HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-3-26 Lane r, t;.) '-J' ?,) J c'l...;;, County Authorization for: - .. -- mW,SHIP FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Reneual of Temp. ~:ObilG Home Appllca t~on/ I -lo \ Perml t # 1.D ~\c> l LOCl\TIO~l ADDRI:SS ~ ST~\ET ./ 4655 Jasper Road, Springfield 5T~UCTURES CURRENTLY ON PROPERTY , ... , v LOT/Ph?CC:::" ITA>. LOT Dour OF 2201 I BLOCK PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY o T{esldentlal 0 Industr lal o Commerclal D PubllC RANGE SECTION 18 !tt 02 05 SJBDIVISION/PARTITION (If appllcable) 1...1'T'Y ZIP OR ~7478 MR, TMH JlRECTION5 TO SlT~ 42nd Streat to Jasper Road, only moible hone pact Clearuater Lone. u:SCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK - BE SPLCIFIC DECLARED ~ VALUE Rene", TMR 268-84 = OF BEDROOMS J # OF ST~RIES o ,"'\jER I S Nt\l>1E AND ADDRESS ,/ Kenneth & Jean Iloolel:y, 1m 4637 Jasper CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND OSR # / I i! or eMPLOYEes v I \1A rER SUPPLY 1)..1/ ,,"r..<'1 . ./0y.. .rl./ Road. Sprin~field OR 97478 / v o Proposed ,n E>astlng TELEPHONE NUMBER 746-9567 TELEPHONE NUMBER ?~RHLT TO BE MAILr.:.D TO ~NAM.E AND ADDRESS) TELEPHON~ NUMBER I liAVE: CAREFULLY EXAMINBD THE COMPLETED APPLICATION tOR PLkMIT, dnd .10 hcrLl)y certtf,. thdt all .lllfoL<llat.lon hereon lS true and correct and that I have the fo110w.lng legal .l.nterest .l.n the property Downer of reco.l.d 0 c()!JI-l.at ~ plnc.ha~er Dduthorlzed agent I e.r cert1fy that any and all work performed shall be done 1n 3c.L.otdmH f \oq th tl,- Ordl.l1ance... of Lane Countj and the Laws of the State of Oregon pe l.l.ng to the work descr1bed here.l.n, and th;;lt NO OCCUPANCY wl.ll ilL- Ilildc of cifly 5 rlJcture ,nthout the penn1ss1on of the BU1ldl.ng D1Vl.S.l.On I fur- ther cert1fy that reg.l.strat.l.on w1th the BU.l.Jder's Board lS 1n full forc!' <Inti effeC'l 15 rec,u1ted by OR,S 701 055 that.l.f exempt the basls for exempt.lon 1S noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees who are 1.[\ compb.ance w::..th ORS 701 OSS 101111 be used on tl'1ls proJect I HAVE READ AND CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY Kenneth Woolery By Mail m 3/3/86 NAME (please pr.l.ntJ SIGNATURE DATE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY YOUR AUTHORIZATION 'IAS BEEN Si"\.SED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS I :0 PLANNING/ZONING Zone PartJ. tl.on # Parcel # Parcel SJ.ze Minimum Setbacks C L, front eL, Side .loterJ.or rear COM.'IENTS This Dennit is valid until 1/1/03 or until hard"hin "en..,," 9hi~hpvpr ~omP-A firAt. Date n Ll'1Ld1 Feet of Ihcl.l.r>f..leld InstallatJ.on Record Issued? DYes 0 No MaxJ.mum Depth of Trenches 0 SANITATION s I # Ins talla t.lon Gallon SpecJ. fJ.ca t.l.ons Tank CQl>lNENTS < . -' . I ~ ... /. 0 PLANS EXAMINATION Type COM}lENTS 8 P # ~;J . , / .J " 1,.--A/ ~.. c , /,1J ...~ , " ; "'- ~~{Irl'''l ~....f~~' ~ l,h" Date -. . --; t -n Group Use DaLe n , , ~ , -, \ \ F"' 1/. 'll: QQA PERMIT APPROvED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE (eer QRS 456 805(1)) DATF LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SRI" RRVRRSR FOR TNSPRl:'T'TON INFORMATION - , ~ SETB"C"S ..,"D 0"" ICR CO"OlTIO IS OF APPRO'/"L lUST SF S<rRICTL' OBSERVED VIOLA"'ION C\'-' R:::SUL7 It>< REVQ- C,,~IOl OF 7tIS ,.RNIT C1,,,T10 U'JDER PRQVISIO"S Or "''''E COw~, ., 11FR,CTrO\ ORDI'",CE ,,'OIOR OTIIER RnlEDIES ALLOWED B't. LAW wHEt<. RE'\DY FOR "l0 RE:.nl.!:.S-o. of In:.pectlOn I'SPECTIO'J C,\...L 587-1065 i\. 'lIl\I'lU'\ OF "T LEAST 24 HOURS ,OV'>. CE ".OTIC=: FOP rrSPEC- wST Bt GIVE' Hale the tollOW1~S In~ornatlon read} ~prmlt nu~ber Job address t\pe when It WIll be ready jour 110me and pho-~ nurber and any s?eclal dIrectlonS to slte BUILDI~G DIvISION RfOUIRED I'SPCCTIO'S FoundatIon InspeCtIon To be maul.. after tr-enche.s ,ne e"cavatea and forms erected and wt1en all ll'aterl<llb lor tne tount.dtlon dl"e delIvered on t'1e Job IInere concrete ro'll a ce"ltral muo.ng plant (co~onlv termed trans~L m~xed') 1S to be used, materials reed not be on ~he Job Concrete Slab or Under-~loor Inspoct~on To be made af~er ,11 tn-slab or under-floor bu~ldlng serVl~e o~u~pment condult, plp~ng accessor~es and other anC111ar2 equ~pment lLems are ln olace but beroro any concrete lS poured or floor sheat'lng ~nstalled 1nclu~lng the subfloor Framlllg ~ Insulatlon Inspect~ons To be made atter the root all fram~ng fire block~ng and bracl"1g are ln olac~ a,d till p~pe5 flreplaces chlmneY$ and vents are complete and all rough electrlcal and plumb~ng are approvcd All wall lnsulatlon and va~or barrler are ~n place Lath and/or GvpsLm Boara Inspectlon ancte>terIOr, 15 ll--prace Dut Detore ana fasteners are Laped and .1nlshed TO be made arter all lathlng an~ qypsLm board nterlor any plaster~ng lS applled a,d berore gypsum board Jo~~ts F~nal Inspectlon TO be made after the bUl1dlng lS complete and before occupancy APPROVAL REQUIRED ~o ~ork shall be done on any part of t;e bLl1dlng or structure beyond the po~nt l~d~catea ~n each SUCceSSIve lnspectlon WIthout flrst obta~n~ng the aoproval of the bUIldIng off~c~al Such aoproval shall b~ glven only after an lnspectlon snaIL have been ~ade of each succeSSIve step In the construCtlon as lndlcated by each of the Inspectlons reqUIred ~OTt ~ll bUl1dlng oerml~S requlre inspectIons tor the ~ork authorlzed such as but not l~mlted to A Block wall To be made after relnforClng IS l' place, but bcfoye any grout lS poured ThlS InSpectIOn lS reqUIred for each bond beam pour There w~ll be no approval untIL the plumolnq ana electrlcal l"1.SpectIOns r-a\e been made and approved B \\ood Sto"e TO be m,de after cornpletlo, of masonr2 (~' appllcable) and when lnstallatIon lS co~pl~ Installatlon snall be 1~ dccorOdnce Wlt~ an acaroved, natlonally recognlzed test~ng agency an~ the nanutucturer's lnstallat~on Instruct~ons C Nobl1e Home "n I'1sj)ectlon lS requlred after the mob~le home l5 connected to an approved sewer or-5eptlC 5~s~em for setbac~ requlrements blocklng footlng co~neCtlon tIe~owns S~lrtlng and plumbIng conneCtlons 1 Footlngs and pIers to conply wlth State foundation reqUlrements for moblle homes or as recommended by the manufacturer ~Obll~ home mInimUm finlsh floo~ elevatlon shall be certlfled when reqUlred by a flood- plaln management letter lob~le home tledowns when requtred and sklrtlng $hall be lnstalleo ann reaay for lnspec- tlon wlthln at least 30 days atter occupancy T~edo~ns dnn s~lrtlng shall be lnstalled per enclosure o SW1~lnq Pool Below grade when steel lS In place ana before concreto IS poured ~nen pool-:S-lnStalled Above grade ,\PPRQVED PLA'JS lUST BE O~ THE JOIl SITE AT ALL TI'1ES OloRI G wORKING !lOURS THIS PER.'1IT \i\ILL EXPIRE IF I'.ORK DOl:.S f;OT BEGI'" WITHIN 180 DAYS OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED ~OR 'tORE THA'J 180 DAYS SlJSPENSIO'J OR REVOCArrO~ 1AY OCCUR IF THIS PJ:RNIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF nCONPLETE OR ERROllJEOUS It-.r QR.IATIO~ At-.YONE PROCEEOH G PAST TH:: POll T 01 REQUIRED nSPCCTIO IS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK SUBSUR~ACE A,D ALTER~ATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS Pernlts shall De e+fectlve for one year from the ~ate of Issuance Upon COMpletIng the co,structlon lor Whlch a permlt has been Issued the pe""m.1t holder shall notIfy the Lane Count} Deoartment of Plannlng and Communlty Development by submlttlng the lnstallatlon record +orm The Department shall lnspeCt the construct~on to determlne If It compl~es wlth the rules conLalned In thlS dlvlslon If the constructlon does comply wlth such rules the Dcpa~tment s'1all lssue a certlflcate of satlsfactory completIon to the permlt, '101der If the construc~10~ does not comply wlth suc~ rules, the DepartmLnt shall not.fy the permlt holder and shall requtre sat~sfactory conpletlon be'ora lssulng the CCrtl[IClte Fal1ure to meet the n~quIrements tor satIsfactory compl~llon I>.lthln a reasonable tI~e COl1st~tutes a VIO- l~tlon of ORS 454 605 to 45~ 745 and t~lS rule Setbacks - Subsurface S~~age ~lsPo$al ScptIC Tan\.. ~ O~ l'ter~or propert~ llnes la' ~dge or [Old rlqnt-or-~ay 10 BUlhll~q rOll~{la~IOn 5' ~clls other ~~tcr sources 50' Dr~Infleld 10 10' 10' 100' ~ ~~~~ty) - - - MOBILE HOME TEMPORARY PERMIT RENEWAL ,T~~!" L1. V11:J APPLICANT KENNETH WOOLERY 4655 Jasper Rd. Spr~ngf~e1d, OR 97478 1802050002201 MAILING ADDRESS CITY, ZIP ~""O"'''''''''''.E_NT DfVr";1ON ",-""",,,,,,,'__u :: ^-~ ~~: :- ,-r::::::;:;:::n:-_:::J INFORMA TlON PROVIDED BY APPLICANT :. "'L':-:O:^,~ :-"'-~_~~:?:_i"%l WHO HAS A MEDICAL HARDSHIP? (NAME)~E" /S I € 2 WHO IS PROVIDING CARE? (NAMF) 1< e Y1Yl '€ '1-J.. 8 u,11" p~t: \ ~ \,.j, \.A~oo(.pIQ..L..j 3 WHAT RELATION IS THE CARE-PROVIDER C I TO THE PERSON WHO HAS THE HARDSHIP? ,.-;) 0 )? - I 11 - Q W 4 WHO LIVES IN THE MAIN DWELLING? (NAME) M A'.. ~_ tl.1tes. K. l. IJJ 0 C) tp, p i..I I 5 WHO LIVES IN THE TEMPORARY MOBILE HOME? (NAME) 1:: / S I e i3 IJ. TI e ~ -\ \ e. I d 6 LIST THE FOLLOWING MOBILE HOME INFORMATION IF KNOWN MAKE k.J c. (.(-"1'_. YEAR ~ I SIZE---fp X .$.6" 7 SIGNATURES.cL~" dfJ'L M-u ~)!.A.LA PERSON WITH HARDSHIP - - ~ - p- . 7~P~R~~N~Gd!:~ ) L1CENSE# X 900109 31 DA~ / 'i' J' -:? - .;? i - 'iJ9 DAn:: (;::-:~':";=-:~L"JINFORMATlON PROVIDED BY PHYSICIAN OR THERAPIST ;L"" ~::~~~::..~~ 1 NAME OF PATIENT f1?v"j &1'.7i.21~o".kL/ 2 NATURE OF MEDICAL HARDSHIP /' ~ J..--- L/v/ I / ~,r// v ',-" -- 3 DOES THIS HARDSHIP NECESSITATE THAT A FAMILY J ;/ / / ' A'.,.L' MEMBER PROVIDE fiJARE? PLEASE COMMENT / /I # L2 - /f .( ~ ~_~ V-4 ~1--v/f--'1f/-r.2 ;Ph.~~/ c-~~ 4 PHYSICIAN'SSIGNATURE (' ~ ~ / DATF ?~;- ~25 MAILING ADDRESS _. JOSEPH KI Z MD. _ ( / /' / ' ----fl[;....A........H.n.n.. U~",jjl. ..n.... J"ll:..l..I!\-U'l.Clo__ 1110 NORTH 18'h CITY, ZIP C.PlHN't::lO'TJ;'T n f"'llH'r-rU.T 0"1 i...,." Lane County Land Management Division 125 E 8th Ave Eugene, OR 97401