'I" B.P .' , ":'L ,:TIX/BATH: MECH SLm "CI< LR LC 46687 SDSV SWR: . tT. WTR:. MECH{)".I I CAL FEE SnnE SUI,CHAf!GE Pl.AN CHECI< FEE FT. I'Ull:N: FT 4;:: '')I:~''1 ".....>,.. II ~ ; .' l' " ":;(.ITG: f~JPr::< SEQU: 1 ., Irr;l< EN E'Y f;:I:..H F~t! . F.P SDS' ~2 SI PCI< OTH ISS 3 .,0 0.00 f~O EST. COMPLETION DATE DEPOSIT .B. f' '.-<-" '.-r, -_. ,,-\,?W ;/"i~'Yi " i: .' v I -..' .,..........-- ,...'''''-l1''-.....-.-I. ,.~....__ 'r __...~. ~~~._~~........_ ,I , . . ~,. , , -._.........."'r_'t--.r~r"'"_.,__.,.._.'"""-""...:......;I"". ~,.. -1'""" .-...........................-.-.'- /" or. Lane County Authorization for: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Applicationl."'/'/'.~_ ~7 Perml.t # 7bh'(:7, ,; I RANGE 03 S~BDIVISION/PARTITION (if applicable) LoLJJ L"N7a-<1b 7f-f.?I?A~e:' 'NWl\SHIP /7 I SECTION '2 5'" 1'2 /;,T AJ:)Z? I I ;; ~0;CJ80UT OF LOT/~EL I BLOC/.' LOCATION ADDRESS STREET CITY ZIP' USE '("HJ,: " entj..a-l.L....:..~1:n trial ,1/ " 'J'rci~LJP."IN P.UbllC. l~-.. \..- . LI vIA \...: FFtJ U '.:\ . ~ .l. 1987&. )- la"eeo /- f:"..:. '~ntl' r~ '.'''''elltal Health /....' J /'57" ~ '/ ~-r:\\ \ v . ! .c~ STRUCTURES CURRENTLY ON PROPERTY . !y<Plfe . DIRECTIONS TO SITE ':!YOR7,(,l.oN /'9Til 057,/ &.,7' ON LOh?b/v/) \ . <1io,.l? /V4"Z2 OF La ,/'Y?.c>/'rfJ A 1I~. -:I / "" -" N' QESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK - BE SPECIFIC ~ ';..J'. ~-^l""TJ1?V':::" 7" <t/Y6I ~ ~h'//7/L r- /iii=5/Zfi<:"/Y<:.E r &Jfi#c:. iF 7: OF BEDROOMS 1 11 OF STORIES I # OF Er-1P~OYEES. I ~~ER SUP'p~'{. . . "2.. . . I KA/N'13'OW ~T&"'" ~ A10ZOO7> 7):z,;; VC-- 1 ;),2",.-<<: b .oR, '97 '1.7 '8, ,. DECLARED ~ VALUE $"8,0'::>0, c>" .r- . 0 Proposed /.--'/sT: ,n. Existing TELEPHONE "NUMBER 7'/6' 7'<~9 TELEPHONE NUMBER O;~1'JER I S NAME .AND ADDRESS - C:#.4~t.25 CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND OSR'# ctvNcR P:=;RNIT TO BE MAiLED fa (NAME AND ADDRESS) -5P,cL iJ, ff(JI'-l:?/.w~59;cT~ L IIbLm~5, 7//5< JV~ 'c. '<7'. 2}v. 72 5' N.(i? ~T:4 '57. '7' 70/'/7 ' I TELEPHUNE NUMBER S:PF?.7J CY? n~~ 3b'b"'7 - . . ' I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION l"OR PERMIT, dnd ,10 hereby certify that: all information hereon is true "and correct, and that I have the following leg~l interest in the 'property, Downer of record; 0 contra.ct: pllrchaser; Dauthoriied agent. I f:.:.rther certify that any and all work performed shall be done in o.l'COIdil.ilCE: with the Ordinances of Lane County and the Laws of the State of ,Oregon, pertaining to the work described herein, and that NOOCCUPANCI' wiU b<=! made of aTiI' ST:;rllctlire ;,'~thout the pennission of the-'Building Division. I fur.., ther certify that registration with the Builder's Bodrd is in full force' <lnLl effect. as rec;u~r,"d by OR.S 701.055, that: if exempt the basis.....for exemption ~#~~lL~:\~~~U~~Z;: ;:oyeeo who 72;?~'h {?It!?~on I~h" prOJeet~>; i;;~ _. NAME (ple'oe pnnt' ( t%! 1 ' ~IGNATURE ! ' DATE' READ THIS SECTION.CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION ~AS' BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS! [J PLANNING/ZONING, . Zone Parti tion ~ c~, side "\ Parcel # Parcel Size Minimum Setbacks: C L, frort interior rear COM..\lENTS: Date: i n o SANITATION: S. I. # B. P. # Insta~lation RecOrd Issued? DYes 0 No Installation 4- J Gallon Lineal Feet M.aximum Depth Spec~fl.catwns' " t..:..) ~tnk 1-..;. _1 . () j of D7fnfie;,ld ,~~. fJ -I of JenChes 1\ CQM.\IENTS: Ri)Jl'1r~J() tJetUDf7}n-,., "rr+ ,-I ~ droi~' (A", Jill is /n '-tIO ./)f~~Y d~e4' o I - (\ f ^ J ft.'11 . &1"'-- '/ /15 SIIO"~ 0 ~ flM f"~ , 110....,0\1-(1.. [ltPP (r1':tJ . 9", tJ# n",.o Dlt.. . II! '&'111,- _~ Date: . I . V . - D _ J .. ,.., .IGr~UP'D..l-t';"'" fr,;(....,J f!ijser1. for J"... Spo~.,(J-', , rrP -fl. Li1 ru J~ rr:l7 [J . Ii .; PLANS EXAMINATION, .-- Type 11'-'....' COM!-IENTS : Date: n .. ------- ~'.:0'~.' . . ~. . .. .-----:. or uj / . eft ' .. &1 b/~K7 PERMIT APPROVED BY ,BUILDING OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE (per ORS 456.805(1)) 'DATF . I _ . c;.p ..~. fAN~gOYNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, I t<- aUe,' t,5, .125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION (,,1/,_?" QQd. ---,,.' " -', ;' t ,~ /",: - - SETS/,CKS A:JD 07!!i:R cO:1DI'rrm~s OF c;,.':,w:, or THis l'ERH!" CITATIO:: REcIEDIES- ALLOWED,~Bj, !,-,.W. APPROVAL MUST BE STRIC7LY OBSERVED. VIOLATIO~ CA~ RESULT IN REVO- _ U~DSR PRovrsrO:-Js or LA"!O COw:;TY':; INFRACT,ION ORDII:.;NCE, Mm/OR,OTI:!ER , ' "HEN READY .!O'OR r~SPEC'lION, CAL:' 697-4065. 1\ :11 t:mu:,\ OF ;,T LEAST 24 IlOURS ADVAr;CE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- 110" .!'(o;r.JL:ES7S l.iLiST lJE -GIVE". Have the following information ready: <permit number, job' address, type of in.spection, when'"it '....ill be 'ready; your name and phon~'nu::1ber, and' any s?cci/'ll"cirections to slte. I,' . BYILI?lNG\DI'}ISlqN~ J RE0UIRED_INSPECTIO~S: '- 1. . Fou~d"'ti6n 'Irispec-tion: To' be made <lfter trenches are excava.ted *and fo~m~ _erMec_t~d_ a,n? when.alr ~<lter1<lls fOt- the toundat'ion are delivere~d'on:thc job'. llhere concrete from a central m1x1ng plans (commonly termed "transit mixed") is to be used, rnaterial~ need not be on the job_ conc'retG Slab or Under":?lool:' ,~InS;}ection:"'. To""b~, made aft~'r all in":slab or_ under':'floor building serv1:.;e e'll,lipment, canau:t::., \JL\Jtng accessories, unci other ancillary eguiplflent_items are' in :place but betore any. concrete is poured or floor sheathtng installed, including the subfloor. . ,. .- I' ", naming ~ InSu.l~atio'n~lnsp~ctio~s: - TO be made, a~fter' the ,roof, all' framing,. fire' 'blocking<and "";: brac:tng are 1n place ane all.pIpeS, fireplaces, chimneyS, and vents are complete and all rough . ~el~c~ri:,~l aiidplumbing are apiJroved'.. AI..l W~l'l insulati.on and vapor barrier are .~n place. 4. Lath and/or Gvps~m Board Inspection: To be made after ~ll lathing and gyrsum board,. interior ana-extcrror~n place out Detore.~ny plastering 1S applied and before gypsum board joints -,'1'n.d fa~ten'e.-r:s are til.;:::ed and finis.hed'; ..:, '"\ ._ .. .. " 7" . 5. Final Insoection: TO be made after the,building is complete and before occupancy. ~ ,. 3. APPROV;,L .REQUIRED. ,,",a ,I..ark, shall be, done_ on any_ part o~. the ,building. or structure. beyond the point indicated ,In each successive inspect:ton without first obtaln1ng the approval of the.building-offic1al. Such approval shall be- given .only after 'an il~spectien shall h,we been made of each successive step in the censtruction as. indicated by euch o'f th~ inspecti.ons required. . '. . -', "_' '. . 'l!" .... ~.. ..~ . _' t.....,..".... -. ..... .-. NOTE: All building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to,' A. Blecil: l,all; T~ be made a:tcr rei'nforcing is in place, but befere: any greu_t is poured. This ~ ~ctien is required foI' .each.bo"nd benm.pouI'. There will be no appreval until ,the.pll;1m~ing and electrical inspe'ctions ,have 'been made and approved'. B. 1'lOed' Stove:. Te b~ made after cem~letion of masonry.:(i"f .applicablel and wl1en. installation is complete. lnstallat10n shall be tn accordance w1th an approved, nationally recognized testing ag'ency and ,the manuiactuI-er's installation instructions.. . C. Heb'lle' Heme: ,"In inspection is required after the mebile home is connected to <l.n approved sewer or-5epticsystem for setback requirements, blocktng, feeting connection, tiedowns, sKirting, an? plumbing connectiens. 1. Footings and,_ Diers to" comply w,_ith State,foundatien requirements for mobile homes.?~ ~:.. recommended by' 'the'manu~acturer.' ~.. - "- .- 2. ~obile_heme minimum'finish floor.elevation:shall.be certified'wh~n required by a flood~ ?la\n m~nag~ment .~e~~er. 3. ~lobile heme .tiedowns, when required, and: skirting shall be installed and ready for inspec- tion within at feast '30' days after occup<l.ncy. Tiedowns' and. skirting shall be installed peI' enclosure. j D. Swimminq 1'0.01, Below grade when steel.is in,plac~ and befer~ concrete is poured. Abeve grade wnen pool-rs-installed. , . . ,W?ROVEO PLANS ~1UST BE ON THE'JOB SITE AT ALL TU1ES~DURING~WORKING HOURS. TillS PER.~lIT WILL:EXPIRE If' WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR If' WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR ;.lORE THAN 180 DA'i'S. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION :1AY OCCUR IF THIS PERHIT NAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INC.OM.PLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORHA1'lON. e,.. - .... . ---~ ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POI~T or REQU!RED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. . - " . SUBSURFACE A:-JD ALTERNATIVE SE\,AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: ,.1. ,. Permits shall' b-e effective fer .one yeClr frem, the, da~e,of' iss'uance. ,Upon.completing the constructien for which a permit has been issued, the permit heldeI' shall notify the Lane County DeiJartment of Planning and Community Development by submit'ti"ng the H1Stallation roecordform.. The DQpartment,'shall'l:1s;>ect the.-construction to determine if~it. complies with the rules centained in thi.s'division. If the construction does comply with such ru~es, the Department sl1a,ll issue a certific<lte of satisfactory completion to the:,permit; !101der. It. t~e construction 'does' not"comply '",ith such rules, the Department shall notify the permit holder and shall require satisfactory completion before issuing the certificate. Failure to meet the requirements for sati~factory complctien> within a reasonable time censtitutes a,vto- l~tion of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and this rule. "'-"-. Setbacks - SuLsurf':'ce' sc~a<lC Dispesa:.... .:; Septic iank Drainfield :~om: I:1lerior preperty lines Ec(;e""o:' road ric;ht;"o~-way B\\ilainq toun<l'''t~on \';ells. other '..-ater source_s 10' la' 5' 50~ 10' "1'0' . 10' ..,100'.. v " ..- '; .' ! ....-....'...----.... ( . \ ..' JICINITY MAP -r - I [5 .-? .. '" .- '- \ ~. /;.~ :-'" ~ .\, J ,,' f' >J' \.l <) -I LCf"C~dr'X1 I, .'_~,....__""",---......u..._........,""-....., --.....__._.~ -~ \ .'~ '. ,rvJ \/<rJV>C r ~OIi<;'C- "... --,. :.-...~. Installer Telephone License No. . -' '.;~.~l. . '.-". ""-." lTitle as shown on DEQ license) If Installed By Owner- v\h"L<''''\. Date t,h:;/.?C!. Apl?llca~ Name & Address ' , /' /r:'.f;;j U/--cUbJ0v~,./ I / -/f 1- (') ,J> It'#.~~ ~---24 /P-V ~~~ / L/ U Bonding Company lSignalureollicenseeJ ~.;~,:~~' ~~~... . -, Datp /9fJ-I-I- 7;;;' M'y.5T BE IN BLACK.1tIK Permit No. ~- Twnshp. /,) _ Range () ~) Standard System fiiJ Alternative System 0 (Specify Type) Job Location (Street Addressl SubdivisionlPartition #~L~",o,... ~ -Ir..-..--.:i'J.- ,f:.'<<c..j. c, .lei, Tax Lot .' form c55-ii' ~..;o 9 - 'f Sectiond/j-; / Paroll .~ " " '. ~ 1'.-.('"),, L,.v. l.2c, 7..2 Scale / IA tC I :.- I , I If f)i4,).1 f-,.',,~> / 7s' I / :: / , " .. / I I 1 _ I V I ,;-.. 4_'/ ~-;-.!./;~.:.. t ,l~~'~: 1;:[ '~':'; ~: \,.::'\ \......" " 1-.--1' , 75" ,. ~ " ~ , ,(. o .,y ~ N ~ - "- '-01 '" ." ....., ." '- . <. / , ',' , " < USE BLACK INK ONLY FOR INSTALLER'S USE: Trench Depth ;;J.<f" Tank Capacity J\J 1.4 Manufacturer ,vl"- Measured Distance from Well to Tank IV/A From Drainfield COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING IF A PUMP WAS USED ON THIS INSTALLATION: I (installer's namel "ertify that a IMfgl and Mercury Float Switch (Mfg. and No.1 SignaturA iVI'{---'-I~'ll.o'" L...)..:<--'l n.xj) Gravel Depth Below TilA t ,/ .vIA Total Length of Lines /'c / ... FOR SANITARIAN'{USE ONLY:, . COMMENTS: ,-- J /,~A/}-v1;~{.. A', - (Model No.1 Pump . have b~en installed with this sewage installation. Date t // ? /5'<' o Svstem Disapprov~d 0 Needs Correction ,(- ~.,' > '1/ o.J.- 1/;.,-,u ;?<r:u-,SJ.J U ,'.,'";;,, System Capacity 4 0 !jystem Corrected ~al./day Signature (_b-10. r~.l;~.,~,,~ Datp Date f~ (( R-( -fi''\ INSTALLATION RECORD & CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY COMPLETION When signed by the County Sanitarian, this certificate is evidence as per OR S 454.665 of satisfactory completion of a subsurface sewage disposal system at the above location. Return this form to: Water Pollution Control Div., Dept. of Enivronmental Management, located in the basement of thE Public Service Buildina, 125 E. 8th AWmlJR Fllnono Q711n1 t lr/ R-e.dllJ,'O" ~tc~ /\ ::t: s-. 0~ " ~ !'.'-l \ rl , , \ \ \ \ \ ,\) , ::i- ej , . \ " 1 '1' .L--'.l. ____j t--- ('\ r~.d1\~~~c~_-=b..Jj.f~:.J;JL_.}l~LN0. :>__ .fLu+ &A /J ',L~__,~~._._..__ i . 0 -i I ? I' J c:.. .'< , . r ,_ ... ___ .__.. _.;L,....... .__.__ - ...-.-...- . Lv C. LJ.Q!X'. 9.J:.Li.:._'H !'.a /J/-I: ~..I /,I <; j... f" c. I J. , " t \i ..:........ 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E. f:/? /' " '<< " I:-~;., .j /",1 i ,. ) c.: iD'C" Ln'S-rf,'f",,-f- , r-'~ i.) , 'r, "'. ,/ , " \ .. L ,:'./ '.. (; t.J ./ \) -. ,.:1..0'-(; v .}i-o" ~ '\[) , I \.P r., \ loor..> 6f:L,. '<J ,I "' ,( . ( . ;Ao~O' ;;~I 0'" o , , \) , ~) o '- , , 'I o '1- I!) .'1) \~.. "V \tj n 1.1' , ~I :~ ~~-.: (\ -\ "'t' r..1 () 'I