HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 7/9/2007
JUL-09-2007 00 03
P 06/06
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\\ ,III. '111,\ 1'1 \ I ~ 11 h20I' So..lh 18tl, Stle~t Spllngfleld OR 97477 5240 fcls41 7262396 { IX G41 7477348 VJ"W tlf !l111 ram
July 9,2007
Linda Pauly
City of Springfield
225 N 5th Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Dear Lmdd
17-03-33-11 TL 101 1057 ANDERSON LANE
Llstcd below are our COmments for the above referenced devclopment proposal
1 The Spnngfield Ullhty Board Watcr DIvISIon has no ob]ecl1on to the proposed
subdiVIsIon pldl
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Bart E McKee, P E
Semor elV1l Engmeer - Water DIvIsion
BEM mkl11
cc Vem Bcn;on, 940 tlwy 99 N, Engene, OR '17402
o ISllhI'LAN\ I 0,7 And"",un Lane subdivIsion pl't prcslIbmlt1,'] 7-6-07 doc>
Date ReceIved ~~~""7
Planner AL
JUL-09-2007 00 02
P 05/06
7 BdCkflow preventIon devIces WIll be requIred tor!lus servIce Please contact Chuck Dav" <It
726-2396 pnor to II1stalhng water semce Chuck can help In the select,on of the most
cconoIDlc.1 d~V1ce and locatIon Water semce WIll not be provided until a backf]ow plan ha,
be~n submItted to SUB Water Engmeenng and approved for mslallatlon
Backflow deVIces wIll be mstalled withIn 10 feet of the pomt of connectIOn to the pubhc water
:;ystem In Kathryn A venue
SUB development charges are paid d,rectly 10 SUB Water DlVl>lOn dml
SUB Electnc DIVISIon
Bart E McKec, P E
Senior CtVl1 Engmc~r - W..ter DIvISIon
BEM mk
MTN Inve.tments LLC, 3838 Kathryn Court, S,rnngfield OR 97478
Rene Fahrlcant, Branch Fngmeenng In~, 310 5 Street, Sprmgfield OR 97477
~ \SITCPI.AN\3804 K.thryn Sm.e! Slle pl,n tenl,tlve 7-9.07 doex
Date Received
Planner AL
I /
CondItIons of Approval
CondItIon I. The Public Improvements Plans for Anderson Lane and the Internal street
serving the subdivIsion shall Include street lighting that meets adopted City street lighting
CondItIon 2 Public Improvements Plans for Dove Lane shall Include signs and markings as
necessary to prohibit on-street parking east of property line separating Lots 13 and 14, and on
the north side of the street In the remaining section "No Parking-Fire Lane" signs shall be
posted on the north side of the street and around the hammerhead turnaround per 2004
Spnngfield Fire Code 503 2 I , SFC 503 3 and SFC AppendiX D I 03 I Signs shall be Installed
pnor to Plat approval
CondItIon 3: Pnor to Plat application submittal, the applicant shall receive approval of an
alternate street name To faCilitate thiS task, please send an emall to Ipaulv(a)C1 spnngfield or us
or Andy Llmblrd at alimblrd@C1 spnn!!field or us With several alternate street names
CondItIon 4 Pnor to PIP approval, the following eXisting trees located along Anderson Lane
and adjacent to the proposed street serving the subdiVISion shall be evaluated for retention to
meet the Spnngfield Development Code, as stated In the DeSign Standards and Procedures Manual
6 02 I EXisting Trees
36" dbh oak Lot II Anderson Lane frontage
36" dbh oak Lot II Anderson Lane frontage
36" dbh oak Lot 12 Anderson Lane frontage
(2) 6-12" dbh holly Lot I Anderson Lane frontage
14" and 6" apple Lot I New street frontage
30" dbh oak Lot 5 New street frontage
24" dbh oak Lot 5 New street frontage
48" dbh spruce Lot 6 New street frontage
38" dbh oak Lot 7 New street frontage
6" dbh frUit Lot 8 New street frontage
CondItIon 5 The Public Improvement Plans shall Include a street tree proposal which
prOVides street trees that are planted approximately 30 feet apart EXisting trees which have
been evaluated pursuant to Condition 5 and found to be acceptable by the Public Works
Director's authonzed representative shall be counted as street trees and shall be protected
dunng construction In accordance With best management practices and Engmeerlng DeSIgn
Standards and Procedures Manual 602 I The reqUired 2" caliper Size street trees shall be
Installed 5-10 feet behind the sidewalk, m accordance With the Engmeermg DeSIgn Standards and
Procedures Manual Additional street trees may be required at buildmg permit reView, when
dnveway locations are proposed All trees shall be large canopy species trees selected from the
"Planter Stnps 8-12 feet" list m the Engmeermg DeSign Standards and Procedures Manual, chapter
6 Trees shall be mstalled pnor to Plat approval or bonded Installation shall be as speCified m
the City'S Engmeerlng DeSIgn Standards Manual
CondItIon 6. Pnor to approval of the Public Improvement Plans, the applicant shall prOVide
water quality control measures for the subdiVISion which meet the requirements set forth m
Section 3 03 3 B of the City's Engmeermg DeSign Standards & Procedures Manual ThiS can occur
dunng the deSign phase of the Public Improvement Plans
Date Received :1lzDD7
Planner AL
CondItIon 7 Prior to Final Plat approval, the' applicant shall locate the private sewer lateral
extension for locs 10 and II within a private utility easement
ConditIon 8. The proposed public and private utility easemencs, the following public utility
easements requested by SUB Electrlcand any aedltlonal public and/or private easemencs which
may be necessary to prOVide storm, sanitary o~ utilities to the locs shall be shown on the Plat
LocatIon I W,dth
I Centered on the property line I I 0 feet
between locs II and 12
2 Centered on the property line I 10 feet
between locs 10 and 13
3 Centered on the property line I 0 feet
between locs 2 and 3
CondItIon 9' Driveway access to Lot II from Anderson Lane shall be located near the
southern boundary of the lot, as far from the ultersectlon as IS feaSible In no case shall the
driveway be located less than 30 feet from the Centennial Boulevard/Anderson Lane
intersection i
CondItIon 10: Prior to submittal of public Improvement plans and LDAP approval, the
applicant shall submit and receive approval of a Tree Felling application for the sublect property
Any conditions of approval (e g replacement trees) reqUired In the Tree Felling Notice of
DeCISion shall be met prior to Plat approval
What Needs To Be Done' I
The SubdIVISion pre-submittal meeting shall be held Within two years of the date of
Tentative Plan approval The mylars andiapplicatlon fee shall be submItted Within
180 days of the Pre-submittal meeting. If the applicant has not submitted the
SubdiVISIon Plat Within these times, Tentative Plan approval shall become null and
VOId and re-submlttal of the Tentative PI~n shall be required.
A Final Plat application IS charged upon submittal of the complete application and all reqUired
documents, and after all conditions of approval are met, including the construction of public and
private Improvemencs and extenSion of utilities required through thiS deCISion THE PUBLIC
signature by the City Surveyor and the Plannlng'Manager, the Plat mylar may be submitted to
Lane County for recordation No indIvIdual lots may be transferred until the Plat IS
recorded and the mylar copv of the filed partItion IS returned to the CIty Surveyor.
and five (5) cOPies of the filed subdiVISIon are returned to the Development ServIces
Department by the applicant. !
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Date Recelv~d
Planner AI.