HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-8-28 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE . JOB ADDRESS 2742 Locust Street, Spnngfield, Oregon CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # LC-2ll8-80 TRS, TL 17-03-24.4 1 TLN 1600 SubdiVISion Fil grove Lot-6 Blk-l This permit for the referenced property IS hereby approved, Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed Violation can result In revocation of this permit, Citation under provIsions of Lane County's I nfractlon Ordinance, andlor other remedies allowed by law Appllcantl Address Ownerl Address Contractorl Address Contractor's OS # Bert Cornick, 4245 Hilyard, Eugene, Oregon 97405 DenniS & Deloras Wartenbee, same as above same as applicant 28602 Total Construction Value $10,152.00 485-0642 746-7827 na Telephone Telephone Telephone ConstructIOn approved by thIS permit Addition of family room (288 sq ft,) & Install Fisher Mama Wood Stove. Structures now on property SFD ..ater Supply Citv PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Setbacks ,Interior property lines ... '1e of r{lad right-of-way ,ding foundation Wells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PERM ITSII NSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site Date Issued C55-13 # Bedrooms # Plumbing Fixtures # Employees na na na Zoning AGT Partitioning # na Parcel # na Parcel SIZe 1 Oo:xll 0, ' Minimum required structural setbacks, from centerline of road, front 45' , centerline of road, side exterior na, interior property lines 5' ,rear property line 6' PUE Special Instructions na For information call 687-4394, Candi Site Inspection # na Installation specifications eXi Sti ng 75 lineal feet of dralnfleld required, max depth of trenches na Special Instructions Block off old line 10' from proposed additlOn, Add new , line meeting 10' setback from eXisting line and from back property line. Refer to attached plot plan stamped approved and dated 25 August 1980. gal mln septic tank capacity, Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Dralnfleld 10' 10' 10' 100' For information call 687-4061 between 800 - 900 am, Kathi Wiederhold Type of Construction 5-N Group R-3 Instructions MinimUm foundation elevation See notes on attached plans. Fire Zone 3 381.9' (M.S.L.), Use ClaSSificatIOn Family Room Addition See flood plain management reqUirements. For plans information call 687-4061 between 800 a m and 900 am, T T, Morn s For inspections (see back of thiS permit) call 687-4065 between 8 00 a m and 5 00 p m bne county _J_. Out n. 19th west Side 8-28-80 to Yolanda-to 23rd n. on 23rd 1 Block to Viewmount-east 1 block to Locust on DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By T.T. Morris/RLH i I _I I ._ I/L-',s;.<-f " '\ ' ~ ' ' fWlft>>edl/J,W,LwLJ ''-c-' go J24MU) ----- -- -~ --~~ zP~ ,/(,/1 -----.---. - .,t-. _-_ Jir.~:rr....:;;O ji2.J. ::E~~-{u (tSc"J '.... .0.... 9ITfr:>-l vJ" Ii 0 I,,' i ~ ,'~/ \)~..:r-' , - ". . I , .1'" . ~ P'-'-' I II\"-.:t~" '.' ' ,_ ~~-t tit) l_"j-J I ,,' , ";''1 "" II" (-e'aS,J:'PflfJ:,o ~h/' .1f-'tY, r~- ~ - . L f i L,,,, ,.' ' I :':!..('.'- :.tJ ""1 L- Nt=' ~V J I Ir...!: ,..:.-. ... j I ,.... tJP- ~IlMIJJ.l6-!) I" I -r-- -.' .........- """,."'1G \1, "(Yv _ ! ! I _! I L td~ I I ' Ot . I - ,. r I 1-_-:1.___ .J " ~1'- ~-----I ~ -+-_--=-~- -< ~~' _.- I i) ~' . ~, r ~I '.J,E: " I II a. U. - -T - I .) . ~ ; .-" --. -- -. -_..J ~ "I ~ ~~-- - + , I ~ '+; (.....; ~") J j- J 1. , .. ~"_L r' '-\ ':~~ , \,1'/ .J'_ -'\1 ~, ~, .,,1-/ ,-tL_ I ~. ~ 1~1l'\">'><IIo~'~J"''''I'''''.H.'1ti.. '-1~V"" \^oj::"l-'- --- 2/lf~ ro 1 ll'-C 3- 2Lf, 4, (di./(.o.c5i) t:118' w.e. S-4:J / of (p () /J ,.. / -EG t::.LF-. f'l..6.....j I APPROVED bATE .?~..+'XO ~y '. ./ - --- - St....E V, .- ~ ----~--, -- - CD I I , J , 1"1 1 ,/ 'I .\ / II , ' 11-- .- // 1-.-/11 i 'Ii _ ~ ....._J .::: ----..J.__- 1: o~ - , ^ :J! HGf-,r~~J ! "1 ~ ~~'; >1;! , . \ \ ,'( "- :' >, , I ----- , - --. ------.- - .- . -_.. ------(- ~ .\_ :~ ~ I .......___j I 't _ .. ..-.<>t.-U'- -T 0~'-JT FL/~N , , ~'-l ......, . ., .. , '1,- I ~ W ,I' '~'.~ ~ ~ j I ~ 1 .~ f Iii I - ' - '-t:.."? V\11>.l-.!..."" _? . . ~ I " , ! " . , c. .>t-..... ,t;:.:r ; ~ i j , .. , . s:,xIC-;..'T ~1 - 1:...-- '" \ ,e.) I =,v(,A H , --L- _ __ ---~- '-{ . \_ _ _._ _____ . ______ ~ __ _... J - -----.. ~~ :,/' /' '" f.jE:.lv r ;;:e;;. I 1 , . - ---_~....- -- --t.:? -~_... -<c. ......) W)<:u.. _--. j~ . iL,bH I -_...-..------- - .. ......--..--- - -I ~..~~----- ......... -- ------.--L--,- r::=. V ' ---~-~~ , CD (....-, '-..J 11&,11.4>1' {>p..O~ I-l~ () ~ - ..,l { Fr.."f ~ ~ 'felT 4 .... 0-., 0- I -, J:-. ..v/ -I I';;JL, 6. .{..:.. /?P:I-t 1)1 - I ,-i , P''f\b-p,75'?;'1=>'. ~ ~!:i:,. 'f':'D'Oj T{ofJ Wj/ /' fl~' .,'~ - . (,.,... 't ,t r'1 ) ~ :/j/ ./)>'~,,) , ,..tE)(,)>;J';,l. t' ~.' .- -I " SE<rm~ '6 f>' /1 ... . I -~ , r~' ~ u",;, . ,/ /.1 ~ ' .. -'" ~_... ------ , . II s' ~ ...... J <to 10 Iq: ~ -,'- ~-'flg , . . -=-- < \ '~I '. ~t5.ulS!; .. ~---~ --.--:-- --- - !~~- ~~ . ~._- " ;~~ 3 l(}: -~ ~. ---~(h \~ ( ..\ . ../ \ 1~,O',,\~'VJ I rfi<.o,. t...J,w,e , .- ..' I ,..........u'..,.. - 0T, . ~ __,_ J--:e'<'/L..-' '::-.:?l . ) , .. . I -':-1~- /J-r"'F"".h:. 1- '.. 111 ' I .. ,,_'_d-:"~'!.-;-I-l.,.-/-J- ,..-..q:- ;;:::. i?' '--. / .. ""r ~''i f..' " .' \ . ~"i.~ e~ , -' , . .. t ~, ~ne county. BOL SLIP APPLICATION # 711S(-Y() - - -.- LOCATION 771...17 (n('{fcc-t- (-+ .;;.. p.,(I J? + H. (fit? 1/1 ir,!:..f NAME SvV\,c;-t-rQ.Q Vl-"I C~ So ,'Iv C. i) iIVI I.,.j J Ut::: u-, \ /in""; ADDRESS 7:0(,lPt70_ / nfL CJ'7\.f0"'5" I ' - ZIP CODE '~' , ~. , The Lane County Water Pol lutlon Control Dlvlslon cannot proceed wlth processlng your appllcatlon because 1 . 1--.....1' Incomplete appllcatlOn (1 tems deflclent) r==J Address and/or dlrectlons to appllcatlon slte c::J Proposed number of bedrooms In dwelllng 1__1 Approvable plot plan (see attachment) \'jJldt Plalt\ DetW..lS)4 [::] Notlflcatlon of date test holes wlll be ready Verlflcatlon of eXlstlng system requlred (memorandum explalnlng thls procedure attached) 2 1/1' 3 ~ Two test holes (2'X4'X5' deep) requlred for expanslon or repalr of eXlstlng sewage dlsposal system In the area of the proposed dralnflelds 4 1/1 Other IIZOw\"'If"~UnA ~~}L /U>1I.-? _(1111+ {}ifJY>, V " I' \ " IN! iJ Ii -{ in j) -("" <:::yn f 0 (/ ;...,'// 01~ J "..J- n (,>N IA~ ' C~(l1 \ \1Mo J)../}II h-'VI/^ I Mo-J.m/l Ai iVfj:-; "IP ;-~ / ~ -!r..JJ.- ~1I~d f.f/i(jJA/lC~' - j T -- r ~- - "- .,p'-J.......... ......... - krJJ-i-i/) ./1111. wiodu0f1iJJr-l+1 SIGNATURE ?~ J?' <:<0. YV! ~ OFFICE HOURS - - () t4J //1 '7r\ DATE ()" - IlJfJt 1..1h(", I PHONE - ,- - I If the necessary correctlons are not made wlthln appllcatlon wlll be denled J~ days, the . -~ 2Co~) BUILDING & SANITATION / ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT 125 East 8th Avenue / PubllC Servlce BUlldlng / Eugene, Oregon 97401 / (503)687-4061 lane county HO.LD SLIP \ \. \ -: '. ::lri ;50 . t"':' . . I':' "The Lane County Water Pollution Control DivisioTt,cannot ,pr.oceed.with.., , '"'--- " " '-"."( ~ 0' ..,-,{ ''''':;1, I ''-l flU "'" processing your application because:. . '" '-". ,,) ,-, '7(") . '. . . ,-. (' . 1. D Incompleteo'apPT-ica.tion {items deficien~r:10'\" 'J!'CJ /-1& 1.././ I" ;ri;Ja{~1s ~r\d/or directions to .apPJic~~;on site, . . ~ Po iJ+ /-J., ./ llY?/IZ~,r/,.,. SU/Istf.ed,rvv Uv1s1vt<.cflf/i--.J . . Ln. '-I c;- ,+;,Jr..IIIN"j . C;;/OPfl,,/J' ',rfJa.c; "'NOS- - I J ZIP .CDDE APPLICATION # ?/l'iZ:'-xb LOCATION 1:7 LJ7. (N fltyf-. ,q. NAME ~ ADDRESS O' Proposed number of bedrooms indwell i ng., . D Approvable plot plan {see attachment) , o Notification of date test' holes will be ready. \ _.....,...~ .... '. 2.0 :3. D " . Verification of'existing system required (memorandum explaining this procedure attached), , ".." ..7.... Two test holes (2' X4' X5': .deep) requi red for expansion or repair of. existing sewage disposal system in the area of the propo.sed drainfields. ,. 4. 1/1 Other: 010. 'J'Jn r1kY1J2{hlld')/Il~} h/1'X' QAA"J, ~ dt1li/1/i . do CViIl.IJ.ff ~(t. (LAo lc:P;/ifi~/J~/J,/J/ICVlfid / I /J . (j,' 1./' . tJJ/Jd &J O/J(1kt . /}/J-w >./ J2.1"-'jJv;,'ci 1i.f)~(}.V~ '0 t'_, ./ fJ ~ . ""J}' ,.~- ../!J1""'; 1.... ~ V.~.) J -"j (1:0'1 ......v..n;;,. --.....~.J ~ /'t< ' \ ( . (", ""'1 I " Ii 'v. ,J ).11/f.U) 1M. IlfItJdILfL,{)lrl21/}Yj), $('f)' '~SIGNATURE DATE /1- . . %-~~ .iN! ~ I~ I(}f};rlft)(d I f1r1d 11WJ. II, OFF I.CE HOURV' P /Oc.k off 0 lei .J~,?;;~ n PHONE- '1'"'0 .L{/)-'l{) v;w.dz;i ,,/! 'LA/'l.0 '0" [, cfi:t1rv! fxJ,dl:J th\J,n~Ce?~r:j0corre(;t\i'6n~';17f;i\5e n\\..ma~e fjlffttil,ii'\.~f1I>$J.da,yO",.ytre/. )(\I-/).I1/utapp/l ic.aJ,ion' wYl~l. b~ aen.i~ilY.lP.. ' a b'" '~\ , C.Yft0:I:~'Yl 'if" ~(L1"'~L-(&U./lj'l...... {""I"" _^.v<v' f L pa _ .. V(AlJlj, ' "..:J , J - ~ AiiA.-(.1c.-;/ I... 1/J; (fit', i ~?, 'OJ/l TIM A .J! . l()(./I!() ;:?JE'41.tN.. f..-VfVSPfC./'._ " Y . 2'c,"I!r..t&! IJb BUILDING & SANITATION . ;: > . ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT \ . 125 East Bth Avenue i Public Service Bui,'l.ding / Eugene, Oregon 97401 I ~.~~)687-4061 , . 2-~ ' c.!. '~3 . ..! .1: ~ ,:" .?'~ '\ "," ". :,~. . ;..' . .,~ . ~ .... .. .,,'. ... ',' . ~t~ ":. ~ ..,~ .' " .: , ..... .~:i":.'.'.. ~. :i . :~, ,"1, '. ~ .,;. ";. ~. ~; . ... ,~ ,,.. ." . ~~., ~"- -. '. '! ;; '.. - ",,, ~ .:t,'" ~ . .., :," , : ..... . ".... ,) " r .r~. .:, ~ 'Jo '. 10 " .' .: "" '. , , ...",- . ~, 12 " i'.-' . ~ ~, -.;' ~-- - -' ., < '.~ . ". . :,.,_ . _1,~ , , .f:' '. ,> 14 ,- :u.. '.. ',' ",. 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'. .-." ,- "" ., < " ,';r- " , '7 :~ , .'~ " .~ .> v. .' t sa I: ~,' , 0":"". ".. ,. ~ ^" '} .... " ' ~: '. -.', ~ " '.' -' " ~' ~ ,.' ;j.. .;-'" " . " ';, . 'c' ." ;. , , ....,. :".' ., -t~ j .~ .- , 't.,;' ~ ;,.-- .... ~', , :" ~ . r'o , ~ "', ,.,,,', " ~,..', '. '. , ',,; " .,: .~ ~' .,.., , '.' ,~-- -' "_:~ :1" ,'."~ >:";. .., "..'l~ '~ .~'.' \l,~' -' .', ... " , ~ ,. '~ ..;.~ .~.. ':"".:' ..' ~~ ''.i. '_ ,:, ~ .:taB ~DDRESS POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE lC-2118-BO ~ ~ "'IIIlII 2742 Locust Street, Sp~ingfi01d. O~egcfl CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # TRS, TL 17-03-24.4.1 TLN 1600 SubdiVISion Fl1gV'01I0 lot-6 Blk-1 This permit for the referenced property,s hereby approved. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed Violation can result In revocation of th,s permit, c'tatlon under prov,slons of Lane County's I nfract,on Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law Applicant/ Address Owner/ Address Contractor/ Address Contractor's OS # Ben lJornick, 4245 Hilyard. Eugene. Oreqon 97405 Dennis & Ie.1\o~as \lartenbee, same as above same as applicant ~ 28602 Total Construction Value $10,152.00 Telephone Telephone Telephone 485-0642 746-7827 na Construction approved by th,s perm't Water Supply ~ft~ PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Setbacks Interior property lines I'::dge of road right-of-way :uildlng foundat,on Wells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PE RMITS/I NSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site Date Issued C5513 Addition of family room (288 sq. ft.) 8 Install Fisher Mama Hood Stove. Stl"Uctl.lres 1101'1 on property: SFO # Bedrooms # Plumbing F,xtures # Employees 1'1;' na nil Zoning AGT Part't,onlng # Minimum required structural setbacks, from s,de exterior na, Interior property lines Special Instructions na na Parcel # nD. Parcel Size centerline of road, front 45' ,centerline of road, 5' ,rear property line 6' PUE 10(4)(1104' For Informat,on call 687-4394, r""rli S,te Inspect,on # na Installation speclflcat'ons e)(isting 75 lineal feet of dralnfleld required, max depth of trenches na Speclallnstruct,ons Block off old line la' fl'v.1l proposed addition. Add netJ line meeting 10' setba~k from elt1stO"~ line ilnd from back property 1in~ Refer to attached plot plan stamped approved and date(!{ 25 August 1980. gal mln sept'c tank capacity, Sept'c Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Dralnfleld 10' - 10' 10' 100' For information call AA7_4n&:1 be1ween 800 - 9 00 am, r(""hi tJi"rl",""'nlrl J Use Classification Family Roam Addition ~ flood plain management requirements. -1--<\ , For plans information call 687-4061 between 800 a m and 9 00 am, ~ T. T. r40rris For inspections (see back of th,s permit) call 687-4065 between 8 00 a m and 5 00 p m Type of Construct,on 5-N - Group R-3 F,re Zone 3 Instructions r-11nimum foundation elevation 381.9' (r,).S.l.). , ~ee notes on attached plans. ... Out n. 19th to Yolanda-to 23rd n. o~ 23rd. \lest side. 8-28-80 bne county - 1 Block to Vio~~ount-east 1 block to Locust on By T.T. Rorris/NtH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 . (i" . t,~\ :~::O~::PE~ DISAPPROVED ~ DATE t:?_ 2-- &. INSPECTOR -. ~ REMARKS REMARKS C / DATE 9-2 -5?~ INSPECTOR .I..c./ r' , ~. I FR~M:NG IN"PECTIDN ApPROVED m D'SAPPROVED /7 DAT/?-(7-Fo INSPECTOR~ REMARKS.c-/_ /~ -_f....... ~. - .tf~.~,..-~~. -€.. 4-(~JI'?JGn7 ''L.H~';?-G,-__\~ 't_-_ 7-"7-~'C ~ LA1rl OR SHEETROCK INSPeCTION ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED c:J DAT?f-1-,-5!~ INSPECTOR~ V REMARK 5 FINAL INSPECTI;3N ApPROVED fj"~ D'SAPPROVED [""7 DATE_ ~Li:=.3.0 NSPEL TOR ~_ Rrt-lARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE /7 NOT READY TO ISSUE / / DATE INSPECTOR REMARK') ~ 1'<< .!lMJ~' ,~\'B .; (f.;,/,.... ':t~;. --~p;~. ~I"~\ 1fl:1I:!oj" , '{t"'", j,"; . ,,' ~;"I ,f~ :;, (;ll; :.J. f' -'--f :; 'l' __'m~..__. . J . . .~1 . 2/ /f~ 8b ,,'; '-}-e 3- 24, 'I, (~).;ol r-'71r5'W€. 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THE CANDIDATES FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER RUNNING FOR ElECTION THIS FALL.... **** THE DECISIONS THEY WILL MAKE- DETERMINE YOUR PAY & QUALITY OF LIFE ,f ..** TIME' NOON & 5:15 p.m. DATE MONDAY SEPT. 15th PLACE, MAIN ROOM/HARRIS HALLjPUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 8th & OAK ST. SPONORED BY AFSCME LOCAL 2831 MO EPT15 I ... '" 7:- ---- L ~ - " - -- -- "------ E~ ,~- r -, - , 1~ . ~ - '. l_ , .- \ I ---- ~ -' ~ -.- . ---..-,. - - .. I I nl 17 Lo" ~ ~ft! C- 2-'1-/2--- ~7 ~ ~ ----- h,lt t-I ~ c.J,Il-(..V ~I . ~ ~/ Y2-- I(z...- Z)L4 ~I C9?-5;> I - ~,--- -+-~ , I Z4 -oC \, \ Z- I --L~ , h ~\~~ .z ')C '" ~el L-/ tJ' Jell$( it( , ( -i- )f!.e.L-OMPf &Jp ,;fInJ / N 6 /ft?PI T/tPJ/1L- Z;/6 (E 2410 <:. Pvl? S7l2#,P' \ TIC C!E/t.-IPb '- It VCJI>T5 r~ TPJJ>1t>>J 77 F t: /h1-t.J667Zd /"; 1/;tJ6Zl~ ') ~ U'7 ~:O-87~S 2.77 :4-rr 'J /r7/~ -- - ,/ TRS, On .# ~7- o3~0.~-l.-bJ-VJbOO VICINITY MAP a 'It. 4..1 ..J ~ ? III :2 1 \\ o ill ~~ ..a ~.f2. r ~~ ill I- I'L ~ ~~ \6 ,~~ i ~i IU~ D. m ~ I'i,Z?$12: .-' :> ., t> 0 ,;: :t ): \"" r-- '::i r- IS'-- I- L v- a ~ I- n~ ~ '" Jl ~ .J -0 ::1 -0 <J: \l \!J Cl ~ l\ 1\-. - -S- m .J 2: ... 2 '" E m - Z r-\ rL ~ ...... -q-.. lL c m f ~ '\'". Cl. ~ Cl. <J: -p /t<>LJ',G" ~&'l:.u-;:ir FOR SAN ITARIAN'S USE ONLY t;ld System Approved 0 System Disapproved 0 Needs Correction COMMENTS ~ ~~ ~d-:X-Zk&;y, ~ ~~~~d-,,~ _ _ S'gnature ~,l (}(I 11 !I~('k1~lI rrl Date 16~~i-'Xi) ~II - ~ FOR INSTAllER'S USE Trench Depth -.0..4 Filler Depth Below Tile 1'"" Tank Capac'ty ~(-A. Manufacturp' /-..,J-f.=. Measured distance to well from tank N -~. from drarnfleld PLOT PLAN IIOS.c::y1 ---- . - ;d5/- ~, 11"lE::w L..INe6> ? ~ e'><'''';>'1'I'-''/5<<ll' I iR Job location (Street, mile postl '2. 7 +'2.. , F-I L. ~ !2c::>~ Subd,v,s,on L ., -I"- _ "--!, Ae>Pf"i DONe:O.J ' LINE: , I -I I i ~ \\i -I , I I -i I Scale 111= ~Ol ->,J = , f,) f,) ~ I; L_ - , Loe- u.:::,,- c:,T lot c;;. Block .L...... ..,. " o ~ I- I I' , 10 l -.-Jl_ . I "-.J _ A. ; ~ ~ ...... ........ 1 ~~ N ~ ':;>1--- -=-.L9C LJ<:3T-~~T:-::- .~ _ __ .__ ___. Y"efalV'" ~u:J)I~' /6 / l~ -:-~7t1.A ~ SE'P / ...tA 8 I ",). U \~Z r,:YiJ'~r Po~c:~:'78a &on l UJ 101] \;1. ....'1 'V/~ ~ (. "'01'1 ,. UUI] ~ ry 'k ~ :::. INSTAllATION RECORD AND CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY COMPLETION When s'gned by the County San'tarran, th,s cert,f,cate 's eVidence as per ORS 454 665 of sat- ISfactory completion of a subsurface sewage disposal system at the above location Return th,s form to Perm't Processrng Sect,on, Department of EnVironmental Management, Public Service Bu,ldrng, 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene 97401 / L65 I I /: '11\"'"-- L .....le..............., . . ~~- '.ro~ ADDRESS: I TRS, TL: '- I.' .. ~ '. oj POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE ... , I ,CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # ~ , Subdivision: ~ I I I 01 ~ t ,r' .- 1 I This permit for the referenced property is hereby t. . Setbacks and other coi'\ditions of approval must be strictly observed, result in revocation of this permit, citat,,,,, \jn,rj~f provisions of Lane C<. ,,\ Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law, t . Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/ Address: ~ " Contractor's OS # I I . t \!'l!'" ;i~ &- Cf )i~ r. ,.::j.:' ~ ,.. ~ Cqnstruction approved by this permit: " . Water Supply: Nt" PLANNING DIVISION Violation can ., r: Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: ~,- J ,. 1.-1': 1. ; .' ,.t.., "'''};;..:t, ~.. 1 il.lD0V..:: Total Construction Value: ',I I.h..( I' itiCl"l 0" f~,dly }"--JL~ ...:.r.Jc"l>reS OOIil )fl "rOp.:I' '-, ~.,.~~ 'ii' ,'J:# Bedrooms: ~H ';t.j.. t >h.. 'f# ;, . ".~' # Plum~ing Fixtures: # Employees: 1'12 ~'. J Zoning: liST Partitioning # r.a Parcel # Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: "3; interior property lines: 5' ;rear property line: Special Instructions: ~, ... Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Parcel Size: ,j >,,' ,j: ; centerline of road, For information call 687.4394, . ;"'''--'', , . gal. min, septic tank capacity; Site Inspection # '9 ,Installation specifications: !';xi '). '" ,; lineal feet of drainfleld required; max. depth of trenches: Special Instructions: "we;; uff " L 1 j ..: 'ire IlIfmti!,,'1 10 s, t ~ ... ~ ~\ \~ ,It: rov,f"' WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Setbacks Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other w~ter sources CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site: Date Issued: , C55-1 3 . -~: .. I Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' ',tlck :-' "'0~:J'~ '-, "'\"'J'P'<1V....,.1 -,. ; 'Ii Forinf 1 ,f)J11;\l1l RP,mllr.n 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., Type of Construction: lI1sJructions: Group: Fire Zone: Use Classification: For plans information call between 8:00 a.m, and 9:00 a,m., For jnwpctions (see back of this permit) call ~,ll7-4065 between 8:00 a.m, and 5':00 p.m. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By: bne county CI I j ,I '" : ~ I -~..~.,-_. /.;.'\'\. ~'-J'~ ' :\1 ',j' -; I" " ' '~r.-' , ' ;1.11 .,' '..'i \.; .'...' , , ,/\ " , ,-, , ....1 , , -! I p,PPROVED 9ATE 7:;J::J;~+W , nv ( ,I-d'- .....- ,-_! ;::::.' I ~ --+- "', " ~_... r- - ~ .... .~- --- . -~-- .... 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'I'" l(,~tm!j' r. ,I~{f-irltt' .i\'. . \.,(;~,y~~/,.~, ~'\-' ,'.J_.'.l :-'.{~; ;~;. ,'<,~:~D >:; ,~i;~N ,:' i;i.g~ ,~~ "T".A"N,~: :''':':'~'''lr~,ll , "fi;(I,~~.~\~r ~ 'r;:!I.Z!' :~;1:f{j, , .fil ,.~','1""';'~ ",,,,,'~J1... t~. :~H,~lri;~: ;:.:','1', ::{~:~;1~: ,::j ~ lV\ ~~ O DEPARTrIEIH OF ErNIRmMEI1TAl nr\NMGEr1EN10 ; _ PSG, 125 EA5T 8TH AVEnUE - EUGENE, OREGON 97401 i Job Address ~? ~,;l.. 1-0 c. 1/&7 ST, City SDf(/lJAFJI=./-1J Township, Range, Sectlo~I",Tax Lot 17-03- J. '"1- t.f/-O/~&') . '1 l.. ~ il . SubdiVISion ,;:: , I tJ."Y/.(>)'Vc:. L9t [, ApplicatIOn for l='ANlIL."( .tJ/'>t'lt.I\ .t.^I\I-r/fi4 Structures now on the property <::" A/,.1.A rAM ,i-Y HOVSE - . Proposed use of property Iii; ReSldentJal / I [ommerclal Affidavit I, /3E'A.T -H. COR.1II,-k (please pnnt) If thlS appllcatlon 15 for an agrlcultural bUlldlng It wl11 be used for purposes allowed by the State BUlldlng Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zonlng) and for no other purpose I have the followlng legal lnterest In the property owner of record, contract purchaser, lessee, holder of an excluslve optlon to Ru~chase. ~ duly authonze~ to.act for the owner, who IS knowledgeable of thiS aPlllcatlOn '.. '7:J.. J-tS N/;L.yAJL-ll Slgnature/Addre~ @f-R.-r: top, 1/ JVI... DbA ~lhl.!TIU-A fA C"N.srJlJ/~1i~ [;/Ar,c,R (ZIO) '17J(OS '/.S.Lv( iA>Teyl,jihone L1Q C:, 061(.1... or Date. When permit IS ready notify I-I Appl',~ant I-I Owner j)I; Contractor ttS1':':>f/l.IIII'F~I.!J Owner Ott>! AI/!; ':4 "t/-nJ/Us \J/AAntl A~ 2?J/A J..ct.(~'D)l)?U.,.., Phone 7JU~ 7f").? Contracto~ g'J'/'fri2~A;'" CI?N(TIf!.VLIlh';; /'.....,. Lf,jJ't;IJ/J..VJ.~(iblO)'4-1I.1Iit:; Phone Ultt;;;.Ottl1_ cont~actor's OSRj ;;'9.t..nn-. Plumbing b~ . AJ'IA.' -' ,-. - ,I I DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE . A~3}lt-Fj) /A;:s 1 gned' Numbers Block I C/ Industnal 1./ Publ Ie . hereby certlfy that th,s lnformatlon 15 true and accurate ) If Commerclal ReSldent,al If of stones , = of bedrooms 51 test holes ready /I of employees # of unlts ~ - -' SDS 1~/~Exlstlng, CI Proposed, Fee Code Oescn otlon Sq Ft or f- of Sltes Umt Co'"t Valuat10n Fee /"? A Af _ /./ .---/ ~/:-'A.? r~~ /e2./ Id- '/::).y ~AfN/~" ~;f 0-;) ~ .;;c:t - ~"""1 /_ . '<./-1 ^ ~." _ / ( / - - ------.. ~ - $ \ -~-:<~.t,,~~-_. .~-4Id1"='_~A/.-r/ //~4A.;r/L</' $ , - J Total Valuatlon .$ $ Plumblng flxtures at ,$ each S I-I Cash /&,/~ -' Sewer/water conn at $ each S /~I''C;;;Ck . . //~L'.r4 Subtotal $ Rece, ved by 4% State surcharge $ Water Supply ;1lf- Pl ans check f$e $ /, .... ....... - (~Exlstlng _____ Change of Occupancy $ Proposed Year Installed TOTAL $ PERMIT PROCESSING Mlnlmum setbacks Zone~~~ Part # 1., f~o~t:" ..ry ~ 1., slde L , _ Parcel # Parcel SIZe l&-tJ</!/(J{/) ,lnt..c:;-- rear/A L1!/A;::' -- ~ ~ /' --_..-/ / Date 6/ ~ , I ralnfleld, max depth of trenches , IrJdlffJ<L- '//h 0 Clpud ~ ,tl 7"jJ/aV/, ~.J/n1JXd .d '7":; fujN'Md ( ,. I' I , /' ) "Teleph n " --";''--7(.J{()1U/BY ff" 1_ oate"~~_ m.., DI"ftlOns to Site I( ///.1- / / 7o//,"~) L--& v'l/ /'..4?//. d&..~. - ~ ~1S.~,,--;/ A // ,t'h.-, 73 ;<..-{/- ,'1_ ~ --(:~ y~ /Zl;;"~~(. ."~':WI9'/.I!..~~ ~" ,-ff/,/:}!! / L<P<< //-/ SIFO Plans to ep&f ~ set(s) Date'- Hold 5Jlp Date Date to ) -=-",- WPC _ set(s) Requlred to pee Completed pee I~rc~ &/A'PC / CI Planning /~I P~bl1C Wor~s / - ...- LI Elevatlon ft../;'n/a CI Address / {} Fac 111 t\ PerlTll t ,/ / / 4 /f~N~ /-t'L/ t!{).C4,9V 4 Comments To be typed on perml t , By - 'A~ WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Installatlon speclflcatlons ~I Envlronmental Health INSPECTION RECORD Approved Dlsapproved 1. Slte Inspectlon 2 Foundatlon Inspectlon 3 Framlng Inspectlon 4, Lath or Sheetrock Inspectlon 5, Flnal InspectlOn 6 Slab Floor, Plumblng Groundwork 7. Gas Plplng Groundwork 8 Rough Plumblng 9 Rough Gas Plplng 10 Flnal Plumblng 11, f'lna1 Gas Plplng Remarks 12 Certlflcate of Occupancy " , , c, , - da te, , , _ ready to 1 ssue, _ not ready, ptO)}!" 21- o:J ~ Date I, , ~'l Inspector lnspector \ \ I''''' " o n :to, 8\ ~\ -a !T1 ;0 3: ~ ...... "" /" 1M q/~ i:I DEPARTI,ENT OF ENVIRONI1EIITAL 11ANAGEI~E' .. ., PSB, 125 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 . . , Job Address r.oZ? q d-.. 1-.0 c. v.sT sr,' C,ty Spf//,V6F-lf::;..1J 'Tll\<nsMp','~oi\n9" $lK:tloJi, TM Lot /7-03- J 4- '-I1-OJ~0f! Sub4Mslon' 'f:'f { (!, Itl'l lie. ' ' , l.;>t to 1\l~ek ---1 Appl1catlOn for i=A N , 1-'-1 I<O('J,t/\ AD/) I 7,I)J Structures now on the property '.c;"Alt::U rAfYlJ.i.V' I-/OVSE ,Propo}ed,use' of'l'l'Opertyr /~ ~indePtiill C/ .tomerCla1, C/ llldu.tdil" C/ Publlc' Aff1 daV1 t I, 13 E: A. T H. COR.. II! I~!c. , hereby cert1 fy tha t thl5 I nformat1 on 1 s true' and accurate {j'lene Pfintl If th15 appllcatlon 15 for an agrlcultural bUlldlng It wlll be used for purposes allowed by the State BUlldlng Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zonlng) and for no other purpose I have the followlng legal lnterest In the property owner of record, contract purchaser. lessee, holder of an excluslVe optlon to p.uFchase. . )( duly authorIZed to act for the owner, who 15 knowledgeable of thl5 ")Y'11catlOn ,li:z.. 'is /V/AyA~JJ S,gnature/Addres'i..-I.3e R""f e.,(!)f?N )~I.... DbA ['VJ/,$T~M L-1?N.if/l.v~lItM E;t.J(;tCJ4 (Z10) Q7JfOS - ~ ~one l-/Qc;~O{' Jf:.z. Dr Date. When permit 15 ready notify C/ APPI',~ant C/ Owner j)fl Contractor i/~S1'-';;' ,/,</1'11.. Fi?t.J:) Owner ..J)~N ";1,<, .a, '(U.,J,..I5P.PS WI; /'..T{.~ A~~ J.7U::A U;I--(ZlD)Cj71f7" Phone 71-1.1- 7'6-;. 7 c"l'ractor J:.L'.l.r~,e.A"" C /IN,~rl!..t/c.iJn;; /'........ (/d1r; J.l1J.,/Aib'P) 'q 7'1oS Phone #J1C -/)t'11 - Co' 'ractor' s OSR# 9. {." () n, PI umb1 ng by J -I A , . " I r \ . , - . DU NUT WRITE BELUW THIS LINE ~~ 1~1A1! ~:s~:::::;al H :/~:;::~ # of employees :h~;<lI~~,:::, B~ # I ~<c/"tfd-~~Jri,r SI test holes ready L/ Proposed, SI # ' rJ' r ~?)~trfD /Ass,in&d Numbers Fee Sq, Ft. 0" tmit Code nesCl-loUon' of Site. Cas.t ~~/:f.~~~a/ I;d...V~c./~~-vY- ?IS!:@:;) ~~ ~ -" ,'17 u- ,'1' -' r1- S / $ \.:.~_;'.~~-,;!6-!'!~. /~ ~~~.k.:,( ///~~_./(/.b</ $ Total Valuation $ $ :Pl_inllJlx.tuN$ at $ each $ $ewer/wate.. conn, at .$ each $ Subtotal $ $ $ $ Valuatlon j Fee ---- ~l(#.LWS . , ~celVed by~~4 Water Supply /1; ~ Proposed -- ~x'st'ng _ Year Installed U 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy TOTAL $ PERMIT PROCESSING M,nlmum setbacks - zon~__:;/-, ,Part # <1., fro~' ..y, ~ <1., Slde Parcel # . lnt Parcel Size I~~~ .< .rear~.~ . ,.-~/ . By (H ~ Date ~ <./- CP&I Type ~^) Group R-~ Flre Zone:;; ~se ClasSlf1cat10n~I~/~ MAl-h~ To be typed on permit -MrtJ1MAJ/M t=1n-1MdOOdV\. ~O~lJnhtlYl.)e;.( ,1'((1..15, ,-,) ~ ~ . , MMIA"'*"M0lI\f' Ptlf!\UI!?PIVI(:)AAT . - , . L/ Comments To be typed on permlt By ~c \ ,'Mn(2JlJ,:> Date fI,-2fc-<;D For plans 'nformatlOn~r1'n'?1tor) ---- _./ ":1 ,L".. " . .plJ.Ppt1' ~ . ,,/ DJit10ns to Slte.lf ///. /j. '/'rf'~ .;!45 ~U, ~..4"'A"'L7""~ - ~ ~~ ,.ff,," A T~ _J-S ,jI- ,Z4t-L/f:~~ /t.l~R?r'/U-~?7~~:;r:~ ~:,,~;L/' ~ 1/ SIFO Plans to CP&I _ setls) DaW" Hold SllP Date Date to ) -=-./'" WPC _ set(s) ReqUired to PCC Completed PCC I';! CP~ ;p4c C/ Plannlng C/ Pub I Ie Works / C/ ElevatlOn ~ C/ Address () FaClllty Permlt /~/ Envlronmental Health C74-171 " \ , 1 Slte InspectlOn . 2. ' Foundatlon Inspectlon " - 3 ,Framlng Inspectlon 4, Lath or Sheetrock InspectlOl1 5, Flnal InspectlOn , ' .6. Slab Floor, Plumblng Groundwork... 7. . Gas Pl pl ng ,Groundwork 8. ,Rough Plumblng . 9 Rough Gas Plplng 10 Flnal Plumblng 11. -Flnal Gas Plplng: Remarks ~~f , , , " , , 12, Certlflcat~'of ~~cupancy ____ ready to lssue, . ~ " ~ . ...... , " not ready, INSPECTION RECORD , . A , \ Approved. Dlsapproved . , ~ '. " '. " , , , -~-_.- '. date, . ,Date , " " , Inspector < ',' lnspector , . ~ r o n :to> --i ~ o :z ; \ ~ " -0 I'T1 ;;0 3: ~ --i "'" , .,., , ,. To .- Date > > _ of phone l , . . ,.,I K~/ 0., -/~./ (/'<9'c:;i tf '-""' .? T,me 7' ~ . WHILE YOU WE~E OUT c2 \ f 6-~ .IiVt/ (? A/l~ <(b - 01/.-1.-~~CeTY~ V.-P'C-/Jc' V~ v TEL.EPHONED PL.EASE CALL. '-- CAME IN L YIL.L.CALL.BACK RETURNED YOUR CALL RUSH ~ Message .J-Ip ?T:I':/-/'l~.-L.-fl ~~ &/ +.f; r:u<~ ~,,~ YK----' 7'-A,? ,..g;n'/~./ <'-'7-z.,,--=_~<---- -'" MfL,?-u--d~ t'l' /L-.-f -..-/'-'Z._ ~ ~~e~ " --'; fl- --(P'P..&'-<.~.e- /Z.e:t.-.eY . ft"hW, _ /Y M6<-o ~ 0 j c'-l'dt' C<:'--?<'-"-'1-"'-"",1"~.:.,...---,,/_ (/ P' ~) /" ...... . .' I. .< . ... l .. . . .. .. " . . . ......... L . ,! , LANE COUNTY PERMIT FOR ) '-16 " PERMIT NO 496-76 )~ CONSTRUCTION IX] MOBILE HOME I] PLAN REVIEW I] CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY I ] DOwner Dennis Warthenbee NAME Same NAME 2742 Locus. Strppt ADDRESS CITY Snri~ofip1 dOrAoon ZIP CODE - PH9NE o Contractor ADO R ESS CITY ZIP CODE PHONE OS Reg # NA Twp 17 FilGrove Subd'VISlon Range 03 Section 'l4, '/. , 6 Tax Lot Lot Block 1"00 1 Codp Census Tract Acreagp Width Access to Property (Road Name) U:aurlbn R....cAt'I~ +,." \I.....,."."..."...... - -.,1- Depth Ex'stlng Structures on Property n..tol' "I'll"" - " Drrect,ons to Property Address ?7/1.? I n,..J1r+ ~~"'~~~ STRUCTURE 1# BEDROOMS) ArI,~;+inn 1 nOhl Aol"4v-nnm %inA Aa+h ~nl~~in~ ~v;Q~inn no~~nnm . y y SO FT 46R @ 16,10 VALUATION ~71;<4 Rn - xPp_ 4~..G---z~ -",~./ 1d....3 SEWAGE DISPOSAL I PLUMBING INSTALLED BY PUBLIC [J SEPTIC TANK [J OTHER [ ] Exist OWNER [] OTHER [] NAM" BUILDINr. 11..-:1 nn WATER SUPPLY PROPOSED [ ] PLUMBING Q nn EXISTING [ ] 3% SURCHARG" , <;Q [ ] PUB L1C MOBILE HOMF [ ] COMMUNITY NAME WASTE DISPOSA' [ ] PRIVATE WELL PLAN REVIEW [ ] OTHER SPECI FY TOTAL &;Ll &;Q CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS MIN SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY GALS MIN DRAINFIELD nK R;n:'l3r1 nn thQ n1n+ n1 ":tIn C'lIhrn4++.arl M^.... l"\~....... ^.(l ...t...... _................. _.1.':-._ ..._ L_ .J.LL.I_ 101 nf i-hDo t:ivic::+inn C:~"'f::li~Q ~"~::-,~C!'~1 ~~'~":::"'" ,.-- - - - --. -- --..-.. ...~ ....... 101 vII III L1N FT MAX TR ENCH DEPTH INCHES TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION ".. GROUP T FIRE ZONE STAY 100' FROM ALL WELLS USE CLASSIF SETBACKS FT FROM CTR OF r/W FRONT 4n I SIDE EXT FT FROM PROP LINE SIDE INj" r: REAR r ZON" Am- D~ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES /s/ J. E _ Rn~<:. hv H"rh'lIIoh ISSUANCE DATE M,..I!:rou ~nl1" C"'~\lI,.,=>n';..........4..._ .,J ?Q/76 -., - ~ -.,I' -- - ..., rl1m BLOG PERMIT ~ WHITE OFFICE COPY - WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBING - CANARY BUILDING - GREEN SANITATION ~ GOLDENROD IMPORTANT Call 6874065 to schedule all required constructIOn Inspections Call 6874061 to schedule all reqUired septiC system Inspections All construction shall comply with the State BUldllng Code 0 E Q standards for subsurface sewage disposal and the State Plumbing Code All bUildings require a certificate of occupancy before being occupied (See Details on Reverse Side) If}/))(/ ) (POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG AT SITE) C5513 LANE COUNTY DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX 135 EAST 6th EUGENE OREGON 97401 , \ 1 ~ ,'" ; 0 .' 0 SUPP:~E'NT NO I.;l. '3 BUILDING PERMIT /~J )7,: - :/(/ OW'~ER W.u--~ h ~~?V~ &.! qd~~.9.-1 ,.0;:;'/&1 7~';--:, /'/._/ address phone ' CONTRACTOR -~~ address a/rav-l._ _ I '1/ReVlSed (o1!;l?lIo) Prlor (75-3Y-5i) []addltTOn ~ ]'correct TOn , PROPERTY ADDRESS (BUlldlng Valuatlon) i.,/;(:"'p dJlP.&vn-4 / 1,,-1 //0 II .1' (;II 0 Bldg 3b.OO Waste Pl umb Y ('I 0 Plan R, 3%sur, J, 1 ~-- tp/ t:J 0 0,0(:) JJ~~ ~ ~, i . - > ' phone []amt due [11J.refund (j'; () C , ~, t c-- i TOTAL <l./b.~I.S-amt pald .s-V,S]'amt. due V,,"'c.' Slgnature of Appllcant /tZ"".rd'.h /;'1'" LI j,/..,I,.{;~oDate /.f.;(Y..'3/;t;'- ,.~ "'to. ~ -, - Fee RecelVed By Q-f'.A:.'t--___ Date<0f)~~~.:[]cash []check LANE COUNTY DEPAR~MENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT C74-119 ,. 1: j, .a DE;:AR's-rtj,..t~'T ; D~ 'TSIO:'':-;'T Fu..D #08 #24 #24 o $8.21! BLDG. R,CPT. 1/33632 ACcQ960 1~6 PGM 021 ,. - ~ ~ . .. REFUND o F FEE THE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT O~ ENVIRONMENTAL O~ ~EE TO'. MGT. 'HAVING REQUESTED REfUND I 'i I I r, I){) DENNIS WARTENBEE NAME O~ 27h2 LOCUST ST" aPRING~IELD, OR ADDRESS 9.7477 ApPLICATION ~OR BUILDING PERMIT DENIED, AND NO APPEAL 0; SUCH DENIAL HAVING BEEN MADE. ApPLICATION ~OR BUILD'NG PERMIT CANCELED. ~ APPLICATION ~OR BUILDING PERMIT, OVERPAYMENT. ZONING PETITION. APPLICATION ~OR RESTAURANT LICENSE. ApPLICATION-~OR CERTI~ICATE O~ SANITATION. APPLICATION ~OR PRELIMINARY SITE INS~ECTION. ~- FOR THE ;OLLOWING REASON: TOOK O~~ 104 SQUARE ~EET O~~ HIS PLANS. AND THE APPLICANT DESIRING THAT THE ~EE BE RE~UNDEO, THE DIRECT~R ~~ FINANCE AND AUDIT'NG ,S REQUESTED TO RE~UND THE AMOUNT O~ $ 8.24 ,(UNDER A~PLICAT'ON SUPP. 123 NUMBER 496-76 IN THE CASE O~ APPLICATION ~OR BUILDING PERMIT), WHICH IS THE ~EE CHARGED, DATE APRIL 27, 1976 () r? /~ t/?-.E. BOSS, DIRECTOR CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTION ~IVIS'O~ LANE COUNTY ENV I RON~lENTA L 1t4NAGEt~E 'T DCPA"n~CIH JH 55-029-12 '- \ Mc.JG fJ/T-.L7 ' 03 SZ.~IrAX LOT ~ L ( r \ SUBD I V I S I ON: BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION NO. 4-~1, -be.... LOT: ~ BLOCK: J . BU1LDINa SITE EVALUATION .It'( () SITE INSPECTION PLANNING DIVISION Not I ApD 1 i cab 1 ~ Zoning Ordinance Compliance: zone~( ) Subdivision OrdInance ComplIance 1(21.\ ( ) Requ i red Access L. : () BUilding Site (Area, Width, Fronta~e)~!IJlq) Other (see comments) "f~~ ( ) " 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. COMMENTS: APPL J CANT DATE No Y!;ls () TJr 6. ( ) (I) ( ) ( ) I-~('t,),;:jl~~ I,,,if t~')'" 1 I PLANNING DIVISION ACTION PENDING: YESt ) I I NOt ) APPLICATION# BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION Not ADDI icable ( ) (") ( ) ( ) \ 7. Plans Submitted 8. Soil Stability (footings) 9. Flood Plain 10. Other (see comments) COMMENTS: WATER POLUTION CONTROL Not ADD 1 i cab 1 e ( J,..---- ( ) 11. Meets Department of Environmental Quality Standards. 12. Other (see comments) COMMENTS: TO APPLICANT: ..-;1, ( ) d ( ) ( ) No vrS () () ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) No Yes () TI ( ) ( ) CK 'o....s-Y-JP~-Z'2:-:ZI- Set&.rcks fi'om cll of 4~ 1 Front -:JI<..e C^...;.'..~.:.-.;. Setbacks from Side Rear interior ~~s: ('eJ - CK'D BY!? If. ;:]-2 L/-J(; DATE CK'D BY: 9\)M~3.-24--:Jb V~ ulld.ng I Site Inspection: Can be approved. Cannot be approved at th,s tIme as indicated on item NO. above. Questions and further .nformatlon on Items 1 through 6 contact the LANE- COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION. Questions and further Information on items 7 through 12 contact the LANE COUNTY BUILDING AND SANITATION DIVISION. Will be held .n this offIce until you can resolve the problems indicated. Is being returned. Your buildIng I?ermlt aeplicatL!?!l fee is beinq r~t\l.l::ned under seoarate cover. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MAN~~t~t~1 135 SIxth Avenue East Eugene Oregon 97401 PHONE: 687-4065 LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION PHONE: 687-4186 C55-2B , ..~ ~.... ~ LANE COUN_~X, PERMIT FOR "C''' <- '';::: PERMIT NO '-J."':..)c',,,:; CONSTRUCTION [It] MOBILE HOME [] PLAN REVIEW [] CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ ] DOwner C:;im1 G t!:li'\:\l.:);)tKJo NAME o Contractor Sc:J NAME OS Reg # f~ Twn H r11C?@VO Subd,vls,on on Section 24 Range Lot 6 ,Access to Property (R oad Name) Ex'stlng Structures on Property Directions to Property, Address STRUCTURE 1# BEDROOMS) , I' l'<1r\~\!k, 1 (''leI 1''''<1;;''''''' nor1 1'1,,~1-> Fr'\n[11i'(1i1rY1 r.r'i1r.(>~r''' nM".,.,."., SEWAGE DISPOSAL PUBLIC [] SEPTIC TANK [] OTHER [ 1 BUILDING (,iLli':) PLUMB IN'" ().l1.fl 3% SURCHARGF ~ _110 MOBILE HOMF WASTE DISPOSA' PLAN REVIEW TOTAL C-'3..[]<) ?7132 lOCtJD(; :3(;m()~ ADDRESS CITY ADD RESS CITY r,n~ina91~1 (n~r,~J ZIP CODE PHONE ZIP CODE PHONE Tax Lot Code Census Tract W,dth Depth '0 VALUATION S71{_/Lr;'"' Bloc[.- 1 Acreago -, t4rH;....~.....,., ri~('pr, \'lr"'J '1'1r"-- "'1""1('> rll-,Hilnfl )'j{J') I ,,'",1<1\, ~(>"',"" \'sa FT ~~e J lG.1l0 , C::1'3\: PLUMBING INSTALLED BY OWNER r 1 OTHFR I] NAMF WATER SUPPLY PROPOSED [ I EXISTING [J [ ] PUBLIC [ ] COMMUNITY NAME I ] PRIVATE WELL I ] OTHER SPECIFY CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS MIN SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY GALS MIN DRAINFIELD m( ':"h;i:l Gl \',"':J filO\: '"l1l[}[J '1Mm\1t'i'd llG' 0\ cr~J C!l~D\,\1D!l f"T,flO Di/<\r.i'l1l1n TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION [\f\ GROUP SETBACKS FT FROM CTR OF r/W FRONT Il~' SIDE EXT AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES /s/ 00 Eo COQ5 bV NOI"~n:.:qll SLDG PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY - WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBING - CANARY BUILDING - GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD IMPORTANT L1N FT "'0"";'\ S'l'i~/' 1 MAX TRENCH DEPTH INCHES 'Yl~ rW' Ooh,) ~'C1'~c-:.-r.,,,,.jt)""" <-1'1 r..""l n~^~.11'""1 ~ FIRE ZONE STAY 100' FROM ALL WELLS USE CLASSIF FT FROM PROP LINE SIDE IN, " REAR . ilm '\ ZONE ISSUANCE DATE ~^;I~I'\\f fur (1r.w/rwl1"'n,.,.1,'o ''II ?P/70 cl]r.; Call 687 4065 to schedule all required constructIOn inspections Call 687 4061 to schedule all reqUired septic system Inspections All constructIOn shall comply With the State BUldling Code DE Q standards lor subsurface sewage disposal and the State Plumbing Code All bUildings require a certificate of occupancy before being occupied (POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN SLOG AT SITE) (See Details on Reverse Side) C5513 LANE COUNTY DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX 135 EAST 6th EUGENE OREGON 97401 "l (fJ);i (, " SLAB FLOOR PLUMBING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED ;---? OlSAPPROVED ;---? DATE REMARKS GAS PIPING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED ;---? DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR INSPECTOR ROUGH PLUMBING ApPROVEO !S;;::J DISAPPROVED ;---? DATEA!-/.t:./-7( INSPECT6~::'~~~ REMARKS ROUGH GAS PIPING ApPROVED Cl DISAPPROVED Cl DATE REMARKS FINAL PLUMBING ApPROVED lJ21 D'SAPPROVED Cl DATE r-J;;/-9~ REMARKS FINAL GAS PIPING ApPROVED Cl DISAPPROVED ;---? DATE REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE Cl NOT READY TO ISSUE ;---? DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR I NSPECT~-;:--~::--'?rUfi) INSPECTOR INSPECTOR . tOL~NE COUNTY PERMIT FOR: o PERMIT NO. 1\('''_'''') "...,C)< k.... ~ :~ >~ " . . ~. .;. CONSTRUCTION rr.] MOBILE HOME [ ] DOwner iJcr..ni G liiarthnnbee NAME St:'..;:l NAME PLAN REVIEW [ ] CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ ] SOf'~(l(Jf101 <::1\':!'1/:,; Z'P COOE PHONE - 2742 LOCUDt'5trce~ ADDRESS CITY. b Contractor AOO R ESS CITY ZIP CODE PHONE O,S. Reg, # Twn 1;;' c:rl Crave Subdivision WJ, I. ' Range OJ ~c Section .:;" Tax Lot Code Census Tract Lot {i Block 1 " Acreago Width < i fl'lvrlem lJrir!M' ~ V1"",tr.'In~ Depth , \ Access to Property (Road Name)' , .' .';:" , . . .....J. '" _' '"....) " Existing Structures on,Proj:J,kty: " \\ -\j ',./l!?f>ll'il'1O. " ;. \~ , , \ \ Directions to Property - Address: ?7l1-2 lnell!li'! Sftt>a:l'Zt STRUCTURE (# BEDROOMS) '_..'..'.,;..., 0 ~~IA "_A",rQ~ 'I ,,'.1. . J.. . ,.. II ~j':J' "J [~_h ~6 !~, nfll~ r~'1~,~I"'-''':1ci FJl.1fl<lhIIJ [Jr>111"G')."1 SQ. FT, 4$8 0 16.10 VALUATION "",!;^n ," i)1",~4t..~,", fl..'lth ~ - ~~... \ . l- '''.i...-..\ ~".... \.'" ~\_\ ," .\ . ";"';."'1 s~,,,, "'rLUMBING"INSTAttED BY: " .f'\....- b,~t.o '~ ... OTHER N, ~ ,'" .:...", O,III'NER.r~l.. O;r,HER [ ] ....NAM" ---.N."o:::::.)~ '\ '-\ ,- -..l.........~.....,-- l'~' WATER SUPPLY: PROPOSED [ ] EXISTING [J [ ] PUBLIC [ ] COMMUNITY, NAME: [ ] PRIVATE WELL [ ] OTHER. SPECIFY: _1'1 BUILDIN(; PLUMBING 3% SURCHARG" MOBILE HOMF WASTE DISPOSAL . PLAN REVIEW \.. ," SEWAGE DI~POSAL:c, '; PUBLIC!] SEP;rICTANK[] \'\_........ 'l1iUJ:'1 !:I,GJ 1.fi!! r~ , ---.. TOTAL GG..:;9 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS MIN, SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY: GALS MIN, DRAINFIELD L1N. FT, . MAX, TRENCH DEPTH INCHES lJ:, !:JG:!d eJ! tho !J~Ol: ~h.fl $U~f11tted ..,. .' j~or- MII'f: of tlU1 c."!'I!!1t.~~dion llH N,' djl:h'l!"\ !C' :W CI!": Cl~~Sl:1L'ln 5C-.:Bfi1il DtsOOSfl~ Sysm"J TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION au GROUP I FIRE ZONE STAY 100' FROM ALL WELLS USE CLASSIF, SETBACKS 4,,1;, FROM CTR, OF ,/W: ,FRONT t, SIDE EXT, FT, FROM PROP, LINE: SIDE IN';', ij REAR ~i ZONF 1\:':1' ", J..::; AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES: /s/ J. E. il~o by Marbatlsh ISSUANCE DATE: [.icttny -VOl' tl"n.1J/S<lll1(;llrian 'JI ?.0/76 cL BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY - WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBING - CANARY BUILDING - GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD .... -,. Call 687-4065 to schedul~ all requ~i~d const~uc~iioninspeclions, Call 687c4061 to schedule all required IMPO' RTANT: septic system inspections. AII'construction shall comply,with the State Buidling Code, D.E.C. standards for subsurface sewage disposal and the Slale Plumbing Code, All buildings require a certificate of: "" # occupancy before being occupied., '. :.. - . . \' \ . ..' \ \. '-..... , \ . \' ''\. \, ,.... ..... 4', ',,:.' I' .)~ (See~Details on Reverse Side) ).. -,' .. \-. _'~- .. -."1 J .. . '\'" '\ . . _ - ~ \ . (POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG, AT SITE) /'.., /'/ ( ., . ~. C55.13 LANE COUNTY, DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EAST 6th, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SITE I NSPECTI ON ApPROVED Cl DISAPPROVED Cl DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FOUNDATION INSPECTION ApPROVED L-./ D'SAPPRO~ L-./, DAT~I _ . r: ~, ./ 1..-7 REMARKS rfJ ff L(.I.../._ ttdl-'::";../.''::'-Y> tft--c.?tt-f" / I , INSPECTOR ~I JI'J~ ---1" ?C?< d1/ I FRAMING INSPECTION ApPROVED ! ! D~,5APPROVED~17 DATE INSPECTOR /J REM~J<S~ ~-<iiP~-t'..e~ ~ ,J'~, ~tkCL<<.dl -/UUL.~~C;-~~ (JJ ~.J1L.A/ _P._....... 9~1';?l.v'i?1 / _. ~ '/. j7. / I / ~" (~~/U'7t. .-?ft.t!PJi ~ q. - /0 -/ t."It~~ c.::!,. I,' LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION ApPROVED I I D'SAPPROVED ;----y DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS ApPROVED - , - FINAL INSPECTION {; -- /If "Ie REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE 17 NOT READY TO ISSUE / / DATE INSPECTOR REMARK 5 >_ II // //r/m., .//; (/ f '- Vb' vrj1 Y 1 A....... '1qt.~7b rj{~n/l-et .~71/.2 ~~ ~ OWNER DEM i-.Ils' Name c:::=J ______ PERMIT fI .y /~?, WILL BE ISSUED UNTIL THIS KPPL~S BEEN APPROVED APPLICATION FOR ~ MOBILE HOME c=J PLAN REVIEW c=J CHM,GE OF OC~ _I :-:::=-1 """"'.7 -K,,-7"62.....J./ S?~jr-l~'RELc><j 7+77 Zip Phone , \..\.J"~'T'f=lJ P,E/- l74--2 Address CONTRACTOR gy C<-...J\,J.('=l?_ "Name Address OS REG II Twp (7 Range 03 See tion Fi '- & R. oJ \) .il.- :7,/ Lot C, Tax Lot Loc:::.o,>T sT. CJ.ty Cl.ty Phone Code W2dthl!lO Depth 1/ () ~ L-o UJ'i'1 fa r 0 f f ice Use OnI yXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJ<.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXAXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy,nr1nry ,r,. yyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sq Ft 1 0' ,. (0 If Bedrooms Valuation t./J~f? 7S- J Y. ro / . I Below Mf}~./~~i-~ ..e-...-~-' . ~ ~~-' r-->, ~ if ' , PLUMBING J Installed by Owner c:::=J PLUMBING FEES / _ ~ / if of FJ.xtures ! / ,----, CASH L-../,I - ~K I 'I tj Min Septic Tank Capacity ~ I Drainfield Required - Ll.neal Feet Maximum Depth eI: &~r( flY- -f.J%!- \PI "'-- '.;" (},.....:-I-J-,j, YL" f"-1r 'b--2l.P" \ ""'i^~ /, - '" ~ ) ~_"J,--ii.JAJ 10/13 .e..-x-,-',f...'?J' :;...-n." Type of Construction J'J ~ Group I FHe Zone SEWAGE DISPOSAL Site Inspection II WATER SUPPLY Well Spn.ng FEES '-1'1, t? 0\ 9', 00 ~ / h ~"'t. Bldg Plumbing 3 % Surcharge Waste Disp Plan Rev~ew Mobile Home TOTAL J ~,<J9' , I Ex~st~ng Sewage D~sp6sal System " Public c=J Other co~un~ty ~ " ;' j Bldg set~~- from Center o~ R~ght Of~W~y Front Side Int -.:i-~...~ .........'-LJ.."'.. \ PIA!,~ DATE I \~..A 'S.-z.z-.7(_ ~ )- C:' 12 . - LANE J j GZ:l or New System Required c====J Name of Community or Public System o.~, J'f/'JJ, // Other c=J Name (v~ V Sewage Connection Water Connect~on PLANS FURNISHED FACILITY PERMIT ~ YES c=J NO /l c=J YES, ~~ S~gnature of Applicant If/~J I));, ~ ,- Fee Received By }1/AJo_________ Date ~ -~ -)~ ""'" Use Classif~cat~on Rear S Zone NiT ( /!.A.) SANITATION DATE d 112 JlUll.!n~G pi ijfiTE ,~ 1Yict::(j /J1},"';t- "(-)4..71, 'MJ ~(!::r,~...;1 I/-/!." COUNTY DEPAR~ENT16F -ENV;RONMENr{L MANAGEMENT /