HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 02 Potential Future City Art Projects AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 5/7/2018 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Niel Laudati, CMO Staff Phone No: 541-726-7183 Estimated Time: 15 minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Promote and Enhance our Hometown Feel while Focusing on Livability and Environmental Quality ITEM TITLE: POTENTIAL FUTURE CITY ART PROJECTS ACTION REQUESTED: Review City Manager’s Office (CMO) Proposed Art Projects – provide input and guidance. ISSUE STATEMENT: The City Manager’s Office has taken an active role in continuing the production of high quality art in Springfield. Staff will provide a look at potential projects for the next five years. ATTACHMENTS: 1. City Manager’s Office Draft Art Proposal 2018-2023 DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City Manager’s Office Community Art Program, which includes input and guidance from the city council, has completed six, well received and successful projects since 2010 - including the coordination of partnerships to fund the Springfield Veteran’s Plaza and installation of the Vietnam Veteran’s memorial. Council approved the completed art projects with an expectation that they would have a positive impact for economic development and foster pride within the community. Springfield has since become a city known for our public art and the projects have become a staple in tourism advertisements, brochures, positive media stories, family and school photos, and in presentations and city outreach material. These projects also connect well with the art being created by the Emerald Art Center, the Springfield Arts Commission and a number of community members and groups. The attached draft art plan is a discussion document based on feedback we have received over the last several years. While limited discussions with interested parties have taken place, to identify if some of these projects would be feasible, no public discussions have transpired. Staff is looking for input from council: 1.) Allow staff to continue moving the plan forward as is, pending future approvals and funding. 2.) Allow staff to continue working on select projects, pending future approvals and funding. 3.) Put a hold on future art projects. M E M O R A N D U M To: Gino Grimaldi From: Niel Laudati RE: City Managers Draft Art Proposal 2018-2023 Date: 03/07/2018 The City Manager’s Office Community Art Program, with input and guidance from the city council, has completed six, well received and successful projects since 2010 - including the coordination of partnerships to fund the Springfield Veteran’s Plaza and installation of the Vietnam Veteran’s memorial. Current official CMO art installations: Springfield Welcome Sculpture – 2010, Official Simpsons Mural – 2014, Springfield’s Ken Kesey Mural – 2015, Springfield Flame – 2016, Oregon Women Veterans Sculpture – 2017 Additional Partnership Art Installations: Springfield 125th Anniversary Mural – 2010, Springfield Veteran’s Plaza and Vietnam Veterans Memorial: 2016 Events: Springfield Chalk Fest: 2014-2016 Second Friday Artwalk Sponsorship: 2016- Present AARP Diversity Mural Springfield High School: 2018 Art Tourism Initiative 2018: Professional art marketing materials are being prepared for sale. They will be high quality, affordable pieces, available at the Eugene Airport, TLC and other locations. Proposed Projects 2018-2022: The following proposal is based on the council goal of promoting and enhancing our hometown feel and input from discussions with community members and councilors over the last several years. 2018/19 Decorative Crosswalks - The City has worked for several years to bring decorative crosswalks to downtown Springfield. Four crossings are scheduled at a total cost of $10,000 each. These new crosswalks will bring safety and high-end design elements to downtown. Funding: Urban Renewal East Springfield (Thurston) entryway sign update. The East Springfield entry sign was originally designated for replacement in 2010 during the City’s 125th Anniversary celebration. The work was ultimately put on hold due to funding constraints. With the current outdated sign in disrepair, we have an opportunity to bring a refreshed, artistic vision to this area of Thurston. Approximately 9,000 cars drive past encounter this current sign each day. $15,000 - 25,000 Funding: General Fund, Transient Room Tax Attachment 1, Page 1 of 3 2019 Welcome to Downtown Springfield Mural and Landscaping – The Fry and Rankin Building is now under new ownership the building has undergone redevelopment of the second-story apartments and is now home to Simply Cycle (a full service bicycle shop) and a future restaurant on the first floor. The building acts as a default first look at downtown Springfield. This proposed project includes a “Welcome to Downtown Springfield” mural and redesign of the current landscaping – providing a welcoming and engaging entry. In discussions with the building’s owners, they are interested in partnering to improve the look and functionality of the adjacent landscaping. Funding: Transient Room Tax, Urban Renewal, Private Sector Partnership 2020 Timber Heritage Installation: A free-standing mixed-media sculpture (potentially using wood and steel/bronze) that will celebrate our community’s timber heritage. Installation should coincide with an appropriate phase of the Timber Sector Strategy work. Funding: Combination of grant(s), fund raising and Transient Room Tax. 2021 Steve Prefontaine Memorial Statue: City representatives have been in contact with Linda Prefontaine to discuss a possible memorial to the one-time Glenwood resident. The bronze or stainless statue would be unveiled in association with the Oregon 21 World Championships and could be done in coordination with planned improvements to the Prefontaine trailhead in Springfield. Funding: TBD Glenwood Art Development Plan: Begin development of a focused and vetted art plan for Glenwood with a unified theme. The plan would take into account public buildings and transportation improvements planned for the area. 2022/2023 Veterans Installation: Local veteran groups are proposing additional sculptures. We are working with Willamalane on an IGA that would help evaluate future requests. Capital Improvements and Maintenance: $20,000: Lighting installation and improvements for Official Simpsons and Springfield’s Ken Kesey Murals. There is currently no exterior lighting for these projects which limits visitors during evening and winter months. $3,000 Cleaning and coating for both Simpsons and Kesey murals. $2,000 Springfield Welcome Sculpture and “White Horse “cleaning and landscaping improvements. Attachment 1, Page 2 of 3 TBD: Springfield Flame Phase Two: phase two of the Springfield Flame Plaza has been designed and is on hold pending additional private investment within the corridor. Attachment 1, Page 3 of 3