HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1978-2-14 - . " t.':.. . ""'lR-02-~5,o?, t/ ~gCO . TRS"TI /00' I co...1' ')RlVE JOB LOCATION -,- -. -- --- ---.-- ....V.l. _v ....."l,.~\..l...I,..I J..I..llo..I.\.,L.. =-.... c) c::_ !-'(,j x. <-~ 1.....- - '- .::> '--.) SPRI,:GFIELD ORJj,G0N . .L. ll.uVvl'- J..U v\..J..oc, L.uL.u .:>rL'-..~..n1Ul,. J.t,L.t.J v\""< r...l.....JJ.. LANE COUNTY PERMIT Acreage or Lot S17~ Contractor's 0 S # 08 X 170 X 30 X 129 X50 . .. THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF THE CITY OF ~ I hereby certify that the above statements are;true and accurate, and that I have the following legal Interest In thp oroperty _owner of record, contract purchaser, _ potential buyer, XX re~ltor or agent I further certify that (If not-the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of '-. .... /, r '(, . ~ record, and that said oWrler,Js aware and approves of th,s action I hereby agree tQSomply with all,appllcab)e'Godes 'lelal1ng to this permit ~ F.ee P.ald $ dO. \. O~ ~ \" <~, 'Slgnature (;( r:t: ~~ ~~E' b "i- ~ '\ B NEW ADDRESS ( ) FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT ~PECIA~ PM-f'AREA MIN ELEVATION * ,c'<,.,t) SANITATION BUILDING F L 00 [) P<...A I AJ 7r7C> MInimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) . VN T e of COrlstructlorl "1:::- Group 11'3'0 =C...J I Dralnfleld ReqUired - Lineal Feet . 'd>.J../ Ilse ClaSSlflcatlo~ 3D MaXimum Depth IlL. ~ I Comments J2.""..;.:W'....e, a- ~.J1 -~.A.-'t~ ,.Comments F, IJ'~"" FLtJol2 To at: 4 BlP .1)0_ .'r~ ~,,-:&1..- ~~ e<-'........1f~ 'BR.A SS CAP IAJ Me, Co u ~& R~()IIIS /!-I ~ ,~<fl....- U...... <7,4.., fer'- ^'fdc~ OF blXl1: b2lVE 4 CD('~/WAY +;:tb__ oe~~~. / ,~ AT A ~ EI...EI), of=' <Ja3,9~' o 0 ~ --- _, () 3-3o.-72J ~5S By ~ ~...4J-o",-- Date ~rZr;;t(- 78' -----"By k ~/l ~L.l::.-l""" Date ;2 ....:21-70 PLANNING-R~Ol.!/.IREMENTSSATISFIED By'........... ,\O~~~./_ Date __Y-e- ~ \"-Date Issued:::;'!-~7-7~ '-ZONE~~ ,. SETBACKS FRONT N;::::;-SlDE'FAC'ING STREET (FROM CIL) INT SIDE YARD ","-J REAR"=:' (FROM PILI LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONM!NTAL"MA:NA(;~ENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE \-4394 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE C5513 SLOG PERMIT - WHITE, BUILDING - GREEN PLUMBING - CANARY SANITATION - GOLDENROD OFFICE COPY - WHITE v!lt."" APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRFC:C: OWNER'S NAME AND ADORES" CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADORE"" Mail permit to ( ) Applicant ( ) Owner STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY NEvI DWELLING GARAGE THIS PERMIT IS FOR "Tru,."... AD'" U1A..1\. ~LLAMETTE WATER DIST: WATER SUPPLY. " JI Partitioning # ) Completed NT VERNON ESTATES SubdiVISion - Lot.t...L Block SPRINGFIELD OREGON 747-5774 3rd AL'D: ARMSTRONG CONSTRUCTION 1023 DIXIE L.l.l.1. ~1..;lJ.r..V~~\:J Phono Phono Phono (owner, etc) wherl ready_ APPLICANT ) Contractor ( ) Prefer to pick up Call NONE \,.,UJ.'iJ.Nl\.oJ.V.t\. ...,1.., "'''''''1'\ 1~~~ ;1 - ~IU sq tE; VALUE $44,056.00 &.. INSTALL SDS tt: :3 10 # BEDROOM" # PLUMBING CONNECTION~ PROPOSED SEWAGE DISPOSAl S I # SPRINGFIELTl PLUMBING BY TWIN CITY PLmffiING I I 'oil. '-J rp ('p ,Ot... o C \ ... -~,. " , '''',-, """ ,. ~ "i 4> .-"" \........ ~J <;... .- '- '0 ..- c;f- (./'; (..0 ..- , \ I ......, I--' /' :;.> '\ ..-- ..-- / / /<{ --~..-~~ / .- \ , . -- \"\ \ \ ........... -. -- . , , '. . . . / I I .~'n"- , er1\. ~ I 1-_;--.. ,,',~: I II ?,- ..,~- - , , ~4' I - dl1f ti- -,f- -'- . ---i.J L "J r-"'k-~/L, ~ , _--;-- I 1,\ ,_ \---1 .::. ' , 1--__ . I I ---- - I-L. ,L~I \ J r-- - r~- I -;;,- - --1 ~ r I, c - ?\) I I Ir,: fr-: , I - , c, , 'I , ,{ , , \ '/ '\' J' \ . \ ' ' \ \ ]'.\.. \" \ '\ .. "- \ \ '. r- \' -/ -'y -t~ -- l2l' \ ' I""- .....1- ---1- :',_ '\, --- ---- --....... ~ __ ~ _ - I _________~' I - -'l-1 ',":'" ... \_ I -='" ~ :::, y .. .. - ~1 1-- ___ I ~ C) ';.jf..l./L-I!, ,-....~---------.::::::;-t0 I~: \\' ~ --- t- - - - -- - - -\:-6- - " I ~ lD ~' -L__ J-- -~-"::-s\ . 1 :"~VV! ~ ~ ~~ ~. ~ - rt-- 1\ (\ ^ ~ N~J V)( ~ b , - \ .. \ ' ----_ I -------~ - Date \.hbueu11J Q1.. 107 Z Permit No _ ;)85-'75 CURB CUT PERMIT IN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LANE COUNTY WHEREAS, the attached appllcahon has been fully consIdered by the Board of County Com. missioners of lane County, and It IS the opinion and ludgment of the Board that the said application should be granted, and that a permit should be Issued, now, therefore, It IS hereby ORDERED, that a permit be and IS hereby Issued to ~~(jY"'\O r I"II\'?A:,. ; 102..""5 C2.lx,u.., _, ~~"\(j-f-o.--td. lM'5(c9"l\ for placing, building or constructing the following faCIlity I....J L --'i": II R.J\{"~ 2.. Uk- VEeISlOtJ &:AA1~7? ~rf! o..dd.J-toY\,) u~~t~ ~9htt;;{:Ja; of ~:;2 Road No , Mile Post , In strict conformity to the exhibits attached hereto, and sublect to all terms, conditions, agreements, shpulatlons and provIsions contained In the appllcahon and permit, the Rules and Regulations Gov- erning FaCIlities to be Permitted upon County Road Rlghts.of.Way, as set forth by the lane Man- ual 50 190(2) any amendments thereto, and any other applicable regulahons, law or ordinance Special PrOVISions Driveway will be constructed In accordance WIth the attached driveway approach speclflca- hons (DraWing M98-50) 2 Permittee will be responSible for the ImmedlOte removal of all mud, dirt and debrIS from the roadway and right of way caused by hiS operahon, leaVing the roadway and area In a neat, acceptable condlhon 3 Sldewalks w111 be constructed 1n accordance w1th the attached sldewalk spec1f1cat1ons and draw1ng M98-49 The Standard Curb Type shall be constructed unless otherw1se spec1f1ed Th,s permit IS revocable at any time, and wdl be strictly adhered to and no work other than that speCifically menhoned above IS hereby authOrized Th,s permit shall be VOid unless the work herein contemplated shall have been completed be- fore . ')ohu~ Inspected and Approved ;;),1 ,19~ Expires , 19_ By Approved by Board of County CommiSSioners By Cl De.LIJ~ (A) Director of Public Works Datp l WHITE - OFFICE FILE YELLOW - REAL ESTATE PINK - PERMITTEE ORANGE - BUILDING & SANITATION DEPT C74-129 \ r \ ""v~ Job Location (/1/e / Sloe k.. 7(:) Co Ie... INFORMATION SHEET rOGCj ,D /l. ) )dS/C1Z R,i "1{j 1~ 5.&/~ ~- I -rr TRS, TI /..f - :2 - s- Wrltten Duectlons D I')' iF D/uve. . - OI!//rjJtI. ytJ) BUlldlrlg Permit " ) Site Feasibility Study for Septic Tank Number of sites Acreage or Lot Slzefl.,X /70 '/.. :5,,:; ;( /;19)(00 Test holes will be ready Partltlorllng # ( ') Completed SubdivIsion '/11 /JV 4/7 {/(7/'1. /V,",-1./~ -3M Lot ( ) Perldlrlg /! .. ~ APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS />/-/2/VY1 <;. T7JC/~ ~/<' 'TJl vcfil<<-'<./ OWNER'SNAMEANDADDRESS,lfdlffererl)jfromappllca-rlt's" L D. ,/-C,J"/OflA- 4-11....... "r7?<_/'4 Phone"'7bL6 t7c;..;< CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS /f-i?/lM ,rn-"'j C -~/~71h..c..'-';J~ /0 ~ '? D ,> i '- .PI?.. Sp/i.....'f~/dci Cd,... Phone /'.' .? ,,')? fl. Mall permit or resu Its of site feasibility study to ( ) Applicant ( ) Owner 5..11) Contractor ? 74 ., 1 " I "/1) Prefer to pick up Call //,.1 7 >7, ') (owner, e:~wherl ready C" ~ Contractors O. S. ~ g f'99 ST'UCTURESNOWO,"""'OPE'TY ~v~ ~"""cs-~~ ()~ (~ '. ~ - /- PROPOSED USE (thiS permit) P e..5" I rI f"'..-./ C r o:Ji a...+dv.d ijcucu::<<. ,J:)8-W Sf) ~j! P?v'1rlY'on'i "3 I <--'1_ ~_Il. 1/ WA TER SUPPLY U /..,- LI.A.A.-,~ ... 77:? !...~ ~ 0 ---'7t?V--""f( ~XIStl;;';;:Jg r proposed well etc If pUbl:-;:me of system) - /.. . / ~ ' , SEWAGE DISPOSAl ~ l.eXlstln~s~tlctank,etC) SI 1= c-:J, PLUMBING BY --r;,_u.~ ~ A .ff~ Address . ~ /~- .. ..~//-e/ 17....... (/ / v.. ,/c...i'.. I /r Ylf) PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF CITY (eV I'/1A~(; ~// / ~ '*** **** **** ************************** ****** dFFICElU~E ON L Y BE LOW THIS LIN E *** **** ** **** ** *****1* ""*** * ** -11-;"'* ** * 11- <I- **......;;"""... ( ) New Address Necessary ( ) Facility Perml1 Necessary ( ) SpeCial Permit Area MlnlmulT/Elevatlon y ~JI ZONF SETBACKS Front Side Faclrlg Street Interior Side Yard Rear I (FROM CENTERLINE OF ROADI IFROM PROPERTY NESI ~-'~ (. ;n/ i',! To Plannlrlg/Buildmg Irlspector/Sanltarlan/Surveyor U l7 ThiS applicant appears to have a problem With \ /' Your asslstarlce Will be appreciated ........./1, By Permit Processing s~1h ~ '------- -Ie:. C5512 By DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Permit Processlrlg Sectlorl 125 East 8th A verlue 687-4394 Responsp //()~~ "'-, -~-"~~ '''~l~JtI.'r' For Of lice . Us~ Only _#~-'2;/ nccC.vcu by " .- todrJ 1-, , , d:./~ t. T. Number "',. /I 7<V-;:3'b ~ . Yes 110 UrbaOIZlnq Area Soce,al Perrnlt Area ~ ), ~ TillS IS A rnELIHllIARY nEPOnT WIIICH DOES.MOrlllSUnE TilE ISSUANCE OF A FUTUnE BUILDING PERMIT. I PLANS OR EXPENDITURES iHADE IN):Ij,E~ltfCE UPDU THIS REPOnT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. . ", ,.3'rJ~)'PlEASE PRINT ulk5CI-2S}')" If SubdIvisIon - Ilome Mf.';: \(d-/'17<P/'? B1k 2- (r;-11.)81ftrH-IDjot 1/1// IBlock #1- ~~ ' ~; I I3.l-'ar_a~ E'-' v ~ No ;0 ~ Section TaxjLot No. Owner of Property Owner's Consent , II . I ! I;RI...,jr:.rr... FitX' Uame 'J3.3::,3 r-; I tZd 1:.Jt:Lf7l-rLl- Lb- 17<r. Hall ing Address , 'C:;b I-"'Tffr:,'a-t/ Tot~1 , i, i Yz)......-r. ' Cash 1'jlft-307':J. X IZ-V: -b'~<.e. ;;'r...-y....Jt:.;?tAheck Telephone # S,gnature pf Applicant Date I I I . . I' F Appl icant's Interest Buyer In Property: Other (Specify) I, /'85 (? , TownshIp 2 \.V' Range , ~ (j ~ ~ <::J .......... , Proposed Use of Prop,erty J?a'5;'dn!./~f/€Y1 ;.., Property Size Legal Access - Road'Name , , 'Is Property W,th,n One Hlle of City? Yes ~ What City? <;h-rrl ~o ----;=- ~~ " No. of S,tes I~ "? 7S Ch $ "'0'- No. of Acres 4- $ $ 2.2S' On ~ ; " 'It O\o.ner ~e II er I, Realtor , " , EXisting Structures on Property . , , ,. Proposed Water Supply PubliC V District. Spring _____ Wel' Other (Spec I fy),' " yilt' 4 ~> '. I i ~tl ',' t"} Property Locat Ion (0 I rect Ions) 42!d cf- I/d<;! <r.r ,P, / ::,wu j ,<),-n.P S~~.";Vl f; ~';.. I, .".if! a'u''--'/ Ib-JhtJ ~.., M".# I?" rU..tA'7_ ~V{;T When Will Test lIoles Be Ready? MARK TEST IIOLES WITII OUR FLAGS Location of Test lIoles on Property (Oate) I 'I lllf'l II ,[ , , ,'I --- ....l" I "t" ,r;'/ , , 'I.. , ' II ~ 1 t Ora" diagram of property showing locatIon of any landmarks }nd relationship of test, holes to these landmarks , ~- .... ~~ fi!3 {;~) t:- -- ~ ,. , , " 't II Ill' 11- c I I "Ij I' , Z, '4:-[" ,t, )L- r ,0 'I l-C(n- .~...,.... I' '" " " MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO HEALTII MID SANITATIOU HAIL TO LAIIE COUIITY BUILDING AND SANITATION DIVISION, 135 E. 6 th Ave., Eugene, Oregon 97401 C55-55 ./ ~ "",... I' I t '1.'1 ~:kB *i~-r>~~:tf"~ ~~ M~~it t';t;.., , ~..l ,~ . - . " J., f '( BIt... 2 -~-----~------- -- ~~ ... HI mest I101c ~-' ___e.___________ ~....._ . 0" - 7.' L ___----':!.... __ DO. vy\ '. ___~f.).t__~__IA J __~Test lIole A" - z.... cs ~a..... ----- ~- I I I '-----ilT;~tll;le a.. - ---- -- . Hi Ve f '" 6 '1 t$-f", -I~.:, /0 n'J ..., r ". ~ - ;; ~~~O/i 'it:':'~ "l. #2 Testllole ", I 0" - go 1- AO.. ~ \" -. .\; J f I ./ --- - TEST 1I0LI Rr;SULTS /'0 -/ ,3 6'//,-.3 #2 Test lIole 0" " - .0- /.Olin, 0" TEST BOLf; RLSULTS #2 Test lIole 0" 5L ,1- JI? '- l.~1 /) .tJ11.;- l.-- # 3 T,,, t lIole . /0' -\0....., I I .L #3 Te,t Hole I' #3 Te,t lIole 0" r 0" .. . MAP IR-z-~-z-4 T L eoc TO LANE COUNTY PLANNING ~ CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTION ?MF-t::. t"") OTHER FROM SURVEYORS OFFICE - FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC LANDS PHONE 687-4195 SUBJECT: PARTITION NUMBER SUBDIVISION BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER ~-.,~ OTHER RECOMMENDATION. THE ABOVE SUBJECT IS IN A SPECIAL PERMIT AREA THE ABOVE SUBJECT IS INCLUDED IN THE H U D. FLOOD INSURANCE AREA REMARKS_ T ];>\OU'T l2.~rco\."e. -n-\\C;:. ~RM\\ U).{'{ILL ~1? IT" v..J~ rlS5ueO-2. =IU(C;.,H!n ~12.. Ie ~ 4~' ~t>oS c..A...'P ,....., t...1F C_\.,H?_p...., (lA.t")u.1.c:-. l'>~t:)\~-,~~ 'blZ.\"e:- ~ coLE.. '+-it:...."f \ ~ A..""t .A..U ~ I T:. "- . <:3 1= 4.B~. C\~ ' DATE BY Lot Size :?.f X / If) 'I. 3" ,( 1.;7'/ X ~O Test holes will be ready . _M , ng # ( ) Completed SubdiVIsion ~7;1;_ I.- /v-/ I. h/ /v--'-1.- (-~ 1.(,-, JI A' -32c(l . Lot ol- tl[IOnl , "' ( ) Pending A d,t'cf! APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS /7-k'rV>! \ T7J.c "'-:J: (<,~ T7l ~ '-- /(<_ ,:.- ~ OWN ER S NAME AND ADDRESS, If different from applicarlt's _ L D. 'I- ,-,) ,_ /lp 7- 4,1..,) n', 7..--1_ NTRACTORSNAMEANDADDRESS '7--(',..,. ,n<-.-; G~_'C"-,-j" ~ ;'-'.11 1)'YlrJ)/<- '/)"""/,",c/r!Cdc. dil permit or results of SIte feasibility study to ( ) Applicant ( ) Owner .!.-1") Contractor <( 74'" 1 ,( i') Prefer to pick up Call -7L1 7 S-}) 'J . (owner, etc ) when ready Contractors O. S. If-/:- X'..F,,/c;:' ;; 'UcrUR;~ NOW ON T" E '"Dee 'TY /Vu ~ .~ ~ -,,-, . ",,1c. _ - '" \, < 7._< 0 0- Pc / '. _ .':::>-.\ --) ! \ \ PROPOSED USE (this permit) PCSlcJrl/~'?: O~/r7 /1 'dJvu~ ~-,Ir:;0JJ--;;/)d# RPdrocms""-.3 WATERSUPPLY {(/", 4)..(,-..-,,,.? (~ t(~l"l:...<- C~) ~:;-f('v''''!C(exls~~rproposedwell,etc Ifpubll~meofSYSten~ S vl..;.?-{Uc~- r---~ r SEWAGE DISPOSAl ,r- l'exlstln~pose_d;s..!7I:Jtlc tank, etc) S I ~ \... -, PLUMBINGBY_ -T::rL'~ C<:~..-I /7id.~h~ _ Address ;;~l,"",4-1./Lr'-"'~~A'~__-.J-t'2-<",/ ~. y-' , ' / ..' Y r-/- !~')PROPERTYISWITHINONEMILEOFCITY( '\ /:..;..,~~.. 1./ " 'HHH-;'~-'-:':;'H'HHHHH'HHH'HH'H' OFFIC USE NL Y BELOW THIS LINE 'HHHHHHH HHH'HH' H';'>H'", "., + -<\ v' \ .D U IF ./ -- I New Address NeCessary ZONE ./ " tA ~e'5-18 '). 3~ ~/ Cf/.)-l5/c'I<' 1c6 ~- ~::::--r I' "Ie' (JIl )--- ~~ ~~ c. ) I v , I ) Site Feasibility Study for Septic Tank Number of sites I Job LOcation I C. ~ Cl I) I!, <--c'" / ;; 10e IC 7c (, J 1 (' INFORMATION SHEET OI/IFtifl-" ~jC" ';r~~ Ly ,I Block (.:::2... Phone //4- 7 .5-7 ) ~ Phone /,~t. I ? ~'-1 Phone-,d,'." _'-.I ?_...z Front ) Facility Permit N ) SpeCial Permit Area Minimum Elevatlorl ~ Interior Side Yard Rear I /(./J IFROM PROPERTY lINESI ,/"? I/. {> _ ,1 ~ ~\ - (!;/ [ ( I <-lID i Permit ProceSSing Ser:rlo'h SETBACKS To Planrllng/B UI Iding Inspector/Sanitarian/Surveyor ThiS applicant appears to have a problem with Your e will be appreciated ~'\'/. '\3147576' 7 ~\\ /?-\ .f;\7 <b M,qR ~~ 197:~ r-.. c::> c.c R,:CEIVED W? \."'" cAlVE COUNTY p,; '(.,.> oURVEYORS ~ ~5 12 "'/ ~....~ I '1' , 1111\..1:: ,1);':..--' Side Fac g treet (FROM CENTEfu E OF ROAD) - - ----;........... - - . i' \- \1 \- By By ARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Permit Processing Sectlorl 125 East 8th Avenue 687-4394 .Dlvlslon "'-.......... ---------- //(~ \~~~~ f<Y' -I . MAP JB-2-~-z-4 T.L ~ , TO LANE COUNTY PLANNING "c ~ CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTION '?MF-J:.l) OTHER FROM. SURVEYORS OFFICE - FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC LANDS PHONE. 687 -4195 SUBJECT' PARTITION NUMBER SUBDIVISION BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER ~~-.,~ OTHER RECOMMENDATION THE ABOVE SUBJECT IS IN A SPECIAL PERMIT AREA THE ABOVE SUBJECT IS INCLUDED IN THE H.U D FLOOD INSURANCE AREA , REMARKS T b lOU', '2.1:.1" c;.l\Je:. ,'-"'"::0 ~~M\"t UtoSTILL ~1<. rr -.J>,iJt.5 -1~_ll=D_ J:IUl'SHe:f\ ~12... ,0 P-.E:. 4~.t'Y'\' 'P::IlAD<S c..t:....T? I~ I....U:;.. c-ul?-P-:. ll.A...t'2t~C- ~F ~\-tIE., 'OQ,,""'E- ~ c.ou:. '+-ib...'l' Ie::. A..\. .bo..... ~'c. I. 01= 4&~.~~1 DATE BY ! >-0-" 'lI ~."', '~> ~~\ 'l', ~~~~:~~,~-~~ ~ .~ . ---i \L VI ct~~ Jf\) ~ 't - '-.J t:: ~ 3~:C Ocr) ( \~ '-... ~ -- --' -.........--"" I.... (j\--.~ ~~ \::i- -D 6- ~ ""'Y,-'"l:,#N_:!,.?l"l.rZ!1 ' , -'~. I;'~Y""., I' 6~~~,.t) .;'{~1J;:" ---- /,\lJ~,-~ ... -r i ~ 'I , . 1_- " - J/ I --- " T/I'I" -- ~~-f-~-L' ,- " 1---- ..,_ ~ --~ - " , i --'~" " "f" -r- -" ,,\,-"_, ",- --- ,- -~ ~- -- I J l ,I ' \ ;:: --- ,- "',- r ---~/ I t--____ I - -r I I i : i " ,'\ \[ I I I , , -- - ----- - ------ -, - - -7--_+__ / I - I I / I I,; /.. Ilr) CV t, y- , , CV -. ./ - , . -' ~ ~ ,/ .1/ I I "J' / - - -- ----J {,I' 'II J--- __ --- -- --- - --.+-- --------- ---- r I -~- I . - I t-_.~ --J 1/ --:'----:J r~r-'- --;- '7 . ; I _,' I, 'I I -....- -l---i.~ ~ I I ' -...~_ I :"'7 I' I A I I I " ...J. e/ ..- . ( . L . , Q. , , -.4.. _---. ......... t /'" \-- ""..- ___ r- / " /'" o . /' // o " , '- , - 4.~"'- ~ ~:-' ""r . ~ / ---- - .---' t.'---- 1 \ ' ..-- - I 90 . ? ..--, '0 ...- -~ . " ". ~_'l~ -Wi! ~I-'~") '" </f)A_. ~./tl.- , ~'T"'Jj ~ .--;.~ COlh.~.Y 0'.9n.." ^ ~ - l ..~- ~ ~<~~- MEMuIZANDUM bn~ county - TO JOHN SMEED FROM GEORGE CURRIN SUBJECT SPECIAL PER~lITS ~ DA TE MARCH 28, 1978 Mt Vernon Estates Th1rd Add1t1on lS located 1n the Coast Fork and Upper W1llamette Spec1al Perm1t Area as des1gnated 1n Chapter 11 of the Lane Code .[', The Lane Code 1n Chapter 11 510, requ1res th1S off1ce to determ1ne the m1n1mum f1n1shed floor elevat10n pr10r to ~he lssuance of perm1ts Dur1ng the course of determ1n1ng the f1n1shed floor elevat10n for Perm1ts Number 466-78 and 467-78, 1t was f hat the follow1ng perm1ts were not referred to th1S off1ce. 2857-77, 3464-77, 5- nd 376-78 Perm1t Number 2857-77 lS bU1lt and occup1ed, Permlt Number 3464- s 80% f1n1shed. Construct1on has not started on the others Th1s off1ce has chec ed the elevat10n on Perm1ts Number 2857-77 and 3464-77 and f1nd that both are above the 100-year flood level Th1S off1ce would ecommend that a reV1ew of your assessor's maps and subd1v1s1ons be made to assure th y have been stamped as spec1al perm1t areas If th1S off1ce ay ass1st you 1n 1dent1fY1ng these spec1al perm1t areas, please feel free to call ~trlI.~ 3-30-7t!> ~ ~ ~-.~~.<1"IJ,() ro ~~~4 ~'-GtirJ~ ~~~~ 07'1 GMC:gc (# TR91TI oJ'7S-0z.-0"'\ . , Job Location (Street, mile post) 1060 CLn..f'_ De . ~ln"5<'ftold' _ SubdivIsion 3120 o...dd.t.hon t6 -^^mAn\- J \romf"m C<8ta...to.r Lot ,y Block ~ Plat Plan ',~ \,J - i'xi System Approved 0 System Disapproved ~~(Q\~\78 FOR SANITARIAN'S USE ONLY COMMENTS o Needs Correction Signature _ ~~ FOR INSTALLER'S? Trench Depth_ .';'n" FJI~ Depth Belo Tile 6-/2" Tank Capacity jOtJt:J Manufacturer W,,1/,,"~ G,.-~<; Measured d,stance to well from tank hbf lli. ("t~ from dramflefn Date \ R/W ~~~~ \ . &U~~ Cv\ .,,9 \0 I Y\ c/l \010 1 ~D Wab.r P L ;....~ A'\.<:jI ':l_~ ,..}, IP ~;~{ ~ " ~ b ~ l ~ a -0 e P' ~ ~ (I ...-< I ~'- J~\D ~ ~~51 "" <f) 1 ~"(1 ~_)ctl co - - c ~ ~ I J ~~- ~ <{ Cll \ ~~~ f"...... ......., ~~\ JIll cJ ~i .~* I 10~ - toJ t I 9:-10 - . /3/ ~ 'f (/ ---=.>> l I ",It 4-/b.5' --.,. lo't " ~o~se Scale INSTALLATION RECORD AND CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY COMPLETION When signed by the County Sanltanan, this certificate IS eVidence as per ORS 454 665 of sat- Isfactory completion of a subsurface sewage disposal system at the above location ~ ~ co ~ ~ c ~ N > Cll Return this form to Permit Processmg Section, Department of Environmental Management, Public Service BUlldmg, 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene 97401 C5511 ri .~ ,..~J \.'.-.. . t""". ...... ,... 'niS.. T' . ,.' ".' J'. '-.1. f- . eOt.] tmI'J;:; JOB LOCATION m'''' ...n . ''-,'~l' ""'TTr. SP~l~CCI~L~ ORRGO~ ,.. . -~ .-'\......... ..... '. It, .~. lO-l:lZ...()5 ...(," YllT"'-1 ': tt;.>_t"r 'flit" #~~t "" C'r.'DTl'"f"<?TT.-:'t ":'t :'\~H::?f"'>ntr.- . _._- -- ---- ~w:- E "'4.r...<fi~'f.'" LANE COUNTY PERMIT X n.: V:l!;;'.O:! ...5'fl'~~j.'i;l!f. ) C6mpleted",,(2.\lbdiVision,. . ,::. } ,. '-J CJ'" -" '" I ....t'dt1 H B loc~ 10:13 :OIXrE S~:U:~IELD OI\::Gmi /J /..... ~ ./ ,- :,/--- - V ,', \ $3 X 170 11: 30 X 129 ).:50 ~.rd. ~\::-l) 3 Acreage or Lot Si7Q Contractor's O.S. # u.....U'....jI Partitioning # W!S'i'RO::m CO/,lS'l'RUCTIOU 1!,7-57n. ) Contractor. :i(hiti ) Prefer to pick up. Call 74i-5772 Phone Phone Phone (owner, etc.) when ready. ,,ri,,(,. ,r\, 1_1 " APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESC: OWNER'S NAME AN.D ADDRESC: CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS Mail permit to ( ) Applicant ( ) Owner ~- ~ ~ -",:?-~:~~-::". F1~t'j!n^'~~nn STRUCTURES NOW ON n!.!=,;JiR,,91~t':l1tl QAtW:;r. THIS PERMIT IS FOR ~~;JAGI\ ARm, tJIl.LM1ET'in B'A'IE'R ::lI:iT: .,..., <;:21;( ....... <,. .....~..... ~ In ~ ~t #BEDROOMC: # PLUMBING CONNECTIONS-:-.' TIlOPOSEJ:; J:.){1-P' B'~ ~~~ V'n.LtJ.iJ . ~~IJV;,)U.~ a'll sa ~!:t rr.S!6Lt SDS WATER SUPPLY SEWAGE DISPOSAl SPRI!'lCFIE'LD S.I. # WrN CI'lY ptmmnU; ;.. ~.. THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MI LE OF THE CITY OF . '.-' - -, I hereby certify that the above statements arett';:~~?d accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in the property: _owner of record; . contract purchaser; _ potential buyer;\~ .!.e~ltor or agent. I further certif.y; th~t., (if not'the'''bWner')I..am authorized to act for the owner of " .record--and,that saidowner,is aware and approves cif'iliis action. I hereby agree to,comply v.lith.aILa"pplicab.le~C6aes 'relating to this.permit. Fee p.a'iO $ :;;f-., \. .:.:::;....\ ( . , '. . \<, .Signature :~. ,r: ...,..c~~ Dw -"..-1>(:' - \ ~ 1- { (y.i NEW ADDRESS ( ) FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT I SPECIAL PMT. AREA. MIN. ELEVATION: SANITATION BUILDING 1 r, , , ,. , Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallonsl vr.i Type of Construction ,,' Group -' Fire Zone Drainfield Re.quired . Lineal Feet '_.~.i"" llse Classification Maximum Depth , . . PLUMBING BY Comments: ; . Comments: ,< ~. '" ~",. ..' .1 " i, .>c'" .0::-. ........ -:P'......4' .. , " .--.-->"'....... . - L " By:""" Date:.'......... :.\.-,';. No{ Bh& I.A.Se.~. <. PLANNING REQU'IHEMENTS SATISFIED. Bv:',,",- ,'Y.. >--;~;;-....--'~.,,-._Date: -,. ZONE: 'Y."~\\: SETBACKS: FRONT \ -\:'.:? SIDE F~C'ING .STREET (FROM C/LI Date: :-... ,,:"' "7... <It (.. \...., '\ Date Issued::>l7.o;l- {0- INT. SIDE YARD 'GREAR ~ (FROM Pill ,. ...-.... '.""- LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE., EUGENE, OREGON 97401 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE PHONE: 687-4394 C55.13 BLDG. PERMIT-WHITE; BUILDING -GREEN; PLUMSING.-CANARY; SANITATION-GOLDENROD; OFFICE COPY-WHITE "" , . . , '. . ~ ...- -..,.- .... .......... --~-~::~ /1 \ I / ,\ 1/ \ / I , ( { ~ ( \1 1__ ~ --- ~/-- .- '\'.....---. '7 '-....: --- c ,-, r 'r,.l ,/\: it~ ~ I ---1 ---~ -~ I -.....1 ' ( , " , 11 , t ---~1r_- .---- " / I r , --. I i I . I I , I , / ) ! Ir~1 TAi'H~ / -~- -- -'~-7 n I ,---1__, I ------...,. , ;: 1;, 'X ',,"' I FL\...::: l ,'I I . r:- '>~11~ rl ' .'-, I U ~\ ~ , -,.....,-... - ~--'- "-- , ", " ' \ \ \' '. ' "" 0' ,:-r \-} ~\---,'-1,:'f'- '--.': :-\ \- \~ "oc: '" 0/' \- ~ ~ 1,- ,J,_ \- '" \'l~ t II : \ , " ,q ~, , '\' \ " \ '\ \ ' , \'\ '-'. ' I \, \, \ \ \ \ I / '\ " '\ f I " I , "\ '\ \ \ , '" \ " " '\' " , ", 0 \ \\ " , , ,\ \ , " \ 'j I 'j , " , , '\ '\" I" " , , '. \ \ " \..' ,,~ ' \ . \, \ '" 'f, ('~, ' , , , , , " ' " \, " r \- " ~' , '" , "'~--':\J I., ,~ , . \', , /'. D ~-----..,,___, ';". I A II I ' ,jl I I ! ;0! I' I- j/ I I ;:' Jrl' L_ ---___ __ --.! I " {' ; , -...., ... , /y' " ;-------.-----,1..4-__,;. ------ I I ----1 / I i I I I ~6'J" r' \/ \~...... f\... 1 \ :z{ ~ \ ~ , r<7 \. \ --- .....1("11 b. r>AD1U:.~ ..,.".r....." ~ \ \:' --- \ '.... '~"~/- ~ , \ \ \ , \/( , . \ ..- /', \ ,.. " \.~ / ''Y....':f"' '" ~/ .../ ,0 /'" -) . ,/ T.. ....6 ~/ 1/ - --' - . ~... I I , I I I i , , , . , , I f. - (-I" ,.~ .;...~" ... I , ''''~..;..<''' ,~( ....~ ., I ' .;:c ,~ I ..~~~;; .) .~- -, -:;; . . . . ~ '."''''''-<V-,,__ ^ ... \,,;/ ", <:;-!>~~ W~ ~ A\~,%}~~...... ". -~\"f"1~"- i'f':~~'>>7-:!. ~.,A. .. Jr''l''...........,.:~.._ , ~ ," ~ ...r. ~~ ~ - ~.. '...' "-- . /, ..j , , F --7 /" l__ , / , - - ;:>T~ 18-02-05 /06/ JOB LOCATION .. - .. COLE DRIVE SPRD'GFIELD OREGC'?j -...... <::) r- .. -I ( <:::;;>\"- ~ I( vv... _..... ......&04\......... .............L. ........~. 4. J.~....v....\" .LV vl....u..... ~L L\...L....lUl... .L....4J./ V~~_"'..J... . -:Acreage or Lot SI.70 Contractor's 0 S # ~8 ~ 170 X 30 X 129 XSO ~ Partitioning #. LANE COUNTY PERMIT 10~3 DIXlL Subd IVISlon Lot -'J SPRIUGFIELD }IT VfRNO!T FSTAll~S 3:r.d i~'J 1fOt.-;;;~ ) Completed APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDREC:C: OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESC: CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS Mall permit to ( ) Applicant ( ) Owner ,'-'.l,'lSTRO.;;G CO;:STR!J~llO,< Block OREGer! 4 ) Contractor ( ) Prefer to pick up Call ............l.......,'-'.l..\....... -,- . Phono . Phono Phonp (owner, etc ) when ready,. 747-577_ .... iJ. . '"'"..._)....~ VL~~ '\! PLIC\. ~ WATER SUPPLY JJ4_V,- :-::..:_ "=::'i:' "T1T::~ _ I ~'I _.8~T ln~3 r,< Ie r,l, so .t;t . 'I . s~ ti: ," VALu~ ~~L~055~O~ ~ .ST - ~..T.. S', 3 ~. # BEDROOMS_# PLUMBING CONNECTION~ STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY ~ ....'. D~ BLLe,G Gt'..Pl.C< THIS PERMIT ISFOR C' -,~.,..~ 'n,,-' SEWAGE DISPOSAl PRJPGSr--j Sf #. THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MI LE OF THE CITY OF ,........::~: ' PLUMBING BY _u , ' - . - ' . I hereby certify that the above statements are/true -and accurate, and that I have the following legal Interest In thp property _owner of record, contract purchaser, - potential buyer, ~ realtor or agent I further certify that (,f not-the .owner) , am authonzed to act for the owner of ' ./ I'" ~ record, and that said owner,lS aware and approves'of th,s action I hereby agree to gJmply with all ilPpllcable Codes relatmg to this permit < - - .. I. .... \, \, ... \ ::- -:"""" I~ ~ -.. r - /~_ ~.. __./ _ __ .~ ~_..... Fee Paid $ ,,-... -\ \ --- -- \" "" .Slgnature /.. f ~./ f ......tf....",/"'(/rr.,-? Datp _- ...~~- ~ i ) NEW ADDRESS ( ) FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT - ~PECIAL PM-( AREA MIN ELEVATION V SANITA~1~--> B,-!I~DIN~ F L 00 [) "'el-A I Ai ~ ~ E" A Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) I'" I . T e of Construction / r.roup _ Fire Zon /' / - Dralnfleld Required. Lineal Feet ~.::>'., ; I Jse ClasslflcatlOr> - MaXimum DeRth W-C t FlAIl ~.LI F I ". T ':l) =- .A I Comments~THt$.PeR M!T.WI\S tSSve(;),1,) e~R.o~ ommen s tv ~ n ...()O,Go 0 c__ ., B~ ,/)0, s.uce r+l~J>E~IM'-"'_;.b~ b..'9~TJ~'~u 06.c:'f:#(f:., F'IA//SH &raA SS CAP IAJ Me, Co tJ R'P.:, RA-Ol/.i f'Loo~(e~ATtDA1'eEQ();gEcn::oeTtle.s'?c.IAt:)~eeMITAlEAoF bIXH: brl.IV6r<l C.Of...(S WAY - ~~~~:~,A,':J:';:~~.e;~~;:~;::~~~~~~~~;~ IS AT A tV t:l-cV, a1=' <H33,93' ELcOATIJJ~ lleQullZ~l:>- ?LeASEAJorETHE' c:.D~Me"'TS, ~-3o-7a ~5S ACI)7;~ ~_~ A~'p!.~/~ .!."e- ~lflJ/~a~/^F~~~~'~. St-OO'\t~,EcJAT~()AJ~~~< 0 Date-- - -=- PLANNING REOUIREMENTS SATISFIED By~ Date '- , ", -Date Issued ZONE ,-- ,'-' SETBACKS FRONT, 1 SIDE FACING STREET (FROM C/L) INT SIDE YARD REAR . , ~ J _ I , (FROM P/U PHONE '\ 4394 LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 C5513 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE BLOG PERMIT - WHITE BUILDING - GREEN PLUMBING - CANARY SANITATION - GOLDENROD OFFICE COPY _ WHITE .........- - , .' .LU-f\2-\J;; , ~ 1! ~ -- 2..... ... TRS, TI JOB LOCATION - . .~ I "'1'..l-.... ....- - '" -- 3() :"'C '70 ;~ 3u :E 12J .., ,~ LANE COUNTY PERMIT '1 -. fl' T r. - '\.... ~ . \:... +-~v... ......:J;~l..~ ~ JL ,- Acreage or Lot SI?~ Contractor's 0 S # lI(,JU~~ Partitioning # ) Completed SubdivIsion ". Lot l1?S _;~.,.. SP?.I...tG~~!rL'1 Bloc" O,"GC;' i.... 7...~ ,:', ~ f'..T:..-1?J.T.,......,.. "..~;{ ..'Bt.~~iZ:l.. APPLlCANT'S'NAME AND ADDREf''' OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRES" CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRF"" Mail permit to ( ) Applicant ( ) Owner ) Contractor ) Prefer to pick up Call. ......~ ,......-,,, ""'"=-.......... ....'- _<<-U.__... .... 7/,"'_(;,.,..,.., Phon~ Phonp Phon~ (owner, etc ) when ready ~..~o ""'$. _.....~ _...~ l ~l:"L..U....ab.f STRUCTURES NOW ON T~,~.~~_O.~fl';: Gl\.; "p.Gr THIS PERMIT IS FOR <(.'?( U'(!T' ,,-,.n, _......~- U!L1AIffil'i'!!: BATER l)IS~: Rn:1g ';}J? R*:{ OQ ~~, Vr~ryf ~~4.0S0.JO 0(/ -:<:1 ,.,., ".., lIT13'1'!U SIlS ,u ~q x.c: WATER SUPPLY SEWAGE DISPOSAl 3 Y # BEDROOM" # PLUMBING CONNECTION~' lmOPOSlD S I # ~~~~e::~:~~:~~:t ~~:~~~v~~~a:~Le~~Fa::t~~d Oa:curate,S~n:!::I~:ve the fOllo:,~~~e~~~~t~:st In t~~f tc~ . "';t , contract purchaser, _ potential buyer,,~ realtor or agent I further certify that (If not*the-owner,)..! am authorized to act for the owner of ~ # / I V record, and that said owner,ls aware and approves of tn,s action I hereby agree to.cof'ply $h a!.J.lPplicabj.e'Codes r~latlng to this perm~t _ "-. { '. -::,U \ '-~ -', " . \-' .'-", I ~ -'\'-1 -4/''''' A __r'*.,. ~ee Paid ~ -....~.-\ -- ' \ , "'" Signature .../ .. \/ / t ~... I ./7..A":7~-1-9" Dat~~- ~ \..-' (V) NEW ADDRESS ) FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT ( I SPECIAL PMt AREA MIN ELEVATION " . SANITATION 1/.0 MInimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Dralnfleld Required. Lineal Feet MaXimum Depth BUILDING VtlJ Type of Construction '1 .----- , ;'-'A Ilse Classlflcatlo~ Comments r,roup *. :;- Fire Zone - , Comments l' , " - ~ '. - ,,;'- ~ /' ~- ~'. .....{ .,. "-... --!.. , -" ~... ~,........~ ~ . t ~., .... ........ -- '. . " ,/, ....'- ~ .... - Date .....~ '._~, ~. 1'><' By PLANNING REQUI,REMENTS SATISFIED By.-...." I" "':::""'7 '-' ',_ Date ZONE -"" "'.-,+-\.' SETBACKS FRONT \ -\-..,) SIDE FACING STREET . .' -'. Date \ "\ - Date [ssued' -;I. __d 1- 1<5 INT SIDE YARD: REAR":':'" (FROM P/L) - - . ..... ~ ~- r. (F ROM C/L) ... - . ~- LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE PHONE 687-4394 C5513 SLOG PERMIT - WHITE BUILDING - GREEN PLUMBING - CANARY SANITATION - GOLDENROD OFFICE COPY - WHITE V '/ I I " .v~~p stAB FLOOR PLUMBING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ OAT -i/.;lS~NSPECTOR {Pi- REMARKS GAS PIPING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED ~ DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR ROUGH PLUMB I NG ApPROVEO m 01 SAPPROVED I I DATE~'- - ,J..y-7! INSPECTOR t? JI REMARKS ROUGH GAS PIPING ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ DATE REMARK 5 FINAL PLUMBING INSPECTOR DISAPPROVED ~ DATE 7~;J f1'7J?-INSPECTOR ~ Ddw C.A./l/l. .-..d~--I, . /P.JJ- jh~ ~~~ 7-~?-7d' R)I... V ApPROVED ~ REMARKS FINAL GAS PIPING ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED / / DATE REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY , INSPECTOR READY TO ISSUE ~ NOT READY TO ISSUE / / DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR THIS PROPERTY ISWITHIN ONE MILE OF THE qTY OF .......,.." I hereby certify that the above statements arelrue and accurate, and that I have the following legal Interest In the oroperty _owner of record, contract purchaser, _ potential buyer,,,X)( re11tor or agent I further certlf,y that (If not-the'owner) I am authonzed to act for the owner of record, and that said owner,lS aware and approves of tn,factlon I hereby agree to_com'fj'ly vC,th all ~pplicable'God;;S',"elatlng to this permit " r, <."'\, '\ 00(. ) L.....- / J:/1~ vd' ~ '-- "'-I' - ....\..../' '-.J --" 0 .,;...."" 41 ~ I I .....- _ -",' ~ F,ee Paid $ -., . . ---' ,\, 'L " Signature v .\ ~ :rfi 7/!.m Datp'-- .... "-.' 1 .._ ? (/1 NEW ADDRESS ( ) FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT ( ) SPECIAL PMT AREA MIN ELEVATION ...,~i I .... ----'/- .J TRS, TI -- . .1./0 { :: Acreage or Lot SI?P Contractor's 0 S # I..... :" APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDR~C:C: OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDR~C:C: Mail permit to ( ) Applicant ( ) Owner ,." ) STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY ,-!...tJ DlJELLiL:U G.CI.lJilGE THIS PERMIT IS FOR ,J'-W!l' ^r>f'^ ""'_\>0.1-'" . :'!:i.:_:;r:-:'; TlA'Im DiSi: WATER SUPPLY " , ;./ - It , , , . JOB LOCATION \. _\.L. ... ~_ --~-----"--~-~ LANE COUNTY PERMIT -, ..)v \Tt:::1l_-,l~, _~~'\..!.'("' _...\._ Partition mg # ) Completed ,- SubdiVIsion Lot _.L Block Jl;:L~Yl.BCi-C C:'.. t'3~.cnJr.. - "'t.. JJY!J ': C '~.:... ri"'T Y:!C_ :~..'L.J C lLGO ., 'i 'j?I..~ :~1>.10 LJ.. \:L~~"..,r . ~ Phone Phone Phone (owner, etc 1 when ready "\.J1JL.Y~~.\.L...' ) Contractor ) Prefer to pick up Call [,G~J \,..I",tt~"''-~''''.J.V ~ -;I' ~J "'"1~~ 1B~# ~~ ~\1 'llj 1(t: "'n L_. <J~. n::: ~~uE C~~~05GoJD ~~STN..L aDS ~ ~3 # BEDROOM" # PLUMBING CONNECTION~' J?110POC1ill S I # SEWAGE DISPOSAl 1l1?P.1l G:'Im.D T"LT (;1.(" , r:-~lJ.z'r ~ . PLUMB II'JG BY <j SAN IT ATION /'t-u /;6'0 30 MInimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallonsl Dramfleld Required. Lmeal Feet MaXimum Depth Group , Comments ~-7; "".. r_-AC...... 1~ ~'?- ~- t t'r<.u.zJ.!.. ~ ~ ~ ~r '/ .....1-- 1. ~~.:-' ...).-...~ --......- ~~ . ~~~ f' 1" A ~ ,~ ;..:.. ~, ..t ~.. ""--N"-t:\.--..., "/~~~""./P.lA~ BUILDING "r' ~1.- if, V . Type of Construction _ . ":k).J Ilse Classlflcatlo~ Comments F Ire Zone ~ ';:l /' ".. ~. '\,..... ~.('r.. /' , ...- J f ,"_.,.. ---'" '\ '.... I c. f. By /,../1 ~/ :.-___ Date '-...,.::.(~/y 78' By I" l-;t.., " ( t, PLANNING R~QLJIREMENTS SATISFIED By........... , ')'f" ~~,-,-"" '-...._ Date ___~"- , . ZONE- . ~c:;..~~~. SETBACKS FRON,! '''\Q SJPE FACiNG STREET (FROM C/U "'-"''--' ....__'-.\.'1 '''_-:, LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 ~- C/ P'J q -~"';. Date ,....... "",.- ~ t' ~ '\" --Date Issued o! - c! (-To INT SIDE YARD-::-)REAR...'::::> (FROM P/U PHONE 6874394 C5S 13 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE SLOG PERMIT - WHITE BUILDING - GREEN PLUMBING - CANARY SANITATION - GOLDENROD OFFICE COPY - WHITE "- .,. ~, '- " . SITE INSPECTION ApPROVED d DISAPPRDVED Cl DATE .t/-/I- 7Jf INSPECTOR~~ REMARKS FOUNDATION IN5~ION ApPROVED L:::../ 01 'APPROVEO ~ DATE INSPECTOR ~ REMARKS 9--J';i AK: ...,4.-;~J___ ~-/(-75! 0---..rP /. if" , '5>kA~ /?K ~ - _~'i'-d--4P.. L?I< .</::',Z-7;' O-fl /I /J // P"-"i "-- .d,Ce-nf 2/J r....L- ~':".../_ ;.~.. /l--<'~ ..~.r-ZA'>,..r- ~;?';/'z:;.?, /-2-7-78 ~/ ..L- P_..id"~..A<;/' "'--r-~-<-- ~ C/.. /. -e.. <,_~"""'~ Iv 4k~..,,-..,) _ C'.~ FR7J;fI~N5PECnoN - r /, / .. I _- J '07 <JL-. ". .. ,,/'7''''. . <-"k V -/2 lJJ )l<~ SA'" 7~ ApPROVED / """(DISAPPROVED /7 DATE I. -/-7:s?' INSPECTOR Q...-L ~"- ~r ~/ ~p (/ I--4<~~ ::-- e;'~-;-7-/- - ~l.:.e.-;,,--,,-..;z /_:Vr....-' -, ~ ~ "--_ rJ-:.... /-.-- -~"""--- ""... - f.- -79 _O~r-e /PJ.....j( -;:3" ".............. ~f(r-,_;r ...Lc--z,'7'.-._~__ .A~/_~:T.,--,- _..L,1 ....___~V ~~~;;!____/. _E, - Ch__~ (' ~~, ~~-- /-!.. / e;~ T ' h./'= '" ,l-----...! A7i f'~ "~---#r- - "" /:~-:_~ /~~J/:~'~ --7d-:--: r r~<;_~/ J .. </~P:- ~a" (/ LATH OR S~EE:R~N5PECTION ........ ~ /... "7,d~ ' :5-~2-3 lJ' d'V ApPROVED DISAPPROVED ~ DATE i,-7-/-7)[INSPECTOR a~ .9t~ ,y REMARKS i'1::Co " .1 "- I FINAL INSPECTION ~A ~ ~ ApPROVED DISAPPROVED / / DATE.-/.::::/I -nNSPECTORX~- ~s~~ ~.t!Yltz;;I:tc;?~?~:'"~~~../~~~ ~ /~+-PK-1#I~ ,./~?-!- ~ ~7;~_.n if-.-~fM"&vh /- r~ ,k./'/, -r../ .J.~.-PJ~..<'?~ ~~:...a ,,-'9>.-.--- ~ a:'in-/_,? ~ '~:I~C:;~F"~cc;~4 t;r~ ~ to;::~-:J-l;~ READY TO ISSUE ;---y NOT READY TO ISSUE / / DATE INSPECTOR j,. REMARK 5 (,f r<;lh ~ ') , , " ; , I , ~ ~DDITIONAL }NFauAATION REQUIRED I Submi t the follow1ng items to the Building OCf'icial at least 2 1Iaeks prior to installation. Return this form with two copies of all reqiiI'i=e(J 1nformat1ol1o CD W~ ?(~-- A~eo ~ ~ ~ @ ~TI~V~ .pu..>e~ W,f, "L..-=,':',IL.- (~o-J) signed: ~te:L M.o:.-&Q::.,t:.J>...J Building Permit No. -ze73-1B Applicant ARM~6 ~c"'-.l Job Location LOC?'1 ~ f)l~ J:;:Q1i&'-- I 7f"cO, Building Inspector,~IN\lAMf? ..'. ....;;. ~ /II r .. '.\. .J ,..V ~ate dCUtWllL..I :;n ~ lor7 '8 .J Permit No. ;;),85-76 CURB CUT ",' 1 " ' ",1:, \'-""\tf ~ , ~ . . PERMIT IN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LANE COUNTY " ...... WHEREAS, the attached application has been fully considered by the Baard of County Com" missioners of lane County, and it is the opinion and judgment of the Board that the said appli~ation should be granted, and that a permit should be issued, now, therefore, it is hereby. ." ORDERED, that a permit be and is hereby issued to Cirrn~tT1 (j")'YX l ~Y,"0 t. . , 10'2.'5 , ejl.'lUl.-, 0P1..L.Y'lX+l tL.l d. (M5..l'h"'. -- ';:r 'placin~, bUil~li~9 or constructing the following facility: '-...J I U / .- L (y( II dl.1iCk::2. tv\:;.. \':EI2fSl\OtJ c':!.Kivr;.:....,;/ (;:,r.cJ oddd I 0\\ ) (IOC;:;? CoJ...Z U~.) upon the right-of"way of County Road No, , Mile Post , in strict. conformity to the exhibits attached hereto, and subject to all terms, conditions, agreements, stipulations and provisions contained in the appl ;cation and permit, the Rules and. Regulations Gov. erning Facilities to be Permitted upon County Road Rights-of"Way, as set forth by the lane Man- ual 50.190(2) any amendments thereto, and any other applicable regulations, law or ordinance. . , / Specia I Provisions: 1. Driveway will be constructed in accordance with the attached driveway approach specifica. tions (Drawing M98-50). 2. Permittee will be responsible for the immediate removal of all mud, dirt and debris from the roadway and right of way caused by his operation, leaving the roadway and area in a neat, acceptable condition. 3, Sidewalks will be constructed in accordance with the attached sidewalk specifications and drawing M98-49, The Standard Curb Type shall be constructed unless otherwise specified. , 4."",.-..-.-".....: __. /(.,p-~" I- . . /'7 /,{.". ,;. . ;; ,_.... '(:.(f"'J' . , This permit is revocable at any time, and will be strictly adhered to and no work other than that specifically mentioned above is hereby authorized. v fon' .' MJJU O.ru, ) Inspected and Approved This permit shall be void unless the work herein contemplated ~ ,19_. .,'- shall have been completed be" -:;),1 Expires ,19_. ...- ..- Approved by Board of County Commissioners By I ://t~L'\)V( l.~;-"" (/\) .' Director of Public Works Date By WHITE - OFFICE FilE YELLOW - REAL ESTATE PINK - PERMITTEE ORANGE - BUILDING & SANITATION DEPT. C74-129 ~ l( .. d S' <J - 1f5 ~ " ~~lj \\), uW(f L-\;)~1) ~ 1,-, . G1!.~ ..., 1\>+ . / '" . Co s ez I 7FT - I ~ / J \J<':~ R ~ ~ ~ 1S -:::"(C:, ~ -z. .J 1. <- G)/ -=- ~ '2.. z..s .. \ '* ~ 2,. 2'2- 'S \<--.. /c:.. \.. L_ ~M . _ 6 ( f-5 ~ :~ ) 'N - L- - Z. ee.-' ~ \ Co :'5 ~Q ~ I'~~ L- . ~\-aI...;...1 l\ L... L b ~ ~II\. "\ Tt ~.'O ., I ---/ tl,) \4 Y Z<.. - A -- I. Z~ (2, \Y ':;' \ ~ k (\cT C::. crC~ r,/~ ---~ '/.. \ . -('~ '" \ \ ><.. ~ .-... \ ~ . _ . ><- . <;.;:: .'. L ~ (/'??~ ~ _ 70 ,0:11. lJ.!<tf ~ 0b3,04~ I (...~ 'Zz. 'X \ ~~ -:;. . d"") Ie?> 0 -(1) .)\ L<.~ -:. \.,~ OV ~ \~)( s~ < '---..-~ '"- I ~. ----/, ~, h~~ _ \~.~ \-",~'I::o..T ~... J \1 \Vll>~ ( ~'~J~ ~~~. ~ .---.... ~~-:\j:)1'1 ') // ---- V~wt r>>JL~ -n~ 7>VP0-l~ (?{~