HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-5-14 .' CONSTRL,-- TION/PLACEMENT PERMIT 0(1.5-)7 v FOR OFFICL US~ O~LY COMPLETE THIS BLOCK. PLEASE USE BLACK INK AND PRINT. APP11Cotl~~~ ~~ Perffilt ~O 7-0~ [JTWO Caples of Plans [JTWO Caples DE Plot Pla~s []Mechanlcal Checkllst o plumb] '19 Chee} llst [JPlan Chect Info Sheet TO"";Hrp /7-l RANGaE -3 1~/3177T#2lf ~~ e$-~~~~P / )~;/ %- L~~~ . ~-f'/ JdP ~A ~ n~01/ P~::lU;~n::;OP~:ndustna1 ~;;~::;:;;*/Atft(;~pz/J. De,-"m' 0'""" w~ ~ ~-t.> ~~; ~ rVALUE -'#~~r~~#~~~~:6~~~/ ~~~~~~~ -U'YP"7NAM D~DD ~~ . p::: V/ /_ . ~ ~/' I ;E~'O~ /7 ~~.~ . /}~~/ X'..h:?~//~/~/'///? Wcr--y-~~// :*~~~/ ~ /7A//7~ Z/c(~~~~~J~_~~ c:.- -I VE C~REFU:LY EXAMINeD TIlE""'-COMPLETE; APPLICAT~ Fo;prRMIT C1nd do h,-.rl"b/ccrtlf1 tJu.l1 :n~r:'~~1l hcr4/ true and c~rcct- md 1 fur;lhL-f cert:~fy that any and all work performed shall be done 1-1\ accordance w1th Lhe Ordulance<; opc..,ne CQun'ly ..tlld thE> ~ Cl~ the St,,! r> of Or~'pn I (lJ Lilll\l n9 to the work descrlbed here1n and that NO OCCUPANCY wlll be made of any structure Without thL pt.rml. ~Ion of the BUIldIng DLv1<;lon I furLher certlfy that reglstrat10n w1th the Bullder's Board 15 1n full force and effect as requIred by ORS 701 055 that 1f exempt the basl~ for eXempt10n 1S notfd hereon and that only subt..ontractors and errployees who are In cOlupl1ance w1th ORS 701 055 wlll be USE>d on th1s proJect I HAVE RFi\D AND CHECKED THTS APPLICATION UGHLY ,'R'~qz~~ ~~~~B"CQ "~h~8'O(t::,"" . [] PLANNING/ZONING: zon~/ ear,,"on ,#Y4 Parcel' ~ Parcel Sl~~Y~/ C W"-,/ c 1-\ c::,.(f ~ ~ ' :::Z"iA, S:\,' ~'~~:(\\~oo,,~\,,~ FLOODPLAIN: In flood haza.rd area? 0 No 0 Yes, see attached s!-Jeet - ~ate 6 [] [J RURAL ADDRESSING: 12( SANITATION: S I # GRID COORDI"jAH.. N E Date he- [9- n D B P r7, rt;l7 Installation Recora Issued~ [] Yes [] No Inscallat10n Spcc1fH..atlons Gallon Tank Lineal Feet of Dra.l.nfH:ld rqax~ml1Il1 Depth of Trenches IVo f'fin~1 a,dp.J- ~>'<l/I " ,/<;~- c . / Comments "J /f) /7E<.J a9.,.,dtw::',J',-. a~f1 r- S;eoJ'1# ~ tl O(PLANS EXAMINATION: Type~ Group e~ f Date ~~~ use~lMtJif~ I ~ Conunents Date~~2/ D CONSTRUC1ION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT ~~-'/ 2~217 U~/- ~4~.r; ~-?~~~ V;Y;A;U - P TC:AL VA~lON $ Flxed Fee/ Unl.t Cost ~7 ;70 Floodpla1.n Fee Subsurface Fees -ft$ .,4:5$ /c:J~ R'( ,SO BU.11dlng Fee S~/storm Draln/Water l;zr Plurnblng Flxtures MeChanlcal~ Plans Check Fee $ $ $ ~i/,. -- I,: \I l'#?Jf Jtv)tJ PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE (per ORS'456 805(1)) : ~f:0(3 State Surcharge $ ~~~"t9_ TOTAL FEE $ ICY ~ tL- FEES PAID ~eCk _ [J,c.4 By /)1:~)MJ Da;e ~;ft('Yf Z- DATE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT / 125 EAST EIGHTH AVENUE, C74-194 SEE REVERSE EUGENE \OREGON 97401 , SETBACKS AND DTHER CDNDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVOCATION OF THIS r'!ORMIT, CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE COUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE"AND/OR OTHER REMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW' - . ,/ -. f _ _ , WHEN READY FOR INSPECTION CALL 687-4065 A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOUR AOVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST MUST BE . GIVEN Have the followlng lnformatlon ready Permlt numberj Job addres~, type of lnspectlon, when It wlll be.read~. your name and phone number, and any speclal dlrectlons to slte ~_ , , , , I BUILDING 'DIVISION REOUIRED IIISPECTIONS 1) FOUNDATION INSPECTION To be made after trenches~ ~re excavated i~d fanns' erected and~'IY_h~'l ~l! mate~/als for the foundatlon are delwered on the Job Where concrete from acentraf mlxlng ,pla-nt (commonly termed I1tran~'t mlxedtl) 15 to be used~, matenals need not be on the~job ",~ '.... ~ . .... . ~ .. - --...... . .... 2) CONCRETE SLAB OR UNOER-FLOOR INSPECTION To b~ made after all ,n-sIab pr;under-floor bUlld1ng servlce equ1pment, condult, plplng accessorles and other anclllary equ~pment ,tems are In,place but before any concret~~lS poured "; or floor sheathlng lnstalled, lncludlng the subfloor ~ ~...... .. ~ * --.. _~~ ~._ '- , , ~ , . \ , , . -- 3) FRAMING & INSULATION INSPECTIONS To be made after the roof, all p1pe~, f1replaces_and ch1mneys and vents ~r~ complete*and wall 1nsulatlon and vapor... bar~ler are.....!:! place .......: "'- ......... " -, , 4) LATH AND/OR GYPSUM BOARO INSPECTION To but before any plaster1ng lS appl1ed or -, . 5) FINAL INSPECTION To be made after the bU1ldlng lS complete and before occupancy , ./ ~ - , .. * I .. .. ~ ~ * - * APPROVAL REQUIREO No_work shall be done on any part of the bU1ldlng or structure beyond the pOlnt lndlcated 1n each ~ucce~sl~e 1nspect1on W1t~oUt f1r~t obta1n1ng the approval of the bU11d1ng off1c1al ",-Such~approval shall be glven on]y after an 1nspect1on shall have been made of --each succeSS1ve step 1n the construct1on as 1nd1cated by each of the 1nspect1ons-- requ1red ' " __NOTE All' bUlld1ng permlts-requlre 1nspectlOns for tne work authorlzed; such as but not llm1ted to A BLOCK WALL To be made after re1nforc1ng 1S 1n place, but before any grout lS poured' Th1S 1nspect10n 1S requ1red for each bond beam pour There w1l1 be no approval unt1l the p1umb1ng and e1ectr1ca1 1nspect1ons have been made*and approved B WOOD 'STOVE To be made after complet1on of masonry (If appllrab1e) and when'lnsta11at1on 1S comolete Installat10n sha'll be 1n accordance w1th an approved nat1onal1y-recognlzed test1ng agency drld the manu- ..facturer's 1nstallatlOn 1nstructlons 1 \, . \ . ~ I ...... An'lnspect1on 1S requ1red aft~r tne moblle home 1S connected to an approved sewer or sept1c setbafk requ1rements, b1ock1ng, foot1ng connectlon, t1edowns. sklrt1ng, and p1umblng .., - 'v , -.. be made after all lath1ng and gypsum board, 1nter1or and exter10r, lS 1n place before gypsum board J01nts and fasteners are taped'and f1n1shed " .. 1. _ ..... all framlng. flre b10cklng and brac1ng are 1n place and ~ all-rough eIectrlcal and-plumblng are approved' All ... , ... - '^- ..'" .. ,t , C 140BILE HOME system for connect1ons ,e , or=- ""-'. (1) Foot1ngs and, p1er~ to comply wlth State foundation requlrements for mob1le homes or,as recommended ~ \, by the manufacturer' . (2) Mob1le home m1nlmUm flnlsh floor elevatlon shall be certlf1ed when requ1red by a floodpl}ln management letter ' (3) Mob1le home tledowns, when requ1red, and sk1rtlng shall be 1nstalled and ready for lnspectlon w1th1n at least 30 days after occupancy ~Tledowns and sklrtlng shall be 1nstalled per enclosure D SWIMMING POOL lS 1nstalled APPROVEO PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS, THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT,BEGIN WITHIN 180 DAYS OR IF'WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN 180 DAYS SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR lF THJS PER~111 w~s ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOt1PLETE OR ERRONEOUS INF_ORMATlON .' - I.:. " I Below grade when steel 15 1n place and before concrete 1S poured Above grade when pool 1 I_l '_ ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT HIS OWN RISK SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS ~ . Permlts shall be~effect~ve for one-year from the date of lssuance , , (1) -,(~) Upon complet1ng the construct1on for Wh1Ch a permlt has been lssued the perm1t holder shall not1fy the Department by submlttlng the 1nstallat1on record form The Department shall lnspect the constructlon to determ1ne lf 1t compl1es wlth the rules conta1ned 1n th1S dlvls10n .. If the constructlOn does comply ~l1th such rules, the Departffient~shall lssue a certlf1cate of sat1sfactory~completlon to the perm1t holder If the'} constructlon does not comply w1th such rules, the Department shall notlfy the perm1t holder and shall requ1re' satlsfactory completlon before lssulng the certlf1cate Fa1lure to meet the reqUlrements for satlsfactory complet1on w1thln a reasonable t1me constltutes a vlolatlon of ORS 454 605 to 454 745 and th1S rule Setbacks - Subsurface SewaQe Dlsposal \ From Inter10r property l1nes Edge of road r1ght-of-way BU1ldlng foundat1on Wells, other water sources . . Septlc Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Dra1nf1eld 1D' 10' 10' 100' ....~ >!' ., _.. , , ." . "- ,~ .. ~. , , -' -, , ' '<~ ,- ~ ~ ,:- --: ~. . 0 - - , -' ~, ':-- ...~ , , , ., .-.. ~ '~ , ,.... ~... ,,," " , - ......~...~i ~ , - , ~ lane. county - CH ECKLIST PLUMBING/ MECHANICAL APPLICANT INFORMATION ------ (Name '1 nn- P lease Print) . (Maillng Address) Flnn OFFICIAL USE ONLY AppIl / Pennlt # (cny or Town) (Zip Code) Cant OSR# DNa o Self MEG-lANICAL CONTRACfOR 0 Yes Flnn Address o NoD Self 051'#', Type of FlXture pLUMBING Nwnber of Each Total S mk Lavatory (Wash Baslnl Tub (wlth or wlthout shower) Shower] sepal ate Water Closet (tollet/urlnal) Dlshwasher Dlsposer (garbage grinder) Washlng Machlne Water Heater Floor Dram Sewerhlst 50ft each addltlonal 100 ft Water ServIce--lst 100 ft each adultlonal 100 ft. Stonn and Raln Draln--Ist 100 ft each addltlOnal 100 ft. Speclal Waste Connectlon Sewage and Swnp PumP (elector) Moblle Home Sewer and Water Other (speClfy) SUB-TOTAL (Mm1JJlwn $10 00) I / / I I I I TOTAL FEE Fee On Each I $ 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 15 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 Type of Equlpment MEG-lANICAL Number of Each Total MechanIcal Permlt Base Fee Furnace UP to 100,000 BTU/H Furnace over 100.000 BTU/H Clothes Dryer Vent Bathroom Ventllatlon Fan ~ Duct Range Hood wlth MechanIcal Exhaust Wood Stove Alr Condltloner Only Heat Pump Floor Furnace Gas Plplng System 1 to 4 Outlets Per Outlet Other (speClfy) SUB-TOTAL , TOTAL FEE Fee on Each $ 6 00 7 50 3 00 3 00 4 50 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 50 $ 10 00 J ,II ,\ . A ~ I" / '>' I '. , I' '/ II, , , , I i I ,-,1'1'1 r }"'{,II f 1(1_!:l,- 11:# 1/1)>- ~'IJII!.{}Ot) ~J1--l,! TlLf'r 1 1'1 :_ , .11),11 I '~fd- "., LilDl (,I 1'1 OU nl Hr:' lil' Hr' {{1M' I ("Il '_ OLIN f', 111-1 I I ~IV I'll, I 1,'1 1~I-ll '1 ! "I-!t'I!'}" td)I)F~ If)) Iyr'dl,}! ') ,"Jl'11 1\ - I'J) ,)\il) I (l i,Hiil 1111..1) V II I ,\l,1. {,''-'f I~ fH)/a" \' f JJrJJ T.'\ ()!)'j S 1 (In 11M.. ~ f'd (,1'!'1( r'f< ::-,'(~ 1 I C\{HI,) Pflll 'IGl-lll, U,-'I:LflN I U I '>t, \'('1 1-'IHlNI ,'I' Ii r: ! )1 A '\ ii ~ ; I ~1 'l A f ~ III I" "~ i J)f.1' I'..ill " o l ~ ...' (~ { (J ~ I (0 \','" 1)',11 DN In/no 1'1-1 , Dtl \1 \' ; , Q ~ . I $ III r I Orl ))1 'I I II:' f r UN ' (,Iinlfrf)l~ lU,SIMII 11, ~ l 1 HI' I l ~d t =1,,) 1"I"II':-lt"l 1-, ~w,' , {"'I",-:: r M'-' H ,W I'L 1< , n ,\ TI,,'( . Sill,' 1 {)-l'~'\(\ q.<~ r I.) :'(.i I,h) " . . < " . , \, , .. " [Jll (,(,Pur-I, 1 ()I.','; "l L II, "ll i Ill. I l , 01 Ii 11- ,,'III((~H(il':(,1 I L("J I IIITI, 1.1.1 1 ~) ^ I,J f I E (,' II ::s: cv: j]'" 1/" 4" ,,}/) ,f} ') ~ ..- ........ ~l ~ I, i <. )(1 I'} OC cr: oc: 'X . f U,1'. I i ~'I: kf~' I I' 71' ; ~, I PLI' (Jill l,~ , SLt~U ',I , . , 19 1,,1 H, . , 1(1 H 1_'."1 ( lJi"I-'i 1--, lilt, 1)(,11-_ 061 I H:I fll r 11l ; I I-!lll i~) I] ^ 99 ('K