HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1974-6-19 '3/74 ~ EQUEST ~T~ ~ASIBrLITY STUDY' S I # 74 -&>D3 . ,- ... For Off I ce Use Only xIfu.. Received bv Code J)-~oo ;~ ' .{..fL.Cl C.T. Number SO€Clal Permft Area Yes No ~ Urbanlzlnq Area . THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT INSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. ~ PLEASE PRINT ~~ If SubdivIsion - Name f::;l h e rT (.;l'flV e. Lot #9 Block#3 I I'K .3 ~ B6bbvb~loLlI ()jiltffes--- No ;o~ TOWnship Range Section Tax Lot No. Owner of Property Owner's Consent L 0 LFl 1'1 A- E 0 j 1 E...I? Name 7tJ'S'o IhlJ"~;lfn Rd. Sf") Ma 111 ng Address SPJ.11J8f;~/J..rh q?J.lf)f) Total ( p Cash 7/.J'7..~.l/:J 3 XJ J-Oc 721~ {)jlfAA.~_ UJf= Check Telephone # Signature of Applicant Date Proposed Use of Property I1fJodl:/-IoME Res , J.I iL ~ hI"> r ih ( y f. Legal Access - Road Name (., 0 )( /15 Property Size ~s Property Within One Mile of City? eS X. What City? SP/o" hIe;, e./J No ,. Property Locat Ion (0 Irect Ions) Itt)/ t Ii- C! h i flr^ H n. '" II "I- n J. ; V e) No. of Sites / 2<:J. 00 "'~ ~ No of Acres $ $ $ ~ r- "" ~ .2s 00 Owner Seller ~ Realtor App 1 I cant I s I nte res t Buyer In Property Other (Specify) - ~p, EXisting Structures on Property rV t'J AI F Proposed Water Supply I ~ Public District,' V Spring Well 'R-" Other (Specify) ~ % ~t fla~b61' . ve ((p^ a"T :J..1l.1l 01' I When Will Test Holes Be Ready? ~)CJ MARK TEST HOLES WITH OUR FLAGS (Datej I Locat Ion of Test Holes on Prope~ty ~-;lA.AA~f. ~Ih) Draw diagram of property ShOWlng~ff~n of any landmarks and relationship of these landmarks lMRao..e ,tJ;e/ ;Je..> }f-. ~ --- test holes to )01 t .-J t.U, U a 7?1Lltu J€LtJ..RAJ MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO MAIL TO LANE COUNTY C55-55 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 135 E Phcn e 687-4065 6th Ave , Eugene Ore ((){~ . ! I APPROVED / NOT APPROVED t&/~ rr/.!c~/~f!:{: /c::: 4'c/.VrCe b/O:-Y-- ~..?I;/:?d-t ~/?Z{N:tf /<-C';:?{'~'1-) ~-~ \Chrt(:t ~ AuthorIzed SIgnature \) I / 19 '0) fli) 1'1-Lf. . Date ,\ . ' \ ~ II \. \ \1' I .. l} .. " , t' ,. r ~ 'e Inspection # !PI-GOJ """I11III EVALUATION FOR DETERMINING SITE SUITABILITY FOR DEVELOPMENT UTILIZING SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL METHODS LOCATION I Twp. 1'6' F: I bccl'i Range 0 J3 GrouJ<.- S-ccb, Sec. Q 9-... 1 t, Cj Tax Lot # 13), :3 Are public sewers available or nearby? (Distance) . J40 \ """ : Are there zoning or environmental considerations? ~~ Size of property I {0 y: //0 Amount useable area ~j ~'2 .\'+ X ;3 ~-\'"'-1 Are other systems in area known to be malfunctioning? ~D Is there room for future expansion? N D Surface Feature considerations I (Explain) Slopel (1'/100') 0 (%) Flood plainl Plantsl I Rocks I I Low area I I Drainage_YI \ Streams I Ylh..!{eh "<.fQ. f?/~e,r Cut bank or slopel Water Supply and Utilities I N FJ6el't Gr(;,.o. 1v,,~'r I),..; , (Sketch in Plot Plan) Community Waterl 0, Individual Waterl Exist. D Proposed 0 Water Linesl Exist. D Proposed 0 Gas Linesl Exist. 0 Proposed 0 Wells on adjacent Exis t. 0 Proposed 0 properties I ~ .. I' #1 T EST H 0 L E Perched Wat.er 1 PROFILE Predicted / in. Inch Observed ~ in. Dat.e ~ 12., #2 T EST H 0 L E Perchecl Wat.er Predicted lIIserved Ila te PROFILE in. Inch in. 12. SL ~.lNrat.ed Zone Predict.ed Observed Dat.e ~~ sat.urated/ Zoe Predicted Observed Date - in. in. 24- in. in. 24- 36- 36. Restrict.iveTay ____in. Impervious Lay' r in. Mot. tl ing ----in. 48- Rest.rict.ive Layer in. Impervious Layer ----in. Mot.t.lina ----in. 48. 60 60- SITE DOES / SITE DOES OOT Meet. minimum st.andards for individual wast.e disposal. IF SITE DOES NOT MEET STAKDARDS SPECIFY BASIS OF DENIAL: - Administ.rative Rules Require - - Your property found t.o be Deficient - IF SITE MEETS STANDARDS FILL OUT: Type of struct.ure and approximat.e sewage flow: Mult.i-family GPO, Commercial GPO, Single Famih Industrial Inst.it.ut.ional ~ GPO GPO GPO NOTE: Soil absorbt.ion area in square feet. Area necessary for sewage disposal systems h-D/ ARE ALTERNATIVE SITE LOCATION, DESIGN OR MODIFICATION AVAILABLE, DESCRIBE: NAME ~ lQJ1- u DATE OF FIELD EVALUATION: 0017<{ r BUILDIN; SITE-EVALUATION Js C H- () BUIldIng Permit ApplIcatIon No () Site Inspect Ion () Pre-PermIt Investigation 7L/-b03 T ""7 S (') 2.3iAr-LDT C~ ;=; Ilerr6rot!'C L-q APPLICANT' OIl NAME liar- ADDRESS (?-s PHONE DATE f,- :?-7j/ NAME DATE PLANNING DIVISION NOT NO appl.cable 1. ZonIng OrdInance Comp I, ance ( ) ( ) (Zone ~-H)[.f- 2. SubdIvisIon Ordinance Compl.ance () ( ) 3 Required Access ( ) ( ) 4. BUIldIng SIte (Area, Width, ( ) ( ) Frontage, Setback) 5. Ot her (see comments) ( ) ( ) COMMENTS: YES ~l ~ } ( ;\ ~~ .k::...~ - 7 tL I = - -- BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION NOT NO YES aDD I I cab 1 e 6. PI ans Subm I tted (( ( ) ( ) 7. Soil Stab,l ity (footIngs) ( ) ( ) ( ) 8. Flood PlaIn ) ( ) ( ) 9. Other (see Comments) ) ( ) ( ) - ) COMMENTS. NAME DATE (3j~~ (#-/1~71 I - =- WATER POLUTION CONTROL NOT NO YES NAME DATE aDD I I cab 1 e _ It If' r -=I: 'Z.-OV\e_ 10. Sewage Disposal ( J ( ) ( ) ~i?~ 11 Usable Area ( ) ( ) ( ) ~~ b, 3/71_ 12. Water Supply ( ) ( ) ( ) 13. Other (see Comments) ( ) ( ) (<) COMMENTS TO APPLICANT' Your BUilding Permit I SIte Inspection ~ Can be approved. () Cannot be approved at thiS time as Indicated on Item NO above Questions and further information on Items I through 5 contact the Lane- COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT. Questions and further InformatIon on Items 6 through 13 contact the Lane County Bu,ld,nq and SanitatIon DIVISIon () Will be held In thIS offIce until you can resolve the problems IndIcated. () I s be I ng retu rned. () Your bUIlding permit appl 'cation fee IS being returned under separate cover b-- 1....0 -;J DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 135 S1xth Avenue East Eugene Oregon 97401 PHONE 687-4065 LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION PHONE 687-4186 C55-28 V (I {Ie-; (j, V?'<< { ~ '" .. - * , L>;ll" I"Fe 01.1 ~r , -,Surname Q'" :r:na.\ ", 'bert Grove 18 3 Twp. Range It 9 blk 3 2 Section Tax Lot ,'" , '\ I ,,--~ -7'/- tc-' .5 Code 35-400 Census Tract ,Receipt No. I Date 6-3-74 I Owner same Owners Consent Yes XX No REQUEST FOR SITE FEASIBILITY STUDY THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT INSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. ANY PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK: Name ~I" Mae Ollar $ 25.00 and No, Sites Address/OBO Thu rs ton Rd. Sp $ No, Acres Springfield, Oregon 97477 TOTAL $ 25.00 Telephone No. 747-,423 Property Size 60 it 1I!J Existing Structures none Proposed Water Supply Pub] ic District Sprinq in Property I Proposed Use of Property mob lIe home Name ISpecial Permit Area" I Urbanizing Yes XX No Yes No Is Property Within One Mile of a City? WhatCitv? Springfield Yes XX No Other Specifv Area XX Appl icant5 Interest buyer Legal Access - Road Harbor Drive Well XX Property Location: (Directions) 1646 Harbor Drive 9 go out 2nd ave end run Into 11 rDor or Ive. APPROVED XX NOT APPROVED ~rea approved for subsurface sewage disposAl Installation. BEFORE CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED bring this form to the Department of Environmental Management and make application for a building permit. If the property is a por- tion only of a tax lot, a metes and bounds description of the parcel must be fur- nished. Exact specifications for the sewage disposal system will appear on the building permit. Two sets of building plans and~ Riot plan'will be required, LANE COUNTY DEPT. OF ENV I RONMENTAL MANAGEMENT f'... ~ 135 EAST SIXTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGDN 97401 \J Authorized/Signature b-20-1 T Date C55-32 I . _~ 'f T ~ .. " ..J Range drf-1 ~ Bt~3 s ~-Y~ Sh-rname k"'e. Recelpt No. ,/ I Date /, / It") d o/PV // /:::;.- ?;- ~ / / ~ REQUEST FOR SITE INSPECTION ~ IS ~ REPORT WHICH DOES NOT INSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. ANY PLANS OR ~J>l~DITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPOR ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Sectlon Tax Lot ~~~ .~, ""-;-- -/ {)....?o Census Tract . ode I~~-, \ Owners Consent Yes Y No Name and Address ~)~' ~-COUNTY SPECIACPERMIT- K j/ /(nnne.) 00 ~lj ..-4 L_~-v,L d I ;?AlPP.t<!ll!"P'j / $ A. c::::- rv.A h/~~// 4J~ No. ~htes $ ~ /J ~ '- ~_ 0cfY , NOT~~~es $ /~ () G . ;:;:'/~L-??-Z~' ~ 97/f/'/ Telyphone No. Apphcants Interes.t .#property J Pr,<;!P'W~d _Use Ilf]roBl"9'Y 'f57".;1.- 75,-/S' ~ff'i-~ .ffM-~~_,,--L-' Property Slze Leg~l ~ces~- Road~ftIDe?rSpeclal.P~mlt Area 1 UrbanlZlng A!~ he; y / /.5- ~L~~ I Yes X No Yes No X EXlstlng Structures I Is Property Wlt)p,n Qrw ltole of a C1.ty? . What CltV? ~. Yes Y No Proposed Water Supply tV PUfl.Sthef / Pubhc D:1stnct Sorl1ll! Well X Soeclfv Prooertv Location: (Directionsl /16 ..y/~ ~~ ~~ L& ~~~#~ _44.~a~_J /' (See Below)' - APPROVED V NOT APPROVED aI'HER REASON FOR NON-APPROVAL STATUTORY AUTHORITY ORS. 431.130 and 447.020 !OAR 4l-D20 Par. 1 I Insufflc1.ent lot Slze Ifor lndJ.V1dual sewage dJ.sposal and water suoolv. 10AR 4l-D30 Par. 1 Heavy lmperVlous non- absorot1.ve so1.1. OAR 4i-D20 Par. 1 Water table above !llJ.lUmum State Standards. other Englneered Slte ModJ.flcatlon Feasiblllty: Posslble Not Recommended: LANE COUNTY BUILDING AND SANITATION DIVISION 135 EAST SIXTH AVENUE, EUGENE, ORffiON 97401 BEFORE CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED bnng tills form to the BtnldJ.ng and Samtatlon D:1Vlslon and make appllcatlon for a bUJ.ldJ.ng permlt. If the property lS a portlon only of a tax lot, a metes and bounds descrlptlon of the parcel must be furmshed. Exact speclf1.catlons for the sewage dJ.sposal system WJ.ll appear on the bUJ.ldJ.ng permlt. Two sets of the bUJ.ldJ.ng plans and plot plan WJ.ll be reqUJ.red. /ljJ. A-"..__ -Authorlzed S~~~t~;61 f (.. '2.0-72- 1 ' CYj, ) If C55-32 \ Date