HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Substandard Building 1992-9-28 ~G DeVeLOPMeNT SeRVICeS PUBLIC WORKS MeTROPOLITAN WASTeWATeR MANt.GEMeNT 22~ ~I;::,- s-:===- s~:::: \ :;FI~L~ ,:= ~--- - ~ - -.., - -- ~ .,:'_~ .:::C' ~~ Ll'..K.Lll'll.U LE.L.LJ:<.K September 28, 1992 Tom Ball P.O. Box 1761 Portland, OR 97207-1761 Subject: Substandard Bwlding at 5005 Main, Sp~ofield. Oregon. Tax Lot #17023332-04500. Dear M:r-. Ball' The structure located at the abo\e address IS for tbe reasons mdlcated below all unsafe and substandard building as descnbed m tbe Sprmgfield Bmldmg Safet} Codes Ailminiqratlve Code. Lane County Assessment and T:uatlOn records mdicate that} ou are the owner of thIS ~-, ~ , property, , .:: .Sectlon-203 of the Anmml<tratI,e Code descnbes bmldmgs willch are substandard or unsafe as -r,t;.....~~-:E,..I.",,~-. - .. - ~ -,. . ... _o:<2-_tlfose_ wNch are structurally madequate, have Inadequate egress, or whIch constitute a potential (f~rrr~liaiard or are otherwise dangerous to human life, The followmg items include but are not ;~(iih,iied- to conditions existing at the structure, classIf\ ing It as a substandard bmldmg: ~~~--~~:~ ~ ~ Stfrictural 1. DI} rot IS evident ill structural members of the bmldmg wmch require repaIr or replacement. 2. The foundation and the e,:tenor walls m portIOns of the building are madequate to support the unposed loads bearmg on these members 3. The building on the~ast Side of tbe lot. IS open and accessible. Doors and wmdo\l S are broken allowmg access mto the building and creatmg an attractn e nmsance for children and transients. Section 202 of the Spnngfield Housltl~ Code requJI es that <(ructUl EoS classIfied ?S substandard must eIther be repau-ed or demolIShed . I . Tom Ball September 24, 1992 Page 2 THEREFORE, THIS IS YOUR NOTICE THAT YOU MUST SECURE PERMITS TO EITHER REBUILD/REPAIR THE STRUCTURE WHERE IT IS DEFICIENT OR DEMOLISH IT. SectIOn 104 of the Spnngfield BUlldmg Codes Adnnmstratlve Code reqUires that the repairs must comply with the provisions of the Structural, Plumbing, Mechanical and Electncal Specialty Codes. If the bUlldmg IS to be rebUilt/repaired, perrmts must be purchased and \I or!" must commence within thirty (30) days from the date of service of thIS notice and order. If the bUildIng is to be demolIShed, demolitIOn work must commence wlthll1 thirty (30) days, and must be completed wlthm siAty (60) days from the date of this notice and order. Completion shall mclude the removal of all debrIS and mspection appro"al by the appropnate representatives of the Bmldmg Safety DivisIOn. The sewer must be capped at the property lme or the septic tank must be pumped and filled by a person holdmg a sewage dISposal service license as provided for in Chapter 340, DIVISIOn 7 of the Oregon Adnnrustrative Rules. Permits to rebuild or demolish can be obtamed at the Sprmgfield Development Services Department, m the City HaIl/Library BuIldmg at 5th and North A Street. If you do not take corrective action wlthm the time frame outlmed above, the City may seek compliance With the Building Safety Codes through legal recourse which may include Mumcipal Court proceedings or the City may proceed to elimmate the hazard and charge the costs thereof against the property or its owners. Any person having record of title or legal interest in the property may show cause why thIS action should not be taken and appeal from this Notice and Order, provided that the appeal is made m writing and filed with the Building Official withll1 the above specIfied period for compliance, The appropnate forms along with mformatlOn regarding the appeal procedure can be obtall1ed from this office. The completed notice of appeal shall be accompanied by a fee of $100.00, Failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all nghts to an administrative hearing and determination of the matter. If you have any questions pertaining to thIS matter or If I can provide aSSistance, please contact me at the Buildmg Safety {)lVlsion, 726-3666. > cc: Da,'e Puent, Buildmg OffiCial . s 00<::::, Yne<A-y\...J P 169 578 473 ~ Receipt for Certified Mall ,.. No Insurance Coverage Provided """EtlSTAT.S Do not use for IntMnatlonal Mall POSf.,$fRYa (See Reverse) Senile "_____h_ ~m 8- 1.1 Sheet and No POBox 1761 PPo~t'l'ah?ir,C"OR I Postage I Celllflcd Fee I Special Delivery Fee 97207.17fl11 $ 29 I 1 00 I I I 1 00 I I 2 29 I STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CLASS POSTAGE CERTIFIED MAIL FEE. ArJD CHARGES FOR ANY "'ElECTED _'\.PTlONAL SERVICES (se8 froDtl " ~ ~ , If you wallt thlsrec811lt postmarked stick the gummed stub to Ihe fight of thll return addfBSS leavmg the receipt attached and prnsnl the artIcle at e post office service wmdow or hand It to your rural carner Ino ellra charllel 2,... U ~GU do not want thIS receIpt postmarked stIck Ihe gummed stub to Ihe rl!lht of the return address oJ the i1rucle date detach and lelam the recelpt and mall the artIcle .- ... 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Print your name and address on the reverse of thIS form so that we can Q; return thiS card to you > . Attach thiS form to the front of the mSllplece or on the back If space ! does not permit G) . Write Return Receipt Aequeste<t '()~ the mSllplece below the article number -S . The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date dellvered c ~ 3 Article Addressed to .. ~ .. Q. E o u ell ell W 0: C ~ /I ,,,-:2,,,,"\ /> 17:Z. ~~j.~- - ~ 6 Signature (Agent) _ 1 ~ ' o _ ,; PS Form 3811, December 1991 11 USGPO 1992307530 Tom Ball POBox 1761 Portland, OR 146 I also following fee) 1 00 Addressee's Address wish to receive the servIces (for an extra .. <.> ;; :;; lIJ 2 0 Restricted Delivery Consult Dostmaster for fee ArtIcle Number ~ c ;; u .. 0: c 5 ~ " 0: " c ;;; ~ :; - P 169 578 473 97207.1761 4b ServIce Type o Registered []: CertIfied o Express Mall o Insured o COO o Return Receipt for MerchandIse 7 Date of Dehvery ~ o > 8 Addressee s Address (Only If requested .::.:: and fee IS paId) ; .s: f- DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Official Busmess PENALTY FDA PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE $300 B Print your name, address and ZIP Code here . I~ :J3lf1l~tr~' "L..A w'- DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ~25 FIFTH STREET 'P,",I""~'7lr,,) OR 911177 .