HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-5-2 . POST THIS PERMIT ON ,.~ .. '. \ . -'-...---.......,- JOJ~DDRESS:2061 .Inland Way,] Springfield, OR TRS, TL: 18-03-11.2.2 TL 800 ~, .. ;':1 MA~~~ILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # LC-1036-79 Subdivision: Filbert Grove 5th Add. . Lot 52 & 53, Block 2 This permit for the referenced property is hereby approved. ,. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS # Violation can Maurice' S.Warner, 2073. Inland Way, Springfield, OR * same same Telephone: 747-2881 Telephone: Telephone: 'Total Construction Value: .M "Construction approved by this permit: MIl single' wide 12x60' Homette. St",ctures now on property: camper port. " iater Supply: city water PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Setbacks Interior property lin~s Edge of road right,of,way r> "uilding foundation' ) wells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PERMITS!,I NSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site: # Bedrooms: 1 . # Plumbing Fixtures: # Emplovees: na na . Zoning: RA-M11 Partitioning # na . Parcel # na Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline 'of road, front: 45' side exterior:. na ; interior property lines: 5' ;rear property line: 10' , Special Instructions:', ' ' Parcel Size: ; centerline of road, 8000 sq ft, approx For information call 687-4394, Roller Hollis gal. min. septic tank capacity; Site Inspection # 79-244' I nstallation specifications: 1000 150 lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: 30" '. Special Instructions:lnstall an equal distribution system in the area shown on plot plan. Reserve a replacement area for the drainfield. Keep drainlines 10' from trailer and property lines. Donat drive over drainfieId. Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' For information call fiR7-"lQfi2 between 8:00 ' 9:00 a,m" Grell' Grav Type of Construction: MIl Group: MIl Fire Zone: 3 Use Cla'ssification: SFD Instructions: Provide footings and piers to comply with state foundation requirements for mobile homes or as. recommended by the manufacturer that are attached to the inside of the mobile home. Also provide skirting as required. See reverse side for called inspections. Also see attached sheet. ' For plans information call 687-3760 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Ra18h Hough F.or inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a,m. and 5:0 p.m. Franklin 05-02-79 to'2nd (Spfd), turn right to Harbor Dr, left to Inland Way, last cuI By: John Smeed/ljf de sac to bne county southca Date Issued: ::::-----"C!l?Y DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 Il,j", v" J. r'- 1 -., . . t:t~~~~;:{{%.li",~; ""~.' .q;.'.:~~ it~ J~, ". .". ~ \~~ ;.;,,~ "., " ~~:' \ ,- I. .' !' .j.. ;..-- ~),/ -~"" - !'I-h,i.; -, FLoob 'PLAIN MANAGEMENT Department of Public Works 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 687-4195 TO: v/ PERi,1!T PROCESSING PLAimING' PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT NUMBER 'O~f., -,':') PARTITION NUMBER SUBDIVISION OTHER SITE ADDRESS 'lOb t 'IN\_t>..\o....lf,:) 'Nf>...---( PERMIT VALUE IS A SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT. YES V'" NO SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA YES I........... NO \ SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA PRECAUTIONS MAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUILDING SITE WILL BE REASONABLY SAFE FRm1 FLOODING, MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED', . > '..... '"0.,: SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA. I ,. 1. MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF U1.S.L. Y REQUIRED. 2. MINH1Ut~ FOUNDATION ELEVATION OF (M.S.L.) REQUIRED. 3. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT MOBILE HOME WILL BE .PLACED ON IS BELOW THE REQUIRED MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION. 4. SITE LOCATED WITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOODWAY CHANNEL, BUILDING PROHIBITED. RECOMMENDATIONS: 'I \ E.. 00"'-1 t>-\s MUST P-:>17-_ \ t,Y.;.:;\.1\..LLE::D 017_ .~..~ ... ~ -,. $: -0 '1) ~,PPL\C~\'T ~.J\US\ c,=QT\t:''-( \H~T r"'\iz.Cw\~\Q E.LEVI\..'\\Ot...\ Ie," ,L..\..T L.E:.I~S\ 4'-:)\.0' M,r;:;>.L, 'J l'~ - I .~ , ,'- DATE 4,'lS,-r::) BY 1_ M."- ...._~, "-- -< ;t> x r o -< ,) ,~ J , C99-21 \ "- \ \ rJ r; s ,('0 i 7P Name (1)t1~ · Phf1nl.: .. Application II lo~~7'J f1 H for ~ I ;;;,i", (ocJ1 .' \-IORK SIIEET Construction Permits & Inspection MJt Type of Construction M Ii Group 2J Fire Zone . ,') f 0 Use Classifica tion ND1t: 41fA,G.GI' J {;(J2X of 1'lJt Pl.01 PUl-./L1'() {1l,9 f3UIILl2lf\It1 -(f\),"\'P(C(()1(I:S r-,'Rr:-0/-.J -vr:RMI1 (.//PY. . .ID.RFTYPFDON PFRMT'T'.'VRO\J\DI:J I:::OOlillGj.:s hi]) 1J1rJ3J" 101',QM'F'!...\, lll.L-{IY~V()\HJ17A1\01o-)'RI%Qili~I'J"6 ~)\1J0 \Ynlv\V,.,"l ()1(, ' -A.2 i<(-;((,I\6...Mp:t\)[)\:::II fN r{1X~ ~I\ ~\\,'f.I\(j{\)'RI";9. /(~(lx1 krz~, Jr.{{kf,lrv() .{()_1,H~ 1~\610~ DY {1{J1 M()B\\AS \A'oM(, ~'I/.6() 0/'1"<0\..1 \176 .,21( \ j:{~t&Gt-j\-;~ "kf; (~\ ) \'K{~ Ii, ,'Jf/~~/yZ t\!6 Rht ,-')1 ~~-X()"Q C,t<\JIJ~ D , hLUJ.:f{; UIOlV\, *= \{flU<<'h 11~ \.-') \tOC~1~r7-lk) i1LrI[l) Jx r:::\!Y1r7 IX A 1." k\< \l, LVR v, k~' (~IC::.iJ%l[t1liM$r~,r::Z:E_-~ff>.J/fSIJ"s"ijlil's. 7 e f? ';JAJ:Y~~;;!f(JE)~:;fl-:;1~jt1;i~1'i$1~'~f!l?i~;Y~~~~\f{#;~17i1~'JIJ-f- ("~^~I~r;~A~U~~~~!'~~:~&~&es~~~'i~ife~!~~"'9t~~km>f~61?-t".~'$_. - . -\ Date ~r-j ~-79 74-164 ' I ~n/ ~,7 . () I Signa ture v~/ r; .' , OEPARWIENT OF ENV1RONI~ENTAL I\ANAGEMEI, '. , . PSB. 125' EAST 8TH AVENUE', ' , . . A' . ~"~"m df!Gt-:;/.~j~:;"'M7'~:;;~FiJ Ie /c..~ f;11111111119%!!~'~!~1,~;i~~~ .: 5 c~ ~~- ~ )~,~ J ...~w .:L' Appl ication f,{r .~ _ .~_ / . I./:~ '2 ' . ~ ' Structures now 60 thep~operty --' '(? ~'--:'~,".;.-, - p;? ~- r-- lIill!!ilij}!@jj}~i~fil1lml1!J:i!j;y! '/~H~!lfl~j , '0 j~#l!!!i~r#f~lt 0 ilmw~tlil~lii Ogil~ll@!i .Affidavit:: ,1. ~iC.L;:-,$,.~ .A'f!. NeP.... . hereby certify th~t this information is true and accurate. , . (~ll!i!~!!:':::Pl1lnitl' , If-this appl ication ;s for an. ~gr;cultural building it wi1.l be useq for purposes allowed by the State Building 'Code and' Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoni.o..g..}-al'l9 for no othe!" purpose., I -have .the" following, legal interest ;n the property: owner of record;' /""';""---contract purchaser;less.ee; holder of an exc'u~ive option to purchase; duly authorized to'actf.or'the ownif' who~s knowledgeable of this application, , :' , ... , .. . Signature/Address ./:?7/.)~..; ~ /l.l/dA..-LA ,:,';. (zi~t Tel,ephone' '-?~1 25-,F1 orDate'/./~/h,~79 " . When permit is ready ~otify: l..':'l Ap~,licant ,If; Owne~ . ' C/ Contractor ioJ'.: ~ . C/: pho'ne Own~n"""- ;t11..)/LtA.:,,,,:,:"~I)"n T~/A.,..I (')"7 (ZiP)'?tI'?'?, .Phon~'I7U7 7..S:-';./. Contractor _./~ ' " '('r-'. (zip) 'Phone' Co~tractor's OSR# _ Plumb,ing by, " If Commercial: Residential :. / rea'~y DO NOT WRITE 'BELOW THIS tINe #.of employ~es '!I~lljj~~!'~ting. BP # ' ( 0, Proposed.'SI'# ?9-&?l/if, r---. . , :i.!6:iM,' , i.tQ$ti Valuation -,'::-:::':Y:~: FlIl!. COde rvJ -' I bli~!iEi!iflall: J: .',. ,; /' : 'III YY'~' : teJa.-r~ V~/J/'~ ~~. PERMIT PROCESSING' ,u / Af- 1., (ide 'Parcel # #f" // into Fee $ ~T t;;O $ $ $ $ each $ 'Cj., crO each $ "$ . ,$ $ 'i,;f.'f" !:E iG t> .rtJ' , /I Parcel Size f? ~ .fl-a~~ ,~'I, . ;'r~ar--4f!(\C9l ;. . . . '---""", /0.00 --.. .... ,~ /.;<, , ne'n>' (ld?JXl/ : .~.!.~~i~ll~ /7 1 ' /. . Received b~1~NJ)j$ '. .' ',Water SU~Pl;" ~l-(.'r ;t~:(td ~. _Pro~o'seq" .~x,;sfihg ~~ . 'Y~a;.,lnstalle,d -f",.-, . , , . Total Valuation: $ '. /--III~~I~~~~I~.! :~. : " ,'. . Subtota 1 . 4% S'tate's'urcharge '", Plans che"cki fee _ . :- ."",,,<v, ~,,_"c:.c~/J . .ILo Sl>.S. ".'.'~"""-" TOTAL '., ~' .. . ...~ zo~~ -:-//lp/Part, # Minimum setba'cks:, '~-.;frbnt' #SI' . c~~eQ., .;" =~ '-"-'au. J. t \.l:-. . To be typed on permit ~' " .' CP&I Type To be typed on pe~m;t c':':' "'"Group' .; Fire Zone /./ ./ By K";.er.a.J '.#, . . . -,~ Us~aSsific~t-ion ,~ " Date /f.-/.7-79 , .' ,. ",-. 'L:lJ) I( I'A .. ' il AI /l '.A- ~ ~'II/ C":\ ;"-. By '....::1- ~ , For plans Direc '0 Date4-~~ -7? i~:O:~::ion~~~~.'{!Q -rP;~--/~~ '~~~ ~e~lI!2~ ~ ~ .../,' M~tJ .-4-", :y& ...../.....A <" -; Af1f-.""- . J Pl;ns"to~ ~P&I ~ s~f{;r- I "9ate - Hold S1ip Date Date, to WP~,,".~ ~et(s) Requ.ired ' to PCC Completed PCC C/ SIFO IJ1(CP&.1 I!'J." \o,IPC C/ Pl anning C/ Publ ic Works .~ Elevation ~'/~/ nfa . " ,1(1 A9dress _' (~/, Faci.l ;~~ Permit (~/ Eriv.i,:on[T1enfal He~l th .,\ ',' .,' ~ ;///61:-" ~"",. . ' . ,,' ,J//:JS .' , .. " '1',0',. FO~ I!'iFOR~1ATION ab6_u~, progre"ss of. your appl,;cat~on call:: . 'C74.-171 '. Permi.t Control Center ': 687-HELP (687-4357) w / r-,\ DEPARHi[NT OF ENV!RDNI1EiHAL 11ANAGEMENT\ I J .-gSB, 125 EAST BTH AVENUE ( L, I~EUGENE,'OREGON.9740l "'-.J_ , , ~61 _ l(1r:()3/"//,.::2-/~ igrOC), . ,"Job Address ~_,_~, ,_'-_ L ,., /.. M J' (. ~ J ~' , . City (,.. ,- ..J, r. '1-' Township, Range, ~,ect;on. Tax Lot J r. '_"- / -~ ~...A' , U Subdivision 7:-. / i_ ~ ~,., --'" --;::[:1:' A.-./-r-;....,;....--=c.o~ =-~..:;.~..J....;B-{OCk /" .~,."'___......, .-J'~....., ..,,, AppllcatlOn for _"""'-'"'1_ /./ 1/. - ~." r -- _. '.. r T' - ~--" -", Structures now on the property' ,. . /"... ,0_. ~ ~ ,- Proposed use of property: /~/""'Rt~ide'nt;~a ,.-',.... U ComJ'e~~;'"a'" C/ Industr; alL! Pub 1; c Affidavit: I. AAA'/J Olr I:: ' ( J. J II DA/J;D . h~reby certify that this information is true and accurate, ,....-, -.... -(please'~r;n'fJ- , p..,-............ . . If this application is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning),..and for no other purpose. I""nave the following' l~gal interest in the property: owner of record; .I ...............contract purchaser; lessee;' holder of an exclusive option to purchase; . duly authorize~ t~act :or the owner, WhO')iS knowle9{geable of this application. ,Slgnature/Address /in "? ' .. : f./J ~ . (zip) " '\-T~lePhol~~ "'.u...,~7~/~dr Oate d-//_?Q . - ". , ,...... '" , When permit is ready nO,tHy: L/ Appl icant ~/ Owner LJ Contractor Qy: /...-/~ma,;'l- /~/ phone ) Owner~.... '_~ ././1 }"",. ~~"?(~._J_ I.. J_ (ZiD)d;'~""'''' Phone_"""" ~,j. Coht~~ f- -?j ---~ - - '. r~.~'..a ~=l (zio);" I . I Phone - -, contracior'sO'Sf(#f ,Plumbing by -,- \1" '- (!, Application!"!! ~ I{)~ :"~?9 Assigned Number~ 9, '.' -.-. \ , If Commercial: # of stories ~e~idential: # of bedrooms J 5I test holes reldy uo NOT WRITt ~clUW IHlS LiNe # of employees # of units " SOS: 1J!",EXiSting. BP 1:-1 Proposed. SI Fee Code Sq. Ft. or 41 of Sites # # "'10, ,'7,/h/ 1'''''1 , /~ ,/ , _. ",r Descriotion JrJ../J-,/);:"-'r-ltP JH~~ . . .,' , .-,,/, - / ~-..z=~ ./. ;'\ &,/~ --'-~ ...... '-" ,.,:',....<' ~".~......~ Unit Cost Valuation Fee ~o '~ JfI'I din I Total Va 1 ua t i on: $ ~lumbing fixtures at S each 0._. Sewer/water conn. at S /J ...." each f Subtota 1 $-:21 $ $ $ $ S -.' ./. /, ;.' / , 'CI",.Cash 'Ill Check # /"7 , /~ece;ved bYAL~_,) 9'L /' f/ I~ 'I' Water Supply (1" t-JA ;t; j, 71; I I ,I t/W"'~....- ~ / Proposed _ Existing r -- ; Year Installed $ .,' .'~~o - " y.'-- -..;;;"-....7 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change_Of_OccuPM.'Y.~ S..aS. - TOTAL $ $ -~ $ $ !!7 ~ !!It ;. J -, $/.:. /.. 9/J , ~ " " , PERMIT PROCESSING Minimum setbacks: Zone ~4 -.47 ~part. t. 'fr';;'i:. :i..J i- / # J/A . C'~/" 1.,.side Parcel #p/.d __ I .; - int. Parcel Size ~~~~ ~,.1 ; rear _ _ ~ . n " Comments _ _ ..-.. ~___ ~~ -"""'" ~. To be typed on permit , .....,....,.. ......:, t.9" ......... --'-'-/7 /--- . By L.-::'- )./~ _ Date // / '"7 7q /,?~-7F 7 r ~ ' , 90:I' tank; j S'o .,f~._ o~ 17ainfi'~l~; m~.j~th~nch.l:S; IP.:.,~.. o-.-2ut;;; ~ > :;r ~. '~~tOtA-,.h." '~.~M.~,... '.~d'."'- /1~J&!'_c'..- . ,-,...,u.. ~~., .' ~. '.,~:\., I~ rP.~L1?-).~,-"'ltJ'~ ~~ . jLlrl .A___,....... Jlj, ,u. .~~ ~ -cf"L~, IJ 1.,/ . Telephone, BY~0~"~. oate,; L(~/r~7/. Oirections to sitevJ-",__//_ 7:? .-?'Z.!! ,//.P' /':::'._, dd~"" " " ",,' /,,i(. '/,; '# ."s-- IJ. '~"rr" .- -, -rp-',b -P"'::'-'- /~ . ~~_~ ~~ ~ ~__, ./;~ Z u b, " __.' ,-, Ut 4~~#~ ".__~ ~ . .. /~"'-P.......-"T'~' /v-' IT'___''~ ~A -V"~ (./....., "'" --'.~-~"'-,i;iV ...----. --- /-1 SIFO , Plans to: CP&I ~set(s) (/1 /, Da~e Hold S11p " Dote Date to - wrc set(s) Requlred to pee \.-omp\eted 'Per: I{.CP&I ~:. _ .. il WPC if 1.:::1 < ---- .It/ Planning " '// - - /~I Publ ic Works '1/1 Elevation CI nla .(;71 Address f' el Facil it)' Permit () .Envj ronmenta 1 Hea 1 th WATER POLLUTION CONTROL, Installation specifications: '1_ " ~ To be typed on permit /D-O-O .'~ \:-- ZI~~ ,/ I I A r H j.--/" "j '/-- -- ", ;.-' /' " ...FOR INFORI-VHrON about progress of your application call: Perm; t l.ontrc 1 CIOn te,. G87-HELP (687-4357) " J ',. .~ , ....'....... TRS, TL, / ((; - t) 7 - 2-1-}I . Job Location Permit II Permit II Permit II (Address) :z Ci ? 3 For For For ,L h I a",../ V)p,;, Permit f1 Permit II Permit /I " "1=3101: Plan Subdivisionbl h,,;..--7 k:-;~,.,p'~ f;~.I.L' Lot ,;:; ,S Block' "., '~ I . )f,<,;- l'lf ff . .J.. ,'l: "~ .3> G S-/ . , 1.:UttJ IV! H In'';:: . -CJI?)D', .. ; jiJI (:;-3 , ! 1 , " ~~tU:1." " /0, For For For "'~ t .. \ ! ~ \ Vicinity Map , C74-150 H\ I JOB ADDRES~:2061 tnland Way. Sprtngf!eld. OR ~ - TRS,,'j;L: '1l~"O3-;1.2.2 'IL i300 Subdivision: P11berl: Cruve Sl:h Add. Th' 'f h f' Lot: siC6 '3~ Block 2 . IS permit or ~ e re er~nced p~operty IS hereby ...,.,.....a~ rtl_~!!,:~ackJ~a..?9~~~her ,S?~jlti~n.s,~of ~p,pr~'!.?J"T-ust"b[e~stri~ p,bse;yed..;.v.~~!a,tiol)'9an - result In revocation of thiS permit, citation under provIsions of Lane Count~'s Infraction Oralnance, and/o'r other remealesallowea bylaw...! .r.., ",,-'-f._X. ~ .: {, " " '.: . ~ -l..: '~ ~ ~ ',' " 'k. ~' r" , Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: , Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS # %.,.". ~(.' f ~' ,'" -.":,' '( - :.-. i . ,. ''''' Ii' , . . . . l~\ , . POST THIS, PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING .AT SITE , ' t i I.', J .', '-. , . ".:..,;.'. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # .., t.e-l~79' " :.~ ..,~ ., " J ',.~ Maurice S. Varnm:. 2073 Tn"''''' VlI7. - - SpdAsf1old. on . ,/ ;rele~'B.!:'e: 747-2881 /""" 'Telepnon;,;;v Telephone: ~ 7 .'i-': .i~ " " -~ G-f2.j~ :.:~; . . ..,-~, .,;:,'t<j ':f; '. .- -: /~ . :) Total Construction Value: l1li " ;:-;: Construction approved by this permit: un etng1D v1da l2x6O. IloIlaUe.' StzactuftS _ em .,....,-.J' C,. ",. purt. ...,j ,(),'~,' . .' '~'. .-y - ' "',..J 'Dire~;ons' to Site: ,), l'r1lnk1ta to 2nd (SpAi). tuft ri8ht: to Beftor Dr. left Date Issued: Os-clZ-79 . DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING ..' ,',," , __~125 EAST~T~ AVENUE, EUGENE, ORE~ON 97401 :~ ~: Water Supply:, ~--~ .. ~-- ..'!""'.,,~ -- 1:.".- PLANNING DIVISION ~. ' ~: . h- " ( '. C', ^,- f- . :ti. WATER 'POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION \ t\ ". Setbacks It I nterior property lines ,. \ Edge of road right,of,way, Building foundation ,Wells, other water sources :'~ ',~ CONSTRUCTION' ~' " PERMITS/INSPECTION t \DIVISION , \. ,. ,,\ ~ ~~r:~.,:j~ :,.C;:~5.f13. .;, .f'.~. " .......!..,.-..;:.,-...'.-. # Bedrooms: '# Emplo'yees: ,. # Plumbing Fixtures: .'--::< Zoning: A-M!t Partitioning # Parcel # Minimum'1-eqUired structural setbacks, fro'm: cr~erline of road, front: side exterior: ; interior property lines: 5. ;rear property line: Special Instruct1~ns: OJ ..~. 8000 lIlI fe. eppJ:OS . ~ Parcel Size: ; centerl i ne of road, na 45' 1~ , ,-,' For information call 687-4394, """ -~. - ........ III'~"A ~ -- Site Inspection # . Installation specifications: . lineal feet of ~;M~ld required; max. depth of trenches: 1000 150 S'II' , 30'* pecla nstructlons,. .',' ...-.... _'--004_ ._ __' . Yn<>ta'_ an ......-. d1D....~-.- cyaI:_ .... ...... __ 5bDtm on plot p1aq. r.e. ,". ", .. "1>'''_1: _ for the draSAf1e1d.' Keep drt-f..U...... '10' fnra thUs &ad r...'-r-,...../lSIms. DO ao1:'drive ovar -...f'ielcl. gal. min. septic tank capacity; 1~ ,< : ~1 " Septic Tank '.10" 10' 5' 50' between 8:00,9:00 a,m" -_.~ -'-~-e- -_ vv '-Jf;l\Ui. UAu.e ....., \..'; Drainfield 10' 10' .10' 100' 0' For information call 1'''': Type of Construction: Group: Fire Zone: Use Classification: Instructions: Mli JGI 3 SlID ; Proftde foodnp aut! p:lEd:s to e.omply with 8UCG fOlDldat:1an ~ .~. for laCIIile L...,..:, or u ........"....~"..dad by the ........9, -'.... t1lat an U.-hNI 1:0 the f.a$lde of t:ho mobile hDma. Ala pmvide ~rt1ng aIS raqg:l.nd. Sea.. .. '.~.... s1de for c:aUed F&'r-=prafig;:I~or.matidh'call- I1tt.""'"'be~eeit'8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m" For inspections (see back of th"'tS'p;!,fHtl call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5':'0@~.~ .~ ; -'-....i "J. , , '.;:; } " . ,.... ". ."': 1 .~.,,~ to TOll'""'" WaY. laac cu1 de _ By: 3utm ""~/ljf bne countY to MUtlI~ 'I" ".; ;:: .1 . ~'" ". . ~f . .", . .....1 TRS . ,Tb' . I ~'- - (;;' '::--+11 Plot Plan SUbdivision,;;/ 6'''T~,?r'')p,~ .- [, ~ aiL Lot ,"-; '? Block' Vicinity Map C74,lSO < ~-', ') ,- Job Location (Address) "z ~I " .J Permit U For Permit U For Permit U For .L /1 / t'.-., J U)tf-I Permit d CJ Permit U Permit U' / ! Hi I r: )f,,<,:;- );, .-J...S ~> {. C" ' I/,;u'tt! 11.01 ':JerO' H [n'{ 171 j. ~,T 0'] -- . ~ l' ~j~~~U'e ~~ ' ' - \,,, For For For : ,i \, \. \ \ i I J .~ (ej TR~,n n-03-/I,;;..;J. TI.X'n0 - , ; ...., V1CINITY MAP 1- v " ~ co )... ! ....- ~ ~ ~~ :"'l> t ,z"'..!!$.' w '" '" o j ~ ~ w a: ::l "'i ,<;! \. "', .~ ~ '" ~ "' c >- co lob'" .5J ,. ~ H",~b<>,. d..iH ~b t ~. 'J::, ~ ~ ~ -1 ~ I ~ ~ ~. '\ ~ I ;~ ~,~ ~r -- ~. v ~~' Q)" ,............ E , '" z Job Location (Str/ee~, m0~tI0/,){~ ~~tj;;:;'L__ J / (J"(f r .s;~.P~ ... Subdivision 1-/ D'~/ {..I-"u", ~ /7-f-l, ' Lot ~] Block'~ = = FO R SAN ITA R IAN'S USE ON L Y: . I\ZJ,System Approved D System Disapproved D Needs Correction. COMMENTS: WI.U.... ,.L...rv.0- ~p~: {O Ct~ all, r {-- 1,,,,.;...fa, Signature: A ----&-r...-.,/ Date: (,-j;z-7'i; . FOR INSTALLER'S USE: Trench Depth ,?l)" Filler Depth Below tie G. - ,... " TankCap~city ./000 ' ManufacturM e",?~..... S'''4 d '" ~ ",~_I Measured distance to well from t~~k ---: from drainfielrl ."f' . - , Scale: ~ i ~ ~,*~~ N PLOT" PLAN /'t.:? : ..... <9 . . ,p17!r: ~ '(,~/' .14l VII". .../....'d VI!! : i-'~ tv., .J,.., .r,,! . ro,'~ q -0." ^ A ./0,> I.., "<>/ ,01/",/"8 %_,~~O.., 6 ,;."~ '}o --' 1 '~"'.' '.. . to \' , <;. , ~ " ~, /. / .:. 1/ '. o - r~ ' INSTALLATION RECORD AND CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY COMPLETION . When signed.bY,the County Sanitarian, this certificate is evidence as per ORS 454.665 of sat, isfactory completion of a subsurface sewage disposal system at the above location. Return this form to: Permit Processing Section, Department of Environmental Management, Public Service Building, 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene 97401 C5!?-11 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE l.' .. .. :I. ~i' , , ~. ..', . JOB~'ADbRESS~~:;X '!Ll2c::~ 'Z\Yc , Cr,;:-ll::;;Qi.oMo fi1 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # i..o.l!.01!?70 TRS, TL: lC-;J3r'll.1.a,.2 'fb G~O Subdivision: l?U!:aIl:: G.:ovc 5Zb L\.C],; , , &9C 52 G S::l~ )J~ 2 This permit for the referenced property is hereby . ,dl Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed, Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under pftj\ii~i;~s otLane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS # Uaori.eo D. t'l'amer. 2073 InI.cn::i OnYo' S~ll.al!.d. OR '" e:-:--~ Telephone: 1'61..2Mll Telephone: Telephone: s=. .' Construction approved by this permit: Total Construction Value: .n I?1:'~~ CO 2'-"1 (G~mo \:t:l.."'l:l g:t;;hl: \i:lil Enrt.-.or:: Dl? lofc: 1:0 l"~,1r""...1 ~!O~h 1no~ eol QC = 03--02-7!ii1 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT By: .John ~ljg COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREG:ON 97401 . Nater Supply: .....;U."".1 .....~u.......,. .,PLANNING DIVISION ~-.j <0:< WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION r \ Setbacks Interior property lines Edge of road right,of,way '3uilding foundation Wells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site: Date Issued: C55,13 WI (l~ tllldo :!.2IWZ)' r::=~eo. Sl:Zuc:;:-''::'QD CC".J GO ~v:J8'f:y8 e~ PRe. # Bedrooms:. # Plumbing Fixtures: # Employees: """ ~ Zoning:.~ Partitioning # Parcel # M" ,,~_..." d I b k f I'l') I' f m mlmum require structura set ac s, rom: center me 0 road, front: (jS' side exterior: ; interior property lines: 5~ ;rear property line: J1.0' Special I nstru2tlbns: Parcel Size: ; centerline of road, a;1D CZJ. g~$ C"'I;.~~'b For information call 687-4394, .... .........u ...,.....~..... Site Inspection # . I nstallation specifications: lineal feet of dfiii~fi~ld required; max. depth of trenches: 1~ 150 S'II' 3tl' pecla nstructlons: ~_.. . AI'- .._ ,_ ~,,_ ltl:ls........... an 0Q:lD! d1G!:1r.o.u"t...... oyotc::l ..... '-'=' ~= uwuu an' plOi:pl=... R2:rolWO n rOJ:"~~n=-="I; ozeo KCl? ti.""" ~~. 1Xc::l? t3!?,""JO'\H"''Jn liOU IZ= l!:lro~ =0 !flWI'..<:l&'\:y ~.,: l)o =" M'i70 G'V.;l:l' ~1ai4. gal. min. septic tank capacity; Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' For information call ,__ __ __ between 8:00,9:00 a,m" _ _ , VOI-......-uJ'O. ~.Qo~ -A~JI Type of Construction: Group: Fire Zone: Use Classification: Instructions:!1li ua 3 ~ ( _ s:i?D l?rcwi!1c ~t~ Imf! ~:l.c1:o to ~sr uictl otato l:ClUf1(U1(;1oa lreqW.r!7''JTl'W' for o:>1>Uc L............ or 00 1rolW~:::d b7 euo =w:m:turor tbns GIro a~I:'-"M>d !:f.l the ~ of tt.o =Mlc l!Q;JO., Alao ".....v.Lei3 oldrtil:lG DB required. SeG reverse aide for ent11?tJ F6'rJplansjinfo~maticM:6alls.."'El att!leip>:be't\Neen-8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a,m., For inspections (see back of {ti'iS"pemlt) call 687,4065 between 8:00 a,m. and 5r601p.M~ bne county ~ c=cn. . ~ ~ SITE I NSPECT I ON ApPROVED Cl REMAR.KS 01sAPPROVED Cl DATE FOUNDATION INSPECTION ApPROVED;----? DISAPPROVED ~ DATE REMARKS FRAMING INSPECTION ApPROV"ED / r DISAPPROVED / / DATE REMARKS LA TH OR SHEETROCK. I NSPECT I ON ApPROVEO i / 0 I SAPPROVED L-/ DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR INSPECTOR .1 NSPEC'TOR INSPECTOR FINAL INSPECTION Ap.pROVED ~DISAPPROVED / / DATE f~,;J~~.ftlINSPECTOR REMARK 5 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE / !. NOT READY TO ISSUE I / DATE REMARKS e79lL- INSPECTOR : ;.~. '~;r,.'" ....,-0.'..."..'; .,~~.:. r;"-' ~:..'" ,'". ',.' ::,.'~~>' ">:;~-ir;;': "j..~:..-.. "7 '-'i'~'~. tJ1" ;:"~~".;;..~,,,(, -N'!l-:k'V-"'S;''>;~'"t.,." . '~'~" '-"',\:"', '''r''''-'~'~-::,';;,'''--;r-l'' '{;''::' .,-': .-'; "', -;'."1',;,-' ""..,~~."',th~."'p~-:J"~, " - .,'.,".... \/ r\ \.,.../ () j r.,--" . . " \' f : " 1_ FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT " Department of Public Works 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 687-4195 TO: \/ PERi,1!T PROCESSING PLAimlNG PERt~1T NUMBER PARTITION NUMBER \ ro.',',": ..--I' ~ .....~T \ " PUBLIC vJORKS SUBDIVISION OTHER SITE ADDRESS"'V',,! T ^-.\ ~_ /'-..k\ 1:.:. ....'j ~'-.. "'(" PERMIT VALUE IS A SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT. YES v/ NO SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA YES I.......... NO SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA PRECAUTIONS MAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUILDING SITE WILL BE REASONABLY SAFE FROM FLOODING, MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED, SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA. 1. MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF (~1.S.L.) REQUIRED. 2. MINIMUM FOUNDATION ELEVATION OF (M.S.L.) REQUIRED. ~ 3. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT MOBILE HOME WILL BE .PLACED ON IS BELOW THE REQUIRED MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION. 4. SITE LOCATED WITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOODWAY CHANNEL, BUILDING PROHIBITED. ~ -0 RECOMMENDATIONS: -rlE::". O"'''Nf..Y-", Md".:>T e..'=. l~-\''Ti,'-.l.LJ:-\'') ,~iZ:. .s......~, C'It. I (' ,,~t, .\\ f<..{\ \..\.~:-.-T Fr;'l\r-( T\-\I\T ("'[""1'-\\'1 FLF\.JI,~\al.l \ -. j.\...-C '__'i""_ i:'-..'-" T /.\,,-..) \ . (\ \ ~...A.r'n" L , \', ( -i :P x r 'j o -i DATE 4- ~ I~: '-.,1 -, 1 J BY "Me " . ') " C99-21 i _~ :::'~"," ';,,' .ct "r'K;~i.\ ~il.'..",~.::ik!Y}~:':;,v--,.J~" .:~~. .~.:-stM~,r.:~;~.'i-.~t1,,'i~,,1,; ;ir:~,::H;:::....' ":':L:!:'~;,.:.>J.A~ _.,j~,ti~ " , . .:;" ,f', ". .,k.:'?;;,,:!:....: ~.-~ ,;.~.--' .,.J .J:,. _ "",,,, .I' .._. ',.._~" ..<, ."~l"", _",.,'Iii:. . " '2-t~/ VI C ).,) j'I7/C;",</ t.[ ( TRS,,~,'l'! . " ) Job Location (Address) ",,' /tl<;" _.1./"" , . Permit U For Permit d For Plot Plan Permit U For Permit n For Permit n For Permit (/ For SUbdivisionh/ hu.T ,j:-.J""P'~ b'~ tZ I.(' Lot ,;; <; Block 11 Jf ,<,') !>t \ . -J-.\~ ..::- (5'/ 1/~x'(.t' /1,01 H , n'-: D/.?;O' , 1)'7 ,< jvT ~;)] l' ~j/}vrttt..U'e. tU::r / / Vicinity Map C74-150 N , , \ \ , \ I ~~. JO~, AQDRESS: 20;51 'Inlr'\"~ ~ayo S~~1cl.do OR . TRS, TL: 10-03-1102.2 'fL 00l} '. POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE, CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # LO-I03~79 Subdivision: V:U~t GlI:\o'ro S~h Mil. , , . '..GI': sa 6. 5-.~n !J~c!t 2 , This perm't for the referenced' property IS hereby, Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisi~iiS''OfrLane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by iaw. Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS # Violation can tburica 3~ 1'Jaft!!!r" 2073 Yn1rm~ Uay" 8prirorW~nl'\. OR !r caua Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: 747..200! S=::;::J Total Construction Value: Il!l Construction approved by this permit: F~ tl:I 2nd (Spfd).. tun! r~ to llilrOOi:' Dr.. loft to Yn]""A Way" 1=1: cml de ooc 1)S..Q2-19 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT By: .John ~ljf COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 I -'later Su'pply: "'A~J' "'.;,.l.~ . PLANNING DIVISION --~ '" ,'" WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Setbacks Interior property lines Edge of road right,of,way Building foundation ~lIs, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PE RMITS/I NSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site: Date Issued: C55-13 tm stogie oide l2z6O~ I!lZ:;;att0. StlrUe~ = em. ~y: ,.. "l.')o"{ ~~o # Bedrooms: # Plumbing Fixtures: # Employees: . . - Zoning: Partitioning # Parcel # Minimum'?8qd'ired structural setbacks, from: cemerline of road, front: side exterior: ; interior property lines: .. ;rear property line: Special Instructions: 5 Parcel Size: ; centerline of road, 00l)0 sq fto .!lppJroU Wl 45. 109 For information call 687-4394, w:uu~ ~a.t.U Site Inspection # . I nstallation specifications: ' lineal feet of draiiifftld required; max. depth of trenches: lOOG J.5() Special Instructions: 3l>'" , !notal! on cqool diā‚¬JUi!m~n ~t<m in tit":) 0= fJbDt:n on plot ple90 Reoo:vc c mplacamen1: =::1,fl:l1:: ~ dlre1nfiol4. lteop dra~ 100 f=:1 traU~ mW ....~~"..'-I l~tlo no ml: drtva = dlro1Dfiold.. gal. min. septic tank capacity; Septic Tank 1~ 10' 5' 50' Drainfield 10' 10' . 10' 100' between 8:00 ' 9:00 a.m" CWI-.:J:iO" ..~ "",,,uy Group: Fire Zone: Use Classification: ~ m 3 ~. Pl:;)vMo fom:~ l.lZli1 &10&'0 to ~y 'I1Ub S1tlle.a foulJ'Aati:sn rcqu1,.-......4~ far ~Uc b=o en: 00 0' ,.... ..,..<:00 ~y 8:h:l ~'''4_.._"", thsg &11.,9 et'l:..~h...il to tho :i"''''''<,Q of t:h3 =balo ~ ~ ........,,:.1'\,.., ~ OS rcqt2Uet:ln See .."........... oM6 foll' ('<;11Q<! FOrlplalis:infor.mation1&lll'lro o.tl:llChl!:oetween:8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., For inspections (see back of tliisTpermit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00fp1m'1;mgh For information call Type of Construction: Instructions: bne county to =~_ ~ . -- " .: . ;.." " "'----' I:. Sl.AB FLOOR PLUMB I NG GROUN[J,.IORK , , . ApP'ROVEO :-./7 0 IS-APPROVED Cl DATE REMARKS GAS PIPING GROUN[J,.IORK ApPROVED ~ DIS~PPROVED Cl DATE REMARKS ROUGH PLUMBING ApPROVED Cl ~ 01 SAPPROVED Cl DATE REMARKS ROUGH GAS PIPING ApPROVED Cl DISAPPROVED Cl DATE REMARK 5 FINAL PLUMBING ApPROVED m 01 SAPPROV~D REMARKS Cl ,DATE j-j6-f"j -?1~~ PA~",~ FINAL GAS PIPING ApPROVED Cl DISAPPROVED / / DATE REMARK 5 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE Cl NOT READY TO ISSUE / / DATE REMARKS .'"'''.. .' \.,.., -" .J INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR '~ INSPECTOR " ., I-NSPECTOR ~"" Crl?-79 .t9~ INSPECTOR INSPECTOR