HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1978-7-26 JOB LOCATION ::?.'J kt'/ h: t ~ "".V <:..-1; 8'100-77 ,j' . " TRS, TI /7-(13 -.;i ') ;#1 I ~o C;; S P(--L.d.. , " X/~(,133.. Ll I;, Acreage or Lot Si70 #.<(",-(,,/:2 (/ j../:lV. 93 Partitioning # rv,.,- Contractor's O,S. # I(/. >0 q.. 9 LANE COUNTY PERMIT ) Completed "r Subdivision /..... /tJd. f3/.{~Nt9- !lISTX' Lot / '7 Block. I . # - , APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRFc;c; G I ;OS uw of- PM- tc..f.I 4--,Io.JC. /7SJ, d /JE-/C /-Iv'. .Ekc:.~nI& 'l';?Vo ~ Phone 6. ff- 9S-P? OWNER'SNAMEANDADDRESc; c.Ll9l'<.k J-IJil.-L :s?/t"/7rAt.e.e1i/ "'-r; .5s>Ftc/. 9;;''/7'7 Phorio;;'Y'A"-77?V CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESc; /4 PPL I C-4-rJt Phon'e ' Mail permit to ( ) Applicant ( ) Owner ) Contractor,' ( X) P~efer to pick up. Call ~!i'?:;,- t~:"9l'o (owner, etc.) when ready':. , ...... .....' , STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY f) of:-L.-LI N {;.. , WATER SUPPLY .s pf::,.Ld, /..2/--/.2.'(. ft, be,j~()6A'1 li-BEDROOMc; #PLUMBINGCONNECTIONS)/#' ;.:> " f'1 SEWAGE DISPOSAl .E)(/~I-,JJ?- S.I.# 419- THISPERMITISFORQ....""oJ..,t l;Jf.::/(,u!t +-~-Jr!. 0;J >' . ........... THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MI LE OF THE CITY OF .s p ~ L d 1 .. PLUMBING BY fiI /9-- I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in the property: ~owner of record; . contract purchaser; ~ potential buyer; --.X.... realtor or agent. I further certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this action, I hereby agree to comply with all applicable Codes relating to this permit. Fee Paid $ '37. S-..2 Signature /5/ Sq c !3;e l.toS 0 Date 7/.;1. (;/7lr' 1t0i.NEW ADDRESS .It.JiJ)_FA~ILlTY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT~' _1(*) SPECIAL PMT. AREA. MIN. ELEVATION':A-'At- SANITATION BUILDING' "7 ~ Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) ~_-'1fi )-Type of Construction"A' -..:ij Group 3 Fire Zone .... . t~i....v Drainfield Required 4 Lineal Feet ;4 .. A #. ~Use Classification Y{/,' Maximum Depth' cc;;;~~~ -? , -':~mments: I~t.- /I~-"'-' ffrr'-- /'--7~.;..:fl <1- ?!;~ -~ cA.A:":' / .41.:. &'Yv...;:f c~ cP~.;., .~ d~~~ t~, (;. (J .i~- ..;.-t.. :.~ . ~)- , --P By: <.... /@J~~- Date: q - 7- 7 %" PLANNING REQUI8EMENTS SATISFIED. By: DtJAf/1/#/-Gt;- h}:;J bS Date: ?"/.2t:/?,y- Date Issued: Y/7/"J5/ ~ONE: R fJ- SETBACKS: FRONT 4'5""' SIDE FACING STREET - _(FROMC/LI INT. SIDE YARD,s-' REAR ~"(FROM P/Ll '. LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE" EUGENE, ~:lREGON 97401 PHONE: 68 By: -K-7: _LA.A<",_- Date: /7- /- '7 Y -~-" C55~13 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE. -----" -- ~ - -B~LDG:p"i:~RMTT'::'" W~HITETBUTi:DjNG-=:-G-R.EE:N; -PL0MBI-NG~-~ANA'RY;- SANITATlc'-~-~(io~Li::iENR-6D;~6F-Flc-E ccjpy':---'wHli.E~ " Ii 'LANE COUNTY ~EPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAl ''\NAGEMENT 125 EA~, 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 9hJl " " ~'NG DIVIS''-ON: ~ P~rtltionln9 t ~ P;"rca! 'No. "- Curre_Tlt Zoning .Dpcnd log ", fEE' D~ompleted Partitionino. Reauired Othert $ ~ATER POLLUTION C~NT"OL V Ne.... Site Inspection(e) SDS Construction [] New Number of Bedroomst Commerclal/lndu5trl~1 - s , of .Site:s o Rdp4ir s s j. " , , ot Employees Other / /' il: ~ST"UCTION PERHITS AND INSPECTION ~ ~~:~ above lor t of tiedrooms/I of ernp~oy~eB) o :ol.oblle ~ome' s FEE $ o o Permanent Temporary . 0 Renewal ~tructure ' <-1'"-,,, \0 ...u...l! \. -l..,pr\.. r-.:- \~{~ ~ttb~\ / $ $ $ $ $ $ ~~ A.l~ '\; ~oto!l.l V,lu,"ltion Plumbing fixtures at Scwer/W~ter Conn. ^t ~c::,~ \ $ \ Each r.ach s Subtotal $ $ $ $ ;~ . 4' State Surcharge Plans Check Fee Change of Occupancy \, l~ ?v'-\D Z-'-.,"'l:\.""",-'?I PER11IT FEE $ ~~ CS d.. TOTAL BUILDING Minimum structural oetbacks: From 'centerline of street: Front k\~ " "' LJ tJ " Exterior Side From interior lot lin~s: Sid~~. R('~r' ~ . .' D COP.;1l' 1 plans sheet to. applicant -0 Curb cut to, ~prlic,j,nt 'PUHLIC U\NDS ~ddr'css- ~l~~ E'icv.'\t.ion PUBLIC WORKS .~~nCilitY Per~it ~;NIRO""J::lT"L "EAL~, Ch~ck , V, . - Rcc'd ~-l)'i' ,~~ , ,i [J $ c;lI.tlh ,.p AVERAGE PROCESSING THtE , i I , i , i II !i I I I I I I I I !. J IMini~um ! I I ~ ~ ~ '" U> '" ", ... H H <: .., n H ... ,. U>~.., 8 "'-""0 }-~z y". 6 P2J '; )v;: o.~ j :))~ 7!.. :{ tL . ,:..)1 ,.-a ltf W B/Cq L o .., b~MA TOT^'. !!AFrIDA....IT: . If this permit is for ar: agricultural ~Uil~.I hereby decl'are that th{s bui!clin9 ~;will be used for agricultural purposes :ls.111o....cd by zonin'q and/or the, State Building Code. and iforno other purpose. I further cc'rtify that the statements ilnd other in,formation, submitted 90 Ilthis application are true and accurate, and that I have the follo.....ing leg.}l interest in the !.ipro!)(!rty,: (~f recQcd, c.ontc.,ct purchase" 1",5$(>C; holder of an -exclusive option lito purchas I . flu authorizea-to .'let for a person ....,llonag tilt! lOTIOl./inq le'~.ll inlC!rest: . I~ .,,> " - _' ; or th"t the o...ller of record is knowlr.',hl(!,"'\bl(!' of thi9 ~.apPlicat~ion, 'f) t\m not'lli7~-o.....rll~-~f. (urther d'Jrec to comply wlth .111 appllc.lblc.cocl('s relating ,:to ~ pe it.' ./ 91 . ~,Date\ ( ~~~'APPlic.:'lnt's Si'jn.1.turc ~\,\,..,qu.L ryAJ.dlJ I . - f ,- TillS IS YOUR RECEIPT, AND, DOES "OT GIVE YOU PE""ISSION 'TO nUlLO. ~R INF~ ABOUT THE PROGRESS Of YOUR' APrLICATIO:l, CALL PERMIT COUTRO~, 687-43').7. (687-HELPI ". ~) k Elevation '1- ) '- 'Address ~ne cO..Jnty. <a II' . HAt_L- / ^ Y "-I'-C)" / \ 'Lo- Nc:i',[;-I ; ....- Zi.~7() ,,-,.,:.)1 - " ()--- / ..;"',;> , 14G:"o~ 12-4,' I' L.J ~:~~ " r' ~ [? P { T ION 2. 1---,', (1-""""" ) , ~ \ LY, ,', / /" /' / / ~.' ~~ ~ P/."'~h,'~ ~ /" V 'r'" f:'Lr,j T'---A 1""11.__ .....-.. Lc>r.)r~ I ,(1) J 'T I.n ., u If'; .~. /" / ,~. . I"" ,-. '_,_"._ Contract Amount.$9987.00 ~~ Springielii., Oregon 97477 TRS, TI 17 03 22 41-00200 Job Location 35 Kathleen Ct. Written Directions LoT. 1.9. Block 1. F'TRS'1' ADflT'1'TnN '1'() BTTRNA VT,,'1'A INFORMATION SHEET (Xl Building Permit ) Site Feasibility Study for Septic Tank. Number of sites Acreage or LotSizeM' y l?Lc' "1?Lc.93' ( ) Completed ( ) Pending APPLICANT'S NAME MJDADDRESS Gipson & Patch, Inc. 175 OW~jER'S NAME AND ."'DDRESS, if different from applicant', Clark Hall ~qNTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS GIPSON & Patch. Inc. 17'1 il permit or results of site feasibility study to ( ) -Applicant ( ) Owner ( ( X I Prefer to pick up. Call 688-9 '198 (Sue) (owner, etc.) when ready. Applicant STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY Partitioning # X 146 13sJ "oles will be ready Subdivision FIRST ADDITION TO BUENA VISTA Lot 19 Block 1 Silver Lane, '}S Kathleen Sil ver Lane_, I Contractor. Eugene,. Oregon c,t'. Snrin!rfield. Eugene. Oregon Phone 688-9598 Or~hone 746-77'l!L_ Phone 688-9 '198 Cmtractors O. S. # 14799 Sin!rle familv dwellin!r \~.A ~,I,., ",bedroom \~( D ~____JL.lk:drocrns PROPOSED USE (this permit) Remodel interior and addition on to WATER SUPPLY N/A N/A' N/A (existing or proposed well, etc. If public, name of system! SEWAGE DISPOSAl (existing or proposed septic tank, etc.) S.I. == PLUMBING BY. Address. ) PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF CITY ( *.**......***..*~...***********..**...*****...**...*OFFICE USE ONLY BELO\V THIS LIi'JE .................~..*......*...*........*...................+...t...*...+~++.+.. " I Ne~s)tJecessary ~Cility Perm.it Necessary' ~ial Permit Area. r:::inimum Eleva\.i.oA-;-~ '----.- ,,~ ~ / ~ :s~ /f'" ~J" -_ SETBACKS: Front~_Yide Facing Street . Interior' Side Yard Rear~ \rHlJl~1 CENTERLINE OF ROAO) IFROM PR :::, ':' LINES) . To: Planning/Building Inspector/Sanitarian/Surveyor. This applicant appears to have a problem with Your assistance will be appreciated. ~ B~} - I\(V~ Permit Processing Section Responsp. C55.12 By DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Permit Processing Section. 125 East 8th Avenue 687-4394 nivision :'... {r~{; 1./ '--- . ( / \ ~ SUPPLEMENT :Np'! ,. . , , nn~n? ! BUILDING PERMIT~o/"t?~-7cr OWNER address ,;.t./ -:/ ,"./ 7 fi,? /' ~' CONTRACTOR.~? /'r','-.A?"/..,/.. /~ / ~ ~..AAi/;-~;..,,_.,>/ ,;;..//(, ~-r':;;R . /' ,- address phone ;" 0'" ~:,. "./' ...,.4/) j.J:.1;~YJ"?///A""_1 // ~~;!J4/r....-.:(,:;,/~__~/~~// ~" 1/ , /- / ./ ) Prior ( / "") /' . " l'Jamt. due []refund phone PROPERTY ADDRESS r3~), (Building Valuation) Reyised( , [~addition '[]correction -,.~.. . '/' ) ;';"'i.:~:/~/ /l;;r / Bldg. ;; %. ~ r. - Waste ~!~ /"7 >-ru, ,,;J~v~- 78 Plumb. l/-Q;tt'.7/dL~/ /S~'?'.~{:~/' !i'/.12 ~~i() .~/2 '" - ~OTAL' amt.paid amt. // - ,I, , I- ,', I, I' Signature of Applicant, i,' J<-- ':'. i ;; i' ~ ~~.} / ,I:':'.1//! , Fee Received By ~- Date ~7-~r]cash ;7-'" ~ I"UU::':> LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT .:~.." ~/''''','~ /-'""';..r~~ C74-119 L,I J. ,t!::-- ,~ c:;.. /~, ~_ '1 (I _ . .:::"2-, due /7. ~ it- Date 7, :J. 7/ [~theck f\ :.' ". ~'_ ,;.,'. _ .... .~""-,.....'_..",, .~.....'..."'_'k'..~.... '"'''''~'<':'' '~"~",",, t~...,,,~."._..... <.'._" .:' .H ''j': ,_~, ...... .~.O'.~ .;.:._ .', ". ",' ,,:...: ,'-_, ,-" ~ -'...',. "_". '_,~ ., _. '. ...~"'" ': lANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 125 E . 8TH'AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON )1. '. ~PLAN~'NG DIVISION pact1t1on!nq , Parcel No. Partition1'na. Reouired Other t' ~NATEk POCLUTION CONTROL New Site Inspectiqn(8) 60S Co.nllt:ruction 0 New, Number at BedroomSI currcl!t Zoninq_ . []pending [JCompleted .FEE . AVERAGE PROCESSING' TIM>: $ $ o Repair' $ $ i II I I I i ! i . , ! , I I I i '1 I, ! ~ ~ ~' .. en '" c. " H' H '" ., n H ,.. .. en" ., 8.\\ 0 ~: ! ,-t ~ ~ '~ , ~~l'.. ~' \~ .~~ ~ \~~~~ ~ g I ~ ~ . of Site8 Conunerc141/In.dustr 1al - -f. ot Employees Other $ ~ CONSTRUCTION PERMITS AND INSPECTION (See above tor , of bedrooms;. of employees) o :"'obile Hoine' , 's FEE o Permanent o Temporllry ~. 0 Renewal A?~b;I.c./ sq., :t. 1'- ;I r / .;4f- rA_/,~ Valuat::ion /3 r .a::- /./-{' a ~ " 1 $ $ $ $ AA:I - .~/,:;J.f' __ Plumbing fixtures. at ~ SewerjWater Conn. ~otal V~lu~tiori $ $ '$ H' Each I:ach $ $ $ $ -- $ /0 G-- $ , -:r , CYO $, Subtotal ~, State Surc~arqe PIAf"l.8.Check Fee Change ot Occup~ncy .TOTAL BUILDING PERMIT FEE $ /?~2- o .., Minimum ~tructur41 setbacks: FrOm centerlina ot street: Front Extedor .Side From inter10r ,jot 'lines: .Side Rear D Comm'l plans sheet "to' applicant O_curb cut to applicant Address ~ ~ PUBLIC LANDS 0 Address' [J Minimum ~lev3tjon Minimum Elevation .. ,. ~ o o o PUBLIC WORKS. 0 Facility Permit' Ca.h. Cheer,. . . . R~c'd bY~ $ I '/7'Y~ j ENVIRON~NTAL HEALTH TOT AI. - $ AFFIDAVIT: It this per~it is for an agricultural bUilding, I hereby declare that this building will be used for agricultural purposes as allowed by zoning and/or the State .Building Code. 'and for ria other purpose. I further certify that the statements and other information submitted on this. application are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest~in the property: _6~r of record;, contract purchaser; . lessee; holder of an exclusive option' .to pureha,se;- ,T\-dUlY authoriz~Cfto. ac't for a person wii"C)h~s the toIl~wing legal, interest: . : , . ; or that the owner of record lsknowledgeable of thlS ' ("4pp~1cation.' if I am not th~ owner. ./ further agree to.-comply with ,all 'applicable codes rel4tin9 / to thJi!.,Pe~t. 'ff , . ' Date 7~ / - 7a App'licant's S'ignature X bne county 'THIS IS YOUR RECEIPT, AND DOES NOT'GIVE YOU PERMISSIQN.TO BUILD. FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROGRESS OF YOUR APPLICATIO~; C~LL PERMIT CONT~OL, 687-4357 (687~HELP) ............ v . -~ ~, ~r: ...,- "1;,,", . ,.,....'..... ., .: ," ,.~." r . .,. , . " ;...' ..~'. I .,.....- " i ~, - '.c. , ~.~ ~ , ~." ~ .-: ~ '~ s '';.-., .;.i- CORRECTIO~'N ." . I- . . NOTI'CE LANE COUNTY DEPT, OF ENVIRONMENTAL. MANAGEMENT Construction Permits & Inspections Division EUGENE, OREGON This building or structure does not confo.rm to lane County building regulations, ordinances or codes as noted below: - A'1f// .1 ~. 7;.; 1/8" , J){J 'r~L:? AREA, AI/F 'F? . @"E"J //N~.- C55 -7.3 RE-INSPECTION REQUIRED FOR APPROVAL Inspe:=~.,??~.II_~J Date '7..J.19h,/:. Building Perm,it # _ ,.. , ,_,.<'A of',. . , r .. . ,\. 'k CORRECTION NOTICE LANE COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Construction Permits & Inspections Division EUGENE, OREGON This building or structure does not conform to Lane County building regulations, ordinances or codes as/noted below, /j , t1 ( T /J-...n-7 >-<~cJ2 ~ - - 2 X L/- j,_~ ,t-e.",.,A,J a~ jJ J l.lA~ ~ /""....A '2 ><4- . -' ~ J;l:;;'/", A A'/'.Ll./J ~ // //- ......-'l // (/ . /k<-l'AA'A /17>-i7 , ~" ,. "'. ~.~/), J / I ) 17--" T ; l-r .I/"--0 a:..4..r-~ I - {7 I: ; U '.P c-.. g--g- A I/ )--:n'---tA' " -:V~ J'-", ~---r I? ,r- ~ _~ ,. I j/ /[1./ ~,/:,7. 70 C55-7.3 RE.INSPECTlON REQUIRED Inspector \...flA 1-::A//.0..1 15- Date 7_ 2-e;- /,6 FOR APPROVAL P ~ "C, ' ':' -- Building Permit #,CJ,..,o- ,./J..d.A?., 0/ ,;f-J .b /{ ,{/ ~ /.-p pt-..- k, , . LOc.....dJ": , . (/ -~;- // r ---f?.J?--,--.-/J -... /' /-l~/ . A I .. ?~ ;?(Arr,/ If-r~ v -' -' '------ , ~l, ," ~ ,'. . ~"'" '," "n.'.._._ ....,;;.: '::~,,' '.: - . \ :,"~,,~',. . .;, '.;-: "','\ft.~)~. ..:~~:.', :::,,"" ".._, / -/,',,-,,"- ':"'f.-{ '",10'. .' (/ ~-- T S., !'1-(j 3 -;;;; .1/, J .,R ,II [)OC/ JOB LOCATION ~ S-. ./t-';,.; ,;C",; ! ,> (.,;..JL!. 5p(Lcl. ~{ LANE COUNTY PERMIT '\ .- .x /'/(.,':;3 d Acreage or Lot Si?Q&:I_'~AI:2(/;\I.)v.93 Partitioning # 7 P1-'. .'( ) Completed Contractor's O.S. # / (/. .7 9' 9' , Subdivision 1~;91.l. Bt{'7;,.Jl'r I/'SI;") Lot I '7 Block / 't-; APPLICANT'SNAMEANDADDRESC; GdoS,o;) ~Pl4h:.H' ~-;.JC. /'}5""!"l uEIC &'. .E1fr{,~tn/e- ~.?""b~ OWNER'SNAMEANDADDRESS c.LnJqk I-/JlJ-l.i. ~3i-k'/7."'IlI-"'.o/ "-1; .>prteJ. 971/'-'1 CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESC; .Jj f/.bl. ,c.. 4 -VI ~,. Mail permir~o ( I Applicant ( I Owner ) ContraCtor. - ( Xl Prefer to pick up. Call 6lf-i' -l"'S-~~ I ~U~ .r"",,~TRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY De...> f:,t.lllJ 6J I .) . /.2,1-./.2.(. " ~THISPERMITISFORtX.(;>P\JJ.,,1. INf~A:.Jb1f of-AJd. ON t"b{"J,I<o~vl z,..BEDROOMS_#PLUMBINGCONNECTIONSP'& --------- ";:' (. t'l WATER SUPPLY 5 pf:, L d. SEWAGE DISPOSAl .E x I <; If W r:... ,; J THIS PROPERTY ISWITHIN ONE MILE OF THE CITY OF S P F L d, ," PLUMBjlNG BY . ,\ I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have t,he following .Iegal interest. in the property: _owner of record; contract purchaser; _ potential buyer;..JL. realtor or agent. I further certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this action. I hereby agree to comply with all applicable Codes relating .to this permit. , ' . .- " Fee Paid $ '3 7. :s-..2 . Signatu re /5/ 5 q c: 13 /1: lIS 0 DaTQ ? /.;2 (";j,/ Jj" yJ;i'NEW ADDRESS )VAI.FACILlTY P!=RMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT~ ' . ':~(1If) SPECIAL PMT. AREA. MIN. ELEVATION:.A/,,::'~ SANITATION' BUILDING' ,,"I ./ Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons), __;:;AJ'Type of Construction./' - . ;; Group " .. .... ~'"., Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet ,. d~' _'~-:'-~___ _-=---Use Classification Qo~ments: "../. ~aXim/um ~ePth /, ,/ '..,' .;...: c~~rTlents:? "- . ,; ,. \-- 1'...... '- /" /'J.A~.~...,J..._"-'. '\(.. . ~(')1"" I....... l ..... ~- , L,....,ll./v&- J.J.,........."').v " ',j "',\I~_ 1~.;i._'- ./ ~/./J -~'.. ,-"""., - ~ 1. .-' A-"1;..~ ~- ,;~ ~--;1 .h --~ ~ ..(.A -t~~,.,- . . , / Phonp (.,fiY- 'j>S'P1j-' Phonp? Y',.;- ? 7., ,1/ Phonp'. (owner, etc.) when ready. S.1. # /;//9- ;'1//9- " .3 Fire Zone '.. , '-"'y...1 '''--''1 ./ ,,,:,a. . ./ " By: (, U.JJ~- PLANNING REQUIREMENTS SATISFIED. By: 0,;.....//1/1) J;[ c-P/FJ G S Date: ?,/.;:J G/7r Date Issued: Y/'/'/?f/ ZONE: f,1+ SETBACKS: FRONT 4./:)' SIDE FACING STREET - (FROM C/U INT. SIDE YARD.S-'REAR ..s->'(FROM P/LI' LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE. EUGENE OREGON 97401 PHONE: 687-4394 ,- " POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE Date: '9- 7- 7 R' -r' By: >. _r-." ..f.::.... Date: ..... .....: jl.' / ., C55.13 BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE, BUILDING - GREEN, PLUMBING - CANARY; SANITAl"ION - GOLDENROD; OFFICE COPY - WHITE .,'. ~..... , .-:... j .... , r . . J SITE INSPECTION ApPROVED ~PPROVEO DA~TE 9'- It-7;:;"INSPECTOR ~4J C1 REMARKS FOUNDATION INS~ION ApPROVEO L-L/ O'SAPPROVEO L-/ OnE C/ - 7.<J- 7511 NSPECTOR ~ . v '7'-/~ - 7Y Skr/ REMARKS ~_ ~K ~ ~~..r (/ , ApPROVEO . 17 DA~E1' - 2--,i)'-ffi-NSPECTOR 9xrt\. _, . RE"'ARKS;f~.P'~4-7/)-7F 9<.Ad _ ,Zlo/ r~. r--. A--l!. ~ f,u..j'. ..Aj'hA_.;/_ _AIr f/ ~ ~;Z~ "'\~~t'r- 2/_"7)( 0(,-I!.... .'7r.." 12.-& ~/ ~ 9'-2-z . 7 'it V<..Ft:: , , LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION I I . MPROVEO ~/ ,6'SAPPROVEO /I O~TE~/::L9/~7INSPECTOR ,,~.. 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'. . SUPPLEMENT [NpQ nn~n? OWNER BUILDING PERMIT=<9'tI't:l-76' ,-, ;, address phone CONTRACTOR~_~/..v~ /7~ ~A'./~/ hj?R-~9R , / - - address phone PROPERTY ADDRESS c:JS- ~~j/,t/~/;!,,//~;?d-/ - "t:(/ f ) Prior ( ) (Building Valuation) ,. /[.li]amt. due [Jrefund " Re,vi sed ( I[~add it ion []correction -- ~~/~) Bldg. ;<3. c.. ./' C-J- Waste ,,>dAl / /r, ..-<J7rJ c:1</Pd~7g Plumb, ~/./L~) /.s-6f.1~:~/' ~/, jJ ~~-tP '~',~~~ ~/.2.f; ~OTAL " amt.paid . amt. due /7. .,2... Signature of APPlicant~;.~.n,'il fi1;;tIJ>.~1 Date 7'-7-7/ .~ A'L- LJ3;.4'i!!'DI/I' v " Fee Received By ~ Date ~-~r]cash [~check i/"I.'fo' 5 _r.,e-p LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 1\ /ll"'" ""1'1'f.l~ F"'''f'L? c74-119 L//~ ~ c::.- /010-' . 'r. .,.;, ", .', , '..~ i ~- , I 1--- '" . .- I .(/,/-7/ I 0 -0 . 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