HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-11-27 V/ ~ " , ., JOB ADDRESS . TRS,,,TL POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE I 1528 Harbor Drive, Spfd, Oregon CONSTRUCTION PERMllLi-2905-79-TMH 18-03-02.3.2 # 600 SubdiVISion Filbert Grove, Lot 1, Block 3 This permit for the referenced property IS hereby approved. ~cks;lnd other conditions of approval must be stnctly observed Violation can result m revocation of this permit, citatIon under provIsions of Lane County's Infraction Ordmance, and/or other remedies allowed by law Applicant/Address Owner/Address Contractor/Address Contractor's OS # Mary and Tom Allen, same as above *** / / / Total ConstructIon Value Telephone Telephone Telephone Construction approved by thiS permit Water Supply PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Rene,oal of TMH-2l47-78. Must renew annually. Structures now on property: MH/carport/shed na # Bedrooms na na # Plumbmg Fixtures na # Employees Zonmg na Partltlonmg # na Parcel # na Mmlmum required structural setbacks, from centerlme of road, front na side extenor na ' mtenor property Imes na ,rear property Ime na Special Instructions same as exist1.ng. Parcel Size na , centerlme of road, For Information call 687-4394, Rn"..r Hollis Site Inspection # na I nstallatlon specifications na na lineal feet of dralnfleld required, max depth of trenches na Special Instructions System appears to be functionlng adequately (no surfac1.ng sewage . no odor, no back-up toeither dwell1.ng). The val1.dity of the hardship was also substantiated. (A caretaker is required to help an elderly, invalid couple) gal mm septic tank capacity, Setbacks Intenor property Imes Edge of road nght-of-way Buildmg foundation Wells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PE RMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Directions to SIte ! ""-.I)ate Issued ~~, Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Dramfleld 10' 10' 10' 100' For mformatlon call 687-3956 between 8 00 - 9 00 am, Colleen All1.son Type of Construction na InstructIons na Group naFlre Zone Use Classification na na For plans mformatlon call;87-3760 between 8 00 a m and 9 00 a ITRalph Hough For mspectlons (see back of thiS permit) call 687-4065 between 8 00 a m and 5 00 p m .; bne county f- I na 11-27-79 By John E. BosS/lky DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 . I"'" I I : ,b yVI . /0/11/ It?JOfI,' ounty .# ..... 1t11-vl~1 ~ /0 .MJ- ..... I TO A/u~~ ?d\" FROM \} 8/3___ c: p~~ ~ . ' SUBJE<tf/ ~~.fu7 a~--, DATE /0-2.- 79 ?lQ-<d~ r .jJh4Ae.- ~ Ah;.1 r.fi~~(~'<1 ~ ~.71{~~ ~. '(j) ~. /J . 10;/7/11 / ~ 6. ~ ~,M~~~~", ~9o ?f-~ ~ - . r "'o:l.~ ~ ~. 7'7ft)ff IR-O.3-0,-33 T~804) ) bl--0l7 7~~ ;;<~o~ .-----, f.t,,)1n ""~ ~.v /0/:20//79. J ,r-7s ~ ~ ..,..~.~~!it..w.';'#~t14s-:.71 ""~/'A't1/J~. /tf-a ~ -oz. -r L.. 60aJ ) r--7" , ~~ MEMOR'ANDUM - . CP-cTp. -- /9 ? ,9 9:t:~!;~ . ,("~.'-' RCUL~_~~ ,o~ -a,' ~~-Cv!/:k~~k~ ~~. "Zr #-~9:.6_...7-- Z.f-,,-~!2-~,::L?J-=-Q7?-- .:cL6-ClcJ_?d~~r>A a, _ -?~ '~~'?-/~~~~ L-:?'.'-.4 ~a-C-~~";. ".@#_.-: T ~~~~'c~f ' ~__~ ~ ~~~~/~~~4? ~- kC~~/~_/?/7 ~--r::;-, - / /??~ , h _ -r- P". /1' --~/- r~--{-4cuy-~~, r/~- ~,V' /-~,Af}'-f' r ~--- "'"-", ~/~~", ~ 0/LO . -, ,_~J (I ~""'- - - ~_I...:k!..-,-_ l"neCouflly 0 c""",..", ,p-"",,,, '""~"~_r /_'?-~>_/ ~'2 ~(,~3-~r~ OCT-1-0-1979 ~&~ /-!J~~ d . ?u'~~ flD~~ ~~4- / H-~ ea.A--/- J-7:Z[ ~ /f;,,:?~> @/'~- t:/~~ j- - ~c(':;:;rJ ~ /-5-~r /~7J~ ~~~r/O~ J /V Y7Y77 . - "" --~ ( . 't~, (~". '" -,<' f [.. \. J. w.., ~.l ~l \ ' (T j , v" ~ '\"'.1 9 ~ (" / =~~ ~~~.g~~ C? >~<:::> ./ 'I h " . " / , ,\ , >, ~ , , I I j U u UU , , . I II I " ," '\ "- '.. , '" i n: ~> ~ LANE COUN1Y DEFT ENV MGT RECEIPT * 290~79 Af'PUr.ANT ALL EN. M'ARY ADDr( 1528 HARBOR DRIVE, TL* 1803020000600 SUBD1v 'N~W BLDG TYP& USE NO BDRMS 00 CODE' APPL'NO ACTION DESCRIPTION BP B~' liP RP .- ~ ~W BP ~.' DME 091279 SPRINGFIELD, ORE LOT BLK NO UNITS 001 NO STORJr.S NO BLDGS do1 SQ ~T UNIT COST VALUATION FEE DA)S --, , \ ii" ,v fj 5 PI. NO. FIXTURES NO. CONNECTORS 5.00 tACH '" MECfI " MECHANICAL Frf SUR STATE SURCHARGI::': 4i. PCI( \ f'LAN CHECK FE"E Oi. MH l C 290579 TMHR .'iDS SDSX o 1:5,00 \ 25.00 0 o ( o UoU Ii I.t ~IFU CPI WPC I AKE.N BY -RLH I I PLAN ELEV ADDR F~' CnMPLETFD FlY ENVH TOTAL FE[u 40.00 C:K , \ f) .. :Y ~ rl. ~ ..! s .i 2- .2. r -" !.! " " .!.!. .E., ( , I " ~ " " " !!. 'j' i l I 1'1 !!. ~ LAN~ COUNTt DE~1 ENV MGT klCEIPT t 290579 DArE 091279 M'f'l I CANl f)LLlN, M(\f(Y flDDr;: 1 c>28 f1f'tr:FHm 1)1'..:1 VL, Sf'Rl Nl,r J n I), OF(L ~ TU '180:,020000<,,00 SUBD j V LO I BLK NnJ FH n(, TYr'r IIS'L NO I<Of(MS 00 NO UNJTS 001 NO SlCHn E-S NO J;L 'Ol,S 001 " CO!)!:. AI-'~'L NO "CHON 'OESCIHF'r [ON SQ Fl IJNI1 CDS r IifiLUA lION F I~E DAYS BF ~ Bf' HF' ~, Bf' BF J !:'. F!I' c' !!. PL NO. F [XTIJI't_ S' Mi::CH " SUR F CK "MH LG 20057Y rMHR ~DS SDSA NO. CUNI',EC lor:S t1E CIIAN I CAL nx STArE SURCHAF.GE r'L AN CHECK n:.~ 5.00 EACH = " " ^ "' 0'" 0% ~ SIFO cn I fll<E.rJ I'Y 1'(1-'1 Wi-'C PI AN ELEv ADD"" FF' Uli1PU_ll:. D f'Y ENVH JUlAL I:!:.E:-x 40.00 o (. o o ~ ( . o : "'I" leJ ~ 11 . C1( " tj 't:-..OO 25.00 " " -, oj L " -j ~ . " . ~ ~ . 0 ~ ~~. ~, '\ -- ~\ Cj 111 OU-t-- .. P> U B Llg , NOTICE phJ4: ~' ,1TEMPORARY MOBll.1 1I0Ml PFRMIT ./ :s ~ APPLICATION ~'J tJ~ -7 C; !'O~TlN(, DATI:. _9-1 /-.: "'1 <f;Pft- 1JtcUtJ,v-I-m; S-a;~;, (Addre~. of Pro~erty where Mohl]~ "orne will he Located) (APPLICANT). Dr, HAS REQUESTED A IEMPORARY MOBILE HOME PERMIT FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR AS PROvIDED BY LANE rODE 11 100-10(4) ~ o o o A personal. but not neces~arily financial, hardship exists whereby it is necess,ry to have someone ljvin~ on the same prem hes that support the applicant' s dwel1~ng or mobile home, The mobile home wi iJ be u,>ed for the applicant's personal use durinp the time ~ conventionnl dwellinp is being con- btructed on the premises, after which it will be removed; The mobile home w11 1 be used by an employee of this applicant for bona fide aRricultur~l, forestry manaRement, or mineral extractioll purpuse~, The mobile Ioome wi 11 bl' u."d fel residential purposes for a watchman or cJretok(r, In conjunction with a connnercial or indl16t ri I] l1.e ANY ~r ICHBORIN( 1(1.'>11)] NI OBJECTING 10 1111" PROPOSED U"E ~IAY CALL THE DFPARTMI NT OF I NV I RONMFt';TAL MAhAr,nll N r FOR F1JRTHER INFORMATION. IF NO WRITTEN OBJECllONo IIAVF MEN RFrEIVcD WITHIN TEN DAYS AND THE PROPOSED USe MEH~ OTHFR CRITI RIA fHiS TEMPORARY MOBILE HOME PFRMIT WILL BE I~SUFD FOR A PERIOD OF ONF YEAR, RFNFWABLF ANNUALLY i1 d~ ~~ Cj~~ fJ ~ DLI'AiU}11 NT OF r.NVTRO"IMEi'<TAl. MANACEMFt'; r I ANf COUNTY PUBI' '~VI(,I HlIl' IlIW 687-1,065 ~/ ~\" DEPARrr,ENT OF ENVIROW1E,HAL 11ANAGEi~E~T - '^' \ PSG 12: cAQ 8TH AVENUE v\. EUGE"E, OREGON 97'01 >:~~:dre;~~/:r if-:f ~~~-if ~J::~~Y1.;ko>;~ /?~ rilWl'ls~fp. Ra0ge. ,~lK'tlOn; lax Lot ./g~-a;:;; ~ (2-;;;;"'/~ ~t?O // . ,Subdtv,lS{ol' ./'7 'F', \ &>~ ~ . ~ Lot I lllock ,") Appllcatlon for p::tjA'.-"2"~/4~ / _~,n..r Structures now on ~~op~rty ~4l /tdA'/~ /..k/' -:7" cpropoiea;u'Th af'pr(>PlirtY~ 0 l!li>id~tlal - ~ C!Jprrrne~41 C/CIPlliiiftiiof/ () !'U6)),) Aff,davlt I, ~"?-~.l ~~ . hereby certlfy that thlS lnformatlon lS true and accurate .-/ l!>lease print) If thlS appllcatlon l~for an agrlcultural bUlldlng ,t wlll be used for purposes allowed by the State BUlldlng Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zonlng) and for no other PUl pose I have tlJP followlng legal lnterest In the property owner of record. .---.... contra pur~hase. ~ lessee../ holder of an excluslVe optlon to purchase, duly authorl~ct for 6wne~)P'1~~dg,ab~~thls appllcatlon S19nature/Address~ ??'/.-/" / ./<~//T (ZlP\ 'Te1ep~e './'" /7 or Date c:;?- ?- 77' _ , _ _ r_ When permlt 1S ready not1fy CI Appllcant C/Owner CI Contractor ~ CI mall CI phone Owner (Z10) Phone Contrac tor (z 1 p) Phone Contractor1s OSR# Plumblng by /~# -Appl1catloh:tf . (.c-~0'~-7'c; , 'd 'b" )\~N'''~N :N~1)l ~r:si If Corrunerclal Resldentlal 'If of storiei t~f~~d~ SI test holes ready DO NOT WRITE BELOW # of employees THIS LINE Lof tlOlt!'. SDSt 0 EXlStln9. CI Proposed. ;unii~ ~s-t. Valuatlon BP # 51 # 'F~<~~ ~ ""dw Ft";:"'~' '<-':; ee . sq." . 'Or Code // h'lleSCriotton ,/ ~ of Sites //5~~7 7Ar/7" ~~/-7/ 7-/1'j ... Total Valuatlon $ .l>,~UllIlii#9'flxtufe$~ at $ each $....ar/Watel' conn: at $ each Subtotal 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy TOTAL Part # Parcel # Parcel SlZe It. slde . lnt rear _. p-3~L I-! ~~~~,;.: ,~ I I,Cltlicl( I ..? /~ ~cme';'bv//~ ~".h Ff{J Water Supply Proposed Year Installed EXlstlng PERMIT PROCESSING Mlnlmum setbacks Zone <t. front Comments To be typed on permlt By Date CP&I Type To be typed on permlt Fl re Zone Group Use Classlflcatlon For plans lnformatlon call (area lnspector) Olrectlons to slte By........']. ~ / 7 'h!...u~ , " Date i..f.::.:?_7- 7~ Phone ,';c> '//....O ' Plans to set(s) set(s) Date Completed CP&I WPC Date Requ 1 red4 /~ ~.;;.o Hold 5l1p to PCC C/ 51FO J( CP&I XI WPC CI Plannlng CI PubllC Works CI Elevatlon I~I n/a CI Address CI Faclllty Permlt I~I Envlronmental Health FOR INFOR~~TION about progress of your appllcatlon call C74-171 Permlt Control Center (687-4357) 687-HELP . , \ , Fee ,e $ ~.s; - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ c::?~5": :::::- $ ?4? .!!- Da te to PCC ,{ .. l, , " TO FROM SUBJECT MEMORANDUM lane county (a JOHN BOSS ROY BURNS-WAT~OLLUTION CONTROL TEMPORARY MOBILE HOME-HARDSHIP CONNECTION LC L~U~-/~ TMH (AllEN) DATE NOVEMBER 26, 1979 Persuant to your request we have prov1ded add1t1ons Ana1ys1s of the above referenced perm1t and f1nd 1) Or191nal act10n V1a September 27, 1979 approv1ng cont1nued use 1S a val1d act10n under DEQ rules 2) Appl1cant plot plan rev1sed by th1S d1v1s1on (attached) 1S prov1ded Personal Hardsh1p connect1ons under OAR 340-71-016 (8) prov1de for our 1ssuance of perm1ts 1f the follow1ng cr1ter1a can be met 1) Connect1on to an eX1st1ng system (System 1nstalled under perm t 1508-66) 2) Hardsh1p approved by local bU1ld1ng and/or plann1ng ord1- nance 3) Fam1ly member 4) No more than two people 5) EX1st1ng system to be used 1S not fa1l1ng We cannot f1nd a lack of compl1ance to the state requ1rements for the Allen TMH request The adm1n1strat1on of the rules requ1red 1nspect1on of the system performance to assure cont1nued operat1on. Placement of a Temporary Mob1le Home over a port1on of the system 1S not proh1b1ted We d1scourage the pract1ce to prevent phys1cal damage, but do not proh1b1t the cover1ng of a port1on of a subsurface sys tem RLB/Jbw 71 ! ;; !Ir {if 'ii S' : qi'!'/ I.A'(l'.IIJ,....,e! &J.sc tt r..1 .............--1o'(.j;;~_ __ __ f"LI.,'-I ~kJ __' ./ '1:,'\ I"{'o c9l"rJeep-Ju 'J7 sP /-J'Jp J- rJfi1df -< I OfluQ'JJCLl, I" -Tfv' ___ ---l I. .-!. (; - - ,.. ~,..I -,..;'0 , / --... ---- I:r,x. {.:;zJ-;~" I?;'~ -) / '~" ,--- S11)/'OcAe.- I'~ .> ~~ Ij '---'.!"'--.,. '- carp"', ..J~~ /'. ~Z'11"'''"-''\oi 7~..' ',' '....- , 'I-l \.O~WI'" 'A / J / Ii' -... I W'l...... 0 I I '1 0 '........., ----,'--... 10)<.;>C ,~ ia"k TYI1'rl; -~}I~ h,,~~ / l-S.! "z '" / ~~~ ~v." 12XSrcj ~l fb~~f / 1..../ ,--... / / ~,:t"~/. ~ / rue"'\ I...Uv "'.:( -.............. ,?/. ' '.... -~ j---.... ~./ ", / ------ ..... - /, ..../'- h/b!7,-{ Gruve. 5)C<:\/0\-,\C>Il plONRd 20 Ol,{~ \'10G ()2.l'.jo,nq fst~blilhx{ ICC.:-r,":.i Sps; (I) VlStblrtif Ilnv; I()(CiTfd 1"1 fCI(fhv(.. dr...prf.5.S.Jom (21 p{tlbi,:,o, -O,Oll1o-.bl\ 5rav' ( C"l~rfd I1t 3()-~ 1/ (5.1v\c.(Ja~ 14 eo"e: af- P' ,1( t(C.~1'V1j \\ . 9.rl1v~ ~ d rQI;1I,ne... f~'\ r,r,.;L+,.,.\IAAJ, r,., ..Joolcr-.v II ---- I \i liar' -/601 - - . r,~ -0", "- to _....\ \\t-:_ '---... .. \ , ----- --... , ~ /' .... , --... , , .... j\i::.ri'~l ) 'CI ~c...Gff0. loi \, '1t.S e (\.:../(, f1> -Vre., \6),) wa12, fllO'k 0/' %e. (j~,t- bO'J\k of '-J.lt IJj:I\O/','.'tc_ . ~ -"""""',1 /Z-0!.t-OZ. i:l loCO , -f ' I'. It - ~-~ F"j" (::11-",')0 . f\hrn+-! k/ / Sloe!:.: 3- .-- -, ....- ,....------ Dr;:.>' v<(,., --.... / --. flO' u.t I::> ~O$.~'1~'_ i ->" (if.>...J .1j.7{,~ C':!) /ocahO'A ,j '\O"ll<. &.rfflwH -h ~sidJ\I~(.-, -~u~1o ~flOuels fl'\COLl.tilkfO UJfl~V) pru!Dj .5(ctle. !" =-.: :) I (Jr!Of.1 :.; OJ~'':.':J'; plot] c ~~~~~ ~n,~r ~ - __ -~_. __ f _ _ ~ _ _ _ ~ _ -, ~-W ub -;t.4;t,~ ~,'. ,v6 ~ ;~~J~ '. . q- _.~~--~-- - ~ -~ - --. AJi:tJ~~ 'X.jJt;..,- ~~~~ ' - __ _ _u~ -c#/tL-~ _~__~_~ ~ ~iA-i '" ~btl.,~~,.U-. ~.~~~, ' r'~.7~"">v" ~A~ - __...v1 -~ ~- -- - -- -JU.-- - ~~ --~- ~;n~1. ~~~ ~~~~ I ( , ~ . ,/ I' )(jh ~". ,; -~., " ,. ~. ~ ~5If;:," - -- -/fIft'---~- - - - - - ~OnA_L_iT - -~ - - -- ~~IT ,~~~u~{I.,~ -~ -CJ-~ VJ~ _ _ ^4 _ ~~. 7t-t; __ 4, -R-tUJ.v #.-" () '-- ~C~ ~:' /7" ~ _ --;;r;d.Lr~ ~ n ,_ .tfn/JJl/_V~ I~ r~- -~_~-_ _--~t=~-=(j__'-_-= ~= _-_~_~-~ ~_=-- --~=_ ~-~~~~ =--~-- __--__~- ~~ ~ - --- - - --h_~;J@~UVg~---- --- lane CIJUflty COflstrL!clu.i1l Puml ~ & I ._. - - -- - ----- _ _._J. nsp~lonO!'lISlon _~___ __ - - ~ CUll - _ ___ _ __ ___ --- - -- ---- d____ - ____ ___ _______ ["laC fitt~J;cK.- _7J~_ __ ____ -- MIl: 1- B 19m - - - - ";P,<l(/)JqFrEL'f), Qe& ?7<1-77 -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - -. -- -. - --- -- , 1'2-\ tA 1 r 7~ -r'9 -<?~ / Date o ~q /1 g [ Environmental rlana!(ement Department Division of Construction Permits & Inspection 125 - 8th Avenue East Eugene, Oregon 97401 Gentlemen Re' Temporary Mob~le Home Permit Application Th~s request for a temporary mobile home permit is made under the general provisions of LC 11.100-10(4) X (a) (c) A personal, but not necessarily financial, hardship exists whereby ~t is necessary to have someone livin!( on the same prem~ses The mob~le home will be used for the applicant's personal use dur~ng the t~me a conventional dwell~ng is being constructed on the prem~ses, after which it will be removed; The mob~le home w~ll be used b7 an employee of this applicant for bona f~de agricultural, forestry management, or mineral extraction purposes, The mobile home will be used for residential purposes for a watchman or caretaker, in conjunction with a commercial or industrial use. (b) (d) The specific circumstances necessitat~ng this request are S~"l\" -:f.) vP.l ,;\ -J,,<Jl.,fl.IJ!\ !In'!C"' R7 - 'J:.,"OIfJ)t:.f;~ - A'A/'rh j-;'1JJ~ ~//U ; V'" I understand that th~s permit is val~d for one year only, and ~s subject to reevaluation and renewal at the expiration of that time 1 S~gnature Q{<<,A./ )/!l /h~ / Address /. ,,- 'Ly 'k1uL-r/ Jf2f~ . ~^ .;;t//{1A.{- P?,fL>/ .-/-r~~ Zip Code Telephone ;7 ~ t -.3 'fL Y /' M74-152 ) OEI'ARTlIENT OF EllVIRON,~E,nAL I1ANAGEI~EIH .. -......." PSG, 125 EAST aTf-. AVEt'UE EUGEI1E, OPEGOd 97401 Job Address ',d-';; .;;~;t;.) L-U' ~,~ Clty o<'-~~,~~/ Town,h, p, Ral1g~,{!~ct W)I Tax Ljt /.,P,. /::?::if ~ ("?h?'''' .H t,;/J/? / / . // SubdlVlSlon ,-T~ AAJ-fAA. ~ ./ Lot / Block ~ AppllcatlOn for" ,,4~hP~ ~ ////# ' Structures now 0,; 6,e property ~4// /~"'Y~jk /~~ -?' Proposed use of prope..ty /-1 R-eSldenti'al l..o"' j-rCurnmertal- 1-/ In'dustnal /~/ PubllC Affldavlt I. t;. "/::V...l~#:-~ ~d' . ~erebY certlfy that thlS lnformatlon 15 true and accurate 'C'/ - (please pnnt)" If ttll~ appl1catlOn ,~vfor an dgncultural bUlld,ng It '1111 be used for purposes allowed by t.he State BUlldlng Code and Lane COU'lty Code Chapter 10 (zorllng) and for no otn(H pur::>ose I have the folloWHlg legal lnterest 1n the property owner ot record, contract purchaser, .--.lessee, / holder of an excluslVe opt1on to purchase, duly autnorlled ~o actrfO.s;he~O'~']er ,~y}....",nO{ledge,abl..s-soJAillS appl1catlOn :'lgnature/Address /-7<)0 I' ~.//.// ~.// /7 (ZlP) .-_//./ -'//' '7 ~ 1\ -, C7" _Telep~one /' _./ or Date 7- y- /.... When permlt 15 ready notlfy L/ AppllCant L/ O,mer () Contractor tJy C/ mall L/ phone Owner (Z10) Phone (Z1P) Phone \ -7:i, '/' //...'.l~ t , AppllcatlOn fr (.C--: .' Ass1gned Numbers , I I I II Con trac tor Contractor's OSRB Plumblllg by If Commerc1al f of stor1es Res1dent1al of bedrooms SI test holes ready DO NOT ~RITE bELOW THIS lINE # of employee,> # of Unlts SDS C/ EXlStlrlg, BP # /~/ Propo,ed, SI # Fee Code DeSCrlpt10n Sq Ft or P of Sltes Un1t Coct ValuatlOn Fee $ ;.1 \ ~ $ $ $ ..,. , '7,-,.#" ~..--:?/4/7-7~ , , , , C/ Cash C/ Check # Rece1ved by ?( ,-,-/ , if ~/. Tot,)l Va 1 Ud t 1011 $ $ Plumb1ng f1xtures at $ each S Sewer/water conn at $ edl.h $ Subtota 1 $ ll% :;.tatp IH rlli1rqe $ Plan, / he,,", fee $ rhanqc. of Ol..cupancy $ ::...- TOTAL $ 4/ Part # Pa ree 1 # Parcel SlLe 1 , S lde Int ~--~-- rear ,0 / ~later Supply Proposed Year Installed EXlst1ng PERMIT PROCESSING M1nlmum setbacks Zone 1., front Comments I To be typed on permlt By Ddte WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Installatlon speclf1catlOn5 ga1() tank, ft OfEa1nf1eJd' mav To be typed on pelmlt '!f'7I""-' ~"L-. j' &-. r:/,~ ;,Q~L~Q./1JtJ,,%/1 ;:" :qd'YI 1,/ ,/?I~('k'-'T -{., tI'- U,? m _~ 'o/~<= 'd1JJ/"LJA~..JJ '114,,;/' (7/<:,:, .qu4r-1n ' /'L-,_ 'H '~!/diu/ ..,., 'hjf2 IJ~ U.d." L I/i A >> , () Telephone bf-7- 3'l<:::t (J' By Dlrectlons to 51 te depth Of trenches ~ ~Pf'%;j ( t'bJ /h , /1fA~:kJ" ) Uate f- ;2'7--71 C/ SIFO 1_/;,cP&I C/ WPC /~I Plann1ng /~/ Publ1C Walks g..-.:L.o~;\.'" ,_, fila C/ Address C/ FaC1llt Permlt /~/ Env1ronmental Health Plans to CP&! set(s) WPC ===== sel(s) D'lle Reqll1 rect 10/4 , 9 /:J 0 Hold Sllp to PCC Ddte Completed Oil te to pcr , FOR INFOR,1ATION about progress of your appl1catlOn call Permlt Control Center 687-HELP (687-4357) OAR 3Lt()-7/-01~~~ e ~rmnal hID conn~o~q ~ roved, eXIStIng or pt'e-eXIStmg Syste':::"fipon recelVUljl sa~ .tory eVIdence that a hardslup eXists WIthin a fanuly In that a fanuly member IS suffenng eIther physIcal or mental unpamnent, tnfrrnuty, or IS OthefWl"" dJs,lble, (a hnrdslup approval ISSud:! under local planrung ordmances shall be accepted as sausfactory eVI- dence) 'The Drrector or Ius authonztxl representallve may allow a mobile home to connect to an approved, eXlStmg or pre.>eXlsUng system servmg another resilience In order to proVIde housmg for the fanuly member suffenng hanislup ConnectIon of a moblle home to serve two (2) people shall be authonzed WIthout mod1flcatlon to the approved, eXlstmg or pre-exlsUng 'ystem wluch IS not failing by dJscllnrgjng sewage upon the surface of the ground or mto surface publ1c waters ConnectJOn of mobIle homes WIth more than two (2) people shall be pernutted only If addJtlonal drnmfleld area swtable under the>e rules IS avmlable for the mcrea.sed flows Connec- tJOn shall be for a specifIed penod, renewable on not longer than a two (~) year basIS, but not to exceed cessanon of the' bardsInp 'The Drrector or Ius authonzed representallve shaII v unpose cond111DnS Ill, the CertIfIcate of Adequacy nccc35aJ'Y to ~p!?_~()[) of publ1c health and publJc watern _ ~ ~_. ___'_ '_ . _ __ '11:__ __L.._ thun - ..=-... Alltli\ CO\IY\.f) lanCQ.. ~ ~ -~.Q/IQJII(.Qct l~ : -Ul\1V\€.ClICM1Il QVIt .QY,l~V1q-S~W\ Cl~'6'-{ie) _ ~ ~~~ lss'U,,0 l)N'ICWL lOGal ') \([V\V\H~ ovdlV\ClVlC€S (~Q~~ yvWvv\k:er - ex~~ .s~ 1'1cl--{a't\i~ - "1wD p.e'bp Ie. I VI 1M \-t r-ca'lI\~ tIV~ W/W dLbOJ-\?- ~~ Ump~L ~rdlJ () A'e. vK.rrvuJ /'1 fUN 19 --'-+----- ---------- ,..---- -""'-,- t +- r +~-f -" I j -f .... ~ I -' - - , I .-1 -, r -+ '- ~ I', L_ J = 1 \ ~_ 1 l' :-+ " ,. L _ 1 ~ t .- ,t " 1- I -, .. . I r I . , . _______ Nnr(l1./-! ------ , /g-o~-oz. i:f {oC90 Fi/ty,,...f &f?Ove. )61 I 81Dck:: 3- r . ~ .. T'---- , - -;-- -.. ... .... ' +1 , .. - . - I I t f ... -f I -+ .. ~ I- Lt +-- - r '- -I ~ ~ .:.. ' I ~ -, L I I - - - --- .- ,-t r I , I ...' ,-,- - , , ~.. - _J-;~,",r ~ , I -;..~ _,-- --,- -......,- -1-'...- - -,-.- """'-._- i - --. -;.- ~ -if , ,_ I I ,J;o..f'6~' ' '-'1 - ~. -- __I -. - -. --~ :' r- I I' -: . I _-- D'\-;lt~ 71//uhltc../l/Jlrr(wUi);o-1 1~ ~ : ~. - - :. ~ (S" - .......- '-- qytd JraMoCjrlf0.sP' .t !~ I. ':---"" _ ~ I _~ -:--, .~' -,---- _' . .'>-.. ~ .JQ.':t.'L3/.. (n~ 7r~~ . , , . ~::r ~ --- " ._ ~- ~~ 1,1j r1~pqeep--Jn n'_ ", -IJ '1' -- / P'/J, _-f-~' / : f-;- _ - , I I j , " -'-_ .J;lo- - l' ''"'t'}~.!o 'I ~ _. _ ~ ' .. /' '- ?/ I,(Q Ij .--- --~ - .. -', ---....z, I'" --... ~' .35~\ ,>, -- C "'-.......,1-', .. ...... ,~-;'1'...\C~.q . I~ '; ./ I 'tl W~I~ . / I' , : ~ ...........!- ::jW\IOl<.SQ ,~ -funk. Tm'rJ -Yill~ bflt-tr." / /8 ""'.- ~I .1' --, '_ ~~I 12.><.5 Gjorgb~e~.J, ' Net#! ,)t(ic~::;'-f'f~ lot h\1€.S e)t~v0 . - .. ~ "/ / jIJ' ~t. \O-..tl :.1Jcl1k rI1QIk.'o'l\ . ~ ' . Ui. ' of II. I l\~ iopr.L'"'~(:tViI< ~ Il'" : ". _ - I ,In, c:.:- - r-lO,hl' bo\^J( "i111: ~jL IOM( Ct~ '~\. --/.. ~.. - __ . <-.J ....~ -""'.... ...... - -t-~ ~-~l~(Jr~~ 61Dd~' Svl^d!u~~~M "f" ;....................." ......(_ ,+' vu '-' , -.t 1-- : 1 -'.. ~'I~~_lkcr' _ ~ t~ \4010 - - .... "",....1 '~ -.,_ - 'oi NoV7~ _ f$jdbl~hed.IDcatliJ>1 ~ sps ; . .;Scate. 1"=:'.,0' . (I)' V~-!b'drto-ll~~ teemed. Iv-, re\(}h\Jvd;.,pl(.~~'o~ ~) locaTIoV\ J-1o.V\k &lhwH--h [fI.lOfV1 ,;':), 6~ .....,d'r>'p\ot] "" r(21 p(C>hi(l~ - ~C)ll\~'p~ 5fClA.'P..\ e\1(ouf'\1Q'~d oJ 3()_8I,p" e.$iUbhsl-t -&.e.1o 3{lQuels . 1:54<1C.f'::J@~ J::;(~ easl: ~ p2~1(l'tfc1~ er1CDuvrm""d WVl~Vl prow;t!,\ -' . _ -' ~ - gfilVlY'd: ~ d r(1l.dll:le.,. '-..J (3) ~\O$.\'l'gIJHedJI {t-{;\re/'61' 15D15'-(P(P '- ~ ....--... 10' u:t\l~ eosP:I)1^vk .sc,r~ s-.{<</{e-. lane county October 1.1979 "-- ~ary and Tom Allen 1528 Harbor Dr1ve Spr1ngf1eld, OR 97477 RE. Temporary Mob1le Home Perm1t #2905-79 18-03-02, tl 600 F1lbert Grove Dur1ng the requ1red post1ng per10d on your appl1cat1on for a temporary mob1le home perm1t to locate a mob1le home on the above descr1bed property, compla1nts were f1led 1n th1S off1ce protest1ng the placement of the mob1le home. Under Sect10n 11 100-15(2) of the Lane Code, th1S off1ce f1nds 1t necessary to deny your appl1cat1on due to the protests that have been f1led. I would llke to p01nt out to you that under Sect10n 11 100-15(3B) you may appeal the den1al of th1S perm1t Th1S sect10n states If the d1v1s1on den1es the perm1t or there 1S Oppos1t1on to 1tS issuance, the matter may upon request of the appl1cant be referred to the Board of Comm1ss1oners for a publ1C hear1ng. After publ1c hear1ng, the Board may e1ther grant or deny sa1d permit, upon 1tS determ1nat1on of whether the appl1cat1on meets the requ1rements of this sect10n Th1S off1ce w1ll hold your appl1cat1on 1n abeyance for ten days from rece1pt of th1S letter to afford you the opportun1ty to f1le for an appeal. You may do th1S by call1ng our off1ce and requesting a publ1c heal'1ng If we have not heard from you w1th1n ten days we w1ll deny the appl1cat1on and your perm1t fee w1ll be returned to you 1n due course by F1nanc1al Serv1ces D1v1s1on If you need further ass1stance please call th1S off1ce {J.d? ~6:- ~;~ BOSS, D1rector Construct1on Perm1ts and Inspect10n D1v1s1on JEB/ls ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE / EUGENE OREGON 97401 150316874071 OR 1-800-4526379 """"""'- --.-_._._'_.,~-"._- ..--.--...,...--.-.. Board Of Commissione." Public Hearing Time: l:JO ft1 Date: OcTOBER 24, 11979 Place: HARRIS HAu../CoURTI-KlUSE Applicant: TO"1 & f'1ARv ALLEN Location: 1528 HAREm DRIVElSPRII'l3FIELD Proposal: To RENEW T81PORARV MOBILE HOME oEP-t,1IT Lane County ~ _J: *''''1_ - ~ r I o 800 101 ~-"-.,,-~=-;. ..-- 0' 100' zoo' ~ ~ ~ RA ~ ~ <:t' " 1000 ~ ~ Bo~ \ lflllllllDlnnallnnn, " , nnn-nlnnnvvvn , ~ , , " , ITUDIDlrnIlIlfR111nn"'D, , ", I I '" \,1 I , "ll "I i ',I "" IfVI1IIIIIUUUU............., "NOTICE TO MORTGAGEE, LIEN HOLDER, VENDOr.. OR SELLER ORS CHAPTER 215 REQUIRES THAT IF YOU RECEIVE THIS NOTICE, IT MUST PROMPTLY BE FORWARDED TO THE PURCHASER" Dlalll.aIID..'DaDIIIIAIIJ~lJ~Lla.llnApaIDDDI.I~~.I.KD'.I'..DaDa.111......II...IIII.....I...III.......IIIDI.........II.'8UIDUIIUDI F'OR ANY INFORMATION ON THE PROPOSAL CONTACT THE' BeT, CD-,'Nb,'--DE3PM--TtnE-rJ1 COURTHOUSE PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING/125 EAST 8TH AVENUE/EUGENE, OREGON 974D1/PHONE (503'687-YO~ MEMORANDUM lane county. (a; TO Board of County Cornml ss loners FROM Env Mgnt/CP&I/John E Boss, Dl V Dw /X-4067 SUBJECT Renewal of temp moblle ~ome pl~~~ment p~r 1111 L G-z%J-7~ (ur- TUIlI Ol l'ldr"y Hiler! DATE Oct 16, 1979 I MOTION TO DENY OR GRANT RENEWAL OF THE PLACEMENT OF THIS HARDSHIP TEMPORARY MOBILE HOME II. BACKGROUND A Tom & Mary Allen applled for a renewal of thelr temporary moblle home permlt by mall on September 7, 1979 B Durlng the 10 day postlng perlod to notlfy surroundlng nelghbors of the lntent of the Allen's a complalnt was recelved by thlS offlce protestlng the renewal of the permlt C. The Allen's then requested that a publlC hearlng be held to appeal the declslon of our dlvlslon that allows us to deny the permlt lf any complalnts are recelved. D In the flrst year appllcatlon for thlS temporary moblle home there also were complalnts flIed and a publlC hearlng was held. The Board of Commlssloners granted the Allen's the temporary moblle home after testlmony by both sldes. A Board Order and Flndlngs of Fact lS attached II I ANAL YSIS It appears that a careful look at the problem on both sldes, the appllcants and the appellants needs to be made In order to conclude what the facts are IV ATTACHEMENTS a Letters of complalnts b Board Order/Flndlngs of Fact for preVlOUS publlC hearlng. c Varlous materlal such as explanatlon of hardshlp, etc. , r -. JOB ADDRESS POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMII:'!f-2~OS-1~'fi:]J TRS, TL 1528 t!m:~r ~1'\7a., Slll:d. Orocan SubdiVISion Ii'Ubcn ~. Lot.: 1. Dloctt J 10-03-02.302 0 cuD This permIt for the referenced property IS hereby Q,'..'."'"cAJ. Setba;ks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed Violation can result In revocation of this permit, citation under provIsions of Lane County s Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law ApplIcant/Address Owner/Address Contractor/ Address Contractor's OS # Total Construction Value Telephone Telephone Telephone l!:ll'y 0011 i'on Allaao = os 00= con I I / ConstructIon approved by this permit Water Supply """ PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Setbacks Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PE RM ITS/I NSPECTlON DIVISION Directions to Site Ql; 11-27-79 R<->--='i of 'fL:}-2lQ7-7li1o Y=t 11'= &1"",,.,1\1. 5~ w:M = l'"u,,""'ty: rrJ.!t::t:l..fI'J.../o!z::::l # Bedrooms # Plumbing Fixtures # Employees ~ ~ - Zoning Partitioning # Parcel # Minimum requf}ed structural setbacks, from ~2enterllne of road, front = side exterior , interior property lines ,reM property line = Special I nstru'CDons os I~ = ca ~Ulg. For information call 687-4394, _ UUl::.~ ~AU Parcel Size , centerline of road, ll!l SIte Inspection # Installation speCificatIOns lineal feet of dralnfield required, max depth of trenches Special Instructions gal mln septic tank capacity, = = ~ S"'u......... QLlj)OOlro eo be f1Z:2e~Q~~~"\3 c.e~-=tcly (c:l c~od.un c'-'-uG~ ElO ~. JID borm-up i:OOitLlcm- tr:;cllq). ill10 vnH(!~ty of the h:Jll't'loMl? = ~ ~lUmn~"l:od. (A =0.."1-.....'" l!.o &'~ to holp an elc!o?lyo !m1nlid c:nuplo) Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Dralnflelr:l 10' 10' 10' 100' For Information call .__ ____ hetween 8 00 - 9 00 am, U""-..J~JeJ ~...a..6~~~-""-. Type of Construction Instructions I!!:l Group F Ire Zone nn Use ClaSSification ca t!D ..... For plans information call between 8 00 a m and 9 00 am, 6~ ""'1r..1\ !t.r.,,,,,'1 r. l.....~ For inspections (see back of thIs permit) call 687-4065 between 8 00 a mana 5 00 p'm v ~ne county (fa DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE OREGON 97401 By .lo!m. B. E1'Jco/l!!.y " SLAB FLOOR PLUMBING GROUNDWORK . . ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED ~ DATE REMARKS GAS PIPING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED ;---? DISAPPROVED ~ DATE REMARKS ROUGH PLUMB I NG ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ;---? DATE REMARKS ROUGH GAS PIPING ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ DATE REMARKS FINAL PLUMBING ApPROVED C:J O,SAPPROVED I / DATE REMARK 5 FINAL GAS PIPING ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ DATE: REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE ~ NOT READY TO ISSUE ;---? DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR /' r,;/t- \ , '1 \~ , " \ \ I, \ \ \ 7 JQ.,B ADDRESS TRS, TL POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMlle-29,)5-70->>zt:;1 '.52!) \!arbm: i~:l.vo." llptd, OltOZcr. SubdiVISion l?illt::ll:\: Grov-:.. Lot. 1. B1=tl 3 le-~3-t2.3.2 C sro This permit for the referenced property IS hereby " ,I Setbacks and other conditIOns of approval must be stroctly observed Violation can result on revocation of this permit, citation under pr<f\f,si()ns~ftane County's Infraction Ordonance, and!or other remedies allowed by law Applicant! Address Owner! Address Contractor! Address Contractor's OS # Total ConstructIOn Value Telephone Telephone Telephone t~ry Q:Etd Too IUl..u., t..a...:C an cWOI7C Cd,li / / / ConstructIOn approved by this permit o Water Supply PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION ~ &:nc:o-cl 02 ~-2!.47-73. r:no\: =~ om::c::llly. Strt:Clturco >.lCJ"J Oil. pl!'O~ty: r::rt/w."Jo"/oI:;;c:J. # Bedrooms # Plumbong Fixtures # Employees ~ L-' = Zonong Partltlonong # Parcel # Monlmum reqlii~ed structural setbacks, from 'llcenterl,ne of road, front ~ side exteroor , onteroor property lones ,rear property lone IU1 SpeCial InstrucflOns na no eor::e as cnioti:l!ll. For onformatlon call 687-4394, ~wg~ 4-I.a...a....o Parcel Size , centerlone of road, an t!!:l Site Inspection # I nstallatlon specifications lineal feet of draonfll31d required, max depth of trenches SpeCial Instructions = gal mon septic tank capacity, Setbacks Septic Tank ~ Interoor prope~ty lones 10'- LEdge-of road rlght-of.way 10' ,lBiJoIdong f,ound:ltfon 5' Wells, other water sources 50' CONSTRUCTION PE RMITS!I NSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site an Draonfleld 10' 10' 10' 100' t!:l Byot= apj,Xnlro eo ba ft!Ilc~ cie;;.:.ato!y (I:o cunal::l.nc oc-JOG" ~() O~lr 0 no lulc1.:-up toc1.~or ~inll). 'lb2 voll.di\:y of the lmrdoh:l.:;> UBD 0100 Guboi::l:lnf1atcd. (A Cllrato!ter :1.0 reqtdred to hcl.p on elderly, ulvo.lid couplo) For onformatlon call ___ _ __ between 800 - 9 00 am, "" 1,P......-oJ"iI,JUI -.,~'-......... ~~ Type of Construction Instructions tll1 no Group Fire Zone n.a Use ClassIfication na till For plans onformatlon call 7 between 8 00 a m and 9 00 am, 007.~'' ~.... nc-;vo~ t.. 3~.1n For onspectlons (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8 00 a mana 5 00 p' U.-27~19 Date Issued ~ C5513 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST BTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By Jcb n. r.om/YL:; v bne county ca < , T SITE INSPECTION ApPROVED Cl REMARKS DISAPPROVED Cl DATE FOUNDATION INSPECTION ApPROVED / / Ol SAPPROVEO 1--/ DATE REMARKS FR~MING INSPECTION ApPROVED / / OISAPPRDVED Cl DATE REMARKS LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION ApPROVED 1--/ DISAPPROVED ~ DATE REMARK 5 INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR FII,AL INSPECTION ApPROVED ~OISAPPROVEO C7 DATE /d".-1.:=:7$ INSPELTOR RrHARK 5 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE Cl NOT READY TO ISSUE I / DATE REMARK S ~ Pd-- INSPECTOR R ..., AI.,. ,.- - .~ :h I>' ,1"1 ~ ,~ no . _ur. I,'. .,:;;:;" _., ,...." ~ i J .11Il'f.i :-' ~ ~ " " ',j> -.... ......J t~q 1 J\ _ -J ,8,,"{ \) v-.; v.-" ~ 'h; \~~ '1 .... oI~~!:;f '!-., ""'~, I -l:.. ~ I....~....~ :\' ,......,? /()''f ::::::', I - I 1'____-'-1 I ' V J[1~i I 1- ;"~"::. "-~ Q 0 ~-'- J...... _....... _.... ~" '\'LZ--I()~:4'lj~J1q:i13 IILl. _ _........ .......~~) Jll ',i lrD\':1::.~RY ..:riLt.E r.h: ~'W~~', ~ " ~ ~ "1;" \.'..) ),,~ / I "; '\ r-- \:.; I~ \~ ~>f' ~~~ I " ",_, ,"0'<:: \ ~~ I /,......,' '\ 1:>,.. ~t.:J" / "'-':J;--" T 'p ,lb,'}!' flom~ Pcr "~<""~!,-J,'q............. /#~;' ~' ~, V1 f) ! ' ;J = \ ?-...I ~ II '............. ':> -:::, .::l " ' , " c ~ '"-,, N, _,"" R~ ' . ; 'tl . ......'C~lOl,:;!if;1~ n-~-,--- .,:::; ;--..;:- , 'f\ ~ .o.L ';:;-~r, -, ~ I' ~ I h -, -. , ,_ _ 'h V ,:' "I~~'t: I'", X, <;t"'..... 'I ....../1 /, lDo --;::..2-'0 ('/'i/;'I"!II"prot(,tl1'1.s, ~-!!; '1)1' "'~,~ (~t:~ f,~~ j I '" I l.... 'I ---'8'- r','i trir~;lCi}-15(2) of tot /, rl' C~! '..y I.' '_ '/ __.:-;- J ~: ' "'~","c.z I tibn due to UP ,I r, t', tJ; i.d' "'- i'1. '\',;/ .~t s: S: L;'" .J I \ ~ EI '1/:, G J1 Is. '=""'"",,""' " , , II 0 '\ '" I '" "" "' '" 0 :!: Jl;--;-~~I:r.JI'~r"ht out to ~~)U .th~,t 1Il",i. If/I, A. t;:'~~V1Sl0" G'n),. 8'\: ~ ~, ~'tn' ">] ,thll~ PI";?:)lt \ 11 '(;~-fl.) /I ,/ k<- >I "('1' r"'l'(,[ 0 (,n;; c "llt""'illOiS\YPDOS']Olontol1'1~C'~' '//jJJ'/r-(~"I~"l" f.~_, -:=C) 2 '.>;, 1(0 r/,'?,'red 0 tit, Board '3' O'~'J 1f"'-...~\:,~,-:- :,~1:; I 'II \. /' H.'l 1... . ...... ---;)1 h - '1') lit."~ I 0 " I h"f ... ~J (!I' f.J'l' , ! ", [,l,t; Bo.] d n..]' f:!' r 11' l ~ x' J. < :. S<Joq" fl' jl~;\ \/f1I1ln.] / ~0' th'iapPlit"3'n1 nrr,.til//'....~+~ ~ I off) /" , IOU~ dflpl h~ 'el VII" ~7L I' sb:, l'l"JOJ1 I' , ~ ' 'h' ... ~ - 'III} 1 ..J I "" " ',,,,,,, 0",,,,,,,-,,,, " /' " ,',>> , , ~" '~1-:'_ ,tl("IDndl"''':''''I''f~\ ~11. 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'-----' I , '!] " I I , 1 I I , I , '" . ~ - ~: -~--- --~ ~- I --,,' ~ (\ I):; t ~ t'U ~t;" ~ \ ~ 1 . ~ ~ () ~~'''\~ ~ '*' l\~ ...J " ~" ,~ ~' 1 ~ ~ ~ 0 cu \"1, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (\) ~ '( ~ ~ ~ ~ 1( ~ 11 BUILDING AT SITE : ," '5 ~13 -1 '1 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT~29;)5-79_'f!1II yl)fZ 0 JD - ;}.SJ .gel ; ;0 _/)1 This permit for the referenced property is hereby . , Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed, Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions'of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and!or other remedies allowed by law, ... .. JOB ADDRESS: TRS, TL: Applicant! Address: Owner! Address: Contractor! Address: Contractor's OS # - <r _;.._- .,;::;".: -}- '...~2~; :.e1 I POST THIS PERMIT .ON MAIN Subdivision: ~:r~ ~..:~ ::~; ~::ro77~D to~ &tt .0loch 3 l~rv ae<! 'lo:4 IU.lEl. = en ~ ~_'C I I I Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: Construction approved by this permit: _ .1/IJater Supply: " ~ r'LANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION e Setbacks Interior property lines Edge of road right-of.way Building foundation 'Neils, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PE RMITS!INSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site: Total Construction Value: ncnctml of 'i<Z~2147-73. ~1: r_ lJc-molly. Struet:uroo Il!JV G:l pl'tlps:i:ty. talCL~rt/lJberl I) # Bedrooms: # Plumbing Fixtures: Zoning: ~n Partitioning # - Parcel # Minimum required structural setbacks, from:'Centerline of road, front: ea side exterior: ; interior property lines: ;rear property line: It3 Special Instruetions: tld rn1 aa= 00 cm1~in3. For information call 687-4394, ~ # Employees: uo Parcel Size: ; centerline of road, on &:.U~ WJ-A"L.a.tJI na Site Inspection # , Installation specifications: lineal feet of drainfiefd required; max, depth of trenches: Special Instructions: Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' gal. min_ septic tank capacity; aa na 5~c::l QP~lI:G to be ftll1ctinninG nd:;:qua<:al.y (nz> ~t'l?cdl.::lu e=zc uo odDS'. 110 back-up lroaiehel: welling). 'Kbo vall.a~ of t:he lmrao!J.~;;> = ~ subaunt1llt:ad. (A Cllr~r :I.s required to help lln elderly. 1=ua co<::{llo) Drainfield - 10' 10' 10' 100' For information call __~ ____ between 8:00 - 9:00 a,m" ~OJ_-""'~V ~ Use Classification: ~"-li.J~,-"L.. Type of Construction: Instructions: tl8 n.:l. Group: , Fire Zone: na !U1 For plans information call ., between 8:00 a,m, and 9:00 a,m" For inspections (see back '?,7 tli~7te~mit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a,m:-C'ii'~(j25:0(H1m_ Date Issue-'') l. C55-13 an 11-21-"" 'f~~'--?1 "- DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONME~ '~ANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICL ,iLDING 125 EAST BTH AVENUE, EUGENE, O'REGON 97401 - c -, -__ I'~ By: ('-:-i ~I 0 ,......._J .....:s:' 1IO , , bne county .. IJ ~