HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1978-10-23 . ..~ POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JOB ADDRESS 1630 Colon1a Drive, 17-03-22-1.2 n 801 TRS, TL Eugene CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # 3288-78 SubdiVISion NA / This permit for the referenced property IS hereby a.. _. ,ad. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed result In revocation of this permit, citation under proVISions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law Applicant/Add ress Owner/Address Contractor/Address Contractor's OS # Violation can Carl A. Seals, 1630 Colonial Drive, Eugene, Oregon 97401 same / ConstructIOn approved by thiS permit Water Supply well PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Setbacks I..,terlor property lines He of road right-of-way ljuildlng foundation Wells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site Date Issued C5513 " ~ ) - , Telephone Telephone Telephone 747-8834 same same Total Construction Value $900.00 Fisher-ICBO n 3200 Stuctures now on property: 2 bedroom and pumphause / # Bedrooms # Plumbing Fixtures ~~ # Employees 'lIS ZOning na-interior Partitioning # na Parcel # na Minimum req'Wd structural setbacks, from centerline of road, front na Side exterior , interior property lines na ,rear property line na Special I nstructlons NONE / For information call 687-4394, Donna Lee Meigs Site Inspection #na Installation speCifications na lineal feet of dralnfleld reqUired, max depth of trenches Speclallnstructlons'NONE / / / / Type of Construction V-N Group R-3, Fire Zone 3 Instructions READ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS PRIOR TO INSTALLING. 'For clarificationa iO installations contact the building inspector listed below. / For plans informatIOn call 687-3758 between 8 00 a m and 9 00 am, Roger Stocker For inspections (see back of thiS permit) call 687-4065 between 8 00 a m and 5 00 p m Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' NONE / 10-23-78 Parcel Size , centerline of road, na na na gal mln septic tank capacity, Dralnfleld 10' 10' 10' 100' For information call na between 8 00 - 9 00 a m na Use ClaSSification Stove add to SFD OEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By Dave White/ly ~ii\ APP"CANT .r (\ h L /l .2r~h (AOORESS-LL'ln (' I)/nnln. nV- OWNER (IF DIFFERENT',"'---I ~ _ n U/YV'-- " ADDRF"" CONTRACH'O AODRE~~ MAil COMPLETED PERMIT TO APPLICATION IF? r PHON' 14 7 - gg~ U mY;;;li'l~.e- lOP'iJUO,- PHON~ CITY ZIP PHONF t"l"'lNTRACTOR S ORE STATE lICEW" A P PlICA7WN ERICON lOAC TO' 't'"pc;IAp\.....-\:r-. \ (CIRCLE ONE) o CA' PREFER TO PICK UP PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY (residential type of forming commerClol or industrial yocant ale) DESCRIBE STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY NOTE ANY STRUCTURES TO BE DEMOLISHED :1 o,p'\'vc-v-. \:>>--.01.\PY I\~"'OlL-"" P""'.j2s1m IMMEDIATE PLANS FOR THIS PROPERTY (THIS APPLICATION) ARE FUTURE PLANS ;-~ ',_d",\\ " ~,-~h"'r \..\l.....l')t\ ~lal'"\\n1 s..-\-^'l~ ~..,~l) . :1L 2NC"c-:-J PLOT PLAN Sketch (A) 011 roods (B) boundanes 01 properly (e) eXisting/proposed bUildings (0) existing/proposed sewage disposal oreas (El eKlslIng/proposed driveways (G) eosemenls (H) drolnageways slreoms creeks ony olher perllnenl lealures II commerclol or IndustrIal show freestondlng signs pork 1n9oreClS INDICATE DIMENSIONS TOTAL lOT SIZE OR ACREAGE 7 SITE INSPECTION TEST HOLES READY (DATE' METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSA' ~ ..(""rt-r Qt. ..J PROPOSED WATER SUPPLY WELL~ YPR'.ti,G_ STREAM_ LAKE- PUBliC ElECTRICITY FURNISHED BY C ( J... 'Jp_ K NATURAL GAS QY FIREDISTRld )~\,-1J SCHOOL DISTRICT ~ ~ 0 I\A!X. ./ PLUMBING BY 6 10 II 12 13 U\ .. " BEFORE YOUR APPliCATION CAN BE PROCESSED YOU MUST FURNISH BY , \,,-~'0 '-'c)V DO NOT WRllE BElOW THIS LINE B'I",11 PLOT PLANS (DIMENSIONED) 'EGAL DESCRIPTION 'lATF LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 0'" 171 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 . ~ :;; 0 0 . ~ ~ , 0 , Z . > z Q . m ~ ., ~ ~ ~ , o z W ~ ~ ~ ~ - -..i I 'C> UV I '-l IIv I , ,J ij ~ ~ ~ ) . o , < ~ ii . . ~ Z o . 6 o ~ " . m ~ ~ o z ---- ,..- ) jJ D f1 J " "\ ./ - (\ -f\/ '" ;> r _ r;\~) \..-, " ca \ Sp"ll s 'Phnnp Appl1ca t10n If 3~ 8,8 - 78 for WORK SHEET Construction Permits & Inspection V-A.)_ Type of Construct10n R...:-:3 Group ~ F1re Zone ~~ ~~se Classif1cat10n 'TO S F.t:> c;;'rAU-Al]Q~l lN~(j<! Jr~I(01Js PJ2t6f2 J ,.IAJ9 ,. . . - -~- CL4e.J..E:/CATlllm "TO tJJS.:rA4-ATt(JfJS U)1J'r~1 __.JltE. f'.L~(P, U<., Tf:"..b ~~.7.t'YtJ Date#? ' 74-164 ~ ~~'"" AVERAGE PROCESSING TIME 1i;~ 0 .., ~ ~ I Address .. - V\. 0 " " I I Minimum Elevation I V\.. 0 Parcel No LANE COUNT" l)EPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTP 1ANAGEMENT 125 E, _18TH AVENUE1E GENE, OREGON ~,,401 ~ d::~'E'V'DV Current ZonIng Q../ ,,,,"- Lt...l FEE Opend!ng DC Plel $ ---...j ~LANNING DIVISION Partitioning' PartitioninQ Re~uirp.d Other, Q HAT'. POLLUTION CONTROL ~.ov Sito Inopoction(8) SDS Construction [] New Number at BedroomSI Commercial/Industrial - , of Employees / $ , of sites I Ii o Repair $ $ Other $ o CONSTRUCTION PERMITS ^ND INSPECTION (See above tor . of bedrooms/' of employees) FEE o o!.obile: HOIlle o Permanent o T~mporary o Renewal \.... Struc.>A(e = \ _ Sq ......-::::7<: ',c::.. ".0 V , -""",------- ~~'\.~ .) $ ~ ,~~ F~'r~r.) $ $ $ ,~C"\(~ $ Total V~lultlon S PlumbIng fIxtures at $ Scwer/Water Conn ~t ~ $ Each $ rach $ Subtotal $ $ $ $ .~)\o C\.,""'-L 4' State Surcharge Plans Check Fee Change of Occupancy C\ 3~ TOTAL BUILDING PERMIT FEE $ Minimum .tructural setbacks From centerlIne of street Front / ExterIor do From interior lot lInes [] Comm'l plans sheet to Side R€'ar cut to "'pplicant 0 PUBLIC LAN OS 0 Address 0 PUBLIC WORKS 0 0 ENVIRON"l.ENTAL HEALTH Ca.h Ch.ci . V - Elev03tlon r-... ~~ $ by \ )~OT^, $ '-'\ . Rl'!c'd AFFIDAVIT If this \lj'lll be used for no Lner purpo this Wt10n are pro ~t~ owner 0 to pu hase, ~ d permit is for an agricultural bUIlding, I hereby declare that this building ricultural purposes d~ allowed by zonlng and/or the State BUlldlng Code, and I further ccrtlfy that the statements and other InformatIon submitted on rue and accurate, and that I have the fOllowing legal Interest in the record, contract purchaser, lessee, holder of an exclusive option authocizea-to act for a person wno-has the roIlowihg legal interest or that the owner of record 16 knowledgeable of th1S not the owner I further agree to comply 11th tJ1 applIcable codes relatlftV Applicant's Slgnature ~..a.../'_ /f ~.P.A~ / - appliCation, if am to thio p.e""'-lt a Date l \ ) \ I THIS FOR INFORMATI~ ABOUT C74-170 IS YOUR RECEIPT, AND DOES ~OT GIVE YOU peRMISSION TO BUILD THE PROGRESS OF YOUR APPLICATIO~, CALL PERMIT CONTROL. 687-4357 (687-HELP) r} .~ p '" .. C " .. en " ~ < .. ~ " en ~ o " 7j .~ ~~ J .- bne county ~ . JOB ADDRESS ~ ~ re-~__ POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # TRS, TL ~ r.'~'"l Cr,'-' /............. ~( ..~-..P~...., -~- --..'---... ......"""""1;: 1-.-:.......:-- , ..0;(..::: ~~) I :~~c>G~CI?2=:"" 2 :J cc:. SubdivIsion :'I~ p This permit for the referenced property IS hereby c~-;-'':-;;:~:;. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed result In revocation of this permit, citation under provIsions of Lane County's I nfractlon Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law Applicant/Address Owner/ Address Contractor/Address Contractor's OS # Violation can '-~~.:a. I.\..o U::.:lI.oD ac~!..J fu?..c::.:.a3. ~~....v, ffj ............:;. _~ -~3 C-"o""-' ~ ~ -......._" . ............./-l I /,ConstructlOn approved by this permit ~ter Supply ,-~1 v ~ PLANNING DIVIS'ON WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION 9i'tJOll Telephone Telephone Telephone ?()?~-:j2!w c.."'--"-" GC::::J Total ConstructIon Value ;;';~;:0~~t) 1. 'lI.c;:~"""XC;:O C ::J2C(J S~r:...:t:c::; G7J a~ pro~y3 ? c:;:.1'SC:l:;. ad ~La..:c"" I # Plumbing Fixtures # Employees # Bedrooms ,...., '-- Parcel Size ,centerline of road, Zoning c:;=l!.oecsmz Partitioning # 1.. Parcel # E!D Minimum required structural setbacks, from centerline of road, front en Side exterior 1::3 , interior property lines :'~ ,rear property line !Xl Special Instructions L';;.-m I For information call 687-4394, l!:;=<: t,::~ 1- .1m t::) Site Inspection # C'::l Installation speCifications r..::; lineal feet of dralnfleld required, max depth of trenches Special InstructIons ;:] c:l ~ -gal mln septic tank capacity, Setbacks Septic Tank (' 'tImor property lines 10' ge of road rlght.of.way 10' , -' Huildlng foundation 5' Wells, other water sources 50' CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site Date Issued C5513 Type of Construction 'i;'=:J Group ~:~=' Fire Zone J Instructions -'1,.'"" l:::'1';'^~ry """""'. '- ~o n..........~ jl ~"',.1 ~.s~^;.~o'_.J:1L ~lt'!:.:"' '.-f11?f:.7-n m ~~ii_~Ei!G... l70rt c!w~ill::tc:.c:::'ilc::.:J '-" 6l-~...~-.:J ~41ecc~ C~ irv:'...1c!"''''' .1l'"""";:x)~-"'c'? 'l'......r.r,7 "0"''0.-.-, I ...-...... - ..."'--.....b. U ~"""~ ......J!.,'..,t-.JO I For plans information call 6m'=JI5:~ between 8 00 a m and 9 00 am, .~^""'~ S(:"'~""':r For Inspections (see back of thiS permit) call 687-4065 between 8 00 a m and 5' 00 P m- c-.---, -,,~ I }Jl~2:c>:re Dralnfleld 10' 10' 10' 100' f I f I For information call _:J between 8 00 . 9 00 a m ,_~ Use ClaSSification Oa:;"G:: c~ (;000 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By 0..:;",~ n"'ftoJ'Jy lane county ~ SITE INSPECTION ApPROVED Cl DISAPPROVED Cl DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS ~ I>. o FOUNDATION INSPECTION ApPROVED / 1 DISAPPROVED 1--1 DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FRAMING INSPECTION ApPROVED / I DISAPPROVED /7 DATE INSPEcrOR REMARK S LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION ApPROVED ~I DISAPPROVED ;----? DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FINAL INSPECTION ApPROVED ~APPROVED / / DA~EJ/- ~ - ~ NSPECT~ --- REMARKS CERTIFICATE O~ OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE / / NOT READY TO ISSUE ! / DATE INSPECTOR REMARK 5