HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 2008-6-11 c~~ 10 De G , 13ad-cYu;-wv~ 4~~ 7~. -Jv Cd.0U'- ! ( Dg L J ~~CL . c~~~ { r- - - -- - - _ _ _____ _ _ PJJJh'. JJ0_ -- 9v1J'J .~ ># ), \ ~ RECEIVED AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE JUN 112008 BY:~ STATE OF OREGON) ) ss County of Lane ) I, Karen LaFleur, bemg first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows 1 I state that I am a Program Technician for the Plannmg DIvIsion of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon 2. I state that m my capacity as, Program Technician, I prepared and caused to be mailed copies of ZoJJ2...(}()f!{-OOO;J..7 ~ 'Io~ 7tJclV,,;'€.--' '\ (See attachment "A") on (p / /I . 2008 addressed to (see C14<.> ".'..' ~) Attachment B"), by causmg said letters to be placed In a U S mall box with postage fully prepaid thereon ~~Rb)~~ STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ~ II . 2008. Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur, 'eJ:Ogram Technician, who acknowledged the foregomg mstrument to be their voluntary act. Before me , ~AdfL Kdj~ U V ?;/; S- /1/ I , . OFFICIAL SEAL DEVETTE KELLY NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON COMMISSION NO 420351 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG 15.2011 My CommiSSion Expires " ) SPRINGFIELD /:lI'~ Carla McQwllan ExecutIve Director CInldren's ChOIce Montesson 5005 Mam Street Spnngfield, OR 97478 June 11, 2008 RE 5005 Mam Street Zonmg and Development Issues Dear Ms McQuillan, I want to thank you for subllllttmg a Development Issues Meetmg (DIM) appl1canon to further dIscuss the proposal to cbange your day care facility at 5005 Mam Street mto an elementary school That meetmg IS scheduled for July 3, 2008 and we will be glad to respond to your specIfic ques1:tons and proVIde as much general mforma1lon about the process and development standards reqwred by the Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) as tune a110ws In the mtenm, I thought It IIllght be helpful to document some of the background, processmg tunelmes and fees we dIscussed m our recent phone ca11 As I prollllSed On the phone, I have personally reVIewed your preVIOUS SIte plan approvals and checked the code CltanOns that you had preVIously dIscussed WIth vanous staff My reVIew of the preVIOUS Srte Plan ReVIew declSlons and current code standards mmcate the mformatIon proVIded to you by staff m VarIOUS mscusslOns has been accurate m the followmg regards I) the approved use for the SIte lS a commerCIal daycare fac1lrty, 2) tnmsI1l0nmg the pnmaxy use from a day care center to a pnvate elementary schoollS a change of use requmng adm1lonalland use approvals from the CIty of Spnngfield, and, 3) the development process to cbange the use to an elementary school mc1udes several appl1calJons subject to the ORS 120 day tune Ime for \muted land use declSlons, mc1udmg, but lS not \muted to SIte Plan ReVIew, DlScre1lonary Use and Vanance appl1calJons As requested, the followmg facts clanJy some of the aforemen1loned background mfonna1lon and land use deClSlOns' approxnnate tunelmes and costs Annroved Use Two wn1leu land use deClSlOns document the zonmg of the SIte, the approved use and reqwred SIte unprovements As Identrlied on page I and throughout CIty of Spnngfield TentatIve SIte Plan DeclSlon of Approval #1996-05-101 and SIte Plan Modrlica1lon #1998-06-0127, the SIte lS zoned Commumty CommercIal, the approved use under reVIew was SDC 18 020(3)(q) Day Care Facili1les, and the proposal was ~,.,.._.~d WIth conm1lons The conm1lons ofapproval were subsequently unplemented and approved on Fmal SIte Plans pnor to the ongmal occupancy request. No other codrlied use lS dIscussed or authonzed m any other legal land use declSlon at tlus SIte As such, the approved day care use has never been cbanged m accordance WIth CIty code and remams m tact today When the pnmaxy use of the facility lS proposed to cbange to an elementary or charter school the SIte lS subject to standards of the Spnngfield Development Code for pnvate elementary schools Pronosed Use A proposed pnvate or publ1c elementary schoollS I1sted under current code as a peIlDltted use subject to DIScre1l0nary Use and SIte Plan ReVIew (D') at SectIon 32-310, page 82 Adm1lonal SpecIfic Development Standards for elementary schooIs are also Identrlied and l1sted at sectIon 47-195 of the SDC (attached) The SpeCIal Use Standards language of SectIon 4 7-195.AI restates the reqwrement at 32-310 for mscre1lonary approval WIth SIte plan reVIew for a11 new facili1les and adm1lons over 10,000 square feet or exceedmg 50% of the emtmg bmldmg (emphaslS added) Comphance WIth the remammg ten development standards must be demonstrated dunng DlScretIonary Use and Srte Plan ReVIew, leadmg us to some dIsCUSSIOn regardmg VarIances dunng our recent ca11 The need and process for consIderatIon of VarIances by staff and the P1anmng COlDllllSslon will be dIscussed at the Development Issues Meetmg The addrtJ.onal costs and tuneframes are mcluded below . -, ~. Process and Tlmehnes: A DlScrettonary Use/Site Plan ReVIew proposal WIth Vanances IS reVIewed as a Type III Quasl-Jumctal ApphcatJon reVIew process m accordance WIth SDC 5 1-13 5 What that means IS that upon acceptance of complete apphcatlOns and staff reVIew, the decISion on the proposal IS made by the Planmng COll1lIllSslOn after a pubhc heanng, staff recommendatIOn and pubhc testunony Accordmg to the SDC and Oregon ReVISed Statutes for land use, the Planmng COmmISSion must make a final deCISIOn WIthm 120 days after acceptance of a complete apphcatlOn by the City The process can generally be descnbed m the followmg sequentIal steps, WIth approxnnate fees and tunelmes noted, asswrung the optIonal step of Development Issues Meeting has already occurred. I) PRE-SUBMITTAL Apphcant prepares and sublDlts the apphcatlon matena1s for DIScretIonary Use, Site Plan and Vanance Apphcatlons as one package subject to completeness reVIew (The Site plans reqUITe engmeenng and arclntectural mformatIon, vanances and dtscretlonary use reqwre response to Cntena of Approval A land use plannmg consultant and/or an engmeer's mvolvement are reqUITed) When sublDltta1 reqwrements are met and a pre-sulnmtta1 fee IS pOld, the Pre-SublDltta1 Meeting IS scheduled m 24 weeks City development reVIew staffs perform a completeness check of the Site plans and related documents, then prOVIde a completeness document at the scheduled meeting The document l1sts the matena1s needed to make the apphcatIon complete The apphcants and thell" consultants are then responsible for perfectmg the apphcatIon package pnor to returnmg It for actual sulnmtta1 . Major ActJ.on Apphcatlon Preparation by Apphcant's Consultants . Elapsed Tune From SublDltta1 14-28 days for Completeness Process . City Fees $350 . Consultant Fees Market Rate. . Tuneframe for Apphcant Re-SublDltta1 of Complete Apphcatlon Unknown 2) APPLlCA nON REVIEW Upon apphcatlon re-sublDltta1 of all requested completeness mfonnatIon or a request to proceed on pre1unmary plans, the City will accept the apphcatIon package, collect processmg fees, begm the ORS 120 Day and begm mternal reVIew and schedulmg ofpubhc heanng procedures Dunng mtema1 reVIew and heanng yo "y~ ~;"ons Plannmg staff manage the development reVIew process, wnte a staff recommendation to the Plannmg COmmISSIOn, schedule a pubhc heanng before the Plannmg CommISSion and proVIde pubhc notIces and staff 0 _yuo w m accordance WIth SDC and ORS reqwrements . Major ActJ.on Start of the ORS 120 Day Tune LlIDlt for LlIDlted Land Use DeCISIOn . Elapsed Tune ApphcatIon Re-Sulnmtta1-Planmng CommISSion Heanng 4-8 weeks . CIty Fees Site Plan ReVIew $4500, DIScretIonary Use $4000, Vanance $6500 . Consultant Fees Market Rate 3) DECISION The City of Sprmgfield Plannmg COll1lIllSslOn (PC) will conduct a pubbc heanng and consIder the apphcant sulnmtta1, the staff recommendatIon and all wntten and ora! testunony from the pubhc Consldenng all eVIdence, the Plannmg COmmISSion may approve, approve WIth conmtIons or deny the apphcatJons based upon the Cntena of Approval contained m the SDC for the three apphcatlons Heanngs extensions may be reqUITed or granted by the Plannmg COll1lIllSSlon m accordance WIth state statutes Plannmg COmmISSIOn deCISIOns are fina1 upon matl out of the deCISion to all who partIcipated, or unless the decISIon IS appealed m accordance the SDC and state statutes . Major ActJ.on. PC Heanng and DecISIOn on Proposal . Elapsed Tune from Complete Apphcatlon 8-12 weeks WIthout appeal . City Fees Covered by ApphcatJon Fees . Consultant Fees Market Rate ~. ,If'.. 4) POTENTIAL APPEAL The applicant or any party WIth standmg m the decISIon process by V1rlue of wntten or oral partJclpatlOn may appeal the pJanmiIg ConumsslOn's decISIon to the City Council or the Land Use Board of Appeals An appeal to the City Council will follow the same basic heanng procedure and the City Council's deCISion IS the final local decISIon. Ifnecessary, the appeal to the City Council will be completed WIthin the 120 day tJrne!mul TIns step completes the local appeal process An appeal to the State Land Use Board of Appeals IS the responsibility of the apphcant and may mvolve an addmonal 6 months and mclude addItIonal land use, engmeenng and legal consultant fees . Major ActIon. DecISIon on Appeal (as necessary) . Elapsed Tune From Complete Apphca!J.on 12-16 weeks . City Fees $2500 (Appellant Cost) . Consultant Fees Market Rate ONOTE Consultant fees may equal or exceed City fees for any mdIVldnal apphca!J.on step The above process can be dIscussed further m the pendmg DIM meetIng We look forward to reVlewmg all current and proposed use types and occupancy rates We will be responsIve to all matenals submItted and look forward to asslStmg you WIth future plans 1 also suggest that you consider the same DIM procedures for the dIscussed relocatIon of most day care cluldren to your residentIal use, given that It has certam code !mutatIOns that we will be happy to dIscuss I hope my summary proVIdes some addItIOnal understandmg of the !muted land use deCISion makmg process The process may seem dauntIng to the lay person, but we are here to help you aclneve your goal of creatIng quality day care and elementary educatIon facilitIes m the City of Spnngfield. The referenced matena1s are available for your reVIew upon request at the City, all code InformatIon IS available on the Development ServIces Department portIon of the City ofSpnngfield's webslte, htto //www Cl snnn.neld.or us My staff and I look forward to workmg WIth you. CordIally, ~z?c??~~ ames P Donovan City of Sprmgfield Urban P1annmg DIVISion SupervISor ~ cc Spnngfield School DIStrict OR Dept ofEduca!J.on ~ , . Page 1 of 1 DONOVAN James Cc. DONOVAN James Wednesday, June 11,2008235 PM 'SCHNEIDERMAN Teresa', 'Jom gllles@state or us', SMOLNISKY Bruce (SPS), 'chlldrensmontesson@msn com' , . / - TAMULONIS John, LAUDATI Nlel, HOPKINS Steve, GRILE Bill, 'Lorelei Kyllonen', Spnngfield Mayor; MOTT <' Gregory, TOWERY Jeffrey, MOTT Cynthia MontessonZomng608 DOC MontessonZomng608 DOC From Sent To Subject Attachments Ladles and Gentlemen, As discussed with Ms McQUillan, this letter IS wntten to help c1anfy the eXlstmg situation, the proposed change and the process for land use review I hope It IS of some assistance to all mvolved Questions regardmg the land use process can be forwarded to me directly at 541-726-3660 , Regards, Jim Donovan City of Spnngfield Planmng Supervisor 6/11/2008 DF,'l.ELOPMENT SERVICES 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 ~~' ~~J~ ~~ a...~llIlIII Carla McQullllan Execut1ve Director Chlldren's Cholce Montessorl 5005 Maln Street Springfleld, OR 97478 ~-~ Teresa Schnelderman Offlce of Educatlonal Improvement & Innovatlon Oregon Department of Educatlon 255 Capltol St NE Salem, OR 97310-1300 ':JiI1...... Bruce Smolnlsky Sprlngfield Publlc Schools Dlstrlct 19 525 Mlll Street Sprlngfield, OR 97477 0,~t\~ ~~~/'" Yib~ ~~ ~"e:," Children's ~l9f81 - I , I, ' rg ',E:"' :Montesson <Pre-Scfwo[ ana'Efementary <PrOf/rams 5005 :Mazn Street" Spn1lflfieUi, (Yj(97478 541-726-2654" 541-726-5527 (Pax) Carfa 'McQuUJan !J>zrector June 9, 2008 Dear State Board of Education Members, This mormng, we received notice from the Oregon Department of Education that Its staff recommendation to you IS to deny sponsoring Children's Choice Montessori as a public charter school Any response we would like to send IS due by 5 OOpm today, so here IS our response at this pOint CRITERIA We appreciate the time and efforts the Oregon Department of Education staff have Invested Into the careful analysIs of our proposal for a public charter school We must, however, continue to disagree with staffs findings The review of the CCM charter proposal conducted by Oregon Department of Education finds that CCM meets 18 of 23 criteria (ORS 338 045(2)) Our position IS that we meet 22 of the criteria (please see the attached table which provides detailed information) Our pOSition also IS that we meet all criteria In ORS 338 055(2) Our brief response to each IS' 1 Governance - The review Sited absence of Board Training (which did occur, In July 2007) as well as absence of Information actually contained In long-standing CCM bylaws 2 Budget/FinanCing - A reVised budget was submitted With new enrollment figures 3 Standards of Behavior - The district did not require thiS Item We submitted CCM's current Student Conduct Expectations to ODE With plans for fine tumng 4 Program ReView - ReViews will be conducted annually With findings used for program Improvement 5 FaCility: We are waiting to receive specific requirements from the City In writing As we shared With you In May, and With ODE staff repeatedly, the CCM charter proposal was written somewhat Informally, given the collaborative relationship CCM and SPS enJoyed at the time the proposal was submitted Even so, we believe that It meets the criteria established by law and the Oregon Department of Education Please see the attached table which proVides more Information as to why and how CCM believes we meet all of the criteria In ORS 338 045(2) and ORS 338 055(2) soos H.- 5't.ut ~ 0Mf- 17liJR 1Sff R;"e. R-' 4-, 0Mf- 'fJftIJIf 1192 S- Si.at ~ oMf- 1M? FACILITY The connection between proJected facility expenses and fiscal stability correlates with CCM's ability to remain fiscally solvent. Because CCM and SPS have asked the Springfield City planners different questions, the answers have also been different Below IS the most recent InformatJon the City has given to CCM, which the City has assured CCM It Will provide In writing by June 14th, Land Use The Children's ChOice Montessori School IS zoned mixed use/commercial When we submitted our site plan In 1996 we were designated a faCility for pre-school and elementary students The City doesn't have any record of the deCISion to classify It as a Child Care Center, the best guess was that we anticipated a larger number of preschool students than elementary students Regardless, the transition to a Public Elementary Charter School would require a Discretionary Use Permit, which IS permitted In a commercial zone Discretionary Use Permit Some of the confuSion regarding the Children's ChOice faCility was brought about by the question posed to the City. The school district was InqUiring about constructIOn on our current site The proposal for 70 students the first year would not require construction Our architect has been working With the City and has scheduled a Development Issues Meeting to determine what additional work (If any) Will be reqUired for a Discretionary Use Permit We should have a written document from the City to present at the June 19 meeting, Including a tlmeline COLLABORATION DUring our diSCUSSion at your May Board meetJng, you asked us for our plan to work collaboratJvely With the Springfield School District In the event that your Board should opt to sponsor Children's ChOice Montessori as a public charter school Below IS Information regarding past and present practices that reflect a collaboratJve working relatJonshlp With our local DiStrict, as well as plans to strengthen that relationship further should we become a public charter school Children's ChOice has worked collaboratlvely With the Springfield Public Schools since 1996 Such Interactions Increased when we became an AlternatJve Education Program In 2004 Our relationship In the area of SpeCial EducatIOn services, which was emphaSized by your Board as one requIring close collaboration, has always been solid, and continues as such to thiS day Efforts on the part of Children's ChOICe Montessori to create and maintain an active and pOSitive working relationship With the district to support student needs Include the follOWing 0" Intervention and support of the district's pOSition on services when parents of an IEP student In the Alternative Education Program became hostile and belligerent 0" Transportation of IEP student to a resource classroom 4 days a week 0" Occasional interactions With the School Psychologist (while stili a private school) to assess students' placement or eligibility 0" Creating and maintaining a staff posItion at Children's ChOice Montessori to proVide In house SpeCial EducatJon services to prevent disruption of students educatIOn program This staff member worked very closely With the case manager from the district SOOS H..... 5t.a1 1Sff R_ R-' 11lt2 S- 5t.a1 ~ O"'f- 4-- O"'f- ~ O"'f- ?7fJR Wit f7IIii We had always felt that there was a cooperative Spirit between Children's Choice Montessori and the Springfield Public Schools, until May of 2007, when the District told us they had concerns about our charter applicatIOn When I learned there were concerns, I requested to meet with Nancy 1 Golden and the school board chair to discuss these concerns, Bruce Smolinsky told me that "wasn't gOing to happen" Thus, we felt deterioration In the relationship before the school board took Its first vote Nonetheless, I counseled my parents to be positive and non-Judgmental about the traditional education model provided by Springfield Public Schools After the vote, some parents and teachers provided testimony that was reflective of their anger and frustration In response, I sent a letter of apology to the school board, not as an excuse for the behaVior, but as a means of conveYing the frightening and tenuous situation they were In, as a result of the school boards deCiSion With regard to the demonstration In spring 2007 which the District staff portrayed to you dUring your May Board meeting, we want to ensure that you understand there was no rude or inappropriate behaVior on the part of our students (I e., no one hung out of Windows, banged on doors or shouted) They were well supervised by teachers and parents. This was a oeaceful demonstration When the children became weary of the activity, the children were taken back to school The goal was to allow our children the opportUnity to vOice their disagreement With the deCiSion made by their elected offiCials I see Similarities With actIVIties With children at the state capitol, the Eugene schools' staff and families' protest against the proposal to relocate their schools, and elsewhere In our state Neither the District Board nor District staff raised the demonstration as a tOpiC or an Issue of concern at either of the subsequent school board meetings (those shortly after the demonstration) when the charter was discussed We apologized to District staff, anyway, Just to ensure that It would not become a barrier between us We had not heard It discussed In nearly a year Therefore, we were surprised that the District staff raised thiS Issue With your Board, nearly a year later Given that the District and CCM have very different perceptions of the demonstratIOn, we did not believe we could convey our perspective to you dUring your May 2008 meeting Without appearing defenSive or starting a "he-saldjshe-sald" scenario We are concerned that thiS could divert focus from whether or not the proposed Children's ChOice Montessori public charter school meets all of the criteria reqUired by law and by the Oregon Department of Education At any rate, even after the demonstration last spring, we continued to have pOSitive interactions With district personnel aSSigned to work With our students In the winter of 2008, our SpeCial EducatIOn support staff worked With the school psychologist to provide reading test results for an eligibility determination At the May 15 State Board meeting, Keith Hollenbeck (Administrator, SpeCial Education, SPS) extended a warm InVitation to attend the Title I meeting for the 08 - 09 school year Other efforts toward a collaborative working relationship With our District, which we have made over the past several years, Include ~ Records and Testing As an alternative educatIOn program, we were reqUired to proVide records on student achievement twice per year, as well as stateWide assessments Once aware of thiS requirement, we were prompt With all of our records and testing procedures ~ Enrollment Each year, Children's ChOice Montessori has to proVide documents to the Gateways Learning Center for all students we were on a first name baSIS With the staff, SOOS H..... 5t.at 1Sff R;".e. R"""" 1192 S' 5t.at ~ O"'f- 4-, O"'f- ~ O"'f- 17f/JR fJ/{lJ!f 17ff77 worktng cooperatively to complete student files before school started Initially, a few parent VOiced displeasure with the process We held a parent meeting to calm everyone down and explain the nature of the system ~ Annual ReView Paperwork and VISits reqUired for our annual review were completed Without event Overall, I found our relationship With the Gateways staff to be pleasant and congenial I am confident they would say the same of us The day after your May Board meeting, I requested a meeting With Nancy Golden for the purpose of diSCUSSing how our two organizations could work collaboratlvely should the State Board opt to sponsor us as a publiC charter school We are scheduled to meet on June 26, due to end of the year activities, Ms Golden was unable to meet With us sooner The Springfield Quality Education Model pnontlzes several programs that Children's Choice Montesson would support, enhance, and/or create (Taken from testimony submitted, June 11, 2007) ~ K - 12 Literacy The Montesson method offers a strong reading curnculum that's has proven most effective Of the 8 students who tested above grade level In September of 2007,7 had been Children's Choice Montesson students In pnor years ~ ExpanSion of Gateways/Academy of Arts and AcademiCS These programs provide alternative learning environments for middle and high school students Children's Choice Montesson would offer similar opportunities at the elementary level ~ After School Programs. Children's Choice Montesson has always provided after school programs for elementary students Since 1993, we have served students form our own program as well as students from dlstnct schools My early expenences In education were focused around after school elementary programs After a few years In the trenches I became a supervisor and eventually helped create or restructure after school programs for 3 schools I would gladly lend my expertise to assist Spnngfield Public Schools With the creation of such programs In the community CCM conSiders the Dlstnct a partner In our JOint efforts to proVide high-quality education to all students who walk In our doors CCM IS committed to proactlvely collaborate and cooperate With the Spnngfield Public School Dlstnct, including Board and staff members at all levels Ultimately, It IS our goal to bUild a relationship With the dlstnct to the pOint where dlstnct sponsorship of our program would be realized In the future CONCLUSION We have a group of children who are successful In thiS environment They Will be displaced If CCM does not start operating as a public charter school thiS coming fall Please allow them the opportunity to continue on at Children's ChOice Montesson as a public charter school Thank you for your continued conSideration Sincerely, Carla McqUillan SOIlS H~ 5t.ut ~ O-Mf- 1J117f 1Sff R:"u R-' ~ O-Mf- 'fJ!j{JIf 11ft2 ~ 5t.ut ~ O-Mf- 'fJ!I77 Children's Choice Montessori May, 2008 Table of criteria ODE review indicates CCM does not meet, with data in response Criteria ORS 338,045(2)(f) The governance structure of the public charter schoo/ ReView states that CCM does not deSCribe "board selection process, board terms and removal procedures," ReView states that "there IS no plan for bOil training" ORS 338,045(2)(j) The legal address, faCllitJes and physlca//ocatJon of the public charter school, If known ReView states that "There are conSiderable questions on the current site and the types land use/occupancy permits that will be needed If the school becomes a K-5 progral Any reqUired changes could Significantly Impact the budget" Response Per ODE reView, CCM's proposal meets the reqUlrec criteria and meets four of the SIX "preferred Indicators," The CCM bylaws were prOVided to SPS on 4/22/08 and to ODE (In hard copy) 6/07, the bylaws descrlt board member selection, removal, and terms While a board training plan IS not Included In the proposal, the CCM board did partiCipate In comprehensive charter board governance training, 7/20-21/07, thiS IS more than most currently operating charter schools have done, and the CCM board will partiCipate In further relevant training The current faCility, In fact, will not require any re- zoning, re-codlng, or any construction for at least three years, given the current CCM enrollment proJections (I e , If student enrollment exceeds 120, CCM will need to add one classroom, thiS would Involve a $1,200 planning fee to the City, which car eaSily come from the 9% reserve In the 2010-2011 budget, If not from capital fund raising) Before serving students as a public charter school, CCM will need to obtain a "discretionary use permit from the City of Springfield, which the City has verbally assured should be a smooth, four-SIx week process The fee for a full-Site review of a new building that IS 10,000 square feet or larger IS $3,700, given that the CCM bUilding IS not new construction and IS only 8,000 square feet, the fee likely lower, however, If It IS $3,700, thiS fee could paid With CCM's Charter School Incentive Grant (on CCM has an approved charter proposal, It can acce! $25,000 for state 2 of the planning phase, those funds are not Included In the three-year operatlona budget) 5 Criteria ORS 338,04S(m) The proposed budget a finanCla/ plan for the pub/lc charter schoo/ and eVidence that the proposed budget am finanCial plan are financially sound Response Review states that "several line Item expenses were missing from the budget, I f annual audit fees, tech support, attorney ar other contracted fees" As CCM leaders become Increasingly familiar with public school budgeting and finance, they continue refine the budget Also, the ODE Charter School Incentive Grant Attachment F (budget) does not Include all of the line Items typically Included In school budgets These factors provide context, but do not negate the following ~ The audit IS not speCifically Identified In the budget, although CCM's proposal elsewhere Indicates plans for an annual municipal audll The fee for this IS reflected In the current budget ~ Oregon charter schools typically do not budget for, or pay for, "tech support," as th, limited budgets do not allow for It, tech support IS typically provided by parents or other community volunteers This has been and will continue to be the case, With CCM ~ Because CCM has an attorney on Its board, who will prOVide the school's limited neceSSi legal services, CCM does not need to Includf attorney fees In Its budget ~ CCM has moved "other contracted fees" (I e speCialized Instruction, substitutes, etc ) fror "personnel" Into "services and activIties" While a "preferred factor" rather than a requlremen CCM agrees that a reserve IS a piece of finanCial ReView states that "the budget does not stability In the budget reViewed, the 2nd and 3rd reflect an adequate contingency fund for th years Included a 9% reserve. In the current (recen first year of operation." reVised) budget, the 2nd and 3rd years stili Include unusually high contingency/reserve funds (10% am 6 5%, respectfully), and the 1st year Includes a 4% contingency/reserve fund, which contnbutes to finanCial stability 6 Criteria Response ORS 338,045(2)(n) The standards for behavior and the procedures for the diSC/pIli suspensIOn or expulsion of students R tat that ''th d t f th The student behaVior expectations are embedded eVlew s es , e escnp Ion 0 e "Character Education model" IS extensive It the Character EducatIOn Model The CCM proposa d fI ct resol tI I does not Include policles-or plans to create Iscusses con I u on persona b I ty d con ' H poliCies-for student suspension and expulsion responsl I I , an sequences owever there were no poliCies (or the plan to develc them) for students With senous behaVior Issues and no mention of procedures for suspensIOn and expulsion " ORS 338,045(2)(w) The manner In whlcl program review and fiscal audit will be conducted Review states that "there are statements about submitting an annual evaluation and audit However, there IS no descnptlon of he the results of these reviews will be used In ongOing school Improvement planmng " SPS deemed the charter proposal complete and dll not request thiS information as part of the "additional InformatJon" request, SPS verbally conveyed to CCM (when CCM offered to share Its current "Student BehaVior Plan") that It did not anticipate student diSCipline problems from CCM given Its track record and Montesson program Per a recommendation dunng the CCM board char governance tralmng (7/08), the CCM board decide, to adopt key poliCies pnor to operating as a charte school, Including poliCies related to student dlsclpll and suspenSion, and Will do so. The school's cum "Student BehaVior Plan" Will be reVised, as appropnate, to reflect the new poliCies Per ODE reView, CCM's proposal meets the require crltena and meets two of the three "preferred indicators " This IS missing After operating a successful schoe for 15 years, regularly uSing all data pOints to mak Improvements to educational and operational components, It seemed obVIOUS to CCM to state th the results of fiscal audits and program reviews would Influence school Improvement The absenCl of thiS assurance and plans to continuous Improvement does not mean the school Will not utilize these practices 7 47-185 47-195 C Foundation cover-skirting, landscaping, and backfill shall be required D The manufactured unit IS either a Type 1 or Type 2 I 47-190 Professional Offices A Professional offices In residential districts are permitted when 1. The lots/parcels are adjacent to CC or MRC DiStricts, and 2. The majority of the square footage of the structure on the IoU parcel IS not more than 100 feet from CC or MRC Districts Where public-rlght-of-way separates the residential district from the commercial dlstnct, the right-of-way width IS not counted m the measurement B A professional office exceeding 2,000 square feet of gross floor area shall abut an arterial or collector street C No parking shall be permitted within the front yard setback Required parking shall be screened from the public view D For structures on the Springfield Historic Inventory, any external modification shall be fully compatible with the onglnal design E Professional offices permitted are limited to accountants, architects, attorneys, computer programmers, designers, engineers, Insurance agencies, Investment counselors, licensed real estate agents, medical and dental practitioners, counselors, planners, and studiOS for artists, interior decorators and photographers, and Similar general office uses engaged In support services to their businesses and/or their parent compames F A minimum of 25 percent of the loUparcel shall be landscaped I 47-195 PubliC/Private Elementaryl Middle Schools A Schools are Identified In the Metro Plan as key urban services, which shall be proVided In an effiCient and logical manner to keep pace With demand Schools may be located In any zone that permits schools A umque relationship eXists between schools and the community, which requires special consideration when applymg screemng standards Mamtalmng clear Sight lines for the security and safety of children IS desirable and may be achieved through the use of non-opaque fencmg and/or landscaping The standards In Section 5 17-100 are applied only when reqUired to screen playground structures, spectator seating faCIlities, parkmg, storage yards and trash receptacles or where significant conflicts are determined by the Director 317 4 7-195 4 7-195 1 All new facIlities and additions over 10,000 square feet or those additions exceeding 50 percent of the size of the eXisting bUilding shall be approved In accordance With a Type III review procedure (a Type II Site Plan application raised to a Type III review as speCified In Section 5 1-130) The Site Plan application shall also address the standards speCified In Subsections 2 through 11 , below EXCEPTION PubliC/Private Elementary/ Middle Schools In the PLO District are reviewed under Type II Review 2. A maximum of 65 percent of the site may be covered In ImperviOUS surface The remainder of the site shall comply With the planting standards In Section 4 4-100 3 Schools shall have a landscaped front yard of 20 feet and landscaped Side and rear yards of 30 feet AthletiC spectator seating structures adjOining residential uses shall be set back at least 75 feet, unless the Director determines that adequate buffering can be proVided With a reduced setback However, In no Instance shall thiS setback (from spectator faCIlities) be less than 30 feet Parking areas shall maintain a landscaped buffer of 15 feet when adjOining a residential use 4 Light shall be directed away from adjOIning less intensive uses 5 Other uses permitted Within school faCIlities Include day care faCIlities, SOCial service offices or other after school program actiVities approved by the School District and which otherwise do not require discretionary approval 6 All plants used for "landscaped buffering" shall be a minimum of 5-gallon In size and shall reach a height of at least 36 Inches Within 1 year of planting 7 Paved playground areas may be used as overflow parking for special events 8 Parking IS limited to 2 spaces for each teaching station In the school plus 1 parking space for each 100 square feet of public Indoor assembly area All parking lots and driveways shall be designated to separate bus and passenger vehicle traffic All parking lots shall have Sidewalks raised a minimum of 6 Inches above grade where pedestrians have to cross parking lots to enter or leave the school grounds . 9 Any JOintly shared recreational faCIlities, playgrounds or athletic field shall require a JOint use agreement that Will prOVide for public use and continued maintenance 10 Elementary schools shall have a max,mum bUilding height of 35 feet, middle schools shall have a maximum bUilding height of 45 feet 11 A Traffic Impact Study and Parking Study, prepared by a Transportation Engineer, shall be approved by the City Engineer 318 DEVELOPMENT CODE APPLICATION FEES APPLICATION TYPE DESIGN REVIEW CASE TYPES IAccessory Dwellmg Umt IDemolItIon oflhstonc Landmark IDlScretIonary Use IDWP Overlay DlStnct Development IEstabhshment ofH1stonc Landmark Inventory IFmal SIte Plan RCVlcwlDevelopment Agreement (1) IFmal Site Plan EqUIvalent IlID HlllsHie Development Overlay DlStnct IHIstone ComnusslOn ReView Under Type I lHIstonc COIIlIIllSSlOD Review Under Type IT IRS HOSPItal Support Overlay Dtstnct Temponuy Use - Emergency Medlcal Hardslnp (SDC 36 135) ITemnormv Use - Manufactured Dwellme: (SC 36 13m jMmm1um Development Standards IMmorVanance (iJp tD 30'10) IDetermmatlOD ofNon-Conformmg Use Status INon-Conformmg Use - ExpanslonIModrlicatJ.on [Pre-SubmIttal Meebng ISlte Plan Review I a. <10,000 Square feet oflDlPcrvlOus surface I b 1 O~OOO - i 00 000 square feet of lIDpervlOUS surface I c >100,000 square feet ofrmpcmous surface I Site Plan ReVIew ModtficatIon - Major Site Plan ReVIew Modtficatlon- MInor I Solar Access Guarantee Tree Fellmg PermIt Base Fee (2) IDepartment of Motor VehIcles Llcensmg - New IDeoartment of Motor Vehtcles LIcensmJ!; - Renewal lFmal Site Plan InspectIOn for OccupancY-ILUC/Change of Use ILand Use Compa1:IbllIty Statement! Letler IPlan Revtew - MInor IPlan Revtew - MaJOr LONG RANGE PLANNING CASE TYPES Amendment of Development Code Text (9) Annexation a Annexatlon to the CIty ofSpnngfield b Concurrent SpeCIal Dtstnct Boundary Adjustments and/or WIthdrawals (1) Includmg but not hmIted to Park and Recreatton Dtstncts Water DIstrIcts Fife Dtstncts, LIbrary DlStncts etc Ie. Annexatlon ComprehensIve Plannmg Fee per acre IE................U.M.a1 Pubhc Wastewater or Water Lme ExtensIOns and ConnectJ.ons Effecbve 7-01-2008 CITY LIMITS URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY TYPE $726 $726 Type! $3,472 $5,239 Type ill $3,828 $5,774 Type ill $1,020 $1020 Type! $1,922 $1,922 Type ill See Foo1note (I) See Foo1note (I) Type! $3761 $3,761 Tyoe ] $915/acre $915/ocre TyoeIl $60 $157 Type 1 $176 $467 TyoeIl $2,919+$585/acre N/A TyoeIl $276 $276 Type II $371 $371 Type 1 $726 N/A Type] $2,433 $2,433 Type II $107 $160 Type! $3,828 $5,774 T"l'!'Il $346 $520 N/A $4;n:l $4,222 Type II $4,=+$272/100 $4;n:l+$272/1 000 SQ ft Type II $4,222+$317/100 $4,222+$317/1000sQ ft Type II $4,074 $4,074 Type II $1,241 $1.873 Type] $781 $945 TyoeIl $985 $985 TyoeIl $704 $844 Permit $281 $340 Pemu! $281 $281 Pemut $281 $304 Permrt $119 $286 PermIt $211 $286 Permit $7,405 $11,171 Type IV ConsIStmg of Less than 1 acre $2,142 Type IV ConslStmg of 1 acre > 5 acres $2,740 ConslStmg of 6 acre > 10 acres $3,657 N/A ConsIStIng of II acres > 25 acres $4,614 ConsISting of26 acres > 50 acres $5,727 ConsIStIng of 51 acres> 100 acres $6,592 ConslStmg ofl01 acres or more $9,085 Type IV N/A 10% of applicable Annexatlon Fee N/A $1,959 Type IV N/A $1071 Type IV APPLICATION TYPE CITY LIMITS UlUlAN GROWTH BOlJNDARY lYPE I IConceptual Development Plan $13.674 $20 627 Type III - IConceutual Development Plan Amendment $5.297 $7.991 Type III IMosler Plan Amendment Type I $2.631 $3.944 Type 1 [Master Plan Amendment Type IT $5.297 $7991 TVllCIT IMaster Plan Amendment Type ill $9.672 $14141 TVllCIII IMaster Plan Approval $18.814+$634/00 $28.323+634/acre Type III IFmal Master Plan Approval (1) See F oo!note (1) See Footnote (1) TVllCIII IMetro Plan Amendment Type I (acre fee for magram amendment) $21,753+$634/0e $32.815+$634/acre re TVllCIV !Metro Plan Amendment Type IT (acre fee for dl~ amendment) $10,549+$6,4/0e $13,531+$634/0cre re Type IV IRefinement Plan Amendment (acre fee for dIagram amendment) $1O,549+$634/0e $16,232+$634/0cre re TvveIV IVacanon Pubhc Easements $1.241 $1,873 I Type IT [ IVacatIon ROW, SUbd1VlSIOD Plat and other Dubhe prooerty $4,742 $7,154 [ TYJ?:Iv I IStreet Name Change $4.742 N/A I N/A I SHORELINE CASE TYPES IFloodplam Development Base Fee (3) (4) $1,105 $1,667 Type! IWillamette Greenway Overlay DIstrIct Development [ Greenway Setback. Lroe already establIshed $2,888 $6, 114 TVllCIII I Greenway Setback Lme not already estabhshed $5,772+$585/acre $8,256+585/acre TVllCIII SUBDMSION CASE TYPES [LDR SUbdtVlSlOD Tentabve Plan I a. <2 acres $5,518+$237not N/A TVllCIT I b 2 acres to 5 acres $7.8HH.$390not N/A Type IT I c 5 acres to 10 acres $10 332 + N1A Type IT [ dID acres to 20 acres $10,899+$632110t N/A Type n I e Greater than 20 acres $11.467+$689not N/A TVllCIT Manufactured Dwellmg Park $9.867 $14.885 Type IT Manufactured Dwellmg Park-Space Lmc AdJustment $375 $994 TVllCI Non- LDR SubwV1SlOn TentatIve Plan $9,742+$58510cre $9,742+$58510cre Type IT PartlboO Plat (5) $2.677 $2,677 TVllC1 IPartlbon Replot Plat (5) $1834 $1,834 TVllC1 IPar1ltIon Replat TentatIve Plan (5) $3,117 $8,229 TVllCIT IPartlbOn Tebtabve Plan (5) $4,871 $8.915 Type II IProperty Lme Adjustment $623 $939 TVllCJ ISenal Property Lme Adjustments $1.246 I $1.877 Type II INon-LOR SubwvlSlOn Plat $3904+$634/0cre I $3904+$634/acre !Y1><:I ISubdIVISlon Plat LDR $762+$476not $762+$476/10t TyPe! I SubdIVIsIOn Replat Plot (5) $1,835 $1835 TVllC1 SubdIvISIon Reolat TentatIve Plan (5) $5.066 $6.130 TVllCIT IExped1ted Land DIVISIOn (6) . . TVllCIT ZONING CASE TYPES IApneal ofType IT Director's DeCISIon (7) ORS 227 175 $250 $250 TVllCIII IAppeal of ExpedIted Land DIVISion (7) $320 $320 TVllCID IADoeal ofTyue ill DeClSlOD to CIty Counctl $2,322 $3,502 Tyt><!IV IDevelopment issues MeetIng $521 $521 N/A IFormal Ir.o.w......,........Dn (9) $1.769 $2.299 Type IT IFormal InterpretatIon mvolvmg Pohey (9) $4,742 $7154 T~IV [Pre-Appbcanon Report $3,553 $3,553 N/A lMaJor Vanance $6,349 $9 577 Type III IZomng Map Amendment (8) $5178 $10,154 TVllCIII POINT OF SALE ITIme ExtensIOn for Certatn Imorovements $321 $1.044 N/A Postage aDd Legal NotIficaboD Fees Type IT $160 $160 N/A Type III $385 $385 N/A TvoeIV $543 $543 N/A (1) Fmal Site plan, master plan approval, AnnexatIon SpCClal DIStrIct Boundary AdJustments!Wlthdrawals and dc::vc::lopment agreement fee ISl0010 of the patd Site plan. annexal10ns or master plan approval fee (2) Tree Fellmg Fees - Tree Fellmg - Less than five (5) trees no charge or applicatIon reqwred, 6-10 trees base fee (see fee schedule) -1$50 per tree, > 10 trees, Base Fee (see fee schedule) + $500 per acre Filbert Orchards pay hase fee only Any Tree Fellmg processed after land use actIVlty IS conducted WIthout reqwred CIty approvals shall be charged an additIonal fee oA200 per tree m addItIon to the regular apphcatlon fee The City estabhshes these fees based on the average cost of provulmg t'....6>.........matIc servIce for actJ.VltIes conducted WIthout pc::rmtts (3) An Floodplam permit processed after land use act.J.Vlty IS conducted Without reqUIred CIty approvals shall be charged an addItIOnal fee oA500 per acre In addttlOn to the regular apphcanon fee The City estabhshes these fees based on the average cost of provuhng programmanc ServIce for actIvItIes conducted WIthout permits (4) Floodplam - SubdtvlSlon $200 per lot and partttJons and SIte plans $400 per acre In additIOn to the base fee For development areas >5 acres a$13,650 depOSit 18 requrred (5) A reconfigurabon ofIots or a decrease m the number ofIots In a platted partItIon or subdiVlsIOn shall be charged the tentatlve replatJreplat plat fee for either subdiVISIOn or partItlon as ...t't'....t'..a.te An mcrease In the number ofIots In a platted partItIon or subdiVISIon shall be charged either the partItIon tentatlve plan/partIbon plat or subdIVISion tentatIve/subdiVlsIon plat (6) The fee for a Expedited Land DIVISion (ELD) shall be twIce the fee calculated for a regular land diVISIOn plus an appeal fee establIshed In ORS 197380 to defray costs In event the deCISIon IS appealed. If the declSlOn IS not appealed, the appeal fee for ELD shall be refunded A separate postage fee IS reqwred for an ELD (7) ThIS fee IS estabhshed by ORS 227 175 CounCll acknowledge NeIghborhood AsSOCiatIOns shall not be charged a fee for an appeal (8) The Development ServIceS Department will process CltIzens.tnttlated zorung map amendments, for propertIes where the zonmg and plan deslgnabon are m confuct, three tlmes a year begmnmg In January There will be no applIcatIon fee for applIcants who choose to utJ.hze t:lns program. however a Type ill notJficabon fee will be reqwred for each appltcatIon (9) Ballot Measure 56 matlmg & postage = stafftrme at hourly rate of $75 plus matenals and postage GENERAL NOTES TechnnloP'\l Fee All appltcatlons will be assessed a 5% technology fee With the exceptIon of Pre-SUbmittal Meebng, Development Issues MeetIng, Pre-ApplIcatIon Report., Appeal of Type IT Drrector's DecISIon., Appeal of Expedited Land DIVlSlotl, and all Pomt of Sale fees (TlIIIe ExtensIOn and PostagelNotIficatlon Fees) as mdicated on tlus schedule Technology Fee will be applIed when on the resolutIon the ldentrlied appltcabons fees are IIIIposed or collected. Notp (or alllornl annealt If an appellant prevaIls at the heanng or subsequent heanng The filmg fee for the IDlbal fee shall be refunded. TIns applIes to local appeals only The appellant prevatls tfthe heanngs body sustaIns one or more of the applIcants allegatIons and amends, remands or reverses the land use deCISIOn. Heannl! OffiCial fee Any applIcal10ns except an appeal bemg processed before the Heanngs OffiCial shall pay an additlonal fee 055,000 Any amount not expended by the Heanngs OffiClal shall be returned to the applIcant Charges m excess ofthts addibonal fee shall be assessed to the applIcant l"nMI Inrnm,. Fl".l". R,.tW.rlInn Any applIcatJ.on fee related to thedevelonment oflow lnOOtnc homnnl! or faCil1besmay be reduced pursuant to the cntena ofSect.J.on 1 070(4) of the Spnngfield Development Code ~Frhl'('k F,.,. A SlID NSF (non-sufficient funds) fee WIll be charged on all returned checks Exnethtl'-d PrOCl!:!f.tInP Fee Any request to pnonbZe and expedite the reVlew of a partIcular apphcatJ.on submtttal out of order In which applicatIons are received, sball be approved at the discretion of the Dtrector and shall be charged a non-refundable fee$ll,OOO or 3 tLmCS the application fee, whichever IS greater; where the development area IS greater than 10 acres an addttIonal fee of$550 per acre will be charged. Fee WtuVer The Drrector may reduce or watve the fee for Temporary Use - Emergency MedIcal HardshIp upon venficanon oflow Income status of the owner occupant Resolution #04-29, July 1, 2004, Fee Increase Resolution #05-03, January 18,2005, Fee Increase Effect,ve January 19,2005 Resolution #05-36, June 6, 2005, Fee Increase Effective July 1, 2005 Resolution #06-12, Marctl 20,2006, EffectJve Apnl 20, 2006 Resolution #06-30, June 19, 2006, EffectIVe August 1, 2006 Resolution #07-21, May 21, 2007, Effect,ve July 1, 2007 Resolution #07-56, December 3, 2007, EffectJve December 3, 2007 Resolution #XX-XX, , EffectJve July 1, 2008 "Clnldren's ChOIce Montesson Page 1 ofS , [)ONOVAN James From Sent To Cc Subject MILLER LIZ Thursday, June 05, 2008458 PM SCHNEIDERMAN Teresa DONOVAN James RE Children's Choice Montesson Teresa, I spoke to Jim Donovan today and he IS In the process of wntlng a letter containing the Information for 5005 Main Street It sounded like It would be finished soon I know you will need It before Wednesday, June 11 to be ready for the State Board of Education meeting Sincerely, Liz Miller Planning DIvIsion From: SCHNEIDERMAN Teresa [mallto Teresa Schnelderman@state or us] Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 11 35 AM To: MILLER LIZ Cc' DONOVAN James Subject: RE Children's Choice Montesson LIZ, Has there been an update on the 5005 Main Street property? Also to keep you up to date, I was Just made aware of emalls sent from Spnngfield SD to Bill Gnle I have copied the emall stnng below Thank you for your assistance, Teresa SchneIderman Education Specialist Office of Educational Improvement & Innovation Oregon Department of Education 255 Capitol St NE Salem, OR 97310-1300 Office (503) 947-5648 FAX (503) 378-5156 teresa schnelderman@state or us From: Bruce Smolnlsky [mallto bsmolnls@sps lane edu] Sent: Thursday, June OS, 2008 7 33 AM To: GILLES JOnl Subject" Fwd 5005 Main Street School Siting Issues Jom--smce I know that BIll Gnle IS out of town I Wlll forward the e-mail we spoke about on the phone My e-mall to Bill IS on the bottom At the May State Board of Ed meetmg It was clear to me that the Board wanted ODE to check on winch verSlOn of the zonmg Issue would be most l1kely I e-malled BIll Gnle to gIve lum a head's up that you folks would be callmg and also tned to state a few of the comments made about zonmg at the Board Meetmg 6/9/2008 CluJdren's ChOice Montesson Page 2 of 5 You can see that B1l1 clearly stands behInd Ins memo, winch I mcJuded m my attachments to the State Board, m winch It IS clear that Montesson has many steps to go pnor to bemg approved for K-5 I do not know the procedure or penalty that Illlght come from the fact that Montesson IS, m our oplll1on, already out of complIance WIth Spnngfield zonmg by havmg a K-5 school already m operatIOn WIthout proper CIty approval I hope tins Illlght help Bruce Begm forwarded message From: "GRlLE Blll" <bgnle@cl spnngfield or us> Date: May 16,2008842 13 AM PDT To: "SMOLNlSKY Bruce (SPS)" <bsmolrus@sps lane edu> Subject: RE: 5005 Mam Street School SIting Issues Thanks Bruce Nancy Golden mentioned some of thiS to me last evening The memo proVided by planning staff speaks for Itself and we'll be prepared to address any questions related to It Thanks for the heads up Bill From: Bruce Smolnlsky [mallto bsmolnls@sps lane edu] Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 8'26 AM To: GRILE Bill Subject: Re: 5005 Main Street School Siting Issues Bill--Although you may have seen the article in the Register-Guard this morning, I wanted to give you an update regarding our hearing with the State Board of Education, First of all, thank you and your staff for the clear memo that described the issues involved with changing the Montessori from a day care to a K-5 school. At the meeting, the following things were discussed, 1. I shared the current site plan listing Montesori as a day care, I shared your memo that outlined that they needed a few things done to legally open a school with the proper permits and zoning, I stated that there did not seem to be any evidence that the Montessori leadership had requested or received proper permits to open a K-5 school and that they might be in violation of city zoning codes, I stated that our concerns were that the Montessori leadership had not even begun the first step in what we believed was needed to open a school on that site, which was the DIM. 2, Carla McQuillan, the director of the Montessori, said that City of Springfield planners told her to use the designation of day care and it would not be a problem. She had been holding Kindergarten and first grade classes on that site nearly since she opened. 6/9/2008 Clnldren's ChOIce Montesson Page 3 of5 3 Upon further questioning Carla stated that she had called John Tamulonis last week and he had assured her that it would not be a problem to change zoning and that it was probably 4-6 weeks and she should be ready to open in the fall. Anyway, I wanted to alert you that Oregon Department of Education staff will most likely be calling to clarify who is really correct, the district or Montessori, You may also hear from the Montessori leadership about what they need to do because Art paz was clear with Carla that, as a practicing architect, he would be going to Bill Grille about zoning and planning before he would ask John Tamulonis, Call me at 726-3255, if you have questions. Thanks again for all your help. Bruce On May 8, 2008, at 3 :34 PM, GRILE Bill wrote: Bruce If you need additional information, I suggest scheduling a process we call a "Development Issues Meeting," which Involves representatives from Planning, Public Works, Fire and Life Safety, etc I hope the information we have proVided IS helpful Thanks Bill <sps.doc From MILLER LIZ [mailto Imlller@cl sprmgfield or us] Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 4 22 PM To: SCHNEIDERMAN Teresa Cc: DONOVAN James Subject: RE Children's ChOIce Montessori Dear Teresa, I have received your e-mail and have forwarded It to Jim Donovan, Planning Supervisor He IS m the process of verlfymg mformatlon and Will respond back to your questions as soon as possible Do you have deadlines for obtammg the mformatlon? Smcerely, Liz Miller Planning DIVIsion From: SCHNEIDERMAN Teresa [mallto Teresa Schnelderman@state or us] Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 2 06 PM 6/9/2008 Clnldren's ChOIce Montesson To: MILLER LIz Subject: Children's Choice Montessori Page 4 of 5' LIZ, First of alii would like to thank you for the messages you have left In answer to questions I have had You have been very helpful Also I have read the memo sent to Bruce Smolnlsky, Spnngfield School District on May 9, 2008 I would like to share with you what was presented by Children's Choice Montessori at the State Board of Education board meeting on May 15, 2008 "The current faCIlity, In fact, will not require any re-zonlng, re-codlng, or any construction for at least three years, given the current CCM enrollment projections (I e , If student enrollment exceeds 120, CCM will need to add one classroom, this would Involve a $1,200 planning fee to the City, which can eaSily come from the 9% reserve In the 2010-2011 budget, If not from capital fundralslng) CCM's understanding IS that before serving students as a public charter school, CCM Will need to obtain a "discretionary use permit" from the City of Springfield, which should be a Simple, four-slx week process Given CCM's multiple discussions With numerous City planning office staff, the "worst case scenario" would be a $3,700 fee for this permit this IS the fee for a full-slte review of a new bUilding that IS 10,000 square feet or larger, given that the CCM bUilding IS not new construction IS only 8,000 square feet, the fee IS likely lower; however, If It IS $3,700, this fee could be paid With CCM's Charter School Incentive Grant (once CCM has an approved charter proposal, It can access $25,000 for state 2 of the planning phase, those funds are not Included In the three-year operational budget) " My question would be, does thiS accurately reflect what could be In the future for CCM If they open as a K-5 public school With 120 students? In your expert OpiniOn, what could roughly be the length of time to complete the site plan review and roughly what could be the cost? Once again, thank you for all your help City planning IS so far outSide of my area of work I hope I'm not asking Silly questions Teresa SchneIderman Education SpeCialist - Charter Schools Office of Educational Improvement & Innovation Oregon Department of Education 255 Capitol St NE Salem, OR 97310-1300 Office (503) 947-5648 FAX (503) 378-5156 teresa schnelderman@state or us ********************************************************************** TIns e1lla11 and any fIles transrmtted WIth It are confidential and 6/9/2008 'Clnldren's ChOIce Montesson mtended solely for the use of the mdlvldual or entIty to whom they are addressed If you have receIved tins emaIl m error please notIfy the sender unmedllltely and delete the commurucatlOn and any attachments Page 5 of5 TIns footnote also confirms that tins emaIl message has been swept by MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer VIrUses ********************************************************************** 6/9/2008 . 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE (541)726-3753 FAX /541)726-3689 WWWCI spnngfield or us May 23, 2008 Carla McQUillan ExecutIve Drrector Children's ChOIce Montesson 5005 MaID Street Spnngfield, OR 97478 RE 5005 MaID Street Zonmg Issues Dear Ms McQUillan Thank you for wntmg to Mayor Leiken With concerns about zonmg and your Montesson School I've been asked to communicate With you about thiS and am very pleased to do so In late Apnl, Sprmgfield Public Schools (SPS) asked us to address whether zonmg would allow an elementary school at the 5005 MaID Street address A May 20, 2008 email from the Oregon Department of EducatIon to us made a sunilar mqurry A memorandum dated May 23, 2008 was prepared and proVided to SPS to address the Issue Copies of these two documents are attached for mformatIon I have asked Plannmg Supervisor Jun Donovan to reiterate the City'S assessment of the property m another letter that Will be sent to the Oregon Department of EducatIOn and copied to both you and SPS I expect that letter will be wntten some tune next week In the meantune, you may have questIOns that would benefit from a face-to-face meetmg With us I'd be most happy to meet With you personally but Will be leavmg on vacatIOn next week and back m the office for two weeks If tune IS of the essence for you, Jim Donovan Will do Ius very best to make hiS calendar available to meet With you sooner than when I can be available Thank you agam for wntmg to Mayor Lmken I hope the InformatIon I've proVided IS helpful Smcerely, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT a /TL tJ ~~ <McQulllan_Monlesson SchooL23May2008> Attachments (2) ~ - - . -- -, CopIes to Mayor Sid Lelken GinO Gnmaldl, City Manager Jim Donovan, Planmng Supervisor MtilllUldHdmn To Bruce Smolnisky, Spnngfield Pubhc School Dlstnct CC Bill Gnle, Development ServIces Drrector Jnn Donovan, Planmng SupervIsor From LIZ MIller Dale 5/23/2008 Re 5005 Mam Street, Map & Tax Lot The CIty of Spnngfield has preVIously reVIewed and approved two land use apphcatlOns for 5005 Mam Street, Map & Tax Lot 17023332 4500 In 1996 a Type II SIte Plan ReVIew (Journal Number 1996-05-101) was "'l'l',v>,ed for a clnld care center and ill 1998 a Type II Site Plan ReVIew (Journal Number 1998-06-0127) was "'1'1"v led for an addItIOn to the chIld care center The sIte IS zoned Commumty CommercIal WIth Commumty CommercIal zonmg abuttIng to the east and west and Low DensIty ResIdentIal abuttIng to the south A proposal to expand an eXIstIng clnld care center ill a Commumty CommercIal zonmg dIstnct would requrre a Type II Major SIte Plan ReVIew ModIficatIon illcorporatIng all SIte Plan ReVIew critena (Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) 5.17-100) and the special use standards for chIld care centers (SDC 4 7-125) A proposal to add a pubhc or private elementary school or nnddle school ill a Commumty CommercIal zonmg dIstnct would reqUITe a Type 111 DIscretIonary Use reVIew, whIch would be reVIewed by the Planmng CommisSIOn, ill conjunctIon WIth a pubhc heanng, pubhc notIce and the SIte Plan ReVIew declSlon The cntena of SDC 4 7-195 (SpecIal Development Standards for PubhclPnvate E1ementarylMIddle Schools) would be apphcable along WIth the cntena for Site Plan ReVIew (SDC 5 17-100) The SIte Plan ReVIew and DIscretIonary Use declSlons will take "'1'1'wAilllate1y 75 days after subnntta1 of a complete apphcation The dIfferences between the land use requirements for expandIng an existIng child care center and addIng a K-5 school would be generally the followmg · A Type 111 Land Use apphcatIon would be requrred for the K-5 school versus a Type II for the chIld care center A Type II apphcatIon IS admmlstratIve WIth pubhc notIce to surroundIng property owners and the declSlon made by the DIrector It IS appealed to the Plannmg COmmiSSIOn. A Type 111 apphcatIon IS QuasI-JudIcial and declSlons 1 May 23, 2008 are made by the Planrnng COmmISSIOn after a pubhc heanng The Planmng COmmISSIOn'S declSlon shall mclude findmgs that address all of the applicable Ul'l'<V lal critena and any wntten or oral testunony The decIsIOn IS appealed to the City Council and/or the State Land Use Board of Appeals · The cntena for the sittIng of schools shall be as specIfied m SDC 4 7-195, Special Use Standards for pubhc and pnvate elementary or nnddle schools The child care center has SpeCial Use Standards hsted under SDC 4 7-125 The followmg are some differences between the sectIOns 1 Elementary schools are allowed no more than 65 percent of the Site to be covered by nnpervIous surface There IS no percentage for child care centers 2 Elementary schools are reqwred to have a front yard landscaped setback of 20 feet and Side and rear yard setbacks of 30 feet Child care centers m tins zomng wstnct are reqUIred to have a five foot front yard planted setback from parking lots and 10 foot front yard setback from bOOdmgs These setbacks are required for the rear yard also adjacent to reSidentIal There are no Side setbacks 3 Parking for Elementary schools are two spaces for each teaching statIon plus one space for each 100 square feet of pubhc mdoor assembly area Child care centers reqUITe one drop-off space for each 700 square feet of gross floor area plus one long term space for each 350 square feet of gross floor area 4 Elementary schools shall have a maxnnum bOOding height of35 feet Clnld care centers don't have a maxnnum bOOdmg height With the exceptIon of land WItInn 50 feet of property zoned Low or Medium Density ReSidentIal WltInn these 50 feet the maxnnum height IS 30 feet 5 Elementary schools are reqUIred to subnnt a Traffic Impact Study Clnld care centers are reqwred to subnnt a Traffic Impact Study If the use generates 500 or more vehicle tnps per day or the Pubhc Words director detennmes that It one is necessary to address known traffic safety Issues A Site Plan ReView would be reqwred for either use The critena of Site Plan ReView covers Items such as storm water capacity and management, landscape reqwrements, utility connectIons, parking lot deSign and access Specifically, Site Plan ReView cntena 5 17- 125D reqUITeS comphance WIth ODOT access management standards for State Highways Any change of use, expansIOn of use or new use would tngger review and approval of a new or reVised access penmt by ODOT Modular umt placement on the site would be reViewed by the Planmng DiVISion srmIlar to stIck bwlt buildmgs proposed on the site although the Bwldmg DIVISIOn may have adwtIonaI reqwrements for ADA regulations Don Moore would be able to answer any speCific bwldmg code regulatIons at (541) 726-3623 2 PHONE MESSAGE FORM Case No, Date: 5t2-Ll~ Time: /0:4-6 From: r.l\J1 La _ ml! (91 uJ.J fJ Po ~ Phone Number: "7;LL;, - .J..fr> 54- Area Code Number ExtenslOD Message: (DAVtla., 1-\ {It! . ~ ~ V1fU\'tL, Jr ~ JT ~~~ (l~i141\J.&7 11 DIM {1~i~ :__~.~a'X'-IA rn",J_. c::JT ,h{l..c1 , :t-AJ A (D ~ ,~ .illv u 1~ \ .N\V rL +0 ('yO -++U\Il'lLAt<< +-tu.. d.-u.J C!Arn 1.'v/ttA.LA I J 11 ~ . ~(...~ ~'(UJ'\I1~ ~ '2.(\ ll~Avt_L4A~l ~/:1JY\LllJNw..U.1q i f1. {J I M +0 cL ~ /"..L..M :I: lA J ..a ~ u)mJ~.d IaL- ~ b.uX. I J ')~ +0 hhMA rJ.. r:t-. c~.~ w-Ao.::t:- '-I:::/;lL. ell! M (J..Y))(L..uL t.LJ14-!, Ci MIi.) IM1 J. U J7t-U~ Li rid h1 'In.& .iJJArn'.J i-:. .. C AJi j~ ..-buJl-> Aizu,.il.L cvaJuA{,4 h1L j;)~ 9- ~tJ-v-eJI. LIJ!l.AL ~_J!~ I~ ..;:1;jJ))/I .U~~. cj ~~ -.1'd ~ {mar ~fr C:/ .A.A4f7.1 'l ~0"X.tL~ 1;1- /;tt.c..L ;;(-./) .Ju..h.. U , , U-rI1.JhfJL ~ ~ UJ.-tt...b ,I{)CIld... ~d.- ~ %...J IWd liUJrA-6n <itJl ~ +tu ('~~ # I ~; . . / fuJ-r;f~ '~>.R.J..IJ- r , , 9Jl!h~ I Workflow processeslPJannmg Fonns/Phone Message Fonn 2-12-08 Children's 19ffiJCQ]lJ~ - :Montesson Pre-Scfioo{ ancf'Efementary Programs 5005 :Main Street" SpnngfieUf, OCJ(9 7478 541-726-2654 .. 541-726-5527 (p~ Carfa 'McOl'z[[an 'DIrector Chi M fr.M5I!ZPfl1e~~ (p V J .(P mSAJ c-.- May 22, 2008 Dear Mayor Lelken, In 1996, a site plan was submitted to the City of Springfield of the development of tax lot # 17- 02-33-32-04500(5005 Main Street) The original site plan was for a 3752 sq ft structure, consisting of 3 classrooms, a kitchen and administrative area The business to be operated at that locatIOn was Children's Choice Montessori School, proViding preschool, and elementary, programs With an option for extended day child care services Sarah Summers In the Springfield Planning department determined that the faCIlity would be conSidered a "Child Care Center" rather that an elementary school, for the purposes of City development codes Children's Choice has been proViding these same educational programs and chJldcare services continuously since 1996 On May 7, 2008 I received a letter from LIZ Miller, Springfield Planner, stating that In order to operate an elementary school In our faCIlity at 5005 Main Street Children's ChOice would have to acquire a Discretionary Use Permit, reqUiring a Type III Site Plan Review This letter was prompted by a request from the Springfield School District and the Oregon Department of Education for a feaSibility analYSIS of our Charter School Proposal We are currently In the final stages of our Charter School Appeal The Board of Education received a letter from the City, and subsequent Information that It would be 12 - 15 months before we could reasonably be expected to complete the Discretionary Use Permit process We are no proposing new construction, nor any changes to the current structures on site In reviewing the speCific development standards for public/private elementary/middle schools, the code Identifies faCIlities or additions to eXisting faCIlities of 10,000 sq ft or more Our faCIlity IS Just less than 6,000 sq ft As yet, I have been unable to receive clarification as to how the code applies to us, and what that process IS for an eXisting faCility 5005 malA'dtweb d~~ 9747J /599~~ 'iff~~ 97404 /%25'" dtweb d~~ 97477 This matter IS most urgent, as we are to present informatIOn to the Board of EducatIOn prior to June 19, when they will cast their vote on the approval (or denial) of our Charter School One of their primary considerations IS whether we will be able to open our school In September of 2008, or If, because of City code and occupancy Issues, we will need to walt a year The students who are currently enrolled at Children's Choice Montessori have already waited for a year for this deCision, since the Springfield School District denied our Charter last May If the State Board delays our approval yet another year, these children will be forced to relocate Can we possibly have some assurances (perhaps Interpretation or clarification of the relevant code, or an expedited process, etc ) that we will be authOrized to continue to provide an elementary education program dUring the 08 - 09 school year? Your assistance In this matter IS urgently needed and greatly appreciated I can be reached at 726-2654 or 915-0896 Thank you for your attention to this matter, ~ Carla McQuillan Executive Director Children's Choice Montessori 5005 ?Ita"" cftteeb cf~~ 9747<f /599 %ue,,~ 'i5'~~ 97404 /9425" cftteeb cf~~ 97477 Children's ChOIce Montesson Page 1 of2 DONOVAN James From. Sent To Cc Subject MILLER Liz Tuesday, May 20, 2008 349 PM DONOVAN James, GRILE Bill JONES Terry (Tara) FW Children's Choice Montesson Jim and Bill, I Just received this e-mail from Teresa Schneiderman from the State Board of Education with questions regarding some of the Children's ChOice Montessori statements to the Board I know you are meeting tomorrow afternoon I'm not sure of the fees Children's ChOice IS refernng to although It seems that one IS close to the Discretionary Use fee It might be a good Idea to send Teresa a packet of our applications for DU, Site Plan Review and a fee schedule ThiS lists the Items needed to submit a complete application and what type of professional needs to stamp which plans It doesn't seem as though any tlmelines or preparation costs pnor to application submittal or subsequent Improvement costs are discussed LIZ From: SCHNEIDERMAN Teresa [mallto Teresa Schnelderman@state or us] Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 2 06 PM To: MILLER LIZ Subject: Children's ChOice Montessori LIZ, First of alii would like to thank you for the messages you have left In answer to questions I have had You have been very helpful Also I have read the memo sent to Bruce Smolnlsky, Spnngfield School District on May 9, 2008 I would like to share With you what was presented by Children's ChOice Montessori at the State Board of Education board meeting on May 15, 2008 "The current faCIlity, In fact, Will not require any re-zonlng, re-codlng, or any construction for at least three years, given the current CCM enrollment projections (I e , If student enrollment exceeds 120, CCM Will need to add one classroom, thiS would Involve a $1,200 planning fee to the City, which can easily come from the 9% reserve In the 2010-2011 budget, If not from capital fund raising) CCM's understanding IS that before serving students as a public charter school, CCM Will need to obtain a "discretionary use permit" from the City of Springfield, which should be a Simple, four-5lx week process Given CCM's multiple diSCUSSions With numerous City plannrng office staff, the "worst case scenano" would be a $3,700 fee for thiS permit thiS IS the fee for a full-Site review of a new bUilding that IS 10,000 square feet or larger, given that the CCM bUilding is not new construction IS only 8,000 square feet, the fee IS likely lower, however, If It IS $3,700, thiS fee could be paid With CCM's Charter Schoollncentrve Grant (once CCM has an approved charter proposal, It can access $25,000 for state 2 of the planning phase, those funds are not Included In the three-year operational budget) " My question would be, does thiS accurately reflect what could be In the future for CCM If they open as a K~5 public school With 120 students? In your expert OpiniOn, what could roughly be the length of time to complete the site plan review and roughly what could be the cost? Once again, thank you for all your help City planning IS so far outSide of my area of work I hope I'm not asking Silly questions Teresa SChneIderman 5/2112008 Clnldren's ChOIce Montesson Education Specialist - Charter Schools Page 2 of2 Office of EducatIonal Improvement & Innovation Oregon Department of Education 255 Capitol St NE Salem, OR 97310-1300 Office (503) 947-5648 FAX (503) 378-5156 teresa schnelderman@state or us ********************************************************************** TIns emaII and any fIles transrmtted WIth It are confidentIal and mtended solely for the use of the mdlvldual or entIty to whom they , are addressed If you have receIved tins emaIl m error please notIfy the sender nnmedIately and delete the commumcatIon and any attachments TIns footnote also confIrms that tins emaIl message has been swept by MIMEsweeper for the presence of computer VlIUses ********************************************************************** 5/21/2008 From SCHNEIDERMAN Teresa [mal~o Teresa Schne.dennan@state or us] Sent TUesday May 20, 2008 2 06 PM To MIUER La Subject Children's Choice Montesson lIZ, First of all I would like to thank you for the messages you have left In answer to questions I have had You have been very helpful Also I have read the memo sent to Bruce Smolmsky, Spnngfield School Dlstnct on May 9, 2008 I would like to share with you what was presented by Children's ChoICe Montesson at the State Board of Education board meeting on May 15, 2008 "The current facility, In fact, will not require any re-zoning, re-codlng, or any construction for at least three years, given the current CCM enrollment projeCtIons (I e I .f student enrollment exceeds 120, CCM Will need to add one classroom, tins would Involve a $1,200 planning fee to the city, which can easily come from the 9% reserve in the 2010-2011 budget, if not from capital fundralsmg) CCM's understanding IS that before serving students as a public charter school, CCM Will need to obtain a "discretionary use pennlf' from the City of Spnngfield. which should be a simple, four..slx week process Given CCM's mulbple diSCUSSIOns With numerous City plannrng office staff, the "'worst case scenano" would be a $3,700 fee for this pennlL thIS IS the fee for a full...l... revl_ of a n_ buildIng that Is 10,000 square feet or larger; given that the CCM buildIng IS not new construction IS only 8,000 square feet, the fee IS likely lower; however, If It Is $3,700, thIS fee could be paid WJth CCM's Charter Schoollncenbve Grant (once CCM has an approved charter proposal, It can access $25,000 for state 2 of the plannIng phase, those funds ere not Included In the th.......year operabonal budget) . M)' quesbon would be, does thiS accurately reflect what could be In the future for CCM of they open as a K-5 public school wrth 120 students? In your expert OpIniOn, what could roughly be the length of lIme 10 complete the s~e plan revIew and roughly what could be the cost? Once again, thank you for all your help City plannmg IS so far outside of my area of work I hope I m not asking sllly questIons Teresa Schn" .." '" .n" (.Lt; J_()r' I'-Ut S@5 :.d',\r\!Jl \~I~ -=-1 S~ Edutabon SpecrallSt - Charter Schools Office of EducatJonallmprovement & Innovation Oregon Department of EducalJon 255 Cap~ol St NE ~(\}/cU Salem, OR 97310-1300 Office (503) 947~5&48 FAX (503) 378-5156 teresa.schneldennan@state or us j , 1 1 . Mtauorandum ....,,-->'!"''''''JU"''''"''''''''''''- >1""~'='" ~lJ_IWIIa"tu To Bruce Smolmsky, Spnngfield PublIc School DIstnct cc Bill Gnle, Development Services Drrector Jrm Donovan, Plannmg Supervisor From LIZ Miller Date 5/19/2008 Re 5005 Mam Street, Map & Tax Lot The City ofSpnngfield has prevIOusly reviewed and approved two land use applIcatIOns for 5005 Mam Street, Map & Tax Lot 170233324500 In 1996 a Type II Site Plan ReView (Journal Number 1996-05-101) was approved for a cluld care center and m 1998 a Type II Site Plan ReView (Journal Number 1998-06-0127) was approved for an additIOn to the cluld care center The site IS zoned Commurnty CommerCial With Commurnty Commercial zorung abuttmg to the east and west and Low DenSity ReSidentIal abuttmg to the south A proposal to expand an eXlstmg cluld care center m a Commurnty Commercial zomng dlstnct would requrre a Type II Major Site Plan ReView ModificatIOn mcorporatmg all Site Plan ReView cntena (Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5 17-100) and the special use standards for cluld care centers (SDC 4 7-125) A proposal to add a publIc or pnvate elementary school or nuddle school m a Commurnty Commercial zomng dlstnct would requue a Type III DiscretIOnary Use reView, wluch would be reViewed by the Planrung CommiSSIOn, m conjunctIOn With a publIc heanng, publIc notice and the Site Plan ReView deCISIOn The cntena ofSDC 4 7-195 (Special Development Standards for PublIc/Pnvate Elementary/Mlddle Schools) would be applIcable along With the cntena for Site Plan ReView (SDC 5 17-100) The Site Plan ReView and DiscretIOnary Use declSlons Will take approximately 75 days after submittal of a complete application The differences between the land use requrrements for expandmg an eXlstmg cluld care center and addmg a K-5 school would be generally the follOWing · A Type III Land Use applIcatIOn would be reqUired for the K-5 school versus a Type II for the cluld care center A Type II applIcatIOn IS adnurustratlve With public notice to sUIToundmg property owners and the deCISIOn made by the Director It IS appealed to the Planrung ComrmsslOn A Type III applicatIOn IS QuaSI-JudiCial and deCISIOns 1 May 19,2008 are made by the Plannrng ComrmsslOn after a publIc heanng The Planrung ComrmsslOn's deClSlon shall mclude findmgs that address all of the applIcable approval cntena and any wntten or oral testImony The deCISIOn IS appealed to the City Councll and/or the State Land Use Board of Appeals · The cntena for the slttmg of schools shall be as specified m SDC 4 7-195, Special Use Standards for publIc and pnvate elementary or middle schools The cluld care center has Special Use Standards lIsted under SDC 4 7-125 The followmg are some differences between the sectIOns 1 Elementary schools are allowed no more than 65 percent of the site to be covered by ImpervIOUS surface There IS no percentage for cluld care centers 2 Elementary schools are reqUITed to have a front yard landscaped setback of 20 feet and Side and rear yard setbacks of30 feet Cluld care centers m this zorung dlstnct are reqUITed to have a five foot front yard planted setback from parkmg lots and 10 foot front yard setback from bmldmgs These setbacks are reqUITed for the rear yard also adjacent to reSidentIal There are no Side setbacks 3 Parking for Elementary schools are two spaces for each teaclung statIOn plus one space for each 100 square feet of publIc mdoor assembly area Cluld care centers reqUire one drop-off space for each 700 square feet of gross floor area plus one long term space for each 350 square feet of gross floor area 4 Elementary schools shall have a maximum bUlldmg height of 35 feet Cluld care centers don't have a maxrmum bUlldmg height With the exceptIOn of land Within 50 feet of property zoned Low or Medium DenSity ReSidentIal Within these 50 feet the maxrmum height IS 30 feet 5 Elementary schools are reqUITed to submit a Traffic Impact Study Chlld care centers are reqUITed to subrmt a Traffic Impact Study If the use generates 500 or more velucle tripS per day or the PublIc Words dITector determmes that It one IS necessary to address known traffic safety Issues A Site Plan ReView would be reqUITed for either use The cntena of Site Plan ReView covers Items such as storm water capacity and management, landscape requITements, utIlIty connectIOns, parking lot deSign and access SpeCifically, Site Plan ReView cntena 5 17- 125D requITes complIance With ODOT access management standards for State Highways Any change of use, expansIOn of use or new use would tngger review and approval of a new or reVised access permit by ODOT Modular urut placement on the site would be reviewed by the Planmng DIVISIOn slrmlar to stIck bUilt bUlldmgs proposed on the site although the BUlldmg DIVISIOn may have additIOnal requITements for ADA regulatIOns Don Moore would be able to answer any speCific bUlldmg code regulatIOns at (541) 726-3623 2 mtesson school presents charter plea to state board The RegIster-Guard, Eugene, Ore The Register-Guard: CztyReglOn CIty/RegIOn Montessori school presents charter plea to state board By Anne WIllIams The RegIster-Guard PublIshed May 16, 2008 12 OOAM Members of the State Board of EducatIOn vOIced nuxed feelmgs Thursday about a bId for a state-sponsored charter by Cluldren's ChoIce Montesson, questIOrung, among other t1u.ngs, Its decISIon to hold a rally last May protestIng the Spnngfield School Board's refusal to sponsor the school The protest, staged by Cluldren's ChOIce students, parents and teachers durmg school hours outsIde the Spnngfield School DIStnCt AdrrurustratIOn BUlldmg, came two days after the demal and - accordIng to Bruce Smolmsky, the dIStrICt'S dIrector of educatIOn, who gave a bnef presentatIOn to the state board In Salem - grew unruly He saId cluldren occasIOnally pounded on WIndows, yelled Into open doors and at least once made an obscene gesture at employees workIng InsIde State board member NIkla SqUIre asked what school offiCIals had done to address the students' conduct "I'm more than a lIttle concerned about the closmg down of school, the takmg of cluldren to the office," SqUIre saId Carla McQUIllan, Cluldren's ChOIce executIve dlfector, saId m retrospect It wasn't a good Idea But many of the then-50 s4Idents had been at the board meetmg, she saId, and emotIOns were runrung lugh "The kIds came to school after the board meetmg lIterally sobbmg," she saId "They were very dIstraught" McQUIllan also saId she regretted grantmg an IntervIew to conservatIve radIO talk show host Lars Larson soon thereafter, where the rhetonc - only Ius, she saId- grew heated and dIsrespectful toward the school dIstnct Cluldren's ChOIce, wluch opened as a pnvate school In 1993, turned to the state last fall after the Spnngfield board's back-to-back demals of ItS InItIal charter bId and an appeal The school sought charter status after operatIng for three years under contract WIth the mstnct as a pnvate alternatIve elementary school, takmg students - and a maJonty of the state funds attached to them - VIa dIStnCt referral New gUIdance from the state put the brakes on that practIce, gIVIng the school the optIOn of resurrung operatIOns as a pnvate school or seekIng a charter The state department's charter school staff hasn't yet offered an up-or-down recommendatIOn to the board, that WIll come next month, when the board IS scheduled to vote on the matter But a reVIew by staff and outSIde experts was largely posItIve and dIdn't mentIOn last year's protest http //wwwregIsterguardcomlcsp/cms/sItes/dtcms support vIewStory cls?cId=101195&sI Page I of2 5/19/2008 - ~ontesson school presents charter plea to state board The Register-Guard, Eugene, Ore Page 2 of2 There were some areas m wluch Cluldren's ChOIce fell short For example, the reVIew SaId, ItS proposal lacked an adequate descnptlOn of ItS governance, proof of a suffiCient contmgency fund, clear polICies for cluldren WIth behaVIOr problems, and eVIdence that It can obtam the necessary land use and occupancy penmts It needs to expand WIthout comprollllsmg ItS budget McQUlllan addressed each pomt and said they either had been or would be easily resolved However, she and Smolmsky had different mterpretatIons from the City of Spnngfield on land use questIOns Smolmsky SaId that had been a big concern for the diStrICt, notmg that the property IS zoned for commercial use and approved only as a day-care facIlIty Cluldren's ChOice also runs a preschool on the prellllses "These Issues are rmportant for us because they contaIn budgetary and tIme-Ime Issues," he SaId But McQUlllan said she belIeves the process would be farrly qUlck and mexpenslve She asked the board to overrule a staff recommendatIOn that, should the board opt to sponsor Cluldren's ChOIce, It delay domg so for another year The school allowed students to stay on for free tlus year m hopes of gettmg a charter qUlckly That means the school IS operatmg WIth VIrtually no fundmg McQUlllan noted that, unlIke a start-up charter school, Cluldren's ChOIce IS already establIshed and "91 percent ready to open our doors" State board member Art Paz, who lIves m Sprmgfield, echoed others' concerns about the 2007 rally but said he belIeves Cluldren's ChOIce IS well-regarded He SaId he wants clanty on the land-use Issues before he votes A good deal of Thursday's diSCUSSIOn focused on the detenoratlOn of relatIOns between the distrIct and Cluldren's ChOIce Even If the school operates under state sponsorship, the distrIct would stIll have to work With Cluldren's ChOIce, as It IS requITed by law to provide special educatIOn services "What was troublmg to me was to learn of the degree to whIch the adversanal relatIOnshIp ramped up," SaId Reynolds School DistrIct Supenntendent Teny Knelsler, an adViser to the board and to Supenntendent of PublIc InstructIOn Susan CastIllo CastIllo, lIke some board members, said she wornes about the department's abilIty to proVide the necessary oversight for more state-sponsored charter schools, given ItS workload The board currently sponsors three such schools But Kaaren Heikes, a charter school consultant asslstmg Cluldren's ChOice, said that wouldn't be a legltrmate reason to turn down a charter bid, given that the only recourse for schools unjustIfiably turned down by distrIcts IS to seek board sponsorslup COPVrIl!:ht @ 2007 - The Rel!:lster-Guard, EUl!:ene. Orel!:on. USA http /Iwww reglsterguard comlcsp/cms/sltes/dt cms support vlewStory cls?cld=101195&sl 5/19/2008 Page I of2 MILLER Liz From Sent To Cc Subject Attachments GRILE Bill Friday, May 16,2008851 AM MARX Sandra DONOVAN James, MILLER Liz, TAMULONIS John, MaTT Gregory Meeting re 5005 Main Street School Siting Issues sps doc Sandy Please find 30 minutes next week for me to meet with Jim Donovan (and LIz Miller If Jim feels she should attend) and John TamulOnls The tOpiC for our meeting IS the Issue described above It appears there may be a zoning violation concerning the subject property, and that the City has provided conflicting information about permitted land uses at the site We need to sort this out and be sure to speak with a Unified vOice Please copy this morning's R-G article on the Montesson School to Jim D so that he Will have It for the file Thanks Bill From: GRILE Bill Sent. Fnday, May 16, 2008 8 42 AM To: SMOLNISKY Bruce (SPS) Subject: RE 5005 Main Street School Siting Issues Thanks Bruce Nancy Golden mentioned some of this to me last evening The memo provided by planning staff speaks for Itself and we'll be prepared to address any questions related to It Thanks for the heads up Bill From: Bruce Smolnlsky [mallto bsmolnls@sps lane edu] Sent: Fnday, May 16, 2008 8 26 AM To' GRILE Bill Subject: Re 5005 Main Street School Siting Issues BIll--Although you may have seen the artIcle m the RegIster-Guard tlus mommg, I wanted to gIve you an update regardmg our hearmg WIth the State Board of EducatIOn FITst of all, thank you and your staff for the clear memo that descnbed the Issues mvolved WIth changmg the Montesson from a day care to a K-5 school At the meetmg, the followmg tlungs were dIscussed I I shared the current SIte plan hstmg Monteson as a day care I shared your memo that outlmed that they needed a few thIngs done to legally open a school WIth the proper permIts and zonmg (Art Paz IS a member of the State Board of EducatIOn, so he understood the 11llplIcatIOns of what I presented) I stated that there dId not seem to be any eVIdence that the Montesson leaderslup had requested or receIved proper penmts to open a K-5 school and that they nught be m VIOlatIOn of CIty zorung codes I stated that our concerns were that the Montesson leaderslup had not even begun the fITst step m what we belIeved was needed to open a school on that SIte, wluch was the DIM 5/20/2008 Page 2 of2 2 Carla McQUIllan, the drrector of the Montesson, saId that CIty of Spnngfield planners told her to use the desIgnatIon of day care and It would not be a problem She had been holdmg KIndergarten and frrst grade classes on that sIte nearly smce she opened 3 Upon further questlOmng Carla stated that she had called John Tamuloms last week and he had assured her that It would not be a problem to change zonmg and that It was probably 4-6 weeks and she should be ready to open m the fall Anyway, I wanted to alert you that Oregon Department of EducatIOn staff WIll most hkely be callmg to clanfY who IS really correct, the dlstnct or Montesson You may also hear from the Montesson leadershtp about what they need to do because Art Paz was clear wIth Carla that, as a practtcmg archttect, he would be gomg to BIll Gnlle about zomng and plannmg before he would ask John Tamuloms I am sorry to cause you problems, but thts IS a bIg deal on the blg-deal-o-meter for us Call me at 726-3255, If you have questIOns Thanks agam for all your help Bruce On May 8, 2008, at 3 34 PM, GRILE BIll wrote Bruce If you need addltJonallnformal1on, I suggest scheduling a process we call a "Development Issues Meeting," which Involves representatives from Planning, Public Works, Fire and Life Safety, etc I hope the information we have proVided IS helpful Thanks Bill <sps doc> 5/20/2008 Page 1 of 1 JONES Terry (Tara) From Sent To Cc Subject GRILE Bill Friday, May 16, 2008 1 42 PM JONES Terry (Tara) DONOVAN James, MILLER LIZ, TAMULONIS John, LAUDATI Nlel RE Children's Choice Montessori Thanks Tara John T and I discussed this briefly a little while ago I agree with JT that we should start pluggmg Mr Laudatl mto our diSCUSSion as there IS potential newsworthmess here Bill From' JONES Terry (Tara) Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 1 39 PM To: DONOVAN James Cc' MILLER Liz, TAMULONIS John, JONES Terry (Tara), GRILE Bill Subject: Children's Choice MontesSOri Dear Jim, , spoke to Carla Mcquillan Children's Choice Montessori today She understands that she needs a Discretionary Use Permit, but she IS confused about the process to go through to establish her elementary school Smce so many people have been mvolved and the proposal has changed, I thought you should be the final arbiter on this Here IS the situation as I understand It . She IS no longer mterested In expandmg onto the lot next door . The eXlstmg bUlldmg IS about 5700 sf and has 5 classrooms . She IS certified by the State for 120 kids (It doesn't matter If they are preschool or elementary kids) . Smce 1996 she has had mostly preschoolers, but has also had elementary classes Currently she has 30 elementary kids . She would like to move the preschoolers to her other center on 5th Street over the next couple of years and have elementary kids In those slots She proposes eventually have from 112 - 120 elementary students and no pre-schoolers . ASide from changmg the tOilets from little kid sized ones to regular sized ones, she doesn't antiCipate any changes to the bUilding I told her thiS change to an elementary school would require a Discretionary Use Permit, but If no changes are proposed to the bUlldmg and Site, would a Site Plan ReView be reqUired too? The standards for elementary schools In 4 7-195 mdlcate that It shall be a Type III procedure and address 10 speCific standards It's not clear to me that It requires gOing through a Type II as well If a Type IS reqUired could It be a Major Modification of their eXlstmg Site Plan ReView? Also, because they are m an eXlstmg bUlldmg, they may not be able to meet some of the standards (e g 30' landscaped side setbacks) IS there some leeway based on the location of the eXlstmg bUlldmgs? Please call Carla when you have a chance Her number IS 726-2654 Thanksl John T Just told me that you are meetmg on thiS With Bill and John next Wednesday maybe It would be a good Idea to chat With her pnor to your meebng 7Al'A 5/16/2008 . . Children's iiQllJlll!01~iCrT . '~, 1~:\ t~ ~,,",,~J IG/, :- . I :Montesso7'l Pre-Scfioo[ aruf 'Ef2rrum.tary Programs 5005 :Main Street" Spnnf1fiew, 0'1(97478 541-726-2654" 541-726-5527 (Pax;) Carfa ;M cQurf[all <D1.rcctQr FAX COVER SHEET Date: .~ -'I-DR To: John TtJ.n1,A..J"n"S Phone: 1~ -3to51o Fax No.: 7 :J.(" - ,J3(" 3 l1-/A.. ,lI(c{) {,u II dtA From: Number of Pages (including cover): (p John- Inese OXL c:.opiLS oP ~ol'i<>f ".....D e.s+i~ r"<!:~\.l.2shJ. ~..... ~ c.:,~ 1"1 tkc (QGj'5 .:lov- W\~\ ~ fntL-\- -the~e5 o..YL (a.ICJ..o..~CL~ 0...0; 0... ~c..'n.oc)l, Thcrl ~s ~r rY\lj 6escdphon o~ c...Jr~sckcol1 e..l.e.V\.<A.~knJ-kc.II\~ AlSo - 4he.rus the... le..\:kr ~ frc:.rn Le..onll.rJ... o.b, .-the.. reuJc.u.Ia..110h . "Th.e.. se.c..onc.l p~e. mcJ.;.ll.s (l!.1;'....'("~LL-h, l>>C6..S' s r.e.ro~ WV1o...t- we.. reCl.1lj need I ~ GL le..\.kr -tha....+ SA.:; ~ we. Co"""" hc.\.v.e. \ l2. el.e\'Yle.Y\+o-nj stwlen-t-:s 0...1- 500"5 Ko:\V\ s-\y-.....d, we o..:(e. c.uJ"f.(.vtllj s-to..+e.. \iC..UH..~.cL ~r \20 ~-ts iOO; 5'1;i;v" r5'<<I(1/ ~5k .-".;<."'.",/ @CP\'J tJ7-;7(f' (''''I (Ak. ';i\-;"."t ~..c <@';l: Q7404 706' '/{w Nt' ,5"-", 'i.~Up"""" '{f;1';l(' 9740.' J J I U ~ q ') 1') 2:1' '6'503 72b .16~A SPH) lH' 'H @OOl ""'/:::1., FAX INFO TO 'JAM" _ CJ::.'!-L Ii - - -- -- _A__ ORGArJj:)~.1 I\_'IJ -- - -- - ----~ - ------ - fAX NoJM9ER - - ---'- -- ------- -/<11 - 1<+3:.3 -------- -- FROM r.JAf\.'1~ ____-ryz.o~. ._(r~:}~86 \ MESSAGE --- -- - -- --~ - -- -..- - --~--"'--.-,--- --~- ""---- --~ ----- - ------.-. ------ ---- -- _ A_ - ..-- -.....-- -.--- - - ------ ---- -~- - ~---- --~~-- --- '"""- ---- --- - ------- - -- - -- _ _A____ ~_ --- --~ -----~ - - - hA_ __ ~~ ___ "UMGER or P4GE:.> .3 ilNCl UD,rJG C'.J J1:-R-s..:i;"r r-,-- ----- --.- - ~,' r 'I.)' I I, \1 \ to! l-M~ . St '-,',1_1 ~ I J' J -I, I . ~, I _ 1 h. :, ,-Il:.:f"~R~~7Iil --I jIJI_ 1204951522 '5'503 ;26 J689 Sf'fD OJ- \ SER ~002 c5TlM AT~ JOB NO. CITY OF SPRINGFT~L~ SYSTEMS DEVfLOPMENT WORKSHEf:T 'r 7 ) CAR!.A _~~C.\"l~-~I( I' CHARGE FA,X =- ,~'-i'"l!>?, I-Jrl.r1t. OR Cl]i"'F,1rft LOCATION 5005 1"1 A 11../ sr. OEVELOPMENT TYPE c...\" '.::010- BLllLDING SIZE ! flT :;IZ( SQ Ft s-:-nO'.1 OBf~ ~~,DG..E ~ ~... L '~\""3 I _'> 3:,800 C".,. +- ".. ;'"",~jf'\" H1PE/\'IIOUS SQ FT <-.. 5'50(1 . 1 ~ll~ sf j x sO 2L PER SQ Fl 01, '153"'?~ -- .-' ~ ~ SANTTARY SF~FR-r.TT( N0 OF FFU 5 (See Reverse) 36 X $4J 43 PER PFU 01, "'50 J.1-) "-'- -- 3 TRANSPORTATjJ2U NO OF UNITS X TRIP RATE X COST PER TRIP 0.0\ x "" X $437 9,3 -- ,,,-......,, G z~ z - ) -- -- x X ~437 93 s '( X $437 93 $ 4 SANTTARY SF~FP-MWMC cO NO OF PFU S 36 X $18 75 PG PFI) T $In MW~IC ADMIN.FEE $ 7Z,-"'- (Use PFU Total From Item 2 J1bo'leJ 5 ADMINISTATIVE FEES SU6TUTh~ (~DD ITE~~ 1 2 3 & 4; 73 $ 1"31..- C"8'1;~ <'-i'1S:S~ ------+ - Mo'" r"EDlT IF APPLICl\&LE (SE:E R[VEf5E) rort,1 .MW1Ulli;. Troy MeA 111 ,rl)r sac Coord I f'a tor T'i~ AI SlY -~- (~~;) Cr~ '1i:' . .' '" " <1 ( 7 6 - .~ --'fJL- - 8ASE: CHARGE (5L'B TOTAL ABOVf:J Y 0..: E~mr--t~ (j~+Ec !!1~~/'?~. . SI:>nl,,",CFflE:LD PfJ{3LIG ~'t<Jnl"'~ DEPAR7MCN'" 1~)l"I\'?;~~ ~~ " ~ (::0(:. ~c.~.z. 2€.<cRPS. ~ Ms Carla McQUIllan Children's ChOice Montesson School 5005 Mam Street Spnngfield, Oregon 97478 Re SDC Charges Dear Ms McQudlan I have attempted to recalculate your total SDC charges, based on a revised transportal1on charge at the amount mdlcated m the traffic analYSIS submitted on October 2, 1996 It would appear that the total charge IS $8787 29, broken down as follows Storm DraInage SanItary Sewer - City Transportation Samtary Sewer-MWMC (net) Admmlstratlve Fee $1,84723 1,52150 4,390 76 609 36 41844 On that basLs, the amount remainIng due, after your prevIOus payment of $5,000, IS $3,78729" Please understand that these final calculations are subject to review by Troy McAllIster when he returns to the office on Monday, October 7 He Will adVise you promptly If I have made any errors In ca1culalion I Very truly yours, ~ ~~~ Leonard oodwm Semor Management Analyst " . ',. \ ~ ,-'~ V /1L" Job Number ~60~60 lI'IXTllRE WIT CALc:tlLATION TABLE Page 2 Fixture Type B...thtub Drinking Founta1n Floor Dra~n Interoeptors For Grease/01l/sol1ds/Eto Inteoeptors For Sand/Auto Wash/Stc Laundry Tub/Clotheswasher Clotheswasher - 3 Or More Receptor For Refr1gerator/water Station/Eto Receptor for Commerolal S1nk/D1Shwasher/Etc Shower, Single Stall Shower, Gang S1nk, Bar, Commerc1al, Resident1al ~ltchen Urlnal, stall/Wall Wash Basln/Lavatory, Single Water Closet, Pub11c Installat10n Water Closet, Pr~vate M:J..Bcellaneous TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS ~ CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE Based on assessed value after annexat10n date, cred1ts (calculations are by $1000) Year Annexed 196~ Credlt For Paroel Or Land Only If Applioable Improvement (1f after annexat10n dace) Number of Unlt F.l.xture New Fixt.\1:re Equ1valent. Unite 0 2 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 1 2 2 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 ;2 4 0 2 0 7 1 7 0 6 0 5 4 20 0 0 34 If 1mproVement8 occured are calculated separately 30,000 x 3 47 ~04 10 o x 3 47 . o 00 CRIWIT TOTAL . S104.10 (If land value 1S multlp11ed by 1 then the parcel/land oredlt 16 not accurate.) CXTY OF SPRINGFXELD SYSTEKS PEVBLOP~ CHARGE (CO~RCLAL / XRDOSTRXAL) Name or Company. LEWIS/SALLY EDMONDS Loeat~on 5005 MAIN ST Oevelopement Type C Bu~ld~ng S1~e 1 STORM CRAXNAGB Imperv~ous Sq Ft 1 0 X 8552 2 _ SANXTAAY 9EWllR Number 01: PFUs (see Pag" 2) - CXTY 1 0 X 3'1 ~~E. 1JtAfl" (. 3. TRANSPORTATION /' Number 01: Un~ts X f Tr~p Rate 1 0 X 70 X 0 139 X It.. 'Stu()G...r" TranBportat~on Total 4 SANl:TAAY SilWER - blWMC Number 01: PFt.1s 34 HWMC CREDIT If Appl~cable (see page 2) TOTAL - MWMC SOC 9~TOT~ - (Add I~~ 1. 2, 3 ~ 'I) 5 ADMINISTRATIVE FEES Base Charge (Subtotal Above) X TOTAL SCC Rev~ewed By TROY MCALLISTER X X x o 216 Job No . 960980 Lot Size: Per Sq Ft Per PFt.1 - .0;"",0") ll~ ..d (.,~ ""c:Qd"I.." X 44 75 X Cost Per TrJ..p 451 26 $4,390 76 Per PFU + 20 690 + o 50 MWMC Adnl1n I<'ee 10 00 Date 07/25/']6 Pag" 1 Sq Ft $1,847 23 $1,521 50 ~rEO "'N'ffo) $4,390 76 = $713 46 $104 10 $609 36 $8,368.85 $418.44 $8.787.29 SPRINGFIELD May 7, 2008 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 WWWCl springfield or us Ms Carla McQuillan Clnldren's ChOIce Montesson School 522 65th Street Spnngfield, OR 97478 Dear Ms McQuillan The CIty of Spnngfield has preVIously reVIewed and approved two land use applICatIOns for 5005 Mam Street, Map & Tax Lot 17023332 4500 In 1996 a Type II SIte Plan ReVIew (Journal Nurnber 1996-05-101) was approved for a clnld care center and m 1998 a Type II SIte Plan ReVIew (Journal Number 1998-06-0127) was approved for an addItIOn to the clnld care center r The SIte IS zoned Commumty CommercIal WIth Commumty CommercIal zomng abuttmg to the east and west and Low DensIty ReSIdentIal abuttmg to the south A proposal to expand an eXIstIng clnld care center m a Commumty Commercial zomng dIstnCt would requrre a Type IT Major SIte Plan ReVIew ModIficatIon mcorporatmg all Site Plan ReVIew cntena (Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) 517-100) and the specIal use standards for clnld care centers (SDC 4 7-125) A proposal to add a publIc orpnvate elementary school or IDlddle school m a Commumty CommercIal zomng dIstnct would require a Type ill DiscretIOnary Use reVIew, winch would be reVIewed by the Planmng COII1IIllSSIOn, m conjunctIon WIth a publIc heanng and Site Plan ReVIew The cntena of SDC 4 7-195 (Special Development Standards for PublIc/Pnvate E1ementarylMIddle Schools) would be applIcable along WIth the cntena for SIte Plan ReVIew (SDC 5 17- 100) Please gIve me a call at (541) 726-23011fyouhave any questions or would hke to reVIew the preVIOUS land use files for tins property The above referenced code sectIons from the Spnngfield Development Code can be reVIewed on our webslte www CI snnnl!field or llS Smcerely, d~ Iff ~ LIZ Miller Planner I cc John Tamuloms, EconoIDlc Development Manager Jnn Donovan, P1anmng Supemsor l MILLER Liz From Sent To Cc Subject DONOVAN James Wednesday, May 07,20081259 PM GRILE Bill MILLER LIz -FW CHILDREN'S CHOICE MONTESSORI SCHOOL BG, I wlll ask L12 to put somethlng together that relterates my lnltlal response In memo form for your reVlew by Frlday L1Z, Just the eXlstlng and proposed uses wlth cltatlons for the DU and slte plan reVlew We don't want to get too much lnto the ffilSSlon creep and hlstory of the sltuatlon unless we absolutely have to respond to the owners wlth the facts Thank you L12, JD -----Orlglnal Message----- From GRILE Blll Sent Tuesday, May 06, 2008 6 18 PM To DONOVAN James Cc SMOLNISKY Bruce (SPS) SubJect. RE CHILDREN'S CHOICE MONTESSORI SCHOOL Jlm Wlll you or one 0 your planners please put together a reasonably detalled rsponse to Bruce's request (stated below)? Granted, It would take a speclflc development proposal to glve a speclflc response However, I do bel1eve we can put together a reasonable response based on hypothetlcals Please also copy the response to me when you send 1t to Bruce Thanks Blll -----Or1glnal Message----- From Bruce Smoln1sky <bsmolnls@sps lane edu> Sent Tuesday, May 06, 2008 5 30 PM To GRILE Blll <bgrlle@cl sprlngfleld or us> SubJect Re CHILDREN'S CHOICE MONTESSORI SCHOOL B111--1 have a couple of quest10ns that wlll help me prepare for a meetlng w1th the State Board of Educat10n regardlng thlS charter appllcat10n My purpose lS to pOlnt out to the State Board that there w1ll be some problems wlth th1S charter plan Can you help descrlbe to me What are the d1fferences between the land use/zonlng requ1rements for a preschool/day care that the Montessor1 currently wlth the Clty of Spr1ngfleld and the requ1rernents If that school became a K-5? th1ngs would need to be done? has on flle What I belleve that the Montessorl owners belleve that they wlll be able to brlng In 1-3 portable/modular bUlldlngs to functlon as classrooms 1f they are allowed to expand Can you tell me what would be requlred to br1ng more portables for classrooms on to that current slte? 1 W1II OOOT want to get lnto thlS lssue Slnce the K-5 school lS on Maln Street? thanks, Bruce On Apr 30, 2008, at 4 59 PM, GRILE Blll wrote > > Bruce > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Your call to me was prudent Plannlng Supervlsor Jlm Donovan answers the questlon, below In short, there are a number of lssues that would need to be addressed and carefully consldered Jlm suggests a "DIM," WhlCh 1S a "Development Issues Meetlng" The fee for these lS around $500 and what happens at them lS that plannlng and englneerlng staff answer up to flve or SlX quest10ns presented by potent1al appllcants I'd llke to walve the fee for a Team Sprlngf1eld partner, but we've not done thlS In the past and I lack authorlty to do so (as does Glno) However, we ALWAYS glve tender lovlng care to appllcatlons subm1tted by Team Spr1ngfleld Partners It does appear that dlscretlonary / appealable land use actlons would be requlred to expand the school A DIM would allow you to conf1rm thlS and narrow the 1ssues I'm off to LA tomorrow afternoon and back late Tuesday You and I can talk then 1f you have quest10ns Or, ln the alternat1ve, feel free to contact Jlm and go dlrectly to the source Jlm's ema1l 1S above, and hls phone number lS 726-3660 You'll flnd hlm especlally helpful If you do declde to call Thanks Blll B111 Grlle, D1rector Development Servlces Department Clty of Sprlngfleld 225 Flfth Street Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 Tel 541 726 3619 Fax 541 726 3689 Emall bgr1le@cl sprlngfleld or us Internet http //www Cl sprlngfleld or us/dsd/dept_dsd htm <unknown glf>From DONOVAN James Sent Tuesday, Aprll 29, 2008 4 41 PM To GRILE Blll Cc MILLER Llz SubJect RE CHILDREN'S CHOICE MONTESSORI SCHOOL Blll, The eXlstlng faclllty was approved as a Montessorl daycare and preschool The proposal to expand lnto a pr1vate charter grade school wlll requlre a slte plan reVlew for compllance wlth speclal des1gn standards and a publlC hearlng for Olscretlonary Use The slte faces challenges for ODOT access, lmpervlous coverage and requlred setbacks I would strongly suggest a DIM lf more lnfo 1S requlred for the slte plan rev18W and publlC hearlng procedures 2 > > JD > <unknown glf>From GRILE Elll > Sent Monday, Aprll 2S, 200S 5 25 PM > To DONOVAN James > SubJect CHILDREN'S CHOICE MONTESSORI SCHOOL > Importance Hlgh > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Jlm Bruce Smolnlsky, an admlnlstrator at SPS (726-3255) called to ask me about any zon1ng requlrements that would affect expandlng the Montessorl School located at 5005 Maln St They would llke to double the bUlldlng and partner wlsh SPS ThlS 15 a questlons from a Team Sprlngfleld partner and at thlS pOlnt doesn't ffierlt a full DIM I slrnply would llke to know, 1n summary, what 15 the 20n1n9 for the subJect property and mlght they be able to expand? And If so, would thlS be slte plan reVlew or what? Please let me know the answer by Wednesday Thanks' Elll Note The lnformatlon contalned III thlS message may be prlvlleged and confldentlal and protected from dlsclosure If the reader of thlS message 15 not the lntended reClplent, or an employee or agent responslble for dellverlng thlS message to the lntended reClplent, you are hereby notlfled that any dlssemlnatlon, dlstrlbutlon or copYlng of thlS communlcatlon lS strlctly prohlblted If you have recelved thls communlcatlon In error, please notlfy us lmmedlately by replYlng to the message and deletlng It from your computer Thank you SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT 19 3 "We've got everythIng In place to move forward" - CARLA McQUILLAN, DIRECTOR/CHILDREN'S CHOICE MONTESSORI SCHOOL School will make case to state for charter The fate of Springfield's ChIldren's ChOIce Montessori IS up to state offiCials after the school board relected ItS request By ANNE WILLIAMS The Register-Guard Commg up on a year smce the Sprmgfield School Board rejected Its charter bid, Cluldren's ChOIce MontessorI School will fmally make Its case for state sponsorshIp to the State Board of Educallon on Thurs- day But the school doesn't have the clear SIgnal It had expected from the Oregon Department of EducatIOn EGION MONDAY, MAy 12, 2008 Contrary to the norm, a staff report to the state board released last week offers no up-or down rec- ommendatIOn on whether It should agree to sponsor the school, saymg that will come only after the board has had a chance to hear from rep- resentallves of Cluldren's ChOIce and the Sprmgfield School DIstrIct tlus week "That surpnsed us," school dIrec- tor Carla McQmllan sald And, more dlsappomllng to her, It suggests that If the board approves state sponsor- slup, It wouldn't take effect unl1l 2009 10 That's problemallc, McQuillan Said, as the school has been lnnp- mg along WIth essenllally no fund- mg m anllclpallon of gettmg a state charter Cluldren's ChOIce operated under contract WIth the Sprmgfield distrIct for three years as a pnvate alterna- llve elementary school, takmg stu- dents - and a majorIty of the state funds attached to them - Via refer- ral from the distrIct New dIrec- tives from the state put the brakes Please turn to CHARTER, Page C4 Charter: School lost funding, but donations have helped keep it open Contmuedfrom Page Cl on that pracllce, promplmg the school to seek SprIngfield distrIct sponsorslup as a char- ter school The Spnngfield board rejected the school's charter request last May and turned down a subsequent appeal the follOWIng month, cltmg concerns about a potentially adverse unpact on regular distrIct schools That left the school's 50-plus students WIth no clear plan for last fall McQmllan and her board deCIded to allow eXlstmg fIrst- through fIfth-graders, many of whom are from low-mcome fanuhes, to contmue tultlOn- free, even though there was no more state money commg m They've kept thmgs afloat by seelung donallons and trIm- mmg expenses, but McQuillan was expectmg state charter school sponsorslup - or at least a deCISIon - by Janu- ary Teresa SchneIderman, an educatIOn specIalist WIth the department, Said the Issues were complex WIth Cluldren's ChOIce A change m the way the department contracts WIth outSide reVIewers also delayed tlungs a bIt, she Said She added that preVIOUS expenence has taught the state board that takmg on such sponsorslup IS a complicated process WIth many detalis to lIon out, such as makmg sure the department IS covered by illsurance McQuillan plans to explam the school's pl1ght to the bOard Thursday, hopmg for an expe- dited tunelme "I will emphaSIZe how adversely that would affect our teachers and students, and how tlus process has already taken longer than certamly we were told It would take," she Said She noted that, unl1ke a charter school that's m the planrung stages, Cluldren's ChOlce has eXIsted as a prl~ vate school smee 1993 "We've got everyllung m place to move forward," she SaId Cluldren's ChOlce, wluch currently has 30 students m grades one through fIve, hopes to eventually serve 112 students It offers a hands-on, chud-dIrected educatIOn that IS modeled after the pluloso- phy of Ilahan educator Mana MontessorI Last year the Spnngfield board also turned dOvnl a would-be charter school, the Academy of Teaclung and Learnmg, wluch would have offered a mulllcultural, mulll- lmgual, SOCIal Jusllce-centered educatIOn to 300 to 400 stu- dents m lundergarten through grade 12 Wlule the ATL deSIgn team had mtended to appeal to the state board, co~proJect dIrector Jolmny Lake sald the group had qualms about localmg m Spnngfield, given the senll- ment agamst It He Said they're now consldermg al1gnmg WIth other districts and will focus more on thelI next steps ill commg months "We sl1ll are pretty comrmtted to startmg a school," he SaId The state board has spon- sored only three charter schools preVIously, one of whIch has smce closed and one of wluch opened last fall m Portland Charter schools are tax- payer-funded and operate WIth greater autonomy than regular public schools They reCelve a portIon of the state's per-pupu fundIng - 80 percent for elementary and lnlddle school students and 95 percent for those m hIgh school May 7, 2008 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 WWW CI springfield or us Ms Carla McQwllan Cluldren's ChOIce Montesson School 522 65th Street Spnngfield, OR 97478 ~ ~ " ,r r Dear Ms McQwllan The City of Spnngfield has preViously reViewed and approved two land use apphcatlOns for 5005 MaIn Street, Map & Tax Lot 170233324500 In 1996 a Type II Site Plan ReView (Journal Number 1996-05-101) was approved for a cluld care center and m 1998 a Type II Site Plan ReView (Journal Number 1998-06-0127) was approved for an additIon to the cluld care center The site IS zoned Commumty Commercial With Commumty Commercial zomng abuttIng to the east and west and Low DensIty ReSIdentIal abuttIng to the south A proposal to expand an eXIsting cluld care center m a Commumty Commercial zomng district would reqUIre a Type II Major SIte Plan ReView ModrlicatIon mcorporatmg all Site Plan ReView cnteria (Spnngfield Development Code (SDC} 5 17-100) and the special use standards for cluld care centers (SDC 4 7-125) A proposal to add a pubhc or pnvate elementary school or rmddle school m a Commumty CommercIal zomng dIstnct would reqUIre a Type ill DISCretIOnary Use reView, winch would be reViewed by the Planmng ComrmsslOn, m conjunctIon With a pubhc heanng and Site Plan ReView The cntena of SDC 4 7-195 (Special Development Standards for PubhclPrivate ElementarylMJ.ddle Schools) would be apphcable along With the cntena for Site Plan ReView (SDC 5 17- 100) Please give me a call at (541) 726-2301 If you have any questIons or would hke to reVIew the preVIous land use files for tins property The above referenced code sectIons from the Spnngfield Development Code can be reViewed on our webslte www CI snnmmeld or us Smcerely, d~ to( ~ cc. John Tamuloms, Econormc Development Manager Jun Donovan, Planmng SupervIsor r~ !~~ ~-/;1Ko ~ --- //~ 411{/ JJ-~I LIZ Miller Planner I ~~/U1- '. 04/29/08 TUE 17 01 FAX 5417263689 CITY OF 5PRINGFIELD 1ilI00l ********************* *** TX REPORT *** ********************* TRANSMISSION OK TXlRX NO CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION In ST TIME USAGE T PG S SENT RESULT 0455 915417263316 SPFLD SD CURCLM 04/29 16 59 02'13 7 OK Cit.Y of Springfield Development Services Department SPRINGFIE LD Facsimile Cover F age Fax: (5+1) 726-;689 To'b(u~ Srroll,,~I-c(J- fax 5.YJ -1)/7 - 33 I ~7 . - U Compan!j <;p(ln~ti{ltl <;ChcollJi",trfl+- From Lr 7.... m \ \\-lr Message, Page I of I MILLER LIz From DONOVAN James Sent Tuesday, Apnl 29, 2008 8 26 AM To JONES Terry (Tara), MILLER LIz Subject FW CHILDREN'S CHOICE MONTESSORI SCHOOL Importance High Anyone have a read on this one??? Can I get a qUick check on this from one of y'all this momlng?? JD From: GRILE Bill Sent: Monday, Apnl 28, 2008 5 25 PM To: DONOVAN James Subject: CHILDREN'S CHOICE MONTESSORI SCHOOL Importance High JIm tnaftr ~C/rwl Bruce Smolrusky, an admrmstrator at SPS (726-3255) called to ask me about any zonrng reqUIrements that would affect expandmg the Montesson School located at 5005 Mam St They would lIke to double the bUlldmg and partner WIsh SPS TIus IS a questIOns from a Team Spnngfield partner and at tlus pomt doesn't ment a full DIM I sImply would lIke to know, m summary, what IS the zonmg for the subject property and mIght they be able to expand? And If so, would tlus be sIte plan revIew or what? Please let me know the answer by Wednesday Thanks' ~\)fL iO vtV 66 frorerro-- /1 VhI\Tc( Cwz- '6 {J.r-l~ ~ I1DL~2-0l{500 (' L Lor\' f\ t P (Iv<<i'i - ft<bllL - t:/UVlen t1 /) 1'5 r r Lftf\~(y IAaA- (~{ t (f 1"'- /q1& -OS-OIO I Iq1~ - (Jo -Oil 7- SffL-' ~ l---drr0rdS. (K.Q [u H{t4- ~ BIll 4/29/2008 NOTICE OF VIOLATION 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 WWWCI springfIeld or us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT DATE ISSUED February 1, 2008 CASE# 2008-59 Lucas and Carla McQUlln 1942 5th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 LOCATION OF VIOLATION 1942 5th Street, Spfld, OR 97477 NAME The City received a complaint that the property listed above IS In Violation of a Springfield City Code and/or ordinance Rather than ISSUing a citation or taking Immediate legal aCllon, It IS the City's standard practice to Inform citizens of the Violation and request that It be corrected SPECIFIC VIOLATION/REQUIRED CORRECTION Section 8 236(10) of the Spnngfield City Code - Prohibited Signs The sign on the fence at thiS location IS prohibited and must be removed No addlllonal signs to be erected until after land use compliance IS determined Section 3 2-210 ReSidential Uses A Montesson School may/may not be a use permitted In thiS zOning dlstnct Contact Spnngfield Planning staff to diSCUSS the ages, grades and number of children at thiS location to determine the whatilf any land use prOVIsions need to be addressed In order to aVOid actions being taken against you or your property we encourage you to proceed qUickly In the event that you have not taken corrective action by the assigned time deadline, a cIvil infraction citation will be Issued to the reSident and'or property owner CIvil Infraction fines $500 00 first offense/$1 000 00 second offense Each day a Violation continues constitutes a separate offense and Citations can be Issued dally DEADLINE FOR COMPLIANCE Seven (7) days from the date of thiS notice for all dead organic matter and debns, Thirty (30) days from the date of thiS notice for all used matenals and stored, damaged and'or Inoperable vehicles Thank you for your attention to thiS matter If you Wish to diSCUSS the Violation, or the required correction, Code Enforcement staff can be reached by calling 726-3659 between 7 00-9 00 a m VOice maillS available for messages throughout the day copy LIZ Miller, and Tara Jones, Planners and DaVid Bowlsby, BUilding Permit ReView Tech Page 1 of2 Child ren's ""'f H: ..... 'C;' ,,,"0 " , .I' ...-.......... , I " A. I!I O@ Chlldren's Choice Montessort Schools Teacher EducatIOn NFB Camp DonatIOns Contact Us Ab( Program 5th Street Location I Brochure Information I School Locations I Element;ry Program (Spnngfie I Mam Street (Spnngfield) I River Road (Eugene) 1942 5th Street, Spnngfleld, OR 97477 541.7262654 Preschool and Kmderaarten oroarams Hours of operation: 7'00 am - 6 00 pm Meals Lunch and snacks Ages 24 month - 6 years Emily Yoder - Site Director ThiS program has all the comfort and atmosphere of a quamt old house, With all the benE of a school Arched doorways, plaster walls, hardwood floors and big picture wmdows a< to the character and charm of the location Children's ChOice Montessori at 5th Street maintains a small student enrollment With a teacher to student ratio of 1 to 8 The play area mcludes a large fenced lawn area, swm~ set, a paved courtyard for tncycles and an mdoor play and lunch area for stormy days At the back of thiS acre lot IS a beautiful iriS aarden that In the future will orovlde the http Ilwwwmarnstreetmontesson orglCCM-5th html 5120/2008 Page 2 of2 - ~ - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - -- - - ~- - - - - -, - - --- -, r- students of the 5th Street and Main Street locations the opportunity to learn hands-on botany, Incorporate marketing strategies for the sale of Irises to the general public, and review of project proposals and community service work Parent's Page Lunch Menu Home Page I Contact Us I About Us http //www mamstreetmontesson orglCCM-5th html 512012008 Page 1 of2 Child ren's ~~c'l'8~::;'b' J,~ t . . . .f to_",..,.,._ .-0 .-....\ c E: Mo.ntessori Sohool A m O@ Chtldren's ChOlce Montesson Schools Teacher EducatlOn NFB Camp DonatlOns Contact Us Ab( Program Main Street Location I Brochure Information I School Locations 15th Street (Springfield) I Elementary Program (Sprlngfie I River Road (Eugene) 5005 Main Street, Spnngfleld, OR 97478 541 7262654 Preschool and Klnderaarten oroarams Hours of operation: 6 30 am - 6.00 pm Meals. Breakfast, lunch, snacks Ages 30 months - 11 years Carla McQuillan - Executive D/rector The original and largest of the Children's Choice Montessori facIlities, Main Street IS on l acre of land, and IS the site of 3 preschool and 2 elementary classrooms The play area Includes 2 large play structures, a grass field, a paved courtyard and alar Indoor play area for Inclement weather There IS also a large garden area for spring and summer planting and harvesting Parent's Page http //wwwmamstreetmontesson org/CCM-Mam html C::~ . , C),-L V0 c Q.;( ((CL-VI 'q'2(;, --ZbS~( 73u_ :s.,,~ c2 ~ 15 - ~ Y...JC [) 0 m ~ V1 \ 1- C- '-1150 " I -j / I '( -"A D.. ()- . - - S~' LA^-\. ~(s: ~~ fr~ (SZSD\ rn 0Y-- ~ J/ ~J t1MY3 ---- '1) V'tlcu4 ~cJ ~6 ? '~~ U?CC~ A to;; h"Y- . 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'1 -' . :../ ..............: 1 ...-....j ST'f2-EET L..\NE LOT l...lNe; WI~TH ~ ~~~h DePTH '\ ~ <.......r .., '\ ,;... " .../,-- , /:' -,~_." \/', /~/"\ .~, - - \ ~ ' \ ~, \ - DePTH MeA'5UfLe", l""f't7t-<l MIOPOINT Dr UNE =-rt<-SQU I f2-el? 1?5PTH Will I ,(Al"-D W'~TH ~EPTH ......... ... . ~- 137. ~~*~ ~ssC]yi. SC~~ J ~~ }'Vt~lA 17-02-3-3-SG/4ruG (CC-) ~ ,"'" OOVV~ ~~ /99(. o t:> q-C ~ ~ ~ d-)zJ C:vv-<-- h JTkh , ' - / I J Sthd Ov.yv '. \ v '\"~ p 7/. vv .s.o-v-+-z:;^ -' " , ), If ' ". ... -1-0 (lV"^~ ~ ~c. +u ~ ~-j<J.- ~~ ~ ~CYL- 1b ~-cL- )V0- J ~ a-Jd {h-c / ~~ i-D ~ f1--;Y f- ~ , City of Springfield PUBLIC Planning Commission MAILING ADDRESS PHONE APPOINTMENT RE- EXPIRATION DATE APPOINTMENT DATE DATE Steve Moe Chair Home 726-7613 05/01/1999 06/05/2003 06/05/2007 3698 Franklin Boulevard PO Box 847 Springfield, Oregon 97477 Intercltv(cj)aol com BIll Carpenter Vice Chair Home 726-6286 04/20/1998 04/17/2000 03/31/2004 680 T Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 wcaroenter(cj),ac ora James Burford Home 747-9384 06/03/1996 04/17/2000 03/31/2004 6781 Ivy Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 maa33803(cj)aol com Lee Beyer Home 746-5889 04/16/2001 9/16/2002 09/22/2006 1439 Lawnrldge Springfield, Oregon 97477 leebever(cj)comcast net Greg Shaver Home 726-1410 12/2/2002 12/2'2006 1225 Water Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 area(cj)cvber-dvne com Gale Decker Home 747-0462 06/02/2003 06/02/2007 415 67'h Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 OIdecker(cj)comcast net DavId Cole Home 741-0444 06'02/2003 06/02/2007 PO Box 70142 (mailing add.) Eugene, Oregon 97401 Enalneerlna(cj)hehtech com Note Spnngfield Plannmg Commissioners serve four-year terms Two members may reside outside the Sprmgfield City limits and two members may be employed m real estate Representatives to the City Council are on a rotatmg basIs CONTACTS' SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT BIll G"/e, Development Services Director 726-3671 Greg Mott, Planning Manager 726-3774 Mel Oberst, Planning Supervisor, Planning Commission Liaison 726-3783 Brenda Jones, Planning Secretary 726-3610 ,..' Montesson Pre-School and Latch-Key Programs 5005 MaIn Street ~ Spnngfleld, OR, 97478-6454 541-726-2654 Carla McQuillan, Director Aug 8, 1996 Dear Mayor Mornsette and the Spnngfleld City Council, We are In the process of bUilding a new facility for our Montesson School at 50th and Main Street When completed, ours Will be the first Child Care Center to be constructed In Spnngfleld All other child care programs In the city have emerged from eXisting bUildings In the community We deSigned the bUilding ourselves, taking care to make It the perfect place for both the children and our staff We have all been extremely excited about the new project since It began last December Over the past four years, our bUSiness has steadily grown from a small home based program of 6 students, to a capacity enrollment of 50 students at our current facility The time had come for us to find some property and bUild a school of our own Last fall, we applied for and were granted a loan from the Small BUSiness Administration, coordinated through the Lane Council of Governments ThiS application prOVided a detailed budget of proposed project costs, Including the fees for permits and Systems Development Charges (SDC) Permit fees and Information were proVided by employees of the city of Spnngfleld Attached IS the wntten estimate for the SDC's, dated December of 1995 You Will note that thiS estimate was $4700 We had planned to remain In our leased faCility at 3988 Main Street, until our new faCility was completed Shortly after we ordered the 4 modular bUIldings that would be ready for occupancy In late August, our landlord served an eViction notice, demanding that we vacate our Child Care faCility by June 30 The landlord's daughter opened her own Child Care Center In the bUilding on July 15 Fortunately, we were able to secure a temporary location for our summer program In the Head Start space at St Alice Church ThiS temporary location was made available to us only through the end of August, at which time the Head Start Program resumes Our site plan was approved In mid July When permits were prepared and final fees assessed on July 25th, the SDC for our project went from $4700 to over $18,439 an Increase of nearly 400% (See attached fee assessment) The majonty of thiS Increase was due to a recalculation of the transportation fees The SBA budget was submitted In December, uSing the figure of $4700 for the SDC's Submitting a revised budget for SBA approval at thiS pOint, could not be accomplished without delaYing the completion of the project Our contractor Informed us that the foundation needed adequate time to cure before the delivery of the bUildings The window of opportunity to meet the September 3rd deadline was qUickly clOSing DelaYing the project by even 5 days, would leave upwards of 70 children stranded A majonty of these children are dependent upon us for care and supervision while their parents are at work , The employees at the counter In public works were wonderful They seemed to understand our sltuallon, and finally agreed that we could pay for all of the bUilding permits (a total of $697), plus $5,000 of the SDC's, with the balance to be paid prior to final occupancy ''''ll At this pOint In time, I have some mixed emotions regarding the situation In which I find myself I do not begrudge the fees that the city charges I do, however, expect that an estimate In writing will be reasonably close to the fee I am charged I also expect the fees to be assessed In an equitable manner that does not prohibit development, growth, and expansion Yet, I find that the SDC's are not necessarily equitable For example, banks with drive up windows are not charged based on the calculated number of customer tripS dUring peak hours of the day, but rather on an adjusted scale that keeps the SDC's transportation fees at a more reasonable rate There IS no such fee cap for Child Care Centers, even though a Center IS far less capable of surviving a mighty financial blow than a bank In addition, there are several formulas for assessing the same business When an alternate formula IS applied, our fee IS reduced by over $2,000 I am told that there IS a tremendous difference between Child Care Centers and Schools, when It comes to SDC's The fees assessed for Transportation are 85 hmes higher for a Child Care Center than for a school Now, had our program been exclusively Day Care, with none of our children enrolled In our academic program, the SDC In our faCIlity would have been $31,706, according to the current figures The Systems Development Analyst did not know the difference at the hme of the eshmate I was also Informed that Springfield used to assess SDC's based on 1 5% of the project cost ThiS practice was brought to a halt several years ago probably because It left no room for lobbYing, bantering, and bartering for excephons and exclusions The $18,439 represents 5 2% of our total project cost land, Improvements, bUilding, and landscaping If we were running Child Care programs only, the fees would represent 9% of the project cost Several questions have crossed my mind concerning thiS matter. 1) How did the banks come to acqUire a cap on their transportation fees? 2) Are there other busmesses that enloy Similar breaks? 3) What IS the procedure for obtammg such a pnvlleged status? 4) How does the analyst deCide which formula Will be used to assess the fees? 5) How can I be sure that the appropnate classification and formulas were used m my situatIOn? 6) There was a $13,700 dIfference between the first and second assessment of my fees How do I know that the second one IS correct, If eIther? 7) If my project IS delayed while I resubmit a budget to SBA for approval of additional funds to cover fees that were not accurately presented to me m a timely fashIOn, where Will the 70+ children go until the matter IS resolved? 8) How can we prevent thIS from happenmg to others m the future? I do not know the extent to which the Council has authority to handle these matters, but If It IS pOSSible, It seems appropriate In thiS Situation, that temporary occupancy be ,. granted without addllional payment of the SDC's, until this Issue IS resolved This would enable us to provide Child Care beginning September 3, assuming that all other conditions for occupancy are met In a society where most families are either single parent or double Income, the number one concern and cause for absenteeism among working parents, IS the result of problems with their child care arrangements We In the profession realize this We don't do It for the wealth and fame, but rather to meet a crrtlcal need that society tends to overlook We do It for an opportunity to ensure that the children of today will grow to be the community leaders of tomorrow This IS achieved by creating an environment that centers around mutual respect, and accepting responsibility for one's actions Thank you for your time ~a~ 12/C4/95 15 22 '0'503 i26 36SQ SPFD DEl SER IilI 001 .. SPR1NQ,FIELO ,,,...Iol,~,...~, FAXfNFO / / TO NAME CARL-A ORGANIZA TIOI'J FAX NUMBER ,'-11 - l/.f"6'S FROM NAME ~~\ (nf.D-3,("8B~ MESSAGE - NUMBER OF PAGES 3 (INCLUDING COVER SHEET! . , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS 225 N 5TH STREET SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 PHONE (503) 726-3759 12/04,95 15 22 ~503 726 3689 SPFD DE\ SER Ii1I 002 JOB NO c5lJ M ATC- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT C~ARGE WORKSHEET NAr1E OR COt'I~P:NY cARLA r"r ~") f'\ 'QUI. -' ,( LOCATION 50'05 p.,A I i-I '.5T, DEVELOPMENT TYPE . ::c.,,<>::>\... BUILDING SIZE LOT SiZE 1 STnPM DRATN~GF: r g",\A"j r '~ 3.Boo -,. .... r",,~'~~ IMPERVIOUS SO FT c.;; 5.5MJ f I 0~fJ ~ Ii X SO 21 PER SO FT 2 SANTTARY SFI~FR-r:IT{ NO OF PFU'S (See Reverse) 36 - X $43 43 PER PFU 3 TRANSPORTATTON NO OF UNITS X TRIP RATE X COST PER TRIP 0.0\ 60 X $437.93 X X X $437 93 X X $437 93 4 SANITARY SFWFR-MWM[ NO OF PFU'S 36 x $18 75 PER PFU + $10 MWI1C Am.tIN FEE (Use PFU Total From Item 2 Above) N~JMC CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) TOTAl -MI~Mr: SOr: SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS 1 2 3 & 4) 5 ADMINISTATIVF FEES BASE CHARGE (SUBTOTAL ABOVE) X 05 ESTlMPir!: (2./4/'(5' Date Troy MeA 111 ster SDC Coordlnator TOTAl 'lOr: FAy. o::t"i'11 -1433 SO Ft ~153€) '- .-/ .--:;::- ~I ~50 31:) --....:.... - C:2~ Z :.€:) ---------- 5 $ $1 7 Z-z.. s,E.. ~ 73 $ /37..- ~<;~"?L~ "-. / $ Lj,'i5S~ ~22::''' ::y '- .-/ ~- 1;;J) . ,-- G.~ ~..:ut 76 - V FIXTURE UNIT CALCULATION TABLE: Number of New F,"tures X Unit Equivalent = (NOTE For remodels, calculate only the NET additional !Ixtures) NUMBER OF NEW FIXTURES 12/u4/95 15 23 '0'503 ;26 3689 FIYTUqE TYPE Bathtub DrinkIng Fourraln Floor Drain ~ Interceptors For Grease/Oil/SolldsIErc Interceptors For Sand/Auto Was~/E[c Launary Tub'Clotheswasher . Clotheswasher - 3 Or More , Mobile Home Park Trap (1 Per Trailer) Receptor For Refngerator/Water Statlon/ftc Receptor For~ercl~LSj!l~LQlsh.'6'as1JJl?tEtc Shower, Single Stall. Snower, Gang Sink Barl CommercIal, ResloentJal t<1!cr,en Unnal, Stall/Wall Wash Basln/Lavawry, Single Todet, Public Installation TOilet, Prrvate Miscellaneous CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE' calculate credits separates I- i, SPFD DE\' SER c; <:; TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS I4J 003 FIxture Uf11t'S UNIl EQUIVALENT FIXTURE UNITS 2 1 2 3 6 2 6 6 1 3 2 l/Head 2 3 2 1 6 S "30 4"t'";:" = 38 Based on assessed value. If Improvements occurred after anneyatlon date In table, Year Annexed Rate per $1,000 Assessed Value 1979 or before 1980 1981 1982 19B3 1984 1985 1986 $347 339 333 321 305 2.92 274 246 ( Year Annexed 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Credit lor Parcel or Laf'd Only If Applicable L Improvement {,f after annexation datel /' -r"" V~I",,-.f I "'3d 7 X $'" ~B, 25"0 (Rate X Assessed Var"ue) X $ (Rate X Assessed Value) Rate per $1,000 I Assessed Value , I i , $213 1.76 1 35 095 058 041 029 014 n C'Z. 33 ;3'Z.. .,r-,,~ = 7S /32 - = 73 /'72- CREDIT TOTAL = $ .;; 07/~O/06 16 ~6 'Z3'50~ 726 ~680 r SPFD DEl SER ~ Post-,t' Fax Note 7071 ITO CAaA K<c.UlllA-N CoJOspI IPM"" IF." 72.G,- (D88"1 10"'7/30/%1:';'. <:. i Fmm m.~ J I,Co CJ~ o~ $J-J(,l'"'E;:<." .IPhone. 7u..-;s'-66 J IF"" I F"A- )( CITY Oll' B;PRJ:N(31"~i:LD 8Y6~ DXVEI.r..-,;,oIoIOI"... CHARGB (COMIIE1!.C:IAL I lliDllSTRIAI.) Name or Company' LEWIS/SALLY EDMONDS Lo~at~on~ 5005 MA1N ST Developement Type: C BuJ.~<lJ.ng Si%e' 1. S:rOR>l CRAINAGB Imperv~oua Sq Pt 1.0 X S552 2. SAHJ::rlUl.Y SSVlEll. - CITY NUmber Of PPUa 1.0 X 34 (see page 2) I/?. l/z. X 3. ~SPORTATION ;1l)O/;<T" NUmber Of Ulu ta ",-n" -:. 1 0 X 35 X ~. 1.0 35 X <l'~ rlUDJ (J. l'\{"alJlu.6-H ~.- Transporcation Total (.<>~ 5-z.e C.Ot: 5t.S Tr~p !l.ate 0.010 X o SSO 4. SAHJ::rlUlY SBWER - I<1'lHC Numher Of PPUs 34 Job No.. 960980 Lot Sue, x 0.4~5 Per sq pt = x 44 75 Per PPU . ..( ~t'r6eL O""=' CflI1Z€. C(;.<TCR. f':z.:z. Cost. Per 'I':t:'1p 451 26 451.25 $157.94 $13,424 ~B X Per Pro + MWMC Adau.n Fee X :10 6~0 + 10 00 MWMC CREDIT If AppliCable (see Page 2) TOTAr. - MWMC SDC SDBTO'l'AL - (Add Uems 1. 2. 3 &, 4 J 5, AOM:Ims~= J'EBS Ease Charge (Subtotal Abov~) X o 50 :renAL SDC ReV1ewed By. TROY MCALLISTER Date- 07/25/96 _............r~, ~001 -n(p - (,,~'ij,9 ---. Page 1 Sq l't $1,847.23 $1,521 50 " 0 I ISTuDG<li c:>" et; I S1VP.EH1' , -r I .$23,582.93 $713.46 $~04.10 .$509.3S $17.SSl,02 $878.05 $18.439.07 .. 07/:10/96 16 J6 '5'50J 726 3689 Job Number 960980 SPFD DEV SER F=E =T CALCllLA':l'IOH TABLE FD<ture Type Bathtub Dr1.I1kJ..ng Fountam Floor Drain Interceptors For Grease/Oil/Sol~ds/Eta Inteceptors For Sand/Auto Wash/Eta Laundry TUb/Clotheswa~her Clotheswasher - 3 Or More Receptor For Refrigerator/Water Stat~on/Etc Receptor for Commerc~l Sink/D1shwasher/Etc Shower, S~ngle seal 1 Shower, Gang S1nk, Bar, Commerc1al, Residential X1tchen Unna.l, StaJ.l/wall Wash Bas~n/Lavatory, S~gle Water closet, Puhl~c lnstallation, water Closet, Private Miscellaneous TOTAL FIXTUR1l UNITS = Number of New F.1xture o I o o o I o o o o o 2 o 7 o 5 o . , Ii!I002 Page 2 u:n~t F1xture Eqll::l.valent Uluts 2 0 1 I 2 0 3 0 6 0 2 2 6 0 I 0 3 0 2 0 0 2 4 2 0 I 7 6 0 4 20 0 34 =1':1' c;J\J.,COLATION TABLE, Based on assessed value, If improvements occured after annexat~On date, creai;s ere calculate4 separately. (calculat~ons are by $1000J Year Annexed. 1969 Credit For Parcel Or Land Only If Appl~cable: Improvement (if after annaxat~on date) r (If land value is mult~phed by 1 then the 30,000 x 3.47 :=; 104.10 o x 3 47 .c o 00 CRJ3l)IT TO'1'AL = $104.10