HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1974-5-10 f - I r f ~--4:;/ I(-(~ ~ les 1/0 ncc~b'~ loue C'T. UwnbCI SpCCliJl Permit ^rca Urb.:lnlZlnq ^rca THIS,IS A PRElIMIIIMY RFPORT WH'C~O(E.SAwrltlSUf\E fHE ISSUAIlCE OF A FUTURE BUILOING PERMIT. PLANS OR EXPENDITURES 'MADE If~1.ljfh' CE UPON THIS REPORT ME AT YOUR O\lN RISK.' -:1.'h : "" '.,' ":, ' ,3:JiJff- P lEA S E P.R I N T. Bite 5CI-J5-;7.{,)',' ~ 9:,' "I If Subd,vls Ion - lIame Mf' 1\1-7.,-17.01"7 Uk 2. (6 -/1- )811.- I(~-'! 10\ot tf _~ Block #3 !i)85R 2 W f fl,}(,4 1tJi 2-t:/r) B,..uc,z F.'v I~ / Ilo ' "'I~ :' TO\1nsh/p Range ,Section Tax ;Lot No, Owner of Property I Ownor' 5 ConSent " 1 ~ t I 1 I '. I~ ~ I f i'l r II fl ' I '(1'A"k:'<L F,y I" No, of Sites 1.2 ' $ "'?7S.Cn "'Is--- ~ ~lame} I" I I ''1.:L4-R r:;/fZ.dI-IAfcYhz.1- J.rY..~I7..' No. of Acres 4- $ j 'HaiJ Ing Address I", I I , '~bh'17rF.'~t/ I 1'1 Total $ ~2S 0.-.. 1 I ' c, :/7" ~ ' ' Cash 7.1f6-3(J7~' X.!7i'/, -H-~ /?'"-Y".v;.:.~..;C"Check 'lielephone # SIgnature of Appl icant Date ' I t I I I r I II ! 1 I, '!I p'roposed Use' '_L I of Property' /1a,5.'d""-/77;' eY I ' r f,' I I /..f 2!!d. cf- (Ids h q; I- f? d i .<;.-rr.€ S",~,-~".n ,'j- ". ~1J? dbU-e/ /~nI..PA ~ ~ ~.=~ ~rlf rft<ICC fsJ!on,ll . , :1 , -'IProper~y S,ze Legal Access - Road Name I City 1 'fs Property \llthln One Mile of es V What City? .<;b-FrI. No i Property Location (Directions)' Sf I/U :I h/ du-a- ~ \lhen \I ill Tes t Ho I es Be Ready? MARK TEST HOLES WITH OUR FLAGS Location of Test Holes on Property Draw diagram of property showing location these landmarks oJ I. fI 7if - 3'62-< ',; " ~ r- " n 'It Owner I Se II er I , Rea I tor " ^pp' i cant I 5 I nteres t: Buyer In Property' Other (SpeCify). Existing Structures on Property , Proposed \later Supply Public V DIStrict: Spring _ \lei I Other I I (Spec I fy): " '("I' J.., < II' ~,i , , . . " U-" 1/11'.# (Date) " , .....' 1.,'1 __... "'~\~ I 11.,tL fO , , , I ,~ . ( " , I '111;'11 II / ./ of any landmarks pnd relatIonship !:-~ / /' of test' holes to , L~G;<:t 7}:~) . ~?-:\ -t- --- ~k3 >>1 ) J to I f4j J, :'~, t hTq'"~-i-P-I''''''' ~ 1f IOu u' , Lo /.e.. " pJ ---.. .. "_.. _~ I"! c " "" Ill' I , 1/. I I 'I ,Jlll p' , " ,'. 'I 'I 11AKE CHECK PAYABLE TO HEAL TH AND SAN ITA[ ION HAIL TO LANE COUllTY BUILDING AND SANITATION DIVISION, 135 E 6 th Ave., Eugene, Oregon 97401 C 55-55 .. !jo~ "'1-.. _.{Io I :".->- > W~If, Nf 1. ,. '-Ib "!li'.'f~f.... ' 1 { 1. 'i ,;:.....'!...~~~ ~ (' II;. _ j "...~.r~"-......._~~ , .' J, f '( 81t.. 2 ~ ... ..._"'-_____.!l..!___________ ,.. . '. #1 Test 1I01e ' '-------. ._~---- #' 0" - 7.-' I ___~ __~o. VY\ '. .___--LJ'.lt__~__13It ;) H Test 1I01e 0" - zs- '--Da"" ---- -- I --- . ..----#1 T;;tll;-l,,-_ 0'1 _ ---- -- -' -I M~ Ve("6., EJ,,:-Ip.:, /0 H'J 7 r ~ l_ '11 ST /lOLl HI ~UL1"-, j Il f f! b'!i;-2.- 112 Test Ilole 0" - go ./.0.. ~ "- 0" TEST HOL/' ReSULTS A,t)'; .3 (j'//.c--.1 #2 Test Hole - ,0-'1 1-.0<;'"'7 I - I I / T1::ST HOLI: ReSULTS 0" \ 0\ - I - / / )..,,1 /) Ul ~ '- "3 Tes: 1I01e /0 -\0" -, I I #J Test 1101e " I I #2 Test Ilole #J Test 1I01e 0" I 0" I I sJ:.. ""'1- J&' '- ,