HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Notice 1978-12-7 \CJ"\ \ JOb'Addressr ,...-~ ~ )r-. City To""ship, Ran~ Section, Tax Lot _\p-. -(, --, , '" 9 . .." Subdivision :--,.,.--\ _ - ~ -l.- '-- J-e ' '" U""Y\. '"ffi Block Appl1cat1on for' s:.2..~ ,')..---..-...,:::; ~--E'c-~' ~ Structures now on the property l ~ v'""\. cI. ~. ~ ('.,. rY\. c;...-\-- Iproposed ltSe of~ty CI R%ldenual CI i:on1nercial () Industrial CI Public Aff,davlt I, <.L JtD1.lA n~..c--r , hereby certlfy that thlS lnformatlon 1S true and accurate '"-- (Please print) If thlS appllcatlon 1S for an agrlcultural bUl1dlng It wl11 be used for purposes allowed by the State BU11dlng Code and lane County Code Chapter 10 (zon1ng) and for no other purpose I have the fo'lowlng legal lnterest 1" the property owner of record. contract purchaser. lessee. holder of an excluSlve optlon to purchase. duly authorlzed to act for the owner, who 1S knowledgeable ot thlS ap~llcatlon SlgnaturejAddress / > DEPARTrIENT OF ENVIRONI~ENTAL I1ANAGEMEN, PSB. 125 EA5T 8TH AVENUE EUGENE. OREGON 97401 ~eipt ~ Telephone When perm1t lS ready not,fy I~I A~pl'cant Owner.- Dr Date CI Owner CI Contractor ~ CI ma,l (ZlP) ( .'~ ", ~ v '\ '\.,) ,-\I..L\~ Plumb,ng by - CI phone Phone Phone Contractor 'rn Contractor's OSR# . .......,-." f\. If Commerclal ReSldentlal I of stories I of bedrooms 51 test holes ready DO NOT WRITE BelUW THIS LINe # of employees I of units SOS: I~I Ex,st,ng, BP # I~I Proposed, SI # fill ~ Unit ~ Valuatlon Sq Ft or # of Sites Descriotlon ~ ') ~--e <0 ~ ~ ,~.s:--:J ------ , '\ '" "l..~O' . "......'\ Total Valuat10n $ Plumbing fixtures at $ Sewer/water conn. at $ Subtota 1 JJ r-V G o Cash o Check , RecelVed by WATER SUPPLY; pr,OPOS:::D EXISTI NG 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy Y'='IO L,-, 1"'\ I '....... -", , r: l""\ . L...... It.....L..l-u. TOTAL PERMIT PROCESSING Zone __ Part # Parcel # Parcel SlZe Mlnlmum setbacks ll. front ll. slde . lnt rear Conunents To be typed on permlt By Date CP&1 Type Group Flre Zone Use ClasSlflcatlon To be typed on permlt By Date Phone For plans lnformatlon call (area lnspectol") Dlrect,ons to slte Plans to CP&I set(s) WPC == set(s) Date Requl red Hold 5l1P to PCC Date Completed o SIFO /~I CP&1 CI WPC CI Plannlng Cf Publ,c Works ~I ElevatlDn CI n/a CI Address CI Fac,l1ty Perm1t CI Env,ronmental Health C74-171 IlppllcetlOll I' Assigned !Illmbers ~\,,~~ \'6 (Z,p) Fee each each $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ( "\ $ \00 $( (' 1'- Oa te to PCC )", ~ ~ , ~,f . c~", I b ~o ~~~ ~ -~_I' . - '-~ '" " ..- ~ CORRECTION NOTICE , LANE COUNTY DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Construchon Permits & Inspections DIvIsion EUGENE, OREGON This budding or structure does not conform to lane County bUilding regulations, ordinances or codes as noted below / f; J-e..-t--u '1C...:,:; h~ .v.L P1' AI /~ qL. ""/!',-.t:.dZ --<lL y.-e j; ,~ ~ / rf(7..o .,-..P /AoLA 'PL4':' ~:.J.a /..&<..JD~ _ 'jl~ ~ ~e.r-- ...I dJaA'...~.n /(;!U>A..P CL.--J hA~ h~-4 T~.Ar d.~ ~ ~~_ yz.r b-eJ' ~~.....L-- A-&A1..R-,"",-, ~ '/~ J~ l/iJ~.P~./ ~ a,A.-<JAA.b.. ~~ ..L:.J4, /-'~---, S/l7}P 17. ll"?J.-p~,,(1d_ n...A.tJ I~ ,i' n \1/ .~_ ~ ,n.~,1 6Ut..Ad. ';/DjlJ~ ~-~~ ~ (V~~ ~>... Ak...~fLfI~&_ /~.#'~, /-' ~ C55-73 RE.INSPECTION REQUIRED Inspector_ ~,I~.A..o.,.J'~ Date Iz- /-78 ~~PPRO~~ tl V~ r (-__ .~ Building Permit # :J...I# , ,- I" / q( . , . , -- - If) 1/ (j (;; t CORRECTI.ON NOTICE LANE COUNTY DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Construction Permits & Inspections DIvIsion EUGENE, OREGON / This buddmg or structure does not conform to Lane County budding regulations, ordinances or codes as noted, below / 4t<UuU/V HdvN /a,,',j(;-ccs- .sl; k[.(;., .2 /, ///Ut ,::'&<2-<--.,<' C '7"'.& "} fl/lL, hi ~~c./.A ".{/ t "'- I.Vdfl/V/./<~,aJd' 'tJ /";(( f},r// -11M ~ u (J /j U bp/!t,../..u;/ ?u-?-- <i' ,- /,',,-c.v-e-,,-- ,tIll /,.- /, Jkh:k. < DM, G> /LC.L.l!<::"S t:b h :z....:-L /-::":'u . - V C55 -7 3 RE.INSPECTION REQUIRED FOR APPROVAL /' ../ / / /j~/ j Inspector l./ Ii ..JIZ U tvr,/1 Datp ) / - {>'- '73 Building Permit # I. " , ...- / COR~~~DD@~ ~@lJ~CE LANE COUNTY DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Construction Permits & Inspections DIvIsion EUGENE, OREGON This budding or structure does not conform to Lane County budding regulations, ordinances or codes OS::ll:;J~~/ M~L.A~ "-?-PA(J-/,SA, , ~ rr - - / 7/' I A-fA/ / /), (I" v './." / fLeL//./~ ./J4L7~ ".-et::'" f _ ~ ' /J ~?-e-a 1.L.t.-A-P ~, I /l -I-n P. )( J1 tLtY A..-/ - I}/) ~. _A -f~.p:.:::w..~ 'A~ -7N/~ .., 17 ~.-J .A' ( ~ -f' ./ ..-J-P, 1,1 J-r? J'{'~ I n ,.,...1', jJ t:1 /2 /-<,--/!Pi? <'/Ja..cd .J _. J') -r Inspecto~)~J Date / 2~S-:: 7g' V J~~ , BUilding Permit # -r-r....../ / /- C55-73 RE-INSPECTION REQUIRED FOR APPROV ~ -- :::::----- , . ~ CORRECTION NOTICE LANE COUNTY DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Construction Permits & Inspections DIvIsion EUGENE, OREGON This bulldmg or structure does not conform to Lane County buddmg regulations, ordmances or codes as noted below Ex (> A . Jr.."'iJi. ril A--<.... >-I?hY"Cl.>-L. ~ / ,] ~ -10 ~./U re.,. . tf I'" ,C) /A----c/~ 1--// r,p,......, C!,A..p -.t::;L'J ~_.<,. ,r , --. - ----------- -'- Inspector. (_1( )~,- BUilding P~,t # ) A k......r'...('_ Date /0 -11-7 g' -" . -rAA/_ CSS-73 RE-INSPECTION REQUIRED FOR APPROVAL .~ :~" .'. .., ;. Oato Permit No " o 407-"79 CURB CUT . .'} "'--;; It,. _ - "'~ ,- ::~""""'t- ''''.l,~'~_ ~, ",' - - l~', l- ~ '. o n lm (111 IAfh, 1()78 ~;~ ':: \" "',1'~ PERM~T IN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LANE COUNTY " WHEREAS, the attached application has been fully considered by the Board of County Com- missioners of Lane County, and it is the opinion and judgment of the Board that the said application should be granted, and that a permit should be issued, now, therefore, it is hereby. ORDERED, that a permit be and is hereby issued to -1) '"L, V'.:e.,-nn;) II tL~'"":.. + - "1"11.(.'1'11 -a-,J {l;Qu i34A ('lfnrU..JCl+,a...r-lJJ. L':)I.JFD. for placing, building , , or constructi,:,g the following facility: '-..... fl /. (Q LDr 10. PltfYK 2. Dr j\:)Qlln-\., \JF.K',,-lolJ r~-I(,lt.o:;V (107 \ ..DI-f::: Wcu..<I:").' " I C" - upon theJright,of,way of County Road No. /. , Mile Post in strict conformity to the ~xhibits attached hereto, and SJ.l$j~t to all terms, conditions, agreements, stipulations and provisions contained in the application an'c!-'pe.rmit, the Rules and Regulations Gov- erning Facilities to be Permitted upon County Road Rights:ef~aY;- as set forth by the Lane Man, ual 50.190(2) any amendments thereto, and any, oth~'r..-applicable regulations, law or ordinance. I _ ,1 ,V p_A -::"" Special Provisions: 17 r ,t,,4~ ;""f~'. ; / (f . u'" L=r.,~ '. -Jt,;<.f/ .r."'~ 9 . e.. 0 K .", ";",,--77).--' ,r' .. ~_1.4 ..r"'~~J"=-'A.-/...-;~~<!'.u;'{l.~-d::"';fL" ~'" . .I'~:':''C!.?:(I'.:.,'''''''I!;1f.. .... '~'y..:~....." ....,.....:'>o~.:~ ""7 ~~' r}).-;'.. l".....~,i' t-- , 1. '.....Driveway will, l:ie Ip2D,~truCt!:1I in <}cg:>rddnce witi:l/the attached drivewayo....C!ppr~ch specifica' ' ';::. tions (Drawihg.-<M9S'50).;!.,' <-/1';.. / "... '._ ,(" ,..'.. 'I , ",""", ..../ ',' . i '.' .~.::-.." ,. ('I!-'/'rf.''i..<;q./, -.(....- _.. I . ,_. . . ' '.....--.. r :' 2. ip;~{;tifiee will b~' responsible for the immediate reJJ10val of all mud; dirt and Clebris from tf1e ?j': ro.adwcWand right of way caysed by his o.pen"tion, leaving' the roadway and area-;in a neat, acceptable condition. ',. '>1- ,~.""" '~ Sidewalks will be construct~d in accQ~da~ce~wlth the attached sidewalk .~~ specifi cat ions and drawi ng M9S:'il9. ];he"Standard Curb Type sha 11 be ,. '.4- cons tructed unless otherwi se sp'ec,ifi ed, --- 3. , . .~.J .'....-.. . --- . " ....-- , .-" '. : ...- .::. -r. ..e-..... ~_~. 4-1.-"\. _.A .. .."""-- ~- I ~";:"r...t- .' ..1"::-... .~-' -:." ;;f~"- \",~'''!~~1<\,'''-'/ (. l' r'f'''4'~ ."'.._.~_..,., ,..."_J, f / . '''. ....""')00.. ' ".....' ,... r" ,#. .- " <oo-l. -~ - J /- _ :-:'.f!- (7....J:;- '.. ~ ~ - 1" _'_ '.1 jF ,#'r' . f /' .-r";;'- .......... . I-r ~. .' f:;;, i' 1"')'.'1'-'t.-- r::. ~ , '--1,,' :c:.. . r'~ :~~.~. - , " ,', ,r' :... "1',,_... , -p ~~ ::y.~ . This permit is:.r.evocable at any time, and will be strictly adhered to and no work other than that specifically.mentioned above is hereby authorized. This pe(J:nit shs'II' be void unle,ss;th.:.,-work herein contemplated shall have been completed be- ~ . L--?~'[,)-;,,' ?-. fore '.r), mr"h. l.c,lf" ,G{97n.- ,"Expires 7'- , 1.9_. -.. -J .~ - --" -z-..,,~;; /'....' _ . ...... ...._. '.. .,4't"_ ~"' ,Inspected a.nd' Approved Approved by B~ard of c~t;;;'ty' Commi;si6ii~rs '1<. , '- ' By ~ ;t'.:~~,r" .., ",' ':. y~'ll_~ J~ ~I iAJ .' ,.' ,- ...- ..... i5i~ector:'of -P,Lbiic Works .-1', ", .t... ~ /.,._ . >. /::":"-.:..' PINK - PERMITTEE' ",' ._..1..~ ~ f /", " . ORANGE-BUILDING & SANITATION DEPT:: C74~129 ...'.;. ...". Date By WHITE - OFFICE FILE YELLOW - REAL ESTATE . " , . " , .. ~ .. , SITE INSPECTION ~ ApPROVED G DISAPPROVED CJ DATE ,J/J- /1- if! INSPECTOR~ REMARK 5 FOUNDATION INSP~ ApPROVED I "1 DISAPPROVED L-I DATE ~/(-7g;NSPECTO~~ ~..r- /., _ c- - 7 $( M ~, , l' NJ-cl.:::::..7K REMARKS ~ ~-/...., // J(1Dt:. ~~~....~ ~ . ~~ (/ ,j'A--~~ n .A..A-t' V / FRAMING INSPECTION ApPROVED /~1~;::PPROVED fI DATE //~ 2-7-?,f'iNSPECTOR Ow~ REMARKS~/' /" . j Z--":- ~I'f'$ //~ /-i- '775' Sr.' {~~L_____- _ ~.......;r d~_,_ ....'" : ,/ _ ~ -"79 ~ LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION / ApPROVED ~I DISAPPROVED / REMARKS,"A ;j.JY..A',AC/;jI - /1 (f r~1 (/f-"tfu' :fj,J . / DATE_/;7 -7-7JINSPECTOR ()..(A rZ ~ ~j;' /2-.'" -1 .Ii (hl""k " J" iJI,'t) .12'" .a:;~ '/~-'-"VPJ ..-A ~/'1~_t-z-. /~J1~--,,"L~-._ FINAL INSPECTION ApPROVED LiZ! DISAPPROVED / / DATE ~- 2.';-7qINSPECTOR~ REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE / / NOT READY TO ISSUE I / DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS /2.-1-?'iS 9tC~ rl-L /2-' 'if,1'g ~ I. ;:..- ,. ...... ,{ , d-u- (;VC?-vI_ (/ LANE COUNTY PERMIT f Acreage or Lot SI70 /0) 000 III Partitioning # A/ A- ( ) Completed SubdivIsion ~"1 '@ t. U-?,~.A'" _J /i ~.,t- Contractor's 0 S # Lot / U Block ~ <' j J APPLICANT'S NA~E AND ADDRESC: 7JLi;. U...iA/-7. qrz.,,~a -r:rI/1'U-I1I&. /3q6t:t"CZ1U)n~1ho~:-7V6- 3072- OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRI=C:C: I' Phonp " CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRI=C:C: Phono Mail permit to ([....)""Appllcant ( ) Owner ) Contract'or ) Prefer to pick up Call. (owner, etc ) when ready STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY C n THIS PERMIT IS FOR.5F L) /SlJ3~ '1A..A.- 5-6 Jl~ J/listattSlJ5 # BEDROOMS5 WATERSUPPLyuJ~iYU[t- te)'1f!t/)) eo ' SEWAGE DISPOSAL TRS, TI ~? ! ~ '01 - '::> JOB LOCATION /07/ 7/~1-7[; 1/ ~"'~ <( , . # PLUMBING CONNECTION~ 0 SI #74- yc2. THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF-THE CITY OF PLUMBING BY I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal Interest In the oroperty _owner of record, contract purchaser, _ potential buyer, _ realtor or agent I further certify that (If not the owner) I am authOrized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner IS aware and approves,of th,s action I hereby agree to comply With all applicable Codes relating to this permit . [ Fee P(,H;J..(;;CJ, L/S ( ~~ /!l9.J Signature '--,.dUti-~:it .;1"'/-? -::?.".A-r/ Dato ~ -) 7- /,5 (\J; NEW ADDRESS ( ) FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT/./ ('?i'sPECIAL PMT AREA MIN ELEVATION SANITATION /OOV Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) /So Dralnfleld ReqUired Lineal Feet 3 6 I~ MaXimum Depth , ~ .' r J ~ r ./ ,/ I Ie '1"...,.10<1/'- 0""'<7" Go" , tl" Comments r..., f..., ~ c f (lei {'/)t f/~"" S/)1 /OoJ .('-.;<.t r~o--'" 0-11 w......ll~ + f f" "'O},!< Of" d.(lv"", ol..l"'r ,....,I-..l VJ Y1... ('..J.. I . I or +..Lf.......,c. (~r'(H~-T4>t+ U("'t...J.!, BUILDING L:',hZ: Wi.jt~lif $pE(UU iPERMI7 ..-~. 5N Type of Construction , !':roup _10 i Frk.z::one JJ<J(J...t..JN(.., "se ClaSSlflcatlor "" Comments ;qNf::II~) f'J.L-o;::. VLt/ 70 e& AT t.L/1f,.>T ';!/i5("./J!!.. UA~~ cAP IN LU(':'E. AT IN7Q::.~.t:~ ''-eN I C;::" ('-Ltc t...M.'l' 4 {./J(Jt: .t:{i:,vt: JS 42'393 C,/1.1 C.,f Df" .- By/ jJ~ -Jc.~ 11.P Date (\ "Z./zfr/n' BY.L~ ~ PLANNING,REQUIREMENTSSATISFIED By ~I'U--c Datey-c::?"7-7K Datelssued:;$-J'5-Il.:\ ZONE ,e.. rr SETBACKS FRONT(d.;' ~~IQI;..EACING STREET - (FROM CIL) INT SIDE YARQS' REAR 7' (FROM P/L~ ("",I' '"'7~ r-~ LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMEN]AL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE 687-4394 _Date -t-/S-7'ir;' C5S 13 , POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE SLOG PERMIT -WHITE BUILDING - GREEN PLUMBING - CANARY SANITATION - GOLDENROD OFFICE COPY - WHITE -' If) CL-tA _ Cl LANE COUNTY PERMIT d."'" . Acreage or Lot Si7; 10 J ooe IJ!' Partitioning,# /f./ ff_(. ) Completed SUbdivision~--1 1./): t: I)../.A/.,;: /1' . Z ..f- , Contractor's O.S. # Lot I (j Bloc~.:.L-'.'.f d' : APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESc:""nLt: r)~,/i/! t ;-'~~~A.U'J;;lkJ;'ll &. /3(,1(:t,1t1,}:::,,'/f It.;fO'-;'P;lO'~:::;~~- 3(i72-', OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRFC:C: I' Phonfj. CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS II Phono Mail permit to (t,..)"Ii.;pplicant ( ) Owner ) Contractor. ( , ) Prefer to pick up. Call (owner, etc.) when ready.' )STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY-f'...-:> j /) --" ~ THIS PERMIT IS FOR5 F L) ISt;3~ <1A:A-- 5~Y.c, ~"..!//,j" filtS/J\.: # BEDROOMc:5 WATER SUPPLyILJ.tdOn"lr'i',l(, , tdr;-t..4) eo ' SEWAGE DISPOSAL I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in the property: _owner .of record; contract purchaser; _ potential buyer; _ realtor or agent. I further certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner is aware and approves,of this action. 1 hereby agree to comply with all appllc,able Codes rela.ting to this permit. .... ..., /" a / I Q ( "<7 / ~OJ ,- A7'/ /;'., /-? . ~ .-, 7/ Fee P~id '!"'" V-:1 ,. '-f cJ -..d J a I" Signature -, _.:/1..1,..".....;;Y~., ./ '-1'..r't! Datp J -./' /- < (t/) NEW ADDRESS ( ) FA'ciLlTY PERMIT TO T.RANSPORTATION DEPT,/~ (.?)'sRECIAL PMT. AREA. MIN. ELEVATION: ByJ)""".ui r:.~j~ PLANNING,REQUIREMENTS SATISFIED. By: '-..../.(Z.../?,L:t';' Datet-<J-.,77-'7,~'" Date Issued:,;;$-/'5-'/(S ZONE:-1c.,~ SETBACKS: FRONTU'-Th?JPI;.F.ACINGSTREET- (FROMC/L) IN'!".SIDEYARD<5' REAR 7' (FROMP/L) . r I' 4<11/'\ ./ nj r LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE., EUGENE OREGON 97401 PHONE: 687-4394 . v ~ I POST.THIS PERrYlI,. ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE .~- ',' '/f:.,' '1'.,5 \..j c/ JOB LOCATION . , ," TRS, T'I. ; i'. ~~ Tf:JIS PROPERTY ISWITHIN ONE MILE OF THE CITY OF '\ , ) SANITATION /000. /5'.,) 3() ,..." Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet Maximum Depth I .. l,j., '.~ (',",/.( "' ..,.' I' (' ,oj f (, 'J ..'1f.... <).,.,.. Comments: -1-".-,11",", ..... I {J"',. r'uT !o{JI.X",. ~t'.f l;;l'~ (.rt!1" ('11"'--' ........1; .(.V...~/j;,. J. .. f d ('..\ f t- ~ f ,:J ( ;1,. "'1! ..; v..~ r : '-,- !!' ). I .).,J VI oJ t (_'-'" I : (, , 'f .., /.. {.\. 't> _, f<~_ l' C.J t ~.J,j. ....... () r .. ; . . T /; . BY:';:< fJ'.A~ " " -.:f u-<":r';" }'I;..R, Date: ,---.., <./.. 'i"/7iC /0 //1 /} /I ( A.'L [L. ll/....., -tS- I Ie /- / 'J . , , I~\ # PLUMBING CONNECTION5.......'-<:'../ S.1. # 71- :f/,;2.... , ': ., , "i .. '~ . PLUMBING B'( .'? . .;:t . 'l' ,.,--t 'fi .J .' BUILDING · SlY Type of Construction I r:roup "3 Fire Zone J}.,)(:..I:..L.JNr'.., I lse Classificatiop Comments: FIN/511!:u ;;/..ld t..d:.v'. 7{,.." eE AT U:f\;~r 4;;;'("'-;;;:" ti:.lt~~ c.A? 11'#0,1 t:.t.:i:"'/i:, AT jAf,iL.:r::..:.f.{..-:'T/cN ,:; (c.(t:. ~""','I" ~. CtPG I"r:'lvc 15' "'lg$.95o . ~,tJj t" ./;,,':' :~~: VII'..ff :"~1 " ,-:.."'-' ;';,?i- . " " " ',r! " ., ,'f ;i :~ i Date: 3-/5'7k -"'f, .: .~ . ,t~ .' , ~1 ,. ".-' -> .. ',-.. . -. " - .- BLDG. PE~!V1JT :""'WHITE; BLlIUSING -- GREEN; PLU~BI,NG '-'CAN~RY; SANITATION - GOLDENROD;' OFFICE COPY - WHITE' l,.,..~, __ ,i.,~'. ." _;<i C55,13 ;... ",r':-O_~ :'" ~"";-_".~",,,-~, . ,,, .' ~_ -".-c-.~ '~,,_._"_...-"~,...~ .._..:....-::.'J"..,....~.-'~.!..-.L.,._;C.'_._.".~~.__t._:._ , It'cdJ -&t:"/tIl FLOOR PLUMBING GROUNDWORK ApPROVEO lZ1 DISAPPROVED C1 DATE J CJ-I.J '71" INSPECTOR fP4- . REMARK 5 GAS PIPING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED C1 DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS ROUGH PLUMBING ApPROVED I VI DISAPPROVED C1 DATE_J /- '-?F' INSPECTOR rP A- REMARKS ROUGH GAS PIPING ApPROVED C1 DISAPPROVED C1 DATE INSPECTOR REMARK 5 FINAL PLUMBING ApPROVED [2T DISAPPROVED C1 DATE_ L/-.;; (..111 NSPECTOR (,J/t- REMARKS FINAL GAS PIPING ApPROVED C1 DISAPPROVED r7 DATE INSPECTOR REMARK 5 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE C1 NOT READY TO ISSUE r7 DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS G..~' ~ If{,/'-'/.9, - - , Job Location (Street, mile post). SubdivISion 3l2.D Md +D S Pi2., ~~ Fl8-0 Lo< 10 Block '2 D % !'l -l TH~P::=:;" C2..L) ~1 UJ ~ ~ VJ ~~ W ........ j~ j -J > CD Cl'( /i= o 1).1' ~ (3 r:2 \) " 3 ~. 2 W ~\J ~O ~ ~ ~ III ~ Ii.) \-:; '" ~ Q ~ '0 !J 3, 0 J i>( t: ~ ~j ~ -= '2 <:l: '" ~ I :2: Q III )..l \'- --- '" ~J E 0 .-SJ '" ~)~ Z ~~ ()<l 'Ii '" u -:;r ~ &~ \'t) tf) 'It "- ~ CD '.l_ / ~- ~ I s;- 2 -~ Lc. T I () 10'7 I Col-Z WAY M O-w..Y( \(ir?tI. IOU ~A4'S.7? FOR SANITARIAN'S USE ONLY COMMENTS J:fJ'..!jV;;;~ DISapproved D Needs Correction Date IlII6 Signature .d ~ FOR INSTALLER'S USE Trench Depth ~D 1/ Filler Depth Be.ww Tile?' 10 " Tank Capacity 1000 Manufacturer lA) l L L,f) frI E 'j'iE (:T 12 fl i/!; 1'O'Ua- Measured distance to well from tank "1JJiSLI (. \.() yt~~nfleld 3'Aspee I ROAD 80'_ ---- \.j -- '0;: I \ I f A-e.efl \D ,;'--" ..../ " ~ WIf ~\ fJh ...,., ~\J t'\ "...'" :7Q t> '\,'013 0 , C\ C \' ?o\\ ,\\00 ''''ater "'10". 9/ ,. \) ii' I)' contrO' C' I..In~~ I \...?<fle i'\ 'J INSTALLATION ECORD AND CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY MpU T 'ON)'" When signed by the County Sanitarian, thIS certificate IS eVidence as per 0 RS 454W5 of sat- ISfactory completion of a subsurface sewage dISposal system at the above location ( I I c..OL~ vJ AY Scale ( ~ ~ ;N' Return thIS form to Permit ProcesSing Section, Department of EnVironmental Management, Public Service Building, 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene 97401 C5511 - I'" - -/ -...::. ,l\L- /..- <:;:'":.' Li'..l1 . t',) //1. ....J- 1 ,'?< Yb.,~. I' J . ,_~ i TRS~TI ~ , t.... . '.~I. ".-. It. "\ . 'J - ..I . -/' . ..-/ <.., c." -'" \. ~! ~) /! /.t.'.' "'/' '/ (' I JO OCATION . 'f:i.;9. /Y'';::::;:.--; B L ,. " .' ". -'-~, - ;"'i' ' ,y' ;-' LANE COUNTY PERMIT r. ..', . '4/'4- r /";+" _-\ ;;(1"\;.;:' f .'/), . f- Partitioning~#'c:" . v, - ( ) Completed #..:t,Sub'c!ivisign"'-'- ""II ,.. .-'-.' .'/ " :'\0 , f 1/< . I (J Lot j (j Block.;;,)..-- , ') I ." ..f -I.' / w'" - II.,?I':;'-::- I .~. - .I .. ""J/'(_J' .. ,1:"70:' ....j ,. .,/, 'r "') _J-.l...- ....'....~r_/.....,.f..... ,L..- _ /;"1.. I - . ~ .OJ' ..~. .', ..,r-/-,; ~__.1' Phone L; 1..4~ .)(4- -- ,. ..- --::r '-"'J--. Phon~ ' '/ Phon~ (owner, etc.) when ready. , :~ ? . . if", '/",...., II.( Acreage'or Lot Si70 /' -'; (, Contractor's O.S. # APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADD RI=c:,,'-)Jr i ./ .., I OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESC: CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS Mail permit to (I-(Applicant ( ) Owner , /,c.., ':,.;'- '} , .f; , I I' ) Contractor. , ) Prefer to pick up. Call ,~ .._." .'./.;..' . ('" I .~;""" ; t- o: . .-r- .~, Ii '. /'.1' r. l .'! ->1):..... /\.;;.....,....; :.,.>:' '"....JI..../~_j. "-;' l r:n -' '-' .:< # BEDROOMC:-~ '. .0..... '. it # PLUMBING CONNECTIONJ.C' ; I" _ --",'1 ';J-/ ) 5.1. # -;.,!':.r- __I; ......iPL..... STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY THIS P~RMIT IS FOR~ F i..J IS 5 3~ 1::'/(,,(.. ) - , :1 II 1.#1,.. -+-- I,' ,.-'1'., . WATER SUPPLY 1./.'.."'{.i!<J fl.... "of V !"ij '. -f."- -. SEWAGE DISPOSAl THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MI LE OF THE CITY OF PLUMBING BY , I hereby certify that}the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the following 1~~! inter;st in the property: _owner of record; contract 'purchaser; _ potential buyer; _ realtor or agent. I further certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner is aware and approves,of this action. I hereby agree to comply with all applicable Codes relating to this permit. . "1 r... a (I 'C":' / ""'7. /I'>OJ' l' "..7' '. "', /4;: ., ' -. .;;-) Fee Paid $:,;:::;.( \!"/ J I 0 { ~,l I -i I Signature /'. I'f J..Ufr"'.i1. .!;~..... ~~...v~"'~~(' Datp ~ -...... ,/'- <t;,.' (~NEW ADDRESS ( ) FACILITY PERMIT'TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT,. (J.:.n;"PECIRlPMT. ..JR'EA. MIN. ELEVATION: Comments: - Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet Ma~imum Depth I ,._, I, . t ." " BUILDING -, ",;\/ t _ Type of Construction . I_:"'~. ~LI...";'..J.,,$t1 [15e Classification Comments: !-li~! "''; c t.iJiJ"..>';'_ : "..f--'j'~' (. ~. t"'i (-'(4t:" "'~/'" '\ ... . Group Fire Zone I SANIT'71ION .~ .~'. - _.J l".. ..) ;s, oJ I ~~ ...' .;..,/ . ,,~ t..!.."!' 1'''.... l' c" I~, i:," II'. I!." I. f1Jc; .. f.H./t '0 ............'....y- ..1."".~~ " ..:":."/ "'-f . " ).." . ~ '" r ,_, "I',.~'?. 't.,,,' [.1 i(:/N: . '. " I :,..) I I' I ~ "'1' i' I r ' f ~ . .' v.;! ....... - _) ./ f' .}.C-. < . \ .,. i,/'/ J By:" Date: ('\ L./';' ../ I;,,' By: .L.l:,- """"t t .,,,,,."ft-t; Date: __-I ;3,; ,r' PLANNING.REQUIREMENTS SATISFIED. By: ''-/?! I . t Date~-U-..77- )(-\", Date Issued:,8-rS.-/r: ~NE: /(.. rt SETBACKS: FRONT{.,:t,r "7h~J~QE;,J:ACING STREiI - (FROM C/U INT. SIDE YARD":' I REAR 7' (FROM P/U LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRO~M'E'r;JJfc1v(NAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE" EUGENE, O.RE~ON 97401 PHot:Jl/687-4394 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE C55,13 BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE: BUILDING - GREEN: PLUMBING - CANARY: SANITATION - GOLDENROD; OFFICE COPY - WHITE 1" I' :1 .. 1"