HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-3-27 (2) :c/ }f;8Y DEPARH,ENT OF ENVIRONI1E,HAL t1ANAGEMENT l PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE .11, ,Iv . ;GENE' OREGON 97401 I ' _ i/ I'/Ob Address L/ '1 ..1 (./ O('/L.a--"'PJ?AJ /'1..&0 C1ty ~~A ~, ' c' .J...e.-4t(: / lOWl'l$~ip; Range.$!K:ti(io. 'Y" "(it VR-,:1.-.s-- L/O,(L. cJ / SubdNiSion ~ '"~rl: ,aleck Appllcatl~n for/JnLL~ '~.J<.. Structures now o~ the property ~ 7f~ t1i~AL~bU".dl l'rofXl.e4 u.e' (if property' 1~'ideOtjJll CI ~Ollil1erci~l CI Indust1'1,,1 0 'Pub) tc' Affldavlt I ~ , hereby cert,fy that thlS lnformatlon 15 true and accurate (please print) If thlS appllcatlon 1S for an agrlcultural bUlldlng ,t wlll be used for purposes allowed by the State BUlldlng Code and La'l.e.,.County Code Chapter 10 (zonlng) and for no other purpose I have the followlng legal lnterest In the property )( owner of record, contract purchaser. lessee. holder of an excluslve optlon to purchase, . duly authorlzed to act for the owner, who '1 knowledgeable ot thlS appllcatlon Slgnature/Address. 9A1/a.#~d, ~. \vJ?~~-,", r;DA~~-L .14/, 9'7 Lj 7(Z10) 1 - Telep~one 2L1I~LJ!d<>) or _- I (7 '~ate- 3/'-::Y 7'7 ./ When permlt lS ready not1fy LI Appllcant LI Owner LI Contractor i!L LI mall LI phone Owner ~::lbE' 'A~ q/~'- _ ''!;:-,1P~ - ? '7 tf (Z10) 7'7 Phone -2.5!'.~-L{N,/~ Contractor 6-P~ ~~) ~./jp, ~ JZ10) Phone ~ontractor OSR# ,1 .;a-. //f 0 (') Plumb~9 by ~J/7 .s:.,~ App)ltatiol'l n. IL-- :?<1>-/'9-11111 As.\gn&? NUmbe"~ If Commerclal Resldentlal If Qf .wriei H oJ wd.'OOIlIS . '=? 51 test holes ready UU NU' WRITe BELUW THIS LINE # of employees If Ilf units 50S: M EXlstlng, BP # I~I Proposed, SI # w~ , ' , Fee, Sq. Ft. or CQ<!" 17 lle$crioUon' / / If of Slt&. AY#~~t!./..u-/pI7'/Md~./ ~ ~ c:;. )( .s-~ . ~M///./p ,- /9/7<1 · /~Aj'~-/~~.A~~A-~_-hAA~ /ot:/cJ tI lI' Total Valuatlon $ Pl~ing fIxture. at $ SeWer/water conn, at $ linn J:ost Valuatlon Fee $ $ ~ //6() $ $~~ . L:ft , I-I Cash IP1:he~k * ,?~$ C? RecelVed bv ~ 4% St t h .- -...LL a e surc arge Water Supply tt)vttt&1J1.1_EQJ ~ti:1.- ,~lans chec~ fee r /J t, tJf P d E t J ."."" 0, .00.e_,CY s: j) S' ~ ropose _____ X1S lng _____ Year Installed I TOTAL ~.AA:' _JU4./ it~.h -1iu.</.<AJ.h<'I ~Ao>1 ' PERMIT PROCESSING zone~ U. Part #j)f~3;23-7f:' Parcel # r9- V Parcel Sue /, of? .;(, M,nlmum setbacks 1, front ~-s75"'/ :cL, "de /1/ 4- ,lnt /,e::;-I rear ~" /J ~'- -<?//.UA J/~ Comments 'l'4A/./7~1 r>~J.-b-, V each each $ $ $ /tJ, tJO Su btota 1 $ $ $ $:161 cJ-o $?~' r tJ ,LID To be typed on perm,t ./ BY~~ .? - ~---- Date .~ -2-7-77 CP&I Type To be typed on perml t Group FHe Zone Use Classlflcatlon ~.O ~~ By .~~ ~-i ' Date -C( -10 -ty For plans lnformatlOn call (area ~ector) , ( -'11. ~/:J. _Pho~e ~() 01JJlCtl~tO slte .l/2~/S~fef') zi7 J.b~--, /!i; - :~LU:J ~ .!;I'7 V?1i _ /LJ.>I-4A).....<h(~J,I"'J~ ~ v JI t? I-I IIFO Plans to CP&I _ set(s) c1 Oate~ Hold Sllp Date Date to - WPC _ set(s) Requlred to pec Completed PCC Iy..cr'& I I~ 4//3 - - CI Pl ann 1 ng ll.H'ubllC Works ~ - ~levatlon ~ ~dress () FaClllty Permlt /~/ Envlronmental Health ~/ /.3 L/ / /3 FOR INFORt~TION about progress of your appllcat10n call C74-171 Permlt Control Center 687-HELP (687-4357) ;lrv flJ1 ~ ~ame C;;vl'MJU Apphcatlon Ii '1S1y1CJ ;Lt/-I for - - 'Pl-,onp I f l ])0 ,';l^l ><:: S(. Constructlon Permlts & Inspection WORK SHJ:CT !V\ J.r Type of Construe tlon M It Group 23 Flre Zone ~., r () Use Classi flca tlon N()1t: 41fAor 11 ?-(JPY of 1'ttt Pl,01'PL-tttJ 10 1 --r: ru -1 'P ( (/( ()1( 1:5 r; 1< r:: y, fJ 17 r: R M 11 C6'P Y _ TO HE TYPED ON PER~lT1'.i'Rn~J\Dr1- ((In'fIIIJMj-5 A1J,1l 1)16-1\5 -1Q f./oM'?lcY ~I) 11'/.r .~P:; vOUfJDA,(IOI0 R~{Q\'IK~IJ\I~~1.16 v()R MCWJ\\J\1 IXnl\A.(;.."l 01< M. 'K~(()"J~_Mr::;I\)\)\~[) ~v r(1Xf; M IA 1.-\\_\ffv4l)'\~J:;\Z ;1[^,.{ {yiZV, A>(i(!tJ1:vO (( () r(11r::: I ~\61_0I~ nf ~[r1 M()f7\ l/~ \.to M f/ ~1/.0() 17Q D\J 106 ~,,)k \ ~ 11\\) 1--ktj 'P\'1 0\ ) \'K'Y/ D. <")fi~ 'K 0\)(j~ht ,:-lm~ vo'K c..t<l/IA~ D , II- j/)I{/v, U I 0 U;'\ ' Date 4-0 -7r , 74-164 " ~j~/ ~, / ~ , DEPARTI HiT IOF EIl"l RQ ll1EdTAL ttM'lAGEilEllT PSG, 115 EAST 8TH AVEHUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 / Job Address 1../ '7 -1 C/ ':::Y/t-CL..l0.JUJ 11L Cl ty Townsh, p, Range, Sectlon, dx Lot V%"- ::z.::...s--- fll7.!2 . Subdlvlslon _ Lot AppllcatlOn for/}77.4.L:dG -;( ~'Ji? . Structures now on the property LlI'/ d, 7'f'.Ll.-=-<J ~ .tb~~..u.&J Proposed use of property IJ,t"'Resldentlal C/ COllillerclal /~/ Industnal I '/ ,(p~,,~-L.{ I 0' - AppllcatlonF IJ j,t,-?<t>-79- JJtrT As 5 1 gned tlurnbers Block C/ PubllC AffldaVlt I~ , hereby certlfy that thlS lnformatlon 15 true and accurate (please prlnt) If th,S appl1catlOn 1S for an agncultural bUlldlng It ~1l11 be used for purposes allowed by the State BUlldlng Code and La~7 County Code Chapter 10 (zomng) and for no other purpose I have the followlng legal lnterest In the property X owner of record, contract purchaser. lessee, holder of an excluslve optlon to purchase, -. duly author1zed to act for the owner, who 1S knowledgeable of thlS appl1catlon Slgnature/Address, 9....../14,4. ..:;,.) ~L_~'-A7_~ enn';'--H"/~ 14", 9 "7LI7(ZlO) 1 Telephone 7LJ/C!.L?d,;J or ~I cJ' "Da-te~_:J/_"'J.7/79' _ ..... _ _-_ _ ,. _r/ . When permlt lS ready not1fy I I Appllcant I I Ollner () Contractor 2.l. I I mall 1/ phone Owner, '3 /U?A/1~ l"fJ,'y~",) D./~~ (} "7 d (ZlO) '7;' Pho-;;e "7<//.. _L IN.!., Contractor ( )/L.P ~ ,tP...~/) ~~J'f(J ~ (ZlO) Phone ~contractor(;' OSRI (fl;:i.~~/tt ~ 1'1 - Plumb~g by ~/~ ..l:,--! //j!> 00 NOT WRIIE BELOW THIS LINE If Corrunerc1al Resldentlal :J of stones t= of bedrooms .-:? SI test holes ready # of employees # of unlts SOS ~'Ex'st'ng, BP I /~/ Proposed, SI I C;w~ Un1t Coc-t Valuat10n Fee J' $ $ ~ //".t;(~ $ $ ~ :UA-- p each $ $ $ /0, tJ-r:J C/ Cash /I~/"Check # ~ ~celVed by ~~ 4% State surcharge Water SUPPlY- II);; krnp-l/;, / j)~ Plans check fee P d ~ - - E' t - -. ( Change-of-OGGupancy rf) S' ropose #_ X1S lng ~ .,,:) Year Installed IJ . TOTAL \.. ~..J2..lj J'l/A.-.I ~............, _&JM.lJA~# ~~_ 4 PERMIT PROCESSING Zone ~~ Part #/J1<3:23-7f7 Parcel # bl- (I Parcel SlZe Mlnlmum setbacks t, front~ ""'....." , t slde ./1/ A- , lnt /.~" /J ~ A Llh, , /2..-1 Comments 'f//lA7f7~ P' r> ~..._A!J"';,7T - V Total Valuatlon Plumblng f1xtures at Sewer/water conn at " each Subtotal $ $ $ $ :;2,5;; CJ-a $ ?~, if 0 , LI /') ~L1f /, O~ ;(, rear ..::2..A" To be typed on perml t -' By ..&- ' '" .'''-v'f --" Date 2. - 2-7-79 , WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Inst~llatlOn spec1f1cat1ons _____/ ~ gal tank,J lfo fJ (ft1~a1nf1eld. max depth of trenches ~. / ~~../ Hed ::~~rK 1l:!:~L ::;;~ !;;tA~ J~.:~.~. J/AM.l~Yn'l _</,JAj'- 7!j ~.~ /l.::1' ~~1'!'< /' RP..~/// "l /1f/!~/~.fAA.~ /lA.eL... Pv 7t~ .-L..L<..,j'/.dl/fJ -, ),{7/, ,/ / <-( ,./}...;. /. -3 - It - Telephge- - ~- By ~\ 1~:lJH IUDate "'Z,":;:..dr:. 7~--' OlrectlOns to slte 41-:J~ I~) z:;; 1.b~A ./ J~ _ Z;:.iAA'7? ~ .,L o..d zZ;- 1/-7z7A _ //;>/- 4'A':;_:Y-"AHJF~ '--b~ V',f7 C/ SIFO Plans to CP&I . ~et(s) d Datel Hold Sllp Dute Date to wrc - set(s) Requ11Cd to PCC COlllpleted pec I]J..oCP&1 ~WPC- /~I Plannlng III_Pub11c Wor~s - .fA I eva tlOn 1J...Address \J~I FaClllt L/I/::{, 2>/3./.> -~ Urn/a L/J/3 Ii/!::;;' Perml t , , /-1 Envlronmental Health - , INFOPllATJON about progress of your appllcatlon call Permlt Control Center 687.HELP (687-4357) I I A ,I -~...-. , , ~ MINOR o MAJOR part i 11; ion PART ITIOIIl SURVEY FOR ISSAC JOHNSON NE~, SEe 5, T 165, f\ 2.W, WM LAtH COUNTY ~CAlE 1':50' JANUARY 2.,1'17'1 o MONUMENl FaUN D o 're" IRON RoO SET o EXI:>TIN<> aUllOIN<> , N 8~' .s~ u"w 11q Tl. I~~~~~ I -', ~~ , WAT,... ""fT.~,' HOUSE ,.. 0" i ... ' Q) I '" ... ~ I z' NM' 5~ Z3"W ,I 13 58 - _'~ ... ... 4- :J: oj V) .. 0 :J ... tI 0 r-- '" or ,~ , ! PARClLl so AC 3aT /0 8 I o '" s-c. ''-- ttou.u ) _, tz-6-v~ $1 It o z LAR PORT A " " 11. IT GAS LIN~ JlJNCTll"'N , Q J. " t"-;-';I ,;;S;CRf-D , Pill WC::SSIONAL U".l' '-,!!HIIL '(oR .-..... ---......-... OPI-r,ON \ RUJ~ti~" u' I'\'~;;URICKS .I \. R\'~_ 32.073' 11' el' PARCEL 2. I 03 AC L I:--~)~ )... '< oS 88'- z.s' 2.5"[ 32.08.s' ,~ 2..44 '-8' - t _J ASP E R ROA 0 . _ COUNTY ROAD NO 49 SCALI. I" 50' III 1111111 I ... lane county . "'j j ---- ~ ,J ~~ " .. :r .. t- o< ... 0 Z , , .., rILe NO M 3l.3:Je. , II! I! J! "fl q I HII I q, Ir II I' 1III"n! '"'n .- ~-_'._, ,-<, or' .......... .. ,..l;" . '< '. '..~_. '.^' : ~ l.j "! \ \ '1';' FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT Department of Public Works 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 687-4.195 TO: << PERmT PROCESSING PERMIT NUMBER -., t:,:)O - -\>::J fo.,J\\--\ PARTITION NUMBER PLANNING PUBLI C WORKS SUBDIVISION OTHER SITE ADDRESS I PERMIT VALUE IS A SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT<, YES NO SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA YES NO V- SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA PRECAUTIONS MAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUILDING SITE WILL BE REASONABLY SAFE FROM FLOODING. MOBILE HQME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED. SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA, 1. MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF (~1.S,L.) REQUIRED. 2. MINIMUM FOUNDATION ELEVATION .OF (M.S.L.) REQUIRED. 3, MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT MOBILE HOME WILL BE PLACED ON IS BELOW THE REQUIRED MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION, 4. SITE LOCATED WITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOODWAY CHANNEL, BUILDING PROHIBITED, RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ -0 y :) ~ , oJ l)' -i ;p >< r- o . -i DATE 4.C)"iC) BY bl'V\ C-. ~ ~ C99 - 21 , l ...' - " . ~ SurveYing Timber CruIsing I' RUSSELL D HENDRICKS 169 Ferndale / Eugene, Oregon 97404 689-4975 Road Stakmg Partition Survey for ISSAC JOHNSON PARCEL 1 Beg~nning at the Southwest corner of the A.W. Hammitt Donation Land Claim No. 86 in Section 5, Township 18 South, Range ? West of the Willamette Meridian; running thence South 000 18' 00" West 213.21 feet; thence along the Northerly right-of-way of County Road No. 49, North 880 51' 25" West 65.65 feet; thence North 880 25 25" West 268.49 feet to an iron pin marking the true point of beginning; thence leaving the ri~ht-of-way running North 120.00 feet; thence South 890 59 2Y' East 73.58 feet; thence North 84.97 feet; thence North 890 59' 23" West 149.72 feet to a point on the Easterly right-of-way of 47th street; thence along the Easterly right-of-way, South 202.89 feet to a point on the Northerly right-of-way of County Road No. 49; thence along said Northerly right-of- way, South 880 25' 25" East 76.17 feet to the true point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. '---- " PARCEL 2 Beginning at the Southwes~ corner of the A.W. Hammitt Donation Land Claim No. 80 in Section 5, Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; running thence South 000 18' 00" West_2-B.2l fee1:; thence along the Northerly right-of-way of County Road No. 49, North 880 51' 25" West 65.65 feet; thence North 880 25 25" West 23.81 feet to an iron pin marking the true point of beginning; thence leaving the Northerly right-of-way of County Road No. 49, running North 211.66 feet; thence North 890 59.' 23" Hest 171. 01 feet; thence South 84.97 feet; thence North 890 59' 23" West 73.58 feet; thence South 120.00 feet, thence along the Northerly right-of- way of County Road No. 49, South 880 25' 25" East 744.68 feet to the true point of beginn~ng, all in Lane County, Oregon. . , lane county" Water Po11utlon Control Dlvlslon Envlronmenta1 Manaqement Department 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oreqon 97401 LOCATION Twp /4' Ranqp (Complete SubdlVISIOn Name' Sectlon Tax Lot # the follow~ng, ~f apolicable) 1.0t # Block # [K] system located on thlS property has ever fal1ed by dlScharqlng sewage upon the ground surface or Into pub11c waters. by c10gg1ng or backlng up, or In any other manner ~ I have Informatlon that the eXlstlng subsurface sewage dlsposa1 sys- tem located on thlS property has fal1ed In the past by dlscharglng sewage upon the ground surface or IntO pub11c waters, by C10gg1ng or backlng up, or In some other manner, and that I have no Informatlon that the eXlstlng subsurface sewage dlsposa1 o D The system has not been repalred The system has been repalred and has operated contlnuous1y Slnce the repalr wlthout other fal1ures Date(s) repalrprl I have had personal knowledge of the performance of the eXlstlng subsurface sewage dlsposa1 system located on thlS property for ~ years and~ months The eXlstlng sewage dlsposa1 system COnS1StS of a) Septlc tank has rl b) Number of draln11nes c) Length of draln11nes d) Dlstrlbutlon box? Yes ga 11 on capaCl ty No The eXlstlng septlc system was Insta11ed under Lane County BU11dlng Permlt # (Date) , Thls system last served a dwe111ng havlng bedrooms (lnc1ude all rooms WhlCh could be used as a bedroom, though actually used for other purposes such as for a den or a sewlng room) OR, If for commercla1 use, thlS system last served an estab11shment havlng employees, ann ga110ns/ day sewage flow ThlS system was last used on (Date) In case of an addltlon, the new portlon wl11 be ""t'";:;;;;;;;~/R...".'i~I::;;:~~ DATE ]/u"L"! / i'P feet away from the C74-156 WATER POLLUT'ON CONTROL DIV'S'ON ! 125 EAST BTH AVENUE ! PUBLIC SERVICE BU'LDING ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT EUGENE OREGON 97401 ! 15031 887-4061 ~ POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE ,- . CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # JOB ADDRESS:4724 JaIll!1S1l' Th:lnd. Spdngfield. Oll. TRS, TL: !l!..{)2.-oS 'fL 402 UPi'5G>-7~ 01< Subdivision: This permit for the referenced property is hereby 8l?m:'oveC! Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions ofYLane Courity's l'n,fraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS # , Xcac.c 6. JOl!:lunn" Spr1ngf:l.old. OR. 97477 El= Joe Darn1D ~bUe ~ ~alea . 14590 . Total Construction Value: l'lll Telephone: 746-5842 Telephone: Telephone: Dooble-l.if.de =!:lilc hc::Jg 24:ld6' Gibrol1l:er 1979. 9 D=~iUon ofbuse (l less thrm 1000 3q ft. ' /) r S~~~~.c.3 now' 011 l"......V"#'BrdroJ'Jir: ~so. # Plumbing Fixtur~s: - ~ Zoning: AF.'i' Partitioning # ~ "l?~7n Parcel # 2 Minimum re'quired structural setbacks, from: ceiiterline of road, front: ss. side exterior: ; interior property lines: IS' ;rear property line: :0:0. Special I nstructl8ns: Construction approved by this permit:, Water Supply: .........._____ 1:.-....- ~ .~_-.......__ ....._w- PLANNING DIVISION # Employees: Parcel Size: ; centerline of road, () /' " , 1.03 ac1l'OO For information call '687-4394, - W~~_ :Y Site Inspection # . Installation specifications: gal;mi~,:'septic tank capacity; lineal feet of iJi-ainfield required; max. depth of trenches: l~OO ,/ . 240 . Special Instructions: 3u. -/ IiWIZlll. an eQ!G1 Clirilt:ributiml', ui"'......... in the fro:a.i: yard area. L:ines ara l:Q 'run, in an oost"'l1eSt ~tJon. Stay lQ' f~GO rend riSbt of~. RetJc=e a l'Qp~" '~II: arCll i!Oli: th<a d:i:o.iafielc1. ' 9( , .--1 _ _ _ ,_ between 8:00 - 9:00 a_m_, _ \)O/-~;5I'O~ _ ur~f.;~U uruy Type of Construction: Group: l2El Fire Zone: 3 ,,use Classification: SlID Instructions: P1:ovido ~tmg$ and piGJ'6 to coll!p1y ~1!.l:h state fGUnlil:ltion requi=!1~ for mobile lwJ;:sa or I3S ro~"""":'" by the =fa..~........r that arc Illttac.hcd to the inside of the =blla fm:le. Aim l"..~~de c1~inO as rcquire:i. Sac ~.gy......e side fol!' called 1nBpoc.t1.ol1a. For plans information call P'1 ~'7"... between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., !l '~n ~... For inspections (see back of (Piis permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5!OOp.m:ms.... WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION . Setbacks Interior property lines Edge of road right-ofcway Building foundation Wells, other water sources Septic Tank 1~ 10' 5' 50' CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site: Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' , For information call Date Issued: 42ml to Jasper Rdp tt\ru left and BO i:<J 47(:h~ O1:-U-79 let t'ld.uc:lC<lY to l~t., By:Jolm ~!jf idne county ~ . .." i::55-13 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 , . SITE INSPECTION ApPROVED Cl Ot SAPPROVED Cl DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATION INSPECTION ApPROVED / I 01 SAPPROVED L-,/ DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR FRAMING INSPECTION REMARKS ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED / / DATE I NSPEC'TOR LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION REMARKS ApPROVED L:.-/ DI SAPPROVEO / / DATE INSPECTOR ApPROVED FINAL INSPECTION LE'1 DISAPPROVED 17 DATEY-I'/-1'1INSPECTOR 61- b L k' Ok' ~-.;Jd-7~ tP4- REMARIC 5 ("-"A ~R .....1 VV'\ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE 17 NOT READY TO ISSUE ! / DATE REMARKS tPr1-- INSPECTOR f,:;,:i'.. :';~ ,t,," '~-l. ." ~, " ,,:c,' " ~:~ . 1- ~:, ~'"~ ' " ~., .. t, ~; ~:" r.. "." ,,:,, , ;'?ft ::' .; ~:.'- ~ " 0' I'.; ~'. t~ ~:.' , "'.:..' r} !,....' . t... ?t,: ::, { ,. ", 1.:". " , ~ ' ~:"~ ~'. . . ,.,'. ... 'tc, " ~~.:' 'f '. " . ~;. 1:\ ~~" f,/:" ~': : r ~:t ~'.. 11::' ~~, H. ~ * .' ;", (,{' I~t': ~f:~. ~ k. ~f;f ~. 'J'-,. " n~-. ~:: t~ . I;. . ~:,.;. . '. ~f. . ~j. ,:.;L "-",. .,. '.', :''-'-'.''-'' .,. - ',.... .I'....~,-'.~._.i.... ,- 'v'' . ...'- \;.d 1"'- .:-_' ~ ~ 1'.. '" -, V . . '........... .. . ,', -; '- ", ,-, ~: - . ';; - .~- ;'i:..;; ;;"' '. ^, FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT Depart~ent of Public Works 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene, 'Oregon 687-4195 TO: << PERMIT PROCESSING PLAi<NING PUBLIC WORKS SITE ADDRESS PERMIT VALUE IS A SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT, SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA YES ,,' o . ',.-- .. I PERMIT NUMBER \" -,C' ,',r' t-A \- \ PARTITION NUMBER SUBDIVISION OTHER NO V- YES NO lA. t-~ ~v.. .....-, '- SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA PRECAUTIONS MAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUILDING SITE WILL BE 'REASONABLY SAFE FROt1 FLOODING, MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED. SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA, 1. MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF (M.S.L.) REQUIRED. 2. MINIt~Ut1 FOUNDATION ELEVATI:DN OF (M.S,L,) REQUIRED. 3, MOBILE HOME TIE DmmS REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT ~10BILE HOr~E WILL BE PLACED ON IS BELOW THE REQUIRED MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATlOtL 4, SITE LOCATED HITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOODWAY CHANNEL, BUILDING PROHIBITED, RECOMMENDATIONS: DATE -4 ').-1~) C99-21 . . , ...." :~''''~." ,";.r ',' J ,d_.. ..,. ^,"...':,,::,>..'. ..:"~.,,,,,,~j..l)~; :-'-1-. r;-_~ ,:,:t~,'; ., .'1.:'..' BY /" -,\\\ C .,,,-.;:...: ::.-~" ...:,;,...., ~''>i,'':'l'.:.t;,. I >.~.","~.;.):-. _,~_ ..o.,L <J ;~'" ,'".." ,,:._.-, .{", . .." h ,:,....'...--"", ~ "0 .~ I- { ~"'.. , -, .I l:' -l :t> x '-"'" r 0 A, -l -. c-' .~.~,:.'J< .-:._ ....,..~ .,'._ . -!~" ,.\.~ _,i....,.,... _A "-' , ~ MINIlI! o HAJOH pa.ri!; i i!; ion .' PARTITION SURVEY FOR ISSAC JOHNSON NEil, 5EC5, T 185, F\2.~ WM LANE (OUNTY :)CAlE (~50' J>\NUAFIY 2.,IHQ o MONUMENl rOUND o Ys- IRON RoO SET o Ex I 5T INc; BUILO INc; , N aj" 5~ u W ~..I~'n "," " ", ,.. ~ ... '" WAt,,, M'T.,,", ~, '" I-- << o 2 N B" 5~ 2~'W 73 58 - .' . HOU.U ~ , ., ~ " oJ V) I-- 0 :> '" ~I 0 r-- '" q- ~ '. PARCEL 1 50 AC 8 _;t.?T ~O I d-,"': ~ " .J I ., tlouH ) It................!!. o '" ,. l- ce; o ;z <.. PORT ^ !' o ). 1~ 11 'i .' G~s lIN:') JUNCT't'lN 5a8"252.S'E 32.085 r-;l; (,~~:-;ZRED \ f'IlI', -~'>Slnt IAL 11'.i' ~.IIfI\lLYOR --..--- , OHf-r,ON J RU:':'[ i;"\l' 1'1'[';;;JHlCilS GUll 32073 17' 0' PAIICEL 2- I 03 AC t<"''1Pv-<L ~ -n!.-tA(, /kn,v-' "- " 2.~1 "8 - <t _J ASP E R ROA 0 CO U NT Y R 0 A 0 No 49 , i ,(All .J " ",, , I" 50 -, ------ - --- . '7':t_.....,~~~__--.__._ --- .' ~~ " ~ :r .. l-- << .oJ 0 z , , .., f[ 1.[ NO .f::L3'Z.l.:J e. '\ I II, I r II ("1 flllll! , If "II I'll n 1,/" IIllt, .... " , . p '::t November 12, 1980 -' Ralelgh McClatchey Rt. 1, Box 147 Spfld, OR 97477 This letter is in regard to your question-pprta~n~g to a boundary llne adiustment between your property ~8-02-05/400r;and the owner of the parcel known as 18-02-05/402. (P-2)-=~~ -c ~----c7~-" The boundary line adJustment_wlll not requlre a lot Slze varlance from the Lane County Planning Divlsion as lt has been determlned that "there is adequate area for replacement dralnfleld wlth the proposed lot line change", accordlng to Marsha Mlller ln the Buildlng and Sanitallon Divlsion. Shoul~ you have any further questlons regard1.ng thlS matter, nlease feel free to call, ~J',o ,'&.Q 71.,,--;l'u <:':.1\./ Sherill Helfrich, Planner Zoning & Land Dlvlslon Section SH/Jj C--- - 1oa5 lane COUllty - ,. " ." , LANE COUNll PLANNING DIVISION j lOlJH 1 rlQU2Jl fJ(jljLIL SCI1VICl GUll DING / 12J l 8111/WrNUL ! LUGfi-.JE on 9/401 I 1503) 681 'f r86 MEM~ANDUM . lane county ~ TO \.s/W;jj! FROM ~aJM.J; SUBJECT - ~'nz~t~ DATE iJr~J,A'-=? /9'c-\'d /~ tA. OL0rv//N:#~..;I}y at. ~ ~ t&ZId;~d&&e~, 4/J(4e ," , .~ //1 DIRECTOR OF VETERANS' . cil ~ifL~ AFFAIRS ~ 10.00 Salem, Oregon ReQu~rements for Partial Release of Mort~age A partial release of a portion of the security mortgaged to the Department of Veterans' is an exacting extra service. Your contact with the appropriate local land use planning authority is an essential FIRST STEP in preparing a request for a partial release. Their written approval to modify the status of the property must be secured. A processing fee is required, except when the portion to be released is to be acquired by the city, county, state, or federal government. The amount for recording costs and the processing fee will be established and paid after formal application has been made. A request to the Director of Veterans' Affairs for a partial release of mortgage must be signed by the mortgagor (or the person who has assumed the loan). Before processing can begin you must provide the following: 1. A signed request for a partial release of mortgage to include. a. The reason the partial release is desired. b. The sales price and terms when the portion to be released is being sold. c. The amount to be applied on the principal balance of the loan in return for the release. ;r 2. c' ('\ 3. Written and signed proof that local agency zoning approval has been obtained for the partition. / A properly worded legal description accurately describing that portion to be released from the mortgage. Reference points should be common with those used in the legal description on the mortgage when possible. If the property is being sold the legal description should be taken from the title report. The description must be clear enough to be photocopied. 4. A readable plat, of standard scale, showing the entire property presently under mortgage and on this plat the portion to be released must be clearly outlined and identified. a. The plat must be accurate, clearly show all dimensions, legal description reference points, and the exact lo- cation of all buildings. b. Roads, easements, rights of way, streams, or anything affecting the security must be clearly shown on the plat. For your information, if the release is approved, your tax payment to the Department will continue as if no release has occurred until the annual tax statement indicates the county has completed the property segregation. 16l-M (Rev. 6/78) .. ~~.~ _ ~~l