HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1976-11-16 Pr7 I . .'. 3'~' . , For Office f Use Only ~ R-ece I ved bv QUEST FOR SITE FEASIBILITY STUOY S 1# 1& -?~I I/-as- Code C,T. Number SDec~~ Area Yes V No Urbanlzlno Area THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT INSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. PLEASE PRINT If SubdivIsion - Name Lot # Block # /7 :; :J ~ / ~ J..::Loo ~ Yes No Township Range Section Tax Lot No, Owne( of'~rty (pwnerls Consent t.7; II G /-/4-V No. of Sites I) $ ?~OY/ , Name ?q L? (') (') C fJ L () IJLJ....!l.l [) /2, No of Acres" $ Ma II rng Address ,! {;"'j (!J/Q_ ,6.1#""-;-::/; q'7/~~// ~I J.'~~I 74/"-7.q~- X a.J'~-_ '.dtl/ /-./ ~Check Telephone # Signature of.App Ica~ . Date Owner )( Proposed Use Appl rcant'S; Interest Buyer _ Realtor of Property J/.() Me, S, fl"'. In Property Other (Specify) . j Co 1-01/.1: nL D/? J)() i!J f' Legal Access - Road Name EXlstln]lStructures on Property Proposed Water Supply PUblici Dostrlct >\ FA., iVho tV Spring - Ilell Other (Specify)' J- - I1p,if L~€_ eA.,f f frll/re Ia: ! $ 1'.4' M Sel I er 70')( ,2 <>7 Property Size ~s Property Within One Mile of City) es y What City? ,yl?,-V'i{,el No . Property Location (Directions) fr, s -IRdPef- h He. &.4ue rAft.... -I) () VI fit 1'C J i +i.k e-/)\ tP./'l h 1- ( Vo f) \ ~I4IPM When Will Test Holes Be Ready? //-16- ?d MARK TEST HOLES WITH OUR FLAGS (Date,)1 Location of Test Holes on Prope ty " , ~ Draw dIagram of property shOWing locatIon df these landmarks (1/ FTeRAlOOA/) \ any landmarks and relationship of test holes to , , j , 1 \,' I \ 'I \ ) , . ~ MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO MAIL TO LANE COUNTY C55-55 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Phone 6~7-4065 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 135 E 6th Ave, Eugene Ore ~~ ~~ ~~ - u ~ r- ""-""" ~ <:> <::>- .. "". c.. * ) .~ IL APPROVED NOT APPROVED " ~ a~c<./ cf A-i./ ~ ./~~ /~ )u;;f 444t.<.v ;"'./ /~S:. ~t.<<./ . ;<< ~d'l~ r (~ i(.~ t/;..;:&v ;.?JtJ:.___ J~ .ddD ~/L.) t.l..tr(; ,. (.(,-<.J- .-vv,1t,~t6i!) <..r /9 u .4ku ~dJJ ) ~</tV .2'1 "jt? L'- r~ jJkullfJ u~;(-~ x!f ~L'- Authorized S~nature \ , 11-1t,.-'7[" Date , ' -' / " ~~ ". . . . v --' . .' / November 30, 1976 Dear Mr B1l1 Hay RE, lib ,/ /1'/// ;/'/;r' lane county .~ Twp. 17 Range 03 Sectlon -Tax Lot # ['1UU ~lte ~valuatlon /6-869 BUlldlng Per~lt # 22 12 The property descrlbed above was evaluated by the Technlcal Asslstance Com- mlttee on November 29, 1976 Based upo~ our teehnlcal reVlew your property appears ellglble for the fol- lowlng con~ldcratlon. 1) Re-1.nVestlgdtlon of 51te 2) 5011 proflle conflrmatlon 3) Water table e]evztlon study 4) Rural areas mod] flcatlon reVlew 5) Varldnce modl[lcatlon IeVlew 6) Alternatlve syslem reVlew 7) Experlmental system reVlew 8) No optlon appeacs feaSllJle D D m o '10 o o D Th1s property does not appear to be w1th1n the Ra1nbow Water D1str1ct Proof of the d1str1ct coverage of th1S property must be presented Please flll out the enclooed for~ as lndlcated by Item one through seven. If Item 8 lS checked you may: 1) Call the person whose name appears at the bottom of the den1al letter to dlSLUSS the denlal and the reasons for It. 2) You may also call for an apPolDtment wlth the Technlcal ASslstance Commlt- tee for further d1.SCUS~Lon of the evaluatlon. 3) If you are o[ the OplD1.0n, after dl~CUSS1.ng the matter wlth the Technlcal ASslstance GommJttee and the person who den led your permlt, that an error hat:. beE..TI mi'de 111 the dppllcaLlon of the DEQ rules to your sltuat1.0n, call the DEQ M1d West Reglon,l o[flce at telephone number 686-7618 and request an 1ndependcnt pvalu3t1on of your S1.te and proposed l.nstalldt1.on. 4) The 1ndependent eveluatlon lS [or the sole purpose of determ1n1ng if the orlglnal eVallJ3tlon dnd reV18W of optlons wa~ In error In the appllcatlon of DEQ rules to your property and lnstallatlon plans. Slncerely, Roy L. Burns, Dlrector RLB/gf C74-115 Enclosure \V~TEO r>OLl UT10N C01\'7-=GI. :)IV / :: '~ DC'~lt,~C, 'i-f~ I~ 1,'111N<\GE.IJ~i\'T ~-=-<:lT I lr1:. ::.AST fT...J .:.\/:: / EUG~t\'~ 00 Or.'!r-, 1 / 15'1,.-1\ :;37 !fj:'jS TRS, TI /7-0~ - .22, 1.:2.- 11/00 IPlot Plan JJe./f L,,....e..... t:.fl..g!y/lld. f}/? fil) nOD 1-5. ~ l.oc~ s ~ . aJ-L t ~ V~cinity Map Job Locat~~? (Address) Permu II-;{() - ?r:;C) For Perm~t # I' For Perm~t # For , r!a Lt'J All Pi- J... Permit II PermU II Permit II ~ '" ~ .. ~ N CoLONIAL D~I've.. , \ , <:> ..".. \, / -- It,/O / , ; 7CJ ' (~ N ,~ '1'/ ~ -~~ '0.... . ~I j~ --- "V-2fYy ~ ~ , 1'\ 4?v0 ' ~ ~ ~ .~C'/ 70/ I , .D e I J/e.. For For For . SITE EVALUATION WORKSHEET LOCATION: 17 RANGE .3 TAX LOT # / ~o-O SECTION 2- Z--- TWP. ZONING: - ~H USABLE AREA: ~ PROPOSED USE: SIZE OF PROPERTY: 70/ X .2~7/ COMMUNITY 00 INDIVIDUAL I I AMOUNT PUBLIC I I WATER SUPPLY: IF SITE MEETS STANDARDS FILL OUT: Type of structure and approxlmate sewage flow: Slngle Famlly Multl-famlly gpd Industrlal Commerclal gpd Instltutlonal MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: Length of dlsposal trench requlred Dlstrlbutlon Method: Equal D Yes D Senal 0 No D Curtaln draln requlred: Other: SPECIAL SITE CONSIDERATIONS OR VARIANCE OPTIONS OR OTHER ALTERNATIVES: 4/ :o.,.~;:--~""' ./ ~j, ,:.? M.I/'IrLA/ A_f(_O;7M-Z:;- u,.;z;; .;> NAME: 4.~_ c1 DATE OF EVALUATION: /I~/C'?& C74-l26 gpd gpd gpd /150 gal. #1 TEST 'PERCHED WATER SATURATED ZONE L E # 2 T 3 T H 0 L E PROFILE PREDICTED WATER PROFILE ~ ~n. Inch Pred~cted Inch ~n. ~n, Observed ~n. Date $C 5'~ 12 - 12 - " / SATURATED ZONE ~n, 24- Pred~cted ~n 24 - ~n, Observed ~n Date Pred~cted Observed Date Pred~cted Observed Date 36 _ 36 - Restr~ct~ve Layer ~2- ~n, Imperv~ous Layer ~n, Mottl~ng /2 +- ~n, 48 -" A-<I _L., ( Restr~ct~ve Layer tJ7 ~n Imperv1.ous Layer 1.n Motthng /1.. - /<./ w 48 - CLq 60 60 - SITE DOES o DOES NOT [[] MEET MINIMUM STANDARDS. ADMINISTRATIVE RULES REOUIRE ~ MINIMUM DEPTH OF: ON YOUR PROPERTY THE DEPTH WAS: 0 36 ~nches to an ~mpermeable layer 0 30 l.nches to a restr1.ct1.ve layer 0 60 l.nches to a permanent water table 0 24 l.nches to a temporar~ly perched water OTHER REASONS FOR DENIAL If.d. ' ;lL;L.. Jh~./~od vht.offi) ~I~~X PLOT PLAN: ~nches l.nches l.nches tab Ie tAHfJ b ~1 ....,... Jr:l. - 1<1 wches a..- ~,,~ "'_ /A 7jJ1d-~ ~ AM.J Stream Dra1nage or pond If t.......... '.f, I {)>>/ ~~ Road --..-- Test Hole QD ~ "/. Slope Cu t Bank ", ", Fence "K-K-X ~ lane county March 24, 1978 -- Mr. B111 Hay 1700 Colon1al Dr1ve EUgene, Oregon RE, Twp 17 Range 03 Sec. 22,12 T.L 1400 Slte Inspect10n # 76-859 Date of Slte Inspect1on' 11/16/76 Dear Mr Hay In1t1al 1nvest1gat1on of the subJect property found 1nd1cat1ons of a perched h1gh water table at a depth of 14 lnches from the g~ound surface Th1S depth was not 1n conformance w1th the m1n1mum requ1rements of DEQ's subsurface sewage d1sposal regulat10ns and a perm1t could not be 1ssued, As requested, your slte 1nspect1on has been cont1nued to allow for a w1nter water check F1eld observatlons have determ1ned that the subJect property should have been denled on the bas1s of 1nadequate area for an 1n1t1al and replacement systems Due to a swa1e (depress1onal area) extend1ng east and west through the mlddle of the property, 1t would not be feas1ble to place dra1nllnes runn1ng 1n a north-south d1rectlon, Also, a 25 feet setback requ1rements from property llnes make 1t 1mpract1cal to run dra1nl1nes 1n an east-west d1rect1on Slnce the lot w1dth 1S 70 feet, Based on these observat1on, 1t wl11 not be poss1ble to 1ssue a bU1ldlng perm1t for the subJect property 1n accordance wlth the regulat1ons, A copy of th1S letter w1ll be attached to the slte lnspect10n for the subJect property, and w1ll become a part of the records regard1ng the property, If you have any quest10ns regard1ng th1S matter, please feel free to contact th1S Off1ce Based upon the f1nd1ngs of our Department, as expla1ned 1n th1S letter, we would recommend that you contact the Lane County Department of Assessment and Taxatlon for a reV1ew of the appra1sal of your property For further 1nformat1on, you may call 687-4314, Slncerely, fft! ~&S" D1rector Water Pollut1on Control Dlv1s1on RLB/gr WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION I 125 EAST 81H AVENUE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT EUGENE OREGON 97401 I 150316874061 .... lane county I I I , March 24, 1978 ~ Mr Blll Hay 1700 Colon1al Dr1ve Eugene, Oregon r RE: TWi) 17 Rangp 03 Sp~ n,12 LL_lAOO Slte IQioectlon-1-76-B69 Date of Slte Inspect1on' 11/16/76 Dear Mr Hay In1t1al lnvestlgat10n of the subJect property found 1ndlcat1ons of a perched h1gh water table at a depth of 14 1nches from the ground surface ThlS depth was not ln conformance with the m1nlmum requ1rements of DEQ's subsurface sewage d1sposal regulat10ns and a perm1t could not be 1ssued As requested, your slte 1nspect1on has been cont1nued to allow for a w1nter water check. Field observat1ons have determ1ned that the subJect property should have been den1ed on the bas1s of 1nadequate area for an 1nlt1al and replacement systems Due to a swale (depresslonal area) extend1ng east and west through the m1ddle of the property, 1t would not be feas1ble to place dra1nl1nes runnlng 1n a north-south d1rect1on, Also, a 25 feet setback requ1rements from property llnes make 1t 1mpract1cal to run dralnl1nes 1n an east-west d1rect1on Slnce the lot width 1S 70 feet, Based on these observat1on, 1t wlll not be poss1ble to lssue a bU1ld1ng perm1t for the subJect property 1n accordance wlth the regulat1ons, A copy of th1S letter w1ll be attached to the slte 1nspect1on for the subJect property, and w1ll become a part of the records regard1ng the property If you have any quest10ns regard1ng th1S matter, please feel free to contact th1S Off1ce Based upon the f1nd1ngs of our Department, as expla1ned ln th1S letter, we would recommend that you contact the Lane County Department of Assessment and Taxat10n for a reV1ew of the appra1sal of your property For further 1nformat1on, you may call 687-4314 Slncerely, (f:p ~&s ,Dmctor i Water Pollut1on Control D1Y1S10n i RLB/gr WATER POLLUTION CONTRC1I. DIVISION / 125 EAST alH AVENUE I 'L1C SERVICE BUILDING ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT EUGENE OREGON 97401 / 150316874061 76-859 HalT Surname J Twp 3 22.1.2 1400 Range Section Tax Lot -os Lode Census Tract Receipt No Date I Owner Owners Consent Yes No REQUEST FOR SITE FEASIBILITY STUDY THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT INSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT, ANY PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK: Name B~ll G. Hav 1 $ 75.00 and No Sites Addrese lf7 1700 Colonial Dr:Lve $ No, Acres Euqene. Ore. 97tlOl TOTAL $ 75.00 Telephone No I Proposed Use of Property Residence Property Size Legal Access - Road Name Ispeclal Permit Area I UrbaniZing 70' ;( 257' Co1on~a1 Drive Yes No Yes No Existing Structures I Is Property Within One Mile of a City? ;)!one What C I tv? Yes No Proposed Water Supply Other Public Olstrlct SDrlnq Well SDeclfv Applicants Interest In Property Area , , Property Location, (Oirectlons) APPROVED NOT APPROVED xx The area of the test holes ~> not su~table for SDS d~~ to r~2tr~c~'v~ ~ndicat~ons of a winter water ceble ab~ve state standards. ~Ja'Cer t"as ind~catcd at 14", state standards requ~re 24" to a temporary pelchect uater table. OAR Chapter 340 D1V1S1on 7 Sect10n 72-020 (6) Th1S report shall rema1n 1n effect untll 1ssuance of a perm1t to construct, unless 1n the meant1me cond1t1ons on thlS or adJacent propert1es have been altered ln any manner wh1ch would proh1b1t 1ssuance of a perm1t 1n wh1ch case thlS evaluat10n report shall be cons1dered null and v01d Technlcal rule changes w1ll not 1nvalldate any evaluat10n report 1ssued pursuant to thlS sect1on, BEFORE CONSTRUCTION IS START EO bring thiS form to the Department of Environmental Management and make applIcatIon for a building permIt, If the property IS a por- tion only of a tax lot, a metes and bounds description of the parcel must be fur- nished, Exact specifications for the sewage disposal system will appear on the building permit Two sets of buildIng plans and a plot plan Will be required, LANE COUNTY DEPT, OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 135 EAST SIXTH AVENUE. EUGENE. OREGDN 97401 Greg Gray 5J. Authorized Signature I.l-]( 7~ C55-32 B Date