HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Occupancy 1978-9-5 \ J .'" J-' , I t..:\ r :r - ('Eo '~ 'i~ "1-- aSl j;: i.C f z (fr. q ,\0 .....:: Z o t-, <! U o ...J Cll o --, a <:)1 ~, (\ " ~ ~;* ' ~\ . d o I I <<I (' ~ \ '(~ - ~~.. ) , ", f= ~'., ..." (f) p," '0::: t- "- :;:r..~ ~ ;Q Hj '::;2 J' ..- oJ" 1: 0 . , I I 0 L \. ~ ::: 6 'os ~~ '-'<;.\t-., ,,_ ,,_ 0 t' ~ \',,'\' ti" ~~ I"'" QaQ..' LLl Q.J.....\'-z" c c .-c, _;>- Z 4<- C. "- , 0 0 '0 "0 Z ~ '!: 0 0 ii.~ ii:ii:ii::;le~ 0 --' 01~'<:!'1t>ol, t- . I L t,) u en ro E, \J' <! (~)" H~ ~y ~H ~ ~ ~ ~:~: ~ '~~ '\j ~~ ~ 0 ~ I (~'" \'- ~ ~~ '~:::> it > ~ ~ ~ ~ >.2 <! m: \,)--. ~ "2 d ~'\,,~ -=' ~ ':$ ~ c3't ,!:I~ ~ ~ ~:)>- E~~~: .~ 1~<~~ I~ ~~ ~~5:%i~~ :6 c-"-',:::;- +_ 0 ~ - a> ro . ...J -g '....::::t: 1 "+)', ~ -~ Cll ~ -: ~~ ~ (f) .~ ,I'-.. ~ 'l< . ~ - 00.-.. W '-E..... ~",crooJ~a.. () ...' ...J ,0:: _ = ~ ~UJ x '~\' ,,--::-, a.. '!:~ ro ...., - f ~ l,() ~ d ,~~ 8 ,g ~ ~ \:::! >-s, ~ ~ r-- u \) ~ eo -: -:;~ - o I C()ci. ~ .J::~o. 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Cll O;N ...J L:) ,r" 'f' ,W !: I ~ I ,> 'Q ,0 U W ,;, \L \L o '" C o o 0, ~ Z W w .... 0 - ~ Ul 0 0' .... I <C 'Z l!l 0 Z f: - ~ '0 ,~ ..J Z - ,~ :l '" III .. > Z ~ - ~ <C z ~ 5 Z'I o 0 Z' .... - _ lD :;: ~ 11:' 3 w Q Q. 'n Z Ul w - w 1: ~ .... 0 .... 1 Ul 0 o ~ 0. 0 ~ W !: I :~ 1 f- :E ~ W 'Q oj o ~ 'lD M ,J, ~ . . ~) ( I \ -, J," . "'-~ lane coYot~~:~t' .,.(~:;::<(~ - :~ r,.~~'f August 31, 1979 -- "', , i;f' " - .' ~~ ". Mary & Tom Allen 1528 Harbor Drive Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: Renewal Of Temporary Mobi!e Home Use Permit No, MH 2147-78 A Temporary Mobile Home Permit is valid for one year only, and must be're'newed annually, The above listed Temporary Mobile Home Use Permit was issued on g,8-78 and will expi re on 9-8-79 If you wish to renew this permit, please sign this form and return to Lane County Department of Environmental Management with the renewal fee of $40,00, An additional letter of explanation of the need for a Temporary Permit must accompany this renewal if any circumstances regarding the Temporary Permit have .changed during the past year. The Renewal Fees are as follows: Building Permit Renewal Fee is Septic Evaluation Fee is Tota 1 Renewal Fee is $15.00 $25.00 $40,00 -. '" Pl ease renew / Temporary Mobile Home Use Permit No. MH 2147-78 No chan~~ in circumstances during the past year. The changes indicated in the attached letter regarding the Temporary Permit have taken place during the past year. ~~~'~'----' Si gnel~~/ ,0 //c2..-?4 / , l. / ' " Please make check payable to: ,,' ...- ., Lane County Environmental Management Division Permit Processing Section 125 East 8th/P,S,B, Eugene, Oregon 97401 687-4394 Or 687-4395 'J '" . ADlv,lNISTRATIVE DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE ( EUGENE, OREGON 97<101 <' '( 15031687.<1071 OR 1-800-452,6379 ~ "leY,"" '-"I '-,',-<." /. , _" A~f'IDAVIT: If this _~ermit is for an agricultural huildi"ng, I hereby declare that-'this building wlll be used for agrLcultural purpose~ ~s ~llowcd by zoning and/ar the State Building Code, and for no ot~er i?urpose. I further certlfy lhat the statements and other infqrmatio"n submitted on this lIppllcaS;-On are true and accurate, 'and that I have the follo....ing leg..ll inter'est in the property: -'L-ewner of- recor~; _ucontr,,'ct purch..,ser; _~__)(~ss~e; holder of an {-'xclUsive option to pu~chi\se; _du1Y'<'l.uthoTlzca to ,H;t (Ot- a person whe has th~ IOTlowing le'~al interest:. . ; or th3 t. the O'offle r 0 f record is kno.....} f!d.'le<\b Ie o'f thi s . ... appllcatlon, l( I .Im not lh.' o....ner. .1 'furthe'~..l( rce toco.mp1Y with' ,ti1 OPPliC:I'I..i1e codes reLlt:inq c. to t~ perm,t. 'F I ~. , - r, OotU-1-u..P? 7-197 Apphcant's sFj;'turc ,}(n/!/,11- a ,/t,-:~_ , \ THIS IS YOUR RECEIPT" AND DOES !<JOT GIVE YOU PERHIssrON TO nUlLO. FOR INFOP_"1ATIO:-l A!lQUT THE PROGRESS OF YOUR APPLIC^TI()~l, CALL H:RMIT COr~1'ROL, 687:"4357 (687-tl~LP) bne county, ~ .1; _I .r-:, , , LANE COUN\=" DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT ANAGEMENT 125 ~..->T 8TH AVENUE, E!JGENE, OREGO 401 ~~NING DIVISION Par t 1 ticn 109 I Current Zoning' QA - All. vt . , []pcndin~ [Jco~pletcd fEE Parcel tlo. Partltionino Reouired Other I $ $ ~HATER POLLUTION CONTROL New Site Insp~ction(8) 50S Construction [] New Number of Bedrooms I I of Sites o Repair $ $ Commerdal/lndustrhl - .. of Employees Other_I?...DJ,.,r- J (I/lWIhcu:J::. AlA )' )((}L "'-B U $ :15,00 r--t/'~ONSTR~CT'ION PER:-1ITS AND IUS.PECTION FEE ~ (See above for I of bedroomg/f of employees) I:i<r' :'obile Home' , $....ti1,60 o Permanent ct( Temporary f:2.ir.n~;D~ o Renewa 1 Structure Sq. Ft. ~otal V:slu.1.tion ~ Plumbing fixtures at ~ Sewer/W~ter Conn. ~t ValU-'otion $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Each $ 5 r.ach , 10,00 Suototal $ $ AO $ $ 4 l. <'10 41,40' 4' State Surchdcge Plans Check Fee Change of Occupancy TOTAL BUILDING. PERMIT FEE ,$ Minimum structural setbacks: From centerline: of street: Front 4~/ .from interior lot lines: [] Co~'l plans sheet to uz( PUBLI.C LAND~ ~ ~ Address 'r-JA Rear '" Exterior Side , Sidr:~ applicant 0 Curb cut. to apppcant. [if Minimum Elev.:\tion AVE RACE PROCESSING TUU: f I I ! , I , 1 ~ ;l i\; '" '" " 0. ... H H " .. n ~ t""' ~ H _H o 0 " Dl" 11 I . :'~0 :5'1\,- b ,- +- ., l-:l +S\I ~~~ ~ " ,. " l'l o .., Address ~ r '" ... \\u . jMini:num Elevat.ion o o PUBLIC WORY.S . o. fllcil1ly Permit ;\>,00 ,C-1O rot;;, ,qa EUVIRml:-U::lT,\L IIE:ALTlI $ Callh V Check .. TOT^" ~5-i> 'R':I'd by CA-O ~,QO ~fJ 4/!t.OI AFFIDAVIT: If this ermit. is for an 8gricu{tural building, I hcreby declare that this building ...,ill be used for agricultural purposes a~; .'1llo....cd by zonin_1 and/or the State Building Code. and for no other purpose. I further certify that the statements and other info.rmiltion. suhmitted on this 4pplica~n are true and accurate. and that I have the following leg3l interest in the property: --'L.oW'ner of record; __.contr;lct purch.aser: ~_l('ss~e; . hol(.lcr of an :xclusive option to pUfch,'16C: _duly authoriz~d to <'Jct (at- a. person ....ho h.ls thlJ roTlo....lng le'lo.ll Interest: : or th.lt the owner of record is knowle.lqe..,blc of this ~~P:~,~:.I "m nof'''''' own"" I furthe~"e to c"omPl~ /th/1'111 lIr:?~C:(t;lt! codcs'rclatinq r Dat"u 17-197APPl1mt's s,,jn,'ture ~/n/)/ #, ~{/,/,'7_A l\ TillS IS YOUR RECEIPT, AND DOES "OT GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO BUILD, l FOR INFOR.'lATIClN J\1l0UT THE PROGRESS OF YOUR APPLICATIn", CALI. PERMIT CONTROL, 687043'7 (687-HEL.) L! ~ne CO-lnty, - , , ~' (. j .~) *GE~ERAL iNFORMATION: ,-~> . ~.,. ". " " I ~ ~ '~ ~ " .~ M ,~ . ~ ~ i ~ ~ H x ? Cf , ~ w r~ r ~ ~ > fJ ~ 0. Q) ~ , a '0 ~ I\.J The property, or the intended \ISl~ th'e~~of. is subject to exceptional cl~um7tances f)~..pti9ns not generally <lppltcable to 'other properties In the same vidnity, namely, ~ A--...lE- I P . ' . / ' '.. ; , , t-(., W~ /JA 'tv!) ~/1 /1 ,,;'~h _ . c:::,'-:~' 5&~;.L J? ~AA 4/c1 r?___~./ :; 5 S . -.!:! a r r~ ~ t' ~ ~ t~ ~ ~~f -~~ q ~~r ~ ~ '! if ~ * If plans ar(> for commercial or indulltrial use, describe the proposal (type of. business, material to be stored, number of employees, hours of operation, noise or pollution fae;tors and proposed method of control, etc.), Attach separate page if necessary. VARIANCE IN FORMAT ION. PRl'iPOSAL: yg/KJ u~eL~1 ~ ~ ~~71( r//%..rl' / kJne C(XJnty ~ -' Please !';-int Recppti{'lni:::;t '''~'. u - RL'lum At'pl1cation. lC> "'hen CC'mplE't<:,d Office Use Only ( , ) Appoint'*'nt DIH!I. " APPLICATION ~ PHONE 7<1G-3tfC{7 ~ CHY~!. ZIP 97r:." O~ER (IF DIFFERE.~T) ~ CO 0J06-V'-L PHONE -rtf-I;, - 3<JtJ i ADDRESS~ ,OJ> oJ.~ r"y ~-l ZIP "17'177 CONTRACTOR ~"""-c.I. _~ ~<a_f,...1-.= PHON; v 7c{7-I{-OCf' ADDRESS SK' ~'l-l,. << ::=Ht- ~ - CONTRACTOR'S ORE, STATE LIC~'SE (')'Sd'f D M.\I1. COHPLETED PERMIT TO APPLTCA;.jT/OI.'NER/CONT(\~TOIl (CIRCLE-ONE)~ PREFER TO PICK UP. CAI.L 717-V4aK 1.. PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY (n:!sidclltial; tyP!! of fanning; ,commercial or industrial; vacant; etc.) ,^-'~"~'" .,4.,;.Q-iII\fl~tJ..~ ~~ APPLICANT fV\0-Nu1 ~ T~ (5'2,& \ ~f)A, ADDRESS ~ ~ 1;; " !i ~ ~ 0 '~ ~ H ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ 8 z z ~ z !" ? ~ -}:l ~,~ - ~ '- r,~ ',-=:1(: :T~Ct:.:.O~ ~~TYi(j;~\I:: ~':;:; B~ I~ -LLJ. = r ~ ~ ), IMMEDIATE PLANS FOR THIS PROPERTY (CHIS APPLICATION) ARE'~&J..y... '" I>4f- - ~ , J:.. J-l 4, :: p;:,l oj- 71e 'Q0k4 tJ o-.r- - .:J.,-->'kLf1-<h-dkh'~L--~ ~ s, PLOT PLA.."j. Sketch (a) all roads (h) houndarie.c; of property (c) existing/proposed buildings (d) existing/ proposed sewage disposal areas (c) existing/proposed wells (f) existing/proposed driveways (g) easements (h) drainagl!\oIays, fit ream.'l , creeks, <lny other pertinent features. If commercial ;;~-t~T~~(~-~T~~~[~"c'Tf?e~t:a~~F"-~lF::Fi~~(l;~~'T,~".Ii:~E~~f~~:r:::- : i . i !..; 1'-.'. j-:-~ T---'~~~-~l': hn '~:-1-n-:--i<-j'-- '.'~:j'. / .-:: :wi-q- ::__ w, - ~,'H d, >i"i " illl' i "',' " 'I JJk' "'j :. .-:-H~~L __;,~_lu,_~jl~) .-~!--'-w! :---+~ - ;-IJ-:ili--i:. 'I-~~ ~~ j~~ .,.: " ;, 'I ' 1":1' '~"Il", d "d" liT I ::t:'" I'::'" !I' -,-- i. u: .:' '( ~ !I': ---'il,: h -'-l:~.~i'f'l ,:-~ -~:~: !., I. i' i. I 'j. :1 .1'. .1:' ;,,1.... i'I, _'..',: i:.',!' ..1'..,.1 "'.. 'I.... 'I'" I', T::!:::: i': "I' :::::,,::,' " , · · I '.il'I' ::----,----1 T' 1~11 ~:i "-;:'1':' ;-.-:-:-:..-;;-:-.-:-: ! ' I . I' I .. . - ~ ; : ! ; i J i ! : ' i [.1 :: d ,u:; ii" j' i __~__U! ---, : -- h; Cu _;uq, ,- :1: :I:-'':i: :T::! .., 6, T~iL IL~T SI:7.E OK~~tEI6~.X-z.5tr--' -.. S-IT~ 'INSPECTION 1:~;;-;;;~F.S-"~-~~~'~~~;~) ....-i ;A':.~ u.I~ ~~ 4S-f-4.Jvv- 9, ~ WATER 5PPPL Y WELL SPR ING' STll~M LAKE PUIlLIC: 10, ELEr;THICITY FIJR,'HSllED BY__J...~~ _ ~ lA -- II. I,ATURAL G,\S BY N '"~ ~~ "I .:...:...:...:.......:....:.:....:[. ..1- ""I , , ' 'I .... ,.i .:_~i~.:i\ . ~ ' , : 1 3, !1"ETllOD OF SEW,\GE DISPOSAl. ri'Lr i JJt(IIJ-,~':"+-';" J 12, FIRE DISTRICT SCllOOL DISTRICT ~l'H..:l.,1 14, ?LImBI'G BY~ ~ '^ ~\'Jd ~,J.v. 13. . c...l~ ,.\...;"-~ , ******************************** 00 NOT I.'RITE BELOW TillS LINE ******************************* BEFORE YOUR APPLICAnO:>J Cl\:>J B~: PROCESSEIJ YOU MUST FURNISH: 8'-:;xll PLOT PLANS _LEG,\L DESCRIPTION (DlMENSIO~F.D) I AT I I3.!bck 3 -" /8 - 3- :2... /52S ~fa/YI St-f1J. Il-\TE 7-t,-71( (0<:1 0 ~ B\' LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 ""I ,,'-:1 ""I ...:! ;:"f: : ~ : : I::. ~ > ~ ~ ~ o ~ 5' ~ - ~ 0 ~ ~ o n ,~ '..oJ rf~ ~ f 5 ,~ H ~ r ~ ~ ) ~ <;::: ,~ ft .... IV) N 09 ft/Jf ~r- p " U) ~):) \ J" ~ ~0 } ~ -.., t~ ~ bne county, ~ I' \-) ( ~~ ~<!J;, lane county, tv Water ro11ution Control Division Environmental Manaqement Department 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oreqon 97401 LOCATION: Twp. Ranqp Section Tax Lot # , (Complete the following, if applicable) Subdivision Name: 1='IL''i:l:eM ~(hl'E Lot # I Block # ~ .lKJ system located on this property has ever failed by discharqing sewage upon _ the ground surface or into public waters. by clogging or backing up, or in, any other manner. ~ D I have information that the existing subsurface sewage disposal sys~ tem located on this property has failed in the past by discharging sewage upon the ground surface or into public waters, by clogging or backing up, or in some other manner, and that: D The system has not been repaired, D The system has been repaired and has operated continuously since the repair without other failures. Date(s) repaired " , I have no information that the existing subsurface sewage disposal / I .' , , , I haye had personal knowledge of the performance of the existing subsurface sewage disposal system located on this property for--!~ years and ~ months. J Tre existing sewage disposal system consists of: a) Septic tank has a Go t) .fIallon capacity. b) Number of drain1ines ~ - ,v c) Length of drain1ines S~~:n'~p( , d) Distribution box? Yes No The existing septic system was installed under Lane County Building Permit # This system last served a dwelling havJng ~ bedrooms (include all rooms which could be used as a bedroom, though actually used for other purposes such as for a den or a sewing room) OR, if for commercial use, this system last served an establishment having employees, and ga110ns/ day sewage flow, This system was last used on (Date), Ifri/ tJpf fl.el 't . In case of an addition, the new portion will be feet away from the existing drainfie1d, APPLICANT: ~"_\'\\\Q(" -t{l.n, s-. ~LL~/v) PROPERTY OWNER: i'i7lYes' 0 No DATE: ~/ 2\ clT-::" ~ / Pi- t:, (Date) , C74-156 WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION / 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT EUGENE. OREGON 97401 / 15031687-4061 ;~ ) \~ \.- ( -, ( ) ',lAP / !Y - .:; - 2.- TO: PLANNlilG PERI'IIT PROCESS I NG OTHER FROt1: FLOOD PLAIN 11ANAGEMEIH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PH01lE ' 687-4195 SUBJECT: BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER SUBDIVISION 7"'# Z/47-79 PARTITION NUMBER OTHER S1TE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA. YES NO x DETAILED STUDYr APPROXIMATE STUDY NOT A SUBSTANTIAL Ir1PROVEI1Etn MINIrlUM FLOOR ELEVATION REQUIRED SITE IN DESIGNATED FLOOD HAZARD AREA EXTRA PRECAUTIONS MAY BE APPROPRIATE. RECOMMENDATIONS: DATE 7//7 BY ~ , T.L, (;,~O " / .0., \..J i ., \ ) lane coun~y '. July 28, 1978 Vt " CERTI FI ED <'I. _T-"1'i!ali'~ LO ,I Tom & Mary Allen . 1528 Harbor Drive Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: Temporary Mobile Home Permit Application #TMH 2147-78 18-3-2 Tax lot 600 !?/-v ~ ~CVVl/ ~ - During the required posting period on your application for a' temporary mobile home permit to locate a mobile home on' the above described property complaints were filed in this office protesting the placement of the mobi1e,home; Under Section 11 :100-15(2) of the Lane Code this office finds it necessary to deny your application due to the protests,that have been filed, , I would like to point out to you that under Section 11 :100-15(3B) you may appeal .the denial of this permit. This section states: I'f the division denies 'the permit or there,is opposition to its issuance, the matter may, upon request of the applicant, be referred to the 'Board of Commissioners for a public hearing, After public hearing, the Board may either grant or deny said permit, ,upon its determination of whether the application meets the requ i rements of th is secti on, This office will hold your application in abeyance 'for ten days from receipt of this letter to afford you the opportunity to file for an appeal, If we have not heard from you within ten days we will deny the application and your permit fee will be returned to you in due course by Financial Services Division, . J If you need further ass i stance pl ease ca 11 thi s offi ce, ()~ifu ' c:f ~y-- ~N E, BOSS, Director " Construction Permits & Inspection Division J EB: bs CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 8 INSPECTION DIVISION I ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT COURTHOUSE. PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING I 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE 1E<J31687.4065 \ ME1VtJRANDUM ( ) Board of County Commissioners lane c~unty - TO FROM SUBJECT John E. Boss/Construction Permits & Inspection Division Temporary Mobile Home #TMH 2147-78 Placement App1icationDA TE (}~~,..;;S" J!12J' , , - a ). I, Requested Action: Denial or approval of temporary mobile home placement permit. II, Background and Analysis: Tom & Mary Allen made application for placement of a temporary hardship mobile, home to'be located at 1528 Harbor Drive, Springfield, Oregon, on July 7, 1978, On July 19, 1978 a representative from this division posted'three public notices in the surrounding neighborhood to notify property owners or.the intent. of Mr, & Mrs, Allen to place a mobile home on the property, During the 10 day:required posting period this office received complaints against the proposed placement of a temporary mobile home, The applicant was notified by letter on July 29 of denial of this application due to the complaints received and on August 2 requested ,an appeal to go before the Board of Commissioners in a PUblic Hearing, The specific circumstances necessiating this temporary mobile home are "Husband ,age 87 - diabetic - semi-invalid, wife needs help." III, Motion: Section 11,lOO-15(3)(B) states: If the division denies permit or there is opposition to its issuance, the matter may be referred to the Board of Commissioners for a public hearing, After public hearing, the Board may either grant o~ deny said permit, upon its determination of whether the application meets the requirements of this section: Section 11,100-10(4): a, A personal, but not necessarily financial, hardship exists whereby it is necessary , to have someone living on the same premises that support the applicant's dwelling or mobile home; , b, The mobile home will be used for the applicant's personal 'use during the time a conventi ona 1 dwe II i ng is bei ng constructed on the premi ses, after whi ch it wi 11 be removed; c, The mobile home will be used by an employee of this applicant for bona fide agricultural forestry management, or mineral extraction purposes; d. The mobile home will be used for residential purposes for a watchman ,or caretaker, in conjunction with a commercial or industrial use, " Norve 11 A 11 en 1725 Harbor Dr, Springfield, OR 97477 ;, Mr. & Mrs, Matorf 1810 Harbor Dr, Spri~gfi~ld, OR 974?7 , --,",_~.. .......~. ... __ _. _u. . _ ._.___~ ~h , Mr, '&Mrs, Rayfield '1838 Harbor Dr, Spri~gfield, OR 97477 __2-....:. , , , I' . .- .--.---:t'. -~'--:--"'-' Gene-Taylor 1845 Harbor Dr. Springfield, OR , 97477' ._-'......-~ " !. . Han~ Stuart ' ' 1764 Ha'rbor Dr, .. ,\ , Springfield, OR 97477 ' " ' Don '8urdeck 30 Neptune Ave, ' , .' Springfield, OR 97477, Pete Kepper 20 Kremont St, Springfield, OR 97477 - ~.' --~-._.-. .~. --.- J .'R ,Wi 1 dman 1825 Harbor Dr, Springfield, OR 97477 ..,-....."...... Edith Mohr 1757"InlandWay Springfield, OR 97477 .' - -.-.- ".. , ~t~K1~7,,: ' '~WJ~j - T'-" . - I. 'r." > '.~' .~ ....i-.. ... \. :;L T 1 ~ I,' " ,.~ ' ~ --, ~~ ~ ~, , I" ~ " 1J '~,l} 'a ~j !\ ~ 1;~ l( , ' ! 'ii' , !i 1j ~,I ~ P, '11' 'I ~ ;;'" 'II I' 1 J I 'F l ~, ( - ~ ~ '~ ~ !i; ~ , !l< --'-'~ .' ~ ~ ~, 'f! ,~ 111 ~ -"~ " 4.1< ;n " :t: ~1 . ~I , I " 4 ... '---+. _, i,.,. ~} ~t I' t ~ ~,J',i, " ','~' ), tl .' 11), ~( j'j ,11, '" S1) ~, ~i ~ \. '''';,'/ f 1~ ~ , ';}I l \ , , ! , ~t .. ~ -- ~-- ",' -.! ~ ~ ~ ~i --'1~ ~ K5 ~ ~ --\~ it; , '~ ~: 1,\1 I - ,,- -, ,-,~ \1l ~ I , ~ ,___ _ u,~ ~ ':IV ~fi ~ ,~ ii, ,~ t ! " I ~ \.. ) {J\?.. ~~\ r.. \ ~'\~ .' . ~ " 1', IN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON ORDER APPROV I NG A TEI.\PORARY MOBILE HOME PERMIT & ADOPT- ING FINDINGS OF FACT ORDER NO. 78-9-13-1 ) ) ) ) ) ) IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION BY THOMAS J, ALLEN FOR TEMPORARY MOBILE HOME PERMIT niIS ~lATTER coming before the Board of County Commissioners of Lane County upon the application by THOMAS J, ALLEN for Temporary Mobile Home Permit. \<IHEREAS the Lane County Construction Permits and Inspections Division have received application arid posted notice in accordance ,lith LC 11,110,10(4) and LC 11.100,15, and \<IHEREAS the division duly considered the above,described application and APPROVED the request, and l~HEREAS an appeal was filed, thus necessitating a de novo hearing by the Board in accordance with LC 11.100-15(3) and, 11HEREAS the Board, having considered the matter in public hearing on August 30, 1978 is of the opinion that the Temporary Mobile Home Permit be APPROVED, now, therefore, it is hereby ORDERED 1: The l'equest by Thomas J. Allen for a TEMPORARY MOBILE HO~1E PERr~IT is hereby APPROVED, 2. In support of this action, the Board does hereby adopt the findings of fact set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto. ' Adopted th is 11th day of ~e-p_teJ11hpr 191B- z~ p~ ~C.CAd IIi ~+ i;::;'V;';fr-J,." Chalrman, Lane.-county Board Conymssioners :\i'f'i:OVED AS TO FOj)M '1/1f:(' OA TF , lano county ''i1'',\-\~~ ,~ OFFICE OF LEG^L COUNSEL (:: \ I 6 &r~ ~()U L In the Matter of an Application by Thomas J,_~~;~ '\ for a Temporary Mobile Home Perrni~'lH 2147~ f; ~ . , \-.,.. . , ) ." i \, ( \ FINDINGS OF FACT 1, The applicable criteria for this request for temporary mobile home permit is found in Lane Code 11.100-10(4), 2, The applicant requests the temporary mobile home permit to place on his property a mobile home which Vlould provide a dVlelling for his daughtel' and son-in-law. 3. The subject property is approximately 250 feet by 100 feet and is located at l-528 Harbor Drive, Springfield, Oregon, Subject property is located within a Mobile Home Subdivision, Subject property is approximately tVlice the size of other lots within the' subdivision, 4, The applicant is 87 years old; his wife is 76 years old. Applicant is a diabetic and semi-invalid, Wife has poor eyesight and cannot drive or do some of the normal household chores. Applicant indicates they Vlish to install a single wide mobile home on their property to have their daughter and son- in-law near them to help with their needs, 5. Adjacent property owners have objected to placement of the mobile home, 6, The applicants own a single wide 1 bedroom mobile home which is located on the property. The Board's findings is that the applicants have demonstrated that thel'e is a hardship of the type envisioned by Lane Code 11,100-10(4) to allow for temporary mobile home permit, The appeal is therefore approved, Order No. (Thomas J. Allen, TMH 2147-78) EXHIBIT "A" Page 1 of 1 \ ) """""11!,1 . ~ . :":'1 it- ",t Iqne coQbt~~! ' ",. ')' " L-.} ,., ~", ~.;'t;'.,,;~ ;"" ;: , . August 31, 1979 ,,' ,.,.1' , "i., ~"!',! -::f')~ l,rf.,.\t ~ :1' ..t........,fl'!';. .",~ . ""lfq' Mary & Tom Allen 1528 Harbor Drive Springfield, Oregon 97477 REo Renewal Of Tempo~ary Mobile Home Use Permit No. MH 2147-78 ,4 Temporary Mobile Home Permit is' val id for one year only, and must be 'renewed annually, The above listed Temporary Mobile Home Use Permit was issued on g-8-78 and will expire on 9-8-79 1 f you wish to renew this permit, please sign this form and 'return to Lane County Department of Environmental Management with the renewal fee of $40,00, ,An additional letter of explanation of the need for a Temporary Permit must accompany this renewal if any circumstances regarding the Temporary Permit have ,changed during the past year. The Renewal Fees a re as fo 11 ows: "ilding Permit Renewal Fee is ,r;ptic Eval uation Fee is :otal Renewal Fee is $15.00 $25.00 $40.00 Pl ease renew ,/' Tempora ry Mobile Home Use Permit No, MH 2i47-78 No change in circumstan'ces dur,ing the past year" The changes indicated in the attached letter regarding the Te!f1po~ary: Permit have taken place during the past year, . ~- ;l ...../p- <, C<f?C~~' ,G-c..c.c:~C/ Signed:-~->/ . ,Of~.-d, . " Please make check payable to: Lane County Environmental Management Division Permit Processing Section 125 East 8th/P,S,B, Eugene, Oregon 97401 '687-4394 Or 687-4395 '.' I, .. " ADt/,INISl HA11VE DIVISION ENVIRONMl:NT/I.L M^NAC:iEMnn DEPtl.RTMENT 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE / EUGENE, OREGON 97401 '/ 15031687-4071 OR 1.8CO-452.6379 .~ , Of , 1": ,~ , ',< .,-, .t . .'~ " _\. -.'-": . ,,~~ I. 'i \.: '- ~ " .... -...9 \ .\~ "flf ~\ ~ ('I () r:{, ,-, \ ~~ - " '-. '. , -: -<;' / '\ " I- 2 a:: UU a.. >- I- 2 => o ._ (,) " ~ uu 2 <! ...J '- 2 o I- <! 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' . ~ . COris.~ruCtion Permit!l & Inspection Division 'J ," ,. '.-' " ~. - ,'" -', ,-..... , < ' , ,'- ,,. '.~ July 25; 1978 " ,..".... ~, -- , . < IANE-COUNTY' DEPT.. OF .ENVIRONMENTAL 'MANAGEl1ENT, . ' PUBUC SERVICE BLDG. '. " . EUGEl\'E. OREGON 97401 .' .,'" , " ~~.,~ 8.1918" , , ~ . 'i1 .' ',', 'o.. ~,. .;' .~' " GENTLEI-1EN: ,:,. " .., " ' ,.' ,'THE FOLLOWING NAMED PERSONS 'REQTJESTTHAT, THE TE!1PORARY,MOBILE H011E PEI&iIT ,> . _ ~ '-" ," . ',_ _, .' _ _ , ,_r~ APPLICATION# 21!J-7-'(8 BE DENIED. ',TOTHOI1AS AND'I14RY ALLEN, LOCATED'AT 1528'., ,4_. , " ' ,_ :.'. . , . ". HARBOR, DRIVE IN FILBERTGROyEACRESSUBDIVISION, "SPRII~GFIE~.OREGON..: ' '. -.: ~ - ." :'~ ;;~ ,. , WE DO NOT FIND ANY HARDSHIPEXI~TS THATvlOULD JUSTIFy'THE V~ANCE. 'f(u~ .J\', ,~ ,.,~:/~:~:\~T;'}kJ~1~ ,\2~" ",o~j:~ .." )lq,~~~~, iO<, ,.t:'N."'/d'.':#",v.i".;;t.:)~ :":,'Sp~.-S~LO(OI'~' .' ,acU~/~~ ,:2" ~. ~~/</;I~~,' : , . ,_,"" '. 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"'0:::... ~, .. ...-<:::l , : '400 " ~ A::>J:.0::~~ _'.f."..... _ ,.' ,v' 200. ~ ~ /, /~ " , "-! ',"-!i' ".L;:J'_"'r~* 'I' ," .1<.0' OJ' ~ ~ ~b , ,I \ J . I I \ \ , / ~ I ( { I"" .\J , I { '-; ! " ~ '''-!? - ~ 1700~'. \ '-0 ..,.;;,p, ~ , ~\ .' ~. , ~ "" ,~", 1800 \ ~ \ . ,', ~ ~ ,. <\1 ,q" ~ ~~ ~ .I)~I) / ,t ' " \ ~,' ~J"; ~ \" \,':1 d~' !i". ... '10 p') "b.,'/' '--. ",.}",' j. '....., ",,,,,;,'" ;-:?.:l'...~r/7 l"'t'. ~ ,. l?~_--~:" v.t' ~ Ii ',_~ -,:. 1900 ' U,6.( '";-;,;" 1/- . ~..,..._ '-. /;$:J?' /........":.'7.......-:.--<>- ?'){In ,I ~~ 12~<~-~~:.: ,-- t!-, . . .-' N o r0 o ro a. o ;E OJ OJ (j) h I , I' I ., , , IN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON ORDER APPROVING A TEMPORARY MOBILE HOME AND ADOPTING FINDINGS OF FACT ) ) ) ) ) ) IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION BY FRED B. BALDWIN FOR TEMPORARY MOBILE HOME PERMIT, " ORDER NO, THIS MATTER coming before the Board of County Commissioners of Lane County upon application by FRED B: BALDWIN for Temporary Mobile Home Permit, I~HEREAS the Lane County Construction Permits and Inspections Division have received application and posted notice in accordance with LC 11,110-10(4) and LC 11.100,15, and WHEREAS the division duly considered the above-described application and DENIED the request, and WHEREAS an appeal was filed, thus necessitatlng a de novo hearing by the Board in accordance with LC 11,100-15(3) and, WHEREAS the Board, having considered the matter in public hearing on October 17, 1979 is of the opinion that the Temporary Mobile Home Permit be APPROVED, now, therefore, it is hereby Adopted this ------- :.--' for a TEMPORARY MOBILE HOME PEP~"'-' ~, ~ Board does hereby ,",J~ r1 n . ' hereto, q LJV . day of LAr ~t ORDERED 1. The request by Fred B, Baldwin is hereby APPROVED, 2, In support of this action, the set forth in Exhibit "A", attached : \, Chairman, Lane county Board of Commissioners In the Matter of an Application by Fred B, Baldwin for a Temporary Mobile Home Permit (lC 2800-79 TMH) -~-----"-~'--"'---' .,_....- APPROVED AS TO FORM OM" /o/Zz-.IC; ,.""" 1};, /L4;~~ <lliJ . OFfICE OF LEGAL COUNSEL //" /' 2, ~/- .,' \, .+. '" .' ~ . . FINDINGS OF FACT " '. , .' ~ . L. The applicable criteria for this request for temporary mobile home permit is found in Lane Code 11.100-10(4), The property is located at 1763 Inland Way, Springfield, Oregonr which is in Filbert Grove Sub-division, 2nd addition, At present, the lot is a.., combination of two previous lots made into one, The zoning is RA-MH, At present there is a 24'x56' mobile home on the property, and one storage room, 3. The app 1 i cant proposes to 'p 1 ace a temporary mobil e home on the, property to house his elderly mother in need of close,care, During the required posting period this office received a letter of complaint against the proposed temporary mobile home, placement. A public hearing was held on October ,n, 1979 and the appellent remarked that the zoning,did not permit this use of the property. He had no objection as long as everything was done legally,',..'.It was suggested that the one lot be:divided into two lots as was previously the circumstance, This way one mobile home per one lot would conform to the zoning, At present, temporary mobile home placement 'permits do not need to conform to zoning laws in residential areas, ' It was also brought out in public hearing that when the applicant purchased the property, he did so with the intent that he was purchasing two separate lots and later found that the two,lots had been consolidated 'into'one lot for tax purposes,' He does wish to divide the lot back into' two separate tax lots, with one mobile home and one septic tank per lot, 4. 5, During public hearing it, was revealed that a hardship truly did exist necessitating the need for this temporary mobile home placement permit as envisioned in 'LC ll,lOO-10(4)(a): "A personal, but not necessarily financial, hardship exists whereby, it is necessary to have someone living on the same premi ses", I The Board's findings is that the applicant has demonstrated justification for ,a temporary mobile home permit, The applicant also stated that he would start procedures: on divid.ing the property as soon as money,allowed, It was also recommended that this try and be done by one year ' , as at that time the temporary would be up for renewal, The appeal lS therefore approved. 6, 7, " Order No, (Fred B. Baldwin, LC 2800-79 TMH) EXHIBIT "A" Page 1 of 1