HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1978-12-21 " !.j>- Vo-v,,) -t-"Zl { ~ /ft>"'-l J-//Vpe/V POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE SPI2/U678 JOB ADDRES::' '::'7:'. ..n....... A""",n"a r n~.,........, CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # 376~-78 LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVI RONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 TRS, TL 17-03-27-~2 {J 1700 Subdlvls'on ~ntGi1iel Guzden's Lot 4, Block 3 ThiS perm't for the referenced property IS hereby ..n,.' __,..rl_ Setbacks and other cond,t,ons of approval must be strictly observed Vlolat,on can result In revocat,on of thiS permit, c'tatlon under provls,ons of Lane County's I nfractlOn Ordinance, and/or other remedIes allowed by law , , t Conv~\'t garage to kitchen, edd:l.tion to kitchen, carport, and addition , to bel;iroom. (8laq ft gaX'ege to Idtchen, 67 sq ft add to ldtchen; carport at 441 aq ft and s4d to bedroom io 24 oq ft. StructUi."GO naa- on pr0;;:3rty: house j # Bedrooms, ) nil /I # Plumbing Fixtures 2 # Employees ...n. " . \ Zoning RA ~ Partlt'onlng # no II 'I Parcel # na Parcel SIZe M'n1mum requ,red structural setbacks, from ;enter,line of road, front !J'ttI:'l(: ,centerline of road, Side extenor na ';]Intenor property 1Ines05'\ ,rear property line 6' PUE ~peclallnstructlons iJ 'It(:'It'fJ Flront ootb4c:ks1 am 40' =in and 45' ClllL'pOrt. ~ For Informat,on call 687-4394, g,'rr'l rr",1l'1",,. S,te Inspect,on # na~ Installatl~n specifications ne ll!\ lineal feet of dralQfleld requ,red, max depth of trenches 00 r Special Instruct,ons Keep any cdd1t:l.on iotnlootiOCl a nin:!.= ox 10' XlWD 1 th~a...aat lfGCC;:lg of drainiie1d. Dralnflcld , 10' \ 10' ~ '10' 100' Applicant! Address Roger Hood, Owner! Address ea= Contractor! Address sc1f Contractor's OS # I ConstructIOn approved by thIS perm't o Water Supply Public PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Setbacks ........,Intenor property lines ( l'dge of road nght-of-way .........Bulldlng foundation Wells, other water sources Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' CONSTRUCTION PE RM ITS!INSPECTION DIVISION 1271 Linde7~Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 / Telephone Telephone Telephone 726-3368 Total Construction Value $5,430.00 200 aq ft. gal mln sept'c tank capac,ty, ,/ For Informat,on call __A7_~e;"I between 8 00 - 9 00 am, n.............. D"..."i_... ,,,, ., Group R-3 eide of permit Fire Zone 3 Use Class,f,cat,on for called ioopecUone. SFD/ADD Type of Construction '5-N I nstructlons Sect .to..... "..:o.to.o:.oe " v r, For plans information call 687-3767 between 800 a m and 9 00 am, Jim LaI!:b For inspections (see oack of thiS permit) call 687-4065 between 8 00 a m and 5 00 p m '\ ~nten1a1 to Aspen, nonh em Aapen to Tamarack. left on 12-21-78 Directions to Site Date Issued Linde, 2\1 hlocko By Hano Ettlin/ly - I C5513 SLDG PERMIT _ WHITE OFFICE COPY - WHITE BUILDING - GREEN, PLUMBING - CANARY SANITATION GOLDENROD, A & T - PINK ,. ., ". SITE INSPECTION ApPROVED ~D'SAPPRDVED Cl DATE -,1- t./- 7(iNSPECTOR~ REMARKS FOUNDATION INSPECTION ApPROVED / '" I REMARKSC /: Jk -I- ~/'~-~~~ G/ - t'~.....J7.fa. C-/ - // p- -- DATE ,t -1/-77 INSPECTOR tJ ~ ;,d, d f 0...# I' I )12-,,-, ;I- A._ - "17 ..,.. ~'..JJ="" rc/,,~ ~ -.Jj 1- if- - 7 7 ~ . _ _ -------.. '3- 'Z,7_79 I},,< / "'- - /;_ '79 ~< ~ DISAPPROVED / / sb~ / ~ ,;t'- / // FRAMING INSPECTION ApPROVED / VIOl SAPPROVEO REMARKS ~ r-=CdAp-(l.)c, /7 ct; DATE 3-1(,-77 1\1 c "'"~Po1l-y INSPECTOR ))~~ -vJ~ LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION d A ~ c.......yur- APPROVED.c:7 DISAPPROVED L-/ DATE REMARKS ~ 1- "c:... 'AL,"I",7" ~ , ~ '0.<..; -~:r/ INSPECTOR - ;;'~ u..A:r ..-Is~ J) 8-2..1 -7 9- . ~ FINAL INSPECTION ApPROVED ~'SAPPROVED / / DATE 1'11-1-4-<( Y'7 INSPECTOR V ..k- REMARK 5 IiUC.kv D~ C. 4'iLPaRT 1\-.- Fi>.o/./l c.d CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ~ READY TO ISSUE /7 NOT READY TO ISSUE / / DATE INSPECTOR REMARK S , i " , ,