HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1991-7-2 , REQUEST FOR: . 'PC6 C4o/ ~ ~J - r;k3 . .. .. .. ..' ... ,. '. . .. ...........P./75h'-.'7/ ~ Mi"i.g.rii~~i D.I.vl.i~" 1i$E:~lhAv~;Eug.n.;pFi9740t . . . p~!;;~~~~<~;A~/_'" 'S~/~' PENml~ ~','I:rR>rSS'N~ . I J .~l LOT 1 ..""'eEL BLOCK '.,~ ., ~ T()Wa~P ;n: (9c; 1~EC114 /J2</~O aUI~YU>lOHIPARll11~ LtCrJoN ~_~RES9,~. ~ '~----:"J...,- - .... 'J.. '-n .' . 7""--""'" 1'0/7 J</NT.?/-C.....;;:J..'!,..~(/t5 " '<..Y/A'aJ.qhcul STlII.it;IUAES-NbW"ON PROPEAT.' -~ I .;._ '..::c_ J" , ,. NDDi::. PROPOSEIJ USE SEPllC "'STAUED rJW,. .9 '7 '17 f:5 . t."- '::.' .ATEA INSTALLED l '.f' . NO. Ut UIUH'.:s NO.' OF EMPLOYEES ' . COH8TRUCnoN C08TiVAWI '.' " , . DESCRlPTlONOFPROfll08EDWORK'.' J '. _ ~ . _ '.I.!I " l' NO.OPIIEDROOMB D1,t.t,1.11o}~"i~~Z:"..?7):~ ,J'2^-!./),;'/. J' TD, 0[J/-:(f~~ ~~~l\A(H ;n k)~r:7::.'-7<;/~, .J-;i...11.<< J h. <::::/./07= I9F KI,c}r2~., lU<T Sf'JY71f IJT iVlv,MA-:t: t:l'A,fJi7Ir( (JAf/1t'?R, J41 or/)n/t1JjJE L "r?;;, i5{.-T 84-5'7'/ ~ if.iN ):J!j;;t:?t;o:T MI.l ' '74tf,. - zm APPLlC...titNAME.ADtlIUSS. _ .. ',;'. .' .' ..I~ . PHONE.- I. .: ,%,ltvntS' . " ,.' " .974,5'-5 OWNERS AME. ADORESB , ~ '\ _, . . , " , -I ' f 'I' . . '_,., ,~A..-Y1 t=i ~riA~f PHOJ;'lE /', .. ~ , ., t'.., ..'I. , q , 081'1 UCENBE , PHONE .1', ,:'. .', '.' I ' . MAIL .PERMIT TO:, , ,. ' '." ....f. . ''-77' CITY r?1= 'S/7A?~F/~ A' 2:25 AI.'. """!-J ST t h....ME I' J "",.s" I- I I . 111,... I have carefully read BOTH, sides of thIs application \ . ' .' .. _1- ~ 1'- ;> . _ ~, . . , . jl . ,I' ~ .. " ' .' .' ....' '.../ (b,-/Jq ::'fjJA'dX,p;?t(\~ 9"h77 Y:~'U!',=,). " an~:,ha!aby ~ertlfy ~hat: all ,Inf,ormatlon Is' tru.a and c,ciriect.' · " '- ?; I """. jl\\.~ III!IIIII\I ...-. , QIolE ~':;;.! , AP~R.o'VE!j'fJY: A<:/'_,/.--;c~ . . . DATE 7 -~ JII '1 , - ., . CALL FOR INSPECTIONS (SEE BACK OF FORM FOJvtNSTRUCTIONSj 687.4.065 SEPTIC permits Bre good for, one year.' ALL other permits' explw after 18.0 days u;.,less'<I;;sp"ctlons BrB current. ! ~ l " " " , " ; '{.. , , .. .;:.t~ ,. , " , ~rA~,;.,,"~/ ""~:'J""~':, ~ ,. _.~. ~m""'" " ,;"'" ....~~ ''-<i . J -_.. I 'j '.>; .,~,'" \ ,._____.:_.,~~N.~,~\~r~~-./~\~~. ~ - ~'t.'" . ~;~'~, " ~, ~ ,'" 0 '0 S ' ~..' ','; . ';,.lI . '. _' . ~ ~ ," " _ .M I..A,TI N , . - .' , ' '_, \l":' ., \ '. SETBACKS AND onmR. ................ .VI'''' OF,APPROV AL MUST BB STRlC1t. Y OBSERVED. VIOLATION CANRRSULT IN REVOCATION OFTIfIS Pl!RMIT, _.......,~, .:.-.. ~ CITATIONS MAY BB ISSUBD UNDER mE~OVlSIONSOFLANB,c;oUNTY'~~CTIONqRDINANCBAND/OR~~Mf!I?IES ~WEDBYLAW" ; ,:'~~"~,- .',:,'t:';,0:.-. ~ "~_;._~"'-. .> ;.."'_ '~_, _ "'fLl _,_ _ _ ::, ~',".__\,_I ~ ,'~"~' '--, ' ..__' ,":. .~,' C ',~. ::: A MINIMUM'OF'AT LEAST,:biFioURS ADVANcE NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN' FOR INSPEC110N:REQUES'I'S~,i: -~: ~.' ,~_,--'~::'~: ,', . - --~~-:~.. ,~~..../,-~;.,_.- -~ ,~-,,,,,,-:,_~.~ .~.f --..~'. _'~_'_~..\ _-....-;~~;. :,.~..) 1 ';. ,~ ,..~,r _, - :::". .' ~ '~~\.:; '~ '" ~ ~,' -:. ,., :_~, .'> ~;-, \ -: ':-; ., --.--1. ;. . .-~P ~,~ I,' /' j .....~ , \,'~~ l " . '_:-:11:. , ,- ' :-:~- . ~ -,.:' ~f ';, J' _i_._ . - :,'::- ~~ .., .. .. . ,1- . . .,.... :iHave the following inforination ready when',yoii call: 687,4065' .....\"l. -... ~ ~'- -, - ~ ' ". -. ,"- --,- - - ,-. 'Permilnumber - Job address Type of in.sPection required -,' When it'will be ready "- '. .Your mu~e'and phone number- - - .-Any'special directions to'the s'ite :." -_\.:..:' -- ,..;,..,~:>~{.... . ~, ..~ ;'. .. " . r:- f,-~' ,- -. ...... . _~ 1 , _i '..-"';"-~T't-:;.I.: 1". '~I.. .i,."PiiBLicOFFic:iAL'RiGJiT:rOTitE5P.i"SSONPRIVATEPROPERivoRSns.o80~. :".I.',,~. ,l, ~- ~:i.,':';--~ POWER TO BNrBR UPON LAND. mE COMMISSION, AND ANY OF ITS M6MBBIlS. OPPlCERS AND BMPLOYES, IN mE PERFORMANCE OF nmIRFUNCnONS. MAY E.NTER bPON ANYLANoAND MAKBEXAMD"lATlONS AND SuRVEYS ANDPLACE'AND~AINn-mNECESSARYMONUMENTSANDMARKERSTIIEREON, . -l(" . 'm"?-~j":r- ". ."....'.\.. ,'" '. ".'" -.REQUIREDINSPECTIONS ".:' .. ,", . . FOUNDATION!NSP'ECnON:T;1i made 'afteIexcavaiions 'for -footings- ai~compiete ~d anyrequiIe(fremforcrngsteel'i's.in"plac~:'- I..., -:~_.',~-..; -r,. .' . ," ,dWDERQROUND.PlPfNOINSPECTION:'.To:be ;;;ade after'a1lunderg~und piping ~'been ~lanedi prior l<>ariy,backfIlL., _' _.. ' ~ ~ .. , . CONCRETE SLAB OR'UNDER,FLOOR INSPECTION: To be made after all in,slab or under,floor building se!Vice equipment, conduit, piping'" ~ccesstiries and.othe~ ~~illary'e4~iI;tp.~nt)re:~ ch~'in piace'bu(~fore'ariY'~~~crete is'plk~d'oiflpor sheathing i~~ed. inCllidmg.the suBfloor;~~;!1-.. 'ROUGH MECHANICAL INSPECTION:'To.be made afler all ducting and gas piping has been installed and prior to being covered, '. ,....., ROUGH'PLlJlviBIN(3'!NSPEcrioN: To ire niade after all plurribiilg rough,iTI is ill pllice,p:.for to being eovered, -.... , , ..~,', U'::':";.,;, 'FRAMING INSPECTION: To be made after, the all framing, fire bloeking, bracing and roof are in.place.and.a11 pipes, chimneys and.vents'ai~.c:pinl'l"te ~d the rough electrical, plumbing, and mechanical inSp;;"cti'OOs have been'made'and approved. , ~", ' _"'.f ,- ~SUL;All0N-lNSPECTION::To'bemad~:af~r all insul.atiifn..an4 ya:PO!9arri~rs~:inpla~.,pripr,to~cov_~g._.. -.. ..~' ..._;;:::: -+:. -~, ,.._'~: '.. ~'" LATH AND/OR:GYrSl:JM BOARD INSPECTION: To be made after a1ilathing and gypsum,board. interior and exterior, is inpIilc;:btit oefore ail)' I, . '", : '"- .',.-,' ;'" '., - -"f' '.1., , 'd"'f' "hed" ...'~ - . !, < "-" ':r...._-' ~'~....", .--~', p~~termg'Is'applied-orbefore gypsum boardjomts'and asteners:are"taped all.-. mIS:, .t-;'- ,.' .:-;.~ ._ .,.w.J _ "'.- '':~'..l_ --'---,.. ~~._ . --_ ':"--- " .:..- l.~ ';"'''' ADDITIONALINSPECTIONS'MAY'BEREQUIRED"such'i1s butriotliiriited to'. , ',..",.', . ' " , . " , "....' ,,,~', "'", '1-_ '1~' ,""~'_'.',' "1.. \t: ,~- ,'I' ': --.' _., ~1'1 ,. '~-,.. ., - "',1" '",... r( " "j,~... .... ',' I ~LOCK WALL: To be made aJter'reinfoicing is in place, bufbCfore any grout'is poUred, The U:tsPection is requireinor each bond beam pour: There ! will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved. _' ~. ...,. ......... . _..~ .~. _ ._ FINAL-MECHANICAL INSPECTION: To be made jusl prior to the structure or remodeled area being occupied and prior l<> operating anyequiplnent ' FINAL pLUM,BINPINSPECTIO!'i.::.io"be mach; juSt \nior\o th~:building, sti:uctur~ of ten\odeied area:bejlig oci;upiedi , . c'.. .. " ~:" ,,; . ~ ", ,',.,' I " . ..", _, ," ,'" , ,. r "-". '. ~ ,. " ,. " . FINAL BUILDING.INSPECTION:', To be made after finish grading and thebuilding"structure or,remodeled llfealS completed and ready for occupancy. MOBILE/MANUFACfURED HOMES: An inspection is 'required after the mobile home is connect",d,~~ an approved sewer, or. septic ' i ,systeIp., prior. to covering sewer or w8.ter-line:S.~for setback requireine!lts, blocking, tiedowris and'plumbing~Qnne_ctio~..., ' . <I" ~ t ,. ':Pootmgs and piers to comply witliStlll:e fo~datio'n requirements for ~obile h_omes or,as recoinrriended by the manufacturer. ' /. ..1:. '--, Minimum"'iuriShedfloor '~levatio~~shan~ certffiedwh~ri requiredby'"I;~~odpl~ M#tagem~t. -. - -,- -,.- - . :. . ~,':'.. 'L . -Tiedowns'"ifrequired, shall be'installed,arulready for inspeCtion within 30 days after. occupancy. Tiedo-wns,shall.be install~ per,enclosrire. _ 'i", '. . . , , .'- " , . ~, . " ',,::; , ,:. - "'""\ "-, - - APPROVAL REQUIRED" , . .-'~' - .. No ~'or~,s,~'aU.~.~.~ne~o~~a,ny~p3:f1,oftl]: bui!,ding:o<r_sm:c~e~~)'o.n? th~po~t indica~~d ~_t;~~~u<:ce~siveins~~.ti<:n~wit~lOut firs;~~t,ain}n.~,~e_ __ _ I approval' of the'building:official. Such ~pproval.;.~h~l ~~given o~y after an ~pection ~hallliave',been made of each'successive step'in.~ c~ru:tr,uc,ti~n ~s ~dicated b; each ofthel~p~~::~:~='~i~UST~~g'~~1E.li~~~~;~~~~;~~~G.;O~~' ,~~~,:~;;~":~:~:, ~TInS PERMIT WILL EX,PIRE'IPWORK DOES NOT,BEGIN WTI1IIN 180 DAYS, OR'IF WORK'IS'STOPPgg OR ABANDONED FORMORE THAN'180 DAYS,. SUSPENSI~N OR RfVPCA TIO~ '1A{' ~CC)JR IF'!'.lIS'p~,~ W '.\S:IS~l!W.q'tT(llj B,1,~S O!}~COt'lP~~TP,9~~RRqNEQV,S, rw:8RM~ TION, ; '-,-' '.--"-,-"'~- .._,. -:..~."7"'-~'.",-"~- _,<t_~, . -. .~-....,... ~,,~~.\;:,.,_..._". ,,_. - '":":~'''.~.'__r._,~..;-......,. ". ,_..,,'. ,"..,L..,,~ . . ,y ANYONE PROCEEDING. PAST. THE'POINT OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO.A:}: THEIR OWN'RISK:' \,,', .... ~. } ,. ~..'~.~.~~, '~:, .~~ '>- .-..::.-.:.^:\,~=~~'_~ ~_ ..::.~~.:;;.... ;,,:~'-;:'i~. { .~, .,r_ \.. :;',::,::~...>_ _ _ ~:: .~;~c :.~, '-- ., ~: '.' ';''''~.:'\::'- - -~~>:~';--j <~:~.:~ - .,~." Your signature on the franl of this form-verifies, the following: I HA VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED TillS COMPLETED APPLIC,A TION:' ana do' J ' ' hereby certify that all information hereon is 'true and correct, and that I have a legal interest in the property as owner of record or authorized agent. I 1 . c ' .-.,',.'_' '....-... - ,,_.. -..'f,_'-......-, , '~."_',_" __'"" ,~__,_w.~..'__~.1 further certify ti1at 3l.1Y and a_~l work"performed shall be done in accqrdance with the Ordinances of L8.!1e County and the laws of the'State of.Qregon per- taining to the.w~rk describedherein. Jfurthercertify. that if I ~ not the owner ofthe"l".....l"...n). my registration with the:Builders Board is in full force I and;effect as required by ORS 70L055, and that if.exempt the basis for ~e exemptiol! is noted hereon,and that only subcontractors.and employees'"who ! are in compliance with ORS 70I.005,willbe used onthejob.._ '._" . , "~., _. . ! I . . . , , SUBSURFACE&ALTERNATIVESEWAGEDISPOSALSYSTEMS:"" ... , _.... .. , '-- '.' '.." ~,..."... - , Wven.:.s~~~,ll!fa::-~C9nstru~fjonis_~~plf~e~" th~ pe~t holder.~h~ iloti!y~~e,9?~ul1tY LRIld !J?p~geni.~t_p'i~isi?n ~~~" g'tthe instal!!!~qn'r~~rd... "~ (arm. An inSpection will be ~ade~y ~ qualified sanitari<l!l. If cons,truction complies with, ~ll,ru~~s ~ c:~fi~,at~ of co.mpl~ - ill beissu~~,J9,~e,p~!ffiit, hplder. If construction does not comply'with rules. thepermilhOlder_ willbe notified,"and~l corrections'sh,all'be made, ",," "" chtificate of C9nipletioT!.. ~ will~be:issuea, .FiUlureJo:meet satisfactoiy completion "withiii the allottea'timeconstitutes.a violation ofORSA54;605l0 454.745 and this Me;.., :-:',~ ~'~ ' , ,- -'. ,. ..: - , ..~_. :;r.....': ~."'.>. . .-." ,';..- r'~I1At~:; {~~~~~"; ~~(,. :;:, ,,"~"0.. '~,ti;.~ ~~_.':\._:..,;~' . ,;,.~... -. .,~.:~\ ....--~ .,~-- - T -"~" ~UB~Y~EAc:E..SI};~..~,GJ::Q.~~PQSAI,~.EJ'BA<::~S ,,,,'.. "~,'I', ,~Ep'TIC.1~~~NKhDRAlN~LI> ,,.;, ,~' .""" ,,'..\\'., ~~'., ".;)"~ 1 ~ =..,~ ,\\,JCO' ,'" ".. ,Fram,',c-~~:~~~:~~t:;t:~~:'yC ':~,' -' ':~,~C ."" 'J\ ,',_..'." ,~-. ..,' ;1", --<< Building foundation . S' .10',' Wells or other water sources. 50' 100' I'.". ...:\ l...~~- ",' ~4 -;;\ ,~ I f l i I i I L ..,.... r . t:J1'. " ~J" .. , "'d 0, ~~.~... ~c::::Y~ ~CI' ~ 'oN .... . "/~ rr""'''''~~l''''''''r~-'"~ ,- ,P . '1 '~J _ '1' t l, :,~~,{\ ~ '{ '4.. '_~ ;~~; '. Ii ~ ~ .~ t ..' .",/", '~~.". '..r~ ~ '\ 'i;-~~,.t. .,;"i!,,,,;. ,. " ., " J. ....; ._.....~ .._." " '-, ~f "t,'~'.' .' .'f... :--.;4...:.....>. -~.;.. . .. .- ..:. ;'"7~,,-, - ~ ,..... ,.,. .....'-- _...;~\'.~;...lt#J;~i.' -~..,~,...""", :>'-f ' , '.. OrrCE C~;:b:k:: '-1;jj). jik3' "HOLD:~SLII ,c.l~~~y. , . ,'Co ~ >, t. " .- . '.':" .':' . 11/"t - Y I ki... /;, IL. ~ . {JeT '~ " . '.' , , . '.....'................-. '. ',,-' .. . { "~. APPLICATION I' " , . ~ . . '~--fA.J'. .~ f'f!\''i/ ~-j- ,;i, P;o~~'j-IM, (J1, I LOCATION' - '"<'.' . NAME . ADDRESS --J ~ ~ ~ --.. C[ 71./.6'S- ZIP CODE " The Lane County Building and.Sanitation Division cannot proceed with processing your appli , 0-'" ~"<.;~~ e: . 1, . ~ncomPlete ap~l!liatiOn (items deficient), . $~-<"'~' D . Addr~ssandlo~ directions to application site. 01 ~~~~i~ V' ] o Proposed number of bedrooms in dwelling: l\~ ?1 V3::i2. . ,j~L, Approvable plot plan (see attachment), j"",,,:)?,:~,,~, o Notification of date test holes will. be ready, ~"".."" . 'CQ \ ~ ~ - ~ - ~ ~. " . ,?, 0 Verification of existing system. required (see attachment), , '3, 0 Two test holes (2'x4'x5' deep) required for expansion or' repair of existing sewage disposal system in the area of the proposed drainfields, '. ' " 4, . D Other: r-/h _ ~,/~,.~ ',W;;I- .1h~ . >'11.-'"'Iri1 /P I /I f-/P/P 'fv~."", r /PI? 'Y!A1 ./1r..{D-A"PA;- 0-", ~ dA .....;.;' '",,1[!:A> 1~ i IT"L- /''''',/k rtrr-C'y>';Z:;-Jh(,,(\.. ~RU,} (r:J-o..J/~,Q/J1/'~lid~~ 'filt-o___ :o.Pf'4:- /J~~^A"AI-r.-v,-,~~~ ~ f'L,---tf}/)u,~" ,,~t7fl. . 1/ , ,~ ~.,(U.) JC?... (n/ I ~c./.;G/<, C?,4lk.;,,, II :r- ~ _ YVJA~=_/I~~~ ~ I/J~. 0/1"'&'-/1' /J;t!,..,.,:. ,d-t::'~. L.~A ~ ~1o.z..r......a-1 ,- '.' (J .. /..f/. rI -/ \ , ~ , ,.... .- " .' .. ~ " \oJ ~ 0\.1 ci '?o7 ..J p '1></.. 2. _. . SIGNATURE/? . . ~:~ OFFICE HOURS.' . to 9:tJO/h., . , . ';;. ~/(/- it' . DATE' f,f'Il".J?SJ PHONE' from to LANE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL H'EALTH SERVICES Courthouse-Pubiic Service Bldg. 1 125E. 8th Aye, 1 Eugene,. OR 97401 1687;4501 \ . If no response has been received in regards to this matter by" the application will be ,denied, '7;' ,70 ,,'-'7/ v rift )f!,1 ... .~ . " . i . ~lll 1 : < : :. rw:' ,J ~ ,II; .~ , , , 'i l 1:'\'" ~ . I. t- ~i: LAN[ COUNTY DEPTR,ENV~MGTF,R~_'CEIP'f l_~N'.l,7~69_"ISADATEII0,',16_1391 APP~ICANT EMMANUEL CONST~, ' ADD 84J91 HEASAN _ PLEA NT H TLI,I802062402400 . SUBDIV' LOT BLK NEW BLDG TYPE USE R BDRMS 0 UNITS 001 STORIES :~BLDGS 001 PHONE 746 7"119 OWNER NME EMMANUEL CONST., ADDR 84591 PHEAS~NT LN., PLEASANT HILL CODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION FEE DA.YS BP . I.;. BP ~ BP , I~ BP It BP G ~ ~ PL ':FIX/f'ATH:, MECH SLm PCK SDS LC 178691 SDSS SDEQ FEE SWR: FT. WTR: MECHANICAL FEE' S.TATE SURCHARGE PLAN CHECK FEE FT'. RAIN: FT < ~ , = . ~ o ~ ~)% 25% / . .. ,: ; ,~ ! la . , 1'1', , . CATG: PLN riA SDS ELE PCI< ISS / SI OTR SEQlJ: I 2 TAKEN IW r,LH EST. COMPLETION Dr-1TE DEPOSIT ** ~ 0.00 PO g . . 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