HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Easement 1996-7-18 :- , , - 9648866 PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT v-oos- flIl~ sf. r-/ :::> 10/ , THIS INDENTURE MADE and entered Into thIs IE:! day ofl"lv , 19<[(, by and between Le"" "'^,/ <;~!l.1 ELI....,,), , tferelnafter referred to as the Grantors, and the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a munlclpal corporatIon, ln Lane County, herelnafter referred to as the Grantee_ WITNESSETH In consIderatIon of the acceptance by Grantee and the use or holdIng of saId easement for present or future publIc use by Grantee, Grantors hereby grant, bargaln, sell and convey unto the Grantee, a perpetual easement ~ feet In wIdth, together wIth the rIght to go upon sald easement area herelnafter descrIbed for the purpose of constructIng, reconstructIng, maIntaInIng and uSIng publ1c utillt1es WhlCh may hereafter be Installed on the fOllowIng descrIbed property, to-Wlt. Beginning at a pOint on the South line of the McKenzie Highway No 28, 1159 25 feet West of the East line of the A W Hammlt Donation Land Claim No 28 , Not,r,cat,on No 7187, TOlMlshlp 17 south, Range 2 West of the Wlllamelte Mendlan, said pOint being the Northeast corner of the tract herein descnbed, thence South 355 3 feet, thence West 120 ft, thence North 355 3 feet, thence Each 120 feet along the South line of the McKenZie Highway to the place of beglnnrng In Lane County, Oregon Said Public Utility Easement Will encroach 7 feet Into the above deSCribed real property from North, East, and South borders TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above easement to the saId Grantee, Its heIrs and asslgns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantors above named have hereunto set thelr hands and s~tf(~ ~~_ay /~:. 7 .WLY , I95:)JL. :/'yp~Z# <b_{I" (SEAL) ,y /} - (0 Ja2ff / G cL'~.=/ STATE OF OREGON ) COUNTY OF _ ) BE IT REMEMBERED, that on thIs 18TH day of JULY , 19 96, before me, the underslgned, a Notary PubllC 1n and for saId County and State, personally appeared thewlthln named LEWIS E AND SALLY T EDMONDS known to me to be the ldentlcal lndlvldual descrIbed In and who executed the WIthin Instrument and acknowledged to me that THEY executed the same freely and vol untanly. (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) SS IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto the day and year last above wrItten. I..... "'~~t;"'''''~)' _ _ _ III'GIIoISlQ EXPIR!B1IMI&II1S, 1111 ~~"----------------------- set my hand and affIxed my offICIal seal CZf4t W(~~ Notary1ub\lC f6r Oregon MyCommlSslOnExplresJWvRMRRlI '''" 1999 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON j2~ h,{" j" 1.--l.{C(..... (l'I'[?~,j(u, 'OJ) ,v uf:! ~h<ut <;'n~);;c1l ute 17'f7,~'/7o'I'I I I f { - 9648866 , State of Oregon County of Lane - ss I the County Clerk In and for the saId County do hereby certify that the within Instrument was receIved for record at 19 .ILL 9b 2.1 3) Reel 2196R lane County OFFICIAL Records Lane County Clerk By a,y4~./.j/ County Clerk