HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1965-6-17 . , ~, SEWE~ LI~N AND CONNECTION AGREEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That for and In ennsideratlon of the pro- vIsion of a public sewer facltllty constructed by the CIty of Springfield, a municIpal corporation In Lane County, Cregon, for the b~neflt of the real property hereIn described, II, '.--LyJ_ ~ Clll_~~~ , the legal ownerl of the property do hereby agree to tile plilcement of, and grant to said c! ty a lien upon our property benefited and described as follows: Lot II, Block I, First AdditIon to Adams Plat as platted and recor4ed In Book 15., 'Page 2, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, In Lane.County, Oregon " 1252 Industrial Avenue Sprlngflold, Oregon Amount of LIen: $ 272.00 Said real property described shall be held as security for the re-payment of the aoove s~m In ten ~qual ser.ll-ann~al Installments, plus ac~ured Interest at the rate of 6% from the date hereof on the balance of the unpaid assessment. The Initial payment of prlncl pal and Inte'"est will be made by the property owner sl x (6) months from the date or this agreement. It is further provided that thIs .lien may be foreclosed as other city Iiena in accordance with the provIsIons of.the Crulnances lind Charter of the CIty of Springfield In the event that Instai:ment pay~e~t5 Including Inter~st, are not paid with sIx (5) menths of their due date. ThIs lien has been computed ai; being one- half (~) of the equivalent cost of an eight (8") Inch lateral sanitary sewer at the rata of $3.110 per abutting front foot for_ AD.D _yeet and does not Include the cost of a house connection to sald trunk sewer, sewer user charges, plumbing permIts or other such costs to be assumed by the property owner. This lIen and agreement to pay the same shall be b!ncJlng upon the undersIgned who are the o~mers of t~e real pr~perty hereIn de5~rrbed ar.d shall bind theIr hairs, eltecl.ltors, administrators, assIgns and Guccessors In I;:terest, and until paId, shall be construed to be a cove:lant rUlli-,ing wit:, the land Dated at Springfield, O~egon, this 17th day of June , 19 65 c1/-Aflo o c. e j fl.:...r iL.<.:..,.., (SEAL) (SEAL) STATE OF OR~GON ) ) ss County of Lane ) On this 17th me, a Notary Public Lyle C..,EllIckson .Identlcal persone descrIbed In and who executed ,'; ledgeli"'to~'rne-- that .hlW executed the same freely :; . - ... .~ purposes thereln~a d:,_, , ". ,:. '. 1/' '_ / n' , ,', .- --.:..! 'v . . ~,j . ", WITllESS Q'lf.J!inl an~~dlea'l t , 'I' \' "0".. vr r.<''''~ - . ~ . ~ , .. '-ti 1',,1 \, . :::,;.0.._ ~. ~11 -: oJ ~ '>-?- ;> <4 ~~. ~ ~..." "P"~.... (k. L-.... J;~~~'4. /. 9J day of June , 1965 ,personally ccme before In and for said County and State, the within named . , to me personally known to be the within Instrument, and acknow- and voluntarily for the uses and and year last above wrItten. 7~ .I. . / 'd. C'!-'1. NOTARY PUBLIC ..5 -30 - 6..9 My Commission Expires