HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1984-7-20 e11)~1 ., , 77:? FO!?F~I~ uS~~::Y Lane Co~ty AuthonzatlOn ~'. ;:::::'i""f0';6 /'-6":;; ~ '~':/rP ~~~;&~~ ~~:::~~~;~;::~~;::.E S~B:H\IZ"ION/PARTl~f ab~_ Dplan Check Info Sheet ~~M~lO ~DD~~:!' ~~T ~ PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY ,~~ ~~, ~1dentHI 0 Industnal 5~qu I CU~ o~ ~JY / .. /Ae I . /~..& W..__..J? ~::'_'/~/....",../..4.../ (// _ 0 CommercHI 0 Pubhc REC~S~/~~ _~ :~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~q>'d U t/A.~-:) ~,~~ tb;~~~-B 0~2dd/ <;/ / ~orBED~\5116r~'1 #o~TATERSUPPL>~b ~~~~~~~ ~~DY~~~~4'~#/crc//, 7~?~q/ r'~'~;1!r~ ~ .~ ;177;/7;7 "~'~ ~~D ~~ 7TEL~~~ I ~\VE CA~FULLY EX~~I~D ~T~E OOMP~TED APPL~~TI ~ FOR PERMIT and do hereby Cert~fy that all ~nformatlon hereon 15 ~~e and~arrect, and t~1t I have the follOWIng legal nteresL.l.o the property owner of record o contract purchaser,Oauthorlzed agent Wlt'J eVldeo/"'E' of authorlty attached I f_cthf'r cert1fy that any and all work performed shal be done 1n accordance "'lth the Ord1nances of Lane County 3"ld the La",s of the State of Oregon p"'rta~nJ.ng to the work descr1bed 'lerf"ln and that NO OCCUPAt.CY wJ.11 be Made of any structure "'lthout the perm1SS~0'1 of the BU1ld1ng :J1v1s1on J fuy- th( r certJ.fy that regJ.strat1on w1.th the BUJ.lder's Board 1.S 1n full force and effect as reqU1red by ORS 701 ass that 1f exenpt the baS1S lor exempt10n J.S noted hereon, and that only subcontractors an mploye~s who are In COmpl1ance w1th ORS 701 055 1;1J.11 be used on thIS pro]C!ct I PAVE READ AND CIIE~g;?;??' c:~~ j.//,h7~ /7 P~CA'- -V - NA."l.E (please pnnf} - SIGNATURE ~y DECLARED S VALUE 11 ~~'T~R1 f RFAD THIS SECTION ~ l\ CI PLA~NING/ZONING CAREFULLY YOUR AUTHORIZATION HAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING l>lJ.l1lmurn Setbacks Zone j:;,{-:lT eL, frontj Ct-J ' rYJ W-'r:,Z PartJ.tJ.on #$- htJ-tf'c::. Parcel >3 /S' CONDITIONS I . Parcel sJ.ze~~ rear :;;.0 f eL, ::ade J.nterlor CQ'1.1ENrS' r J:)~.I-.. I 1'"-\ '1 I~j-.FLOODPLAIN , ' J ~J"fTATION S I # P Z --:/y t:: B P # Installatlon Record Issued' 0 Yes 0 No I Ii ~::=;'S~~~~/f~~ PiC ~U;,.J-J ~~;:'7:i:,~ ~f I <-r- ;;!t:i-e",_ . If.Jh / d!. ~ 11-/6 -Y::Ll a ~ I I - l.7 i Date 7- _'")() -P,'/' ~ I ," '::::,::M":"\'" ~~ ~;~ ~\.#.. ." , Date 7-/0-_~ ~f,S] H ,j n In flood hazard i'lrea? 0 No D YPs, SEE ATTACHED SHEET Date /. n ~~~~ "---~- - ~- rurAL VALUATION $ C0NSTRUCTIO~ AUTHORIZED BY THIS PE~~IT -- Flxed Fee/ Floodplaln Fee $ /l Descrlptlon Sq r~ Unlt Cost Subsurface Fees $ L .4 / BUlldlng fee $ ~YdA2.7~4. . ",ch/Plmbg Fee $ ~p-- 4- /? L_) ::::: ~:::~a::: :$ <..c...~- ~~V'~ DEQ Surcha["ge ) / . TOTAL FEE $$ ,C;:~(/V 0J ~~;f-",\. r Z-2r)-f!-d .c- ~ERm.T A.':1PttQVED BY'SUILDI~: lFICIAL/DESIGt.EE -(pc:-- ORS 456 805 (1)) DATF' I LANE COl'NT'( DEP' ~T. NT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVIS'ON, 687,4061, C 14 _ 25 12 EAST (lTH AIJE"lUC, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 _...c: <."""-::>V ~ SEF REVERSE FOq INSPECTION (NFORMATION ....'TRS) TT Plot; Subdl.vl.sl.on Lot . Plan Block C74-1S0 Vicinity Map Job Location Permit II Permi t II Permit II !' ~ '- ... 0. '" ~ N (Address) For For For Permit II Permit II Permit II , (,Iq -<f- ---_._.1. """00'- . -" -- ------' "1' _.IIC __ ___J. ") ,.e,J4~~~C..,t-) taQc.J,. FIl!IJ C\.,e, \ o , I. Vt"'-Ul W.., ( For For For - ... ... r - -,;1 I IS' - ~ ~~ a.....4ft.--ol ll.IOof~ :S::"'-, c P,,,,..o~J we.l\ -,~ .~ ""--, < I .\. ',-" l './' .~ i. ',:\ "'~" '.+ . :.P . ,... .," i~i . "'iil :~~,. t... ","" ~ '~~- \1 .'oi..-~" ~.t';d.,"$.".' , ~:l.' _ , .. .,; )!' ' '\ .... '~ ~~ <- ~ -':;jp1r ~.'" , " . i j I I . ~ to , . '-'- ~ b .... c::, '. r;~."----....... I ...:~- ~-F~.t,:I; ~,.1';"~jN'_" "'-~';~'t;:~~ ,~__ r:___,~...:.,:"" ~-,; .~i..l; 'j";" .~ { ,,,,~ :~~. 'f, ...'~~:~~;j. "~, '.i~t,., ~~~'~"."-ii~~:~~~Ml<,itf: (,'::. ,,~:"i:tlF~! '" ""i.'.!j'~_~ .( ~ :t.. pt ;"1" .,~,~ ,:41,. '.." 4, \ ,.,' .'1' ~:~ tc~1 ",..; l, ';j' ~- )" ..\ ii~..h,.~~, ~l. ", ,~- .... .-... ..,"'>'1\"" .. t ,. .. lt~..\._f .".,."- "l'"t~,:: . ""J~'''?>I''.''~ "'~i:f"~,.:1 ," .,. 'I1.Ww,J:', "F' . . .: ~ \~:'-'-.";:'~'-r:,'--;'" . j "'/ I' i I [ .,. () '1 t. '"N -" '"{ r '\ " .. .. ~ " \) ~ }- .. ~_s"" , ~ , , .... . <l .... I ,- I ~~' " - "- " --. - ~;~ f ~.J r ,,;; jj ~ , c--... "- -....c C1 u: ....... - o CC C- CJ_ <1: I:! i3 ,~~ 't..'_~;'- -~ . ~ <: .' .r:II' 'ir" ..... __"7 "~,.,'~ > ...~" ,."p: " ....0 '11:"' .f. ',t, ~.' .; ~ 11 III II 1.1 I ':' '~':'!. '~I'" ~ :1 -tt;frj~" _ .~ ,~,t 1~~lI,!~ '.',/, .. ; ..",; .' "'i!,\!, II "~ '" lii D ~ 1<\'-.,..- ~ wt "~"i" " ~L ' 'f",' . '~" .I ~ '" . . !ft t...l 1l'1:JI" r . "~ , '," ~.. "","Ji "~'" ,f "., .~ J.' ~". 'dl6>~' "'. ;'.' -' :;q:r-1i:~J;" I ~ .s Ii ~ 1;, ~ ~ ~ fI ..~ " flf. ;; .~.. 1'0, ~ ", ";,' ","- '~.,..~' /;J . , ff: ," i~' ,. ~V., .( ~ ~ ii' 4ll1".~: ~ .::t' ;\ty"A'I. .(01'. ,( '. :."..'.....,.V....'.~":..~ ...~ "'~;'.j~,'" ~'~)f LANE COUNTY FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT 687-4357 /J:- pc2-{} s;- _ TL /ytJtJ'I-/1/'7 . . .. TRS L/ Approxlmate Study Area I:)t-Detalled Study Area C/ Floodway SI# rFc?--/70 Allor part of thlS slte may be In a flood hazard area for WhlCh 100 year flood levels have not been establlshed Extra precautlons may be approprlate to assure that the bUlldlng slte wlll be reasonably safe from floodlng. Allor part of thlS slte may be In a flood hazard area for WhlCh 100 year flood levels have been establlshed A bUlldlng elevatlon above the 100 year flood level may be requlred Allor part of thlS slte may be In a flood hazard area In whlch a floodway has been deslgnated BUlldlng may be prohlblted subJect to demonstratlon that the cumulatlve effect of proposed develop- ment wlll not lncrease the 100 year flood level at any pOlnt . tjO :d.SITE FEAS~ILlTY REPORT FO UBSURFACE A~LTERJlATI ~ EWAGE D)8PoJJ>I9G0s I/,# g~ -/9 ~ , 'l. ',tRS, TL/ tf-nZ-os /719-1/06 Job Location _ '?~~ ~ ~~hf CI. \ \'j WrlttenD,r ons~~/ va7r_~~C2~/Y 4./~~.) SubdivIsion ~..;:?~ ./!I 0. ~~ -. / ~ ~~u - , Lo< Block ~ /' ?r'r.../ " APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS r ~ ~ ~J' d--~.4iY'~~.//-': Phone,?~?~/? OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS, ~.KA~#a~' ;;?/~7' PhO~~ """report~ I I Ap.,m" II;;,.{,'; /J:---'I,~~;)1" (O_~'~ STRUCTURES NOW ~~ ~YERTY~~~-1'_/....&-~~/~ PROPOSED USE OF ~RO~ERTY' ~ WATERSUPPLy~4~~~.J V WITHINONEMILEOFTHECITYOF .Rf#- (NO)~ . I hereby certify that the abov~ statements are true and accurate, and that I have the following leQaI Interest In the property ;><- owner of record, contract purchaser, potential buyer, realtor or agent I further certify that (If not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said o~a,a~~ ~OV:}O~IS action - ~ .- TEST HOLES READY ~~/L4r ' , Slgnatur~ /2f#~___;; /2 ~ Date, X ?'lj7 ?2,- * * * * * * * * * * * ... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * OFF;:ICE USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 'l!: * * * * * * *. * * * * * SITE MEETS STATE STANDARDS YES NO Septic Tankl Drain Field [B'" 0 ::~;:~I~:nk ~ ~ Other " , 0 ~ ~ - /j-4&J ~ 7' ~ ~?- ~ ~A;;j,..J """- . . _~ ~..I-JJ-:tJ ~ ~ /I-/t.-/~ ~ _~~ o;~.o, IfM ~- OJj<.d;/ d~~, ~~ LA~ 1933YMPLlAN;;j /: Zoning /r?~/ if.- /70/ Acreage or Lot 'Slze_4{ L/' a. (TOTAL) ./?7_/ /J C? () Completed Partitioning #// /. U::7(/-~ <- (Q..2endmg Parcel # S- S_T. ~. ';.~ - r4 6f~' .i:>;0 (>- ~z.. , , THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICI-l DOES NOT ENSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTUR" BUILDING PERMIT ANY PLANS OR EXPENDI, TURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK IF SITE IS APPROVED, SEE REVERSE SIDE ~ --d..-.______ If, /t - /? -A~o'RIZED SIGNATUW DATE AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE DIVISion of BUilding and SanltaKon 687-4061 Permit ProcesSing Section LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 C55-32 OATE ,,~-...\ "= ' ~'.) \ _ ,~- --/\ ~ .J -' , ' : -,~ .. , ' '\ ; " ,. '....' " , , , [ MEMO ) - TO APPLICANT I ... " r . - - FROM', WATER POLLUTIO~'CONTROL DIVISION , - , -",,-,,'" ~'r;' ~~".!. ~.,;fr, '., SUBJECT CONDITIONS OF SITE APPROVAL , '. , OAR'Chapter 340"Dlvlslon 7, Sectlon, 72-015(6) ThlS report shall remaln'ln effec~ un- tlll lssuance of a permlt to construct, unless In the meantlme condltlons on thlS or ad- Jacent propertles have been altered In any manner WhlCh would prohlblt lssuance of a per- mlt, In WhlCh case thlS evaluatlon report shall be.consldered null and vOld Technlcal rule changes wlll not lhvalldate any evaluatloh report lssued pursuant to thlS sectlon . - - ~ Before constructlon lS started brlng your approved Slte Feaslblllty Report to the Depart- ment of Envlronmental Management and apply for a bUlldlng permlt Exact speclflcatlons for the,sewage dlsposal syste~ wlll-appear on the permlt I~ the property lS only a portlon of a tax lot, a partltlonlng or- subdlvlslon must be approved before the permlt wlll be lssued Before a cosntructlon permlt may be lssued ~and Use Compllance m~st be approved ~ "', . . ,Only, persons havlng.a valld llcense lssued by thp Department of Envlronmental Quallty under ORS 454,695 to lnstall subsurface sewage dlsposal systems or an owner or contract purchaser or hlS regular employees may lnstall subsurface sewage dlsposal systems A certlflcate of satlsfactory completlon wlll not be lssued If persons other than the above perform the lnstallatlon . - , ' ~ .. ~ ~--I ." -' .: , , , " , ." " '. - , " ' " . . , " " > -- , '" . /8 ~o 2 -OS- - 0 {'fie? TRS, [L , Plat Plan Subdl. Vl.Sl.On II 0()- ~")- Lot Block B reel.:#- 3 . [)-fo ~/.{. ~~ <(7" i 1 Jd5pc-;- iii 1 f,! ' I f:.t.',,! 3 1- -..,.;1 / ~- - ---\~Y'/ \/ .'K \I) ~ ~ "*" fctrf..cJ ( Pdt' f, (j ( &:-- Vicinity Map G'4-1S0 J E E E .t 'l -l ~ l:I ~ ~ ~t N ~_.- ."... ~ o M1NOR ~ 0 MAJOR PeEL\Mt\.J4e.y part i'it iOJt:l ~e I~ 30D'lane /11- &, D- ~ ;;.. o ~ tJ ';J" ~ '---- ~t I\?~ 6.'1~T 1'l-="qa. \ ~<Ia", ~ :;l6_ ~ ~""'-...::.L. N~ I 1 II " ' Q tOOAC.:t o B>=t. 111"" II} ~"1 of f2>E:;rnc>U Q f-16::J4-"77 & . a 11 &'1" J " '/1(1 )!1, .j"V ... ~aJl,o" ,j,;<' &' , 01' ,~ ~ ~ "- ~ I ) ~ J P.oPr>DI N~ '2. 110AC:t; -- ... , o ~ ZSc. v, 35423 SB~S:7;:;G E. G;:!>4Z3 C?_'" " [lJ " '" <-\ N ~ ~ < s "" Q"" l!"~,"" ~_ 'L +- -~--~-4 SE0'''7%~ / I ~1 r I - Date of Evaluat10n q-It:zJJ- By xY ~ !/ ., T R S Ir-O'l.._~OS- T L S I # Y.l.. -I '1 c.. Page of #2 TEST HOLE #1 TEST HOLE ROOT DEPTH Major 1 n M1nor ")0 1n RestnctlVe flIV1n Manu NG Gray J ' Rust-----A V. Mn WATER TABLE' permanent-1JtL1n Temporary >In Observed ,1n Slope % h1'A.r Depth oflJilr 'fe 1 n #3 TEST HOLE COLOR & IN TEXTURE S,'L 1n 1n 0_ 1nJ1~" SI'L t- C!AJ;/J (6J' COLOR & ROOT DEPTH IN TEXTURE Major 1n M1nor In Res tn ct 1 ve 1n ManU NG Gray 1n Rust In Mn 1n WATER TABLE Permanent 1n Temporary 1 n Observed 1n Slope % Depth of TH 1n ABREVIATIONS NOTES Structure Sbk-Subangular Blocky Gr-Granular SG-S1ngle M-MasslVe Pores ~ew 2 - moderate 3 - many Textures SlCL - S llty clay loam S11 - Sllt loam SlC - Sllty Clay CL - Clay loam C Clay L - Loam S L - Sandy Loam L S - Loamy sand S - Sand STRUCTURE & PORES .5 hie. J 5I/c J T GIL STRUCTURE & PORES ROOT DEPTH Major In Mlnor In Restrlctlve 1n ManU NG Gray 1 n Rust In _Mn In WATER TABLE Permanent In Temporary 1n Observed ,In Slope % ~ Depth of Wi ", 1 n #4 TEST HOLE ROOT DEPTH Major 1 n M1nor In Restr1ct1ve In ManU NG Gray 1 n Rus t 1 n Mn 1n WATEi<YAHLE Permanent In Temporary 1n Observed 1n Slope % 1n Depth of TH In ~ COLOR I STRUCTU~ IN TEXTURE & PORES -.c...... --- ~'- ~ ~( I COLOR I STRUCTURE IN TEXTURE & PORES .. - . .. Page of 1"'1 SubdlV / S I s(',,;l.-/9'Lot# T R S -I~FJ2...-Qr_ T L .L~Part ~~_____Parcel# Blk # Zonlnq us, ___ u_ Parcel SlZe _Water Supply Wel~bllc Ddlly Waste Lenqth of Dlst ~ Flow _J"~_Q'D Llnes /~_ft2jJ.!i..O.9. Method ~ Max Depth _~.z:...1...nches SITE DESCRIPTION rOe~~ ~r-, ~ f I 111 , IJl I ,- , ~ I" \ III 'I \TI'\N1\ ,"llIql] Ii 11,"1: I ,'IJfm,~ I ()Nl (,[lUN 1 Y nl' ,'1 I NV nG \ I:EJ r 1,' r ("lll!--: 1"'1) }i(iX ,d)! 1 <) ~, ~ (,,1".'1 j I (;,~ \ I;:: 1 ('I, , i I ~1 i )O~)/)I,,\,~){) 1 \J1..J(1 ~J1M W t~l V(y 1 \ 1'1 (HdNI I( Nt1!: ('I il"- (lI-' I, , NO :, ~-f rrll' 'If ::;U( II, T [ON )<1' 1<1' (;p ., I1 T.:'F , IIN 1 r ' 00 i ,,11 il: 11 :~' 1- fHJI\ S(~ f 1 IJNIl tm, I JNtKl 11'I(S' PIH,I,I(dHC,,)L f ET ",1 (, \ l ,"1,1 :CH(,!-- U I l (\fJ I 1-11 ('!\ 1,1 1 [ l tlU , r: ;( 1 UI(E,' 1''li:C! I S lIr\ I"(:!', l ~'1),f" I.l' j f~~ la4 :'!)SS I " III,' o , 1 ' (I; 1(. SFi'lJ f"I',1 II 'W!' [', I [ S1.)..' , v f{" 1',LlI rSl ( (il'WI l 1 I 'liJ 1\(,) 1 r < , .., ! Cf, .Iri- I ::)~\ Itl.il, Dr-I f~_ 0-/1 O~-~ ~PRlNGFj[ln, UfEGnN I 'J 1 In I( :' In I),",' OOi r 1-11),'11 1'1" ',)4 Ii III ':1':;) 'iHII",nON fTE D,W. t~; 00 I fi _II 4X '1-'" ')' " II" ~)o, {II.) 5- A ll( (lfl: r{"'{" I ~ ~ ; " I nl (_II I-! 1 ~l){ ~-, ~ A r )() f't< , . .. ~Ir~' cCl..Jrty ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHEET " , COMPLETE THIS SECTION INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED' Verna. )J f( eec e. PERSON MAKiNG REQUEST PO, 867C /ff'-</ 'MAILING ADDRESS q" /2 Jd I 'i/ CITY Kodflt>uT-<f- Vema /U t<ee.ec-:- i PROPERTY OWNER f {) i3Ci~ /g'.y MAiL1NG ADDRESS ()/2 sTAtE 97</77 ZI P CODE -5~ tld, T CITY 0{2 STATE 977-'77 ZIP CODE 7<;~~7/ BUS-INES-S--T-ELEPHO~# HOME TELEPHONE # BUSINESS TELEPHONE # 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS non e.. \( e + r o("n l?,r 0 f 4::J.n d Sf- (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING AD~RESS) 7-$/6 - D"'r 7 / HOME TELEPHONE # q... ~a=,oer f.2d~' I .' 3 MAP & PARCEL NUMBER (REQUIRED INFORHATlON) (from tax maps 1n Department of Assessment and Taxat10n or from tax statement) /'1 02 oS TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION :(.y - c&9oo TAX LDT(S) DR PARCEL # .I?f-/~ ZONING TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP -</, "-/ ACRES 4 SUBDIVISION (If appllcable) 5 REQUEST ('tate exactly what you plan to do) sj!~ LOT BLOCK 1M WJJ , ...,'~~ .. U, "/. ::l..."t. -', ,(?, ~... '6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE c..c.)(''"ner o-P ~.Dd_'3t a.nd :5CL:,:,'(?er ~;'f ~.. 4'" .. ZONE/LAND USE BY DATE u__ (~ '\)/ 6 I~* FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** ~ "lJ TIME IN OUT NUMBER DATE I ..3' -i '" V> . -, r- LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / 125 E 8th AVE, EUGENE, OR 97401 / 687-4061 ~