HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1978-10-20 THIS IS A PRELl/ill/ARY IlEPORl WHlcrni 0 (SMOT IIISUIlE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTUIlE BUILDING PERliIT. PLAt/S OR EXPENDITURES MAOE It/A Ij,Eh' CE UPON TIllS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK, 1 ~ 3rJ.;;..,u;. PLEASE PRINT B/li:sCI-25-?'.)" ... '1!;' If Subdivision - '~ame HI 'II/L/"n"",.. Uk 2. (r;-I1.)l?IIi/(K910lot 1!,j:L Block #l. /1,..,"",:", Eo v '(v;S)' 110 '" ,J Owner of Property Owner I s Consent R'.,1r.<L F,'x No. of Sites /g Name " l..:3--r,R (:/<Zdl-lNdl-rLl- La'17fZ No. of Acres 4~ Mail ing Address , <, h 1-.',,,,yF,, at. t/ Total --r- I /7..-'-;T' 0 Cas h Ztf/,-'jO?'R, X..2/'./. ...h-"~_ 7"< -.r 4'Jf:~-./Check Telephone # Signature of Applicant Date ...' .v" .~ ~~ for Off Ice ,... . Use Only fld1- '7// Ilecl!"vc~ by' .. -',,1,. lode r) /85f? Township , .,,\1 Sect Ion ,Tax LOft No. 2W Range , , , Proposed Use ~ of Property 11<2-5,''/'''-117''0''/ , Property S,ze """'",''' P' 'u,,,,, I/-/~ ,j C T. Numuer SI)CCI.J1 PermIt Arca .. ,).1. " 7<1-:;3<D 2- j I Ye~ 110 UrbanlZlnfJ Area $ ~7So-" $ $ o-:S2So..--. "'.:5'- -t " r- , .. ". " r Owner Seller Applicant's Interest Buyer In Property' Other (Specify)' Rea I tor Legal Access - Road Name EXisting Structures on Property . Is Property W,thIn One Mile of City? Yes ..... IIhat City? <;y,+r/. 110 - i Proposed Water Supply PubliC V D,strlct: Spring _ Well Other (Specify)' " '('{' ('.' -4,.1 \ ll;"~l o , , " Property LocatIOn (DirectIOns) LlZ!!!?i -=I- (Io'sh tZ.r /?/ i Stm i ::::;,,,--1 S,p~", h ,:.i- ,.,:dl dutd 1";/[yA () ~A Id~.IJ h/ du;y- When Will Test Holes Be Ready' MARK TEST HOLES WITH OUR FLAGS Location of Test Holes on Property (Date) " ' " 'r (y' ..-- "l~ I '~0J " , , II'M , . 11-' II ~ I llltll II / ' Draw diagram of property shOWing locatIon of any landmarksjnd relationship these landmarks - \ .:1_',", .......;t;: -\ ~ ,~o of test holes to I ,/ , , - j if f~v if / / ....- ...." .., r , I' (11' 7;':,::- . ~~~/'),\ -7-- ~/ l. ro ~I C;fI I' 't Jj-;-". I I 0 LIl-(r1- " VI"" I' MAKE CflECK PAYABLE TO MAIL TO LANE COUNTY C55-5S OJ- 1"1 Jlt1 t , " " 11 'I HEAL 1f1 AllO SAN ITATlON BUILDING AND SANITATION DIVISIOII, 135 E. 6 th Ave. Eugene, Oregon 97401 I -'\~ ~~'f1 ,4'&.t>t j:t~ l'(~' ~~~f1~ I. . , < ")O'....V\;.K1-i.;:..._~..:J,.~.JIJ.\>l"I . , , I, f '( 81t. 2 _ .~-,-_____DJ_______ _ . ffl TesL 1I01e ' --..----.------- 0" - 7.' L ___~ __ DC( VY\. _---1. '. ..---1.-O.t__~_f;/l; J __~~I.!.<?!.~- 011 - z. ... CS ~Da...... ---- --- --- . .----~l T;;tll;-l~_ 0" - ---- -- . Hi Vei "6., f:J..-I_.:, /0 J1"J "7 r ~ 'I'1 ST JlULJ IU'.sULT(.., ).0 f II RJ-;;-~ /12 Test 1I01e 0" d. I - <,0 ~O<( ~ -. 0" TEST 1I0Lr RJ::SULTS "<'0 -I .3 0>/4 oJ ff2 Test 1I01e ;.:<-'1 v /...0""'" I TEST 1I0LJ; RJ::SULTS ff2 Test 1I01e 0" I I , :5L ,'/- J8 '- ~ ~---::II-)- il/~\ "I ff3 Te',L II01e - - -- I 0" "7 I /0 "<"O"~1 f " \ \ ----- --- . '- 'L ""-- #3 Test Hole ()" ff3 TeGL Hole 0" I ./ ~ . -1' I , I I I " "