HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1985-2-20 ~ cO :0 ;/1.5' Lane County Authorization ..hmJ..u.a..iLM Jri80 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY i\Jw. SHIP l Ie I RANGEOO PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY 'Rf Re.':,~dent~al 0 Industr ~al I . q CClmmercl.al 0 Publ1.c (7j~"1 4.6 !i5 , DATe READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY YOUR AUTHORIZATION r..rAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS. [] PLANNING/ZONING Zone Partlt10n # Parcel It Parcel Sl.ze c c :::::::e1;, r~;~ n~lUI1) "O;;~ ~;;;or~ . ~m/Y}~' dr-film) ~(ldrIJfl&LJ U Date {.;k./o/6'6' p o 5 NITATION sV It / --0:-: It <3?'7'~ - '7:7 Installatl.on Record Issued? g Yes 0 No Installatl.on Gallon LIneal Ff"ct MaXl.mum1Depth :::::::a':;L Tank 4. (!iy'1;/J; :~;';;~~~:;;;;;;/J fj & / . '/L7P fA 1f)J.{ iJ.tpJdl7/.hY . Date '7 ~ Q.t) I?Ps ~ : I r' Use ) [] PLANS Group COMHENTS Date n ~1!1I!;Pti~ .. d~tJ-%S ~~~~/~~OVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE (oer QRS 456 805(1)) DATF LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION C 14-25 R~ SETB"C"S A"lD OTHER CO....DITIO'S OF APPROVAL "lUST BE STRICiL\ OBSERVED VIOLATIO"l CA.... RESULT IN RE\O- C...~IO~ or ~llIS PERHIT CITAno v"'OSR PROVISIO"JS OF' LA'E COI;,T\ .5 I~FRACTIO'" OROI",...'CE AND/OR OTllER REMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW ~... READ\ F'OR I speCTIO'" CAL!. 687-4065 ,,~ll"'nlU'l OF AT ~EAST 24 HOURS ADV,\ CE ,onCE FOR INSPEC- '110'1 KtcC,lLt::.'1:. NU::'1 UL GIVE'< \.!Uve the tollowlng In""OrnatIon ready permlt number, Job address type of InspectlOn, when It wlll be ready, your name ana phor'':- l1unber nnd any specIal dIrectIons to slte , BUILDING DIVISION REOUIR=O I'SPFCTIO"JS Foundatlon InspectIon To be made after trenchLs are naterlals lor the toundatlon are dellvered on the Job plant (commonly termed translt mlxed") IS to be used . Concrete Slab or Under-~loor Insncctlon To be made after all In-slab or under-floor b\lldlng serVl~e e~uIpment conault p1plng aCCeSSOr1eS and otner anClllary equlpment ItemS are In place but betore any concrete IS poured or tloor she~thlng In~talled,.ln~ludlng the subfloor exca\ated and forms erected a~d when all \1herc concrete from a central mlXlng materlals need not be on the Job 3 ;ramlnq & Insulatlon Inspectlons TO be made after the roof all fr~nlng, f~re block1ng, and raclng are In piace ~ all pIpes, flreplaces, cnl~neys, and vents are complete and all rough electrlcal ana plumblng are approved All wall Insulatlon and vapor barr~er are 1n flace Lath and/or Gvpsum Board Inspectlon ancr-e;::tCrIOr 1S In--prace but. before ana fasteners are t.aped and flnlshed TO be made atter all lathIng and gypsum board nterlor any plasterlng IS appll~d and betore gypsum board jOlnts , Flnal Insoectlon TO be made after the bUlldlng 1S complete and before occupancy , APPROVAL REQUIRED '<0 work shall be done on any part of the buildIng or str~cture beyond the' po~nt Ind~cated In each succeSSlve Inspectlon wlthout flr~t obtalnlng the approval of the bu~lClng offlclal Such aoproval shall be glVCn only after an Inspectlon shall have bcen made of each success~ve step ,In the constructIon as 1ndlcated by each of the Inspectlo,s requlred NOTE All bUlldlng oermlts requLre Inspectlons for the work authorlzed, such as but not Ilmlted to A Bloc~ Wall To be made after relnforClng lS In place but befo~e any grout IS poured This InSPectIOn IS reqUlred for each bond beam pour There WIll be no approval un~ll the plumblng and electrlcal Inspectlons ~nve been nade and approved B wood Stove To be made after cOmpletlOn of masonrv (If appllcable) and when l~stallatlon IS co;pl~ Installat10n shall be In accordance wlth an approved natlonally recog'lzed testlng agency and the manufacturer's lnstallat10n Instruct10ns C Moblle Home An Inspectlon IS reqUIred after the moblle hone 15 connected to an approved sewer or septlc system for setoack requ1rements blocklng, footlng connectIon tIedowns, 5~lrtlng, and plumbIng conneCtlons 1 Footlngs and plers to comply w1th State foundatlon requ1rement9 for moblle homes or as recommended by the manufacturer ~oblle home mlnlmum flnlsh floor elevatlon shall be1certlfled when requlred by a flood- plaln management letter ~oblle home t1cdo~ns when requlred and skIrting shall be ~nstalled and ready for Inspec- tlon wIthln at least 30 days after occupancy Tledowns and shIrtlng shall be Installed per enclosure D SWlmmlnq pool Below grade when steel IS ~n place and before concrete 1S poured Above grade w~en pool-rs-lnstalled APPROVED PLA-'S -iUST BE O"l THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS TBIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF ",ORK DOES NOT BEGI~ WITHIN 180 DAYS OR IF WORK IS SuSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR NORE THAN lBO DAYS SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION !-l.AY OCCUR IF THIS PE~~IT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS I!'.FORHATION - AtlYONE PROCEEDIl>G PAST THE POll T or REQUIRED Il>SPEC.!IONS WILL DO SO AT TIlEIR OWN RISK SUBSURFACE ~ ALTER ATIVE ~ DISPOSAL SYSTENS Permlts shall be effectIve for one year from the date of 1ssuance- Upon completlng the constructlon for Wh1Ch a permlt has been Issued the permlt holder shall ~ noufy the Lane County Departnlent'of Plannlng and Communlty Development by submlttlng the Installatlon record form The Department shall irspect the constructlon to determlne If It compIles wlth the rules contalned In thIS dlvlslon If the constructlon does comply w1th such rules the Department shall Issue a certIflcate of satlsfactory completlon to the permlt, ~older If the constructlon does not comply wlth such rules the Department Shlll notIfy the permlt holder and shall reqUlre sat~sfactory completIon before Issulng the certIftcate Fallure to meet the reqUIrements for sattsfactorJ completlon wlthln a reasonable tlme constltutes a VIO- latlOn of ORS 454 605 to 454 745 anu thIS rule ~ . ,I '. Setbacks~- Subsurface Sewage Dlsposal, ' Septlc~ Tan\... 10' 10' , SO DraInfleld 10' 10 10' 100' l.'~01'l Interlor propert} llnes Edge ot road rlqht-of-way BUlldtnq foundatlon hells other ~atcr sources ~ ~. l . . " -. kme coorl:y ~ ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED I 1 __T.b /? , I' -!! -0 /J1tJr./ e,/V Plfll eJ:~M MX~REQUEST // __/ /..S____..I'.~'it!fV~q__h"'_ _ , MAILING ADDRESS /P4 ~;1- ~ CP4?;~ / , CITY STATE ZIP CODE ij/~5 -:-/~O ~%6 -f/6 0 ~ BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE # 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS _ / t1 ~ ~ (! (;) J. ~ (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS) /......J. -r A 7~~.f ""7-f re .f~ It- J::.. % ;J;~ JR~ERT~ ~:I- . _ yg_ _G_ B~.fU?'v_bt.ld _ ___ __ MAl LI NG ADDRESS r z/-' ~ "" h .Q cITy tJ.,G 97(,b / STATE ZIP CODE hY -P- 5"99'/ BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE # tdtLu - ~PA'/114 .t=/~Ld'- t)/(, I ., , 3 MAP a PARCIIL NUMBER (REQUIRED INFORMATION) (from tax maps In Department of Assessment and TaxatIOn or from tax ~tatement) /JI-~ :L. - () (-_e2.~ l) IC), 00 TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE 5tCilON ZONING TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TAX LOr(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP ACRES 4 SUBDIVISION (If applIcable) LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (~tate exactly what you plan to do) --_I1-:::e_-e-d __~e~II'~ -TJJ<f'ee--/;'/)'1 -,::,,;6 !/Id.tt fl-b~z!);)(,~(' - J . -:Jt:i.,(-a L t:Jd 7iI n; J{ ilIA - 10 ~nd /!J IV t"',/~ Jd.,_f".; L , , 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE ,(JJ j::: r- I'J II (f, '1 1. ... / _)e;. A.... I ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** - -- '-- ZONE/LAND USE BY DATE TIME IN tff /q h '"T NUMBER DATE -l :0 V> --i r- OUT LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / 125 E 8th AVE . EUGENE. OR 97401 / 687-4061 , I I ~ I I ~ / 'I l I I I ;:_____' I I I ___ ~ '~' ": /'''/o'f 0" - - - ROAD - - _~lt""t_ ~~E K I _--1... ")/' \.: I_ I_ -.., A-h ;'1- -;"111' _ .Jl__~__ ' "!II ~~' Jl _ _ _ .. ~ - _.; .L - ~ ~ "-/NlrlA~ Iw,.,r , - - , :/ ~~ /,p'n't13'l-..lP'4~ l..tlJI ~ /..t14..l.' ~. ,IT" ,\j 3D" . ~!. 700 NI1I1'H"~T'~ 800 ~,~ ~:.. ..~ . '-'" . .. ~~ ~.. ,,~ ~ , , . , ~ .., t1.-L ~ I idl-;,s ",. ~~ t~ ~~ ..... . ~ '~. - .1 ..., "l-: '" , "''' ... ~ , ~~ ,~ - .' ~c~ "~/' ~ I.... /U'/T'.O.'l ~ :, \... 2 ..' ....~ I ( ~l- -. 200 8 100 ~ \O~ \~'\ t"'\ \) ~ . 8100 ,,';. '2- ~o '".... ~ . I ~... p.~ "' S"'Ii""7":I ~ ~u t ~ --'_ ~ IO~ an Ii - " uug -, j _I :\ ,n - I .< '"' LAN[ COUNTY DEPl ENV MGl RECEIPT ~ 38785 DArE 02158~ APPLICANr MOYER, D'ARLE.NE AD DR I 1~ OAK WAY MALL, EUGI.:NE, UI~t:GON .I an'i TLt 1802052401200 SUBDIV LOT DLK NEW OLDG TY~E USE k BDRMS 0 UNITS 001 SlORIt:S tBLDGS 001 PHONE. 606 0604 OWNE~ NME ~I[L, MAfiK nDDR 99 f. BROADWAY, EUGENE, OREGON CODE APPI. NO ACTION DESCRIPTION S(~ n UNIT COST vALUATION FEE BI' ~. IjP lIF' BP BP DAY" "' . , '- PL " F 1 XTUF(E S SWR Fl. ~Jn( rL WUN FL ... MI:.CH MECHANJCAL FE[ iH SUf( STATE. SURCHARC,E 4% PCI( PLAN CHECK FEE 6'5% L~' LC 3878~> SDSV ~o.oo .'1 I ~CArG SEQU TAKEN APF' 1 [{Y U'ID RA Ff' SDS Sf PCI( OTH lSS 3 TO I AL FEElH( 10 CI( :.' ESJ. CUMPLhTLON DArE ~o.oo \ \ , I"", -I ,",