HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1980-3-25 \> \ ~.! ; JOB ADDRESS POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE 1630 Colonial Drive, Eugene, Oregon LC-618-80 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # TRS, TL 17-03-22.1.2 U 801 na SubdiVISion This permit for the referenced property IS hereby approved. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed Violation can result In revocation of this permit, citation under provIsions of Lane County's I nfractlon Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law Applicant/Address Carl H. Seals, Jr., & Teresa, same as above. Owner/ Address same Contractor/ Addresi, Contractor's OS # Total Construction Value / Construction approved by this permit , \ Water Supply well, existing PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Setbacks Interior property lines Ie of road nght.of.way 1_ _ddlng foundation Wells, other water sources CONST R UCTI ON PE RMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Telephone Telephone Telephone 747-8834** same / Repair existing SDS-reroute. Structures now on property: house and pumphouse. # Bedrooms 2 # Plumbing Fixtures na # Employees na Zoning RA Partitioning # Minimum required structural setbacks, from Side exterior na , Intenor property lines SpeCial Instructions none na Parcel # centerline of road, front na ,rear property line less than acre na Parcel Size na, centerline of road, na For information call 687-4394, Carol Any alteratIOn o. natural con::llt c "leamaDPtllOved for Ihe d'_ field or replacement area \ septl~r/v, Site Inspection # no recorpllnstallatlon speCifications 1000 150 lineal feet of dralnfleld reqUired, max depth of trenches 36 inches Special Instructions Install an equal distribution system in the back yard, keeping a - . minimum 50' setback from any well. Properly abandon the old tank by pumping and filling it in. Ma1ntain a maximum depth of 36 inche if necessary install a pump or move drainfield closer to the house and abandon the well. If well is abandoned, follow Env. Health instructions for abandonment. For information call 687-3760 between 8 00.9 00 am, Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' gal mln Dralnfleld 10' 10' 10' 100' Kathi Wiederhold Type of Construction Instructions none na Group Fire Zone naUse ClaSSification na na For plans information call na between 8 00 a m and 9 00 am, na For inspections (see back of thiS permit) call 687-4065 between 8 00 a m and 5 00 p m DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 1,}t;, I=Ac::.T QTU A\lt:1I.l1 It: t:llr..t:"It: f"\Dt:r.:,...,,,.07i1n1 By / ~ne county ---- Directions to Site Beltline to east end, right, 1 block right again onto Colonial, ~ way on right. Date Issued ~ ~ -"'13_ 03-25-80 Kathi M. Wiederhold/lky DEPARTI,ENT OF ENVIRONI1ENTAL t1ANAGEMENT PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 Job Address /?,?x; (ld1JYLL/! f. DJ. j "1'aW~tMIt. R~ng~. Sed10n. Jal< lot J'J fl.;, ~'2 l2 Sllb<lN1s'I,,"' . . Appl1catlOn for A?O/;"'; ~/J/n'V~ Structures now on the property ~l5ell~ fJ(1l. IlD -+- l'ropos,d use of' PtVperty, IIi! ,Re,'de~tjal () C,ol\llle>"l'i~l Affldm t I. r Alr \ J:;Po.Js .Jf'; lple~~ print) If thlS appllcatlon lS for an agrlcultural bUlldlng ,t wll1 be used for purposes allowed by the State BU11dlng Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zonTng) and for no other purpose I have the followlng legal lnterest 1n the property y owner of record, contract purchaser, lessee, holder of an excluslve optlon to purchase, duly authorized to a~t for the own~r. who 15 knowledgeable of th15 a?pl,catlon S19nature/Address <2- ~ ~ ~_, )&'),0 ('r.lhl) J(\ l Dr- j::[~PViI" (ZlP)qryl.H) / Telephone I] l.P) - ~8~l.j or Date "oJ, - /1) - $<.0 When perm't lS ready notlfy Or! Appl,cant I-I Owner I-I Contractor ~ I-I mall 18/ phone Owner('C\",\. \\ .,>",o.Js ~'" .+-----rQRS-SA- ~,,\pa1<:: (m)qr)L)/'l) Phone !Jl,Jf)-X''AS\.{ Contractor (Zl p) Phone City /.; ~(J V7 P ()()~.eLl '-J ~ot IHoek I\t>plw,ti"ri t, U\-toI8-'i?D As$\9ned Numb~rs VI~ u.", ".l2- () IlIllust;i"i 0 l'\lbHe . hereby cert,fy that thlS lnformatlon 1S true and accurate I' Contractor's OSR# Plumblng by If Commerclal I Qf' stories Res,dentlal * ~f bedrooms ;7 ~ SI test holes ready DU NUl WRITE BELOW'THIS LINE # of employees 'f^of units. oUSt !~I Ex,st,ng, BP # I~I Proposed, SI # "FIt l:od~ Descriptio" Sq. Ft. 0" 1/ of Sito. lJnif eost Valuatlon Fee l~jLpcLL~ '\......'/ /J N. I :"'. t- A/Yl ""'Y- U ~,n~ h 0 .n. r'tt 17 D $ $ $ $ $ each $ each $ $ $ $ I-I C~sh ~e~lI# RecelVed by l'.tiU( (!l)o~,n9~ Total Valuatlon $ Plillltbiflg' flxt~re$^ at $ ~r/.~ter ~Ofl6. at $ Subtota 1 Water Supply Proposed Year Installed 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy TOTAL tf~ PERMIT PROCESSING Zone ~ Part # Parcel # Pa ree 1 Sm l LSS ~ hQ~(i(J.W Mlnlmum setbacks <;., front Il, slde . lnt . rear Comments To be typed on perm,t (\ rnl61l j By Date ~-17-~r) CP&I Type Group Fwe Zone Use Classlflcatlon "- To be typed on perml t By For plans lnformatlOn ~ectl 1<.1 - ; call (area lnspector) 1 J--lJ JY) 0 ) ~J; t1/);j- "~, t'rY\ In -Pi'rt lrlJ CP&I set(s) Date WPC == set(s) Requlred Date Phone f(l~.t- } I ~'fr, ?". Wi 1.r r'h,\ -, /\T' ' Sllp ~e Da to PCC Comp 1 eted PCC Cis /~/~ WWPC ~-/ Pl anm ng ~I PubllC Works I~I Elevatlon ~I nla ~I Address /~I Fac 111 ty Perml t /~I Envlronmental Health &D(5 ~~J w/2J-~~ C~~ FOR INFORr~TION about progress of your appllcatlon call C74-171 Permlt Control Center 6S7-HELP (687-4357) r ~I I , , . t I ~ I , 't l'IY J j-,NV MG J l,re U f-'1 i: {> j 1:113(' HDDR I,' iO '- (II. [IN d;1 lH~., I. fiNE: CUllin '1 (ipl'l luiN' ,'[,lL <;, (',WL ,JR, II ~l I -/(), ~:<2 i ",)OI)RI~J1 ..,:unu r v W vJ {'I lie, I r r'L 1I:_' [ r~ Nfl nIlhMS ,-'UDI M f'l 11(1 M I] ON DU ,;1' 11-'1 ] ON EW FW H' HI' Ar' BF-' I L PL N']. I fATIJhl:- ' li[(~f1 ,;1)1:: PL'I( Sf),~ I (~ ,,; ~J8(l SJ),<:'F, srlo Cf'J I I (\I<rN (f,< U,D 1,)1-',: ~ 01\ NO UNI IS' 001 "~ I I lIU [ r Nf), CuNrH.C rrlf~S ~lE 1I1hN J C{-,L I c:r : I () IE sllr~I-I-I(,I'J,1 1'[ (W "111 CIo. I ['C 1-:1::1 ,() [I~, f~t:1 fjl;,; J 1- PLAr~ lLFI' ,~r}lil: F~' Ll'f1f'U Jr'JJ f'Y fl(.,'il O,j-(OO HIl,r I'H: ~ 111 HU, Nil Sl Of' ,1-'; ~Jfl ilL!)!,;,'" O() 1 COS1_v(',LI1f1fJIlI'1 fl f Dr;", ~~ L, ",00 ,:r-,LfI ...~% ()~< I) :! . ;"-, ()() I' CNVH HJTr-1L r u }'}' () " t,) : I) : '\ ~ l! ~)I 00 CI< ~ '12.J u ~ 11 ; 10 . ~ , ~ ~; . 4 Q ~ ~ , , DEPARTrIENT OF EtlVIRONr~ElnA\ flANAGEi'1ENT / ~ '" PSG, 115 EAST 8TH AVENUE , EUGENE, OREGON 97401 '-~ Job Address TownshlP, Range, SectlOn, ,Tax Lot I'J rJ'J, :;('J ',t Subdlvlslon I AppllcatlOn for ./le..<?QLA-.) .;:J{2/?/77CU?-.:T- Structures now on t~e property::l Bp n.ll-l'J('ff\ I-ll'> t LllL. + YLVYf\D \-h, b.-<L- - , Proposed use of property 8/ ReSldentl,al I~/ Commerclal L/ Industnal () I~?/) (lc!Ciru(J M,v 1:2. Cl ty !J .13(' V7 e {)()R(J J 0 Appllcatlon fa U>(ol x- cD Asslgned Numbers Lot Block ." I I I J PubllC Affldavlt I. (')C1r \ .see Is .--1R , hereby certlfy that thlS lnformatlon lS true and accurate (please pelnt) If thl5 appllcatlon 15 for an agrlcultural bUlldlng ,t wlll be used ~or purposes allowed by the State BUlldlng Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zonlng) and for no other purpose I have the followlng legal lnterest In the property )( owner of record, contract purchaser, lessee, holder of an exclus1ve opt1on to purchase. duly authorlzed to act for ~he owner, who 1S knowledgeable of th1S appl1cat1on Slgnature/Address \:'A.J A.l..~ q", ;1 '~V ('ule Tilt' \, 1) r- I :..,:;. " (ZlP)q fll-/() / TelephonerJl,IJ)~'6~~q or f Date 3:""/,/-, 80 When pennlt lS ready notlfy if I Appllcant ~ C,I Ownef CI Contractor Q.>' 1.../ mall ,81 phone Ownerl '< \ . \ Ir\ '..,,,,~_b -\\' _\ --\qY~'':if\ 1'\ _")"=:'0. \ S (ZlP1Cj'r)L){)/ Phone fJl,)fJ SS3l.f Contrac tor (z 1 p) Phone Contractor's OSR4 Plumb1ng by ,/ ! r If Commerc1al ~ of stor1es Res1dent1al of bedrooms 2 j SI test holes ready DO NUT WRITE # of employees BELOW THIS LINE # of SDS un1ts () EXlstlng, CI Proposed, BP # 'JO l:zemvcls SI # Fee Code Descrl ot lOn Sq Ft or # of S1tes Umt Coct Valuat10n Fee ~ Subtotal $ $ $ $ $ each $ each $ $ $ $ r ""'W0...u-' ~ f) fY.. \ ~k VY"\ -=y- U ~Q?7 nO 1\('7{ 1T g, I I Cash -=-/ /l::'! Check # RecelVed bv Total Valuatlon $ Plumb1ng f1xtures at $ Sewer/water conn at $ .Iater Supply Proposed Year Installed ~/ ( Ji-XLLL EX1stlng ~ ~4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy Part # , CL, s1de Parce 1 # J> $~ '--" Parcel SlZe U,S'S -tha",v~, TOTAL PERMIT PROCESSING Mln1mum setbacks Zon e f:SJ.A.. It, front , 1nt , rear Comments To be typed on perm1t _____r By\.~ ,~ Date ';9 -17-elC'.J ~ WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Installatlon spec1f1cat1ons \~ ::2,(n " To be ~yped ~kPO" ~~:~IIl'lh I(\~:t: on~ --. 1fJ-F! ;c{il.z. ~ to slte I-Xj!,J-lvnV '1'Q:; T'(U# k....l5{,,-t r7<);t; TM d'Y\t() (r=tl""IY, to L.-J ( I !: .~ CI SIFIf Plan;0Y gal tank, CP&I set(s) WPC _ 'set(s) Date Requ1red /-1 CP&I -=-/- V<",I WPC I~I Plann1ng I~I Publlc w'ork.s CI Elevatlon I_I n/a CI Address () FaC111tv Permit I~I Env1ronmental Health 6ru-2) ~U-?f-- "..0/ 2J~ 0~ FOR INFOP'~TION about progress of your appllcat10n call Permlt Control Center 687-HELP (687.4357) TR~, TT Plat Plan SubdJ.vJ.sJ.on Job Location Permit II Permit II. PermH 1'- f ~N' ~ (Add res s) For For -~For " Lot 17 03 "'LO"./ Block ""}., '~,)%:\ ~ -.. -r~ - D 4 l ~ ~ -:~ ~ ~ ~t ~~ ~- 3 t ;')~ ~ \~~~ -:' {,~ ~f?~~ ~e8 i ~ n -(3) ~4;7 \ I_L (- w~e.T JFITL,AJt t M,I ~ Rcl 'JIl- o ,. I ;, If<lF11030 c:."l.",,~ ; COLON,AL Or. ~ Vicinity Map C74-1S0 II/.,lL <{ ~ ~ ~ -.s \ , . <0 I- ." ... '3 , ~ N i , v'- w o "' ///// Cotbl.lIA/..- ()y, t;...."c O~i': Permit III/For Permit # For Permit # For -~: _f"-.!&.I~e....f..:. ;, i:" ~Q ( -- -:<i-"-Ul ~ T Q .[ ~ "'f. <;: oJ ~!-\n:~JC\ .I@ ...v~ 11 c-' ~ ~ ~ -lJ) " ~ ::0 :J' ~ :::r 1 ~ ~ Il,?'o - -- --- /VorT"- 13"",,,bArt 55' _.- -------- '--........ 1 ... g'..........L , ' , J ~\~ \0 ~ ~ !: ~ Pro po;' t.J.. T.,,~ +-fi~l.l. ... , . ~I.j ".00:' i "/' ~~,"~ ..JIl%' t;,' :2. I3c.li Ro"." S'''~L[. S"'r~r \-10'" 5 E 40~' J;X;5T'<J~ T~NK ... F\.l~ r~./ ~ --~ , - ----"""4Y ~~I-i' CJ?tlo I er- e> - ~ w " CI " ~ -< '\. ..... .. >c ... '- ~ ,.. - < '1' \ I \ ) ll! i! i r ~~ ]~ ----"f~ ~ - ~ I . > fo ... '" . 'i ~I-... ... .n ' (-1.,. .. ~ '-'<:!) /\ /:' - ~"') ~ /////// f{...d I' 1\ 'u ~ -<I ... .... POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN I1UILUII~l:J /4.1 ""I:: ~OB ADDRESS 1630 Colonial Dr~ve, Eugene, Oregon CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # LC-6l8-80 TRS, TL 17-03-22.1.2 H 801 SubdiVISion na This permit for the referenced property IS hereby approved. Setbacks and other conditions of approval mu,t be strictly observed Violation can result In revocation of this permit, citation under provIsions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law 747-8834** Applicant/Address Carl H. Seals, Jr., & Teresa, same as above. Owner/ Address same Contractor/ Addresl.j Contractor's OS # Total Construction Value I Telephone Telephone Telephone I same , r Construction approved by this permit Repair existing SDS-reroute. Structures now on property: house and pumphouse. '" Bedrooms 2 '" Employees na ater Supply well, existing '" Pkmblng Fixtures na PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION t ~ I i' I r , " .1 Setbacks Intenor property lines ~dge of road right of way Jildlng foundation " Y'Jells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PE RMITS/I NSPECTION DIVISION " i I ~I Zoning RA Partitioning '" Minimum required structural setbacks, from slele exterior na ,Interior property Imes Special Instructions none na Parcel", centerline of roan, front na ,rear property line na Parcel Size less than acre na, centerline of road, na For Information call 687-4394, Carol A" J 0.1 (' n:. J,~\ ': i...." ..~~~ -~:-,GV~:j [,021d or rc~l;;!.cer.:'" _:! ga I m I n septlc1ta'nkScapacrtY I . Site Inspection # no recorp.~nstallatlon specifications 1000 150 lineal feet of dralnfleld reqUired, max depth of trenches 36 inches Special Instructions Install an equal d~stribution system in the back yard, keepll1g a minimum 50' setback from any well. Properly abandon the old tank by pumping and filling it in. Ma~ntain a maximum depth of 36 inc ~f necessary install a pump or move drainfield closer to the hous and abandon the well. If well ~s abandoned, follow Env. Health instructions for abandonment. For IIlformatlon call 687-3760 between 8 00.9 00 am, Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Dralnfleld 10' 10' 10' 100' Kathi Wiederhold Type of Construction I nstructlons none Group Fire Zone naUse Classification na na na For plans informatIOn call na between 8 00 a m and 9 00 am, na For inspections (see bdck of thiS permit! call 687-4065 between 8 00 a m and 5 00 p m bne county / Directions to Site Beltline to east end, right, 1 block right again onto Colonial, ~ way on right. Date Issued 03-25-80 r -" 8'1 Kathi M. Wiederhold/lky DEPARTMENT OF E"'I,RONME"T4L MANAGeMENT COURTHOUSE' PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUe EUGENE OREGON 97401 - - SLAB FLOOR PLUMBING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED ;---? DlsAPPRovro ~ DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS W~ -t;" ... 6"'-/.:1 -"fl,a .It#-- ? GAS PIP I NG GROIIND,JORK ApPROVED Cl DISAPPROVfD ~ OAT! IN';PECTOR RrMARKS ROUGH PLUMBING AppRnVED / / DISAPPROVED ;---? DATC INSPECTOR Rn-tAPK S ROUGH GAS PIPING APfROVfO Cl DltlAPPl10VfD Cl tJAlr INSPECTOR REMARKS FINAL PLUII,B I NG ApPROJfO / I DISAPPPOVED L~ D~Tr__~___ __ I '1~p[CTon RlMAP":.S_ - ---------- --- ---~ ---------~- FINAL GAS PIPlf'G ApPROVED Cl DIS4PPROVED ;---? DAlr INSPECTOR REMARK 5 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUP^NCY READY TO Issur ;---~ NOT READY TO ISSUE ~-=7 DATC INSPECTOR REMARKS ..' ~"