HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1977-12-14 dj/' - . 4' 0 ..'; ,- / .........\i I ' /' "A. "'. ,~7-03-22.4.1 7TRS,TL' :' ""h. ~ A': ,.- ..r '" ~,/ TUOO Job Location Written Directions ~t:) ~--0-. \ ~ v-r- WAY SIDE. LOOP EAST ON HARLOIo/ RD TO HAYDEN BRIDGE RD S.1. #~(\ ' \~~\ Lot Block \ SITE FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAG BERNARD J SPLONSKOWSKI 1147 BALBOA EUGENE OREr,~N ;EFT ON WAY SIDE LOOP 'Subdivision: OWNER'S NAME'AND ADDRESS l\II~i.1 report to (UWApplicant () Owner GERALD E. CALEF Phone 627-8532 . APpl;ICJ;\NrS NAME AND ADDRESS EUGENE OREGON Phone ( ) Prefer to pick up, Call (owner, etc.) when ready. !, NONE ::" tWCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY . PROPOSED' DWELLING SITE CITY OF SPIUNGFIELD -' WATER SUPPLY --:<,. d .. . ,SPRINGFIELD OREGOJJ(NO) ONE MILE OF THE CITY OF, I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, 'anti that I have th following legal interest in the property: owner of rE;cord; contrac.t purchaser; potential buyer; realtor or agent, I furth certify that (if I)ot the owner) I am authorized to act for'the owner of record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this action, ' c:... " . TEST HOLES REKbY---......~n . I ) ignature ~ "-..::::St--- ,""- Datp <. ~ e~ l~-(,'-'-- , * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * L Y BELOW T HIS L I N E * ;\ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SITE: ~.MEETS STATE STANDARD D DOES NOT MEET STAT TANDARDS. ~ ~~ ~ yJ:;;?'~...- 'l/~~(;jtS()'~/(~ '" ~ rr?i ~0 a-.Q, ~'M8( ~~?[~;f;fJ'f~F; 1 ~~~ c-. ~ ~ f~ sf)S, ~ ~ ~1- ~ So'~ U:L ~,~d~1~' ~ c;..- ~ ~ LfMdp. ~ I. .~ ~~ Xi' ~ (ot a-I- t2M/-~ ~e;~, THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPO'RT WHICH OESNOT ENSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE-BUILDING PERMIT. ANY PLANS OR EXPENDI- . , TURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. IF SITE IS APPR~~, SEE RCSE SIDE, . /1. ~ /.l..~/t/'77 -L- ~'n',,'--.L.... -- 'AUTHORIZE-O SIGNATURE DATE --AOTHORIZED SIGNATURE , Divisifn of Water Pollution Control Permit Processing Section LA~D-l:JSE POMPLlANCE Zoning-"~'~'J~ Acreage or ~ot S,i;,p ,\c-,~ Cl (' '7...0.;) (TOT ALl Partitioning # _ ---.... " ( ,) Completed ~ cr~... () Pending Parcel # ~ PARCEL HAS AN EASEMENT PROBLEM: / MUST BE CORRECTED BEFORE PERMIT TO INSTALL, TANK CAN BE ISSUED: ~~=, \..~., DATE- LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT C55-32 .125 EAST 8TH AVENUE,EUGENE, OREGON 97401 687-4061 ...d , ..... , '. , '. .i ,.' ~ ~ , OAR Chapter 340, Division 7, Section 72-020(6): This report shall remain in effect until issuance of a permit to constnict, unless in the meantime conditions on this or adjacent properties have been altered in any manner which would prohibit issuance of a permit, in which case this evaluation report shall be con- - sidered null anil void, Technical rule changes ,will not invalidate any evaluation report issued. pursuant to this section. ' . . .. ." Before construction is started bring this form to the Department of EnvironmElntal Management and.apply for a building permit. Exact specifications for.the sew'age disposal system will appear on the permit. 'If the prope~ty is only a portion o~ a tax lot, a partitioning or supdivision must be approved before the permit will be issued. . ,. ., Only persons having a valid license Issued by the Department of' Eiwironmentai Quality under ems 454.695 to install subsurface sewage disposal systems or an owner or contract purchaser or his regular employee~ 'may install subsurface sewage disposal systems. A certificate of satisfactory completion will not be issued if persons other than the. above perform the .installation, ", '. , . ,~ " ; .; ,. .'-'. , " . , c ',. ,- - iTRS, TL . I..{ I \(\ -(")3 -d"::J. ' ~"Cc) Plan " .. Plot Subdivision Lot Block . Job Location (AddreSS)" \ ~~J.. ~. A {) Permit IM'I-''O~\. For~...-\'e ~~ Permit It Permit # For Permit # Permit # For Permit # p~f(P"Z./~ Ktl/~ [ . ,. \ 5., +e. tfr Pc4>ue~ ' i? 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" 'Forn - .,' ""--'i~.-! c -"'-'~"'~..~:"'-. .- ':--~J:..::::~:/ ,':: ~:;.:~ ~Z:zr.U':; -",;-;-'::f,~Pe~.tf;tI-::1(~?-:~'~'~:>~5'F~~r:~- ''';''~~-f~;' ';_~ ~~.~.-~_~_ ",' '~~_'"; ~."~_-'~"_'_,V:~.';n' -:~~-',"~- ~_~~..-,~.,"'T~~ _.....~'"'' ,~,'_' '.,~ _-~"'~" .1~;-'~~::'{'1"~,<f . ':": .. -.' : '."'">""""'",.)~.. '" ermitt,UI!!;<1"",;,;,"<l'lii' For~<l1""'~""'-""""::',' ,""" -""-- ...._."I....~_". ...~;:,..''.4-!.t:.-: ---,,-,~- '~'~_-~-. ~-..'~~'<_~:". ' ~_- ~ e"'-'t.'9: n; ~.~. ,i r"'''''''...~,lL.I'".:,~7~,..-:p.,,_.- ~-- :~'i1i'-'" "" '.....".. , Lw..L "tf __.'-'-' ._..,.::;y,?,,-f.,',.\5'S"., ~ .~~,,' , _. 'Ij " _ , ~$,'~:;, e;.,. ,,: ..th'\....'-:":-"'--_."... <",~~:,:;f;; ,-.$ "";' ,.~ I \~'-(')=-~-~~~~i.cD ;:e,~~"~- T~e- 0'- '&: p" n~~.., ..~~" , ~- - . ~~. Q~,g'. w~'-'-- ~;" ,." -- ~,,-,' . . I~~U~.:~.~".',V_..'.__~,.~,'..',;~..~._.~,..._~~,.:~,n_..,.""..,:':,',::".:_. -",c....}:,'_.,~.'.: ','. 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I I , SIZE OF PROPERTY:.l C/7 K /~ IF SITE MEETS STANDARDS FILL OUT: Type of structure and approximate sewage flow: Sin~le Family Multi-family gpd Industrial Commercial gpd Institutional ~. gpd gpd gpd MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: Distribution Method: Equal IKl Yes D ~ ~(f" . 0_ "D' Serial 'No,QZl /150 gal. Length of di~posal trench required Curtain drainrequi~ed: Other: SPECIAL SITE CONSIDERATIONS OR VARiANCE OPTIONS OR OTHER ALTERNATIVES: - NAME: .,,2; .?-- DATE OF EVALUATION: " 1;L-)'i--77 'C74-l26 .' I 77-1:s3! H 0 L E I # 2 T E S T H 0 L E PROFILE I PREDICTED WATER PROFILE in. Inch I Predicted in. Inch in, I Observed in. S/L1 Date SJev 12 __ LoIftuJ 12 - ~ - #1 TES1 PERCHED WATER Predicted Observed Date SATURATED ZONE Predicted Observed Date SATURATED ZONE inl inl Predicted Observed Date 24- in 24 - in 36 - ;V' in ;;;~L.- in 48 - in 60 - 36 :iCe Restrictive Layer Impervious Layer Mottling ~tl in, in, in, Restrictive Layer Impervious L?yer Mottling (2" 48 - 60 _ ,,;'~ O MEET MINiMUM STANDARDS. " I REOUlRE ~ MINIMUM DEPTH OF: SITE DOES ~ DOES' NOT ADMINISTRATIVE RULES 0 36 inches to an impermeable layer 0 30 inches to a restrictive layer 0 60 inches to a permanent water table ;'1 h d I . 0 24 inches table to a temporar1 y perc e water OTHER REASONS FOR DENIAL I PLOT ~: Stream Dr ainage or pond ............."... Road ---..,.- Test Hole 4D ~ % Slope Cut Bank ;1; I"~ Fence ;K-,c-x ON YOUR PROPERTY THE DEPTH WAS: inches inches inches inches I '..1. LL_L '-1- -I-U-'f i . 'I' '1-1-1' I. ' i ,_ .LIJ--1-~-!-li.-L- --1- _, 1 '-I !i'-I.-Ll" : . ,_ 'i: ' , 'i r . r I (!! I ...,!, I, if' ,! E i I _J_.. 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I. ,- -- + ~ -- - -- -, ...~ -- -,-- n --, ,- ~ - .. --L:-- = ~i L , , , tj.~..1 ->jitl.J+J--i-Fl= ---,=t == -:.:: - trr -,-1= )=::---~I~F:' =1I:.::: ... -,-tJl:: T~Hl tlltlIT'+H-lli-:-rl-iTI- :::: . _l..LLL. I I lln- IT:Ji.::...:: :TI:D__.i.ill..:U++ .;-",',..; :- I' - .,.... ',' ;i~;..:j-' " \ /- /1- tJ3J.';< L/o L/ / June 19, 197.4 ME!!OR~!iQ.l:I:!! TO: Lee.Mi11er Planning Department FROM: Stanley E. Petrasek ,~ RE: Minor Sub-divisiQP 'Rav w;::!~ Twp. 17 Range 03 Tax Lot 100 Section 24-41 lane county ,.~" .\:~p~~ ."'>; ;... Parcel two meets minimum standa-rds for the in- stallation of subsurface sewage dijposal. Parc~l one meets minimum standards for the in- stallation of s~bsurface sewage disposal, however, the approvable area is very limited because of a drainage-way therefore placement of a future dwel- . ling win be critical. SEP /gfg/'%J3 cc:. Ray Warner Hayden Bridge Road 28th Stree t Springfield, Oregon : . I: ~, .' 1: , ~.,...-.. ~.' -. WATER POLLUTION CONTnOl. D'V. ! HIVII1UNME~ITAL MANAGEMENT DePT. r 135 EAS'T 6TH AVe. ! EUGENE. OR 97401! (5031687-4065 ,. "