HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 10/11/2007 Dave Collier (541) 767-3087 P 1 Fax Pacrlic Surveymg, Inc oG~ ~))TII~~ , 75505E1ooMullamSclmIIld Tel (541)767.m'JO ~ Gme, Qeg:m97424 Fax (541)767-3ffi7 TOl Lrnda Pauly From: Dave Collier Fax: (541) 726-3689 Pages: 8 P- (541) 726-4608 Date. 10111/07 Re: Dove Estates cc: o Urgent o For Review o Please Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle . Comments: Linda Here IS the well decommission papers from Casey Jones Well Dnlllng and the Crty of Spnngfield paperwork saymg the sepbc tanks have been taken care of Date Received Planner AL 10;'/ h-tlD7 I Dave CollIer (541) 767-3087 p.2 ~~ City of Springfield 10/1 0/2007 I 26 45PM Bulldmg Permit & Inspection Summary Job #, COM2007-01362 225 FIfth Street 541-726-3753 Phone Job Address 1057 ANDERSON LN Sprmgfield 541-726-3676 Fax Scope of Work Site Work Only Project Status Issued DescnptlOn of Work DemolIsh house and abandon septic Owner & Contractor(s) Name Address CIty. State. ZIP Phone CON BENSON DEVELOPMENT CO LLC 940 HWY 99N EUGENE OR 97402 541-688-8897 OWN BENSON VCRN 1057 ANDERSON LN SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 Valuation of ProJect Date Occupancy Con,tructlOn Type Cost Per So Ft So Ftl! ValuatIOn Calculated Staff Fees PaId DescriptIOn Amount PaId Date PaId ReceIpt # DemolitIon $50 00 09/07/2007 1200700000000001168 Sanitary or Stann Sewer Cap $50 00 09/07/2007 1200700000000001168 + 5% Technology Fee $500 09/07/2007 1200700000000001168 + 8% State Surcharge $800 09/07/2007 1200700000000001168 + ] 0% Admmlstratlve Fee $10 00 09/07/2007 1200700000000001168 Total Amount Pdld $123 00 Plans RevIewed Depdrtment ReceIved Due Date Completed Resu It RevIewer Comments Inspections Conducted InspectIOns Comments Date Result Inspector DemohtlOn SeptiC Pumped and Filled Two tanks, receIpt on file 09/18/2007 OK SKG , 1 of I Date Received Planner AL jo/;/2fJD7 / I Dave Collier (541) 767-3087 p.3 ST A rF' or OREGON W.\.TI':R SlIPPLY WELL REPORT (" I UJllllld /1", ou...' 'tl7 76~ & OAR 690~20~ 0210) LANE 67850 09-20-2007 Page' of' Wl!:LL LABEL # L I START CARO# /10(22)) (l) LAND OWNeR OWI1l..1 \\L11 102 (9) LOCATIO'\' OF \VELL (legal descriptIOn) rll,t "'J'1I1lt'VLr1l L I~t l'\"1.me Rt'llsun Count) I Rn~ Twp...l..1.i2Q....~I\./;:, RflngLJ.U1L~ EVvWM l1l1llP1i1} Sec~~ 1/4 ot lhe ~ 1/4 Tax lot 101 Ad,lrl", (}40 I-h~y 1)9N T'lx M \p Number lot C I) [lIeene State OR Zip 97407. Lat _o~_ 'm DMS or DD (2) TYPE OF WORK 01\(':\\ WLll 0 D~epenmg o CnnV1:r~lOn lung _o...!L.-'_ .. or OMS or DO o ~11<..I;:ltltlll (reI- m'rLLollrutlon) ~ AhandOnlnerlL ~ Street addre<;.<; ofwdl r Ne'lle<:.t addre5~ II 057 4rld~er<inn Lane Springfield I \SJ DRILL METHOD [{OIl]) <\.Ir OROI'1lvMud DCClblc OAuger Dr'\ble \1ud (10) ST....T1C WATER LEVEL o I{L,\L1....l Rot.H) OOtlle! Orne &WI(p<:.l) + S\\L(Il) (4) PROPOSeD llSE[ZlDomestlc Dlnl~"ltlOn DCommunlty IC"-lstmg IhdJ / Predeepenmg - 81 IR I ICnmpletedWell I I Q Im!u\ I!;II (ommLncml 0 Ll\L!,tock 0 De\\::itenng FlowlIlg Artesian' D Df\ [lole?O DIIH..lmllDlllleeltOn o Other WATER SCARING 7.0'lE~ Depth \\..ttel ";1S fils! found (5\ BORf~HOLE-GOi'lS1 RUe' 1-10'1 <;:'oecl'll qldnda~d DAt1ad1c'1?") S\\ L [)JI~ fro To r~t rlr... l,WI' 51' H Depth ofColllpletcd Well 000 It ~ORC HOLE SEAL b.aI.J~ EE3 nil rmlll To MllLrl11 From ro Am' Ih, I " ! [) ~Ir"m""' I 0 I~ (11) WELL LOG uroumi [le\aluln Ho\\ \\1, sCII plJltd Method 0' 08 cg]c DO DE Matenal flam To ~(llhel 1m U')O 220 OQSO I B.JLl..lillpIILLlI 110m _ n (0_ II V1atenal 1 I ill~1 pILI, lrom ftw It M<ltenal SIze 0''' - , F~pl(j""I\l"" Il~ul Type \mount , Irp C\SIi'\G/LINER <l~lllg \ lllt.r Dr,l + 110m To G'loge ,,1 Plstc Wid 1 hrd 6~ 1 I~ ~ I "'11m: Oll1~Hk DOu's'de OOLhcr LocatIon ofshne(~) 1 Ln,p L l'.mt, 0 Ye~ Dw Flom To (7) PI:RFORA nONS/SCREENS I PetioratlOns Method -I ~creen~ T)-pL M1tcllal I I',tt.., l '", <'L ~,r SCln ....Iot Slnt . or Tele/ DntL Started (19 'JO_ ?om r'omplelt:J 0('-/0 7007 l.ILlll LIllLt Dla From To .....ldlh lenjlth I"Tl I ~ i I -1 I I (unbonded) W Itcr Well ('f1l1~trudor Certlfilltmn 1 certIfy th:lt the I~ork 1 pl.1 lomlcd on the constluctlon clcqx.mng; a1\el>1tlOn 01 abandonment of this well I~ In comph lrlC~ wIth Oregon wafer ~\lpply IH.lI l-on<;tructfOrJ ~tand!}/(l!' M.JtellJh u~erl ,md IntormatlOn rl..plJrtl!d abo\C ale true to the be~t ormy koOvdt.dge 'lnd I;n:hel (8) WELL TESTS Minimum te..tln~ time 1<; I hour llcen~eNumb...r ]R19 D..ltt.. 0920-'007 Ol'lImp 0811ILr @Al1 0 FIO\~ 109 Alte~J:]n Ekctronll:ally Filed 'rH.li,-Jltml11 Dr,lwdOlVn Dnll <:.lem Pum denth Durouon<hrl Signed MlrllAr! Ilfnl r FY(~_ld{rl\ I I I (bonded) Wnter Well Con..trul.lar CertificatIOn I I I I accept re<;ponslbll1ty for the canst! ucllOn dccpl..mng n1temtlon or ah'mclonmellt I 1 I "OIic perfom1ed on thIS wLlI dUlIn~ the wn\tl uC(JOn .hle.> repnrted nbove All work ILlllpllJlllrl. or Lab analysIs Dyl.' By performed cl\\I111g thl~ tlmto': IS In complmnce wIth Oregon ....ufer supply well \1/ It,! C]ualil\ L()l1LL01~'7 OYe~ (describe bclo\\) constructIOn ~LanJ lld<:. ThiS repolt I~ fruL 10 lht.. beit arm) kno....ledgc ..lnd belief I l,nni I Tn I n,..,r"l,..nn I Amount 8 LlccnscNumlJCI 1"i41 Date 09_70 'Jom ElectronIcally Filed <:;Igned r'ASFY 'ONF~ lR IF filpc1) Contact Info (opllonnl) r_ , CA''''.''.,O'' ORIGIJ,'AL ~ VvATER RESDI ReES DEPARTMeNT nl'<;; RJ I>l)Rf "'JUST BE 'iUB\1ITIED TO THr \YATER R['iOURCEc; DCPART'vlE'lT wn HIl\)O DAY!;) 01 CQ\1PL!::TION or WORK Date Received Planner AL Fonn VeNQn 0 qg 10/;;/200 '7 I / Dave Collier (541) 767-3087 p.4 Page I of I S tartcard Data Well Constructor: 1541 CASI<.. Y JONES JR, CASEY JONES WELL DRILLING Start Card Number 1002233 Owner Information Company First IVERN Name Street! 1940 HWY 99 N Street2 I CIty !EUGENE Last jSENSON Name State lOR Zip )97402 Home I Phone Workj Phone Type of Work _Ece Re_qUlred CNew L ConversIOn o Deepenmg No Fee DAlteratlOn ReqUIred ~ Abandonment Ongmal Start Card# Ongmal Well Tag# ConstructIOn Proposed Commenccment 9/1912007 Date EXlstmg! Proposed 50 Depth(ft) Diameter (mches) 5 Use ~ Domestic o Thermal o Momtonng DCommumty o InjectIOn o Plel:ometer o Industrial o Livestock o Dewatenng o ImgatlOn Other Proposed Well LocatIon 1057 ANDERSON Street address of well LANE SPRINGFIELD, OREGON QQ/Q NE Taxlot 101 NE Township 1700 - Lattltude S Range 3 00 LongItude w SectIOn 33 County Lane OWNER PLEASE NOTE Thi.!lL'J not D wnler right apphcatlOn. Tbe owner is responluble forobtsln.mg a WJIkr nght through 1be Waler Resour'tCll Department, Ir required Tbr Oregon He-aUh Drvl~on n:C)tllre:5 plaDs to be "ubmllt~ and approved pnor to conltructlOD trtbe wdl15 to be used as a publk syslem http //apps2 wrd state or us/apps/gw/startcard-!,urchase/startcarddata aspx?sc_Id=149607 9/19/2007 Date Received /~)/7a07 Planner AL Dave Colller STATF OF OREGON \\ , fER SUPPLY WELL REPORT (", llqllllld in ORS 'H7 765 & OA.R (902050210) (1) LAI\D OWNER OwncrWel1lD r, ,l f', inK \ cm (ompllh \d.1ll"\ 'J4() Hw\ lJ9N (IIY LU':,~lk L'l\!'\hmc Henson ~tate OR (2) TYPC OF WORK O""lew V\oell 0 Deepenmg o Alh.r,lllOn (rcpalr/rCCondltlon) ~Ab<lndonmenl LANE 67849 09-20-2007 ZIp 97402 D CnmerslOn CllDRILL METHOD IZS) RotalY Air 0 Rotary Mud DCahle DAugel DC'lbk Mud DRl\L'~l R~lllr) DOlhcl (4) PROPOSeD US.C[8J Dome\T1C Dllll!~:<Itlon DCommumty o ll1dll<;t1lal lommlnclnlD Llve<;lnck DDe\~alcrJng C fhll1Thll DInJcctlon 0 Other (5) BORE HOLE CONSTRUCTION Depth orrolTlpleted \Vell 000 It BORb HOLE ])1.1 from Tn M'll~ rlol ~iremen' SplClll Standard SEAL from (541l 767-3087 p.5 Page 1 of' WELL LABEL # L I ST ART CARD # 11002232 (9) LOCATION OF WELL (legal de'croptlOn) County lnrl~ 1....p...11....QQ..-~N'S R<lnge~K- See ...3.1...-- .b.E.....-- 1/4 cflhe ~ 1,4 TD.~ Lot 101 Tax Map l'o.urnber Lot I t " "or ~a _~-D..--,_ Long_~_ or (it Strcet "IddrLss of....ell 11057 Andscr<;on Lam.. Sprmgfidd r NLJle~t <Iddr~.. I DB !>acb/ Tn AmI Ibs ~(ll)WELLLOG [;gJc DO DE 1 lo\' \\ I' \lJI placed Method 0 A ~OlhL' Illl hl)() nil ()O(IO R1llllllpllLLdlr(1m_ n to Fl Miltcnl! Idl",'Pllllholl1 flto ~laterJaI L,plo'IH., II~ld [JYe~ T\pc- Amount (G) CASI'IG/L1'1ER '9~r FlOm Tn ...."n... 0 In~11lt OOul~lde lLml'''I'''lIlgDYe~ 01:1 DOthe, 110m Location of~hoc(~) To (7) PERFORA TIONS/SCRECNS PLrtontlOns \!ethod Holl... air p...rJoratar Strr{..ll$ I ype Mdtuml [lLlII.... { 1..1Il~/ "creen C1U'I) LlflLl 01:1 From " To " SClTlI,lot WJdth '" '" , (8) \\ ELL 1 CSTS i\lInlmum hosting: rime I" 1 hour o PUI11)l 0 B,ller @ AIr 0 "ILld toll mIll Dr1.\\dnWll DIllJ ..tlm(PlJOln denth I I lClllpLrllur. "F L:lb:lnalys,<;Dyc~ By \V"llLI 'i" rillY LllllCe1Tl<;' O'r...l,. (dc~clllw belo....) IIllll1 I" n..,.~r"l'l"'" I I L 11 SIZe Gauge ')11 Pl'tc WId Thld IU ,)Iot Ico:o!th #of TeleI ..lut~ Ilpe ~1Le ,on GmundElc\ HlOn Material From FIO\~lrIg Art\..l.l.:l1l DunHlon f'nr) , I I I I,m""", E3 Date SloTted OQ 1 Cl ?007 Completed ()q_1 Q_,007 EWW'A DMS or DO OMS or DO 18 S\'o;L(lt) 11-: ~ To l (unbonded) Water \Vt.!l COrl'llrul.'tor CerhficatlOn ] certify Ih II the work I perlormed un the ('on<;lrtlcllClIl deepenmg 'lllunlHln or ubandonment of thiS well 1<; In compliance wllh On.gan ....Iller suppl\ \~ell Lomtrllctlon st<lndard~ Matenal~ u~ed <lllcl mformatlon reponed 'lbo~l 'lrl 1rUl to the best of mv knov.kdge <lflU bt:lllf Llc...n!.!,. Nurnb\..r I R,9 O'lte nQ 70_ 10n? Elr;:ctrnmcally Fllcd Signed MlrHAPl I H(1II FY iF f"rlf'nl (bonded) Wntcr 'Veil Con~truclor Ccrtlfic.ltion 1 accept respon<;Ibllity for Ihe con<;tructl(\1) deepening aller;J.llon 01 jh mdUoOlLnt ....ork performed Oft thl~ well eluTing the con!.lructlOn rhle~ repoJ1cd 'lbovc All\>, OIl< perfonned dUTlng [hIS lime IS In cnmpllnncl With Orq!,on ~\aler ..upply ~ ell conslnJcllOn stanlhnJs ThiS l"Lpnr1I' trul 10 the be~t ofm) knowledge and belief Llcen::.\.. 'lumbel I ~41 Date (lQ 10 '007 Clec:rronlc<ll1y Fded SIgned rASJ:'V I()NFc:. m (F_tilt"ri) Contact Info (op\Jonal) (' ,~,. UIA'I ,,",p.ll.. ,,1 '_01.1"'1 "1;'11 ORIGINAL WA.TER RESOURCES OfPART\fCNT I HI" RI PORT \11 1ST HI::: SUL~MII-l Ll1 10 rHF WATER RI:SOURCES DEPARTMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS OFCOMPLETIOt\ or WORK Fonn Vcr<;lof\ 088 Date Received Planner AL /(1 ):lJg{)7 Dave CollIer (541) 767-3087 p.6 Page I of 1 Startcard Data Well Constructor 1541 CASEY JONES JR, CASEY JONES WELL DRILLING Start Card Number: 1002232 Owner Information Company First IVERN Name' Streetl!940 HWY 99 N S treet2 I CIty jEUGENE Last [BENSON Name State ~ ZIp 197402 Workl Phone Home I Phone' Type of Work Fee Required DNew o ConversIOn CDeepenmg No Fee LJAlteratlOn ReqUIred ~ Abandonment OrIgmal Start Card# OngmaI Well Tag# Construction Proposed Commencement 9/1912007 Date EXlstIng/ Proposed 50 Depth(ft) Diameter (Inches) 6 Use o DomestIc o Thermal D MOnItOrIng o Community o lnJecllon o PIezometer o Industnal [I LIvestock o Dewatenng DlrngatlOn Other Proposed Well Location 1057 ANDERSON LANE SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Street address of well QQ/Q NE Taxlot 101 NE Township 1700 Lattltude s Range 3 00 Longitude w Secllon 33 County Lane O\VNER PLEASE NOTE Tb,," not II willer ngilt application. The owner t!I re!lpoDluble for obulIDmg a wlIter nghi fhrougb tbe Water QCSQUf"Ces Dcpa.rtmeut, .r requuul The Oregon HClIUh DrvI'llOn requires plan! to be submItted Bod .pproved pnor to coo.druc:tICP Ir the weill" to be used DS a pubbe system http //apps2 wrd state or us/apps/gw/startcard -PUfcbase/startcarddata aspx?sc _ld=149606 9/19/2007 Date Received. Planner AL /p/i/Zo07 , / Dave Collier LANE 67851 STATF OF OREGON \\ nER SUPPL Y WELL REPORT (I' lllllllnd h.,. OR" 5'\7 761;, & OAR 690-20:;-(210) 09-20-2007 (5411 767-3087 p.7 Page 1 of 1 WELL LABEL # L 1 STARTCARD# 110022J4 EWWM (1) LAND OWNER OwnLrv.,cll rD 3 L 'l~l N 1m!: Henson III~ N JIlll \ (Ill ((JIllIlIllV AddIL" ')40 Ih~\ ()l)'\I (It\ ] \I!:~t1... Slate:: OR ZIp 97402 (2) f)' p~ or '''aRK DN~\\ Well 0 Deepenmg D Con'verslon D \tlLlatlOll (lepmrl1el..\mdt\H)n) ~ \b'lndonml..nt illUR1LL METHOD l6J Rotal} All DRolJlY \r1ud DC'lbl<.. DAuger DCabk Mud o RL\ e::r-,e Rolar\ 0 Other (4) PROPOSED USEl:8JDomc~llc DlrngatlOn DCQmmumty Dllln\l~11111/('llmmLllclal 0 L1\estock o De\\'lh_llng 01 III 1TI111 DlnJeclJon DOthl,.f (5) BORE HOLE CONSTRlICTION Special StJnwrn D~plh orCol1lpleted Well GORE HOLE nIl rlom To r..-htefml ~Ir"n"" 000 n seAL From " H{1\\ II I, 'L11Illlct'd Method D^ DB cg]OtlKr pLI (190-220 0()50 HJllddlplllldlrum_ ft to ft Matulal I Illll Pll,." hom It to ~1a(LfIl\I Explu'I\"" ll~LJ D'l<" T\f.lt"- Size Amount (6) CA~('1G/LlNER Ca'dllt! Lllle, DI1 + n~ ru Gau!;,e Stl Phtc \\< Id Tnrd In FlOm ~hoe:: 0 In~ldl: DOulsldc r"l11pl,J~m!;,D'yLs Dla (7) PERI'ORATIO'lS/SCREENS PerforatIOns Method ~lrC"'l1~ T\ pe DOtl1eJ From Location ofshoe(s) To Mltt'rJ.l1 pMI.... (..I'dnl) 'lclu.n Scrn1o;.Jot Slot p. of TcleJ m '''I '" I"" I ~'" ffi (8) \VELL TESTS !\tllmmum testmg hml. I~ 1 hour o Pllflll' 0 B.tilel @ All 0 FloWlOg ArteSian Vldd _11 mill DnwdOl\n Dnll ~'ern't>umn denlh DuratIOn {hrl I IT. I i -r TI i T T -, T"ll\llll Hun "F LabanulyslsDv.... By DYes (descnbe bdow) I Amount ~ WIlLI qlldttyconcems' ~~ I" n"",."p""''' (9) LOCATION OF WELL (legrll dC<LrIphon) Range "'00 \N Tux Lot 101 County 1,10" Twp~~N/S Sec ~ ~ 1140fthc ~ 1/4 T.u:: Mlp'lllmlKI Ldt _"'~'_"or Long_"'~'_"or (i Slreet4ddress of well 11057 And-:.ep..on (,lne Springfield Lnt DVltlol DD D\1''IoIDD r J'\eareq 'lddre\, (10) STATIC WATER LEVEL Datc SWL(p.t) 81 flOWing ArteStan? D Df~ Hok? 0 WATER BCARING ZONEt; Depth ....'!ter WJS filSl: found OAtlach copy) sv. L OJtL Fmm To SWl ~I sncks! To Amt Ibs ~(ll)WELLLOG I2';]c Do Dc xlstmg v,.cll / l'redeepe11111g C'ompletedWell , Ground Ele\ollun Mltlf1,l1 from DJte St.Jlted oq_ 70 ?007 Completed 11970 ,om ~ + l:iWL(ft) " ~ To (unbondE!d) W.lter" ell Con,truetor Cl..rtlfic.lllOn ll.er11f\ th~1 IhL work I perfmmed on the construcllOn dlx.pl.nmg altLrlC10n Ot abandonment of lhl~ ....ell l~ In cOInph'lnce Wllh Oft:J:,Orl water ,upplv wdl con~tructlOn stmdnrds MatLrlllls u"cd !Ind mformatlon reporled ahovl. 1rc rruL 10 the best of m\ knO\"ledge and belief Llcen~e Numbel I R1Q DalL ()t}?fl ?flrl7 EleclronlcallvFllcd Slgfled MlrllARI r ~()II rv tr fillY!) (bonlled) Water Well ConstrllclO( Certlfildhon J accept respoo<;lblht) fOl the con'tructlOn JCLp~OlO~ [lIter-won 01 abandonment work perlolmed on tht~ ....el1 dunnglhe con~trllcl,nn d'!te~ reported Jbo\e A II work performed dUrlnb thiS tIme:: l~ III comphance w1th Oregon watcr ~upph w..11 conslructlOll ~t.Jmj:.m:i~ Thl~ report IS true 10 thL bl<.t of my knOl" ledge ,md heltcl LIcense Number 1'141 DatLoq 7(\ 'l()fl7 Electronically I lIed Signed ('A<o;fV rONF... rR IF filM) Contact Info (optIOnal) r!'tc","v 1 n..,H..,,,. ".Ill 7.r} ?~n ORIGf!\AL WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMeNT I HI" RLPOI~l MI ~ I BE SUBMITTED TO THC \I;ATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT WITHfN 30 DA YS OF COMPlrTION Of' \\ORK Form VerSIOn (I ~~ Date Received Planner AL jo/t//2tJtJ7 I / . Dave Collier (541) 767-3087 Startcard Data Well Constructor: 1541 CASEY JONES JR, CASEY JONES WELL DRILLING Start Card Number: 1002234 Owner InformatIOn Company First IVERN Name' Street1 1940 HWY 99 N Last ISENSON Name Streel2! City jEUGENE Home I Phone' State ~ Zip 197402 Work I Phone Type of Work Fee ReqUired DNew o ConversIOn o DeepenIng No Fee 0 Alteration ReqUIred Q Ab d t I-"J an onmen OrigInal Start Card# OngInal Well Tag# ConstrUl_tlOn Proposed Commencement 9/19/2007 Date EXlstIng/ Proposed 50 Depth (ft) Diameter (mches) 4 Use ~ Domestic o Thermal o Momtonng o Industnal DLlve~tock o DewaterIng o rrngatlon Other DCommumty o InjectIOn o PIezometer Proposed Well LocatIOn 1057 ANDERSON LANE SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Street dddress of well County Lane Township 1700 Lattltude S Range 3 00 Longitude QQ/Q NE Taxlot 101 NE w SectIon 33 p.8 Page 1 of 1 OWNER PLEASE NOTE This 1<; not It water nghlll.pphcatJon The DWDer IS r~pon!llble for obtaining a wa,ler nght through tbe Waler Rcsourc~ Department, If n.ql.llred The O~on Heallh DIvISIOn requlI''t$ plans to be submitted and approved pnor to construe bon If the well IS to be used UJI publiC syslem http //apps2 wrd state or us/apps/gw/startcardyurchase/startcarddata aspx?sc_,d=149608 Date ~ecelved Planner AL 9/19/2007 /01/2&177 , / 10/11/07 THU 09 45 FAX 5417263689 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ~001 RECEPTION OK TX/RX NO CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID ST TIME USAGE T PGS RESlILT ********************* *** RX REPORT '*' **************~*4*~** 8880 541 767 3087 10111 Oq 41 03'25 8 OK Date Received Planner AL /O/;/~67 / /