HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWS 8/27/2007 City of Springfl~I~__ __ 2nd Review of ~~ve ~~ates cas Joumal # SUB2006-00066 Company Pacific Surveymg, Inc Surveyor DavId CollIer RevIewed by Jon Dnscoll (726-3679) Plat Comments: I) Please change the two consent affidavit statements on Sheet I to say subd,vIsIOn mstead of partItIOn 2) Please place a street name on the plat that has been agreed upon by the owner and passed by the street nammg commIttee (I'm gettmg word from Lmda Pauly these both have not yet been donc Please kcep Lmda m the loop on thIs) 3) Show and locate the fences bordenng the plat 4) The NE comer of Lot 7 has dIfferent symbols on the first and second sheet 5) Remove/decommIssIOn the wells (and sep!lc tank?) 6) Remove bUlldmgs, Imga!lon pIpes etc so they do not encroach across lot hnes 7) Uncover or set the monument at Lot 3's westerly angle pomt 8) Please modIfy your Post monument certIficate to mclude all the data m the red portIOn of the attached a word document ("Post Mon Plat CertIficate doc") Also, be sure to add the blue statement m Said document as well 9) Please modIfy the PUE abuttmg Anderson Lane m order to reduce Impact to the trees, as per your conversa!lons wIth Lmda Pauly 10) On your next submittal, please give another paper copy to me as well as to the plannel, L/Ilda Paulv II) SubmIt a current copy of the !llIe report wIth the mylars (Needs to be dated wlthm 30 days of the fihng date of the plat) 12) All taxes must be paid before the plat can be approved 13) BUIld or bond all pubhc Improvements 14) Note The "Post Mon DeposIt doc" IS mcluded for your calcula!lons-though It IS not due untIl you submit the final application. Note When you have completed all comments and correctIons from the CIty, County and field check, please dehver a final paper copy along with a current !llIe report If there are no further correc!lons you Will be no!lfied and you can pay the Fmal Plat Fee and drop off the mylars The mylars WIll be mternally routed for sIgnatures and once complete you WIll be no!lfied to come and pIck them up to dehver to the County for fihng and recordmg FIve caples of the recorded plat must be rcturned to plannIng before bUlldlllg perrnIts can be Issued 812712007 C \Documl.nts and Scttlllgs\pauI4121\Local Sl-ttmgs\Tunporary Internet Flle<;\OLK8\2.Dove E<;tate<; ReVIew doc Page I of2 -0 IJ) t~ ) '... CD _ c: ~ c: ,CU a::