HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-1-18 ., , .bq~l~" ,:~ Count,y,.Authorization ~. '" - /JfJ\ (~' ,'X\ fot; I, " .' FOR OFFICE USE 6NLY ~pp~~cat~o~~. ~_..~~~ ~ermlt it /_ '":), /'~a / ~:.~~ '. ,-. D'Tw~/copi:s:Of- Pl~ns . . .,' DThree Copie's of Plot Plans ':'~."5~:P 10.' ' .,1 RANG~3: '. ...."I~':5ECITI,a_'!? .-t' ....j TI);a~ J::l,aUT OF" DMech/Plumbing checkli'~t U '-..:J"_ N-/LJU DLega.1 fnterest Document. ~J~~Jr)r~(tarM1fhGe . r~" .L~T2~r 'I,B';(O' ',<, On~n'c,fle.c~.Inf? Sheet . LOC~T!-:N' ADD~S~ < . "d~Er ,~,,1~.,,;/~' ~. .u -.' . " c~, ZIP .PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY . "', ~;r~"4'~~~l:A~~j T~:?v\((.b ~ 'J, ~5\d ',' .~~77: rzr;;::j'dentla~;'Dln9~itrial SO ~RE5~r ~ .aN p.RarER~Y '~' )"~~ '~;..: .~crr tJCo~:~Cia{:",tJ~~~liC:' .. _ "''''"?h, ?r~iL#V~T~) ~/.dft\(i' .:' ~Lf?( , "L ?mt~OPOSE't'6~)fH~C r.lJ:.;, .,,'..,;',.,, ,,::,~ _.,~ c '" ".~,."/ ,J;'~~~~;:~\$.VALUE "OFh:ci~.."I\~' J:h~,: 1;;i()~l:PLY~ ",'" ,:.:.,...~i~~ ~~oo0h:"* txDG\n:~~~:-,~ ~r , . 'S~,~, :[47?r~l>'5 C NT eTOR'" N~,E".. OSR,#. .,...@.IGim,cl-., ~.'.,,'.(a"iJx~~M';~.:. ~..~E"~ PCIC'lIT TO Br'lsr.t:\ Q:kD rSS,l",>:;(~~);~ ~~LJ<, ':.'~~:.1 r U::,-,.F I /:".~~PflO~~ ~lmBER " . - - - I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED.THE.COM~LE~im '~PPLICAT~R PERMIT,' ana,d~erebY certi'i; th:t.all ~nfb~afi:on -here~~'~s true ~;'d'correct, and that I have thet'ollowing leg~l interest ,in' the .proi'erty: ~er. of rec~rd; ,0 co~trac'~'.p~rch';:ser; 0 authorized~agent wi th -evidence of authori ty 'attached. I f::ith~r'certify that' any ~nd all work. performed" shaLL be "done in accor.dance 'with the Ordinances of Lane County and' the"L~ws :of the ,State of Oregon pertainin"g ,Ito' the, work descJ::ibe? he~eln; !lnd that ,NO OCCYPAN~y: willbe~made of, anJjst;-ur:::tu~e wi thOll,t _t~e P,i'::mi.ss.i;.,?ri- ,~~, 'the BUildingoivis,ion, I fur- the: certify ~hat rcgis trat:~on wit!:_ th!',..B.~.:l~er~_:>I,B~a:::~_.is\n fU,ll ,for,cc '-and ,eftect~s...-requir:;-Qd'bY ORS 701.055, ~~a~ if e.xempt .the~bas,is for ~xcmpti-on is noted hereon" and that only subcontractors and employees wno are in compliance 'wi th ORS 701'.055 will be used' on.-,this 'proJect. I HAVE READ . AND :CKEn':::~::ON M~~~Y'.~.~'ci:~,:",~,;n~ :f2~j~' c' J ~i g~RV- " NAME, {please printt I. .~ .,' .... . .. '( " ' . 5.- SIGJ:(ATum;; '. . . 'J DATt': All ~I'; Lane .-,~_. '~ :/(')::'. . 1,( .,'1 . ?1. " " ~E::A:::~G:::::::: ~A,~EFU::,rM ~:];:::;:,:~~"." ''':""~"'' ':,:::;~~CCOO'"". ;'~m,~?: R 1 ' c' ~~'~~~'. ,: ' ",....... '... .',' 'r;;:...I. . ;;.. C' , ,H.lnlmum Setbacks. L, front r>x 'J .' 1 L, s.lde '~int:'r"iO{ IF') re~~ " . V , : 'C~~"Ei,,~Jj;if'~rl i.i'II~,hY\~" '~;,,' ;.' '. , "J, ,- - . ... ,..,..., '.. "''',, -, .' .. :';;I~ate.~lmiIR." t8J- 'dJV "0"'l'LOObpL~'IN", " In'flooo'ha~ff,r,d ~,;,,~;,dNO'~Ye5' SEE AT;~C~~~"SHEE,T,: ':~'a~~W= 'L.-1:;--~'~ ',' '.. _ ," .,' t:' 7' .: l 'f ;", .., :;: '_ ,....', ... ~1 " d' " . ...,u::......-..1 ~, ,f .'.-~'h,::f".... .,.\......t.l':'..,,:-.: t"":"~, .' . ~SANI.T;m;: 5, .~;,l'. ~~' ' L"" ,~ ,,!'" p, \'" ,,,.. -'C In,st~llation R:~~,d :~if~e~? .DYe~ 0 No Ins t_al.la tion ,.' .Gallon , . L.lneal Feet., "'. ~~axim~~ D$~~~" . . Spec.lf.lcat.lons: 'I'. I'Tank " . of Dra.lnfleld . 1 of Trenches . .. .. W"';~')~1(t;';V\'l:m~;;? r::iiJ h"1I.>i ,3\11. O'~ .. ' '#u.A,' no lH'YU t 5 ',"". e. . : ;r , , .,... ..,\'", "I - , . . , .' \~}~' . \.' " ,~_ ,~ ~,' ,",l:l. . \ ;. '. Date:'. ~~LA,NS' 1 '. .'~ ,Y Group .\. ~ 'Use ~~ "N~.'~ll_;' ': -'\~'_,,"" ,'" ~,", "'''.;.~~'''. .: , COM!'lENTS: . ,rm~~h;~ /-Z?'.-J?tj ~ , " ). . "'. . ,'....'>- .j ft_',"r" .. .. J ',J ,} .:< ~ . i:;lb;.~'*: .-'i.' . ./__' ..;.. o f _" ~~ d.,. .... tJ" /'.':- , " ~ " '.'. .,'l' i'!';.., ..... " ;:.... , " ", '. ~~ -",,'; .,., . '~0ate': I ., ' ;;, ,.', 'TOTAL VALUATION' $ , .';' ,,' -i: ',", /<-' "'CONSTRUCTION 'AUTI-r-ORIZEO. B~, '~HIS .'PERMIT ,> ,..:,:, '...... _' ", "I .- -~' l ',.. e p'i;<ed .-F'ee/'" ~'-:FJ~;dPl'ai'P~Fe.e;: 1,. ;, ,.~~ ;~:(f)'.' nn_ ,,''.; ',~"'b;fr . .~,~~t:i"~':~~i~:~1c;~t.s:,,~% r' '.' .' ~'~~e.",,:$' ':....~ '~.. ". ,~\an~,~hes~F.~~~ '::~~(~t, 7' ,''', State:'S~rc!1arg~t ,. $"./ S ~~' DEQ S~rcharg.e.'. ' TOTAL FEE "$$ ?$i?$ , . . oJ'.' ,Od-L~' ,;. \' ro~;~d~: },: ': "; y' .. ''::'' " " " .... $ , '. '.. ,1. , 0<' ~. ~, ,-1. ~,.C '," '. ' . ~h1I/Jl1A) PERM~T APPROVED-BY .BUILDI~G OFFICIAL/DESIGN~~ (per.ORS456'.80~V,. .. , ,,_ DA1?E:. LANE COY~TYDE~ARTfy1ENTQFPUBLlC WORKS LAND M,ANAGEMENT DIVI.SION, 687,4061;, ,,' .' 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE', OREGON 97401 ' t" . ,.' . 'I,' ~EE REVERSE FOR LNSPE~TLON INFORMATLON :, t '. " 'Z~/~~/); ',. ,.-:- '. " .~~~~. ~c~~:.~'~~~:.:j~*~'._~::.~~:~s' ~?-:-~:c.:: .~~ '\" "'i: '..;,,- ,~~"", 'F>' ; ", ,i ' ""'- -.; 'r' '\' ...,.. \.. ; .., ~. .\_:.";;.......~ \.~. ,"~.' .~:: l '_I '. q.. y._~~....~ n . ~ . '1' X J\ ," ....},! ..,., " , IV;' . .. ' .7.(~,-.- .1'.:'..." , I ,'-,.J\" \ 'i ""';:!" ,.: ,. ~ "".. , , e' , .: '" .>, " \ ',. ~~ \ ,:-,;.~:\ (>~ ,\ ,'",,' ""', 'J'" "'" .~ ".,~,.,. ~~ /.....;r'i.. 'r~ vi ". . , rr~. >:~::~~ , ,(\' ''''.. J...t' ::"~:."_.1 :1 ~,\i;'~2~;;~~~::.~~ .. ."" . "I ~ .-~ '''; (::1 :'J \;.j, '"t ;"_.,.'1.. .......... __,\"1". .... ~..., ,/, " " " ;O:'-t',.... f....' -...."... .....n. , ._';~;...", _i.....~_.. ..,.:~...\,", .' ~.". '..~ ....~~:.~:-.:.-. - ....:f/:::~;.. - ~'.-: t:, !:.. :"(__ ,,;,""_ "'~......"'. ......~._.............) ~w-;,._., ~.....' <.1...... ""'"..~..., ...-4-....:,...-,.,.;.~........"""}..,: "I.,' _ ...; "'::.".:.: ..~~~.:;. ,''::1: . '~.:, "..r.........'\,:-<,.. j I~;~ ..... ~,~.-...;...I;,.." ..~.'.; ~,.~..._.. I"" ~.:;-i,,-:~f,j,..J:.,.....;.-~~, ,......,J ".I.~~~ti~;~..........~.~..i;~',~1.~ _~_ t:.: .~'..' .1., :'.,).f' ,.......,,,. ... ... "'~ ..." -,' l! .SETBf\<;:~S; ~~D '9_THE}3.;.C;:O,NDlr!.o~.S OF APPROVALJMUST..BE~STRICTLY -OBSERVED. VIOLATION,.CAN -:RESULT'; IN~~REVO;:--:-''': ,j....~ ~ CATION' OF THIS .PERMIT~" ,CITATION. UNDER PROVISIONSlOF: LANE COUNTY' S\ INFRACTION,; ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHER;..'-;, .- .. - ~ ....---... ....-...,~.-Il ,v.. "\,~. \ . " .~'" )~" '_ -',- l_ \_' .' ",'. .REMEDIES AL.LOWED;.BY LAW.,...... __~ _.. _~_.._ .~. ~~ ,,--, ~.:-s..-. '. ___.:,.~,_.,--:..,...{"t_.~:"--.....J...:...:.l-.,...:,,,,,(_~_,,,~_,'....L....;I}: ,_'_ t . .~":";;';(!'::"'-"~'!:"",\~ ,~,_."!:. ..._...,'~.- .L.,,:~''''':''''.-__''!\ '-'~._'.,./-'.,. \-.,~:- ';0-'..... ~~S:~:.:.:..~..!,.:;~~" ! ;;WHEN .READY :FOR...INSP,ECTIO!i",. ,CALL 687..,:4065.1~ f' t;1~NTMvJ'n-?F AT"L~.f\STr2l4;.'i:I(;)U.~? AD~A~C?" N,oTI,~_)::,l,_FOR<~~?P~C~: f.. . ,TIO~ ~EQU~.~,T~,'rt!ST B,~ _GI~EN. _ r~IJ~ve tt1~;'folTowin9, il.hf?1ima ti!On.~ready ::1~,1~~!:.mit-"'n.ui;1ber';f~,~_.?:b,<.~"q'9rf.~~'~-~:~yp.~~,7. , .[ (0 .~. of ,,}-I].s.pect~oo1;l i-.~:-<:hen .l~,tl!~J, ~~ ~e rea<;ly, ,"your ,na~e .an.d"p!;C?0,efn.u,mgen,. and ,.~ny, Sp';C~j~i. d~~eC,..t~~....0"'1';->' ~tt: s~}~ :.'...., ~ ,,- BUI~;~N~:;I;i~t~~: :":', "" :: ,,{ 'T :::: -; ~~ r~":.~~ ~~\~d: ~'~ '::_'-~t~"~::::'.':j;' :~,'~;:~r":,~~'-:1:<f."l;..:~';~!'~: , (- )'.1, ' ,1)J Y ,', ."( ,\ P).,( \ 'I'" (.'.-, : ,tv:\ ; "t~,,,- tf--, I L"+" , "',REQUIRED INSPECTIONS :~:: --,';'~''-' ''?'~':-c'''--''''- ~'~::~' '," Jo' !':~-,'~-~;~<-, ~:-:?::~: ~C;, ~; -:",\,;\'r:"j'i' ];.:: ...Founda',tlon,-Inspect~on:_._ ~To ,be. mad~ _after trenches..are exca"a ted...and.-' forms ;erectedandiwhena"ll . . -',...to materi~'ls" for. th~ to~ndatiori., '~re. ~e_li~er7d o~ t~e job; , Wh~r7 ~ conc~eb~7f.F~n:.::.a ~cefl'trar;mixi!~'g. .<'7"\:;--. , pl~n~ ..(~c:>~~n.:.y. ~.:.~~e,~.' ~.:ran~~:- ..m~~x:d I )~_~: _ :0_ ~:.," .~~~d:. .m:~er:~ls\.~~:t~,;\O~ .rJ.e.~~n,. ~h~~ _joO~1 ~1~L~ '};;tJ.' ....',... _,,' '.,...._.' 'f,J.~.t,!~'. -'; :, ,~..,...~,.,...., _'1<" l' ",~, . "',',"""Q1-fO ',' .?~~ '3conc~ete ,Sl~b or ,.Under';'Floo~...'Inspection~.":'F9,b'e maq~ r~~te\',a~,~i.n-sl'ab,::,?i;,~!,dei.-:fl,oqr. bu~:ld'~flg...o:'~". '1' ... . . -' . s~.~v~c;:e _~q~~pI1)_enS",......coI}S~u t ,: ,P,..~P_~Qg.:~~e_%.?9l:!€!!~ '_~I!d~:..o~~,e!-"..'-:~T~~t'~,:~?-ry ~t:tg)-l:;pm.~n.t..~ t~~~ ar~ ~:;f::l :. j t.. ! ,-_ ~ ~,,~ p1:~ce fLb\l(. before/ any ,concrete is' poured! or - floor shea thing .installed, :including the,.;subfloor!.>~'.:: ( ~.. , \ '.; _ ;-. '\ I' , . ~ ., . ;," ..! /- t.... 1J \ .. -l ,~, . 'r} --..;....... '," , ~' ~"'-- (.... "'. ,( fl. 1 \'"1.::-"\'" . ': t' \"- \l~ . ~\'J ,'l .' I 1. I J" l.~~ 'J', ,,'.! i I,~. \. "1" .', f. .. ....-3. .....IF.ram~n9. & \ Insulat~on-Inspectlons:, To be~made""tafter .the. roof I_alliframlng, flre block~ng:,": and:--) _.:._,~t.. ; -~', ~ 5::;:;'..::, ::'br~c,i;n~~:€r,e."lno:.pl:as~ . ~n.d:,al.l p~pe;s.~.,! irep:l,ac~~ ',: ?him~~y~~~ a.n?....:'ept~ _aFe 'c~r::?ir~~' ~~d')~~l 'rough' '\':,~,,::;'''''~,:' 1r '_. . electrlcal' and_ plumb~ng,",-are approved ~ lA])l \wal'l '~nsula tton' and ~vapor barr~er1are' in place,";' If i .,~.-' "7-i.' ,1;' t.l \;' ~,. .: '~l ~.' -,~ ;-;..~. r .'............ -'ri-"':;l--:'~: ..~ -., . ..;'. ,~ :.' --:. -=",;:.. .~~"~-: .:~,J . ,,~ ::'~'f,~~~'. .~c "-! ':).,-;:>.~ ,~_ .:::' ...~ '~-t.: <1-:".'_~n -; 4. Lath_ and(or, 'Gypsum' Board Inspec.tion.:.....~.T<? be made'"af:ter;'..ap'_l.l.athing :-and gYPsl.!n1;'bC?a)~d< ~~(r\t~I:ior" . '.' . _and,.e:~t_erJRr" ;J,s: ~D-c El.a.:f€ ~bU~~b~~.q,r~~ .?11Y- .'plas.teE fng:~i,s,,~.,?!pp..:I;.,ged\;__a.~.d..,pe.fpte~gYP..e\~!:ti'ib.2.-ai-:.~-':':j'6i...~,ts...... o' ," a.nd.fas,te.n.e:~s'~re t,aped"af!d finished.\, ........ ~ . .' ;..",>.,. . . , " . '.. .-' ,,,. - ..., ,", ~ _'I, ",,"" ";:: l<;J. .,-..~,,- ~~' .':l' ..' '(:.. .\ . "'S. Fina~ Insp.eeti!.on':' / To be 'IIl~de..~€t~:. i:.h~ b~i'~.d~ng~~-~s compl~te. -and,"before '~occ~pancy'.", i.!. :, .' '1' ',: ''I . ~PPROVA~, 'R~dUI~~b-;':':~b~\iO'i~':-~h~'~J 'be',d~.~~' on"'any: ~ar-t.~:~ :tri~:'~~i'~'~ing, :ot,: 's'~~~:biur~ ~e;ond fh: ,~'q-:ri,'i~ ~ ;:~ ind--.ic~ te9..~.i:fl' ~?cr '~SU~~9E{$.~~,1'e ,i~s.,p~.c.t_!,o'n'. w~ t~?u"t ti:s't~.ob.~ai~i~~' ,th~" <3;I2~~.I?'~;;l~\)f_~.:~h~ )jui}<t'~n.g, offi<;'~<;~.."'''' ',l Such ,approval shall.' b.e.._'g.1.ven .only after an lnspect~onshall-. have been 'made .bf:each...successJve' s.tep _ . ~~._! ..t in the construction'as' indica t'edby each 'of the inspections required. . , . ,... . : ,.... . - ~ -'..; "H..>> . , \~~,T..~~ ~~.,A.ll_ ~~/~~ing_ P~~~':B'~_s. ~~~~~f~ ~'f?~::~i.t9.p~J~ '!?E .;h.~~~or~.'_ ~,U~~q~f'~'~I~/' .~'uc;hh~t__,~l1.t.1 ~~~j /i~t !:~d I :0:0; ~~ : ~:~. A:' . Block Wall,: To be made' after reinforcing' 'is in place, 'j:)ut before' ~ny gr:outis~,.poured ~ This ',;7 inspe~t~~n ;is :'r\~~quIred.'rfoi 'ea'cti~borid,.beam; P9:U~".:~'" .T~ere :wi"l~l:i:be~~no;~a'ppio.y;a:l"'..l!ntj,.~..~h_ep.l.U:ITIQ}.:l}g~''''::~ '~~i. . ans' erect:~~_c?:'~' inspe'c.tio.ns" h.aye_ _beep ro.~.g~.'.?-...ng '~pprP..Y,e.d;,,: ,. ~;.'.~ 1.", .,:: :\'. , t~: :. . <.. ..._..... . .~.. B'. Wood S t'ove: ''1'0: :be 'mad€; a:fte~ c6n:-pletion .of, ~m~~onry (iof' appli'cab~e)., '~!lP when installation is com~le:t~. ~ _.Ins'~all~a tion ~h~ll..t.be in. acco"rdanceo wi ~h - an ifppr.~t~ld I :~a tionally recogr(J..~~e;d__ fes!=-~ng. ., ~t. ..........agency. and the manufacturer's ~'nstallat~on J..nstructions.' .......... C"'c...-_ C. 0~:~6o~:lefHo~e}''-~n 'in~pec't'i'~ri i~ '~'equ"ired 'clfter,'~the '~~-bilf: hom'~ .~i\~i6~~e?:f?d" to an '~pprov~~~ . ':. ~ . s.ew.e:..~6r.. septic :5ys,tem fo.r se~b.cick'. requi;r-~men't:3? 'p.roc~i'ng / lo:oti~g ;conn~ction..~ 'fi!id~';ms u'. .(.,. ,: --'ski'rt'Tng, aA_d!'pEiiIiDi.!1f c6~nh~Oction.~s:.'" .."-~~ :~~..'--:-.'~.: .~' ~..~,,;,'~~_~":_'.J. '-I __ '. '__~.. ....,~_ ___I .., ~ "','~ ( "".. ~ 'l.} '.X:.er.ti!~gs.,~and. _pi~~rs ,to,~comply:"wi,th.~~,ta te ;foun'dation :r~q~{rE?men ts; .for mobil'e homi?s _or... as'_~' l ' '.. ~ ~reco'mmende'd by, rthe"'~manufacturer~: . ". " .: . , . . .~ ,t.._' . -I,' . ,.1 Jl,'.'.l.... .. . .... .. ',- { ,," ""~ _:, ..{ "t- ''-2. r-!'1??\l~' ns~e ;n>'inir:1U~' f inish 'f:l~or;-e),eva:t:ion' shall oe".certYfie-d;:wheh: required. by a flood:;;.. -'::J.-~-:;":-"'" ,,;\-p'la,rp. ,~an,.agern.en::-.:...letter. . \'1.h. ," t "...,.1,,; . .; >,).,1 -:' i ;...-. :,.:...,. :.:, "J';,:.': ,.:;0, .".(_:.-'- ,,.. ,..'," __'_ ._ ,~,.. .... ~_... _._ '" "" _, .'L''.:.' 4 3. .Mob'iJ,.e"h..?:rne'..tiedowns,.;,...,hen, req~ired, and .stirt~ng s'hall be instal~ed and ready, for inspec- tior\ wi!thin at least 30 'days after, 'Occupancy.'. Tiedowns and ,skirting. shall be installed ,. . per enclosure. . . ". > ~ ~~ ".' ;-'1,>'" ....,.. -',"J-;.. '. ':' ,'" . ." ~ " :.'n"-,,<".~.~..\,.._ D.. Swimminq .Pool:. ,Below,gra,de '1hen s,teel' is "in 'p-lace and Defore concret'e -~s po~red. ~bove~..grade' Wh~!\pOC?}' ~'s:'installed. ".-,,: h. , ~. . '. .,....; ~,~ I . ' .:,.J ,~-:~.' . -' .f. '. . ,'~' .. -.:' . ~t... ...li. _.~.. _ .. 'X-...,-:... _ .-T,.' ..' -i.. r. :-" APP~OVED>P.,~~.S,\Ml!!:f.T~E..P.N~rr:H~E JO!3.::$IT~:'-'AT,tAL.L ITI.MES" Du~piG: }'i'qRK~N.c.>;~f!OUR~;. " 'tHIS~:pr;RM~T 0 W.I~L ~XPIRE . tIF_WORK) DOES"':NOT.l BEGI:N WITHIN 0180. _DAYS,,J.OR IF._WORK."IS~SUSP.ENDEDl'OR~:ABANDONED..F,OR'MORE THANI 1!SO"',:DAYS.', . SUSPENSION OR 'REV6cA:ION MAY OCC.u~ IF TH~S' PERMIT t'1AS ISSpEP....?N. ~~Ft'1' ~ASI?JC!r':1r.CO~PLE1'lj:~'6R' E:R,RqN.E?~S . .INFORMATION., .,', .~. ~_ .. .......:._ ,-. ."' .~.. __.__--'J ~....,.)~......o......;.'_):"...:"-4' ...-::1"_,'.1.. O-.__l,.-J......~ . ,;" . . , ' ' .';ANYONE PROCEEDING 'Pl\ST.'-THE POINT- or REQUIRED INSPECTrONS WILL :DO, so ATrTHEIR ,OWN RISK.! ___='~.... ,_ _ .\,.. _'_i..:---;,~;.._" ,'..' ..~ '.._"l _.. .:. "," .....-. ..". . __::.._... ....._, _'~ $.-.; ~,_. S'UBSUR:A:~:~N~~~~i~'~dA~~~~\S~~A?~ i.D~S.POSAL SYSTEMo~~~~.JL 0""'-. ,-'C'\~~".:'I" ", ._,....k:_'..: t:i. 1': Permits shall"be,. ~.f. fective. fo.r. one year .from .thgl date ,,0.fF"i,s's.'uan. ce\,\." -'':-~\' t~~ ~ .......... l,.'\ j'\ . __ .,'., __"_ . . . .' .'. . ~ t. '\.'.l..'~H;""\-"":'~"\I"~:..t.l }\~\~,\~.~~l ~ ,\ '., '\! , \ ''J'\ ~ . .. 2': Upon compret~ng _.the .construct~on-for wh~ch" a :'pe'rmJ:t. 1i.as~be.en ~'ssued~;' t:he perm~t .holder-shali not;.ify..the- Lane 'COlin~y 'Depar:troent of plannifig and conUnunity Dev:elopment"byo submitt;-_ing -the " '~nsta,~~la7tio:(.:recor.9 form..' :The qepartIDent 's1i.al~ . inspect. the ~c'onstru~tiqn t<?' determine' if.'i t . compl"ie,~"~i:tn ,'the\rules) contained in~ thi,s-:divis'ion. Ig ,the co:nstruction does comp'ly with such rules"': Yth~' "Dephrt:~rnent shaj'l issue,~a'- ce.cttf ica te' of, sa tisfactor,Y com'pletion "to the;permitt holder. .1 f"'the::Con~str'\lcti.on "'d2,es "'not", comply....w~ thO -sucn~r"li".res, . the~D'epartme.rit" shal)': nqt.i:.!y,~.tl?e~ permi.t:~...:.:::':..;, .....',. holder, and. shall require ,~sa tis factory' .completion_before~ issuing, the' cer,tifica te. _.Fa-i 1 ure, ItO ._..../: ~ ,.~ mee,~: _~he requirem~nts '-foi~- sa"t:i'sf~c~or-y compietion .wi thin -,3. "..z:'e'asonab,re,.:time. consti tute's'.a ~.v'io-:- .!..~i,,-~~a~u)~; 9ft OR~;f-4_S~,.69,~"~R}~S~,"745"and...tJ~~s_ rure... . ~ (\'4..'S.~tbacks' -, S_ubslir-face ,;Sewage Disposa"l ~"~J~ . ~.,~, ;.i.,~.", <: .. ,,", r c.' ',.' _..!'.. ,.",. .I - ~ ~(...:'.";~..;~, '.!.. . ';~'" . .~ Septic Ta~k\,~~~i:Drai.~f.~e_:~, '!~,r~_~j :.. '~:'.A ._ _'-""~~ . FroITi:. I'~teril?r"":;property:.line's. 10"-: - ~. 10.", '.. ..... - . ~.:1 .. .'j.....--s;.; Ed'ge of' road r igh~':"of-way_ 10 I . 10'.' ..' '. . _:,-- .. ........~.:Building..:fouridat:ion " . S~ . . ., 10" ...;': J". "We'ils',.,other,;.'wa ter, sources ......;..50' 100' .,. ........ I " .' 0:-". ;;:' . I ," , .'1' ,)C. :_t I{." ..~ 11 ~ ' " . ~" ).;:/ ~ - r:'. .'.--::- .. ~ I . <,:.... .:. .....? \ ".,0. '!:"i .' ....,. T 'C 14=25 ~,,:' (.,; ......J___~. ~\_ " , . d, " " . '1.-.-/... ,''', ;, . " .., l' _-4 ....-.....- -. .. .......~ --........ - ,,- :i ~...;:~..;. : ~~..:j,l-. \,:?, ~ fl'~ .~.i\'; . " . ,- , ~..... l .' I '" , ',' :-;'-0 "" ~ :\/'\~\:~~~~..r~.~r~J~i::, ~ "'~~".~:'1~;~;;.< ,..'t. .~~,;. -(.-t:-,'7'~ -. :.\.{.~;>:":;~ ',~1" t"~.(',.G,~~".-t''':'''-l}:~.t,,'',,,:,,~.{...,'llr):~r~-~'.:':\.~"Vl' }l'"J'," ~ " ",,":"::JI.' " '~;t:~l:: ,_,,::J'::~ ,I;': \~,:i;:'''- "'.~ "'1, " ': 70; '. . l.~,. t'",' \_ :..~ ~~'\.~0'...:\", '-:..f\.. 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DataSaurce ' . t-.A A. P #,'2, G" O. MabiJehame ti.e dawns required. ", , ~,-,' - . :'. , . . .-:- ' ," -'-. o ,Substantial iniprovement. '. ,,' '. , "0 . Shein regu Tatary' fl aadwaychannel , b~ ildi ngprahibitedunles s i ti s denianstra ted that the cumulative effect of prapased de,velapment Miilnv.t ,increaseth'e base' flaad' at any paint. ,Cantact ~loadplain Management.-:f9r m()re,informaJ;'ian. o BASE FLOOD. ELEVATION+ l' ,=' (r1SL). Cert1ficatian'at 0.1' abave this elevatian required as checked belaw. ", ~ .OTHER A/a,"" ~. ,<:;.UE S'?~Alr;';4L. '.. -r;rlP/?/'lOrOM-:;;::;-"_7.'" ) ,.' , , .~_. k******.*:***'!r~**********************'!t***-*******,*******.*~**~*********.*,**'**********:'!c***.*******.**.*******"* '.' 0 CERTIFICATION OFELEVAT-ION ""."" . P"'l ' ". , ,. a Reg i steredPrafess i ana l' . . -' '. '. -.' ',. intheState 0.1' Oregon;, do.' hereby ~ . , .' .~, . "_ , .certif'y ,to. Lan~ Caunty; .that the ,fallawin,g el.evatian representsa;sur:vey. . made"by,me aI', under.:my':supervi si.on. ... .' ' . o Th'e foundationel'evil,iibn (including'b~s~menf ,slab)'" . . ,,[J The gr~undelevaiion'th,at {tructurewillbe ~laced ,o~ = ,..( . 0 Ttie'fi~stf1oor'elevati~~~ ,., (MSL).. 0" The. e 1 evati on of ,th'e tOP:of ,fl oodpr90fi~g: = o Other. ' . , '1 !, " 3: Q> ."0; . ~., , .~ ..' :(r~SL:). L . , . ~.' (~lSL) ~ 0 Vi '.' , "(MSL); \ ..... ......', , , Location , ,;., N f'! Reference Bench Mark No. -/ , ! , Si gnatur~ Date " "Origi nal to. be certified and' returned to Lane County " F'loodp 1 ai n Man~g,~ment: i' it 'i;] stcopy 'wHh:appl i cati on/ins pecti on . ,~. <_ ',,-.,,.' I.. '.~. .... ". ,~.", ~-". ~.. '.7 .' ,. .. 2nd' copy to appliCant.',";. '. . 3rd copy to Floodplain Management SEAL' . r , , "..," ..... VI ~ o "'. '. " .' ',;;.< .~,.' '.. -,. C. I~ ~. !'. ( " . , . : n'l \ . LJ"(IE C'ciLJNTY DON!'!l:) . .SUBDIV USE R BDRMS 0 WNITS 001 STORIES (.iDDF;: - " (-'f' , \ " "~ DEPT ENV MGTRECEIPT . 15984 DATE 011884 (IDD,;: 207<'> INL.(,ND vJ(\'(, ,',;'F'j":INGFIFLD, DI":E. LDT PLY *BL.DGS 001 F'HONE 747 1265 "'" ~" II i.}J: .'::. ,APPLICANT ARCHER, "l'l..~ 1803112201500 ~ ,..1Ei,;J F-:.i...DG T\'PE:: i Uk!h!Ef\ NHE '(:()DE" AI~F'L. NO AC:r'ION DES(~RIPTION AI'" PATIO COVER SQ ,f'T UNIT 60r;.J "I:'!.::_ ( l~;~\ ..W DP Br:' L~ 159(14 RAD 'L ND. FIXTUF:ES: ('\ECH SUI'! >'Cl< FP 1'1'" SDS SREF NO ~ . CDI'..!N[CTDF;~S : r1ECHr"NIC(~L FEE 'STATF SURCHA~GE PL.(IN CHECI< rEf::: 'I 1, I ' " .-~I::lTG : (:rF>P pel< l:;~ f:\ , FP ':'1'<' ."'~ ...1 I" SI SI~::(~U : () T(:\I<EI'..I, BY ,:;:LH 2 2 EST. CDMPLETION DATE COST :3.. ::?t:.) VI::iL.U(..\ T I Ol<.! 2.1 (!O 21 ()O . ,t~:) ,. (~O' !~~ ("j C H ;;~ .4'~';': , ,s:;~;(, {)TH IS'S -.:1 TOTPtL. FEE}(.,)(: FEE:: D(iYS' ~~: D ,", ~:::: 0 -1 ,. ~>4 '2.1.:,:;..0;3 'j 0 ^ ()O ,-'1 ...\ ..~. ......'.1 7:5... (l7 Cl< pI ~ ....-.,. .... , ~.... "~ ,I"'""'" , \..../ OLD ..."" \ Sl,IP lane county :;"- :)\. ..' - APPLICATION # --1]139'-""-----'- LOCATION Z076 Tnland lJ"v, Snr:j.nltfieId .. ,..,DQnn,<!,J1, A nh "'1'-...._ ___.._ ___. _,_ ,_ NAME .._c.._.____2""'1k T.....' """,.(1 T.T'O.~. ADDRESS __.._____gpt:.:!~~~..1~ n""''?gcn 0.2/,"'1"'1 ZIP CODE ~~4 spaced 6'_0" o/c/ beam or equal supports The above application is being held for the following reasons: 1) Specify how 2x6 raftdes are supported at 4x4 posts Provide sketch. Tn other words, show what kind of the ragters at ea.. end of the rafters. 2) 3) 4) A positive connectton is required at the base of the support posts as they are connected to ,the footing(s). Provide sketch. .. '$""'~.t~:~ .....r-" < fI/J I AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY (NO WALK-INS) ~ This application will be held until I1?_L, above has not been furnished by that date your Roger McGuckin SIGNATURE 01-30-84 DATE 687-4061 PHONE HOURS If the information required application will be cancelled. t RETURN THIS SLIP WITH THE ABOVE REQUESTED INFORMATION. BUILDING & SANHATlON / PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 125 East 8th Avenue / Public Service Building / Eugene, Oregon 97401 I (503)687-1\061 ~T . ./ ;.,'. AL nVITY INFORMATION SHEET , COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED! 1 D(,)\i'\V'\CLM, C\ y ~eJV PERSON .MAKiNG REQUtST , ;'~L MAILING ADDRESS ~ . i:tl.' f\ D :'lj . -:\0","", f:\ <:(.... 0 V\ V'-Oo-!\I\ t; ; PROPERTY OWNER A r-oh ex- .~ .. :lDt {,., ~~ ~DR~S .w c::j ~ : __ So"":; v\.~ .\\ E' \ ,1 ,rx~ Q7<f71' ;,1 : , I CITY-,j STATE ZIP CODE; .. , ,"7Lj7- 45..31 747- (::;1,5 ! BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE # . !. , L , I I I I CITY ----'n-----sfATE ZIP CODE BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE # .. 2.. PROPERTY ADDRESS ,-'::;'0. VV\V (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS) ;1 n JJ\ ''V ~ TOWNSHIP ,RANGE' Stl.l ION ONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME'OWNERSHIP: 4 SUBDIVISION (if applicable) . ",:;,>C, , (from tax maps ih Department of Assessment and T~~~{ion: ! or from tax statementlU-o' NIN'" ' ,i" :;' ..i23" /1- ;}..;L __ . () /5 () D RANGE SECTION TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # 13 MAP & PARCEL NUMBER, (REQUIRED INFORMATION) ~p TOWNSHIP TAX LOT(S) OR. PARCEL # ZONING , , , , l l I I ! RANGE" SECTION TAX .LOT(S) OR .PARCEL # ZONING 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) PJ;o Ov\ Q l'ov\C'xe:A-f'_ RI.~; \ 0\ ~""ICAh ACRES LOT BLOCK r ni) (>V pr\ I , I, !: 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE: +0 I\~ n \I\...d s ~ vuf h ;) >^ d_,,_,_To_ ':. IA)~ ' ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** -- f-!n."bo..- J).....il)f=>J ZONE/LAND USE: BY; DATE: DATE '1 ! .... '" V> .... "" NUMBER TIME IN: OUT: . ,..' I, .. Ii ! .. LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / 125 E. 8th AVE., EUGENE, OR 97401 ( 687-4061