HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-10-16 (3) __ '-i ~s- y \~ PHONE 6ff-If j:z. CIRCLE THE SKETCH MOST CLOSEL Y RESEMBLING CITY Eo6 E.Ai1:! YOUR INSTALLATION ~~ t=-"===, -"'=:"= -=--= , i r'=l , , . ':-:-1 rn \\ 1 ' 1_ V I - - "'\ c... ......<=-.=--.= ~ ,-,.oj '-.. --- --- ,,::'c-f.---., t:.=:- I l\~ c_ I" L --t '\, c - [~ ,,j , l I I "-I ~-ll:EJ r\ 1 L 'Ll -\.1- \. ~.~=- ,~- .-.l, ,- ..~...,.,....---...-.,.--- -~ "- ~! \~ lane . ounty ,r \~- WOOD STOVE&' FIREPLACE INSERT PERMIT , A PERMIT MA Y NOT BE APROVED UNTIL A COpy OF THE MANFACTURERS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ARE SUBMITTED __>li'~- r i NAME t'A1 II 7J1J If ;:;:>V I IADDRESS ..315" (!#I3IJ~& Kv i MANUFACTURER 50 AJ7Jp y,/ AI' i I!'STNrLER SF't r" ' ORS# , , I ~ I WOOD STOVE & FIREPLACE INSERT CONSTRUCTION .""".'."",J'"..!.' "'J.!,,'''"III., "J.. , A Th~ unit IS listed by 0 UL DICBO 0 Other ( n)L h ! t;: D B The floor protecllon IS /1A inches thick The matenal ISV--n.t~ ~ C Chimney type 0 Factory l2J Masonry Lined? 0 YES 0 NO MODEL ;2: v FREE STANDING STOVE DIMENSIONS ~LO.'iIlJ""'"l.o ,. II ."",, .11' ,UI ..", (IN INCHES) (NOT REQUIRED FOR FIREPLACE INSERTS) r II 1 Side of unit to protected wall (unprotected wall) 3<.0 2 Rear of Unit to protected wall~q' ~nprotected wall) "1 Co 'I 3 Corner to protected wall (unprotected wall) 4 Floor protection at Side of unit {p" r~a~. 0 front 18 ,I 5 Length of wall protection 4 y.-z.. redr ~slde 6 Height of wall protecllon 1-h...fr matenal Co/.JC 7?lock 7 Edge of protection to nearest door or window 8 Air space between protecllon and wall . .q II 9 Ola of vent connector or stovepipe oJ l I . 1t.llll ~I ! Type \Kl Factory 026 ga metal NOTES (1) Outside colTtlustlOn 81t1S required lor all fuel burning appliances. A 7 sq lfIch (mln area) closable vent located wnhln 24 'of the fIreplace or appliance on the floor or base of a wall . {2} A copy of the approved manufacture(s installation InstrUCl.lons must be on the lob sn.e at the tllM OIIrep9l:tlOn ImpettlCn canoot be completed W'oIOO\lt thes& InstUrcllOns (3) Your "Approved" planlappllCatKln must be on the pb sne for use at the lime of InspectIOn. (4) Not all Units are approved for comer InstallatIOn or reduced clearances WTlh wall protectKln (Refer to manufacturer's IIsnng) (5) K masonry chimney IS used rr MUST BE LINED (ReqUired by Law) EXISting flues must be approved by Inspector pnor to use You MUST provide access lorlhe Ul$p8CIor to make a complete VJSuallnspechon of your entire mstallatlon ~ (6) A flrep':.ce Insert InstallatIOn may reqUire wall framing to be exposed at the time of inspectIOn ....... (7) Fireplace mserts are not pennltled In factory bUl~ or prefabncated metal O' clearance fireplaces unless spedlCally tested and listed (8) Fireplace Inserts are oot permitted lfI masonry fireplaces wrth eXisting heat form type of metalflfeCoxes unless specrtlCally lested and lISted (9) UnlISted untts must be Installed In accord With the State Mechanical Gode utlllzmg the matenals and clearances set larth U\ Chaptar 5 0( thls code (10) IF YOU HAVE ~Y QUESTIONS REGARDING YOUR INSTAlLATION CONTACT THE COUNTY BUILDING INSPECTION OFFICE 687 4061 /umLL 'PER 57A.TE f1ECHi'J.)ICAL C=D[;;.. PERMIT I~UED AS NOTED - INSTALLATION APPROVED BY .......-r:;;,~p BY DATE /0 I Ie:, I 8 (p DATE I I PERMIT # J J ) S- - 8 Co LAND, MANAGEMENT DIVISION 125 E 8TH AVE EUGENE, OR 97401 C-14-32 .. .,. ~./ - .:.::::'3 - - :__ -~.....::: - - ~ --::..... ~ ~ ~ LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION Department of Public Works IJ' \ r----.... ~~ -, 1-1- _ ~I :~- ~-'~ l' II L L' JL-;-I~EJU-~ I ' \ 1_ tr \ E-~--=- ,- ._,~ IF YOUR INSTALLA TION DIFFERS ,FROM THESE EXAMPLES, OR IF THE INSTALLA TION IS A-FIRE- PLACE INSERT, PLEASE PROVIDE A PLAN AND ELEVATION DRAWING WITH DIMENSIONS /, t n I 2 ~ 3' ~I ~ .. '~~ I I , i - ~=-~~-\ : ,-::::;..::f-'~\ \ : C l-"-='llJ I ; . -:J I !~ l:EJ [\' ,,,-- -~~-~ ~ 1=-. \ ~,=.-.-l