HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1966-4-26 ~ .. , ...r ,., SEWER LIEN AND CONNECTION AGREEMENT Kl-lOIJ ALL HEN BY TIiESE PRESENT~: That for and Inconsideration of the provision of a public sewer facility constructed by the City of Sprlngflp.ld, a municipal corporation In Lane County, Ore90n, for the benefit of the reel property herein described, we N. L. Treadawav. 1]21 Industrial Avenue. Slt"I.!'q{leljl... Q!f''1$)'l. " THE LEGAL OWNERS OF THE property do hereby agree to the placement of, and grant ,to said City a lien upon our property benef It ted and descr I bed as fo 11 ows: 1323 Industrial Avenue Wost 130' of Lot 7, Block #2, Adams Plat First Addition Paid $100.00 (Receipt #17568) April 26. 1966, leevlng balance of $172.00. Amount of lien: $ 272.00 Said real property desc~lbed shall be held as securlty,fOr the re-payment of the above sum In ten equal semi-annual Installments, plus accured Interest at the rate of ~k from the date hereof on the balance of the unpaId assessment. The Initial pay- ment of principal and Intere~t wIll be made by the property owner sIx (6) months from the date of thIs a9reement. It Is further provided that this lIen may be foreclosed as other city liens In accordance with the provisIons of the Ordinances and Charter of the City of Spring- fIeld In the event that Installment payments Including Interest, are not paid within six (6) months of their due date. This lien has been computed as being one- half (t) of the equivalent cost of an eight (8") Inch lateral sanItary sewer at the rate of S3.40 pcr abutting front foot for EIghty (80) feet and does not Include the cost of a house connection to beld trunl( sewer, sewer user dharges, plumbing permits or other such costs to be assumed by the property owner. This lien and agreement to pay the same shall be binding upon the undersigned who are the owners of the real property hereIn described and shall bind their heirs, executors, administrators, assIgns and successors In Interest, and until paid, shall be construed to be a covenant runnIng with the land. ': Dated at Springfield, Oregon, thl~ 26th day of ADr"; ,19 ~~ (SEAL1~of~~ (SEAiSl~",^ ..p- 1" " k '" ' l:'\:~' '\- , ' -3 ~: '~-'J.] P- I r \ . . - ,'" ~ ,_ (,,,,' ~<.1 ',. -' c - :...) . - '''- On thls:2.-7 day of_A7JjC/.L. ;.;'g6tc,l.,\personally came before me, a Ilotary Public 1;1 and for sara county and state, N:e ~..:t:.fn named N. L. Treadaway , to me'personally known to be Identical persons described In and who executed the wIthin Instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the sarne freely,and voluntarIly for the uses and purposes therein named. h,:_. " ;> ., . :.. ST~TE" OF'OR~GON ) " ) ) ss , , ....c:~~ _\.:-" , ", - county,of~C3ne last above written. /! ''/A'e:t ~..-r 1/ A' ~~ (/ OTARY PUB~' , / ~~- /2 /9~~ My Comml,s}"on eK'plres ~IIi'NESS my hand and sea I th 1 s day and year .- .. -":'-" .. SEWER liEN AND CONNECTION AGREEMENT I;HO~J ALL MEN BY TIIESE PRESENTS: That for and Inconsideration of the provision of a public sewer facility constructed by the City of Sprlngfip.ld, a municipal corporation In Lane County, Oregon, for the benefit of the real property herein described, we 1:1., L TI'A~AV, 1121 Indust"'al Aven.'" C;\lr!I''l.fJeld, oreNon , THE LEGAL OWNE S OF THE property do hereby ~9ree to the placement of, and grant to said City a lien upon our property benefitted and described as follows: 1323 Industrial Avenue West 130' of Lot 7, Block #2, Adams Plat First Addition Paid $100.00 (Receipt #17568) Apl'll 26, 1966, leevlng balenco of $172.00. Amount of lien: $ 272.00 Said real. property described shall be held as secur': ty for the re-payment of the above sum In ten equal semi-annual Installments; plus accured Interest at tre rate of 6% from the date hereof on the balance of the unpaid assessment. The Initial pay- ment of principal and Intere~t will be made by the property owner six (6) months from the dete of this agreement. It Is further provided that this lien may be foreclosed as other city liens In accordance with the provisions of the Ordinances and Charter of the City of Spring- field In the event that installment payments Including Interest, are not paid within six (6) months of their due date. This lien has been computed as being one- half H') of the equl-lalent cost of an eight (8") Inch lateral sanitary sewer at the rate of 53.40 per abutting front foot for Elahtv (801 feet and does not I,nclude the cost of a house connection to ~eld trunl( sewer, sewer user dharges, plumbing permits 'or other such costs to be assumed by the property owner. T~ls lien and agreement to pay the same shall be binding upon the undersigned who are the owners or the real property herein described and shall bind their heirs, executors, administrators, assigns and successors In Interest, and until paid, shall be construed to be a ~ovenant running with the land. ~::~. . " .> .r" : '..;. .. o4l.... ~ . .--~ ,-,oJ .;-)"'i~ . ~- ~.j.. .'.::' ~?" '. - ~.:... .... <- STATE OF OREGON .. ~;" :.: ;]'1" -'.: -'.. .. thi ~ 'f'if'h day' of Anrll _ ,19 (SE/\L~.f~/~/~ / ' ~ (SEAL) #;1. . Dated at Springfield, Oregon, ) ) toun ty of I.ane ) On this '~day of 4}-.. /' ,I~'h, personally came before me, a Notar.r PubLic 10 and for said .co...nty and state, \1he ~'i thIn named . ~. Treadaway > to me per50nally known to be Identical persons described In and who executed the wIthin Instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein nomed. S5 WliNESS my hand and seal thIs day and year last ahove written. _ <'?4A:4-e ,r." $ R t.-.~.s.. NARY PUBLIC / ~~/' /2- /t:f~7 My Comm'ss~n expfres