HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1998-1-21 "-.. . . .- SPAINQFIEL ... cK~ / DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726.3689 Notice of Decision - Limited Land Use - Tentative Partition Date of Letter Journal Number January 21,1998 97-10-230 Owner/AnDlicant Survevor Cascade Fabrication Attn: Laura Russell r950 International Way 'Springfield, OR 97477 Roberts Surveying, Inc. Attn: Les Roberts P.O. Box 7155 Eugene, OR 9740 I Nature of Reouest: The applicant is requesting approval to partition one existing parcel into two. Decision: Tentative Partition ADDroval, with conditions, as of the date of this letter. Other Uses That Mav Be Authorized Bv The Decision: None. This decision authorizes the creation of one additional parcel. Future development will be in accordance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code (SDC), the Gateway Refinement Plan (GWRP), McKenzie-Gateway Special Light Industrial Conceptual Development Plan (CDP) and all applicable pennit procedures. Site Information: The subject site is a 9.9 acre parcel of property located outside city limits, within the City of Springfield's Urban Growth Boundary. The parcel is otherwise known as Parcel #3 of Land Partition Plat #92-P0255, and commonly referred to as Tax Lot 200 on Lane County Assessor Map # 17- 03-15-30. The southerly 360 feet of the property at 950 International Way has delayed annexation approval, effective July I, 1998. An Annexation Agreement has been signed for the remainder of the property. The entire property is zoned Campus Industrial on the City of Springfield Zoning Map, consistent with the Metro Plan Diagram. The subject site is within the Gateway Refmement Plan and McKenzie Gateway Conceptual Development Plan boundaries and is surrounded by other industrial and commercially zoned properties. The provisions of the Urban Fringe Overlay District (SDC Article 29) will apply until the ~'U~~, 'i is annexed to the City of Springfield, The site is located within the 100 year flood plain and provisions of the Flood Plain Overlay District (SDC Article 27) apply. The subject site has frontage on International and Sports Ways, two fully developed City rights of way. Public utilities and Springfield Utility Board water and electric facilities are available to serve the site from City street right of way upon annexation. The subject site is within a one year time of travel from a SUB wellhead located northwest of the site. Written Comments: Applications for Limited Land Use Decisions require the notification of property owners/occupants within 300 feet of the subject property allowing for a 14 day comment period on the application. No written correspondence was received. Criteria of AnDroval: SDC, Article 34, Section 34.050 states: " The Director shall approve, approve with conditions or deny the request based on the following criteria for Tentative Partition Approval" ( criteria appear in bold, respoDse to criteria appear in regular text, findings and conditions appear in italics): . . .. ,. " 2 - 2 -Cascade Fabrication Tentative Partition Journal #97-10-230 (I) The request as conditioned fully conforms to the requirements ofthis Code pertaining to lot size and dimensions, the efficient provision of public facilities and services, street improvements and consideration of natural features. la) Lot size and dimensions. Currently, the subject site is located outside the city limits but inside the City's Urban Growth Boundary, th.erefor, lot size provisions of the UF-IO Overlay apply. Parcel # I contains 5.91 acres, with over 400 feet of frontage along International and Sports Way(s). Parcel #2 contains 4 acres, with 287 feet of frontage along Sports Way. (Assuming a proposed dedication of public right of way for street construction, Parcel 2 will eventually have over 600 feet of frontage on an eastlwest local street also.) Pursuant to SDC 29.050 and 29,070(5)(c) , Parcel #2 cannot be approved as a 4 acre parcel in the Urban Fringe Overlay because the lot is privately owned and a majority of the surrounding properties within 100 feet exceed 5 acres. Annexation of the entire property prior to Partition Plat Final Approval would remove the UF-I 0 designation and the 5 acre size requirement, however, an annexation application would delay plat approval. The applicant should also be aware that creating a parcel size less than 5 acres in size also limits the number of uses pennitted at the time of development. (Le. Post partition/annexation development plans may further reduce individual lot sizes in accordance with SDC 21.070, however, pursuant to SDC 21.020(\) & 21.040(3), development areas ofless than 5 acres may only be developed as corporate office headquarters where at least half the gross floor area is occupied by a single tenant.) Minimum setback distances and solar height restrictions ofSDC 21. 070 & 21.080 will be applied when site development approval is sought. Finding: The plan submitted proposes a 4 acre lot size thar cannot be approved in the Urban Fringe Overlay District because SDC 29.070(5)(c) does not allow lots under 5 acres unless they are publicly owned or the majority of lots within 100 feet are less than 5 acres. The following Immediate Condition of Approval is applied for fUll compliance with the provisions of this Code: I) Prior to Partition Plat Final Approval, Parcel 2 must be revised to include 5 acres, or the parent parcel must be annexed to the City of Springfield in accordance with SDC 29.050. Ib) "efficient orovision of oublic facilities..." Each parcel must have its own water service in accordance with SDC Section 32.120. The development area will receive water service from a 12" Springfield Utility Board (SUB) line within International Way upon annexation of the property to the City of Springfield. Specific details pertaining to water service will be addressed at the time of development review. Water service facilities will be installed upon the collection of development charges, which are paid directly to SUB. Ken Cerotsky of the SUB Water Department (746-845 I) is the contact person for more information. Each parcel must have its own electrical service in accordance with SDC Section 32.120. There is SUB electrical service available from the southwest comer of Parcel I to serve future development upon annexation of the remainder of the property to the City of Springfield, New lateral service to future development will require underground extension in accordance with SDC 32.120(2). SUB has requested a 7 foot wide PUE south of the new street dedication for the provision of future services in accordance with SDC 32.32.120(5). Electrical services will be installed upon the collection of development charges by SUB. Ed Head of SUB Electric (726-2395) is the contact person for more infonnation. Finding: SUB water and electrical services are located within existing street side public utility easements to serve the area at the time of development and annexation to the City of Springfield An additional public utility easement is required for the fUture extension of public facilities along the proposed east-west street dedication north of Parcel # 2. The following immediate Condition of Approval is appliedfor fUll compliance with this Code: I... . . I 3 - 3 -Cascade Fabrication Tentative Partition Journal #97-10-230 2) The Partition Plat must be revised to provide a7 foot wide public utility easement south of the proposed east-west street dedication. Sanitary Sewer, Separate private sanitary sewer services are required in accordance with SDC 32.100 (I). There is an 8 inch City sanitary line within International Way with a stub line extended to the proposed Parcel #2. The sanitary stub line must be used at the time of development unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The property must be annexed to the City of Springfield prior to connection to City sanitary services. Facilities within the public right of way are severnl feet higher than existing site grades and connection of private systems will require substantial fill to elevate sanitary and utility facilities one foot above the base flood elevation of the 100 year flood plain pursuant to SDC 27.040(2)(b); and to meet required bury depths of City Standard Construction Specifications. (See Criteria 4 of this document for more flood plain discussion.) Development Approval and Public Works sewer hook-up pennits will be required prior to connection. Ken Vogeney (726-3688) in the City Public Works Department is the contact person for more infonnation. Storm Drainage. All runoff from new site developments must be directed to the public stonn drain system in Sports Way via the existing stann drain stub extended to Parcel #2 in accordance with SDC Section 32,110(1), Stonn water facilities within the public right of way are severnl feet higher than existing site grades and connection of private systems will require substantial fill to elevate private stann facilities one foot above the base flood elevation of the 100 year flood plain pursuant to SDC 27,040(2)(b); and to meet required bury depths of City Standard Construction Specifications. ( See Criteria 4 of this - document for more flood plain discussion.) Provisions to reduce and pre-treat stann water prior to discharging to the public system will be required in accordance with SDC 32. t 10(4) and the McKenzie Gateway CDP when site drainage plans are submitted to the City during site plan review. Finding: Public storm and sanitary lines are in place to serve the facility upon annexation to the City. City stub lines are located at depths meeting the requirements ofSDC 27.040(2)(b) for flood plain protection. Private systems must be designed in accordance with the provisions of the McKenzie Gateway Conceptual Development Plan and SDC Article 27.040(2)(b). Thefollowing delayed Condition of Approval is appliedfor full compliance with the provisions of this Code: 3) Future development plans must use the existing stubs provided to the development area where practicable; all utilities must be constructed in accordance with SDC 27.040(2)(b). Ie) "...street imnrovements" International and Sports Way(s) are fully improved City streets. The McKenzie Gateway Special Light Industrial Site Conceptual Development Plan (CDP) calls for an east- west connector street from Sports Way to International Way (see Proposed Street Network Plan, Figure 4), The applicant must dedicate 25' of right of way along the north property line on the partition pial, as proposed on the tentative plan. An application for dedication must be submitted to the Public Works Department prior to Partition Plat Approval. Pursuant to SDC 32.020(\ O)(b)4a. , an Improvement Agreement must be signed for the unimproved street dedication. Finding: The subject site is within the McKenzie Gateway SLl CDP Area. The applicant proposes a halfstreet dedication in accordance with Figure 4 of the CDP Proposed Street Network Plan. Thefollowing immediate Conditions of Approval are appliedfor full compliance with the provisions of this code: 4) Prior to Partition Plat Final Approval, an application for dedication will be submilled to the Public Works Departmentfor the proposed street right of way with a J 5' clipped corner at Sports Way for vision clearance. The dedication must be shown on the Partition Plat. . . ... \ 4 - 4 -Cascade Fabrication Tentative Partition Journal #97-10-230 5) Prior to Partition Plat Final Approval, an Improvement Agreementfor ftll street improvements to dedicated street right of way abutting Parcel 2 must be submitted, with a legal description and a check to cover filing fees, for review and approval prior to filing by the City Surveyor. Jd\ "...natural features" The site is identified as Tax Lot 200 on Lane County Assessor Map #17-03-15- 30. The Well Head Protection Areas Map indicates the development site is within the one, five and ten year time of travel spheres from a drinking water wellhead located west of Sports Way. Drinking water is an inventoried Statewide Planning Goal 5 natural resource. The development site is subject to wellhead protection measures at the time of development. Finding: The subject site is within a drinking water wellhead protection zone and wellhead protection measures will apply at the time of development. The following delayed Condition of Approval is appliedfor ftll compliance with the provisions of this Code: 6) Subsequent applications for site plan approval must specifically address wellhead protection measures or be considered incomplete by the Planning Division. The Metro Plan, Gateway Refmement Plan, the Draft Natural Resources Special Study, the National Wetlands Inventory, the draft Springfield Wetland Inventory Map, the and the list of Historic Landmark Sites have been consulted. No other inventoried natural resources have been found on the site. If any artifacts are encountered during construction, there are state laws that could apply, ORS 97.740, ORS 358.905, ORS 390.235. If human remains are discovered during construction it is a Class 'C' felony to proceed under ORS 97.740. Federal Emergency Management Admmistration (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map # 415591 0370C indicates the development area is within the 100 year flood plain. All future construction on the site must meet the provisions ofSDC 27.040 in addition to all other applicable standards. Pursuant to Section 27. 020(2) of the Flood Plain Overlay District the Partition Plat must be revised to include this infonnation. Finding: The subject site is within the 100 year flood plain according to FEMA FIRM Map # 415591 0370C, therefor provisions of the Flood Plain Overlay District (SDC Article 27) apply. The following immediate Condition of Approval is applied for ftll compliance with this code; 7) The Final Partition Plat must be revised to include FEMA flood plain and SDC Article 27 information for the protection of ftture development. Future construction at the site will require considerable filling to safeguard structures and related utilities during flood events, A City Land Drainage and Alteration Penn it will be required prior to construction. The proposed fill and its affects on surrounding p,up"..ies must be indicated on Drainage and Grading Plans prepared for Tentative Site Plan application submittals. Ultimate Finding of Fact: Stafffinds Criterion (I) is met because Subcriteria a-d, as conditioned,ftlly conform to the requirements of this Code pertaining to lot size and dimensions, the efficient provision of public facilities and services, street improvements and consideration of natural features. (2) The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram and/or the applicable refinement plan diagram. The site is identified as Tax Lot 200 on Lane County Assessor Map #17-03-15-30. The property is zoned Campus Industrial (CI) on the City of Springfield Zoning Map, consistent with the Metro Plan Diagram. The subject site is within the Gateway Refinement Plan and McKenzie Gateway Conceptual Development Plan boundaries. The site is also within the 100 year flood plain; therefor the Flood Plain Overlay District applies. c". . . .' 5 - 5 -Cascade Fabrication Tentative Partition Journal #97-10-230 Finding: Stafffinds Criterion 2 is met because the City of Springfield CI zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan and the corresponding Gateway Refinement Plan Diagram designation. (3) Development of any of the remainder of the property under the same ownership can be accomplished in accordance with the provisions of this code. The property involved in this application constitutes all property owned by Cascade Fabrication Corporation in the development area. Finding: Staff finds Criterion 3 does not apply because there is no contiguous property under the same ownership lefi to divide. (4) Adjacent land can be developed or is provided access that will allow its development in accordance with the provisions ofthis code. A 25' dedication of public right of way for an east/west loop street will enhance the ability of adjacent property to be developed in accordance with the provisions of the SDC. Finding: Staff finds Criterion 4 is met because the provision of public right of way consistent with the McKenzie Gateway CDP will provide additional access to adjacent land and enhance its ability to develop in accordanu with the provisions of this code. Conclusion, The Director has determined that the Tentative Partition, as conditioned, fully conforms to the requirements of the Springfield Development Code. Conditions of Aooroval: I) Prior to Partition Plat Final Approval, Parcel 2 must be revised to include 5 acres, or the parent parcel must be annexed to the City of Springfield in accordance with SDC 29.050. 2) The Partition Plat must be revised to provide a 7 foot wide public utility easement south of the proposed east-west street dedication. 3) Future development plans must use the existing stubs provided to the development area where practicable; all utilities must be constructed in accordance with SDC 27.040(2)(b). 4) Prior to Partition Plat Final Approval. an application for dedication will be submitted to the Public Works Department for the proposed street right of way with a 15' clipped corner at Sports Way for vision clearance. The dedication must be shown on the Partition Plat. 5) Prior to Partition Plat Final Approval. an Improvement Agreementfor full street improvements to dedicated street right of way abutting Parcel 2 must be submitted, with a legal description and a check to cover filingfees. for review and approval prior to filing by the City Surveyor. 6) Subsequent applications for site plan approval must specifically address wellhead protection measures or be considered incomplete by the Planning Division. 7) The Final Partition Plat must be revised to include FEMA flood plain and SDC Article 27 information for the protection offuture development. ., . . ... '. 6 - 6 -Cascade Fabrication Tentative Partition Journal #97-10-230 What Needs To Be Done? The applicant will have up to one year to from the date of this letter to meet any attached conditions or Development Code standards and to obtain Final Plat Approval. A separate application and fee must be submitted to the Springfield Development Services Department. The City Surveyor will review the Plat. Upon signature by the Surveyor and the Planning Manager, the Plat mylar may be submitted to Lane County for recordation. No individual lots mav be transferred until the Plat is recorded. and a mvlar conv of the recorded Dartition must be returned to the City Survevor. Additional Information: The application, all documents, and evidence relied upon by the applicant, and the applicable criteria of approval are available for free inspection and copies are available at a cost of $0.75 for the flTSt page and $0.25 for each additional page at the Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon. ADDeal: If you wish to appeal this Type II Limited Land Use Tentative Partition Approval decision, you must do so within 10 days of the date of this letter.. Your appeal must be in accordance with SDC, Article 15, Appeals. Appeals must be submitted on a City fonn and a fee of $250.00 must be paid at the time of submittal. The fee will be returned to the appellant if the Planning Commission approves the appeal application. Ouestions: Please call Jim Donovan in the Planning Division of the Development Services Department at (541) 726-3660 if you have any questions regarding this process.