HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1995-5-18 J , SPRINGFIELD ~eJfOl1owlng proJect as subrrtlted h~s fha followln on f'g, and doe'J not r~qulre spec.lflc land uee 9 approval 1 ~ 225 FIFTH STREET L~ SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 20n,oo , - INSPECTION REQUEST: 726.,.:'Y!69 ~ "-CS -<;S- OFFICE: 726-3759 1. /Ltr ,Lrl7ed Slgnatuia LOCATIONoP.F INSTAL~TIO~ ) < t=) jJA-POrll;1 nlft tiVLJ ,LEGAL DeSCRIPTION '/ () 2.., 7_7 I D (l(1 f IT'D JOB DESCRIPTION ALARM SYSTEM PermIts are non-transferable and expIre If vork IS not started VI thIn 180 days of Issuance or If vork IS suspended for 180 days 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY t;; q..qS' Electnca1 ContractorADT SECURITY Address 1501 Pearl Su~te B Cl ty f.ugene Phone 342-1313 SuperVIsor LIcense Number R-1777 ExpIratIon Date 10-1-96 Constr Contr. Number 59944 ExpIratIon Date 4-1-95 SIgnature of SupervisIng ElectrIcIan ~-;L~L:~R\"~'<- 0 Address 55 ~;t1v . Cl ty_ . <)~ Phone f117lj7-Uk~ OVNER INSTALLATION The InstallatIon IS beIng made on E. property I ovn vlnch IS not Intended [or sale, lease or rent Ovners SIgnature: -----------77--~---------------------- DATe:5-1 is :--(.):5 REceIPt t- U17Q3/ . Dr'rr'l\rrn RY :i )(f--,,-.f.v'\ ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION CIty Job Number qSO(, 7/ tJ~ COMPLETe FEE SCHEDULE BELOV A. Nev ResIdentIal-SIngle or MultI-FamIly per dvelllng SerVIce Included um t. Cost Sum Items 1000 sq ft or less each add 1 tlonal 500 sq. [t or portIon thereof Each Manuf'd Home or Modular Ovelhng SerVIce or Feeder B. SerVIces or Feeders Installatlon, AlteratIons or RelocatIon $ 85 00 $ 15 00 $ 40 00 $ 50.00 $ 60.00 $100 00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 C. Temporary SerVIces or Feeders InstallatIon, Alteratlon or RelocatIon 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps----- Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps Over 401 to 600 amps Over 600 amps or 1000 $ 40.00 $ 55.00 $ 80.00 volts see lIB" above Branch Clrcul ts Nev, AlteratIon or ExtenSIon Per Panel One CIrCUIt Each Addl tIonal Clrcult or vlth Servlce or Feeder Permlt MIscellaneous (SerVIce/feeder -Each lnstallatlon Pump or IrrIgatIon Slgn/Outllne LIghtIng LImIted Energy/Res LImIted Energy/Comm 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5% State Surcharge 3% Admlnlstratlve Fee TOTAL $ 35.00 $ 2 00 not Included) $ 40 00 $ 40.00 $ 20.00 $ 36.00 zooo 20 00 /.oU .foO -:2/, (~(J