HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 6/28/2007 (2) PRE-SUBMITTAL PLAT DISTRIBUTION LIST: ~-2<;!- 07 Date Distributed: / Dave Puent - Building 7 Gilbert GordonlMelissa Fechtel- Fire / Gary McKenney - Traffic J Matt Stouder- Public Works/Engineering f Les Benoy - Public Works/Engineering Dennis Ernst/Jon Driscoll, Surveying /' Bart McKee, Spjld Utility Board (Water) / Tamara Johnson, Spjld Utility Board (Electric) Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald People's Utility District Planner, c1l/J1.dL ~ City of Spnngfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned' PRE2007-00043 Date Submitted 6/28/2007 PrOJect Name DOVE ESTATES PrOject DescrIptIOn' Pre-Submittal for SubdiVISIOn Plat for 14 lot subdiVISIOn (Dove Estates) ApplicatIOn Type, SubdiVISIOn Plat Job Addres~ 1057 ANDERSON LN Assessor's & Tax Lot #, 1703331100101 Meetmg DaterTlme Meetmg Room Planner FrIday, July 6, 2007 { (~o\l f\ M - YlDOV? 615/616 c7)~"P~ DISCLAIMER ApplicallOns will nol be exempl from Development Code or procedural amendments thai may occur belween the time of the Pre-SubmJt1al Meelmg and SubmJt1al of the ApplicatIOn for Development Review Please contact our office al 541-726-3753 wllh any quesllons or concerns A Planner will be assigned the follOWing business day and Will conlact you 10 confirm Ihe meellng dale and lime Date Received Planner AL 6/Jr~7 , / PlanJobPnnt rpt 6/28/2007 ]11820M,; Pre-Submittal Meeting Development Services Department Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE Friday, July 6, 2007 1 PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2007-00043 (SUB PLAT) BENSON Assessor'sMap 17-03-33-11 TL 101 EXlstmg Use ResIdentIal Address 1057 Anderson Lane ApplIcant submItted plans to plat a 14-10t subdlVlslOn - Dove Estates Meetmg Dateff1Ille Friday, July 6, 2007 DSD 616 11:00 - noon Planner Linda Pauly Dat~ Received Planner AL 6ftfk7 I I City of Spnngfleld Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfleld, OR 97477 Land Division Plat Application, Type I Applicant Name: V6/lA/ Company: Address: (7: /,/("0/\/ Phone: I" B8 .887 Fax: r=..A/.f:A/e- DR- 'f i 4--1:. z "./ Applicant's Rep.: Company: Address: .i>;1 ~I ~ ~OL LL GIF/ c >CA,e.~IEY.".v6 7.<;";C'& c LI6 mUd/V7/1/N' Phone: Fax: rrd." C,7-079o .;CD{/C 74. 4- Property Owner: Company: Address: Phone: Fax: ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: Property Address: /rs- Size of Property: -Z- Proposed Name of Subdivision: TAX LOT NO(S): /0/ E,e C:o/V' /v'E Acres W Square Feet 0 ; 01..]6 :: Sf/? -S Description of Proposal: If- L <' I 5<l/~b/ 1/13/0/\./ Fvu:[- IC- 5Yr2Cc:cT u'rl7-/ 4//,J} ),I/)~/<! /-Ie-.4b Existing Use: RC-SJ Z>C~/,/dL Tentative Case #: ,5IAB,Zcf.'(p - reor. & # of Lots/Parcels: 14- Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: "! s [. L 0 sf Density: 7 du/acre bt.'t"'J"....:;'1,~.."..'~,.~,~,. ,.'-",.~......~~.,~i)."'J.;,'....:;.." ....,T.. .-........,..-~)""..r_..',.J..}. u'~. ,~,. .~<-~....;:.\' ->', ;,.,~..,.~, '..~' ~"';. ~egU!r'-eCllProP"e!;ty,:Il"!fQrmatlon...(qty..Intake Staff: cOl!Jple~eth!~ Sfi!J;t,on)',-, Zoning: Applicable Refinement Plan: Location: City Limits 0 Associated Applications: Pre-Submittal Case No.: ~<. c'vDi- i.5Oli-I~ Date: Case No.: Date: Application Fee: Technical Fee: TOTAL FEE'S Overlay District: Plan Designation: Urban Growth Boundary 0 0/ ? 'b k"1- Reviewed by: I I Reviewed by: Posta e Fee: ReVIsed 1112012006 bJ ,'- 0~S- ffill'1CO ~0cJ ~~y<. Ss. ~ ~ 1/ (, /0 + I I [ $I) (\ balo Received Planner AL tftf~07 / / 7S R 3WWM ry J~_-=::==~\ ~ 'Jl'\ 'J ~(l!X'\G) '-~~ ~,-.o'V \q\? ",-, I..-"-' \ ')..--\ >ll 1;0 if' ~ ~\ '}.'l 'i' ~JJ"'\ rf'vv,oP J 01-' 0 ,\0,'" l'~ (.\,1.; ~))Iu-t yj \~ ~ y'dSVo8 ".Y' ZZZ 0 . , , 800 JO-*, \V1.-~2< \ \J(\q~ lqq~? ~____22.?O A S'8S~...""--- : \'d-o.. 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DateRe~~IVed f,P;k7 Planner AL / / ..... 0- o :;;: IV IV U) , Written Statement for Dove Estates SUB2006-00066 Conditions of Approval This SubdIvIsion meets the condItIOns of approval as follows Condition 1 The PIP for Anderson Lane and the mternal Street shall mclude street lzghtmg that meets City standards The proposed street hghtmg IS shown on the PIP ConditIOn 2 PIP for Turtle Dove Court shall be Signed for no parlang east of the Lot 13- 14 property lme, and on the north m the remammg sectIOn and around the hammerhead The PIP mdlcates where signs are to be placed ConditIOn 3 An alternate name to "Dove Lane" shall be submlttedfor approval The name "Turtle Dove Court" has been approved ConditIOn 4 EXlstmg trees along Anderson Lane shall be evaluated for retention A site VISit was done to evaluate eXlstmg trees per a Tree Fellmg pernnt which was submItted The condItions of approval of the Tree Fellmg permIt are currently bemg addressed Condition 5 The PIP shall mclude a street tree proposal per City approval The PIP has a street tree proposal ConditIOn 6 The applzcant shall prOVide water qualzty control measures per City standards Water quahty control measures are bemg coordmated WIth the PIP ConditIOn 7 The applzcant shall locate the pnvate sewer lateral for Lots 10 and 11 wlthm a pnvate utllzty easement Date ~ecelved Planner AL 6/2f/~7 I / The easement has been desIgnated as such on the Plat ConditIOn 8 AdditIOnal easements shall be proVldedfor SUB All reqUIred easements are shown on the Plat Condlt1on 9 Driveway access to Lot 11 shall be as far south as possible We concur ConditIOn 10 PrIOr to approval of the Fmal Plat, (and PIP and LDAP) a Tree Fellmg permit shall be obtamed A Tree FellIng permIt has been submItted and the conditIOns of approval are bemg addressed Date Received- Planner AL 6/21/)(;07 , / LAFLEUR Karen Subject LocatIon PRE2007-00043 Pre-Submittal Mtg (SubdivIsion Plat) Benson - Linda P _SP _ConfRm616 Fn 7/612007 11 00 AM Fn 7/6/2007 12 00 PM Start End Recurrence' (none) Meetmg Status RequIred Attendees' Meeting organIZer PAULY Linda, Pre-Submittal Plat Meebngs A Pre-Submlttal Meebng for a SUbdIVIsion Plat has been scheduled for Fnday, July 6, 2007 @ 11 00 - noon In DSD 616 The planner assigned to thiS appllcabon IS Linda Pauly The applicant submitted plans to plat a 14-lot subdivIsion, Dove Estates Please confirm your attendance at thiS meebng Thanks Karen 1 Date Received Planner AL 6/1f~Ol I I 225 FIfth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone ~~ rlty of Sprmgfield OfficIal Rccclpt Jevelopment ServIces Department PublIc Works Department RECEIPT # 1200700000000000837 Date 06/28/2007 11 19 27AM Job/Journal Number DescriptIOn Amount Due PRE2007-00043 CTY SubdivISion Plat 325 00 Item Total $325 00 Paymenls Check Number AuthOrization Type of Paymenl PaId By Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Paid Check BENSON DEVELOPMENT CO IJ 5290 In Person $325 00 LLC Paymenl Tolal $325 00 Date ReceIVed Planner AL 6ptpo:J7 I I cRecemtl Page 1 of 1 6/28/2007 CIty ofSprmgfield Development ServlCes Department 225 FIfth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number AssIgned. PRE2007-00043 Date SubmItted: 6/28/2007 PrOJect Name' DOVE ESTATES PrOject DescrIptIon' Pre-SubmIttal for SubdIvIsIOn Plat for 14 lot subdIvIsIOn (Dove Estates) ApplIcatIon Type. SubdIvIsIOn Plat Job Address: 1057 ANDERSON LN Assessor's & Tax Lot # 1703331100101 r ~-~b0~5~jt ~ . ~::::~~~ ~ ~~A ___;_~::::';~~ ~:; . ~- A' #"~~:",,,~ . ,,1-_ ~L~;:;g;+.L;r~~,;J;p "" ~~.<; f::'-~* ""';::;z ~ r _.Meeting Date/Tilile :;-i';-:-;. -~ F-r~,aa'~y~iiily~,:6:,200 I ".:J2:~ ~;:g~="'4 -., " -~ c.~ , 2:Mee~t~~g RQo~:0~: : A::615/616::~~~~-j-~) ~i:-:! ~, ;_ ~I' '<- - -~~ ~ l--pI1lnner,-~r " -~~mE:'-';;'ffi -~~1~ ~;-,f~!t- ~) ~ -~t7~~ !~~ DISCLAIMER Applications w,lI not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the t,me of the Pre-Submittal MeelIng and Submittal of the ApplicatIOn for Development ReView Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 with any questions or concerns A Planner w,lI be aSSigned the following bUSiness day and will contact you to confirm the meeting date and time Date Received Planner AL 6/;8/20(17 , . PlanJobPnnt rpt 6/28/2007 II 18 20AI'v Pre-Submittal Meeting Development Services Department Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMlITAL MEETING DATE: Friday, July 6, 2007 1. PRE-SUBMlITAL MTG #PRE2007-00043 (SUB PLAT) BENSON Assessor's Map: 17-03-33-11 TL 101 EXistmg Use Residential Address: 1057 Anderson Lane Apphcant submitted plans to plat a 14-lot subdivision - Dove Estates Meetmg Daterrime. Friday, July 6, 2007 DSD 616 11:00 - noon Planner. Linda Pauly Date Received Planner AL 6p''/2007 I CIty of Spnngfleld Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfleld, OR 97477 Land Division Plat Application, Type I Applicant Name: v6.1Z-AI E/\/CON Company: Address: '1 tk> N Phone: ~ BB -8'f3'1 Fax: E..-i(.EA/6 o~ '174-0z Applicant's Rep.: Company: Address: Phone: t:,7-D79o Fax: IIPC- ,iZP rrA. ; : Property Owner: Company: Address: Phone: Fax: ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: /7 - 03 - 33 // Property Address: /f?S cZ.-o/\/ Size of Property: "2- 'prop~se_d_Nall1e of_~ubdivision: :DDUE =' SoT/? -S ----- --- --- If- LDT 5<"-3b///15/0/V IA-';-I/-/ /';/9,rl,Jl~;.eI-/c-,4b Description of Proposal: f'101[;/--IC- 5-r.R-6e-r TAX LOT NO(S): We: /0/ Acres B-- Square Feet 0 Existing Use: REs/Z>t':/>/T'/4L Tentative Case #: ,5IAB2004> - 000&,(., # of_ Lots/P~rce!s: 14- Avg. Lot/Parc:I!!I_~i~~:_ 1: SC co ~L I)e!,sity: 7 du/~c:re_ Required Property Information (City Intake Staff: complete this Section) Zoning: Applicable Refinement Plan: Location: City Limits 0 ~!!.socia~eJl J'~pJicatlo,!s: ~ - -- - ----- - Pre-Submittal Case No.: (?yt: 200=1-- CSOo4'Z, Date: Case No.: Date: Application Fee: Technical Fee: TOTAL FEE'S - - - -- Overlay District: Plan Designation: Urban Growth Boundary 0 &:,/ ? "b / () -=f- Reviewed by: , { Reviewed by: Posta e Fee: Revised 1112012006 bJ Po 2.605- GJD-=j CO ~'('O " ~~ bs. ~ h-\ :+/ b /0 1- ) I (,Sb Pr-fA '_ul.' (",celved Planner AL tPf 407 J Steps in the Process: 1. The Applicant Submits a Pre-Submittal Meeting Application $ 32. 5 - The Pre-Submittal Application IS mandatory Please refer to the Fee Schedule for the current application fee The submittal package must conform to the application completeness checklist attached to this form Please refer to Page 4 for the Pre-Submittal requirements. Pre- submittal meetings will be conducted every TueSday and Friday between 10 00 a m and noon We wIll strive to conduct the Pre-SubmIttal meeting within five to seven working days of receiving the application 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly encourage you, the owner and design team, to attend the Pre-SubmIttal meeting The meeting will be held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning DIVISion The meeting will be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes The Planner will prOVide you With a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the Items required to make the application complete-If It Isn't already complete You will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application When you have addressed all of the Items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist, please submit a complete application to the Survey Section located at the NW Quad of City Hall Refer to page 5 for the submittal requirements. The plat application fee will be collected at that time If the application has been deemed complete After SurveYing and Planning staff checks and signs the mylars the plat may then be recorded by the applicant's surveyor at Lane County AFTER RECORDING: Submit Five (5) recorded rolled paper copies of the plat along With Three (3) copies of required documents delivered to the Development Services Department prior to the Issuance of any bUilding permits Owner's Signature ThiS application will be used for both the required Pre-Submittal Meeting and subsequent complete application submittal Owner's signatures are required at both stages In the application process An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. The undersigned acknowledges that the Information In thiS application IS correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre-Submittal Meeting Ownel>-- r-- ~ . Date & -/1-07 s""'}" \~ Print Name w "B 'L ~S(N ReVised 11/30/2006 bJ -2- UuP, 1 . ~.)celved Planner AL 6P!~7 . I I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City Consistent wIth the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information Identified by the City as necessary for processing the application IS provided herein or the information will not be provided If not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin proceSSing the application with the information as submitted ThiS statement serves as wntten notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227178 pertaining to a complete application Owner Date Signature Pnnt Name Plat applications will be processed as follows: (See attached Plat Review Process Flow Chart) 1. The applicant submits a Pre-Submittal meeting application 2. Within five to seven working days, the applicant and the City conduct a pre-submittal meeting 3. The applicant coordinates any additional review of the plat and other required documents With representatives from the City's Planning, Public Works Englneenng, and SurveYing Section 4. The City SurveYing Section will notify the applicant's Surveyor when the plat and other documents are suffiCiently refined to allow for the submittal of the plat mylars 5. The applicant submits a. The Mylars and all final documentation to the SurveYing Section located In the NW Quad Section of City Hall b. If document set IS complete, applicant submits to Planning the Plat application, a copy of the mylar and final documents as well as financial secuntles including the application fee 6. The City Surveyor and Development Services Director may sign the final plat If all other conditions and requirements are fulfilled 7. The plat mylars may be delivered to Lane County for recording by the applicant's Surveyor or whomever the Surveyor authonzes AFTER RECORDING: 8. The applicant shall deliver Five (5) recorded rolled plat paper copies, along With Three (3) copies of any other recorded required documents to the Development Services Department prior to the issuance of any building permits. Revised 1113012006 bJ - 3- Date Received Planner AL /'Pl'k7 , I PARTITION OR SUBDIVISION NAME ::PollE 6s-r/7rr3S OWNER/DEVELOPER IJER./V P,6.A/ <;ON DATE RECEIVED SURVEYOR J>/9VE; C-oLL/t::/i?. PLANNING CASE NO (tentative) .suB 20 0(. - 000 C, c, (final) '\ "- '- /' PRE-SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST FOR INTAKE OF FINAL PLAT REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION 1. 0 2. 0 3. 0 -4. 0 - 5. 0 6. 0 7. 0 !J/1I-8. 0 9. 0 Final plat application A letter which lists and addresses each of the Conditions of Approval, and details the actions taken, and current status of each Item 9 paper copies of the plat stamped and signed by the surveyor 2 copies of closure sheets for the boundary and each lot or parcel and all common areas, dedicated areas and easement areas that are not Simple parallel offsets 2 copies of title report or subdiVIsion guarantee for the parcel being diVided The title report must be dated within 30 days of submittal at the time of the final submittal An older report IS OK for the initial review 2 copies of each of the reference documents and plats listed on the plat 2 copies of each of the supporting documents the vesting deed (must vest title to the owner listed on the plat), eXisting easement deeds, and documents listed as exceptions In the title report, etc 2 draft copies of any STREET DEDICATIONS (In the City of Springfield street dedications on Partitions must be recorded by separate document per SDC 34.090 (3)(i) [surveYing] 2 draft copies of any NEW easements or restrictions being created by separate document, Improvement agreements, maintenance agreements, JOint use Ingress/egress and utility easements, sewer hook up In lieu of assessment, and any other documents that Will be recorded together With the plat or that are required by the Conditions of Approval 10. 0 2 copies of a Consent Statement (Concurrence) on the plat (to be signed by the lender prior to final approval) OR 2 copies of an AffidaVit of Consent by separate document IS required from all Trust Deed, mortgage or other secured loan Interest holders against the property to be recorded Simultaneously With the plat IF any public dedications or easements are being made and/or any other Interests are being transferred to the public ORS 92.075 (2-4) Copies of wetland documents as required COpies of ODOT Access Permits as required One draft copy of Bargain and Sale deed for RESERVE STRIPS (we have a bOiler plate for thiS purpose) Verification that street tree agreement IS In progress as required One draft copy of the Conditions, Covenants & Restrictions (CC&Rs) Post monumentatlon deposit as required Check With surveYing for current fee Surveyor provides a bOiler plate deposit form for thiS purpose (Applicable to subdiVIsions only) The location of the f100dway of flood way fringe In accordance With Article 27 of the Springfield Development Code EXisting easements must be clearly Identified With their recorded reference New easements and reserve stripS must be referenced In the owner's certificates of dedication The purposes of easements must also be Identified on the plat 11. 0 12. 0 13. 0 14. 0 15. 0 16. 0 17. 0 18. 0 ReVIsed 11/3012006 bJ -4- 6ft boo7 I / Date, Hscslved Planner AL NOTE: When, as part of the approval process, the application has been conditioned so that the recordation of a document is required, the applicant shall be responsible for paying the Lane County recording fee for any such required document. Documents which may require recordation include, but are not limited to: Development Agreements; Improvement Agreements; Deed Restrictions; Future Development Plans; Easements; Joint Use Access/ Maintenance Agreements; and Dedications of Right-of-Way. Final Land Division Complete Application Submittal Requirements Checklist Note If you feel an Item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to thiS form 7;;:Z 7 + 3<:.'-1<..0 r + '5;r 1. Application fee-refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula A copy of the fee schedule IS available at the Development Services Department The application fee IS collected at the time of complete application submittal 2. Two (2) Copies of the deed and current title report-which needs to be dated Within 30 days of the date the County will record the plat 3. One (1) Original plat on Mylar With notarized owners signature and Signed surveyors stamp One (1) copy of the Mylar on bond paper 4. Final drafts - The original and One (1) copy of all required documents With signatures where appropriate S. Bring the above items 1-4 directly to the SurveYing Section located In the NW Quad of City Hall If submittal IS deemed complete, surveYing will sign-off the city survey approval sheet and send you down to the Development Services Department for application submittal and fee collection After Recording: Applicant shall deliver Five (5) recorded rolled plat paper copies and Three (3) copies of required documents to the Development Services Department prior to the issuance of any building permits. Revl'ed 1113012006 b) - 5- Date Received Planner AL 6/;-1 ftOflJ I 7S R 3WWM ,- ! I~ <' :' " ,1 , , , rY ~-~,o 't '. If \". 'J r(l!X'lG) ,-4Y~~~ ~-^o'V \q\? vi' I..-"-' \')..--\ >ll 0,0 if' ~ ~\ '),'1 'i' ~JJ"'\ rI'~ ,,0 \0,'" J O' , I" "I.; ~~Iu-t j& \u,c, ~ .CT> i~ ,Vd.5"o8 "I" ZLZO . , , 800 JO-*,\\,1.-~2< \\J(\q~ lqq~? ~ , \'d- 22.?O 585...087------- :1 ~. () () , 903 . v ~ ~ \ ~ ~ v. ~" ~~a \q ~ "J'l ~'\ '<. ~ ~~(t'f~ 2 '.e~ 3 oj 12~B.5 , " , , , 1 , 03 33 Sf"ne /" 250.3 10 .) 172"'';0 /'l -or NH Ca/:l'7~r R ~ Ca_,?J..;:// p~C v'", 59 17 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 3YMS ,_ ":17;..0_3;,3_3.-11 TL 101 ~f' ,VII Cvr u,. ;:l<i1J: r Ca_r'b~// O.!.C #0 Sf' / I " , 11)~ ~ "'.. ~ ~ J~ ;S 4.1:.5 (hS Ji:.<J 3<-' jio.:J 7 5 99"os ~ stl""'o<:J~- .J.J.., TO - " (', 'w">' .":.-ru) t, 101 I I I~ =--+J 819 far so<,11t of / /VtH(h /'/'11 R ClIrr>pbll pi( AlliS? ZB07 S'" Vli7 Nh.l ('a~no::"'- R""b; E Ldmr'l,!vll OLC;'I,) 59 SITE ... ~ ~ 28 27 5e7"~~ ~-z<> "00 -33 34 330"18 ""8'1'"05 w CANCELLED ~ 947 , ~ . . . . , I 1 , l , , . , , . " 100 2 55 AC ,~ , . " I' , S'8'7~DS = C 150 DO . " 10 102 025 AC , C\J a ~ , . , , , " C\J 1':;000 N S5''''''S 00 iN p",,,,J IS SoOo.5 IN _ 1587-""-4" r,.",.... -H,~ '" \LI C",1't s......... "4-3 <j" r0 '4n>>:~~ ' 0_ , '" o ~04" 4/ Z W JI'S I'- 200 ~ I' ~ 019-('0 '" r: J~ ~ o~1 ;E Ig I qlji,'O 'l-eD ~I > A1J)fJ't. r& I 'e.~;.";\qlt , , , 0. " :E " " Cf) "''' ~ , " , , r~\ .; , R040 ~ RoJf[)----- 777-rrST9"(/, Nln ~-<SE y P~~o-<f307 ~ 414 J . Dale f:ecelved 6 P! ~7 Planner AL 'I . , -.. '.. Written Statement for Dove Estates SUB2006-00066 CondItIOns of Approval ThIS SubdIvIsIOn meets the condItions of approval as follows ConditIOn 1. The PIP for Anderson Lane and the Internal Street shall Include street lighting that meets City standards The proposed street IIghtmg IS shown on the PIP Condition 2 PIP for Turtle Dove Court shall be Signed for no parking east of the Lot 13- 14 property line, and on the north In the remaining sectIOn and arourf the hammerhead Tho PIP md'~t~ w",,, .g'"'' to "' .""" V ~ ~;IA1~ fP'" . C"""',,= 3 Ana/<e=," -,," "Dow Lano" ~,tf~OPP'~1 The name "Turtle Dove Court" has been approved ConditIOn 4 EXisting trees along Anderson Lane shall be evaluatedfor retention A site VISIt was done to evaluate eXlstmg trees per a Tree Felhng permIt whIch was submItted The conditIOns of approval of the Tree Felling permIt are currently bemg addressed Condition 5 The PIP shall Include a street tree proposal per City approval The PIP has a street tree proposal ConditIOn 6 The applicant shall proVide water quality control measures per City standards Water quahty control measures are bemg coordmated WIth the PIP ConditIOn 7 The applicant shall locate the private sewer lateral for Lots 10 and 11 Within a private utility easement Date Received Planner AL 6/;,;2007 I / ". , The easement has been designated as such on the Plat CondlflOn 8 AddlflOnal easements shall be prov/(1edfor SUB All reqUired easements are shown on the Plat Condition 9 Driveway access to Lot 11 shall be as far south as possible We concur CondlflOn 10 Prior to approval of the Fmal Plat, (and PIP and LDAP) a Tree Fellmg permit shall be obtamed A Tree Felling permit has been submitted and the conditIons of approval are bemg addressed OatEl Received ~Pfbo" 7 Planner AL , ,,01/11/2006 12:45 IFAX cslanellfnf com -+ RanJ.e Sanden ~ 002/005 e Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon 800 WiDamette, Surte 500. Eugene, OR 97401 1541' 683-5422. FAX (541) 683-6437 SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE FOR THE PROPOSED PLAT OF 17-03-33-11-00101 PRE-SU~!I~lTT~ RECID JUN 2 B 2007, ORDER NO 01-709480-46 FEE: $0 00 DATED' January 11, 2006 Fidelity National Title Insurance Company GUARANTEES Any County or City Within whICh the subdivIsIOn or proposed subdIVISion IS located' LANE That the estate or Interest In the land which IS covered by thiS Guarantee IS A Fee " According to the pubhc records which Impart constructIVe notice of matters Jffectlng title to the premises descnbed on exhibit "One", we find that as of January 4, 2006, at th31ast deed of record runs to Vem Benson We also find the fOllow,ng apparent encumbrances, which ,nclude 'Blanket Encunbrances' as defined by ORS 92 305(1 I, and also aasements, restrictive covenants and rights of way. 1. Propeny talIes, and any assessments collected with taxes, for the fls~al year 2005-2006 Amount. Unpaid Balance' Account No ' Map No. Levy Code: $4,551.28 $4,551.28 plus Interest, If any 1267614 1703331100101 19-03 2. Rights of the pubrIC and governmantal agenCIes In and to any port,on of said land lYing Within the boundaries of streets, roads and highways Date ReceIved Planner AL 6Juh~7 / / 01/11/2006 12 45 IFAX cslane@fnf com -+ Ranl.e Sanden Ii!I 003/005 Order ~ID. 01-70948()'-46 3. A deed of trust to secure an mdebtedness in the amount shown b~low, and any other obligatIOns secured thereby Amount Dated: Grantor: Trustee Beneficiary Loan No : Recorded $400,00000 January 25, 2005 Vern Benson, a single person U, S. Bank Trust Company, National Assocratloll U S. Bank National Association NO 00008250147133 January 26, 2005, Recorder's No 200S-006315 4. A deed of trust to secure an Indebtedness ,n the amount shown b~low, and any other obligations secured thereby Amount Dated: Grantor: Trustee' BenefICiary: Recorded NOTES. $100,000.00 January 2S. 2005 Vern Benson, a single person U. S. Bank Trust Company, National ASSOCiation U.S. Bank National ASSOCIation NO January 26, 200S, Recorder's No. 200S-006316 A YOU WILL BE REVIEWING, APPROVING AND SIGNING IMPORTAtlT DOCUMENTS AT CLOSING LEGAL CONSEQUENCES FOLLOW FROM THE SELECTION AND USE OF THESE DOCUMENTS THESE CONSEQUENCES AFFECT YCUR RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS, YOU MAY CONSULT AN ATTORNEY ABOUTTHE5E DOCUMENTS. YOU SHOULD CONSULT AN ATTORNEY IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS ABOUT THE TRANSACTION OR ABOUT THE DOCUMENTS. IF YOU WISH TO REVIEW TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS THAT YOU HAVE NOT YET SEEN, PLlASE CONT ACT THE ESCROW AGENT B There ere no Judgments of record against Vem Benson C. There 8re no tax liens of record agamst Vern Benson. 0, We are amending thiS report to downdate. The last report was date:l October 1~, 2005 We have also searched our General Indax for judgments and state and federal liens egalnst the grantees named above and find: SubdMnon GUIlram- fGUA'W"m Page 2 Date Received Planner AL tPI!:nry I / ~1/11/2006 12:45 IFAX cslaneOfnf com -+ Ranle Sanden IiIJ 004/005 Order No 01-70948Cl-46 This IS not a raport ISSUed prallminary to the ISsuance of a title Insurance policy, Our search IS hmlted and its use IS mtended as an mformatlOnal report only, to be used In conjunction with the development of real property liability IS limited to an aggregate sum not to exceed $1,000.00 Fldehty National Title Insurance Company BY~'~ Rainie A Sanden NOTE - ORS 92 305/1) reads as follows. "Blanket encumbrance" means a trust deed or mortgage or any other lI"n or encumbrance, mechanics' hen or otharwlS9, securing or eVidenCing the payment of money and affecting more than one Interest In subdIVided or series partJboned land, or an agreement affecting more than one such lot, parcel or Interest by which the subdIVider, series partltlOner or developer hclds such SUbdIVISion or series partmon under an optIOn, contract to sell or trust agreament ~GI.W6~IB\JAAGn Page 3 Date Received Planner AL 6Pt bon / / .01/11/2008 12 45 IFAX cslane@fnf com -+ Ranle Sanden @005/005 Order 110 01-709480-46 EXHIBIT .ONE" The premises are In Lane County and are described as follows Beginning at a Point being South 00 55' West 263472 feet and South 890 (5' East 102.32 feet - from the Northwest corner of the R. E Campbell Donation Land Claon No. 59, In TownshIP 17 South, Range 3 West of the WllIamette Meridian, said pOint being on the SoutherlV line of Centennial Boulevard, thence, along said Southerly hne, South 890 05' East 258 89 feet, thence leaving said Southerly hne, South 1004' West 280.00 feet; thence North 890 05' West 3:10.48 feet to a pOint on the Easterly line of Anderson Lane; thence, along said Easterly hne, North 00 55' East 207.68 feet; thence, along the arc of a 72.32 foot radiUS curve right (the chord of wt-Ich bears North 450 55' East 102.28 feetl a distance of 113 60 filet to the POint of Beglnmng, In Lane County, Oregon. Slildivmton GUlIrdo8 CGUARa1J Page 4 Date Received. Planner AL 'Pf'Imi77 ) / .. , 10/10/2005 12 24 FAX 54]6832877 ~004/005 , .- REcpRDING RroUESTED BY flDEUTY NATIONAL TITLf CoMPANY OF ()REGON J Davt.lon at GtJef DauL, CJ..-k ......_V_....-.- " GRANTOR'S NAME Riehard A Ke!lner and Olga Kellner 5(1314 _lU!lUIiIIUm $31.00 01126l2llO5 OU7,02 PlI CD ::-;r;I1~~S~ CIl5N1D 04 PRE-SUIlM\TiAI. RE JUI~ 2 B 'LOO? GRANTEE'S NAME Vern 8Bnson SEND TAX STATaIDITI To Vet" Banson 1057 Anderson line Springfield, OR 97477 Al'I'tR ~ICORDWO RETURN TO V...._ 1067 AIKIetsoa laiD S_dd OR 97477 1 STATUTORY WARRANTY DBD RIch.... A Kellner and OlGa KePaef u tanants by the esrdraty, GrG'ltor. conveys end warrants 10 A S1ngle Per>>"" Vem Benson Granra. the fOlloWing described real Pfoparty, free and cleat of enwmblances except _ speClficaUv set forth below srtuated In the County of Lane, State of Oregon. SEE EXHIBIT lJ'lE ATTACHED HfRETO AND MADE A PART HEJlEOF Sublect.. <nd _. Covenantl Cond4tons Restnebons and Easements of Record THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT AllOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRlIIED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLA TIDN OF APPlICABLE lAND USE LAWS AND ReGUlATIONS BEFORE SlGt/lNG OR ACCUflNG THIS INSTRUMENT THE PERSON ACQUIRING Fe TInE TO TIE PflOPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERlA' APPROVED USES AND TO OffiRMINE ANY UMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING DR FOREST PRACTICES AS OERNEO IN OAS 30 930 THE TRUE AND ACTUAL CONSIDEIlA TIDN FOR THIS CONVEYANCE IS t5oo,OOO 00 {See ORS 93 0301 _RECOfIlINlJ III!TURNTD flIlEUTV tlAl\ONAI. 1lIIJ! INSUllAHCE (XlUA\HI'OI'~ pO 801(1lIB.7 EIJ(lENE, OR 117440 #4Jt24~ ~ A KelInlw ~.-) . ~"/4UA , Ofga~et ~ DATED January S 2005 STmOFO~G~ & 5J COUNTY OF LANF YJTMYPI.8.r; =: This Instrument WQ adna ~ ~ -J. EU.Nm NOTAFlY Ie 1'OfI _ MY ISSWN E){P1RES ro:w 31~ (RH 21$0) STATUTOIlYW""""",,DiOi::H4 '12> ~~ Date Received Planner AL {,/trho&7 1// _ .1[0/2005 12 25 F~ I . /.'........... 021............. Tldt 0nW., 00107549 5416832877 EXHIBIT ONE B::;:r..-=; :tt a ~ bC'-,g South 00 55 w~ 2634 72 m.t..rid S;:;uth 590 05' Eait 102 32 faet f;'o;n tt;;e ~ eorn&l' ct the R E. Ctmpbell DonatlOn Lend Cle.m No 59. tn Townmlp 17 Sovth, Ften9f' 3 West of tn. '1Ja._t~ ~. ad point bcmg on the Southany UIlG of CGntennulI BouivvEird dtenee aIong.said SoutheJtJ tine.. Soum 89- 05 Eat 2.$889 f:aet- thence JeiIVlflg smd Southerly line South 1 III 04 West 280 00 fMt. thence North 89- 05 Weu 330 4S t= :0 ;; ~ or. :t-.... &s:aiJi lii\oi of Atid~ tano, th6r.u iikmi iii.d Ea:s""Uh-tv inle, Norih O' 55. EIiiii 207 88 f:eeC.. thence. &kmg 1he life of . 72 32 foot radius curve right <<the chord at whICh be... Nordt 45- 55' East 102 2S fee1t 0 ~ of 113 ao ree:: to t.~~ Po:nt of Bow'nrmg m Lane County.. Orogon ~ 005/005 Date Received Planner AL tPi~()07 / / PaclflC SUrVeYlng Inc 75506 Blue Mountaln School Road Cottage Grove OR 97424 1-541-767-0790 Monday, June 11, 2007 10:57 26 AM PROJECT \\Dave\c\ProJects\Benson\Centennlal\Cent-p pro Traverse name Boundary GEOMETRY REPORT POlnt Number Bearlng Descrlptlon Vertlcal Angle Northlng Dlstance Eastlng Elevatlon 10 11 RadlUs Delta- Arc Length Chord Bearlng Chord Length' Mlddle Ordlnate' External Deg of Curvature. Tangent 12 S88044'56nE 258 04 ft 204 3/4" lp 3/4" lp SOlo16'39"W 280 00 ft 4 N88044'56"W 329 56 ft 7 NOI003'59"E 207 45 ft 10 Arc Center 72 32 90011'05" 113 83 N46009'32"E 102 44 21 26 30 12 79013'31" 72_55 Z89 4214 Z90 0000 10870 7119 10869.3659 ft Rlght ft 5044 5002 5116 8077 432 94 ft ft ft Arc Deflnltlon ft 10941 6686 5118 3867 10936 0346 5376_3683 10656 1042 5370 1253 10663 2998 5040.6392 10870 7119 5044 5002 433 02 434 36 434 36 432 94 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Perlmeter Area Area 1188.89 ft 91291 71 Sq Ft. 2 0958 Acres PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUN 2 8 2007 Date Received Planner AL 6/;( ~7 I / PaclflC SurveYlng Ine 75506 Blue Mountaln School Road Cottage Grove OR 97424 1-541-767-0790 Thursday, June 14, 2007 8 52 27 AM PROJECT \\Dave\c\ProJects\Benson\Centennlal\Cent-p pro GEOMETRY REPORT Traverse name Turtle Dove Lane POlnt Number Bearlng Descrlptlon Vertlcal Angle Northlng Dlstance Eastlng Elevatlon 26 10758.2839 5042 4073 S88044'56"E 183.50 15 PC 10754 2774 5225 8636 PC 28 Arc Center 10796 2674 5226 7806 RadlUS. 42 00 Delta. 90"00'00" Left Arc Length. 65 97 Chord Bearlng N46015'04"E Chord Length 59 40 Mlddle Ordlnate. 12 30 External 17 .40 Deg of Curvature 136"25'07" Arc Deflnltlon Tangent 42 00 29 10795 3504 5268 7706 NOl"15'04"E 61 00 73 10856 3355 5270 1024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Perlmeter ~ 310 47 Date ReceIved Planner AL 6/;r~tJ7 I / PaclflC SUrVeYlng Inc 75506 Blue Mountaln School Road Cottage Grove OR 97424 1-541-767-0790 Frlday, June 08, 2007 2 50 28 PM PROJECT. \\Dave\c\ProJects\Benson\Centennlal\Cent-p pro GEOMETRY REPORT Traverse name Lot 1 POlnt Number Bearlng Descrlptlon Vertlcal Angle Northlng Dlstance Eastlng Elevatlon 1 10738.0689 5052 0327 S88044'56"E 65 94 ft 45 10736.6291 5117 9587 SOlo15'04"W 75 00 ft 44 10661 6470 5116 3212 N8So44'56"W 75.70 ft 7 10663 2998 5040.6392 N01003'59"E 65 00 ft 9 10728 2890 5041 8490 N46009'32"E 14 12 ft 1 10738 0689 5052 0327 Total Perlmeter Area Area 295 76 ft 5636 56 Sq Ft o 1294 Acres Date Received ~,J~/.z,,?, Planner AL PaclflC SUrVeYlng Inc 75506 Blue Mountaln School Road Cottage Grove OR 97424 1-541-767-0790 Frlday, June 08, 2007 2 55_15 PM PROJECT \\Dave\c\ProJects\Benson\Centennlal\Cent-p pro GEOMETRY REPORT Traverse name Lot 2 POlnt Number Bearlng Descrlptlon Vertlcal Angle Northlng Dlstance Eastlng Elevatlon 45 10736 6291 5117.9587 S88044'56"E 75 00 ft 47 10734,9916 5192 9408 SOlO15'04"W 75 00 ft 46 10660 0095 5191 3033 N8So44'56"W 75 00 ft 44 10661 6470 5116 3212 N01015'04"E 75 00 ft 45 10736_6291 5117 9587 Total Perlmeter Area Area 300 00 ft 5625 00 Sq Ft o 1291 Acres DatE;) Received Planner AL 0//2007 I / ' PaclflC SurveYlng Inc 75506 Blue Mounta~n School Road Cottage Grove OR 97424 1-541-767-0790 Monday, June 11, 2007 9 49 11 AM PROJECT \\Dave\c\ProJects\Benson\Centenn~al\Cent-p pro Traverse name Lot 3 GEOMETRY REPORT POlnt Number Bearlng Descr1ptlon Vertlcal Angle Northlng Dlstance 31 28 Rad~us. Delta Arc Length Chord Bear~ng Chord Length M~ddle Ord~nate External Deg of Curvature Tangent 56 S35045'41"E 26 51 ft 55 SOlo15'04"W 59 60 ft 54 N88044'56"W 74 56 ft 46 N01015'04"E 75 00 ft 47 S88044'56"E 32 49 ft 31 Arc Center 62 00 24054'32" 26 95 N78047'48"E 26 74 1 46 1 49 92024'45" 13 69 10734 2822 10796.2674 ft Left ft ft ft ft Arc Deflnltlon ft 10739 4780 10717 9673 10658 3815 10660 0095 10734 9916 10734.2822 Eastlng Elevatlon 5225.4269 5226 7806 5251 6596 5267 1515 5265 8502 0 00 5191 3033 5192 9408 5225 4269 ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ Total Perlrneter Area Area 295 12 ft 5564 72 Sq Ft o 1277 Acres Date Received Planner. AL t Ilf~otTJ / / PaclflC SurveYlog lnc 75506 Blue Mountaln School Road Cottage Grove OR 97424 1-541-767-0790 Monday, June 11, 2007 9 45 51 AM PROJECT \\Dave\c\ProJects\Benson\Centennlal\Cent-p pro GEOMETRY REPORT Traverse name Lot 4 POlnt Number Bearlng Descrlptlon Vertlcal Angle Northlng Dlstance 56 10739 4780 28 Arc Center 10796 2674 Radlus 62 00 ft Delta: 24"12'25" Left Arc Length 26 19 ft Chord Bearlng N54014'19"E Chord Length 26 00 ft Mlddle Ordlnate 1 38 ft External 1.41 ft Deg of Curvature 92024'45" Axe Deflnltlon Tangent 13 30 ft 60 10754.6726 S3So45'4l"E 46 11 ft 59 10717.2563 S88044'56"E 71 77 ft 53 Z90 0000 10715 6894 SOlO16'39"W 59 60 ft 4 2166 2951 10656 1042 N88044'56"W 104 30 ft 54 10658.3815 N01015'04"E 59 60 ft 55 10717_9673 N35045'41"W 26 51 ft 56 10739 4780 ------------------------~------------------------------------- Total Perlrneter Area Area 394 08 ft 7137 20 Sq Ft o 1638 Acres 0_217 ../0) W)o_ ({IJIVM~ Eastlng Elevatlon 5251 6596 5226 7806 5272 _ 7575 5299 7045 5371. 4542 434 36 5370.1253 434 36 5265 8502 0 00 5267 1515 5251 6596 Date Received Planner AL 6/Jf ~1 / / PaclflC SUrVeYlng lnc 75506 Blue Mountaln School Road Cottage Grove OR 97424 1-541-767-0790 Monday, June 11, 2007 9 55 52 AM PROJECT \\Dave\c\ProJects\Benson\Centennlal\Cent-p pro Traverse name Lot 5 GEOMETRY REPORT POlnt Number Bearlng Descrlptlon Vertlcal Angle Northlng Dlstance 60 28 Rad.lus Delta. Arc Length Chord Bearlng: Chord Length' M.lddle Ordlnate External Deg of Curvature Tangent 61 S88044'56"E 85 09 ft 57 SOlo16'39"W 68 40 ft 53 N88044'56','W 71_ 77 ft 59 N3S045'41"W 46 11 ft 60 Arc Center 62 00 32032'15" 35 21 N25051'59"E 34 74 2 48 2 59 92024'45" 18 09 Z12 3634 Z 90 0000 10754 6726 10796 2674 ft Left ft ft ft ft Arc Deflnltlon ft 10785 9302 10784.0724 10715.6894 10717 2563 10754 6726 Eastlng Elevatlon 5272 7575 5226 7806 5287 9128 54 00 5372 9793 434 36 5371 4542 434 36 5299 7045 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5272 7575 Total Perlmeter Area Area 306 57 ft 6011 34 Sq Ft. o 1380 Acres Date n:ecelved Planner AL b /21' ~07 I I PaclflC SurveYlng Ine 75506 Blue Mountaln School Road Cottage Grove OR 97424 1-541-767-0790 Monday, June 11, 2007 10.05 45 AM GEOMETRY REPORT PROJECT \\Dave\c\Pro]ects\Benson\Centennlal\Cent-p pro Traverse name Lot 6 POlnt Number Bearlng Descrlptlon Vertlcal Angle Northlng Dlstance 48 10817 9079 49 Arc Center 10817 4275 Radlus 22_00 it Oelta 90000'00" Rlght Arc Length 34 56 ft Chord Bearlng N4601S'04"E Chord Length 31.11 ft Mlddle Ord1nate 6 44 ft external 9 11 ft Deg of Curvature. 260026'07" Arc Deflnltlon Tangent 22 00 ft 50 10839 4223 S88044'56"E 24- 00 ft 51 10838_8983 N01015'04"E 16 00 ft 62 10854 8945 S88044'S6"E 38 46 ft 63 10854- 0547 SOlO16'39"W 70 00 ft 57 Z167 2326 10784 0724 N88044'S6"W 85 09 ft 61 10785 9302 28 Arc Center 10796 2674 Radlus 62 00 ft Delta 8020'48" Left Arc Length 9 03 ft Chord Bear1ng_ NOS02S'28"E Chord Length. 9 02 ft M1ddle Ord1nate o 16 ft External o 16 ft Deg of Curvature 92024'45" Arc Deflnltlon Tangent 4 52 ft 33 10794 9137 NOlo15'04"E 23 00 ft 48 10817 9079 Total Perlrneter Area Area 300 14 ft 5073_31 Sq Ft o 1165 Acres Eastlng Elevatlon 5289 2680 5311 2628 5311 7431 5335 7374 5336 0867 5374 5400 5372 9793 434 36 5287 9128 54 00 5226_7806 5288.7658 5289 2680 Date Received Planner AL r,/,;rt'J07 / PaclflC SurveYlng Inc 75506 Blue Mountaln School Road Cottage Grove OR 97424 1-541-767-0790 Monday, June 11, 2007 10 12 49 AM PROJECT \\Oave\c\Pro)ects\Benson\Centennlal\Cent-p_pro GEOMETRY REPORT Traverse name Lot 7 POlnt Number Bearlng Descrlptlon Vertlcal Angle Northlng Dlstance Eastlng Elevatlon 65 Z7 4407 10937 3228 5317 3824 S88044'56"E 59.00 ft 204 3/4" lp 10936 0346 5376.3683 3/4" lp SOlo16'39"W 82 00 ft 63 10854.0547 5374 5400 N88044'56"W 38 46 ft 62 10854 8945 5336 0867 NOlo15'04"E 16 00 ft 52 10870 8906 5336 4360 N88044'56"W 20 50 ft 66 10871 3382 5315 9414 NOlo15'04"E 66 00 ft 65 10937 3228 5317_3824 o 00 434 36 o 00 Total Perlrneter Area Area 281 96 ft 4508.47 Sq Ft o 1035 Acres Date Received Planner AL bPf/M7 , / PaclflC SurveYlng Ine 75506 Blue Mountaln School Road Cottage Grove OR 9/424 1-541-767-0790 Monday, June 11, 2007 10 16 25 AM PROJECT \\Dave\c\ProJects\Benson\Centennlal\Cent-p pro GEOMETRY REPORT Traverse name Lot 8 P01Dt Number Bearlng Deserlptlon Vertlcal Angle Northlng Dlstance Eastlng Elevatlon 67 Z90 0000 10938 8293 5248 3988 S8So44'56"E 69 00 ft 65 10937_3228 5317 3824 SOlo15'04"W 66.00 ft 66 10871 3382 5315 9414 N88"44'56"W 69 00 ft 68 10872 8447 5246.9578 NOlo15'04"E 66.00 ft 67 10938 8293 5248 3988 o 00 o 00 o 00 Total Perllneter Area Area 270.00 ft 4554 02 Sq Ft o 1045 Acres Ud.L...j '-....A,:;l'iIJt:K1 Planner AL 6prJo07 , / PaclflC SurveYlng Inc 75506 Blue Mountaln School Road Cottage Grove OR 97424 1-541-767-0790 Monday, June 11, 2007 10 39 04 AM PROJECT \\Dave\c\ProJects\Benson\Centennlal\Cent-p pro GEOMETRY REPORT Traverse name Lot 9 POlnt Number Bearlng Descrlptlon Vertlcal Angle Northlng Dlstance Eastlng Elevatlon 69 Z90 0000 10940 3359 5179 4153 S88044'56"E 69 00 ft 67 10938 8293 5248.3988 SOlO15'04"W 66 00 ft 68 10872 8447 5246 9578 N88044'56"W 69 00 ft 70 10874 3513 5177 9743 NOlo15'04"E 66 00 ft 69 10940.3359 5179 4153 o 00 o 00 o 00 Total Peruneter Area Area 270 00 ft 4554 02 Sq Ft o 1045 Acres Oat"l [<(6celved Planner AL t /J 1/:MtJ7 I / PaclflC SurveYlng Inc 75506 BluE' Mountaln School Road Cottage Grove OR 97424 1-541-767-0790 Wednesday, June 13, 2007 2.32 59 PM PROJECT \\Dave\c\ProJects\Benson\Centennlal\Cent-p pro Traverse name Lot 10 GEOMETRY REPORT POlnt Number Bearlng Descrlptlon Vertlcal Angle Northlng Dlstance 13 11 Arc Center 72 32 3020'19" 4 21 N89034'54"E 4 21 o 03 o 03 79013'31" 2 11 Zl71 5833 RadlUs Delta Arc Length: Chord Bearlng Chord Length Mlddle Ordlnate- External Deg of Curvature Tangent 12 S88044'56"E 61 04 69 S01015'04"W 98 00 71 N88044'56"W 65 25 41 NOlO15'04"E 97 88 13 10941 6379 10869 3659 Rlght Arc Deflnltlon 10941. 6686 10940.3359 10842 3589 10843 7837 10941 6379 Eastlng Elevatlon 5114 1733 5116 8077 5118 3867 433 02 5179 4153 5177 _ 2756 5112 0363 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 5114 17 33 Total PerlIneter Area Area 326 39 6394 83 Sq Ft o 14 68 Acres Date, h",c6lved Planner AL o 00 6Pf;)d() 7 I / PaclflC SurveYlng Inc 75506 Blue Mountaln School Road Cottage Grove OR 97424 1-541-767-0790 Wednesday, June 13, 2007 2.43.11 PM PROJECT \\Dave\c\ProJects\Benson\Centennla1\Cent-p pro GEOMETRY REPORT Traverse name Lot 11 POlnt Number Bearlng Descrlptlon Vertlcal Angle Northlng Dlstance 10 11 10870 7119 Arc Center 10869_3659 72 32 86"50'46" Rlght 109 62 N44029'22"E 99.42 19 79 27 25 79013'31" Arc Deflnltlon 68_44 RadlUs: Delta. Arc Length Chord Bearlng Chord Length Mldd1e Ordlnate External Deg of Curvature Tangent 13 SOl015'04"W 41 N88044'56"W 37 N01003'59"E 10 10941 6379 97.88 10843 7837 68 03 10845 2689 25 45 10870_ 7119 Eastlng Elevatlon 5044.5002 5116 8077 432 94 5114 1733 5112 0363 5044 _ 0266 5044 5002 432.94 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Perlmeter Area Area 300 97 5551. 35 Sq Ft o 1274 Acres Date t<6celved Planner AL 6}J~01 / PaclflC SurveYlng Inc 75506 Blue Mountaln School Road Cottage Grove OR 97424 1-541-767-0790 Frlday, June 08, 2007 2 24 08 PM PROJECT \\Dave\c\ProJects\Benson\Centennlal\Cent-p pro GEOMETRY REPORT Traverse name. ;:),-- /2.. POJ..nt Number Bearlng Descrlptlon Vertlcal Angle Northlng DJ...stance Eastlng Elevatlon 37 10845 2689 5044 0266 S88044'56"E 68.03 ft 41 10843 7837 5112 0363 SOlO15'04"W 67.00 ft 39 10776 8000 5110 5734 N88044'56"W 57.81 ft 18 10778 0622 5052 7772 N43050'28"W 14 16 ft 19 10788 2788 5042 9657 NOI003'59"E 57.00 ft 37 10845 2689 5044 0266 Total Perlmeter Area Area 264 00 ft 4500 48 Sq Ft o 1033 Acres Date ~ecelved Planner AL tPI/J<<J7 / / I PaclflC SurveYlng Ine 75506 Blue Mountaln School Road Cottage Grove OR 97424 1-541-767-0790 Frlday, June 08, 2007 2 27 32 PM PROJECT \\Dave\c\ProJects\Benson\Centennlal\Cent-p pro GEOMETRY REPORT Traverse name ~0113 POlnt Number Bearlng Deserlptlon Vertlcal Angle Northlng Dlstance Eastlng Elevatlon 41 10843.7837 5112 0363 S88044'56"E 67 17 ft 43 10842 3171 5179 1902 SOlo15'04"W 67 00 ft 42 10775.3334 5177 7274 N88044'56"W 67.17 ft 39 10776 8000 5110 5734 NOlo15'04"E 67.00 ft 41 10843 7837 5112 0363 Total Perlmeter Area Area 268 34 ft 4500_37 Sq Ft o 1033 Acres UDtl::" f'(<.lC8IVed Planner AL 6Pf/20tJ7 I / ' PaclflC SurveYlng Inc 75506 Blue Mountaln School Road Cottage Grove OR 97424 1-541-767-0790 Frlday, June 08, 2007 2 29.48 PM PROJECT: \\Dave\c\ProJects\Benson\Centennlal\Cent-p pro Traverse name Lot 14 GEOMETRY REPORT POlnt Number Bearlng Descrlptlon Vertlcal Angle Northlng Dlstance 43 S88044'56"E 34 35 48 58 ft Radlus Delta Arc Length Chord Bearlng Chord Length. Mlddle Ordlnate External Deg of Curvature Tangent 36 SOlolS'04"W 32 28 23 00 ft Radlus: Delta- Arc Length Chord Bearlng. Chord Length. Mlddle Ordlnate External Deg of Curvature Tangent 30 N88044'56"W 48 58 ft 42 NOlo15'04"E 67 00 ft 43 Arc Center 22.00 90000'00" 34.56 S43044'56"E 31 11 6 44 9 11 260026'07" 22 00 Arc Center 22 00 90000'00" 34 56 S4601S'04"W 31-11 6 44 9 11 260026'07" 22 00 10842.3171 10841 2563 10819.2616 ft Rlght ft ft ft ft Arc Deflnltlon ft 10818.7812 10795.7870 10796.2674 ft Rlght ft ft ft ft Arc Deflnlt10n ft 10774 2726 10775 3334 10842.3171 Eastlng Elevatlon 5179 1902 5227.7631 5227 2828 5249 2775 5248_7754 5226 7806 5226.3003 5177 7274 --------------------------- ------------ 5179.1902 Total Perlmeter Area Area 256.28 ft 4521.40 Sq Ft 0.1038 Acres Date Received Planner AL 5Pt~07 /