HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-6-30 -- r' RURAL ADDRESSING.a IIj b-{Q 0 a" ,} IjtJ CHECKED JUN 1 9 ... jj, I f'yl:1 t1 '1 . . FOR OFFICE USE ONLY L.~.,CO, unty A~ t rlZatlOn for' '9 ~ eh APP1~cat~on/l /l , 0'(7/::::.5 yj,g;-- , -:27 L:?Z77 r-:::: Perm1 t # ,(/-- roW,"HIP /7 I RANGEC. -? I SE>?~ ;21 TA./, 7 o~_',~~ I PROPOSEO USE OF PROPERTY ---...-J ~0 r /,. ~~ 1::'/ ~esldentlal D Industr.lal SJBDll~(lW1 t8P!1xJ,;) LtTY"nrmri.) I ror/Tim B::; I Thorrunerml 0 Pub he :J?7:J'7 ~v1/?/? 4c/;?V"c- CI~Y9~-6/~C%? ~?? -~ URES CURRENTLY ON PROPERTY - / ./ ?L.777I)2-. <: /) \' C~ONS TO ::;I'l't: .' - ~~ ~ )" 7~eC/ //? ./7;7;--~ ~-:-/;7' ~,- //~,--S3 ,~ 5~./Cr ~ ~~/7 ~ ~~~~.7~~~ ~~0/?-Y~/Z-r??/P~ ~~ ~~~I DECLARED' VALUE "/YM~ i#~~ r#D/~d 'mER'UPP~//6aU/~~~~~~~ o ~~ 7- N~E AND ADDRESS' / Y . /./ . /' " ,-- y ~ ~..-? _ TELEPHONE rroMBER /~?~71 '-..L/c//2?/J2:L ~~C/r?f-~//~~~/ C~~?~ ~~~C- ' ~~~ "~;;.;~ 'N~r'?ESS~y/ T~~)i . I HAVE CAREFULLY EXl\MINED THE COMPLBTED APPL~CATI fOR PERMIT dlld dn~h...r"')y c:el:t.1-fy "that all lnfonnatlon hereon ~s true and correct, and that I have the follow~ng legal lnterest ~n the propert owner'" of recold 0 (..CJlltrdt ~ pllrchaser Dduthorlzed agent I f_rther certlfy that any and all work per forme shdl be done ~n d.l.C01U<.llrl \11th tl~ Ord~[]anctO.s of Lane County and the Laws of the State of Oregon perta~nl.ng to the work descr~bed herel.n, and that NO OCCUPANCY w~ll h.... FaC"'e o[ ar) srnJ{~ture wlthout the pcrmlss~on of the BUlldlng D~v~s~on I fur- ther cert~fy t t reglstrat~on w~th the Bu~lder's Board ~s In full force dnd effect IS l:.'"equlred by ORS 701 055 that If exempt the bas~s for exemptlon ~s note her ,and that only subcon a~tors. e loyees who are J.n compllanCQ w~ th ORS 701 055 101111 he used on thlS proJect I HAVE READ AND CHECKE TH APPLICATION THOROUGHLY _ _ ~ '~ -- 2---=-' c/?/g -1 \. -) ~ / C_-<"/L .~ ?;7~ ~ /J1 ~ ;-?~ }/I/" --- _?~.- .-<': NMe (please pnrK) '-f.- SICNm'URE" ~ ~ ~ /DATE / J /. READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY YOUR AUTHORIZATION 4AS zoneA6Tw)RA ""~~~~tlon # BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS! - , Parcel s~ze~ ~ lW' COM.\ENTS-1/tY' h I eL, front 56' 17 (i J\jJ r, 'r-~ Parcel # .c()' 5' 7' CL slde_ ~-- J lnterlor rear ar1:z.""O ,},.tl<.M,d&...iJr -tb..,s hlrla. /) 01::/ '{';-/9- ~ ~ [] PLANNING/ZONING Mln~mum Setbacks ~ANITATION S I # B P # Installat1an Record Issued? 0 Yes 0 No Installatlon Gallon L~neal Feet M.ax~murn Depth SpeCl.flcatlons Tank uf PrdLT f.leld of Trenches COMBENTS ~ ~ ~ ~'71' 10+ ~ ,d( ~i f6j .0~ ' c:i~, ~Ph~Vcib~/l~'_"~',..J ~ Date t:--2-7-~G ., ~ ~ PLANS EXAMINATION Type J - FR Group h - I u,. ~RAGE. COMNENTS -DLL /=OR f~i;-rou/~r=:,...., ,JJr-n:L-lIojJ". Date ~-]'o-ec.:. --f6fP. n J 7>1rc-~ ~ ~St='-6'<O PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE (oer ORS 456 805(1)) DATF LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 667,4061, 125 EAST 6TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 Ql<'R 'RRUl<'"RQ'J<' H'()R T1\l.C:PFI''T'T()N TN"F"()RMn.rrT()N ""11. ....1: DCA . " \ , SETB"O.S A"JD OTIlER CO'DITIO\S OF APPROVAL 'lUST BE STRICTL) OBSERVED VIOLATION C,>,." RESULT 1" "-EVD- C,,-IO'< Of 'i'lllS [,E!\'l!T CITATIO I U'JD.sR PRQVISIO'lS Or L,,';E COL'.TY ::; Po/FRACTION ORDI\,,.,'.CE ,\/'.D/oR OTHER RE~EOIES ~LLO~ED B\ LAW \\HEN READY FOR nu'J kt;QL.I:.S-,'~ of ~nspectlon !\,SPCCTION 'u~T ilL; GlVE'. when l.t 101111 CALI.. 687-4065 A 'lH.I'llJ 1 OF AT LE"ST 24 HOURS ADVAl CE 'lOTICE FOR INSPEC- ~ave Lhe tollowlng lnforMatlon ready permlt number Job address type be ready your n~me a~d pho~c nUMber, and any speclal CirectiOnS to slte 'BUILDING Dlvr'"Sror. ...., ,- " '- " " REQUIRED I\SPEC~IO"JS 1 Founda tlC"'} Inspect1.0n To be made after trenches are ) j;aterldls for t'l<;. toun~atlon are dell.vcred on the Job plant (commonly termed translt m1.xed') lS to be used , "- excavated ;nd forms erected and when all \Ihere concrete fro'n a ce'ltral mlxlng naterlals need not be on the Job Concrete Slab or Under-~loor Inspectlon TO be made after all In-slab or under-floor bUlldlng serVlce equlp'nent CO'1~Ult plplng accessorles and other anClllary equlpment ltems are In place but betore any concrete lS poured or floor shea~lng lnstalled, lncludlng the~subfloor Framlnq & Insulatlon Inspectlons TO be made after the roof all framlng flre blocklng and bracln~'are l~_pLaCe a'ld all plpes flreplaces ch,mneys and vents are complete and all rough electrlcal and plumblng are approved All~wall lnsulatlon and vapor barrler are In place ,- Lath and/or Gvpsum Boara Inspectlon To be made aIter all lath,ng and gyps~m board, nterlor ....~ ~e~rIOr, lS l"l---pIiiCe out beIore any plasterlng~ls'applled an,? betore gypsum board JOlnts and fasteners are taped and flnlshed , ~To be.made after the >bulldlng lS conplete and before occu~ancy ~ ... , -..- APPROVAL REQuIRED ~o work shall be done on any part of t~e bUlld1ng or ~tructure beyond the pOlnt lndlcated In each succeSSlve ~nspectlon wlthout flrst obtalnlng the a~proval of tre bUlldlng off~Clal Such approval shall b& glven only after an ,nspectlor shall have'been made of eac~ successlve step In the construct,on as 1nd1cated by each of the lnspectlons requlred NOTE All bUlldlng oermlts requlre lnspectlons for the work author1zed A Block ~all TO be ma~e aIter re,nforClng lS In place b~~pefore ~nspectlOn lS requlred Ior each bond beam pour There wlll be no ~nd electrlcal lnspect10ns have been made and approved Wood ~ To be made after complet,on of masonrv (If appllCable) an~when lnstallatlon lS complete Installatlon shall be In accordance wltn an approvec nat10nally recognlzed testlng agency and the manufacturer's ,nstallatlon lnstruct,ons Moblle Home An lnspectlon 15 reqUlred after t~e rnob1le home ,s connected to an approved sewer-Or-sept1C system for setback reqU1rements, olock,ng footlng connectlon tledowns, sklrt1ng, and plumblng connectlons 1 Footlngs and plers to comply wlth State foundatlon requlrernents for moblle homes or as recommended by t~e manufacturer - '5 - Flnal Inspectlon , ...... .... such as but no~ llmlted to , , any grout 's poured ThlS approval untll the plumblnq B c o ~oblle home mlnlmum flnlsh floor elevatlon shall be certlfled when requlred by a f100d- olaln management letter ~oblle home tledowns when reqUlred ana sklrtlng shall be lnstalled and ready for lnspec- tlon wlthln at least 30 days aIter occupancy Tledowns and sh,rtlng shall be lnstalled per enclosure SWlmffilng Pool Below grade when steel lS In place and before concrete lS poured when pool-rs-lnstalled , Above grade J , ' APPROVED PLA'lS ~UST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT-ALL TIMES DURING I'.ORKING HOURS THIS PEIU-IIT WILL EXPIRE lIF ~ORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 180 DAYS OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN 180 DAYS ~~~~~;~~N OR REVOCATIOt._I1AY OCCUR IF THIS PEPJ>\IT WAJ ISSUED 0.. THE BlI,SIS OF INCOM~LETE OR ERRONEOUS ANYONE PROCEEDIt'-G PAST THE POIlJT or REQUIRED I'lSPECTIO'lSIWILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK \ =- SUBSURFACE A;D lI,LTER~ATIVE SEhAG= DISPOSAL SYSTEMS " Permlts shall be effectlve for one year from the cate of lssuance Upon completlng the constructlon for WhlCh a permlt has been lssued the perm,t holder shall notlfy the Lane County Department of Plannlng and Communlty Development by supmlttlng the lnstallatlon recon' form The Department shall lnspect the constructlon to dcterm,ne If It compIles wlth the rules contalncd 1n thlS dlv,slon If the constructlon docs comply wlth such rules the Department shall lSSUC a certlflcate of satlsfactory complctlon to the pcrm,t, ~older If the construct,on docs not comply wlth such rules, the DcpartJ'nent shall notlfy the permlt holder and shall requ,re satlsfactory campletlon before lssu,ng the cert1flcate Fallure to meet the rcqulrements far satlsfactorycomplet,on wlthln a reasonable tlme const,tutes a V10- latlon of ORS 454 605 to 454 715 anu t~lS rule Setba~ks.- Subsurface Sewage D,sposal( Septlc "'an\" - I ~ Driunfleld , ' F""on Intcr,or propert; Ilncs Edge 0 r01d r,qht-of-wdy ,hlllolnq foundation ~ells other ~ater sources " 10 10' 10' lOa' 10' 10 5' 50 ~ -' , , . "' \ , I ,- , , , - 1\" " -.,," .' ! r , , r ~ ! l~ lJ , fl' f> 1i! W: 2 LANE CQUNTY DEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT . 190386 DATE 06198, APPLICANT'DEPONZI, HELEN ADDR 2189 LAMOND AVE., SPRINGFIELD, OREGON .' "1 TI...~I' 170321,,;1204400, SUE'))I V LOT D I... 1< I., NE!;.J I:IL.DG T'y'PF:: f~CC USE f~ J3DI:t:M,':;' (.) UN:~TS t)(.) 'I S:TOF.:IES ;~BL.DGS' 00'1 PHCH"'~[ 747 "'I :5(1i O"JNEI', Nr'lE DEPONZ I, HELEN, ADDR 21 B? L.AfIOr.D (:,VE., SPP:INGFIELD, Or~EC;O~ !::CIDE ,'jPPL NU ,;CTION DESCI'<IPTION 'SC! FT . UNIT COS'T \fr',LU(YfION FEI~ D"'Yf Dr ACCESSORY IB0 '1.50 1710 +}P (I HI;' BP IW BF' PL MECH Sl.m PGI( . " 1710 FT. F:rUN: I..C 1903[<(, NEI,H::' ~'FIX/BIHH : SWR: FT. WTR; ,i"IECHt,NICM., FEE SHITE ,SUI',CHM':(.E PL.AN CHECI< FEE , , 4i; . 65:},: SPS SI'(EF 11 C(~Tt;: A'F'!::; sr:CiU: 1 l(.,I([N BY I',LH 'S:1' PCl< CJTH ISS /; TOTAL FE[;H: F:~~! FP SDS ~;~ ::5 :3 [ST. COMPL[TION DAT[ 29 A:'\() . FT , 1 'C' . ,. 'Id 19..1 D ,',., B 49," c?6 CI< 1\' AC~ 1 VITY INFORMATIO'SHEET (!) (OMPLETE THIS SECTION INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED I " Lip J... ,. 7J. '!" If:.,",", 7 ,-/ PERSON MAKING REQUEST d /9" <F L ~~ [\"'Y? r/ Aj/p ( MAILING ADDRESS 5 r:J fl, '">1 fi /', '" // t2/r v /,'-(7 z...- I C1TY STATE' ZIP CODE cA/?<. - PROPERTY OWNER ~ ------.. MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE BUSINESS TELEPHONE # _7 ~ 7 - 07 / HOME TELEPHONE # BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE # 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS ~ ~ c /'if;<? -.<> (IF DIFFERENT FRO~LING ADDRESSj 3 MAP & PARCEL NUMBER (from tax maps ln Department of Assessment and Taxatlon, (REQUIRED INFORMATION) or from tax statement) ~"'~ 17 03 ,),:5" Id. 01100 I TOWNSHIP RANGE' SECTION TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING M TfLS . F~TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING ACRES 4 SUBDIVISION (lf appllcab1e) 5 REQUEST (,tate exactly what you plan to do) /1/;((5/ LOT BLOCK :/"1", -!-II- L c; l-l ~ c1......~ R" / /_. " / ~c7r-I '/), t+- ff r / / f- Pf0 I ,/ / 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE .5..f2~ AJAN/ hi) /U.-a~ ~ -If 4 :/~, f 1'.2 C /...." .n_ I rr' I 1 /~.o/1.-->A . ,/;,,..,, A.t1ArL /!.....,,-r"W ""A~~'"><.t) ,,_ ....,~A/./~ 0,,",_'_---' ti- /' f ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** - -- ZONE/LAND USE 14-33 LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / 125 E 8th AVE, EUGENE, OR 97401 / 687-4061 . C:.JRE LINE ';0. -4' --. / l I <00.0' RIGHT OF WAY LOMO"-lD AVEJ-...JUc I , 4 I -/"\'"" <:::'../-0 ~ CO/VG. ;::PIVE F7L.e- 1/ I I / I I I " I I I ,! II " I / GARAGE / I I II I' /1 1/ 111/ / / III 1/1 " , 'I 1/ / , I / / I//-i/C~/~ ',11/ ,oi;/ /1' 1/ ,/ //1/, III" / I I ' I I !I / ' I , / I ,I II ! / J / ,/ I I ;' / / II I I I J J q ~ 5==TlC TANI< [j . AW~nJ6 ' /2~x~::'1' ) x 8' )-/IG/-' ./ I I \\I r,o "'-_'S-v:...~75f' 1903-8es. \ \j 0.... roup"'" l \, mer;f/...l If\'' S ~ (,c/ ~ I I ,J I..s-'" I '>f\ ',.. ,.. I\\~ ~ J E tv{:B Frt se t"I-e 11/,';';;; 2.' ~ LOT II J ELI<. 3 FIRST ADDITION TO LOC/< LOMOIJD TERRA.CE L).,NE CO.; OR.t=60N LAND USE APPROVED (0-1 q-gG,. SSH .~ Jar propo<;,ecl 7 \ ~~Of\11 I \ ~- NEW AWI-JI"-lG> ; y J&::~~I' x :::-~I r ;Z 121 HI6H I I.U ::: ~ .J U) ~ :.) IJ - ~ ' 5C.O' ,C;; IG.-iT :JF VIA Y Z5 ~c 5-;-PE=T I ".:l LOG 02W ~Gc( -~Q P Cl ~ ().J9 .<( w O1il .n crJ \9 'V-~ 2l\l~ 1/-11. ~<(U) <( 2 .::( ~ 0... W I- if) ,! '" ~, . ~ ~ N o - ..,. C/)8i ZiS tJ~ ~ 0 C/)W' "- w~ Q63 ~t;; H~ ::J 8 O~ / , . lane county " Appl1cat10n No ------------ -------------- PA 1442-86 (Appl1 cant) _,}i1lham-1lePon_zl 2189 Lomond Dr1ve (Address) Spr1ngf1eld, OR 97477 (Map & Tax Lot) -lL=2J=25-1-2, _~a~ lot 4400 The above referenced appl1cat10n to _allow for an eX1st1ng carport to rema1n 28 fee, from the centerl1ne of 23rd Street where 50 feet lS requ1red has been xx l approved w1th the stlpulat10ns and cond1t10ns stated below I den1ed The declslon was based on the f1nd1ngs of th1S off1ce (copy enclosed) 1n accordance w1th the prov1s10ns of lane Code 10 310-05 The dec1s10n w1ll become f1nal on 7/14/86 unless appealed to the Hear1ngs Off1clal, V1a the Plann1ng D1Vlslon on or before that date An appeal may be flIed by you, your representatlVe, or any other property owner 1mpacted by the deC1S10n 1n accordance w1th the provls10ns of lane Code 14 snn · The appeal lS to be f1led w1th thlS off1ce and must state how the dec1s1on lS 1n error If an appeal lS f1led, you and the adJacent property owners wlll be adv1sed of the date, tlme and place of the hear1ng before the Hear1ngs .Your appeal must be accomparlled,by a $)95 00__ f1l1ng fee CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1 Appl1cant must obta1n a bU1ldlng perm1t for the carport 2 Carport must remaln open to allow for the unobstruct1on of the requ1red slght d1stance tr1angle of 15 feet from each corner of the r1ght-of-way IAm(OlH>JT)fIMH'IfJ(,[)lvl I(lN I (I!lJlllllll\J I 111!!1!! IHVHIIIUlllllfJ(, I 1111l HI11^....INIJ! I FUGENE 011 lJ M() 1 1687-4061 M14-31 \~\}yg~ . LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIRECTOR STAFF REPORT Report Date July 2, 1986 File No PA 1442-86 I. PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION A Applicant W1ll1 am DePonzl 2189 Lomond Avenue Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 B Proposal Varlance to allow a carport to rema1n 28 feet from the centerl1ne of 23rd Street where 50 feet 1S requ1red " DECISION Staff recommends approval of setback varlance, w1th condlt1ons III GENERAL INFORMATION A Location and Site Description Map 17-03-25-1-2, tax lot 4400 Zoning AGT Plot Metro Plan The property has a slte address of 2189 Lomond Avenue, Sprlngfleld, Ore9on, 97477 B Surrounding Area and Zoning The subject property 1S surrounded on all sldes by AGT zon1ng C Services Flre Ra1nbow F1re D1strlct Pollee State Pollce and County Sher1ff Sewer Ind1vldual S 0 S Access Lomond Avenue Electr1c1ty EWE B D Referral Responses See Flle PA 1442-86 IV APPROVAL CRITERIA AND ANALYSIS A Plan Conformity Plan Deslgnat10n Low Dens1ty Res1dent1al . B Lane Code, Chapter 10 330, Variance Criteria -05 Purpose The purpose of a Var1ance lS to prov1de rel1ef when a str1ct appl1cat1on of the zon1ng requ1rements would lmpose unusual pract1cal d1ff1cult1es or unnecessary physlcal hardsh1Ps on the appllcant Practlcal dlff1cult1es and unnecessary hardshlPs may result from the Slze, shape or d1mens1ons of a slte or the locat1on of eX1st1ng structures thereon, from geograph1c, topograph1c, or other phys1cal COnd1t10nS on the slte or 1n the lmmed1ate v1c1n1ty or from populat1on dens1t1es, street locatlon, or traff1c cond1t1ons 1n the 1mmed1ate v1c1n1ty The power to grant Varlances does not extend to use regulatlOns In other words, no Var1ance can be granted Wh1Ch would have the effect of rezon1ng and grant1ng a speclal prlv1lege not shared by other property 1n the same d1str1ct V FINDINGS A, There IS some physICal condItIOn on the sIte whIch makes conformance to the ordinance dIffIcult or ImpOSSIble, ThIS may be related to existzng structures on the property, size or shape of the lot, topographIc barrIers, street locatIOns, traffIC condItIOns or similar condItIOns over whIch the applICant has no control and whIch were not self-created The subject property lS Lot 11, Block 3, Flrst Add1tlOn to Loch Lomond Terrace, Lane County, Oregon Except 1 ona 1 Clrcumstances apply to the property 1n that the parcells a very small subd1v1s10n lot, 120 x 89 4 feet, Wh1 ch makes conformance to Chapter 10 I S setback requ1 rements 1mposs1ble 1f the structure should rema1n Lomond Avenue and 23rd Street are urban, local County roads 23rd Street lS 32 feet w1de from curb to curb, w1th a rlght-of-way of 50 feet These streets serve only the res1dent1al ne1ghborhoods w1th Lomond Avenue be1ng the ma1n access to 19th Street As of May 27, 1986, the appl1cant had already lnstalled an awnlng that lS be1ng used as a carport for a recreat10nal tra1ler The awn1ng lS 1nstalled at 28 feet from the centerl1ne of 23rd Street and 12 feet from the face of the curb John Petsch of Transportat1on Plann1ng d1d not feel that the setback was a problem, however, he dld request that the appl1cant be proh1b1ted from enclos1ng the sldes of the awn1ng A slght d1stance tr1angle of 15 feet from each corner of the r1ght-of-way must be ma1nta1ned at all t1mes B, There IS some unusual cIrcumstance or condItIOn regarding the property or its zntended use whICh does not apply to other propertIes in the same zone You must compare your property to other propertIes zn the same zone, Countywide, or you must compare your intended use to the uses permitted in that zone zn the Lane Code, The subject parcells a corner lot Wh1Ch requ1res greater setbacks on two sldes rather than one In most slutat1ons, the greater setback lS the front, fac1ng the center of the r1ght-of-way, then a lesser setback on the slde, 1nter1or and rear The appl1cant could meet the requ1red setbacks 1 f he were not located on a corner lot The 1 ntended use (res1dent1al accessory structure) lS cons1stent w1th Lane Code, Chapter 10 . C. That enforcement of the code would deprzve you of przvzleges legally enjoyed by other properties m the same zone, That IS, that other property owners m the same zone enJoy privileges WhiCh, for some reason related to the Code, you cannot enJoy The carport 1S attached to the eX1st1ng structure The vanance 1S necessary to allow the appl1cant the extra footage w1th1n the setback boundary and to preserve a property nght the same as that enjoyed by adjacent owners 1n the area D. That the grantmg of the varzance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or materzally mjurlOus to properties or Improvements in the near vicmity, The appl1cant must leave the s1des of the carport open to ma1ntaln a s1ght d1stance tr1angle of 15 feet from each corner of the r1ght-of-way There are no s1ght problems when left open, but enclos1ng the awn1ng could be detr1mental when the structure 1S so close to the r1ght-of-way VI FINAL COMMENTS A Summary and ConclUSions The van ance to Chapter 10 I S property 11 ne setback requ1 rements w1ll allow the appl1cant to ma1nta1n the eX1st1ng carport w1thout affect1ng the adjacent land owners or be1ng 1n confl1ct w1th Lane Code or the Metro Area General Plan B Materials to be Part of the Record 1 Lane Code, Chapter 10 2 Metro Area General Plan 3 Appl1cant's Subm1ttal Administrativ~proval .. Applicant: location: Plot No.: Proposal: Wllllam DePonzl, PA 1442-86 2189 Lomand Avenue, Sprlngfleld, OR Map No.: 17-03-25-1-2 I 4400 Metro Setback varlance to allow carport to be located 50 feet from the center of rlght-of-way of 23rd Street ~J0 I ::'_'_ __, l:o_O.;P.ITC\ SPf\...O ,_ _ LIMITS" Crt11. MA:R.C.,6lA. ~o VICINITY MAP NO ~CP-Le 3"300 a200 '300 eloo 34= 35= 1 3900 EilSTINlr LOM.oNO PwE :.TROC;tt)ec 4100 41000 4'500 '-<<J( _ 4000 I I -A b1" .Pl?OPO~ 4400 ~ AWN I t..lu- sew 5900 <'0000 10100 '1100 0 t'!l (() 4<:00 F\R.n-\ AilE N J::j "'100 "'300 (, 200 '1300 SPRING r:IELO CIT'-J LIMIT:; "NOTICE TO MORTGAGEE. LIEN HOLDER. VENDOR OR SELLER ORS CHAPTER 215 REQUIRES THAT IF YOU RECEIVE THIS NOTICE. IT MUST PROMPTLY BE FORWARDED TO THE PURCHASER" ~"'I""'I""""""""'II.'lIlJl""""""'I"'I'..,1,................................111.11.........................I...........~ 11.1111......,..........................,........afl.r....II............IIIII...............II............,....w..........1111..........1 ~ ~ FOR ANY INFORMATION ON THE PROPOSAL, CONTACT LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / COURTHOUSE _ PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING / 125 E 8TH AVENUE / EUGENE, OREGON 97401 / PHONE (503 687-4061) - s~~,y . General Land Use Appl ication FILE NO /~L/ Zcfi; J>~'~;?4C/f" t/d/t /,..,,,d C.4" I, PROPERTY LOCATION Townshl p I 7 Range c:::>J :2~).2. Sectlon .i. J .Iax Lot q ~~nlnq/?,C"';;-Plot # II Slte Address ') I yr 9 L ".......~ ^~ J .4 ,;/-,<> ~ SlZe/,;1o ~ 99,74 'Tax Code / q -{)"7 II IDENTIFICATION! OWNERSHIP AppllCant' , 1, Name t-r/ II, ....~- j)p 43.-., _ , Address ::2 I 9" ,:-L "'YY\ ,,~ d A- // p Clty.s:..;:.,ff, -" c, /-,... / ~ Zlp 9'7'17? Phone "7 J'7 - / ," "i / Owner Name Address Clty Phone .5 A M~ "- '" ~ Zlp 2. Legal Interest Tltle Holder l,.a c: Contract Purchaser Lessee Other / REQUESTr:OPOSAL ~gx-r~0\^-s..~~"'"zJ\..\ ~~ ,)'3~~'f~ ' - Present Use ~P.L I~~ EXlstlng Structures . c;.,J;:!:D uJla~A j fj(]JGI(.09 - . I ~ rJ- Jv(} Abuttlng Property Owned Map A/o Acreage Tax Lot(s) I .J- ,I,7"r..,n" r _, +- Power CompanY~I~t...-..,.. wA:i,.,n-l. E" /,...("1'.('1/ C ....1'/ JA/ ;'~Fj DIJ ,,~ name n~ ~ School DlSt $:P/1'~,_ (_)" / J - I '9 ./" ' / name I On-slte Septlc....t:::Commumty System Telephone Co eAr- '~'r H,,~-";/'II~'~~ it?<p '/ name . name ;, I (we) have completed all the attached application requlrements and certlfy that all statements are true and accurate to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief I (we) am also authorized to submlt thlS appllcatlon as eVldenced by the signature of the owner below Road Status Water Supply Publ1c_On-slte ~Jel1_Commun1ty System....Jl..iJ.,~ Sewage Publ,c State ,- /) " Countyu.,Y" Publ1c_____Easement Flre Dlst RA.,..... /".10' r~n,.. . name 3. Slgnatures ~j? rd/?_) Appllcant U Date 11!) "I f~ 7Jo i?1fr,1"1-~) - u - <j' {; Owner -. J. Date .5-/-:;. 'ire: Agent Agent Address Date Zl p. Phone 4. Comments C_98-2391l9+ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION COURTHOUSE-PSB t25 E 8TH AVE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 . SPECIFIC REnUlq~~ENTS FOR VARIANCE APPLICATION I Descrlptlon of Proposal l-..t lA/ -r') ,'l7e, I 1"5 r_ /ll/U'J .e..- ,,p (/. 2, Sectlon of Lane Code to WhlCh rellef lS belng requested Zonlng Ordlnance, Lane Code 10 A-{,( 3 Attach four (4) coples of a plot plan, drawn to scale, 11lustratlng the Slze and locatlon of eXlstlng uses and structures on the property and descrlblng the proposed varlance 4. Indlcate how the proposed varlance compIles wlth crlterla A, or B, or C, and D below A, ThV1.e..u -60me. phY-6.Lc.al c.ond.ct.wn on .the. -6de. wluc.h makC6 c.on60Junanc.e. .to .the. OJ1.cUnanc.e. cU66.Lc.u.U Olr. .unpo-6-6.Lb.te. TIu.6 may be. Ir.e..ta.te.d.to e.XM\.tA..ng -6:tWc..tu/1.C6 on .the. plr.Opvr..ty, -6.LZe. 0J1. -6hape. 06 .the. .to.t, .topoglr.apluc. ba.J1.lueJ1.6, -6:tJr.e.e..t .toc.a.twY1.-6, :tJr.a.66.Lc. c.ond.ct.LoY1.-6 Olr. -6.mu..1'.a.J1. c.ond.ct.LoY1.-6 OVV1. wluc.h .the. appf-Lc.a.t.Lon hao no c.onLto.t and wluc.h WV1.e. no.t -6e.t6-c.Jr.e.a.te.d 0.-,., I 'J rP / A r_ -p 1''' r'''1' )f V B The.lr.e..u -60me. u.nu.ou.a.t. CA..lr.c.u.m6.tanc.e. aJI c.ond.ct.Lon lr.e.ga.J1.cUng .the. plr.opvr..ty Olr. ill .Lnte.nde.d u.oe. wluc.h do no.t a)111'.:; .to o.thV1. pJr.Ope.J1.t.!.C6 .Ln .the. -6ame. zone.. You. mu.o.t c.ompa,te. YOM plr.O)1vr..t.f .to o.thV1. pJr.Ope.J1.t.!.C6 .Ln .the. -6ame. zone., c.ou.ntYfAU.de., air. you. mu.o.t c.ompa,te. OM .Lnte.nde.d u.oe. .to .the. u.oC6 pe.Jr.m.Lt.te.d .Ln .that zone. .Ln .the. Lane. Code.. (J!-A.J?/-r.- hArI....(J A...p<t:>..-y,l ~r?11?~';J'~,qI -r.., ~~"""'I-Y14'n..AL, I --t-h ,I...,...,C' <:. r C Tha.t e.n6olr.c.e.me.nt 06 .the. c.ode. wou1.d de.pJuve. you. 06 pJuv.u.e.ge.o .te.ga.Uy e.njoye.d by o.thV1. pJr.Ope.J1.t.!.e.o .Ln .the. -6ame. zone., Tha.t.u, .tha.t othV1. plr.opvr..ty owneJ1.6 .Ln .the. -6ame. zone. e.njoy pJuv.u.e.ge.o wluc.h, 60J1. -60me. Ir.e.aoon Ir.e.ta.te.d .to .the. c.ode., you. c.anno.t e.njoy LI P <: r /, , <: C" ,..., "..p '"' L/ /J J.. ,.-, 7'--4 "" IZ. A 4. v o.D /')/ ."..,..pJ2.A '- ......c -f hA-r J; An A-,.... 7.p~J-J-C" . V That the 9~~n9 06 the v~anee ~ not be de~entat to the pub~e heaUh, 4a6ety O~ we.l6Me O~ ma.tefUa.Uy ,WjuJvLOM to p~opeJ1.t.l.eo O~ ~p~ovement6 ~n the neM v~~~y '.J...' +1 AI" ,/ ,." //-->7"1_ ~ Ii I <00.0' - RIGHT OP WAY LOMOJ(JD ,AV/E.f.JU(E. CURB LIME 89.74' , cO~~" + CO"-l C. . DRIVE / / / /1 GARAGE I Q . o 1\1 - .sEPTIC TAW< ~ -Aw~uJ6~ ' 12' x ;;3' ) x 8' J.lIGJ../ I I -~ ~- eWEB ~ EEA~E.MEA.JT L__ :;. SC.,i/v - . LOT 11 ~ 8LK. 3 FIRST ADDITION TO LOCI< LOMOND TERRACE LANE CO., OR.eGON '\ \ ( ./"""- t-..lEW A.W"-JIt>.JG .,r 15'-(,:," K 53' )(. 1;;' HJ6H 2., ~ ~ I I 11/ - , , / .~0 lU ~ - .J ll) It ::) \J 50.0' - RIGHT OF WAY e3RO STRE.ET ~ 2Q() 2"2~ f-()It -~() P () , p.J9 4. w (flit: .n ~ \!I >;)--:z 2t\1~ If-ll. ~.(lI) <( 2 <( ~ a... w l- V) \! M . I~ '-'N o .. f! C/.)m Zg R~ C/.)w z ~~ ~ti 'u a: , w .....-.c~ ~8 O~ '. ..1..; In 1 . "'n " ,I,! I~ j[ ~ ~ ,~ < , ~ ~ " " . '"' '~ w ... ~ ~ 11 'I~ ~ \ i ~ o o , ~ . ,. ~ ~ o ~ II! . ' ?: < LANE APPLICANT DEPONZI, ~ILLIAM .TL~: -i 70~~2~H 20440"0 SUBDI V NEW BLDG TYPE' USE X BDRMS 0 OW~ER NME DEPONZI, WILLIAM CODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION COUN1"Y DEPT ENV MGT I~E~CEIPT t ADDR'2189 LOMOND AVE., 144286 DATE~ 05128/ SPRINGFIELD, OREGO~. LOT ElLI<"" UNITS-Q00 STOI~IES ?BLDGS 001 F'HONE 747 1,391 f)DN': 2HJ9 LOi"lDND. f\VE., SPHINGFIEl..D, ()f(U:,ft.(". ,S',," '1"']' IJN,'.ll' C,(!I_.Sl' "'III^TI("1 1"1--1-- [""S I" .... ,~ \.' (-) ". . H . JI\i. .. :. ::. lH I ,. ~ it: III ~ < ~ o , ~ BP BP "I' >. "I...' hP '\ ;:..... r...,l" Elf' E'AD PL ME::Cf-! SUR PCI< LC '1442f16 1"'(.lDV i~;FIX/BtlrH: ' V(},I'(II\NCE SWI;: : FT. vJTF: : f'lE::CHANICAI... F[E ST (HE SUF(CHAF:GE Pl..f\N CHECI< F[E FL f((.)]'N; 'j 10,00 FT w '= . '"' @ II ';:, ... ~ :<> ~ ~ ~ ".tj% l;) ~{, .' )11 n C(.lTG: i~PF' SEQU.: TMEN BY RLH. I , F;~tl FP S;DS SI PCI< OTf-! 'I ISS .. o , [,S'T'A C01'lPLETIDN Dr~TF: TOTf\1... FE:E,)(.;(, "110,,()O CI< !' ~. .~ o 3 III: "'.. ~ < ~\Y, '\ 1? ,tli.i...i t t." \ ~ JUN 5 1986. ! lAW ~1"AGli\,'NT "fy..--State Fish & "LANE ,-:::::;- Y //.:;L-. State H.ghw, _I I \~' ..... State Forest, ~ Lane Reg. A VBoundary Co &.- Pacific N.W. Port of SIUS . --.:' t To: ~ Budding -k: Water QuantitY/Quail X .l:::... Transportation Plannln .2:::.. EnVironmental Health ROUTE IN THIS ORDER, AREA TECH~ ~ A/!;/ BEESON ~~ ~4 ___ WATER,f j 0./ ~ 1Jjf v Rural AddresSing _ Flood Management _ Coastal Overlay Zone _ City of Fire Dlst. ->",,' 'I'" ';~1 E =0.. f I..... Iil,Power"Comp. W=<;.> ....:::::.... Other KAtN B{)W W~r2.. Other - N W, Natur, J HOHMAN Plan Dept, ! ~ S hiD i l LINDLEY - c 00 1st,' - Neighborhoc ~ 1/'(~J./I __ - Other R BERGGREN - f/!- _ __ From: lane County land Management OlV Contact: i)DJ.-l'R 125 E 8th Ave , Eugene, OR 97401 A request for land use action, as described on information ~neel: ana p.oe plan nas been received by the Land Management DIVision. The request may Impact areas of responsibility of YOU{~ency. If you wish to respond With comments or obJections, please do so by "\ \ \t"'L<. -\ d11 ('\(..... . IF NO RESPONSE IS RECEIVED BY THIS OFFICE BY THE ABOVE DUE DATE, IT WILL BE ASSUMED THAT YOUR AGENCY HAS NO OBJECTION TO THE REQUEST. Data Summary: Appl1catlon No PA 1442- Bb Plot No ME.re/) Appllcant \AIlLLI A--M DE l=bNZ.L Slte Address 21 P\<1 LOM.AMI) AvE ZoneOlst AI.."., ParcelSlze Tax Code \9-()4- Map & Ta.not No, I"'. ():'l.'Zf). 1.7. <R>4~d(\ A t"; i~ - , , , , ~f" : ,Proposal: ~~""RW Jt~ \/ A-t2.1 ~a:. _:-+1' \ rr ( ( r,rc \ _ f" (' >.Cc..v~.'I.,+ =-\r~ \0'7-. ,,(_4:'r~-lccL'\ tY, 04-- :l,' .~--"f.Lrv->:\ ~'<v- C'f/"L-\~. (y ~'O (I\'{... ~ I" '; :'y~'f \0D '''rr.. , .....-,,' "'1~I7r-.~) '---J "~}..,.,., ,,\ ,- ',. -....,.\. '"f",..---} ILJ /~h 77 :1 l,:.b~~~~,:'&&-/I,O'" ,P~f{/~'Tf" Is (IN /#5 IA/r, r {;"I 17,1; OF ~t1T 7..,(10 ./H1TfE .' ~~~d~ . "~', ' lfh.> - -e$ Iv~ UOFY/.L.J/~7" ,-;V-?~' ~ '~?~ .. "'-=""1\:> -- - ~ < ~~ t"- :,t:::,o::: "'Rot .",,~~, "f") ( ~~ 'J-+ t ~ '1-.. ~ '1,.l~R .:.r '!ii..\~::',;:{r.iI'i!rN'''t,,\t~,". .;.,..- ' ';. ~ ."'f~,;'--,p",, \ '.o~ 1# " '''Ihm:'' "Ir " ' , " 'ooll, t r.t',i,>~~ } :~~:: ~1~\~1' ~ ,,'" ~ ~"1,t< f { < ," ~ ~ ~ -'C < " ~"~~_s>jJ,.", .~~~~" 1./ I ~<>*"'~ ;-,t....A{ ..r. ",..~~J:,I><~.&....! ~ .. ~ l' ~ To' ~ Building -k::. Water Quantity/Quality ~ TransportatIOn Planning ~ Environmental Health ~ Rural AddreSSing _ Flood Management _ Coastal Overlay Zone _ CIty of Fire Dlst ~ Power Comp EWE:A ,. ~ OtherKA1!\.1Bow W~r2.. Other .. .. -k:State Fish & Wildlife Ep..";)r _ State Highway DIvIsion ~ State Forestry ~ Lane Reg Air Pol Auth VBoundary Commission I,..- PacifiC N W Bell Port of Sluslaw N W, Natural Gas _ Plan. Dept, ~ School Dlst "1F I q _ Neighborhood Group Other From: Lane County Land Management 01V 125 E 8th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401 Contact: 'DOl-J.klIl.tLe& ME:\b'~ ~e1- 31~~ A request for land use action, as described on information sheet and plot plan has been received by the Land Management DIvIsion The request may Impact areas of responsibility of yoU{~ency If you wish to respond with comments or obJections, please do so by '\ \ \r~ ~(f\{"-,. " IF NO RESPONSE IS RECEIVED BY THIS OFFICE BY THE ABOVE DUE DATE, IT WILL BE ASSUMED THAT YOUR AGENCY HAS NO OBJECTION TO THE REQUEST. Data Summary Appl1catlon No PA 1442- Bfa Plot No M.E.TT2Jl Appl1cant \A.IIILI~ 1=bN'Z..L 51te Address 21 p,g LOM.AklD Ave Zone 01 st Af.,-r. Parcel 51 ze Tax Code \ 9- n 4- Map&Ta~LotNo 1"'1, O?l.1.S. 1.7_ <!\o4~d() Proposal 5E.TRPr ~ \/ A-t<.l P\N.CE _ --+( . ii~ ;f~~'-~~-\~~~~~7A<u;~ ~-'t;; n ~~_'ru-c C9P. ~~i?O S\8 Comments: ~ ~0 (yyY)(jf'J--- (ODY\COPrll.l(1Ci (Lt:lrtxtl55 Xor PV-6pp'W- \dJ.h.J (1M U' 0'. _G18q l..ovv1G,M i'1 ~ l~ l4.. Lalid Q.ttrty~ . ~:1.I' ~ ' o ( ( r--rr \ /'/ ~'CD ~~L ~7'c (,~~ ~ - '--.) , v - - To' ....... Budding -k:. Water Quantity/Quality -.!:::..... Transportation Planning .......- Environmental Health ~ Rural AddreSSing _ Flood Management _ Coastal Overlay Zone _ City of Fire Dlst ~ Power Compo EWe.e ~ OtherKAlNBow \NATFI2.. Other From: Lane County Land Management D1V, 125 E 8th Ave , Eugene, OR 97401 . ......k:'State Fish & Wddlrfe € Po ";) r _ State Highway DIvISIon ~ State Forestry ~ Lane Reg Air Pol Auth VBoundary Commission ~ PacifiC N W Bell Port of SlUslaw N W Natural Gas _ Plan Dept. ~ School Dlst -W (g _ Neighborhood Group Other Contact 1)D~.nJ,ALE& MEtb--S "81- j1 ~Co A request for land use action, as described on information sheet and plot plan has been received by the Land Management DIvIsion The request may Impact areas of responsIbIlity of y~ ~ency If you wish to respond with comments or obJections, please do so by .\ \ \(""L<.{. ~fJ( t'~i---, IF NO RESPONSE IS RECEIVED BY THIS OFFICE BY THE ABOVE DUE DATE, IT WILL BE ASSUMED THAT YOUR AGENCY HAS NO OBJECTION TO THE REQUEST Data Summary Appllcatlon No PA 1442- BC:, Plot No MEre]) Appl1cant \A.IIILIA-M Df:: 1=bNZ.~ 51te Address 21 F)q LOtv\f\t..tD AvE. Zone 01 st AI"f'" Parce 1 51 ze Tax Code \ S>- () Z!- Map&Ta~LotNo 1'1 O~.1.~. 1./. ~4~()() Proposal' 'SE.r~ \/ A;f?/ ~\rr:: _ ----+( , () (( r,C r \ (' lir If XC""-\-- -\.('~ (Dr. . ,"-'!:--_'.c::.C"_""~,"C.0 7~ Y2L ~ '( '-.J _'..I(f"YY\ ..~~_. (_'tlYL~~~ . r. ~?, G~ II \... \;-- 'a.f2., _ f _ ''":' , '; ~ ~?y? 0 S-\-8 '---J . Comments'-Jl~ /Bu~c:n 'L<~ Ah' :;:qe-",,6.4-t. S--z2-f'cdzO ~7 . . - -. - .---- \ .... To' V- BUilding -k:: Water QuantltY/Qualrty ~ Transportation Planning ..- Environmental Health -2:::::. Rural AddreSSing _ Flood Management _ Coastal Overlay Zone _ City of Fire Dlst ~ Power Camp EWe;e ~ OtherK~NB/)w WAreC!.. Other - .. ~State Fish & Wildlife €p,,,::>r _ State Highway DIvIsion ~ State Forestry ~ Lane Reg Air Pol Auth VBoundary Commission l.- Pacific N W Bell Port of Sluslaw N W Natural Gas _ Plan, Dept, ~ School Dlst 'iF/g _ Neighborhood Group Other From, Lane County Land Management D1V 125 E 8th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401 Contact. i)Dt--.lJJ.~Le& ME\b~ ~~1- "31 ~<o A request for land use action, as described on information sheet and plot plan has been received by the Land Management DIvISion The request may Impact areas of responsibility of YOiol{,~ency If you Wish to respond With comments or obJections, please do so by "\ \ \r L.. -\. .;::)GJ ( ~~h , IF NO RESPONSE IS RECEIVED BY THIS OFFICE BY THE ABOVE DUE DATE, IT WILL BE ASSUMED THAT YOUR AGENCY HAS NO OBJECTION TO THE REQUEST. Data Summary' Appl1catlOn No PA 144'2 - Bb Plot No M.ETlCll Appllcant \ArIILIA-M DE 1=bN2.L SHe Address 21 p,q LOM.AklD Ave.. ZoneOlst A/.....r ParcelSlze Tax Code 1S>-(,)4- Map&Ta'LotNo 1"1.0::).1.6. 1.7_ 'f1+4~[){) Proposal' ~r=.TRkY. \~CE --+r:, (' ifr "\C"'-+,- -\,,, (nr, ,_',J""r(Q XL; rtYV, ,--A_",~ _ J"_fl,~\)'<uL ,hY'--... \-JQ y~ (9,? ;:::Y~t70 S-0 Comm~ts- (J 0 '~I2'Fqi]{Q:tT1) J31ju...{:)/J.)9 () ( ( r,('( \ -\:<cu 7~*L' --, -=- ( '--' ~('G l/l~ ~ - '-.) '{?eTJ)"t.l 'CS (f)l()k(l ~ -.. - -. . - . - -.-'.-- ..- ---- - . - -- 'lane county MEMORAND~ TO DONNALEE MEIGS - LAND MANAGEMENT FROM JOHN PETSCH - TRANSPORTATION PLANNINGW SUBJECT PA 1442-86 2189 Lomond Avelltue DA TE Mav 28. 198/\ 17-03-25-1-2 TL 4400 Wllllam DePonzl Lamond Avenue and 23rd Street are urban local roads that are county roads. Lamond Avenue 18 36' w~de from curb to curb wlth a rlght- of-way of 60' 23rd Street lS 32' wlde from curb to curb wlth a rlght-of-way of 50' These streets only serve the resldentlal nelghborhood wlth Lomond Avenue belng the maln access to 19th St A faCll1ty permlt 18 requlred for any new drlveway access or modlflcatlon of an eXlstlng access for Lomond Avenue and 23rd Street Slnce the drlveway on 23rd Street lS already bUllt, a faclllty permlt wll not be requlred ( ..\ '=l.Le,IlL alsta~e tr1angle of 15' from each corner of the rlght-of -way must be malntalned at all tlIDes I vlsted the slte on May 27, 1986 In the afternoon The appllcant has already lnstalled an awnlng that 18 belng used as a carport and recreatlonal traller space The awnlng 18 lnstalled at 28' from centerllne whlch lS closer than the requested 50' from the centerllne of 23rd Street The awnlng lS located 12' from the face of curb I see no problems wlth the lnstallatlon ~e-~ouest th"t the appllcant be notlfled and prohlblted from enclo5Lng tnp ~~~es-Di-th€- awnln~ Thprp ~re no ~l~nt problems wlth It belng open but_enclo&lng__ the awnlng could cau~~-Some problems . CERTIFICATION OF MAILING THIS IS TO CERTIFY that I, Sharon Mangls served notlce of the admlTIlstratlve declslon made In the matter of a 28-foot setback from centerllne of 23rd Street where 50 feet lS requlred lnltlated by Wllllam DePonZl, PA 1442-86 by malllng a copy of the attached letter to each of the persons Ilsted In the attached sheet, who appear as record owners of real property that are wlthln 300 feet of the subject property In the sald letter, by placlng In sealed envelopes addressed to each of sald persons the above-mentloned letter, and dellverlng said envelopes to the Unlted States Post OUlce, Eugene Maln, Lane County, Oregon on the 3rd day of Julv , 19 J!.L, ~1n7 PA '1442-86, Hm DePonZl Howard & A L Hoods 2167 Lomond Avenue Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 DeHayne & Inez Hlgbee 2143 Lomond Avenue Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 Donald Moore POBox 641 Veneta, OR 97487 Donald & Ruth Johnson 2118 Flrth Avenue Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 Maynard & J M Hllllamson 2156 Flrth Street Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 Gerald & Barbara Hassom 2178 Flrth Avenue Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 Harvey & Joyce Schuman 2240 N 23rd Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 DaVld & Janlce Beneck 2153 Flrth Avenue Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 Donna Arnlng 2177 Futh Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 Roderlck & Kathleen Nolte 2193 Futh Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 ~ "" \. Ronald & Karen Borden 2187 N 23rd Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 .\. Davld & Chaba Carroll 4992 Rldgeport Lnae Norcross, GA 30092 Ronald & J M Vanderpool 1225 Jefferson #8 Albany, OR 97321 James & Dottle Payne 2289 23rd Street Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 Tlmothy & Lorna Nolte 2198 Lomond Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 Donald & Della Caln 2186 Lomond Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 Leonard & Nancy Hamblln 2164 Lomond Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 Raymond & Llla Hampton 2152 Lomond Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 Leon Keefe 2255 Laura Street Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 Charles & Ellzabeth Llnk 2140 Lomond Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 Arvon & Mona Forge 2135 Loch Drl ve Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 Lorena Olson 610 Rayner Avenue Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 Ellzabeth & Ralph Plerce 2515 Terrace Vlew Drlve Eugene, OR 97405 Hllllam DePonzl 2189 Lomond Avenue Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 I . I g-fr.f-f b . ~?f . ~- ..~~~ ~.~~: . ~ ~ f c.JU-.-e.-0<--~ w~U~~ ~tvU ~ tJ- U--<.A..J {; - ,g tJ w~t<u. .J="4 -,d~uf 1!; ~q ~U> ~I , ~ ju, I'-f~dd:;~ ~~#~L 1;;7: ~~~ ~v-- 7~-~ !f-~_.f~ - (~ (C; -e .5' '-'~'-~~--~~~~.-; 7 - ~.~~S:/~~' y~~ '-', _/~' NOTICE L.<::: E>f' U 10- 8 rp ()/./! AlE /?_ ~/9q j A MrJ/JD AJE <; -P".<(!,(fhFI ELI';:> , NAME ADDRESS TRS/T AX LOT Your attentlon IS called to Items below y'E:S (eAf<.pcJ/2T) J?=S"' (5 E T 13/l-UC ) .'jE<;' Submit application, 2 sets of plans and fees \I r-S as requIred to Permit Processing I c:::.. Rem.... (lo...wJrn.r h,~..J7r M..(r-./".,~ hA,t?/,,_'1' {J.p~,..r q~ 7",.--. "'~ --frl 2.. ~ I#tl!r ~AdpA-- -,...p~___ __ L~ A~_ ,P Jt;;. ALP ./ - . ~.1_____ZJo"-'" 4~ ~J' /.~,,17""';'4~ '/.."..P~) - -.I~r/~/;.-..-J...:.d.. 7;., .2 ~':!/,./;/ Ap7/rr../R -,.pf'J'~Ho<P~ ~ V /J~A-<.A~/.P, dt7~_g../ -,..p.-2/__>-p 7k.. ' ./~- ,..JI;:~, ',~ /J~~./P ~ r7..LJ ~p1~/ ~ I,.,f.. V'.../u~ j?.p~~~f7';--:~7 f!!j~1::7:;}:1~ Z-~'? _1,4.,-,," Resolve above w'thmIA//)/.JJday~froml-date of this nobce...1-- Failure to have or display permit Other violations Investigation (double) fee required LANE COUNTY LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION BUilDING & SANITATION 125 E 8th Ave, Eugene Oregon 97401 (687-4061) BY (}d,) .4- AAj,- r/ 'T' DATE 4- /I-P({, 14-29 " ,'v' /7 - ~ -JS' / c2 (/e/tD ~ ~~;tIy~~~ NAME (J/'/ilIE/? .':; I c::'c? j A M/!/J D AJE ADDRESS ,. .- c- , ' 1I--'A/'<Jr:.F/ELt.::> _ TRS/T AX LOT Your attentIon IS called to ,terns below V,c <) ((! ;1,( pc;/2 r) 47E<;" (SE /!;:rcl<) IVF <::: / Failure to have or display permit Other violations Investigation (double) fee required Submit application 2 sets of plans and fees as requIred to Permit Processing V E _S / Rem..ks (/0 ,,/J/q.;t-- /.... u P'-r- /, HT L X"_ -;r- /.- ,J ,/.Ai?, Jrf __J " '" ~_ _ r '" _v<_~ 7::____-", P-:"--J..e.. -1r, 2",~1/;I- '7_7./:''''--'- -,...ph_--"--,>-P //<_""- ,-<.1~d~_ ,,:;:J;,~..u7 'A~_,_, _ ,. ,./ ----. 7'::J!.:..- ~-L '/" /, ..-; T / AflA'/......A,A", /~p t/A~_ - ...'..-:n--/ / /.->....-...-Y.....:..cL 7'.::-, 2. ~ ':!!.-I:/ A' '" 7'/~ ,. ff -,..p A' , - , _-''-'.'" '-<-<P -14.- \ ')/ "r,.....,.A~_/ P d.?,u _ "'./ ...y,.",A_....,..p -:TN. . ..I r~~ ..;t;~ -..P .-:J...I' / )/:,_4.../ A__-,/O a---'.........-/-d14 / - ,~ /1....'....,#,/ ...i-,,~,_ I..." t?"P,u.J1, """,-",~~ ..~~t/ ,f...L.! , rf,...f...::;I.:....-;;; 7~----... ,;J" ",;' '" /~..R .; /~ jt~~61,-Jf~~ ~ ~ Resolve above wlth,n A//J/..Jdaysjrom,date of this notice} LANE COUNTY LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION BUILDING &. SANITATION 125 E 8th Ave Eugene Or-egon 97401 (687-4061) I -,} " J.J, ~/; ~~~./.,.- '. BY DATE J/ - 11- x'h " ' 1/ 14-29 r , ~ . ? " , . . ~ I ~~,al I 'f ; / : I'" " g0 . / ?J/ ~01 fJfq~~r fck)( ~ ~ V , iY\ u ~ \ ,tlo ~\ ~ ~ > ~ %~d- ~ S' y1,.,-; 1) '\' fi : ~,~ (" " ) ~~ 0 r~ er}v / '1/( I 4/ i)--J J rr 1: \ ',IV QY~ ~~ d.duJd..-eA '1/ t~/~tJ, ~LW] . . , . bne county ~I ____Water Pollutlon Control _Surveyors TO: ____SubdlVlslon Englneerlng ____Transportatlon Operatlons ____Constructlon Permlts & Inspectlon ____Real Estate Acqulsltlon & Management ____Transportatlon Englneerlng EnVlronmental Health ____Transportation Plannlng ____Communlty Development' ,. ____Eugene Water & Electrlc Board Pac,f,c Northwest Bell " , ____Paciflc Power & Light Company Northwest Natural Gas Company P.U.D Light & Power ____Oregon State Hlghway D,v,s,on ____SolI Conservatlon Service Flre Dlstrlct Water Dlstrlct School Dlstrict ____Clty of SOlI & Water Conservatlon Dlstrict FROM: Lane County P1annlng Dlvlslon, 125 Courthouse/Pub11c SerVlce BU11dlng, East 8th. Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 (Phone 687-4186) Subject, Divlslon of Property The Land Development Revlew Commlttee will conslder the attached (mlnor)(maJor) (partltlon)(subdlvlslon) for (prellminary) (final) approval on ~.ame of Plat, (Date) , Sectlon Twp Range. nil Send wrltten recommendation to the Subdlvlder and the Secretary of the Lane County Plannlng Commlsslon at least two (2) days prior to the meetlng date noted above. Please check easements, make any changes necessary and return one copy to Lane County Plannlng D,v,sion Comments C14-l8 / . v