HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-2-9 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JOB ADDRESS (1275" Island Street, Spfd, Oregon 1 L_________~____- CONSTRUCTION PERMIT #LC-343-80 "'fRS, TL 17-03-34.2.2 # 219 SubdiVISion Garden Grove, Lot 2, Block 3 This permit for the referenced property IS hereby approved. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be stnctly observed Violation can result In revocation of this permit, citation under provIsions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law Applicant/Address Kenneth Deroy Anderson, 1275 Island St., Spfd, Oregon 97477 Owner/Address same as appll.cant Contractor/ AddresSlame Contractor's OS # 17886 Total Construction Value $9945.00 ConstructlOn approved by this permit Water Supply Rainbow PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION . Setbacks Intenor property lines Edge of road nght-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Telephone Telephone Telephone 746-2023/689-0911 same same Addition of carport @ 585sq ft; covered porch @ 35 sq ft; green house @ 432 sq ft; garage/shop @ 478 sq ft; Structures now on property: house. # Bedrooms na # Plumbing Fixtures na # Employees na Zoning Agt/RA-setbacks PartltlOnlng # na Parcel # na Parcel Size l,; acre Minimum reqUired structural setbacks, from centerline of road, front 40;'c'enterllne of road, Side extenor 40'-Ij Intenor property lines 5' ,rear property line 20' Special Instructions * Front setback is: 40' Island St., and side setback is 40'Island Court. 40' from center line on Island Drive for porch per TJ 2/14/80. For information call 687-4394, Carol Site Inspection # na Installation specifications na na lineal feet of dralnfleld reqUired, max depth of trenches na Special Instructions Haintain all setbacks between sewage disposal construction. Do not drive or park over SDS. fails, a perm1t to repair must be obtained. Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' gal mln septic tank capacity, system and If system Dralnfleld 10' 10' 10' 100' between 8 00 - 9 00 am, Corliss Kosty For information call na Type of Construction 5-N Group M-l Fire Zone 3 Use Classification Carport/shop Instructions See reverse side of permit for required called inspections. ./' For plans information call 687-3767 between 8 00 a m and 9 00 am, Jim Lamb For Inspections (see back of thiS permit) call 687-4065 between 8 00 a m and 5 00 p m DEPARTMENT OF ENViRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By corner Island and Island U. ..""'\" Cm~.county ,,~ Date Issued 02-29-80 Directions to Site out Centennial Blvd., to Aspen St., right, 2 blocks, turn left, on C55-13 -'- 1. 1- .!. 1. .!. . ! i 10 " 14 16 I! .j I 'I " " !4 16 '. ~l IL LANE CUUNTY DEPT ENV M'l RECEIP1 t 34380 APPLICANT ANDERSON, ~ENNETH D. ADDR 1275 ISLAND Sl., ~ TU I /03342:'00219 SUBDJV GARDE N 'I~OVE NEW I'll DG 1 YF'F U';E. R NO EI!H(MS 00 NO UN rrs 001 . ~ODE APPL NO ACTION DESC~IP110N SQ 11 UNI1 - ~P CARF'ORT 585 I! W COVr_krIl r'OF(CH 35 BP 'REEN HOUSE 432 . I'lP GARA'E/SHOP 478 - -IP " Hf' Il FW !4 -'L - MECH . SUR -, CI< DATE. 021480 SPRINGFIELD, OR LOT:' flLK 3 NO S llll~ [E.S NO flLDGS 00 I CO~T VALUATION FlE. DAYS 4.75 2778 3. -/0 1:'9 6.~0 2808 8.85 4230 12 LL 34380 I,[PF( NO. FlXTUkES NO. CONNECTORS MECHANIl'AL F-EE Sf ATE SUF(CHAf.'[,[ F'LAN CHE CK rOLE 5.00 9945 FACH = 52..00 :. t f 4% 50% 2.08 26.00 o o o o o o o . . ii . I ' . 12 U' " $ :: ~ , : L-; 1 ~ . 6 . ,.~ - . " !. ! . SIFO CPI ~ I,AKF:N BY CH WPC PLAN ELEV ADDR ['OMPI.E:TED BY FF' ENVH 1[11 AL F ETH 80.08 CK ~ . ---1 ! " ~ 3 ~~ -') \ \.:5 . DEPARH,ENT OF ENVIRONI1E,HAL IIANAGEMENT PSB, 12S EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 Job Address 1275 Island st. ,townsMp, ~~"jl'f, S<ltt1(l~, Tal( Lot 17-3-34-2 2-219 SubdiviSIon Garden Gro've Appllcatlon for Remodel~ng & Add~ t~on Structures now on the property House Proposed use (If p1"Oper,ty, EI R<laide~tiaf CI COlllllercial' Affldavlt I, Kenneth Deroy Anderson lple~se print) If thlS appllcatlon 15 for an agrlcultural bUlldlng It wlll be used for purposes allowed by the State BUlldlng Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zonlng) and for no other purpose I have the followlng legal lnterest 1n the property X owner of r~ecord' con~r purchaser, lessee, holder of an exclu51ve optlon to purchase, duly autho~ d to acttr~h ner who 15 knowledgeable ot thlS appllcatlon Sl9nature/Address~ w-..I!#,V, dM~~ 1275 Island St., Spr~ngf~eld. OR (ZlO) 97477 TeleOhone746-2023 or 689-0911 Date - -'1 - }j - k' () When perm1t 1S ready notlfy CI Appl1cant fAI Owner CI Contractor ~ CI mall !j{1 phone Owner Kenneth Deroy Anderson 1275 Island st. SJj'i'lcbo) 97477 Phone 746-202'$ Contractor Same (Z10) Phone Contractor's OSR# 17886 Plumblng by City SurinR"fleld ~~-&iJ ~Pll""tJ"n Ii L r,"';') =/"0.. .~u'_:,1 ,~] AS$1g~ed Numb~r$ Lot 2 IHatk 3 C/'lmlu.trh,l o l'<lbftc , hereby cert,fy that thlS lnformatlon 1S true and accurate If Commerclal ReSldentlal /I of $wr1esc , (tf ~.!;~~.~ 51 test holes ready DO NOT WRITE BELUW [HIS LINE # of employees /I of u~ltif/ $0$: ~xlstln9, CI Proposed, BP # 2YY- (? 3- ", SI # Fee Ctldll lle$crioUon S<j. Ft,' elr II or SIte. Untt ~st Valuatlon Fee r. r //MA~/'1(2~~ ,~(-,d ~-I /' ~W.'ff iJ:;Z1:;~ 0 . - ~~-~/ O,Cu~ -i\<- I I;/Cnllck II ~ I 3.!. ~ce1Ved by ~ Water SUPPlY~~~ Proposed \ EXlstlng Year Installed S{.7S ..., ~ r,..- ~../ --";') ..... ;;i:S _-.. A -f. - (?, -- ~o"~u\t'on Subtotal $ $ $ $ $ each $ $ $ $ $ $ Pl~lng fl~ture$ at $ Sewer/water conn, at $ each 4l'!. , 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy ~RO.O~ \ TOTAL I , JRr>r C' h..r..", -.D CL.-U;-,9 lA,. tCf b r - . - zo~< - /~ __A_ _ ~)- p~e/tze)'t{ /I' - MlnlmUm setbacks ~~~~~S.::'':'';~{f'}i.~~, lnt ---/'r- .~, rear de) Comments -40 ~~ f'JIA (A t> r I ().y J..)V ~1r(,O~ ~ 2-/4 -j>')r. To be typed on perml t I.:.J PERMIT PROCESSING By CP&I Type To be typed on 6-tJ perm' t M~/-' GrouPI:,f~ ~_ F,re Zone '=3 Use ClasSlflcatlon Date ( j'C~J(ARfOrq-/SH(jp By 'T:T. IYUJtttzlS Date _'2~ '2Q-8t) \.t;::s.;;~0.2?:m:~lO~7..a specto~/./~~ 7/.A.~/" ~~":IJ%i:!/>~1/J-t I'" ~~~JZ.r/ - /ALY'--~7~ ~ I.~ ~~;,./ .41....bh~ft!W. ~-I FO Plans to CP&I ~ set(s) Oate Hold Sllp Date Date to - WPC ~ set(s) Requlred to PCC Completed PCC J;I1 y&I I[/wPC o o Plannlng PubllC Works ~ {} Elevatlon Vn/a CI Address C/ Fac,l1ty Permlt Envlronmental Health CI FOR INFOR~~TION about progress of your appllcatlon call C74-17I Permlt Control Center 687 -HELP (687 -435 7) r' .. _. :-'\~A~ "'. .. '"c_,....c_. DEPART! ,EIH OF EIIV 1 RO'MEdTAL IIA11AGEHEIH PSB, 115 EAST 8TH AVEllUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 -~-"'l ~ '7 ~Vg-2iJ Appllcatlon # I('~~ Asslgned Numbers Job Address 127'i I sl and st. Townshlp, Range, Sectlon, Tax Lot 17-'?-?4-2 2-21q SubdlVlSlon Garden Grove AppllcatlOn for Remodeling & Adm tJ.on Structures now on the property House Proposed use of property (.!I ReSldentlal CI Commerclal Clty Sorin12:f',Ald Lot 2 Block 3 I I I 1 /~I Industnal CI PubllC i Affldavlt T, Kenuiith Deroy Anderson . hereby cert,fy that thlS ,nformatlon 15 true and accurate (please pnnt) If thl5 appllcatlon 15 for an agrlcultural bUl1dlng It wlll be used for purposes allowed by the State BUlldlng Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zonlng) and for no other pur;Jose I have the followlng legal lnterest In the property X owner of recore!, contras..'tjpurchasf>r, lessee, _ holder of an excluslve optlOn to purchase, duly authorlzed to act LblJjthe owner, who 1S knowledgeable of thlS appllcatlOn Slgnature/Address 1'hu//!t>bIl/'lla,.k~...... 1275 Island St., Springfield, OR IZlol 97477 Teleph~ne 746-202"3 or 6S9-0Q11 Date .3 - J -:? - .f'tJ When perrmt 15 ready not1fy I-I App11cant /1/ Owner I I Contractor Q.t /~/ mall C'/~ phone Owner Kenneth Deroy Anderson 1275 Island st. SlBfllrt,0) 97477 Phone 746-2023 Contractor Same (ZlO) Phone Contractor's OSR# 17886 Plumblng by I (~ , If Commerc1al Resldentlal # of storles DO NDT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # of employees # of 50S Unlts ./ Fee Code "':::1r\of bedrooms Sl test holes ready ~~ ---~ C,yExlstlng, /~/ Proposed, BP # 51 # 2 Y;v- & ~- v /1 / //./d_~Y..\n /7/( (.v '/~.0/= //(~D"?;~ I / ~ /";0'// ,,;4~ /f:_> Q.._ ,41!li..?//'& ? ...... ",'>- DeSCrlptlon Sq Ft or # of Sltes / <)c;s:-. (, 12 ./ ~ Z2f/ <:7-::< ..;;;;.,,t::J ./ V7~'jLJ Unlt Co"'t Valuat10n Fee <h7r. $ $ $ $ ~~- ,,- -./'.--V) ~~'r--~ ~"A -1,-:;-$-0-- ('/ R<< aofal- Valuatlon $ each $ $ ~"' . ,A,- '. I-I Cash ~ ./ L//Check # Recel ved by ";::;11 3 LJ $ Plumblng flxtures at $ Sewer/water conn at $ each Water Supply Proposed Year Installed l~ /1/ ' I '. ~iIW"'C>'t'_tJ..&rcJ \ , Subtota 1 , ,fl?Ci.. ( ),'\( 'I. r ;:l\<;.t!Y.s v' \rfb[ TOTAL $ $ $ $ ~ ~() ill'< EXlstlng 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy PERMIT PROCESSING Zone&r-"""'-. fart)-' Parcel" # MlnlmUm setbacks i.,,.tront'" <"'~~-~f1J, slde ~ V(~ JW'.i'W'V.- - '--""" ~{cZ/id (/~(..<.....r Comments 4n 1,//"<. rr ""'" I., ~ r I 0 \- )cV -",",If'" f ~ I "'- I I To be typed on perml t" lnt Parcel SHe It! ~ /9 <::." rear dO .!t-. .J 2 -/4 ."r,,......, By Date WATER POLLUTION CONTROL v i ! '. r. Installatlon speclflcatlons gal tanf, ft of dralnfleld, max depth of trenches To be typed on permlt __. ~,~ ~~'_ _.1 <L <0. . J. ~ 0.""" {'-o"-;::" >--~. ~ ":2<2,'Y<'c>"j" &.-"-<~.;O.so~crn:::-__._ ~"',;,~..._Q,.~-:;""~J Va ;......,-,Jr-?,..:(- GfL~nl\.90_r~--',""""A_ >...0-...... ~J{ ......f~:'~<~I-'Q~ _- r:?-a.._./...-.",,~__~ tJ Ar'J~'.A... ~i' I Ajs' ~r C~-..... ~C~ _<._,,-__.-f: _ - . Telephone ... ....By~Q~'_~--\;:JNo' '\ Date 7..1\'((6'(\ O~rectlOns to'slte /C--/,4':/ IrH7. ... _-"" _; ~ L/ c:.J /:: /'2">;'-/);1 ~_>/,. j';'YC(c '" -/ //u /' ..:._/ ...# /.:-' - 7........ I ~; Lc/:>/ - C,... '-' /J/:.,!'N.t:"tf'.... 1/2/'//-;11/ ( (X ,~~ "Jh'lA'dt.ftj/ Plans to CP&I set(s) '/ ....Date Hold Sllp Date Date to wrc set(s) ReCjulred toPCe Completed pce I-I SIFO -- / / ~"'CP&I c:. ,/ Lj/WPC I~I Pl arlnl n9 - .- CI P~bllC. Works _./ CI Elevatlon CVn/a CI Address I-I Fac 111 t) Perml t /~/ Envlronmental Health ~ r' ,- ( FOR INFopr'lATION about progress of your appllcatlon call Permlt Control Center 687.HELP (687-4357) . '-, TRS, TT 2.R Il-03-31t-22 'Plat; Plan Subd~vJ.SlOn GARDEN GROVE Lot 2 Block 3 OWN-lOR KEI'\~lOl~ ~ MAAIE J>-l\DE~N 1215 ISLAAD 51 SPR\N.GI'\~\.D\ oR p\{)l\E. 7"16-~0a3 CES\G~I::R' SlE.VE ROEI' \ ~05 N ,i;:h Sl' SPR'~c.>o, aD, oR ?r\Ol'\'t: 14-6-8S\6 - J " , , , ~ .... , . 1-' :w W, a:. r- en z ~ t/'l i $ ~ J~ _.,,---...l.o'. ,~, - - --:0:-- --, --- : ,Ii . . ~ ...1. .~ ..- I" I; i zoo II 222 40 /,. _ Vicinity Map C74-l50 (Address) 1215 ISLA~D ST, SPRINGI"IEW, 00 For Permit U For For Permit U For For ~_ Permit U For __ ffA.tz.,,-yfAr;ublISLAND SI 8000' Job Location Permit U Permit U Permit U ": N U", SCALE. I = 20 o tJ) N 5' "'""', cll.R~1 I .\ (. ! WAJE~ CjlLtl7 ~:- -~~ I 0 ExlSi ,...,. o . :' DRYl.lE.\.l z= ~SOOP D~~\LIIIIIIIIIIIIJJ Y S~~~\~ ~ I I I I EXIS111-lG I __ PRt..1N FIE::'_il -------b I --- - ---- o , 7622 I SL AND ,,""'''' , --~:~~T~~2~_'~ -:-"\~~,r I ~ -,r- , i' .-J 7 ~ I " Ul , I_ - -. \1 .)'i~1 5> ,." l , # r, ".1 ~ .../-- 'r- -~ --4 u' _ ... -:....._~--;- .N~ ~ 6 ,';" ! ~~~:-_w- ~ 3 /5 ZJ7 /" ~...:! -,. Q::'