HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-11-8 RURAL ADDPi="SSING /1/ CHECKED" tJV - 4 lfJ1 /1- Lane County Authorization for: , ~ \-rX .~J 1 () ! yt/5rrul ,Pfmo \'. YiJ,.....J - row' SH1Pl6 I RAIIGE 0'0 j s05. I. '5 I 370cluT OF S~TBDIVl\~PARTITr t@;.l.~ I IO(?SPC'CL "I BLOCK , ~ ,/) ) Ai !if sir" -' +t:) L7Y1~Jll I' '~11f- eUbJuntill.A Y ~ 1 ocft]; OF ,Pb~BE SJ~6bb. ) Yt -' f30 YlL eL foC,I -+- t3(;0 S VALUE '(O,\-~ I' ?f f~RIES- #. OF E",~~i.:)lhDI' rt Ri~V) . 1\ !:Jyoposed '-1;;1- e-{t.. 1'101/ lOx ~ 1~.L[ U IYlEnst~ng ~;;;~.-..:O~~@ 01 43r fZa. , ~M 973 EP ~C~rRNfE Ar?\~l*L0tcL \ I ~11~'-UL~ (11;~~EU;:NE .BER. j'~. n~DJtr:D t~r;;rt;:j .JrCa37j >>) e& ~~ .0r4t~EPHONE NUMBER /. \ ~ J uy,-," '-.- ,--_ I VE CAREFULLY eXAMINED THE COMPLETED~PLICl\rrON JOR PE.Rl IT dl"l IIi hen.'.l, certlf} that. all lllfonnat.l.OIl hereon 151'; and correct/,!,nd that I have t e follow.l.ng legal .l.nterest .1.11 the property Downer of r,-C-OHl 0 contTdl t- I IIl::chas~r DdLLhorl-zed agent "d.f b-l15G7 I f~rthcr certlfy that any and all work performed 5hdll pe done 1n <>.{.(.oLd,mr v,Ltll t'1 to f)rdlJlanCe~ of Lane County and the ws k ~he State of oregln pertauung to the work descrLbed hereLn, and that NO OCCUPAN(.Y wL11 lx_ 1130e of a 1 "it) ucture v,1thout tile pcrmL5s1on of the BUlldlng D1vLslon I fur- ther eert1fy that rcglstratLon wlth the BU11der's Board 15 In full fore", <lnd effeeL ds requLred bv ORS 701 055 that lf exempt the ba515 for exemptLon l5 noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees who are 1.n compl1.ance w1t' OR';; 701 055 w1.l1 be used On thl.s pro)ect r HAVE REM> N.m CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY p.." ~ 0 )1 ?f (~ h.L.1>('" Yn f} ~, , l TIIll - NAME(PleasePIl.~- .. ~flb~ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ......' APPllcat~o~/21 tyr.l Perm~t # :7~:; --f)l) ~ p~~ us!: OF PROPERTY l!d"Resldentlal Dlndustrl.al o Cor.rnerc~al 0 Publ~c tYi Or;J{Jn g 74.7/f) ~llo j~--' C NUl'lBER SIGNATURE DATE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY YOUR AUTHORIZATION qAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS' [] PLANNING/ZONING Zone Partltlon # Parcel # Parcel Sl.ZE> Mlnlmum Setback} m~ CL, front _ CD";- 51de . l.nterlor ~~~l~l1:~~~~rdt~qq I s I # B P # D Installatlon rear ('" ( ,yu.-hU GlJ". [] SANITATION rssued? 0 Yes 0 No MaXlmum Depth of Trenches Installatlon Gallon SpeCl.flcatlons Tank COMMENTS -4 ,tL.:. to/.I.! F ^ "fV'-'A. /~ rz:- k [] PLANS EX~INATION Type Ll neal Fpel of lJTiunf.1eld ~ai/ 4MJ) fPLJLA; f' ~ - Group cu ~A' ieJAR/1 Date //-j'-ff a.....~'J '~ v Use CQMHENTS Date n i?'/U ~/> . " II~/"?ti r PERMIT APPROVED BY B~ OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE (oer ORS 456 805(1)) DATF LANE COUNTY v'A~TMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 667-4061, 125 EAST 6TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION ('1/. ')1; QQA_ ~ SETB1,O.S A"lD OTHER CO....DITIO S Of APPROVAL ~lUST BE STRIC"'L, OBSERVED VIOLA7IO'l CA'f RESULT IN REVQ_ eA,IO", OF THIS PER'IIT CITATIO I UND!:.R PRovrSIO'J$ OF LANE CJL....T~ ::; INFRACTIO"l ORD1,ANeE AND/OR OTHER REMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW wHEN READY FOR I'<SPCCTIOr-. CALL 687-~065 A 'IINH1U' OF .1 LEAST 24 JIOURS ADVA CE NOTICE "'OR INSPEC- TIO'J Kt;Ql.r.::'j'::' 'luST l>S G.iJI:.'J Have the tollowlng Informatlon ready permit numbel::" Job address type of InspectIOn, when It Will be ready your nam~ and phore ~u~~er and any specIal dlrectlons to Slte BUILDING DIVISION REQUIRED r....SPECTIO"l$ 1 FoundatIon InspectLon To be made dfter trenches ,re materIals -for t'le toundatlon are delIvered on the Job plant (commonly termed tranSIt mIxed) 15 to be used excavated and forms erected and when all t here concrete from a ce~tral mixin~ materials need not be on the Job Concrete ~ o~ Under-~loor Inspection To be made after all in-slab or under-floor bUilding serV1ce eqUipment con~ult, plp1ng accessor1es and other anc1llar\ equ1pment 1tems are in place but bet ore any concrete is poured or floor sheathing 1nstalled including the subfloor 3 Framinq ~ Insulat10n Inspections To be made arter the roof, all framing, fire blocking and braCing are in ~lace a~d all plpes flreplaces cnimneys and vents are complete and all rough electrical ana plumbing are aoproved All wall lnsulatlon and vapor barrler are ln place Lath and/or Gypsum Board Inspectlon anae\.terIOr, 15 lnpYaCe Dut Detore and fasteners are taped ana flnlshed TO be made alter all lathlng and qypsum board nterlor any plasterlng lS applled and belore gypsum board JOlntS Final Inspectlon To be made after the bUlldlng lS complete and before occupancy APPROVAL REQUIRED ~o work shall be done on any part of the bUlldtnq or structure beyond the pOlnt lndlcated ln ea~h successtve tnSpectlon wlthout flrst obtalnlng the aporoval of the bUlldtng oftlClal Such aaproval shall be glven only after an lnspection shall have b~e~ made af each succeSS1ve step ln the constructlon as lndlcated by each of the lnspecttons required NOTE All bUildlng oermlts reqUtre tnspecttons for the work authorlzed such as but not llmlted to A Block wall To be maCA after retnforClng lS l~ place, cut before any grout 1S poured Thts lnspectlon 1S reqUlred for each bond beam pour There wlll be no approval untll the plumblnq and electrlcal lnspectlons have been made and approved B Wood Stove To be made after COMpletlon of masonry (If appllcable) and when lnstallatton lS cOMol~ Installatlon shall be ln accorddnce wtth an approved natlo~ally recognlzed testlng agency and the manuracturer's tnstallatlon lnstructtons C Moblle Home An lnspect10n tS requlred after the mobile home 1S connected to an approved sewer Or-5eptlC system for setback requtrements blocktng foottng connection ttedowns Shlrttng, and plumblng connectlons Foottngs and plers to comply wtth State foundatlon requtrements for mobtle homes or as recommended by the manufacturer Mobtle home mtnlmum f1nlsh floor elevatlon shall be certlfted when requlred by a flood- plaln management letter Mobtle home ttedowns when requ1red and sh1rtlng shall be lnstalled and ready for lnspec- tlOn wlthln 1t least 30 days after occupancy Tledowns ana s~lrttng shall be lnstalled per enclosure D SW1mmtn9 pool Below grade when steel tS tn place and before concrete 1S poured Above grade when pool-rs-tnstalled APPROVED PLA~S \lUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES OURIt.G WORKING HOURS THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF "ORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITllIt. 180 DAYS OR IF WORK IS SUSPi:"OED OR ABANDO~ED FOR HORi: THA" 180 DAYS SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION liAY OCCUR IF THIS PEfu"l:rT WAS ISSUED O"l THE BASIS OF INCOHPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFOfu'1ATION ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST TilE POll T or REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK SUBSURFACE A~D ALTERNATIVE ~ DISPOSAL SYSTEMS Permlts shall be eftecttVe for one year from the date of LSSUanCe Upon completlng the constructlon for WhlCh a per~lt has b~~n lssued the permlt holder shall nottfy the Lane County Department of Plannlng and COMmUnlty Development by submltt1ng the tnstallatton record form The Department shall lnspect the construct1on to determlne tf Lt compIles wtth the rules contalned ln thts dlVtS10n If the constructlon does comply wtth such rules, the Department shall lssue a certlf1cate of satlsfuctory completlon to the permtt, ~older If the construct1on docs not comply wlth such rules the Department shall not1fy the permlt holder and shall reqU1re satIsfactory complet1on before iSSUtng the certlflcate Fa1lure to meet the reqUlrements for satlsfactory COmpletlon wtthtn a lcasonable t1me constltutes a V10- latlon of ORS 454 605 to 454 74~ and thlS rule Setback~ - Subsurface Sedage Dlsposal S"ptlC Tanh. ~ro~ Intertor propert} Ilnes 10' Edge ot road rlqht-of-way 10' BUlld1ng [ouocat1on 5' hells other water sources 50 Dra1nfleld 10' 10' 10' 100' - I'l' " r r r Is .8 \!I ~ . ~ g . . . w 2 ~ w I ~ r . w '" m w ~ ~ r, . o o , s ~ . '1 n J ~ < :{i LANI t'fjllN1Y NI'l LNV ~11,1 ItHUI"'1 II :_:,s"/c1fi D{',1L 11V]l<b (,1'1'1 ] I r'\rH I,W,ll (, 1<1 NNF rll , liD1lI' 4,~ n 1(,,\'1-'1-1,: 10)., "I 'It Wt,1 11-1 I', 111"\1_ GON II::: i UO }u~-d 0:-< luO SlH1f)) V l (l ( HI I~ "I "j J;'U) I, 'I '(I ,[ IISI. [( [loltl'1;; (, UN 1 1'\ ()Oi S I UI 11-:" ~};{I DGS VI>] I: 111)1)1: (<I" 9'", ( OwNf I"~ mil: I,JO!J[ y, I( I NNI" -III ,,1'))11 '16,~7 1(;,<1 'II, U)" ;'1 I,'] Nl,[ III I>, [mU,UN 1,1 )DE fW! 'L t111 (',c 1 [111] DC:,f" In I" I I ON S\~ f"l I Jrl I I CO ,"'1 V(il lii\ r I tJtl f 0, I)" ql1 ' IJf' -'f- H 1'1" 'I,' " " r '1-'1 If UI , III ['f ,k 'UI sns l~ iD C!) . Ii: l_( !:i,: /f;:) [I [ S)>SC ."",()() .f) f) .. ()(j . ~ o ~ w -2 . ~ ::~r I ),J IJfYfl1 ;'I,Jlt 1"1, W (ft 11F:I:II(,!)II.1'd III , I r\ II' "IJI,:(;II(\I,:(,I, I"'U'IN 1.111_1'11 I 1 I: Ii. 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