HomeMy WebLinkAboutHome Occupation Correspondence 2004-7-6 . SPA_FIELD' ,., Mr, Bruce Dorman , 529 Walnut Place Springfield, OR 97477 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 1e6-3753 FAX (541) 726,3689 July 6, 2004 ' www.ci.springfield.ows RE: Zoning Status 00380 Industrial Drive, Springfield, Dear Mr, Dorman. Thank you for submitting your reccnt request to re-zone property at 3380 Industrial Avenue from Light Medium Industrial (LMl) to Low Density Residential (LDR), In addition to reviewing the application ' materials I have also reviewed the matcrials compiled by planning staff in response to your request for review of the current LMl zoning classification. Upon review of the materials submitted and records compiled by planning staff. I am inclined to agree with your assertion that a procedural mistake resulted in the subject site's LMI classification when zoning options were offered and approved during implementation of the Mid-Springfield Refmement Plan, ' The following chain of events and referenced documents lead me to conclude that the option to maintairi the LDR zoning designation offered by the City of Springfield in 1986 should be offered (albeit belatedly) and honored immediately, My determination is based upon the following chain of events documented with the referenced records: L ,The submitted chain of title indicates the property has been owned by your family since 1956, The property was originally zoned for industrial use, 2, The property was re-zoned to Low Density Residential (R-I) by your family prior to comprehensive plan adoption and subsequent refmement plan work, (City Ordinance 3700, ca,1977,attached) 3, Springfield City Council adopted thc Mid-Springfield Refmement Plan (MSRP) on July 21, 1986, MSRP Implementation Policies 2-5 allowed for the continuation of existing zoning for developed properties upon request (MSRP Implementation Policies 2-5, attached), 4, MSRP Policy 5 specifically stated that the application of residential zoning to existing homes on land preyiously zoned for residential use shall not be considered a plan zone conflict 5, The City's letter intended to solicit your family's request was mistakenly sent to the wrong property owner, The mailing affidavit indicates that not only was your family's request never solicited (lette, returned because it was sent to the wrong' address) but another property owner's ,equest to change zoning to LMl was mistakenly applied to your property, (See Vaughn Zoning Letter and Affidavit of Mailing" September 1986) , 6. Springfield City Council unanimously honored all requests by adopting City Ordinance 5356. Consistent with the Mid Springfield Refinement Plan and City Ordinance 5356, City staff belatedly recognizes your request to retain your Low Density Residential zoning classification. This letter will be entered in the zoning and address files. the zoning maps shall be corrected in the next re-issuance, In accordance with Policy 5 of the MSRP there is no plan/zone conflict, nor are there any'non-conforming use issues arising from zoning classification, Future use of the property shall be in accordance with Springfield Development Code Article 16- Residential Districts, Your current application is considered formally Withdrawn, you make pick up original documents submitted, Please retain this letter fo, your records, Cordially, .17~ ,'--- ,'" ~ &7",w~- J es p, Donovan DSD Planner II ' ~, cc: Mel Oberst, Urban Planning Division Manager . . SPl'l!"'~~,' i A~, ' ~".. . ,,' . ~.:- ~ ( , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Planning Department IY8,; Sprilwfield Cwtelln;a{ i'ear :~ Please indicate your preference by placing a check mark in one of the two lines below, signing your name and returning this letter to our office by September, 15, 1986. If we do not receive your reply, we will recommend that your property'be rezoned to Light-Medium Industrial (LMI) on October 1, 1986. ,I Yes, I want my property rezoned to Light-Medium Industrial (LMI) , , free of charge on October 1, 1986. No, I do not want my property rezoned on October 1, 1986. I wish to retain my zoning classification ,of Low Density Residential (LOR). Si gnature of Owner( s) {! ~./- d ?to 11 *For additional infonnation concerning "hon-confonning use" or city review and approval, contact the,Planning & Development Department at 726-3759. Cordi ally, ~~ Gr~~ Mott Development Code,Administrator rp~~'-"cf~n'~~' 7lbv Cf 111M '~ tU.L d. h"fl7,~ ~.~ ~~~ ~.tk ~~~.. W~.MJ2-, ' ~ ~- ~aA~~",/~~/J , 0~dd-. ~, -:---r- " ,,,J},,-, " ~ /I -<__ g I~ :I-i.rr7'~ ,~' '77l-y r'~'~ ~ - ,G/ ~ ' "U'7, .<.25 North 5th Street 0 Springfield, OR 97477 , 503!72rr3759 ~ " ~_'__C'H:-,:J- .~/' , , , Tax 10t:1702303400100 SYTSMA LEO F + BETTY LOU 1490 N30TH SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 Tax lot: 1702303400600 \. SCHICKLING LYLE A + E E \" 15524 CEDAR LN ~', ' BROOKINGS OR 97415 Tax lot: 1702303400700 EARLEY JOHN H &. HAZEL FAYE POBOX 758 SPRINGFIELD OR, 97477 ,Tax lot:1702303401700 , WAFFORD CHARLES F 1936 H ST SPRINGFIELD OR97477 Tax 10t:1702303401800 " JENKINS KIRBY&. PAULINE, 1495 N 30TH AVE SPRINGFIELDOR97477 . ,-. .- -~.. .-. ..' .- -..- ... , ' Tax lot:1702303403100 , GRANT LARELLE G TR '2687 N 5TH ST 'SPRINGFIELD .oR 97477 'Tax 10t:1702303403101 '," LARELLE G GRANT TRUST ' 2687 N 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OR97477 " TaX lot:1702303403300 ,STEELE RALPH L &. EVA , , 3125 OLYMPIC ST " SPRiNGFIELD OR 97478 .1 :' ~ \: Tax lot:1702303403401 " LINVILLE IVAN E &. M R 1418' N32ND ST SPRINGFIELD OR, 97478 . :.,,. Tax 10t.:1702303404700 FUTURE LOGGING CO 3114 INDUSTRIAL AVE SPRINGFIELD OR 97478 I' .'-- , ' Tax 10t:1702303406700 AUST" FRED' &. ILAMAE %STEENBLOCK DONALD L &. P J , , 338 OLYMPIA ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 ..... '-~----'.' Tax 'lot: 1702303406800 PAYNE JOHN H POBOX 450 SPRINGFIELD OR97477 Tax lot:1702304006900 HANSON &. MARGARET "1421 N 33RD " SPRINGFIELD OR97477 Tax lot:1702303407500 t'i ,,' CITIZENS VALLEY BANK " 3RD &. ELLSWORTH ALBANY OR 97321, '~'~ttd~~ fo~ ,d -- -';; T'Ui'/,U,r ~j ,-,~ r' /1"-- " U -)> ~:-l'~30 ~', DORMAN I ,,-!,- &. VIRGUUA..K: " 3380 I STRIAL'-A,VE, ',:", , SP GFIELD OR97478.. Tax lot:1702303406500 LARELLE G GRANT TRUST ,2687 N 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OR ' 97477, t- Tax lot: 1702303406600 , '1-\, \ HUNT CHRISTOPHER &.' EV ALEE ~ ,3280 INDUSTRIAL AVE " SPRINGFIELD OR 97478 , '-'(JJ~~;;;hrJJ:~~-': -II Tax lot: 1702303408500 c. VAUGHN CORA L , 88130 S GREEN HILL ,RD ' EUGENE OR 97402 --- .. , I' : - ' Tax lot:1702303408600 DYE LONNIE JAMES &. REBECCA 1480 N 35TH SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 . . ! <> <tax lot>1702303406500 ~ <from>Low Density Residential (l9R) <to>Light-~edium Industrial (LMI) <name>Larelle G. Grant Trust, <address>2687 N. 5th Street <city>Springfield <state>OR ' <zi p>97477. <> ./~ f'~~ ,~~ 1 \~~/r....p SP? <tax lot>1702303406501 <from>Low Density Residential (LDR) <to>Light-Medium Industrial (L~I) <name>Charles E. & Maureen Nagel <address>1149 N. 32nd Street <city>Springfield <state>OR <zip>97478 <>, <tax lot>1702303406600 <from>Low Density Residential (LDR), <to>Light-Medium Industrial (LMI) <name>Christopher ,& Evalee Hunt <address>3280 Industrial Avenue <city>Springfield <state>OR <zip>97478 <> ",,' ~ ~ -.: <tax lot>1702303406800 <from>Low Density Residential (LDR) <to>Light-Medium Industrial (LMI) <name>John H., Payne <address>P.O. Box 450 <ci ty>Spfl d. <state>OR <zip>97477 , <> <tax lot>1702303406901 <from>Low Density Residential (LOR)' <to>Light-Medium Industrial (LMI) <name>Avery C. & Gladys M. Lash <address>1448 N. 34th Street <ci ty>Spfl d. <state>OR <zip>97478 <> ! <tax lot>1702303408500 <from>Low Density Residential i.?~' (~ .,.. LIST WITH OPTli~~lj i~ ~r?&~~!_... . <to>Light-Medium Industrial (LMI) <name>Cora L. Vaughn <address>88130 S. Green Hill Road <ci ty>Eugene <state>OR <zip>97402 <> <tax 10t>1702303408501 <from>Low Density Residential (LOR) <to>Light-Medium Industrial (LMI) <name>Cora L. Vaughn/Pau1V. Newman <address>88130 S.' Greenhill Road <ci ty>Eugene <state>OR <zip>97402 <> <tax lot>1702303408600 <from>low Density Residential (LOR) , <to>Light-Medium Industrial (LMI) <name>lonnie James & Rebecca Dye . <address>1480 N. 35th Street <ci ty>Spfl d. <state>OR ,<zi p>97478 <> <tax lot> 1702303408601 ' <from>low Density Residential (LOR) <to>Light-Medium Industrial '(LMI) <name>Elgin Knights/Robert R. Hamilton <address>P.O. Box 52 <city>Springfield <state>OR <zip>97477 <> <tax lot>1702303408700 <from>Low Density Residential, (LOR) <to>Light-Medium Industrial (LMI) <name>Elgin Knights/Robert R. Hamilton <address>P.O. Box 52 <city>Springfie1d <state>OR <zip>97477 <> <tax lot>1702303408701 <from>Low Density Residential (LOR) <to>Light-Medium Industrial (LMI) <name>Dona1d E. & Agnes L. Dillon <address>1450 N. 35th Street , <cfty>Springfie1d ,~ -J, , ,/ o/f;v~ ,,)-6-) d..Jz, L ,AtVL to {f~' ~:~ '~i jA Q (Of~ , ~(f'f (, ~.JJ ' ,~ LIST WITH OPTIONS ON ZONE CHANGE ~ " ,,~ . (j) f9 -7@ . . ,PLAN I1\8PLE1\8ENTA TXON POLICIE&: GOAL: To provide a means to' implement the goals and policies contained in this Plan, 1, All vacant and underdeveloped land shall be rezoned consistent with the Plan Diagram and Plan Implementation Policies 3 and 4, upon adoption of the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan; , Developed propert.ies shall be . ...._..ed consistent with the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan Diagram, unless the property owner, specifically requests to ,retain a zoning classification that reflects the exist.ing use of the, property, consistent with the policies of, this Plan., Allow for the continued industrial uses ,of developed industrial properties in area deSignated cOmmercial or ReSldentialF'on the Plan Diagram, by main- taining the L,l.ght-Medium Indust.rlal'zoning classification where:' a) existing zoning is Industrial; and b) there has been a BUDstsntial investment made in industrial improve- ments to the property (Le" the true cash value of industrial buildings on the site must exceed the true cash value of the land itself). Application of the Light-Medium Indust.rial zoning, in accordance with policy 13 of this", section, shall not be considered a, plan/zone conflict. However, under no circumstances shall Light-Medium Industrial, zoning be extended into areas designated for commercial or residential use. Allow for the continued residential zoning of developed residential proper- ties in areas designated Commercial, or Industrial on the Plan Diagram, provided, that: a) existing zoning is residential; and b) the residential structure is suitable for human habitation. Application of residential zoning in such situat.ions shall not be considered 'a i>la~zone conflict. 6. Prior to implementation of Industrial Development Policy #10, which calls for the extension of 30th Street from Main to Industrial Street, the following must be completed: a) a Goah 6 ESEE (Environmental, Social, Economic and Energy Cons&- quences) study for the possible . .~_ ".al of the wetland area, shown on the L-COG Working Paper Map Sisrnificant Vegetation and Wildlife Areas. from the inventory of wetland areas (this shall be done during the next Metro Plan Update), b) inclusion of the 30th., Street Extension Project in the TransPlan and the Public Facilities Plan, and c) inclusion of the Project in the eIP. f1{ S 12 fl 13 ,fr~ 7-21-86 ",'" ",," ," . . ;if' ,,(:-;h.:g:"G:;t~f;:':'~':;!("" k,: ,:,' .~,;;l,,'::" ',', 1~1'L/~".u~~,..". , ~~~,..t.: :, . , ;, ORDINANCE NO, 5356 (GENERAL) AN ORDINANCE LEGISLATIVELY REZONING LAND IN ACCORDANCE ,WITH THE' MID-SPRINGFIELD REFINEMENT PLAN, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. , THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: S~ction' 1: The phn Diagram and Pl'an Implementation Polic,ies of the Mid-Sprlngrlela Kefinement Plan,(adopted July 21, 1986) determine the zoning of land within the juriSdiction of the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan. ..' ',Section 2:', The findings of the Springfield, Planning Commission, Order 'No. '86-Ub-Ub, nave been reviewed arid are hereby ,adopted in support' of the legislative rezoning of land described in,Appendices A and B of the Order. Order 86-:06-06 is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference'. , ' ',' Section 3: It, is hereby found and determined that' the legislative rezoning or lana as specified in the Plan Implementation Policies of the MId-Springfield ,Refinement Plan and the attached Planning Commission Order'is a, 'matter, affecting the public health,safety and welfare and that an emergency therefore exists and that this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage by the Council and approval by the, Mayor., ' 'ADOPTED by the Cominon Co unci 1 of the City ofSpri ngfiel d by a vote' of -L for and ~ against,this 20th day of October, 1986. ' APPROVED by the Mayor ,of October, '1986. the Ci ty of Spri ngfi el d thi s .lQ1b day of' '~J" ~~~~~~ J J' I ' , , ' , , "':' , Mayor ATTEST: ' '/hrJl~J}Z; IJJClit,dd ~,(d/!1) , yt ty Kecoraer' ~0r" REVIEWED & APPROVED AS TO FORM \, ' \ '\ ~ -L.._ ....-J{.~...,<=::.......\..... --> ~,~ DATE: ,-.:,(', \. \11;(... OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ......:.., ". .---.......J . . .' C I T Y o F S P R,I N G FIE L 0 October 6, 1986 ' TO: FROM: tOVER TRANSMITTAL : MEMO SUBJ ECT: Legislative Rezoning of' Properties Consistent with the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan ' The Issue The Spri ngfi el d Ci ty Council adopted the Mi d-Spri ngfi el d Refi nement Pl an on July 21,' 1986. This plan made sit,e specific plan designations for the entire Mid-Springfield planning area. It is now necessary to legislatively rezone property consistent' with, the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan Implementation Policies and Plan Diagram. Discussion The Plan Implementation Policies' that govern the legislative rezoning of land under the jurisdiction of the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan are quoted in.-bold below. These, policies require rezoning consistent with the plan diagram, except ,in those instances where existing zoning may be retained consistent with ,the use that now exists on, the, property. PLAN IMPLEMENTATION POLICIES GOAL: Plan. To provide a means to implement the goals and policies contained in this 1. All vacant and underdeveloped land shall be rezoned consistent with the Plan Diagram, and Plan Implementation Policies 3 and 4, upon adoption of the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan. 2, Developed properties shall be rezoned consistent with the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan Diagram. unless the property owner specifically requests to retain a zoning classification that reflects the existing use of'the property,cpnsistent with the policies of this plan. ..' . . / '. 3. Allow for the continued industrial use of developed industrial properties in areas designated Commercial or Residential on the, Plan' Diagram, by, maintaining the Light-Medium Industrial zoning classific!ltion where: al existing zoning is industrial; and' bl there has been a substantial investment made in industrial improvement to the" property (i.e., the true cash value of ,industrial buildings',on the site must exceed the true.cash val ue of the land itsel fl. ' , , '4.,' Appiication of Light-Medium, Industrial zoning, in accordance, with policy' 13 of this section, shall not be considered a plan/zone conflict, However, under no circumstances shall Light-Medium Industrial zoning be extended into areas designated for ,commercial or residential use. ' ','~ Allow for the continued 'residential properties in areas designated Commercial 'provided that: al existing zoning is residential; and bl,' the residential structure is suitable for human habitation. zoning of developed residential or Industrial on the Plan Diagram, Application of residential zoning in such situations' shall 'not be considered 'a plan/zone conflict. These policies are specific as to the exceptions that may be permitted to allow for zoning that does not conform to the plan map. Planning Commission Order 'No, 86-06-06, (attached) is their detailed recommendation to you concerning the rezoning of properties in Mid-Springfield, consistent with, the legislative 'direction that you have set in the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan.' The effect of this process will have been to rezone some 200' properties, in one legislative action; with relatively, little' controversy. The amount 'of staff time, citizen time and money, Planning Commission time and Council time that would have been' necessary to accomplish the same objective, iricrementall'y, ttirough the quasi-judicial zone change process, would have been enormous. , Recominendati on Staff ,and the Planning Commission recommend your legislative approval of , the proposed rezonings in accordance with the' policy direction set in the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan. Desired Action Adoption of the attached ordinance and Planning' Commission Order rezoning properties consistent with the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan. 1923 . . ! BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE , CITY COUNCIL LEGISLATIVE REZONING OF ] LAND CONSISTENT WITH THE ] MID-SPRINGFIELD REFINE- ] MENT PLAN, DIAGRAM AND ] IMPLEMENTATION POLICIES , ] , Order No. 86-06-06 FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDAT~ON TO THE CITY COUNCIL NATURE OF THE DECISION The Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan includes Bite-specific plan designations that are required, to be implemented through corresponding zoning'districts. The Mid": Springfield Refinement' Plan also includes Plan Implementation Policies that specify when residential or industrial zoning may be retained to allow for the continuance and expansion of existing industrial and residential uses, notwithsta- ,nding the plan designation. The rezoning of property consistent with the Mid..; Springfield Refinement Plan is legislative in nature, in, that approximately 200 properties are involved. FINDINGS 1. The Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan, includes, site-specific p1ari, designations for all properties considered for legislative r'ezoning under this' Orderj i.e., for the area from the Wendling Branch of the Southern Pacific Railroad (east of 28th Street) to 42nd Street, and from 1-105 south to the Main Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad, I .' , 2. Plan Implementation Policies 1 and 2 of the Mid-Springfield Refine- ment Plan require that zoning be consistent with the ,Plan Disgram, ,unless specifically exempted by Plan Implementation Policies 2-5. Plan Implementation Policies 1-'5 read as follows:,' , 1; All vacant' and underdeveloped land shall be rezoned' consistent with tbe Plan Diagram and Plan Implementation Policies 3 and 4, upon adoption of the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan. ' 2. Developed properties sball be rezoned consistent witb the Mid-Spring- field Refinement Plan Diagram, unless the property owner specifically requests to retain a zoning classification that reflects tbe existing use of the property, consistent with the policies of this plan. 3. Anow for tbe continued industrial uses of developed industrial properties in area designated Commercial or Residential on the Plan Diagram, by maintaining tbe Ligbt-Medium Ind(Jstrial zoning classifica- tion where: a) existing zoning is Industrial; and . . b) there has been a substantial investment made' in industrial .improvements to the property (i.e., the, true' cash value of industfiaJ buildings on the site must exceed the true cash value of the land itself). ~, 4. Application of the Light-Medium' Industrial zoning, in accordance with, policy 13 of this section, shall not be considered, a plan/zone conflic't; However, under no circumstances shall Light-Medium Industrial zoning be extended into areas designated for eommercial or residential use. : '. . , 5. Allow for the' continued residential zoning of developed residenu8J properties in areas designated Commercial or Industrial on the ,Plarl ,Diagram, provided that: a) existing zoning isresidentiali and b) the residential structure is suitable for human habitation. Application of, residential zoning in, such situations shall not be considered a plan/zone conflict. , 3, The legislative rezoning of property consistent with the Mid':'Spring- field, Refinement Plan will make it unnecessary to consider individual quasi- judicial rezonings for some 200 properties. Since the policy decisions have been made with respect to zoning of land in Mid-Springfield by the'Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan, rezoning of property to conform with the plan involves limited discretion on the part of the Planning C?mmission or City 'CounciL ' , , 4. On October 1, 1986 the Planning Commission made the policy deter- mination that Plan Implementation Policy 1# 3 shall be interpreted as follows: a. ,the basic standard for determining whether' there has been a substantial investment made in industrial improve- ments to the, property are the 'tax assessors records; ,b. however, the Planning ComIilission may alSo consider appraisals or written opinions by MAl certified appraisers, or other substantial written evidence in making a determin- ation of compliance Plan Implementation Policy 13b. ' 5. The Assessor's Map and Tax Lot numbers of lots, or portions of lots,' to be rezoned consistent with the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan Diagram are listed in Appendix A, which states tlie applicable plan designationj zoning prior to Council approval of the legislative rezoning, and the zoning that results from this Council action. ' 6. ,The Assessor's Map and Tax Lot numbers of lots, or portions of lots, where the property owner indicated, by letter, telephone or testimony at the Public Hearing, their preference to retain residential or industrial zoning, consistent with Plan Implementation Policies 3, 4 and 5, are listed in Appendix B of this Order. " ,,7. Evidence presented for assessor's map 17023034, tax lots 2000 &. 2100, and assessor's map 17023141, tax lots 1700, 1801, and 1900, demonstrating compliance with Plan Implementation Policy 13b is included in Appe,ndix C of this order. . . " 8. The amended staff report that incorporates changes, made by the Planning Commission as a result of the Public Hearing, is included in Appendix D. 9. Letters were sent by first-class mail September 5, 1986, to the property owners of record at the County Assessor's Office, for properties eligible for legislative rezoning. Owners of properties subject to Plan Implemen": tation Policies 3, 4 or 5, were sent a letter providing the option of retaining residential or industrial zoning, notwithstanding their plan designation on the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan Diagram. Owners of property required to be' rezoned in conformance with the plan diagram designation, as, stated in Plan Implementation' Policies 1 and 2, were sent first-class letters apprising them of the fact that they would be rezoned consistent with their respective plan designations" Public notice of this legislative rezoning was published in the Springfield News on Wednesday, September 24, 1986, ' ,10. The Minutes of these proceedings are included as Appendix E. 11. The Planning Commission's motion to effect the legislative'rezoning of properties listed in Appendices A and B is supported by the findings presented in Appendix C, the amended staff report in Appendix D, and the record of proceed- ings, before the Planning Commission at their Public Hearing on October 1, 1986, in Appendix E. '12. The Pmnning Commission's motion also included specific determination ,for Problem' Areas described as 1-'-7 in the staff 'report, The amended staff, report is the Planning Commission's determination for each of these areas, 'CONCLUSION The legislative rezoning of the tax lots listed in Appendices A and B of this , order is consistent 'With the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan Diagram and Plan Implementation Policies. Public notice of this legislative reZOning has been' provided consistent with Section 14.030(1) of the Springfield Development Code. Although the individual notice requirements applicable in quasi-judicial proceed- ings do not apply to this legislative rezoning, individual notice has been sent to owners of properties proposed for rezoning. . ORDER AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL It is ORDERED by the Planning Commission of Springfield that a recommendation to approve the legislative rezoning of tax lots listed in Appendices A and B of this Order, consistent with, the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan Diagram and Plan Implementation Policies, and supported by the information in Appendices C,D, and E, shall be forwarded to the City Council. 1. All properties listed in Appendi.~ A shall be rezoned consistent with the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan Diagram and Plan Implementation Policies 1 and 2, as specified in Appendix A. 2. 'All properties listed in Appendix B shall either retain their existing zoning, or be rezoned LMI or LDR consistent with Plan Implementation Policies 3 " . . and 4 or 5 ,of the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan and the current use, of the property, as specified in 'Appendix B. ' TIDS 'ORDER was presented to and approved by the Planning :Commission on: October 1, 1985. ATTEST AYES: -::r ABSENT:-C- ,'~",:-- Plannirfg/Commission Chairperson, 1 0 ' I Af ~ 8CQ , NOES: -0- ABSTAIN: -"'0 - Date " l, , , . . ..1, ."" ." FINDINGS; CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL ORDER NUMBER 86-06-06 APPENDIX A . . "- APPENDIX A THE FOLLOWING DEVELOPED LOTS SHALL BE REZONED CONSISTENT WITH THEIR RESPECTIVE MID-SPRINGFIELD REFINEMENT PLAN DES~~,~~TlpN~!~"CONSISTENT WITH PLAN IMPLEMENTATION POll C Y 2: ' --=---- h_. .. , , MAP, & TAX LOT PARTIAL LOTS 1702303400100 17D2303400700 1702303401700 1702303401800, 1702303403300 1702303403400 , 1702303403401 1702303404700 1702303406600 ~(~, 1702303406800 . >1702303408500 if/bI/l5/itt 1702303408501 (Set , ) Bg~jgj:g~~g~ ~ ,1702303408700 1702310000701 , 1702311400300 1702311403500 1702311403600 1702311403700 1702311403800 , 1702311404001 1702312104300 1702312402100 1702313104900 1702314100402 1702314100403 1702314100404 1702314105300 1702323203000 1702323203100 1702334006900 North 165 'Feet /< / / ,. i / / ,/ ./ CURRENT ZON I NG PLAN DESIGNATION/REZONE Low Density Residential Light-Medium IndJstrial Low Density Residential, ~;'Light-Medium Industrial Low Density Residential /, Light-Medium Industrial Low Density Res i dent.i,aV.. Li ght-Medi urn Industri al Low Density Residential Light-Medium Industrial Low Densi ty Residenti al Light-Medium Industri al Low Densi ty Resi denti a I Li ght-Medi urn Industri a I Low Density"Jlesidential Light-Medium 'Industrial Low Density Residential Light-Medium Industrial Low Density- Residential Light-Medium Industrial Low Density Residential Light-Medium Industrial, Low DerlSity Residential Light-Medium Industrial , Low DensltY:'Residential Light-Medium Industrial Low DerisityResidential Light-Medium Industrial ,Low Density Residential Light-Medium Industrial , Light-Medium Industrial, Conununity Conunercial Low Density_ Residential Light-Medium Industrial 'Low Density Residential, ' Light-Medium Industrial Low Density Residential 'Light-Medium Industrial Low DenSity Residential Light-Medium Industrial Low Density Residential Light-Medium Industrial Low Density Residential Light-Medium Industrial Public Land and Open Space Light 'Medium Industrial Low Density'Residential Light-Medium Industrial Light-Medium Industrial Community Commercial' Medium Density Residential GOnununity Conunercial Medium Density Residential Conununity Conunercial Medium Density Residential Conununity Conunercial Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential High Denisty Residential Medium Density Residential Low Density Residential Community Commercial Low Density Residential Light-Medium Industrial THE FOLLOWING VACANT OR UNDER-DEVELOPED ,LOTS SHALL BE REZONED CONSISTENT WITH THEIR RESPECTIVE MID-SPRINGFIELD REFINEMENT PLAN DESIGNATIONS, CONSISTENT WITH POLICY 1: MAP & TAX LOT PARTIAL LOTS 1702303400600 1702303407500 1702303409601 1702303410200 :,,1702304301200 1702304301700 Lot 8/BlklP CURRENT ZONING PLAN DESIGNATION/REZONE Low Density ,Residential Light Medium Industrial Light Medium Industrial Low Density Residential Light Medium Industrial Low Density Residential Light-Medium Industrial Low Density Residential Low Density Residential Light-Medium Industrial Low Density Residential Heavy Industrial /!/;uf /~J'U~ 'LcCIJ.IP1e'! dlml'.7/ $,' NV ~ ' ~;f..s rlJ rJ, 5~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD .f?nui5<- ~~~~ 1.L(1 - /OZo NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING \ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1977 AT 7:30 P.M. IN THE MUNICIPAL MEETING ROOM OF THE SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD AT 250 NORTH 'A' 'STREET ON THE Ivan L. and Virginia K. Dorman (Journal No. S-77-75) '::' '3<CtJ ~S~.J ,1\--<. t+-CS2" ?>D-]4 (B?C5D FOLLOWING REQUEST FOR REZONING: Assessor's Map 17 02 30 34 Tax Lot ,8500 Located at 3380 Industrial Street on the northwest corner of Industrial and 34th Streets. Applicant requests a change of zone from M-2 Light Industrial District to R-l Single Family District for the purpose of adding a room to the existing residence.' In the event of 'approval by the Planning Commission or appeal by the appli- cant, the City Council will conduct a public hearing Monday, October 17, 1977 at 7:30 p.m. at the aforementioned'place for the purpose of hearing views for or against the above land use request. rl . x: '...1 ,,~ ",:,-: I~ i 1-;1 ,;1 , , I ' i ! I , , ,,,. 1.'1, I ! Richard Johnson, Secretary Springfield Planning Commission ,126 North 4th,Street, Springfield 726-3759 ~ · t( I j. IT NORTH SCALE: " 1" = 400' , I '/ I _AREA TO BE CONSIDERED r. ~ 'I ~ FOR CHANGE OF ZONE X'C:'I' '- __n~_ FROM M-2 TO R-1. l,~.~) . -.. -' j I I ' I I "<'^, ','Rei. i :1"0 I j ;1'. J' , , "" i " ~ I' "..",..:. i5, \-'I\J~ ;5 N~, "'",:, t"'''3 ('r); 1'\11..0' '" ..F. 'I Mt-b (Ii -'..."j ..... :RoI ~ - , ! ;'~ .....:0 n I. <' : ~ ' I I ' , "" ~'-.l.' , , ' '-____..i ; t..:..::::.:," tJN~ A~,_l M"rL__-j , ,-- : l~,'<.. ~i ~.. ~.,\I\"'".J MH~ , ' , ,) I;;; \\\ 'i'i: \.... : " A,. --i _" ---, t-t'\-,_' '1 Mi-\') I,' 'l<\,~ , II'! [,- ! ~: '--, ()~ :::~":' .11 ,)1. .~i(': 'r-'\~ll:i j" . ,. ~ ,.....j" l'"j I , ~~~-2. 1; 'J';": I I I -M" I'-::B-C'J I I - -----; I \-....- I Y'l-~ ~:1'"--1 ---.J L. ~. t""., , _'''JD.>.:;n:.1Al. " ' ' ~'- . -- AYr=.. '- . ----- ----- '/t'::' PO'SS ( b:, ~ "-f clJ.\c ~ b~~ k)::; ell-.. +n L. DQ.. , ~~ on I ~d :L "--f A,":i~ iZ'P ::::":::::--:::o~~":':"::::...,::,:~,::-, :::=27=-~~,::-_-=- ,.:~:::...~, -.:,~.' '~~:..'~ ......;J;..., (Lj " I el' ,'-"'I, ~I.-I " /'1 .' . '- f:'- ~~-=::::::::'.:- =-,=- ------~-===:.:..-~. ~" "':::1 r _" / 'eo..~~AI.. '-- .1.\.:. -, "P~<.: / / ; . . 1vU:.cf:.- 5-(' f"-J, /qe;G I , ORDINANCE- No. 3700 ;' AN ORDINANCE Af1ENDING THE COt1PREHENSIVE ZONING CODE OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD- 1970, AS AMENDED, TO PROVIDE FOR THE ZONING RECLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY WITHIN THE, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. 'THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: That the Comprehensive Zoning Code of the City of Springfield- 1970, as amended, is hereby further amended to provide for the zoning reclassifi- cation of certain property within the City 'of Springfield, said property being mo~e particularly described as follows: An Area Locnted at 3380 Industrial St. on the Northwest Corner of Industrial 'and 34th Streets (Dorman). To be reclassified from ' M-2 Light Industrial District to R-~ Single Family Residential Di stri ct. Lot 18, Block 5, First Addition to Adams Plat, as platted and recorded in Book 15, Page 2, Lane County Plat Records" in Lane County, Oregon. ' Section 2: ' The City Engineer is hereby directed to cause the map attached to the Comprehensive Zoning Code of the City of Springfield-1970, as amended, to show the foregoing change of classification of area and note thereon the rule with respect to bUilding in'the appropriate cla~sification. ,_ ...' , " , Section 3:" The 'Springfield City~ Council declares that matters pertaining to zoning classifications are matters affecting'the public'health, safety, and wel- fare, and that an emergency therefore exists, and that this ordinance shall, , -,......o",~herefor~,JakE!,,~.ff.~!;1,jmm.e.(!iaJely up!?n i;~s,passage,~by;the;, Council,.and"approya ]':..,.\ , . , ";:~i: ,by the Mayor....J..':'.,.:::,'?;:..'.~:l',... . .;,:'.'~..i:'.'_1-;~;~:.>.:'_~<~~}> .j."~";' '\ ':: .........}..:\:. .;~'...~.>,.~:.: .::~':.:... '.' " , " ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 2lst,day of October, 1977, by a vote of -5- for and ~O- against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 2l~t day of October, 1977. ' ATTEST: .~/ '~7 r. b........A.-. '-"/~'1;1A/1J2,'-' tI Mayor ~/1 ~~ tJ .- City Recorder :.:,:,:;- "/ ;~~:~.-;-~:', ;'.' ,.' ,> ~ .,) ~ '. . . '- ,'.' I, " ; I- en r<) 4200 ,:'::::,:: J;l~t Pn> '::~..~ /'-"'l1.~,I'1 I "202 .'. r St..:P ~ '. ' ~---- :.-' ~~;:':; ." .',1. :~~..,L;'::':___.' '~n". 1'5"~~,"', ,.j ..' 10 . 12 13 14 i ; ; , I ~ ~ . ~~ . . ~ . , . ~ ~ .; ~ ~ 60' 16 ' ::-;-... '" ...~ , { '- I~,,,,,, 17 so' -- INDUSTRIAL, , ' ~ 4300 ,..:,., ;i:';;:~ ~~~1 ~ 'j3C2 ,'~, . '.f ; i 11,S,IYC. '::-r.:" : 101' :.~ ; 'S1;~~/~l' /,:.; ~- "',,, ~ ''", 1" J,". ., 'r ." " ~ ~ 4400''''!;~'i~ o-<A......d.@ , ::,:,;:~/'(W H. H:S _ ';'';'-;' .,_; M'I ","""""", ,', S+ ,,"'~.' 4500 ~ji~ 4600' ~~ ').. 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