HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1977-12-15 TRS, TI / g- 2-5 Job Location e-tJk ,u}t?l Y , W:ntten DJ.Iectl.Ons f'&Pa'u, ~ b~J" ~ "WO~ /r?,{' t7 Ii v ( INFoflM~T10Ki SHEET :3 ~/t-/L/-?7 S:P/U-njP/,( ~ - '?9~~// 71h?~.s1 z;-- ()(l Building Permit ) Site Feasibility Study for Septic Tank Number of sites IAcreage or Lot Size Partitioning # Test holes will be ready_ ( ) Completed SubdlVISI ,,!~~ Lot ( ) Perldlng ~ ") A APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS _1./) N.n,M/ " /':1.1/1 /~A'~Zv y~ ..IP:J, hLFf OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS, If dlffererlt from applicant's _ L: ~-,'_- --' . I F CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS _"L , ,"'</ Mail permit or results of site feasibility study to (X) Applicant ( ) Owner ( ) Contractor ( ) Prefer to pick up Call (owner, etc ) when ready STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY No 5+h.ULhvT L'X"' _ vnS./u.Li.-J5C.S PROI"OSED USE (this permit) -5 F' D ~a.r0-~,~:- 0 paA-10'/ ('hLk;:r . -3 H ?Airr,r,n" WATER SUPPLY uJ//--I/????~ P1/~ /l~ (existing or proposed well, etc If public, name of system] (existing or proposed septic tank, etc) S I i' ~ ~-~ Block Phonp _ Phone Phone :7)/0 -.3 CJ 72.- <;'_LL. ~. Jo./ .-, .--- Contractors O. S. # SEWAGE DISPOSAl PLUMBINGBY IAJdt:;P &~~ ( Address ) PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF CITY ( ***** ** ************ ********* ********* ****** OFFICE USE ONLY BE LOW THIS LINE *****.. *** ***"" iHt "" *****.... ***... .....lH..... -ll-""..........oj-.. *.. ( ) New Address Necessary ZONF ) Facility Permit Necessary SETBACKS Front Side Faclrlg Street (FROM CENTERLINE OF ROADI ) SpeCial Permit Area Minimum Elevation Interior Side Yard Rear ~FROM PROPERTY LINES) To Planning/Building Inspector/Sanitarian/Surveyor ThiS applicant appears to have a problem with Your assistance will be appreciated By Permit Processing Section Resporlse C5512 By DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Permit Processing Section 125 East 8th Avenue 687-4394 DIVISion . ..., ," I , . - .~ <.. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED Submi t the follom.ng items to the Building Off':1.cial at least ::z y;eeks prior to instdlJatlon. Return thls form m.th two coples of all reqUlred information. I M {), N UP 1+c..-TuR. e.R s -rf(v.5S PI-AN HJR. GA~4C>~ . vf:;.S,r.N DR RooF F'~4M'^," 'jgM-;f~ )ff;;-<A- Q - BlUldJ.nB Permit No. t;333-77 Applj cant W B. F I X. Job Location ICJ(p(;, COLe. VVA-y BUllding Inspector -Slly\. L4MB ... "':" >;, ~ \ \ 11' (' 1- - I\l ~ II) 01 /I)' ~5!) l , I , "1 rfi V- I I I I , I \ \ 11) \ \ I I --- /) /)/J I . , .' 1 ' .~ ( ,- . . .- " . r- , ~ ~ - ) ~t")' ,'" 10_ '<> fS'y" I\, ~ " -~~ p ~ j\-\f\~ ----- ,p , ..,~, ...- '/ '-! <.. ~ =i '___ ,0, , /' .1' \V \) ~~ \ ~ l~ \\ )-~, ,I II ~C)' " , 1 --91 '-- ....~...... '-' ..... , ,p I)' ;' V. ' , P ':::;1 L ."/ ~~ -.- .~I>.. ~~-I / '....,- " / I - '-: / /'- "'" I / (,-;.t"~-;"'i"i / , I J / 4~" '" , ' I I .... , , I '.... ) , " / I 1 '--, ----' , ~,),~ ,0- '~ , , / 1/./ - 1(\ ((JIll! ',1, 1(' 'I \1"1, Q, I~] !/ IS,,; I / 1/ , I I I / I , . , , , , Ie c:. ,----it-' c/)\~'\ " ,\ , ~[J ,p 'I) I / / ... 1 I \ /\ ..or.:...."\ _I -" \ \,1-:;, \ ; - -- - .-- , ~(- ~,l~ ..j'f...: ,/'-\ / If-:"- cJ,r: ,/ /J./ -" ,/)' '. 'r -'1(' \ ( n, ,,-:71" \ I " 4 Date Qecwmber /I~~ 1"17 Permit Na 344~-77 CURB CUT PERMIT IN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LANE COUNTY WHEREAS, the attached application has been fully considered by the Board of County Com- miSSioners of Lane County, and It IS the opinion and ludgment of the Board that the sOld application should be granted, and that a permit should be Issued, now, therefore, It IS hereby 134<:& = 1=""' ORDERED, that a permit be and IS hereby Issued to G.,). ,..,) \...x- _ {l,UClh LVa5l.r ~. ~ V)"",.c. ~Irl : ~'-'. , for plaCing, bUilding or constructing the following facility ur- - 0 I-M ..3, 6l0G~.3 of .A.101.,LnG UJLIn(JY'l E?J1-a::b-~ (10(00 cO) v ~e rlg~ay of County Road No , Mile Post In strict confo';mh/Y'to the exhibits attached hereto, and sublect to all terms, conditions, agreements, stipulations and prOVISions contained In the application and permit, the Rules and Regulations Gov- erning Facilities to be Permitted upon County Road Rlghts.of.Way, os set forth by the Lane Man. ual 50 190(2) any amendments thereto, and any other applicable regulations, law or ordinance Special ProvIsions Driveway Will be constructed In accordance with the attached driveway approach specifica- tions (DraWing M98-50) 2 Permittee Will be responsible for the Immediate removal of all mud, dirt and debrIS from the roadway and right of way caused by hiS operation, leaVing the roadway and area In a neat, acceptable condition 3 Sldewalks wlll be constructed ln accordance wlth the attached sldewalk speclflcatlons and drawln9 M9S-49 The Standard Curb Type shall be constructed unless otherwlse speclfled ThiS permit IS revocoble at any time, and will be strictly adhered to and no work other than that speclflcolly mentioned above IS hereby authOrized ThiS permit shall be VOid unless the work herein contemplated J)o1'..OJmbn I~~ ...../ shall have been completed be. fore , 19$ Expires ,19_ Inspected and Approved Approved by Board of County CommiSSioners By Clt-DD~~P~~LAD Datf> By WHITE - OFFICE FILE YEllOW - REAL ESTATE PINK - PERMITTEE ORANGE - BUILDING & SANITATION DE'T C74-129 ,'\J.,;; / ~({'? Ily / TR,S;'" 10Gb 1I1z..c:tJ 1ll-02-:J5 ;2, i.I COLE 'lAY JOB LOCATION .- LANE COUNTY PERMIT Acreage or Lot SI7Q Contractor's 0 S # Partltlorllng # ) Completed W.B. FIX 1348 CLEARWATER APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRF~~ OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRES~ O CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRE~~ Mail permit to (A) Applicant ( ) Owner ) COrltractor ) Prefer to pick up Call NONE STRUCTURES NOW ON T~i\'lll.9J.If.~JGY THIS PERMIT IS FOR 8~GE - -- l.~.I:~ sq rt: .....toN~~....-. .;.,...- C1 8 SQ ft: VALUE $33,891.00 6 ,," ft". WILLAMETTE WATER DIST WATER SUPPLY SEWAGE DISPOSAl NA THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MI LE OF THE CITY OF ,- SPRl."GT'IBT,,) \.. ~,\-.\ 1--\ \ \. " \~ { 97477 OREGOa 2~, MT \cERNON ESTATES SubdivIsion - _ Lot .J Sloel< oJ LANE SPRINGFIELD OREGON PhorlQ PhonQ PhorlQ (owner, etc I when ready 746-3072 3 # BEDROOM~ PROPOSED . 14 '* PLUMBING CONNECTION5-- 74-382 PLUMBING BY S I # WALLYS PLUMBING I hereby certlfy'that the above statements are true and accurate, arid that I have the following legal Interest In the oroperty _owrler of record, contract purchaser, _ potential buyer, _ realtor or agent I further certify that (If not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of , record, and that said owner~ aware and approves of th.s actlOrl I hereby agree to comply with all applicable Codes relating to this permit . Feeifald $ d.\cC\~ Signature '-_::::::X'yV'i, DatQ \ \~~ \.~ (V) NEW ADDRESS ( ) FAC1L1TY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT ( I SPECIAL PMT AREA MIN ELEVA'~rI(3N- , -..( - ;-..., O SANIT~T(\.f2,N B~UILDING '-2. - Mlrllmum Septic Tarlk Capacity (Gallons) Y ^' :rype of Construction r Group ..-' ~Ire Zone >MIU"l< '-.....9 ""~ Dralnfleld ReqUired - Lineal Feet -- Ilse Classlf,catloP -.l!O . ~ MaXimum Depth J) 4-.4 tl -I _ ,Comments $f: e !/PP1noryf+L I ~ Fo/(M /.j T fOIl{ Com merits JI~ ~ ~ d.-6d.JU~ ~ sfiec;:r /)rr4c.f-!c:. (:) 70 PI...I-}N-s' .-........;:z&-^"-' ~iL "'^"""- "t ~~) ~ - SIZe B>Ac. H or- pe~~1\11 7="0,'\ I..lsT j ~ a...... CU\IUl-o ~ ~'1 ~'-' cf&...d.<'"fd' or::: Re QVI'~E[? c.At-1.- 'f\(:sr~t=c.'J?O(VS By _r6/, ~..a.-.:;Z-- Da1~(-;J.(-F' By a~/1;-x:ltt4;-'7;. zt:J Date /'1/0;<-/77 PLANN,ING-RgOUIREMENTS SATISFIED BY~O'<,""~~ Date \ \C." ~) \ \-.-. Date Issued';:' uc-c- '0, ,-... I I "-- ) ~ . I" "I ZONE\'..)..\::'? \ SgBACKS F_RONT _~ SIDE FACING STREET (FROM elL) INT,SIDE YARD\:::J RE~R!I:~(FROM PILl · , ;J )'....''-...='--',./ 1 l;ANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE 687-4394 C5513 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE SLOG PERMIT~WHITE BUILDING-GREEN PLUMBING-CANARY SANITATION-GOLDENROD OFFICECOPY-WHtTE \ '. ... -j . , o I~h.' I '.J 1-' . Oat'", LJi (C) n',~1 I Permit No o :"3-"44.<! -77 CURB CUT '- .. '" i> PERMIT IN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LANE COUNTY WHEREAS, the attached appllcahon has been fully consIdered by the Board of County Com-' \.... missioners of lane County, ond It IS the opinion and ludgment of the Board that the said application should be granted, and that a permit should be Issued, now, therefore, It IS hereby . I A, ORDERED, that a permit be and IS hereby Issued to Cd I" ~ '. l- , " , ! 'j ( (I " r' A'" , ~~ L ...~\ s' . _ or constructing the following facility Ni/ " ) '/ (/ c~, :' (... i . ~ Ie 1 ' (, '( (, It I I , .) , u'pon the' rlght-of-~way of County Road No , Mile Post In strict conformity to the exhib,ts attached hereto, and sublect to all terms, conditions, agreements, shpulatlons and prOVISIons contarned In the application and permit, the Rules and Regulations Gov- erning Facrllhes to be Permitted upon County Road Rights-of-Way, as set. forth by the lane Man. ual 50 190(2) any amendments thereto, and any other applicable regulations, law or ordinance )j 1'1. , ...~! , I - .\1 'r\ l...~I" ,,(0 I .., for ~) I I" ) \ (~ I, ' . \ plaCing, bUilding L {I( (. ~ Specla I ProvIsions / , Driveway Will be constructed In accordance With the attached driveway approach speclflca' tlons (DraWing M98-50) 2 Permittee will be responsible for the Immediate removal of all mud, dirt and debns from the roadway and right of way caused by hiS operation, leaVing the roadway and area In a neat, acceptable condlhon 3 Sldewalks wlll be constructed ln accordance,wlth,the attached sldewalk , ... " ,. speclflca~lons and drawlng M98-49 The-Standard 'Curb Type shall be constructed unless otherWlse speclfled , , ThiS permit IS revocable at any time, and will be strictly adhered to and no work other than that speCifically men honed above IS hereby authOrized ThiS permit shall be VOid unless the work herein contemplated shall have been completed be. for'" 1 I' 11.1 ' j ..-' , " , 19.1....- , Expires , 19_ Inspected and Approved Approved by Board of County CommiSSioners By Oat!' By II I )'-1 I r / Director of PubliC Works WHITE - OFFICE FILE YELLOW - REAL ESTATE PINK - PERMITTEE ORANGE-BUILDING & SANITATION DEPT C74-129 ^ /: ..> .. ,..",. - ~... ..J -.,,(_ _ /1')(;>(;' JOB LOCATION , . --;-.:_-] c -~_ t;,f' I " -" " TRS, TI LANE COUNTY PERMIT Acreage or Lot SI?P Contractor's 0 S # Partitioning # ) Co mp leted SubdiVISion Lot .J Bloc~ ... gpnI:;G,rI~L~ 01i.r;o::-s Phonp Phono PhorlP (owner, etc ) when ready ~.., ~ "'- T""~ -....... -,-' J~' y', _ ~ L' i..:,. ..... :"'oL. \ 1 ( 2.J':1 (.1.;r^,~TJL\'IJ:J. !..fU1I:: 14;.~ 7"; APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDREC:C: OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESC: CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESC: Mail permit to (") Applicarlt ( ) Owner , .- ) Contractor ) Prefer to pick up Call. c STRUCTURES NOW ON T"H~ Pi..~\?~II(.TrY r;[\ 'tj.....L.: THIS PERMIT IS FOR !.lL:,'(' ]1 /~l ~ (l }~.:: /'/i ::~ ..~: l\lrJ r1 '7"! v~~~: $J3,U>\.OO # BEDROOMC: 3 # PLUMBING CONNECTION~ -~.!.LL.a';_"'-",':;'EL PA'i .tLt iJ IS'1.1 WATER SUPPLY SEWAGE DISPOSAL PI<C;':OSIill THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MI LE OF THE CITY OF PLUMBING BY S I # 'lM.L'iG PLU;mr (' 7' .3f ~ r~4\ I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, arid that I have the following legal Interest IrI the oroperty _owrler of record, contract purchaser, _ potential buyer, _ realtor or agent I further certify that (If not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record and that said owner. lS<aware and approves of th,s action I hereby agree to comply with all applicable Codes relating to this permit ;::/ '-,\1 "'''-Z....U ,~ Fee Paid ~ .;.~-:.,\o'-4" -~ ' Signature '---" .. '- Datp \ \ -' - " <<) NEW ADDRESS ) FAc1L1TY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT _ ) SPECIAL PMT AREA MIN ELEVA\ION -. -, --":\,, " SA NIT k1;IBN , ~ "w 1/./ ....u. '...,(."f -""'-""" ". -",t: "1<<J_ BUILDING . ,it Type of Constructlorl Use Classlflcatlo~ r1.",-;;;;;,- ',./Vi..L I} 7 -,/ Ie A I =- r.roup F Ire Zone Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Dralnfleld ReqUired - Lineal Feet MaXimum Depth '- -'~ , Comments l .,~ '_ ~-AA--\.' . (i ~"I.. ,,' '.4_ ~/~~~ -:;.tIu~A... ,,~ I .. f ....).:.!J os__ "Q' Comments '-,. ~ 'I '-(..,1\ 1\1\..,., I" 1/ '- ,) \.. / ~)'- ............ .....(..0..... J.~--9.- /U,"'- .I -:;; _ :2~' ~ r"',r~"'<-.-"~i..'r- .. , -~....(.,.~ "\- ...>- ..f___.....~~.)vL 1, , '-"T - c. , ..... ~ - . :: . ~ --" I, r;. , ~ ._~ '" I' , - ,.~,./ . ., By '.'./ ./-~ '- Date '-,,//.,::'1-."7 . =- PLANNING REQUIREMENTS SATISFIED By-'--,....)C ,,', '", '_ ...~-' ZONE' "- '~" \ SETBACKS FRONT -'-. ') SIDE FACING STREET By ,~ I J' -'J-) v I I Date I, r ~/I ., / -"..1 , ~I Da1e \ \ lLU \.~ Date Issued (FROM'C/LI INT SIDE YARD\:=:> REAFJ.,O. '(FROM Pill '. LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE. EUGENE, OREGON 97401 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE :;,\,,- PHONE 687-4394 C5513 SLOG PERMIT - WHITE BUILDING - GREEN PLUMBING - CANARY SANITATION - GOLDENROD OFFICE COpy - WHITE .' -f- , -~ , ... SITE INSPECTION ApPROVED ~DISAPPROVED ~ I ' DAT</2-2...I-'77 'INSPECTOR 9a4 REMARKS FOUNDATION INSP~N ApPROVEO L-::::J DISAPPROVED L-I REMARKS~~ /Jk:. .L-, // /' /.y _l(" ~ ~';>-7 d...4> /) "-' ~ ~ fl..-<- c .-r - ff , ~-.z-fi'"_7X' ~~ ~ ,--L7c ~ 1Aif" , - DATE ~-:r_1 '7-7L INSPECTOR /2--2-/-7'7 ApPROVED I I DATE 1-/1-7% INSPECTOR4rP tJ~Kia....~ 1/-4~~ A-J......-r ~f' d,_, r_r7-~ . 7 LATH OR SHEETR~INSPECTION ApPROVEO ~I D,SAPPRDVEO If DATE /-7-7J INSPECTOR 9u-L f REMARKS FINAL INSPECTION, ApPRDVEO d' 01 SAPPROVEO / I DATE t, - /4- 7 ?I NSPECTOR )Jv...rt:.. ~'zL > ~ REMARKS ' It/ f2..d .A' A-"l.. ;r-..L...- _ ' ~ .,<- """J-",,-:,,- L -.. . _ 1.1 h.,pf ......../ _d".:.._~.J,___ #2t:.J':'" ~__j":=_.;? /., -7_'P ~ .. / - d .7 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE ;---? NOT READV TO ISSUE I / DATE INSPECTOR REMARK 5 '-, '. .>/ 10-02-':-5 It/)': I \. ~, JOB LOCATION ~~l"; ~1[lV' m:-'n:J&.~T.l!gt) CV~I"'O~ 974"'17 TRS, T! LANE COUNTY PERMIT Acreage or Lot S17~ COrlt,rartor's 0 S # .Partltlorllrlg # ) Completed n71 ttlliJro ESiNI?ES APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRFC:C: OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRES<: O CONTRAC10R'S NAME AND ADDRES<: l 'Mail permit to (...) Applicant ( ) Owner STRUCTURES NOW ON T~...I~rP~.9.Flf..~,TGY (',ARI',GB THIS PERMIT IS FOR 1.ll.:t;K ~^t'f1T7 1340 CLI:Ill1!Ji\'I't:r.. ; SubdivIsion Lot Bloc~ SroXLiGFIllLD or.rrOO~ ~ ~ <J.D. FIX L.!\OE 746-3072 ) COrltractor N~m ) Prefer 10 pick up Call Phon~ Phono Phon~ (owner, etc ) wherl ready - ~1~3 ~ W - - '" ~ ~- '-" V~E $33,a91.CO 3 # BEDROOM<: PUOJ?03!.ill 14 # PLUMBING CONNECTION,,------- 7!}-302 WATER SUPPLY UILUli:JITfi'Il tJ'll.'iSll DIS'1' SEWAGE DISPOSAl S I # HllLLYS l?LmmIUG nA THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF THE CITY OF PLUMBING BY I hereby certify that the above statemerlts are true and accurate, arid that I have the followmg legal mterest m thp oroperty _owrler of record, cOrltract purchaser, _ potential buyer, _ realtor or agent I further certify that (,f not the owner) I am authorized to act for the OWrler of record and that.sald owner,lS,aware and approves of th,s actlOrl I hereby agree to comply With all applicable Codes relating to thiS permit r[' , ',I r\ ......'""'\..l -- , ,,\~F"-,~ "-..... ... ~\. (.. "'\. \ \ 1. I '.. Fee Paid $ -,... .... Signature ~ Datp \ . \/ '" " . I.' ) NEW ADDRESS 1 ) FACILITY PERMIT TO T-RANSPORTATION DEPT 1 ) SPECIAL PMT AREA MIN ELEVATION- -, '"'4 ~ .' O SAN IT'A'T,10N , J~ ,~~ /J:~*7 '-<u - ~ I ~r...t..J~...t1' ~ Comments 1'~ .4" ~~. ;.,.................. BUILDING \.~ T\ < '. Type of Construction ~ Use Classlflcatlo~ :.;: T Y ~ l- t /t. f- :::- -, Comments M,rllmum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Dramfleld ReqUired - Llrleal Feet MaXimum Depth -!....r; -:L .... _ ........~~?-~, Group Fire Zone -,- ,~ ~ f_ ...-r,,- f, :~ ___ _..v'_7- ~ - ~''-- ~ '.. -v~........-~~ ~ t, ., - , " V' f_' 'i '" " T t .1 r , "'lIT , .... , , ;- , L , , ,- t I, t. ~ ", r Date './ /~f. ,.....,F ./ , .,.. ..- 1""'.I"'~. ~~.J.....o!\, '- :7..'1.-_ ,~.&.~ ~.-")-'~~ '\ _of \ r I " 1- By',." J_' 2~ Date ~,,'/-:1j-/7 By" j ',' PLANNING-REQUIREMENTS SATISFIED By~l~ ,,, "~?--" Date \ V.\. Il..J \::~-Date I~sued LA"~ ''''',' ..." ~NE'.,.~\"..... \ SETBACKS FRONT _-1...) SIDEFACING~TREET IFROMC/L) INT SIDEYARD\"::;> RE,I}.R~\) -IFROMP/L) o U" _ ,.... ..- LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 . PHONE 687-4394 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE C5513 SLDG PERIVIli-"':WHITE BUILDING-GREEN PLUMBING-CANARY, SANITATION-GOLDENROD OFFICE COPY-WHITE -~ SLAB FLOOR PLUMBING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED rt OlSAPPROVED .C1 DATEI , II NSPECTOR REMARKS GAS PIPING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED .C1 DISAPPROVED .C1 DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS ROUGH PLUMB I NG ApPROVED /V! DISAPPROVED .C1 DATE J -/?~7fINSPECTOR P.k REMARKS ROUGH GAS PI PI NG ApPROVED C1 OISAPPROVED C1 DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FINAL PLUMB I NG ApPROVED iiZ! DISAPPROVED .C1 DATE d rX-~PECTOR 1f.;J-- REMARKS FINAL GAS PIPING REMARKS DATeI I I I I , INSPECTOR ApPROVED C1 DISAPPROVED rt CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE .C1 NOT READY TO ISSUE rt DA'~ INSPECTOR REMARKS \ \ ~ -q~ . TR3', 1;1-' 1'iS -02- 05 1t / ,Plot Plan lJJ ~~ o ~TI t t;0..... 1~ ~'w VJ~C: - I ~ - <( -l ~ i~' ~d, I1l ... '" > c co ."] 3/ ~ w \\1 CJ We) ~ . 3/ Cl ~ j t'-- ~ <t' W t-- p~ ~~ E \'D~ ~ e{) ~ ~3~J; 6: <( co '" '" '" ~ "0 "0 <( C> C Job Location (Street, mile post) 1Qbb Co....t WAy. ~Pel t-jc;;.r-, <:..1-0 SubdivIsion "1Ylot.LY1+, Ua.t-no-n E~ct.::t.L <i? Lot 3 Block' 3- FOR SANITARIAN'S USE ON L Y %J.. System Approved D System DIsapproved D Needs Correctlorl COMMENTS Slgnature~ FOR INSTALLER'S USE Trench Depth ~O II Filler Depth Belo lie c.. ,\ Tarlk Capacity ICOO Marlufac1urer Eu GGt:-\E ~ AN Measured distance to well from tarlk ,?O~L\ c., H? qrom dralrlflelrl Date;$-:kJ-?? Co '-t2" - - -,-=.- .-;~~ ~ - _ 30' 10.---.... {- / -', I ' I I, t I" I Dl5T, "BOx. '{ I 0' \ ~J ~' 1;,,' I 000 ~o. \ { / /''- c..O,NG, ,LQY} I< ~I / ~~ Gite. 8 x. 5" '~Q"'::" ' 5/'2. _ 4 '.. /, ~ 7'(1- \,\bu~6 / , / / l' Scale ~ O\.:lE. , ' '{' " \ \~ 1'7 \ ~,_- --I _ \ I I \ " 'I l INSTALLATION RECORD AND CER r1FICATE OF SATISFACTORY COMPLETION Wherl signed by the County Sanltanarl, thiS certifIcate IS eVidence as per ORS 454 665 of sat- Isfactory completion of a subsurface sewage disposal system at the above locatlorl ~ N Return thiS form to PermIt Processlrlg Section, Department of Envlrorlmental Management, Public Service Building, 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene 97401 C55-11 ,,~[ , ,~, .. -:'':' 1(' i- - ., '\'7 !... " 7...t,.=:-_ o~=-.,.. i ), T,~,TI JOB LOCATION LANE COUNTY PERMIT . tJ. - l . " . Acreage or Lot SI7P Contractor's 0 S # Partition Ing # ) Completed ti.1).. Pi.: Lit,,_ CL:..2J,<1"..'1 SubdiVISion Lot Block ..::PLY :rJT~7.. t .~~~ r. ~ ; ..../ .;' , t '\ ~~~ - ~. APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRI=';'; OWNER'S NAME AND ADORES'; ,- '\ CONTRACTOR'!?,. NAME AND ADORE';'; \ J Mail permit to ( ) Applicant ( ) Owner _1......- . Phonp Phonp Phonp (owner, etc ) when ready 7' --.: ;;? ) Contractor , - q, ) Prefer to pick up Call THIS PERMIT IS FOR STRUCTURES NOW ON TLH~P,~O~~~T~ r.\r ,.,- ,,-:. (:;J'- - ':"f fl/: ....... ~i;:: ""r\ ~ }t: l.\,;) {.(, ~..... 17M ..;: ~ -? lJ_? '..11....'").[: ~ - # BEDROOMS_# PLUMBING CONNECTIONS-.- WATER SUPPLY 'JXLV.i\M::"",:f' (rll'i'L0 nzSJ. 11.'l:::';.I: d' 7'~ --oJ..)) SEWAGE DISPOSAl S I # .....t'i . ~L" J :'1 ~;"l:i.. ,) THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MI LE OF THE CITY OF _ PLUMBING BY I hereby certify that the above statements are true arid accurate, arid that I have the following legal Interest In thp oroperty _owner of record, contract purchaser, _ potential buyer, _ realtor or agent I further certify that (If not the owner) I am authorIZed to act for the owner of \ 4 record, and that said owner IS aware and approves of th,s action I hereby agree to comply With all applicable Codes relating to thiS permit " - "t . t . ~ ... \, '" ~ Fee Paid $ Signature Dat" '" (. ) NEW ADDRESS ( ) FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT CI SANITA,TI9N BUILDING M,rllmum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Type of Construction Ira r : . Dralnfleld Required - Lineal Feet I Ise Classification Maximum Depth ~... ) SPECIAL PMT AREA MIN ELEVATION Group Fire ZOrle " Comments Comments ~ Om PLANNING REQUIREMENTS SATISFIED By ;lONE \ SETBACKS FRONT By Date - .' Date Date Issued SIDE FACING STREET (FROM CIL) INT SIDE YARD' REAR. (FROM PIL) L:ANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE PHONE 687-4394 ~\ C5513 BLDG PERMIT - WHITE BUILDING ~ GREEN PLUMBING - CANARY SANITATION - GOLDENROD OFFICE COPY - WHITE r .' / \ I iJj I ~I!- - (\l ~ li'I .V /I)' ~ -CfJ I , \1 if, (t- I I I \ I '/ '-',-. J~: ~t"~'1cu ~ '''''Sr' IV '" " y ,..-- ~ . ,-_w.,f'~ --...::!. .1'<'..1'- ' v' , /" '/... : <... ',- I .0/ 0,1 L _ / ~.~ " I"; , , , c., , ~ / \ ~ ) I " / , , I ~ " /' I, -, ~ ;' ...... J , , , "?~, ~j, ',-- , " " I) -I ...-.~ !fJf\~' · " I _ '.-; --.., ..., / /' ... ~"'7'- I / ! 'J~{M / .' I --- , ~~.t. , 0, , ..... ',- , . " !f./ . 1\ fl/V -r.-7l) ]/"/, Q, I~l I , >-- . ..~ .. 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