HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 1/17/2006 (2) \ ~ aty of Spnngfi." Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Land Division Application, Type II ~~~ Application Type (Applicant: check one) Subdivision Tentative: Partition Tentative: G' o Subdivision Replat Tentative: 0 Partition Replat Tentative: 0 Required Project Information (Applicant: complete this section) Applicant Name: Company: Address: "I 4-0 H vJ ?? /II cIA GGNG 0 Applicant's Rep.: Company: Address: .J:> tie- COL-I-J15R. ,//, p: c.- C 7SSofc l>L<IC; mO~Nr; Phone: 7(,,7-0790 Fax: 7(.,7-3087 IZ-D- t:..oTTA6c c".Lo tic: Property Owner: ..s: /l7E Company: Address: Phone: Fax: ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: /7'- 0 g - 3s -/1 TAX LOT NO(S): /0 J Property Address: 0 t...N Size of Property: 2 /0 Acres a- Square Feet 0 ?-,"~~osed N_ame o~ S!!!Jdivisio.n.:_ J> OUG Description of 14-- L.a, S;U.g,PIUI.!;"ON WITH fR-lvllr~ SrlZ.6t..:;,T Proposal: Existing Use: lCe's" 1> -.N If of Lots/P!l.rc~ls..=_ ,4- ~vg. Lot/Parc~1 SJze:, S'}oo ~L..~_ensi~: "Y3 d_u/31cr~ Required Property Information (City Intake Staff: complete this section) Zoning: Applicable Refinement Plan: Location: City Limits 0 A_s.s~~ia~c;I ~ppl_ications: -- - - -- -- -------- Pre-Submittal Case No.: t1\E.1dX:,- 00001 Overlay District: Plan Designation: Urban Growth Boundary 0 Date: \-\,-0(0 Reviewed by: (initials) Reviewed by: (initials) Total Fee: Lrz--. Case No.: ~ppl!qlti9nJ:ee: Date: P~tage Fee: PRE.SutWlnAt REC'D JAN 1 7 2006 " Wi. Steps in the Process: 1. The Applicant Submits a Pre-Submittal Meeting Application The Pre-Submittal Application 's mandatory but there,s 0 addlt,onal review fee or th,s service. The subm'ttal package must conform to the app ,ca 'on co ecklist attached to this form You are required to subm,t 7 copies of the submittal requ,rements packet for pre-subm'ttal rev,ew Pre-submittal meetings w,lI be conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10 00 am and noon We will stnve to conduct the Pre-Subm,ttal meeting w,thln five to seven working days of rece,vlng the application $> '5 DD~ 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly encourage you, the owner and des'gn team to attend the Pre-Subm,ttal meeting The meet,ng w,lI be held w,th representat,ves from Public Works Engineering and Transportat,on, Commun,ty Serv,ces (BUilding), F,re Marshall's office, and the Planning D,v,slon The meeting w,lI be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes The Planner will prOVide you WIth a Pre-SubmIttal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the Items requ,red to make the application complete-,f ,t Isn't already complete You w,lI then have 180 days to make the applicat,on complete for subm,ttal and acceptance by the City 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application When you have addressed all of the Items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist, please subm,t 18 cop,es of the complete appllcat,on to the City A fee w,lI be cOllected at that time and the 120 day calendar review period w,lI begin When the Planner has prepared a draft land use decls'on, the draft Will be ma,led/faxed to the applicant/owner/design team for their review At the applicant's request, the planner Will schedule a meeting to review the draft w,th appropriate staff ,f certain ,ssues need resolution before the final land use decision IS ,ssued Owner's Signature ThiS application w,lI be used for both the requ,red Pre-Subm,ttal Meeting and subsequent complete applicat,on submittal Owner's s'gnatures are requ,red at both stages In the applicat,on process An application without the Owner's signature will not be accepted. The unders'gned acknowledges that the information In thiS application 's correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre-Submittal Meeting Owner '--- ~ ~ Signature Date I . ns -0 G, v c; It: N I"?, fE.IV.s. ON Print Date R.ecelved - Planner. AL 1/7/JtJ06 / / ....- Land Division Submittal kequirements Checklist *If you feel an Item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form 1. Application fee-refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropnate fee calculation formula A copy of the fee schedule IS available at the Development Services Department The application fee and current postage fee IS collected at the time of complete applIcation submittal 2. Copy of the deed and a preliminary title report-one copy Issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances If the applicant IS not the property owner, wntten permission from the property owner IS reqUired 3. One additional copy of the Land Division Plan reduced to 8'h"x 11", which will be mailed as part of the required nelghbonng property notification packet 4. Right-of-Way Approach Permit application must be prOVided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility 5. Stormwater Management System Study-four copies of the study With the completed Storm water Scoping Sheet attached The plan, supporting calculations and documentation must be consistent With the Englneenng Design Standards and Procedures Manual 6. Traffic Impact Study-four copies of a study prepared by a TraffiC Engineer In accordance With SDC Section 32 020(1)(c) Traffic Impact Studies (TIA) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffiC Impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system In general, a TIA must explain how the traffiC from a given development affects the transportation system In terms of safety, traffiC operations, access and mobility, and Immediate and adjOIning street systems A TIA must also address, If needed, City, metro plan and state land use and transportation poliCies and objectives 7. Seven copies of the follOWing plan sets for the Pre-Submittal Meeting OR Eighteen copies of the follOWing plan sets for Complete Application Submittal All of the follOWing plans must Include the scale (appropnate to the area Involved and suffiCient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100'), north arrow, and date of preparation All plan sets must be folded to 8'12" by 11" and bound by rubber bands for submittal a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions o Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer o VICInity Map o The name, location and dimenSions of all eXisting site features Including bUildings, curb cuts, trees and Impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what IS remaining and what IS being removed G ReqUired setbacks to the proposed new property lines for eXisting structures to remain on site o The name, locatlon, dimenSions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and reqUired npanan setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on fife In the Development Services Department Date ~er;ellJed. Planner AL ///7/ Ja;6 / / [~JThe 100-year flootl'laln and floodway boundaries on tne site, as specified In the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map ReVISion GlThe Time of Travel Zones, as specified In Article 17 of the Springfield Development Code and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file In the Development Services Department D Physical features Including, but not limited to trees 5" In diameter or greater when measured 4 112 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcropplngs G 5011 types and water table information as mapped and specified In the SOils Survey of Lane County A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently If the SOils Survey Indicates the proposed development area has unstable SOils and/or a high water table b. Tentative Land Division Plan D Prepared by an Oregon Licensed Land Surveyor In accordance With ORS 92 D Location of all eXisting and proposed easements o Dimensions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimenSions of each bUilding site Indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale D Location and type of eXisting and proposed street lighting D Location, widths and names of all eXisting and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other rlght-of-ways Within or adjacent to the proposed land diVISion o Location of eXisting and reqUired traffiC control deVices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and Similar public faCilities D Location and width of all eXisting and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways and bike trails o Location, size and type of plantlngs and street trees In any reqUired planter strip D Location and size of eXisting and proposed utilities on and adJacent to the site Including sanitary sewer mains, storm water management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV Indicate the proposed connection POints Phased Development Plan reqUired If red,v,s,on IS proposed. The plan must Include the boundaries and sequencing of each proposed redlvlslon Any redlvlslon must progress In a sequence promoting street connectivity between the various phases of the development and accommodating other required public Improvements c. Grading and Paving Plan o Prepared by an Oregon Licensed CiVil Engineer "'/A D Planting plan prepared by an Oregon Licensed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the storm water management system o Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations D Pervious and Impervious area drainage patterns D The size and location of storm water management systems components, Including but not limited to drain lines, catch baSinS, dry wells and/or detention ponds, storm water quality measures, and natural dralnageways to be retained D EXisting and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot Intervals (for land With a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot Intervals) D Amount of proposed cut and fill Date Rsrelved Planner AL //17 hotJ6 I / 8. Additional materials that may be required IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/ APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING EITHER THE DEVELOPMENT ISSUES OR THE PRE-APPLICATION REPORT AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 31.030: o Proposed deed restrictions and a draft of any Homeowner's ASSociation Agreement o Additional plans and documentation for submittal of a Cluster SubdivISion proposal as speCified m SDC Section 16 100(3) o Riparian Area Protection Report For properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality limited Watercourses (WQLW) or wlthm 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW o A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engmeer must be submitted concurrently If there are unstable sOils and/or a high water table present o Where the development area IS wlthm an overlay district applicable, address the additional standards of the overlay district o If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified In SDC Article 38 o A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon DIVISion of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there IS a wetland on the property o Any reqUIred federal or state permIt must be submitted concurrently or eVidence the permit application has been submitted for review o Where any grading, filling or excavatmg IS proposed With the development, a Land and Dramage Alteration permIt must be submitted With the land use application o Where applicable, any Discretionary Use, Variance or Modification of ProvIsions as specified In SDC Article 10 or 11 Date ~('\celved, {/;~hOd' Planner AL , 17S R 3WWM 1- .5fontt /3" 'pso.:J 70 .5"2&'.:10/'1 C'r 1V}1' C,,;-ntTT R ~ Ca_"PJ.<// p~C N&' Sj1 17 03 33 n CITY OF SPRINGFIELD -,rM<Z u JUzJl3;;3_:t-11 TL 101 r /VI.'Cdr,,~r R"'~ ~ ra_(~b~/J o~c #0 59 _ .J9':'~--:::':::::==~~:==~~\ \l ~ I~)'~C). 'JQoJ<\~ ~~> ~~ 'V\'\ IOU>' 0 ~ ~ ~) ?-'11" iJ..Jl~J), c("~ ,,0 \~q ;0" J (" Ill.; ~)-ilui ':If \1.\" r- , () ':::1 / , . " r....~ 1~ ~ >.. , J" ;0 :5 4(;';5 ,-h5 J~ -'<-"' j"ClT 5 89"QS E s-tJ<>,,---;;Q7 .3~v TO -~ ~ r.,- _w",/ 8"~ fa) f 101 27 I I ~J "' ~ " Z80750,.1I77 Nh/ (".::.......ncr" Rd f E Ldn'7/-1bdl OLe;va 50 SITE 28 819 fuf 50"lh of I IVtJl'l1, /1'" K L<1f1lpbll pl., AI..sy " '" ~ S87P~>7E ~:?'" 33 34 _~_~VdS"'o8 H' 2~Z 0 330"8 /{89"'OS w CANCELLED ~ 947 , ~ . , " . , I 1 , ~ , , . ii , " - 800 Jo-f,\\;"),'?J2" \\Jo;\C\'t lq~~? 100 2 55 AC . I " . . " " , _________ 2:<20 ~ ?8S"o87~- \8-"'1 S8~.05 00 ~ /50.,0 " " k 102 025 AC ), CIJ CIJ ~ 0 <t '" r<J I'- r<J "- 504~ 4f :z "'" 0 JI'!; .... "0 I'- 200 <Jl ~ ~<i I; Oi9 - (10 ~ 0- U 0 , al..: :>: '. Q::<Jl & Jo1f- ~ o~1 , CC , _c 0 COal '" I~ 1'1'11,-0 ~eP . Co. '" >~ Ul I (!; ?J\..(;Jlql,. 'So 00- N g.':l''''O~ QO KI ~ ~ , , , , , " 3-() .;'~""~ f \ \. J """_l.fAi4' ?(J,...J '5 r.....,,_ -H,~ Soo~5C IN - '587'++ rJ tu ('.:rt. S....il'"'- (J4-3 " , 903 " (.. ~ "l ,\ I ~ 0" ~ "- ,~ \~ ~ ~I-j~ ~\ ~ _ C/;.J~'" 2 ~ 3~] ----.L2.:;1 iJS , " , , - ~ '- ----r ~ 701 _ 7i ~ JI. ~ ~ W~/,~ , 301 , " " , " , . ", ^ , , CIty of Spnngfield ~ ~ Development ServIces Department ~ 225 FIfth Street flpnngfield, OR 97477 \541-725-3753 Phone ~41-726-3689 Fax ~t 1 . 1M . Pre-SubmItta eetmg 4 . Case Number Assigned: PRE2006-00007 Date Submitted: 1/17/2006 'w , f f --I rroiect Name: ~roject Description: DOVE ESTATES Pre-Submittal Meeting for Tentative SubdIVisIon ApphcatIon Type: Job Address: SubdIvISIon Tentative 1057 ANDERSON LN Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1703331100101 '- , ,~, -.. ~ I ~: "'; .,. T ) ,,~ .... ~ -,t';, ~...)~1;!..-~/Jl."'..t,:,::; ,'I':f :t>rT,,"~~~''&1 "~~......'_~ ~ ~~P"c{,.\"'~'''I-.....<1<'>i!"\);-, -"'<Y -', ","~,'(~~"~<~ ... i~~_; \ .lt~\"'}~~,";tle .03<J1tt .JIOO/J'A~"''''' - ~ ~j;;;'...~\ ( M(;:'.....~;.I.. , :-te~lw~~ateHFlme <' ":' ,~ue~day,"~l!-I(i!ar.y?2':1, '2Q.O(j1- ~( 'it:~,:);: ;z ;"1l"-'J;:~',i\',, ,;!"l]~;;'~:hfi',o y,:,"::,_ -<-,"'.. 9#-~ .,.~ ~ ~ ~~~~ '''(t*!~~~~r-4 i~ ',... ",r , ,-;>;"" ~ ;.1"\ w.......?'< If"'(I~~ " ~ :;C ~fl 'Meetln~g'Room to.'" r """6151.616'" ; ~'-.~'!"""~al< ",,--,"'--'1,,' .. "b,,' '. -:;'.".. ''''' .<", _,4,;' _ , . 'l "'t .a.-.~ ";. (.>...~ '""' 'f -'=. ".... ....6- ~ 'l'r f ~, r -~... ~ a~ ~'!\ +~ t "J{~. -~~~-~ ii I -, , V", 'iA:~ > 'vt W"....,,~ \ }-_ 1l~-.# '"l\' I '~",-, ...;A,,,~~ <;~.. (<,'\-~; ~'f> y' i \ ' $'; t >- '11 ""-'"'::;1 '"".i:ii':":"-,.,, ~ I'""jt-:;' ~ DI ~ ".Jjj.i~"',~ "-'eM' <h,,~',fiJll),,' .'7")-, ",[,~~,,,~. . C' ~c"""""~",,.!l'l'~ 'f,'l':;;',t"'~';~.J;\"":.1-~';W" anne~)o~r.:v~1' "4t~ ..!-.. y '}'r.W~','f'<;1 t~.....J14 7,::&<.q,...~f,~~..~ q ,.~~u A..,.';:<-V"~~~, '~'1; ",~~"r~r'4.....1~f~;t;'9..~7~"f''''- - '\ ~ J~ '" ~ =' ",_jlt 4. 0 ~ J -- ~ 1 "l1.I" <".,,! ' k, - l_,lol "..""^1o n'-.- '>-~ ~-~ t i ',-"""~-" ~:'htf'; ,,_~'~y{N"" ~ "'^f'<'~~ -~...'l ..., \1'~'V~ ~'j:,,-'" '~l"'" >'k'V";'~,~~,*i'\"'~~;1,~l~*-~ l ~ -, r\.., ,~ ,."~ _~~, I \~: _ ~.., ...~~ ~ ,,\~, ~'1i' J;",~!~"~ t_ __...__eo _ _ _~~ -0..<..-_ 'tr L_~"'::" DISCLAIMER ApphcatlOns WIll not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the lime of the Pre-SubmIttal Meetmg and SubmIttal ofthe ApphcatlOn for Development RevlCw Please contact our office at 54 I-726~3753 WIth any questIOns or concerns A Planner will be assigned the folIowmg busmess day and will contact you to confirm the meetmg date and tIme :?Y' \ '2.ocG -000 l '6 " . " Date ReceIved. Planner AL //17h()(}{ / / ~ . 111712006 942 I4AM Pre-Submittal Meeting Development Services Department Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE: Tuesday, January 24,2006 1 PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2006-00006 (partItion Plat) DUKES $750 Assessor's Map ]7-02-19-33 TL 800 EXlstmg Use ResIdentialNacant Address 2979 Y o]anda Avenue ApplIcant sublllitted plans to plat three parcel partItIon Meetmg Date/TIme Tuesday, January 24, 2006 DSD 616 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Planner Kitti Gale 2 PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2006-00007 (SubdIvIsIOn Tentative) BENSON $500 Assessor's Map ] 7 -03-33-]] TL ] 0] EXlstmg Use ResIdential Address ] 057 Anderson Lane ApplIcant submItted plans to create a ]4-lot SFR subdIvIsIOn, to be known as Dove Estates Meetmg Date/TIme Tuesday, January 24, 2006 DSD 616 11:00 - noon Planner Linda Pauly Dat" "'l-~celved Planner AL I //7/10fJ t I / @Ji])J @} D~ 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 WWWCI sprmgfleld or us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT March 11,2005 DaVId Collier 75506 Blue Mt School Road Cottage Grove, OR 97424 RE Development Issues MeetIng - Proposing to create a 14-101 subdIVIsion to be done m two phases ZON200S-00011 (17-03-33-11 TL 101) Dear Mr CollIer Thank you for your Development Issues Meetmg subrmttal The fol1owmg meetmg has been scheduled TYPE: DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING PLACE: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT, CONFERENCE ROOM 616 225 Jl'lJ!TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 DATE/fIME: Thurs., March 31, 2005 at 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. CONTACf PERSON: Linda Pauly, Urban Planner If you have any questions, please call me at 541-726-4608 Smcerely, Lmda Pauly Urban Planner CC Vern Benson 940 Hwy 99 North Eugene, OR 97401 PRE.SUBMITTAL RECtO JAN 1 7 2006 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone ~~ ~ity of Springfield Official Receipt .Jevelopment Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 3200500000000000711 Date: 12/29/2005 1'26 36PM Job/Journal Number LRP2005-00040 LRP2005-00040 LRP2005-00040 Payments: Type of Payment Check 2 'I , , : Description Postage Fee Type IV - $250 UGB Annex Per Ac >See BC LIs! UGB Annex Camp Plan >Per Ac Paid By Received By BENSON DEVELOPMENT CO \J Check Nnmber Batch Number Item Total Authorizatlou Number How Received 4392 In Person Payment Total. Date !qec':'lVed Planoel. AL Amount Due 250 00 1,15000 2,12100 $3,521.00 Amount Paid $3,52100 $3,521.00 //;7ho06 / / 'I I MEMORANDUM DATE_ TO FROM March 31, 2005 CIty of SDrmgfield ">/4,8 7~' ~ Linda Pauly, Urban Planner Matt Stouder, EIT, Steve Barnes, EIT SUBJECT ZON2005-00011, Dave Collier, 1057 Anderson Lane Pnblic Works Engineering Comments The subJect Development Issues Meeting (DIM) mvolves tax lot 101, located at 1057 Anderson Lane. The apphcant IS proposmg to create a 14 lot subdtVlsion whtch WIn be done m two phases The attached map below shows the eXisting street rights-of-way, publIc samtary and stormwater systems, and 2-foot contour lmes Responses to the apphcant's questions pertment to Pubhc Works, and dtscnsslOn of addttlOnaI Issues, WIll be referenced m this document Applicant's Qnestions: 1. Access for moved house on Anderson? 2 Width of Sidewalk easement along pnvate street? 32120 (5)(a) of the Development Code says An apphcant proposmg to develop sha1I make arrangements WIth the CIty and each utthty provIder for the dedlcatJon of utility easements necessary to fully servIce development The rmmmum width for public utlhty easements adjacent to street nghts-of-way shall be 7 feet The rmmmum WIdth for all other PUEs shall be 14 feet PUBs can be under SIdewalk with SUBs approval 3, Use of County's storm system? It appears from CIty mappmg that runoff from the sIte and surroundmg area drams mto a 12 mch pIpe at the mtersectlon of Anderson Lane and Centenmal Blvd Tills pIpe flow north across Centennial and mto a dttch near Cooks Garden Road From here, It appears that flow enters dual 36 mch pIpes whtch cross the 1- 5 freeway and discharge into the CIty of Eugene 4, The CIty of Sprmgfield IS currently workmg on a CIty WIde stormwater master plan, whtch WIll IdentIfy potential problem areas m town where CapacIty ISSUes rmght eXIst. Currently, the CIty does not have mformatlon regardmg the downstream system m tins vlciruty Therefore, as reqUIred m Section 4034 C of the CIty'S Engmeermg DeSign Standards and Procedures Manual, a downstream dramage analysIs should be performed for the subject property, meetmg Section 4 03 4.C reqUIrements, to venfY whether a capacity problem exists and whether or not detention of stormwater is necessary Alternatively, detention of runoff may be proposed, hmitmg runoff rates to pre-developed rates If tins alternatIVe IS chosen, a downstreatn dratnage analysis WIll not be needed Ih/2obt / ! Tentative subdlVision and annexation done concurrently? Date Received Planner Al Page I 00 V ldevelopement revlewIDIMIDIM200SlZON2005-ll0011, Colher-BensoalDlM Memo DOC I" / / r~It," A "J A j t -' , .-... j. 0 - '. , ."" ,~ ":"', ,":':: '1 .' .. II ! '.',' ... .. ~ ,. ~ j -t ,- I'" . \' . ...., ~. ".' -. . '" ',. ".,." \',,1 J..t;]'. , :t!.: ;;,\ . ~ ~. . ~':': ~::~;~~; :':,~, :;,.~"j . '.','~ ~.-::.',; ~:. : ,r~ ~ '. :',: .':.~; ,~.( :: '.', : ," ~ ~: :':, ~ -:~'.:; /: ~~.~, :"~ ,,:i / ~~:;;' ~:~'t~<~: :;.~:~[,~','i~J~jh , , / .f / I ;' Additional Items . As mdtcated m the Sods Survey 01 Lane County, the soli type located on sIte IS 76 - Malabon Urban Land Complex Tills soli type has a clay content on the order of - 20 - 45% (dependmg on depth), and a permeability rate on the order of 0 6 - 20 mches/hour (at a depth of greater than 6 feet) The depth to groundwater IS greater than 6 feet Note thIS mformatzon IS from the SOIls Survey of Lane County and does not necessarily reflect the actual SOil COndItiOns on-site . An 8 mch pubhc sewer line IS located south of the property m Anderson Lane The sewer, whtch has aVallable capacIty for the proposed development, WIll need to be extended to serve tills sIte Tills would occur through a Pubhc Improvement ProJect WIth full nnprovement of the street The sewer appears to be sufficIently deep to ex1end to serve the property, WIth adequate cover . Current CIty pohcy reqUIreS 100% of newly paved surfaces be pre-treated for water quahty (e g. -double chambered catch basms WIth 011 filtratIOn medIa (pnvate), water quahty manhole (pubhc) Addttlonally, a mmnnum of 50% of the non-bUlldmg rooftop IDlpervIOus surfaces on a sIte shall be treated vegetatively (blOswale, etc ) Page 2 of3 V \developement TeVlewIDIM\DIM2005\ZON200S-00011, Colher-Benson\DIM Memo DOC Date Received l/7bll'J6 Planner AL I / . . Note Contours shown on the above photo are at 2-foot mtervals Photo IS not to scale Page 3 of3 V \developement revlew\DIM\DIMlOOS\ZON2005..oo0l1 Colher-Benson\DIM Memo DOC Date ReceIved Planner AL ///7 hoot I / - . . ,-) .- PAULY Linda From. Sent. To. Subject. FIELDS Phil [Ph,1 F,elds@co lane or us] Thursday, March 31, 20051051 AM PAULY Linda I / ZON2005-00011 (Collier / Benson) (Anderson Ln ) / Attachments. Anderson Ln doc linda, Thank you for the opportunity to comment on thiS proposal Although we'll be unable to attend the Development Issues Meebng, we would like to offer our comments for tntroduclJon ,nto the record They are attached Not all Issues are addressed, and most of the content IS tnformabonal However, It 's Important that the applicant be aware of the probability of being reqUired to construct urban Improvements on Anderson Lane, and that no access wdl be allowed from Centennial ~ Anderson Ln doc (31 KB) Phil Fields Lane Coun1y Transportatlan Plann'"9 3040 N Delta Hwy Eugene, OR 97408-1696 541-682-6976 ph,' f,elds@caJaneor us 1 Date: Reooll/ed Planner AL /117 12dJo / / /- l FIleNo: Applicant. Owner Location TRS. Tax Lot: ZON2005-00011 Dave Collier Vern Benson 1057 Anderson Lane, Spnngfield 17-03-33-11 101 Proposal' create a 14 lot SUbd,vlslon In 2 phases Comments from the Lane County Transportation Planning staff Transportalion Planning has no obJect,on to the proposed development Lane County has adopted changes to Lane Code regarding access management reqUirements, and road and dnveway approach spacing standards In thIs case, the subject property has frontage along two roads, namely, Centennial Boulevard to the north, and Anderson Lane to the west This secbon of Centennial Boulevard IS a Lane County ma,ntalned road It IS functionally class,fied as an Urban M,nor Arlenal road wrthln the Spnngfield urban growth boundary Anderson Lane IS a Lane County maintained road It IS funcbonally class,fied as an Urban Local road Within the Spnngfield urban growth boundary Dnveway spaCing shall be 20 feet for use of the property for a single family or manufactured dwelling, duplex, or lfIplex, and 100 feet for other uses (LC 15.138-2) Spacing 's measured from centerline of the dnveway to the centerline of the adjacent driveway or road intersection Site plans for new development shall show the location and width of access serving the property at the Intersection of the property and road nght-of-way, Including all dnveway and road approaches to be retained, relocated, added or closed on the subject property, and on adjacent properties as necessary to assure conformance w,th spacing standards (LC 15 138-6) Collectors and artenals are subject to the access management reqUirements of LC 15137, and no access w,lI be allowed from Centennial Boulevard Roads,de drtches and other dra'nage facIlities are deSigned solely to promote storm water run off from the roadway and shall not be used as channels for water dIVerted from property, except through FaCility Perm,t Issued to the landowner on application to the Director, Department of Public Works LANE COUNTY FACILITY PERMIT A Facll,ty Permrt shall be reqUired for placement of fac,lrt,es WIthin the nght-of-way of Anderson Lane Facilities and development ,ncludes, but IS not Iim,ted to, road Improvements, sidewalks, new or reconstructed dnveway or road approach IntersectIons, ublrty placements, excavation, c1eanng, grading, culvert placement or replacement, storm water facIlities, or any other facility, thing, or appurtenance (LC 15205-1) Urban ,mprovements WIll be reqUired on Anderson Lane along the frontage of the subject property Quest,ons or concerns regarding Fac,llty Permrts should be directed to Lane County Right-of-Way Managemen~ FaCllrty Permits Secbon (541-682- 6902) Phil Fields Lane County Transportat,on Planning 3040 N Delta Hwy Eugene, OR 97408-1696 541-682-6976 phil f,elds@co lane or US Date Racellled Planner AL //;7h~ / / 10/10/2005 12 24 FAX 5416832877 r REcoRDING REoumTED BY FlDEUIY NATIO~L TITLE COMPAHv OF OReGoN GRANTOR'S NAME Rieh.,d A Keflnor ond Olga KeDnar J Dl.vi.lan at ChIef DlDu;Lv CJIlI'tt Lono County -.. ond __ 2WJ.OCQ14 11111 IIll1DllUllllllm $31 00 01I2&l2OO5 02'27 ,02 M IIPR_ Cn\Dl lit"'" l:IIIIIIEll 04 S10 00 811.00 810 GII GRANTEE'S NAME Vem Benson SENOTu STATEMatrS To Vern Benson 1051 Andatton lale Spnogfi~,OR 97477 AfTUI RICOAD8!iO RETUAR TO" V...._ 1057 Anderson Lane Spdnglleld OR !n4n STATUTORY WAIlRANTY DEED Rlclrat'd A.. ~ and 0Jsa KeIJaer BtI tenants by the eodmyl GrCllltor~ convoys and wanmts to A S'..le Por".D Vern BenSGn. Gtanfilo the fOllOWIng desa1bld real ptopertY. ftee end clear of eno.mbtel\C8$ 8JCcept oilS: 5peaficaUv $Dt foI1h below attuarsd In the County oflA1e. Stile of Oregon. SEE EXHIBrr ONE ATTACHED HfRETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Su_"'ond __ eoll&l\antt. Cond4i0n5. ~ns and Easements of Aacord THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS IHSTRUMENT IN VIOlATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGUlATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TffiE TO 11E PROPERTY SHOULD ClIECl( WITH THE APPROPRlATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY UMlTS ON LAWSUITS AGA'NST FARMING DR FOREST PRACTICES AS DERNED IN ORs 30 930 THE TRUE AND ACTUAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS CONVEYANCE IS .500.00000 ISlle ORS 93 0301 DATED January S 2005 ~~::Lt24~ ,.Q;'...-J , <J:,/~~ Ol~er ~ AFlSlflECOlOl'lGllIlII1IlNlO FIOS/lY IiA1\OlON. l1tU! I/l!lUIlAtlCE ~afOlESlN 1'0 !!OX .- ElJGSE.OR 974411 ~~~~~~~~ 11 -~J This Jt\Strtnnent was DC_V. r= -~ R NOTARY Ie f'OA MY SlON fXPlA!S FOnD :U:2 Gtw 2/'98, SrAl1JTOfiYW"""-'HTYDiOI':H4 Ib 6~ It! 004/00S , .SU~M\TT6,t REC'O JAN 1 7 2006 ;11 Uf lUU5 lL l5 .' -\1 ;:/:-.:-.... ., .............. TfdltOr*JIo 00107N9 541&832877 EXHIBIT ONE s..-g~ at' a Pornt being S::=Lrtt' O. 55 W=t 2834 12 feet rtd So.Jth 890 05 Eur 102 32 faet fro;n the NQl1hoNUt CQtnar of the R E. Cempbfl'1I Dona:bon UInd Oam No 69 In Townchlp 17 South, Ran... 3 w.t of tIw ~ McrOan, $a=d pornt betng on the SouttrGriy linG at Centarwat BoWwad thenee, along said Sovtheriv bn!t South 890 05' Eaa:t258 89 feet-thinOlJkr.wlng saki SoutheriyGno South 1004 Wesl 280 00 feet.. tnenco Nort;h890 OS' West 33048 feat to a pomt on :be ~ w-.., at Anderson l.line, tttarttG alany iiiid Eas""..ertv IiM, North 00 55" wt 20788 feel. th...,.. afcng tho arc of. 72.32 foot,_ CUMI rlgln fll10 chard of whlCll be... North 45. 55' East 10228 teet} 0 dd:uneo of '1360 f.cct tD the Pomt of B:g!nnlng, o'J U;n; Countv. Oregan Oate Received Planner AL IgJ 005/005 ///7 /2cd> / I 01/11/2006 12 45 IFAX cs1ane@fnf com ~ Ranle Sanden igI 002/00S ~ - .. Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon 800 Willamette, Sune 500. Eugene. OR 97401 (5411 683-5422. FAX (541) 683-5437 SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE FOR THE PROPOSED PLAT OF 17-03-33-11-00101 PRE.SU?~nrm~\ REC'O jAN 1 1 lUOG ORDER NO 01-709480-46 FEE. $0 00 DATED January 11,2006 F,dellty Nat,onal T,t1e Insurance Company GUARANTEES Any County or CIty wlthm whIch the subdIVIsion or proposed subdivIsIon IS loc8ted' LANE That the estate or .nterest In the land which IS covered by th,s Guarantee IS A Fee AccordlDQ to the public records which 'mpart constructIVe not,ce of matters lffectlng title to the premises described on Exh,blt 'One", we find that as of January 4,2006, at th~ last deed of record runs to Vern Benson We also f'nd the followlDg apparent encumbrances, which ,nclude 'Blanket Encunbrances' as def,ned by ORS 92 305(1), and also easements, restllctlve covenants and rights of way. 1 Property taxes, and any assessments collected With taxes, for the fls ~al year 2005-2006 Amount Unpaid Balance Account No . Map No Levy Code $4,551.28 $4,551 28 plus Interest, ,f any 1267614 1703331100101 19-03 2. Rights of the public snd governmental agenclllS In and to any portIon of sa,d land lying within the boundanes of streets, roads and hIghways 01/11/2006 12 45 IFAX cs1ane@fnf_com -+ Ranie Sanden ~ 003/005 Order ~Io 01-709480-46 3. A deed of trust to secure an ,ndebtedness in the amount shown b~low, and any other obligations secured thereby Amount Dated' Grantor Trustee Benef,clary Loan No . Recorded $400,00000 January 25, 2005 Vern Benson, a single person U S Bank Trust Company, National Assoclatloll U S Bank National ASSocIation NO 00008250147133 January 26, 2005, Recorder's No 2005-006315 4 A deed of trust to secure an Indebtedness ,n the amount shown b3low, and any other obligations secured thereby Amount Datad Grantor Trustee Benefic ,ary Recorded NOTES $100,00000 January 25, 2005 Vern Benson, a Single person U S. Bank Trust Company, NatIonal ASSOc1at101l U S. Bank National Association NO January 26, 2005, Recorder's No 2005-006316 A. YOU WILL BE REVIEWING, APPROVING AND SIGNING IMPORTAfIT DOCUMENTS AT CLOSING LEGAL CONSEQUENCES FOLLOW FROM THE SELECTION AND USE OF THESE DOCUMENTS THESE CONSEQUENCES AFFECT YCUR RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS YOU MA Y CONSULT AN ATTORNEY ABOUT THESE DOCUMENTS YOU SHOULD CONSULT AN ATTORNEY IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS ABOUT THE TRANSACTION OR ABOUT THE DOCUMENTS IF YOU WISH TO REVIEW TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS THAT YOU HAVE NOT YET SEEN, PL! ASE CONTACT THE ESCROW AGENT B There are no Judgments of record against Vern Benson C. There are no tax liens of record aga'nst Vern Benson D We are amending th,s report to downdate The last report was datej October 14,2005 We have also searched our General Index for Judgments and state and federal liens agaInst the grantees named above and find ~IIOf'IG~IGUAAG7) DatI?! f1er;<?!'1ed Planner AL Page 2 1!,j}#I / / 01/11/2006 12 45 IFAX cslane@fnf com -+ Ranle Sanden G!I 004/005 Order No 01-7D948()-46 This IS not a report ISSued preliminary to the Issuance of a trtte Insurance policy Our search IS hm,ted and Its use,s Intanded as an Informational report only, to be used In c,mlunctlon with the development of real property Llabllrty 's hm,ted to an aggregate sum not to e,'ceed $1,000 00 Fidelity National T,t1e Insurance Company BY~I~ Ra,me A Sanden NOTE - ORS 92 305(1) reads as follows -Blanket encumbrance- means a trust deed or mortgage or any other Ilfn or encumbrance, mechamcs' hen or otherwise, securing or eVidencing the payment of money and affectmg more than one Interest In subdIvIded or series partlt,oned land, or an agreement affectmg more than one such lot, parcel or Interest by which the subdivider, senes partltloner or developer helds such SUbdlVIS'On or series partlt'on under an option, contract to sell or trust agreement. ~ a~"""IGUAM71 DatE'l Rf>celved Planner AL 1/17/;w,tage 3 / / 01/11/2006 12 45 IFAX cs1ane@fnf com -+ Ranj e Sanden IaI 00S/005 Order 110 01-709480-46 EXHIBIT .ONE' The premises are In Lane County end are descnbed as follows BeglnDlng at a Point being South 00 55' West 263472 feet and South 890 (5' East 10232 feet from the Northwest corner of the R E Campbell Donation Land ClaIm No 59, In Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wtllamette Mendlan, sa,d pOInt beIDg on the Southerly line of Centennial Boulevard, thence, along said Southerly line, South 890 05' East 258 89 feet, thence leaving sa,d Southerly line, South 10 04' West 280 00 feet; thence North 890 05' West 3:10 48 feet to a pOint on the Easterly hne of Anderson Lane, thence, along said Easterly line, North 00 55' East 207 68 feet, thence, along the arc of a 72 32 foot rad,ns curve nght (the chord of wbch bears North 450 55' East 102 28 feat) a distance of 113 60 feet to the POIDt of Beg,nnrng, In LIDa County, Oregon &bdrvwon GUIr8I'ClIe IGUARtln Dat0 f'ltl'''8IVed Plannel AL Page 4 1/17 /2otJ6 / / ... '" ... \ ( ... '" ... H Ii Iii! iH I H ~D ~'I ; ~U i · 'I ~~I ~ a~! ~ n~ !Ig I ~II ~~~ t nn !~I ~ ! b~ II i q r-I ~s l ! dl I H i~ .if '. "" el ~ .. .. ~~ .b ~. ~ ~ () ;r ~~ ~ ';S ~ go I' ! ~/ ' II ,~ r * ~ ! t D / I' I~" ~~ - ---- a; ~ · r: ;. " : II i f, ; I *"~ '. · I . ~ :- l ,-'~ ".8. ...@ ~_B9~IL I; <;~! ~ III r"S'" iJI ;. ~ Ii Ii. ii' ~"..18 f q f/l ,~'!.~ ~. ~./ ~~" ~ . ~(I _______ ~_!) I l'''~ ~I- \ '\ .~ r i i i Iii i 1,;- i.; i iGl N ~@ 9 ;~ j'" B Ii 8 TAllIII.IIP 11-oJ...""'11<<ll I o~ II ~, I. " '1, ...o.,"tT-'slii IHIHni H;;qq ~d~ ~~ P I . I ~ .. CI' ..... ..- .......... ... ... ..... --- r. ~ i; /:- .- - F jj \ /' I . / ~ . ;; . I.. ! ~ l i I .. Ii I ~ . ., ...,.,..,. '-'HE zi !l a ~i I{ 'I ~ . <---../ Z T- . ll. PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JAN 1 7 Z006 11110 811 U c o < m g 5 ~sJto h: Jn~ lis ::! !& ;; . .. B!(I) I ! :< iii o z .e. Q e ~ ~ ! ~ ~ Q . ~ iiI i ~ ~ JAN-12-2006(THU) 11 0& D Colller ---:11/08/)005 15 27 FAX 541 73, .021 Rx Date/Tlme 54l 767 J087 (5' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW nave C~lller (5411 7S7-30B7 767-3087 P 002 1".2 1t!I002 1".2 .' -~~ reF.At!.Js;,~:lNA~<eJlt{~~:lgfl.J.~~., . PUBliC WORKS DEPARTMENT I Engmeenng Division rhODe' (541) 126-3153 Fax (541) 736-1021 , .' _(A.- 6d_tlW /lMjiJ1e4 "III 6]1.yp1icmd)- f1'k- _ to Mtdt StDG""'@CiIJIDf$prtIJIlfiddPub6rW....JI:Il.&rpl""""'W:F""'73(;.1021,Pbtmell73/S-ItaS.) Project N_ /DS7 """.J>f!i.c.soN ~Ne Applu:aat: ..bAu~ c:!.D . -A AssesIIors Pucell#: 17-03-53-/1 .d /OJ Date: I> . '1-0<::- ......... LBDd Use(s): A!.€SIJ>f!.N7"./-1t- Phone #: - . Projecl Size (Acres): z . ./ () A cLtis' Fax #: "Tr..7_"lo87 ~ro:s.Im~DSArta:' A. ~ ,.~~~ EJIllIil: ~ ~... .::;a:. )..... ~... r:;::-oo 4,........_ ,I...:r. .!!'....~~IV. ~ ~..~ ~. - .1:' _ ~ ~~~~...'*- Projtd D~ .tAk>jJ (J:acIudc a topY of Assessor's map): 14- 1-0, .su~]), VI SID^, ...., I "-.1 /'tJ.I VIITE. sr,ee..;:;r DniDap PlVJHIIlaJ ~ cnn......w...{s), dlscIIar8C l<<-"I'nn(s), C/O, AUBCh .M""",.I sbtlcI(s) if'1IIlCCll5lUj: (!.D N"'~Cr 70 G>>UNr; Ar Cu,o!i'l, ./.....u;:T.!!: DJ( An' 7"0 oS Ov,.T"H (Jj: f't,.f''''6 I?--r;t' /N ,4,., i>e/f!..Sor( t-A/. .sc: e A5.-~'i--r J:/lEeT Proposal Slonnrllter Best MullgelDeDt l'ractkes: "/0 .swlft:-c Uru 64ltMtJdit IbulIillMl dIIt lIP th Ob /lntl BdJlmstD *AmJIbmn - (,ft II _m. "" &..... c/teI::b!d I1y tbtt ~ OIl 1M:fi'om anti bad< of/Jr!$ sltut 8iIa/l "" llllilllu/led fWIUIIl/1PH_"" IDH ""....f/1r.bm11lGl. _."IfIr r1fhgrapt~1IflI)IH~) Dr:ainaee Stud\' T9rle fE))SPM Section 4.03 2\: m..te. UK ...." be subrtituteil for RathmClI MetItoIIl Iii SmaIlSile StwIy- (_btlGIIBlMelhod l\1r adcaJ:aIInDl;) o Mid-Lewll>eve1opmlmt SQId.y - (IIIllUllil B)ldIognph Ms:lIaoctlbr caImIaIitllll) o Full DraimJge Dellelcpme;at Study - (UIO Urut ~h McIIIocllbr cakulal1ous) ~J'IlDmtDtaI CoDsidenatioDs: 4h J WdlbeadZone; Pi/A. PjI Hillside Dew:Iopment: WelJandIRjpariaD ,,~ \.1.rb~ II F1ood~lFIoodplam: ,J/~ 'f Soil1)pe' ~- I} 0tIIl!I' Jurlsdictilms: I. ~/. OOWllstn:am AnalYsis: ~'" o N/A o Flow tiDe 1i>r ~r...:lL.,g _er sorfiIce ~n: o DesigD HGL to use for startiDg _ suriltcc elevation. iii MaDboJol.hmct.on to take anaJysis to. -ro T..e ... II ~ '-. '.~T....;J .,.. T_.<!'" RdDnI to Malt Stouder @ City urspriD&fielcl, mwI' ms1~Ci sprin~IJ.or.us. FAX: (541) 136.1021 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 1 7 Z006 Rx Date/Time JAN-12-2006(THU) 11 06 \41 767 3087 ~ _ D, CollIer (5- 767-3087 ~1/08/2005 15 28 FAX 541 73b .021 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW Dave Collier 15411 767-3087 P 003 p.3 111003 p.3 COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS r ,.,_u.ear /!t4S. . * Bared upon"'" iIif-." proo(#d OIl "'" fr"'" 'lft/ris rMe~ the 1011_ repre:tflrrk II "'''n...... ofwlutt II 1latkd./or 011 ~D" r. be compIet1efF ttII1nIuJIJJ1 "'/If HSJl"l1D....... -. llrrs h8t ml1llid RDt be -.1 r.. /'/!1ll1fthe Springfir<Id D~vdop"""" Cod> (SOC) Dr the CIly" Enguwetint Daip JI-r C_pliD11<<W>1lr - roqulre~ '- DOl e._. &/,. r2J'P7'1l'R1 A,Jd//uJrUII sits spo::rfir: ur{/R1IIIItJ"" m", be ''''lrnre4. Note' Upon sr:OP"'K ,he.t >llbJaUtdl, .MJIN cD~todJ""" has beeII &rgn2d fit the ~ providt4 b/rlov' 11l1erim Daip. SludardalWaDU QuIIly (p.DSPM CItaptu 3) ~'dNI.4 IIIIl 0 AD DOI1-1nIi1dias lllOlIDp (NBIQ lmpor9iodS IUI'IlIees shall be pr ....."'104 (e.&-lIlul1k:ham1>erod catdt/laS1I\ w10tl li1mIIiaD llle4il) lilr SlQnlnlllter quaIitJ ,A&diliaully, a udJdm.... ofSO'K. Dfdle NBB.lmpemoas - mall he: trcatelI by w:gaatCllmOlhods- ' III 0 Where required, ...getatlWS__ o\osIgIl &lIal1 \Ie ~wdb inlenm lI.,.;p stIIIA!anIs (IiDSJ'M Sccdo1I 3 02). scr I:lr1II by tho BUIalI ofEa'\litamtlOOtaI ServIa:s (.BES) or eleaD Wiler son;... (CW$). o ia For aew NJlIl impomaas area lcsllhall15.00U I~ fb:l, a slmp\ifit;l desip.p!>.DBdi lIIIIY be IilIIowCtI as SJI"l'iJicd bytheBES b""geI8Il....,rc.lIl1ltlltL iil 0 If_ SlllftIl__ClllIIWlIk: is ........,.cd. sulnall cok:alaUaasI~"'lilr sI2mc. ,,~, lIow, Slde skip... _ slope. aad ...4"",, t:IllGIlstl:Dt _ dliI.. lIES at CWS reqaIrcm-- - M 0 Wrm:rQualllycaJculaliOllSas rcquiredill SoctIan3 031 oflhcBD~ o Ii! All buildiDg n:J08op DlO"- cqaipmad. or lIlhcr fbdd _llUtIlJl& eq1IipaICIlt l()CIIIl!d omsl4cr ofth.lNl~ shall he pIVI'Jded wIrh.. La 3 ~N;"'""mI or ~ ftSIS'IIdl eadosun:. GmcnI sc.dF JlI:lJ1lireGIeD1S (EDSl'M Sa;tioa 4,03) .J i B ~ 51IId)' .._cd by a PlGli:u1aaal Civil EuglJI....1bnsed III the slIItcofOrcgaa. A _pI.... dr.m.oge 5tlIlIy. as reqllfrd m EDSl'M Sedim 4 03.1, iDdadIIlg a It~ SCDdJ III2p. o CtIcnl1ll1ORS sI>omIo3 JIYStcIII ~ lilt a 2.,ar1tarDl m:IIt lI1Ill ovcrlIow alIl>tU ofa l~ stClPD rn:aL IIIJ 0 The lIIllc ol'clIIlI:altrtIiOll erc} sbaD be deram!1lellll5lme a 10 _ute SlarlliD1e lilt ~ed basins. Jlm.w of'Du.lollSlR8l1I $,- (EDSl'M _ 4,~.4.C) at 0 A 40fIastram drmDag.IIII~' .. daocrihcd ill EDSPM SccIicIl 4.03 4.e 0II~4tabIagI: sII8Il he: govtnlal by tile 0tegClII P_g Spedall1 Code (OI'SC). !!it 0 E_ Of1ll. HGL ...4 Bow liaes fi7r Ilolh cl\f Illd private 5)lSlCIl1S wh= 1lIP1lcslrle. ~ of'SIena s,.taa (EDSrM Sedioa 4M) all 0 FllWrllllc5, $!cpa, rim ~. pipe tn'C """ sizes cleat\)' iDclialed DIllDe plor ItCl. o iii! Miaimlllll pipe....... sIWI he: 18 iIll:be< !or reiDfi>rt.ed pipe llII4 36 ilu:hes filr plaiD - awl pllsIir: pipe matcnal.. Dr prop... etlgaucrmg caf""-. 5balI be: pnMde4 whc:a Ies&. 'I1le aMI" sIlaIl be SIIfIiciIlllI In sappon... 80.000 III load wI1bOUllllllure ofth. pipe ItnIClaI'e. o iB M3IIIIiDg.....-yaJucslbrpipQl2Iallbe--""* Tablc4-1 DfIheEDSl'. All ""'"" '1P"S 5bollbadaipoclTD ",,1Ucw;. _.... wloc:llrofdm<: (3)Ji!etpcr........l~ DoS pipe lbU1IaSOlIoa Tsblc4-1 as...u. Olhtr/lll_ it 0 E:IislD1g...4 pftlP05a1 _Iocall:d at 011. foot iaIcrW1. lnchIcIe spot dcvBIil>1Is md site pad.. oh.owlIIg how site dI8mJ; , iii 0 l'nYaIc S1IlI1Il_ .".ar""15 sbal1 he c1..r1y dcpkted OIl pIaas wIR:n pmIIIe SlDrmwater fIovPs li'aIII OIIe property 10 - o 51 n.,-Jls sbsII Jd rect:iYe nmoJl: Ii'UIIl 811Y5lIl'IllCe wla bdtlg _ted by Ill. Dr lIlare BWs. ...m tII. ecccptlall of resicl...1iaI hlIiIdiJq;IOOfs (lIDSi' Se<ovII 3 03 4.A). Addltional pnlV{ol_ sppl,y to IIlls .. mj1Rl'cd by die DEC!. - to !he website: .............._.... _",""oonnnd....Jmcbomc.1lc:m IQr .....,.. iI1lbrD1BtIIal- ~ 0 D......tioa J><XUIs.baD be cIcsIp"" 10 Ii.II1it l'lIlIoIfln~OpmadraleSfor1be2 tbrooIgJl:zs.,...1lllltm IMIIlS l.:tOF" f\-~~4," i:I "71".,,,,,,, str.lIiIe irrdwIe4 III.... ortraditJo-., iMlie iM/nmt ...-. ,,/floc At.. ..-... As Ille argiD_ ClCr I!IIdy IlIl4 pIa1L 5Cl. Si~ 7:' ENGINEER PLEASE IlEiID BELOW AND SlGNI ""!aue4l1c:11ls..., CODlpl= 8l1d IllCladed wIlll file SIIIlIIlI1ul4.......-... Dole: I II ~ ~~ ..- ( Date Rer.E'lVed PlallHwl AL /;/7/.:006 I I 225 FIfth Street S f1nngfield, Oregon 97477 5U-726-3759 Phone .. ~~ ~'::Ity of Spnngfield Official ReceIpt _ jevelopment ServIces Department PublIc Works Department -. RECEIPT #: 3200600000000000013 Date: 0111712006 9 45 02AM Job/Journal Number PRE2006-00007 DescriptIOn CTY SubdIvIsIOn TentatIve Pln Payments Type of Payment Check PaId By BENSON DEVELOPMENT Received By emm Item Total Check Number Authorization Batch Number Number How Received 4478 In Person Payment Total Amount Due 500 00 $500 00 Amount Paid $500 00 $500 00 , ~}. , ,. IJ} Date Received -*/2060 Planner. AL 1/17/2006 Page I of I LAFLEUR Karen Subject Location PRE2006-00007 Pre-Submittal Mtg ( Sub Tent) Benson - Lmda P _SP _ConfRm616 Tue 1/24/2006 11 00 AM Tue 1/24/2006 12 00 PM Start End Recurrence (none) Meetmg Status Meetmg orgaDlzer Required Attendees PAULY linda, Pre-Subm,ttal Group A Pre-Submittal Meetmg for a SubdivIsion Tentative has been scheduled for Tuesday, January 24, 2006 @ 11 00 - noon m DSD 616 The planner assigned to this appllcahon IS lmda Pauly The applicant submitted plans to create a 14-lot SFR SUbdiVISion, to<be known as Dove Estates Please confirm your attendance at thIS meetmg The packets will be sent out shortly Thanks Karen 1 Date Received Planner AL ;//7!JPO( ! /