HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1977-7-8 ~~ ~TRS, TI /f?-3-~ tJ-~f d / '/1') / 1456 . 'J.,/a A / 't /L/l 177 d jj/tI,_ 7- PERMIT # Q)f!;)/ / JOB LOCATION lkL LANE COUNTY PERMIT Acreage or Lot SI70 Partitioning # JrJ.::;l/lf 7(7 ) Completed SubdivIsion Contractor's 0 S # ~ th .- /J "'l Lot B loci- ./ .., / ./ / I tLII, r;:Lr '- .........b.. /J r-; k. ) .4. . ;"" +f- fa "'" ,/ _ APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESC: I\'.P.-J f pi ~A .6!I'p;r #7 1 ft:J:~ '-1".- ,,0 ~ (j. r;-7WA./,W~ )lj~hone o/z(~ - 7Vb / OWNER'S NAME AND ADDR"C:C: T., . _ Phonp CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDR"C:C: --"'7/ AI ,It (fp 1./ ;J1.I-r- _ 7 . . . Phone Marl permit to ( ) Applicant ( ) Owner ( ) Contractor (l))~refer to pick up Call ~/(1t, -/' /'-Ih -j (owner, etc) when ready STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY f' (),/J./ /~.{;1 -r M /C'/6-;;;; &~ HIS PERM'IT IS FOR ni IJ (/l.A'_'~ /"A/rz..., '\ 02~~BEDROOMS_#PLUMBING CONNECTION~ . .. \....- t1 - - J WATERSUPPLY ..i2-r./,,((~/ SEWAGE DISPOSAl ;;2~/)t:.-7~ . f THis PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MI LE OF THE CITY OF S I # , ~~ PLUMB ING BY SANITATION -,,!~h.~ M,nimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Draonfleld ReqUired - Loneal Feet MaXimum Depth //' )mments !/zi ".ht/---J-<-. ..{~.....c.... _ c '" ~=~ .-r,,; -5f .o.r.............. ...... ._-I::'t/.Q..!A;~. );!..O><-U- ....c~L- ;'Uft-T / . r/ ~ S .At..... ..JI:~)c..I,,-(;;: ..c.~ ( I I 'I .. 0-' /)7 H 'hu';;/-41d--fiu... L-tJC ~ h d' Ivr> (7/.,,~-<.J.' z::+t e>.-.-. 1-54:.-0 .'d~ !.-."<.<' f.<)c(' f..-!-1 By -......</ ~<.,....... Date ..-h--..J7.77 By CL R~-1 /~.G. ..A5ate L_ 'Z-y- ~~ PLANNIN(J REQUIREMENTSSATISFIED By '-...k:;~/I.AL:: v/Date /....-;71'" 7"'1( p Date Issued'/'1'u.J,'t p.,#; /iJ71 ZONE P A fl1 LJ.. SETBACKS FRONT .IJ~f SIDE FACING STREET _ (FROM C/~) INT SIDE YARD (""I REAR~ ,'(~RO-M PILl. I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the followong legal Interest In the property _owner of record, contract purchaser, _ potential buyer, _ realtor or agent I further certify that (If not the owner) I am authOrized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner IS aware and approves of this action I hereby agree to comply With all applicable Codes relating to this permit Fee Paid <l: di" =3 n . Signature 7f..,,~ ,.r~ ~~ .h~...J,I~ Da'o I - - ~ /f, ( ) NEW ADDRESS ( ) FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT ( ) SPE'9IAL PMT AREA MIN ELEVATION /' V;' Type of Construction I Jse ClasSificatIOn BUILDING , ,/ Group At ~.-c"t..- , - IA /~ ~# Fire Zone Comments LANE COUNTY SPECIAL PER11IT A3.EA t/ LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 G C u f/ -;&-~ :)'3 PHONE 687-4394 -.. POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE C5513 SLOG PERMIT - WHITE BUILDING - GREEN PLUMBING - CANARY SANITATION - GOLDENROD OFFICE COPY - WHITE J LJ.tl....,- (; j: /) ~^ / {rFT I SLAB FLOOR PLUMBING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED /7 DISAPPROVED CJ DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS , " GAS PIPING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED CJ DISAPPROVED CJ DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS ROUGH PLUMBING ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED CJ DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS - . ROUGH GAS PIPING ApPROVED CJ DISAPPROVED CJ DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FINAL PLUMB I NG ApPROVEO ~ DISAPPROVEO CJ DATE ;I,'~~J'~ INSPECTOR REMARKS ~ '. FINAL GAS PIPING ApPROVED CJ DISAPPROVED /7 DATE INSPECTOR REMARK 5 . ~ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE CJ NOT READY TO ISSUE /7 DATE REMARKS d?~ , INSPECTOR TRS, T' / i - ~~ 2- 16/ /J/Sb I~ D~ Job Location ..--S, - /h II (0c(7~?7 '1 - 4 // " Wr~tten DJ.rect~ons INFORMATION SHEET ) Building Permit ) Site Feasibility Study for Septic Tank Number of sites Acreage or Lot SIZe Test holes will be ready partltlonB# m S1~~ ) Completed Subdlvlslon~'.8.> .L- O'/)t..""-'. , 1) /I f tl P J) I ( ) Pending n, I APPLlC NY;'S~NA'MEA-mn.DDRESS u?u.J.,"-4 flI2\MVVV - f<,L,<;/, I.fr.J,-"""Ar OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS, If dlfferen~a~~nt,;s "\ A CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS .( 1..f1' / tJ J/-^"7-:r-- - ~- -. '~ail permIt or results of sIte feasibility study to ( ) Applicant ( ) Owner ( ) Contractor ) Prefer to pick up Call . (owner, etc ) when ready f STRUCTURESNOWONTHEPROPERTY' ~ f' AA <O~ S mrJ- I Lot _ Block Phoneah- 'Ii/I.. 7 Phone Phone Contractors O. S. # :If, RPrlr(1("1T1C: PROPOSED USE (this permit) WA TER SUPPLY ~ .!.iU ./ SEWAGE DISPOSAl PLUMBING BY (existing or proposed well, etc If public, name of system) r--?000-7~tlng or proposed septic tank, etc) S I # Address ) PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF CITY ( ...... ** ** ** ** **** * * ******* *** * ******* ** **** * * OF F ICE USE ON L Y BE LOW TH IS LI N E *** * * ** ** * * * * ** * *** ** ** ** ** ** * * * * * ~ * * "l- * "l-~ "l- * ( o~~e~'f!!ess Necessary - SETBACKS ) Facility Permit Necessary Front Side FaCing Street (FROM CENTERLINE OF ROAD) ) Specla I Perm It Area M,nimum Elevation Interior Side Yard Rear (FROM PROPERTY LINES) To Plannlng/B ulldl ng Inspector/Sanitarian/Surveyor ThiS applicant appears to have a problem with Your assistance will be appreciated By Permit Processing Section Response C5512 By DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PermIt Processing Section 125 East 8th Avenue 687-4394 DIVISion / - - . . ~ , '. . - . ~ . - . - - ~'. ~ ,.' - ~- - TRS ~ / j - 3 - d-- -; V / , fvu0! ~ mszlL/-7b lot Plan SubdlV1Slon Lot Block Vicinity Map cth /? tf--tVL fA ~ For For For Job Location (Address) ) /-)56 Pernl1t II /Q<:)-77 For /l/}/?'/}j/;f- Permit II :z.t OG,'7b For - .> d or Permlt # For , GI i5/ ""/ ! I , , I I , I , / - ...... Permit II Permit II Permit II p cut. c:..J2 -<- r /30 I f 2:2.' ~ , , I /'/--X,(04 MOBILE HOME +-- ;CO' ~ I~' t , ~ c."~~l)I;"l In .".. . ~ 0- 10' 30 ' Ai'PK()'\)~b SEPT1L TRI\JK (, Ii t. \A.. ~i 15' ,(. W '7 -- ~ o g;;;, CJ Q:J <:lC :4: iI I , /1.1. I 0.,,!-I 'IJ 'J" tRS, TI I /%-3-:2 Ir?Lf r if -7n / J 45-6 ~!O /i (~/7. /77 tl P1'~JI ...-' [~ .PERMIT # /Q~?' - / / JOB LOCATION ,- LANE COUNTY PERMIT Acreage or Lot S,7P Partitioning # h1 c;cj(f 7{:; l Completed SubdiVIsion Contractor's 0 S # fW,I,('d J _ Lot Bloc~ 6 :3 APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESC: 0~1'J h...rA YII?;' "', k.~ cJ.\o!s if) ~;;-/~L/ )/JPh: UJ'ljk.- 7V{,) . r -,-- ,. I OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS . / . ,. . Phone CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS '-y'y / A A_( fg 1./ )fJ~)-r- . J.. , Phone Mall permit to ( ) Applicant ( ) Owner ) Contractor ( lLP.refer to pick up Call ~JUt. - r J'I{-- -L (owner, etc) when ready STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY (l If A if-/f2A -I- tf4..J C '16 - ;;;2 ?~ 'HISPERMITISFOR rn f.j. (/J./A/'7r3f/'t2..,')- c2#~BEDROOMS~#PLUMBINGCONNECTION5- -WATERSUPPLY. m./~(~Y tf----./ SEWAGE DISPOSA' :J.~/)r;:.,-7~ SI #. f . TH IS PROPERTY IS WITH IN ONE MI LE OF THE CITY OF PLUMB ING BY I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the followong legal Interest on the property _owner of record, contract purchaser, _ potential buyer, _ realtor or agent I further certify that (If not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner IS aware and approves of this action I hereby agree to comply with all applicable Codes relating to this permit FeePald$ di.~~ n Signature 7[.'h~_..::fn.-:^i~()~) Datp (- - -- ) NEW ADDRESS ( ) FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT ) SPECIA'L'PMT AREA MIN ELEVATIONr ~"":"""~'/ ,_ 1/ . !:/ A /Zt-.-t,,.; -;-'-r(. Fire Zone& .' SANITATION ....~;hv~ MInimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Draonfleld ReqUired Loneal Feet MaXimum Depth omments If7. 7/.w~~..e.- ,....., ~<...- .,10;4/ ~~,d ~~~ /J~~ ~ _-4- $"1 "F<- fh~ ,~ /lJ tI ~ ~ Lc lo c rvh d?vc ~--' L-f "'--'- I~OItf-M-"'- W r..ua. f-Ot By -4/ ~~~ Date -L,-J7. 77 ~y Cz J{.... _ A j~.(2" .....A5ate L_ 7_<:;:_ ~::;; PLANNING REQUIREMENTS SATISFIED By '-...Jt/Al...rL '?-Date 1...-;::;;1'0_7-1(-'" Date Issued /'<[111/' ~'fh.'lq'i1 ZONE fc/ A 171 U SETBACKS FRONT ;Jc:f SIDE FACING STREET (FROM C/L) INT SIDE YARD c:/ REAR"-" ,,(f.,RO-M PILl LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE 687-4394 G Cu f7 --;t,,-;;)"'7"3 POST THIS PERMIT ON ~AIN BUILDING AT SITE C5513 SLOG PERMIT-WHITE BUILDING-GREEN PLUMBING-CANARY SANITATION-GOLDENROD QFFICECOPY-WHITE t j! l' 1'11, ' If/fr BUILDING Type of Construction Use Classification Comments LANZ COUNTY_SPECIAL Group P ER~i[iT AR.:iA v , ~ . SITE INSPECTION ApPROVED Cl DISAPPROVED Cl DATE REMARK 5 FOUNDATION INSPECTION ApPROVED 1-/ DI SAPPROVED 1-/ DATE REMARKS FRAMING INSPECTION ApPROVED / / OISAPPROVEO /I DATE REMARKS LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION ApPROVEO 1-/ DISAPPROVEO 1-/ DATE REMARKS FINAL INSPECTION ApPROVED ~SAPPROVED INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR Cl DATJ." U - 7 ?NSPECTOR REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE /I NOT READY TO ISSUE /I DATE REMARK 5 INSPECTOR . Tfu3, TT /}- 3 - <9- ---; V / Huud;:L In szll./~ 7 b ~IDt Plan Subd~v~s~on Lot Block Vicinity Map - ~ For For For ct6/)~ 6v Job Location (Address) , Permit fJ /.0")'-77 For /l/J/;V>>/)f- Permit fJ 'J...(P ()(p'7h For - .> t! ..-- Permit fJ ' For Permit fJ Permit fJ Permit fJ P <VL-~ -<- /30 I f 22.' ~ /'/-><(,,4- MO '81 L E HOME '1 '" , ) ~~ . 10' c....Q.iw.r '30' r- APP.l~Vf:b --- I SEPT\( T/\I\JI:: 1\12-E.1A. -r-' ---~ IS' .L /~r. I -~ ~ -" T ~;W'~ \" -:t- . ~ <>- , W '7 -- <;JC (J !::t o CO oC <C :r: \ \} i~~ TRS, T' , "'-'" ", 1(, ? '1 /f - ,;:J . -'... f 1~'C:t't' ;.." "--;,"') / 41-;)6 rJ../~/1 hn/J. .1/ r7' " f PERMIT # / till::;.. / JOB LOCATION. ;.' -:.,,~"J' ,.. APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESC: OWNER'S NAME AND ADDR~C:C: CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDR~C:C: Mail permit to ( ) Applicant ( ) Owner LANE COUNTY PERMIT Partitioning # hJ S'f.1 7K~ ) Completed Subdivision '/~ ."' ,-... Lot Block '''a.,' ,~.t' f , 4" ,-- ,'4/ 1\"" /... ! /, ~: I., ./ { J., { . ~' c. ,()~ {'.', OJ;,..., ')..,:" """""// /'(//" t""'j;J.., ; !-I.'J' l,.".l/'",,SA ~~, _ __J V l~_ /1"/. /1."_:;[" ~"';Phonp /1' /-..- (~. r .' ~ --r- Phon? . , ~ / "''7'''j I ../ :l t j, _/~J'; ~i... ~ . Phon? ) Contractor, ( LLP.refer to pick up, Ca,II ~/{f/:':::...' j(/f'..':? (owner, etc,l when ready, -i- t;1...,' /""'7'/1_ -, -j t- ':;;='"" '/ (,"P A.I /.( , ( '- .. <:7 C. '_' ../ ~-? . ''',/,o ~., c2#BEDROOMC: ,-.- ~ j -/ r SEWAGE DISPOSAl ;J /;. /) L. # PLUMBING CONNECTIONL- '7/ . ,,.-, S,I. # Acreage or Lot Sizp 'Contractor's O,S, # STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY , , I' THIS PERMIT IS FOR j;' i I-/- /./.j ~ , ~ \ '- "... 'cr' ).... 'WATER SUPPLY dr.-, I' I I (," -' i THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF THE CITY OF . PLUMB ING BY, I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate. and that I have the following legal interest in the property: _owner of record; ..' contract purchaser; _ potential buyer; _ realtor or agent, I further certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and ti:lat,sa,id owner is aware and approves of this action, I hereby agree to comply with all applicable Codes relating to this permit, Fee Paid $ .?/ /~ ., ~ n Signature .-;., " "r , " Datp . . I....... ( ) NEW ADDRESS ) FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT, ) SPECIAL PMT, AREA, MIN, ELEVATION: 1:/.. . .SANITATION .' . ......--:-- ~ '.'.-- . I' Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallonsl Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet Maximum Depth BUILDING Type of Construction "se Classification Group /, I' .",....... 1'] ~". f '.' ....~ ..,,-, " :.,I , Fire Zone" . Comments: 'Comments: '. ....... , " LANE COUNTY S:i?ECIAL PERMIT AREA ....,... t.._ I' ;/ -' , .,' ,~ I ~ , I' . H h..'I{;,.... 171", r ("x. ,. -\ c. ~~ I~;,J .. ( r 7 ,. '...,t .t . " I ~. ; ..~. j . .~.o -l.lf i. , By: ',_ _ Date: .J.. -, 7 -1--;1 By: (. PLANNING REQUIREMENTS SATISFIED, By: ..........;6,~ I r ZONE: ,{fA J"n J SETBACKS: FRONT J./cf SIDE FACING STREET /i I..' -1_ ~- -< Date: I. ., ....-._ t.-. J_ '- ..- ~dDate: f. :; 0' _ -::/-) : ~ ._/ ,. " Date Issued': ~ " f:, Aih ;'1"'7 INT, SIDE YARQ. <::-; REAR'-' r:' ,(~rROM P/L) PHONE: 687-4394 (F ROM CILl C5S.13 LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE" EUGENE, OREGON 97401 , '., . -1:St ~,' j /-' 'Ii.....''''.. / _ POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE BLDG. PERMIT ~WHITE; BUILDING - GREEN; PLUMBING - CANARY; SANITATION - GOLDENROD; OFFICE COPY - WHITE ',;/-1/';'-;- f' ~ ,\~ . _....."'- ,- !4.'~ ~ . (-, -LANE COUNTY PERMIT FOR '\ PERMIT NO ~ r' ~J '-. J 02006-76 CONSTRUCTION [] MOBILE HOME [J PLAN REVIEW [ CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ ] DOwner (1 nJ/lAt71 AJ_ ~(J;ftA ~~./ ,"17t:;' .J/J. /.). ,1.0...1/'/97</77 1t/7- c1(}oF - NAME - - ADDRESS 'CITY '{ iI' o ContractoQ.1-i' ~) <:ALn, / ~ '. ) (J ~ 7~ NAME"- / ,- - o S Reg # / PRange ..3 Section ~ ZIP CODE PHONE ADD RESS ZIP CODE PHONE Ir7 5qt.f. 7(;, Twn Code Census Tract SubdiVISion Lot B lock Acreage Name) rliJAi-h/l) I)A./~) I' ..-- - Width Access to Property (R oad Depth EXlstmg Structures on Prop~rty ----;Jr A'rM tJ ~ Dlrectlons,to Property Address cih,,~) 11../:,,).~) -../r...t' Q,.L';-A2<.~ t1!-:f-' .oAt f7J OAf,." . 77, l4..-j /J!.Yl./l-l-f rh .h-},A...i? ~ '-~ . - 17 - ST~RUC;f~!5E (# BEDROOMS)} f.. J.Y r 1.1'1'171 / ~ ...A t7 ./ 1 1/l t? 0 ---- fI- /1 .a so FT /7 /f// rJ r/J/.f/J n (/ ~ , (R ) VALUATION ~ - SEWAGE DISPOSAL 7/,. - 7b G PUBLIC (] SEPTIC TANK IlJ:"'-OTHER ( ] BUILDING PLUMBING 3% SURCHARG C MOBILE HOMF WASTE DISPOSAL ~?;::;-IT (") PLAN REVIEW .... ~----.... - c::.. \-\ 'r--\ ."-\ \~ "* C"J","",n, p \.. (',\" ;,\) /"--\\~-~'I-\o...,* ,,-~"^ ._r"'>. , .".- -"'\ , PLUMBING INSTALLED BY OWNER (] OTHER (] NAMc WATER SUPPLY PROPOSED I ] EXISTING [J l><j PUB L1C ( J COMMUNITY NAME ( ] PRIVATE WELL ( ] OTHER SPECIFY TOTAL _'1 C 1f7)_ tJ rw; ~ ...-L::-1 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND'WATER-POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS MIN SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY GALS qnn MIN DRAINFIELD lR:n UN FT MAX TRENCH DEPTH---3.t.- INCHES R''''6A,AJ n_ ILI\,~ J"'^ ....'d"...d~"-:r 61 ./i1.,-,~..t:,o./J. f{.,~- {!)....,'!h....11 "",j , . (; _ II I - 0 -. ' V /..,;p<~ W\R.ti(..O '"to LIR- 101)' fr'-'(JWo.. ~ , STAY 100' FROM ALL WELLS TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION GROUP FIRE ZONF USE CLASSIF SETBACKS J}.FROM CTR OF r/W FRONT ./ """ r SIDE EXT I - (ro"/!'v.-ti' /3ld? ~r ~. H,) FT FROM PROP LINE SIDE INT ~ 1 REAR ')"' ZONF J? 4-1111 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES /s/ '7/Y"..AI'?' /t':J~'!!2.0 /.".~ - ,..,,. / /.. SLOG PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY - WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBiNG - CANARY BUlLDING - GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD ISSUANCE DATE 111~/t:;,r""", /n.2:2..--;t: /-2 7~-'7"l V: C J .. Call 6874065 to schedule all required construction Inspections Call 687 4061 to schedule all required IMPORT ANT septic system inspections All construction shall comply with the State BUldlmg Gode 0 E Q standards for subsurface sewage disposal and the Slate Plumbing Code All bUildings require a certificate of occupancy bel ore being occupied (See Details on Reverse Side) (POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG AT SITE) CSS \3 LANE COUNTY DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX 135 EAST 6th EUGENE OREGON 97401 .., , \./ 1 o BOLD o SLIP lane county (a: ~ APPLICATION # .f!2k,<?L- 7h t , " /~-?-<_ //~7:~_ hA 1.A. e;-'-? e::- - Y j'J ''A -/, CJ.A.A;_-./> '/__a../Ar 9-7V'7? t/ pP - - Zlp lode Name Address .... , The above appl1cat1on 1S be1ng held by the Perm1t Process1ng Sect10n for the follow1ng reasons ~~ ~r;,~._ cP~ ~ , ~-c ~ :;:QS-/'77 D1V1S1on ~.A _:;r--/J? ~,;?~____'~~ ~ Z;~ ~__ Date Z/;r,,"'/?6 , ~ - / ./ Sl gnature D1V1S1on Sl gnature Date Th1S appl1cat1on w1ll be held unt1l If the 1nformat1on requ1 red above has not been furnlshed by that date your appl1catlOn w1ll be cancelled Fees pa1d for waste d1sposal system, (slte 1nspect1ons and/or apol1cat1ons to 1nstall the sept1c tank and dralnf1eld) are nonrefundable Some refund may be made on the bU1ld1ng and plumb1ng port1on of your appl1cat1on 1f cancellat10n lS necessary In the event a Plannlng or some other long-term problem eX1sts over Wh1Ch you have Vno control we w1ll hold the perm1t unt1l the problem lS resolved and we rece1ve word from you as to whether to proceed wlth permlt lssuance or process a cancellatlon '- , PERMIT PROCESSING SECTION - 687-4394 ( ,~ , C74-139 " "- .. ,:,<,. -,- ... f ' ~ , I~ .. 'I, \../ ,f I , -, I " J SCALl /0<- ?-s- " I (~ 1Jo / o MI' D MAJIH{ .. /6'1.5 " part it ion. ?;c , P/tRCe::7_ elL / -I- I~ooo yJ , I ~/) ~ -II- z. r',1 / /v.~ ...;.- - IZ DOOrjJ 'I .;- t;. ~ "'(; -"'-,v .. --~-' ;;-r '/,,' I -- . - /'l"" -;---~....- .. b ..::::J ('( ~"''''''----~,.--- . , ~,~ '" ''''\. .of/, A , 1&0 J /v:,~~ ~fV~ , ' lane county .. . 1'-. IA ~ ~ / , I ~~ ,-" ':8\ ~, I {;ol (7/ --- Or _' _,_' ---CJI Oi ~.. -~~---..._~ ---- 9/ ~ FILL NO. M ,<:::44-7(", 1'1 ^I '!IN', IIIVI'.IIIN I IINIIIIIIIMI ," t I tAN 1^,.1 MI '" 111,1'/"11 MIIII I I ", I ^' I 0.11 1 ^VI I IIJGENr Oil 9/~Ol I PIIONr ('/JJI 6!17 ~ 18r.