HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fire Damage Report 1985-5-28 ;J (1/... *,~~t:.",.:...~:\"'t....."\t~;1.1tt: W,,::,l;:U\}:-~'\~Jo!-''''_':'''::~'''-~~'~~-;'~W''''"f.\!t.;,I ~~n~"~4l'ot'~~ ....N. ,'~~,:v.,,~"'.ll:\'(iSi:'\'''.;;1;tI;".,;l(\''''- V" -.-t, :.~' ".,; .. .'."', ;" fi:~ " , ~' ~':~'-I~"~lll.1",.il\I'!:~~'t..",,!C!' ,'" ,'YtJ~," '!~' ',,~' ;,1 -... oce\jPANtv NAMe:."iJ"..--.rf! ~ .... ...,~ ,.; ft ~~ ::\ ~.... ~ , ... I ; @;~ :,,~",' 1'~, !t.~~' ' ' ~.! , - .;!",.. ...' il"l:~~" ,,--"'~. --', . ,,'n II .'(...:, ;,' ~~:"\f!" ",Of' ,'.' .. . ... C- "':"~' .....:i~ ~ ~ .. 1~ ',.~bREsS;re'l? ;$~-' ,,". . '~, 1.'1)". ",",J;" ;,~ '~,'b'''!"'~'':'",,,,,,ih,,',~-,''a~' ' ,"" ".'~<-<:.,~,." 00' ~ .. ;,.~:&..~ B,' , .' ' t{~~ ~~~~~~~~~:~,~",~~{~,~';_ . .~~;-~. ~~,!;~.- )~. ~t~'it.\... .' ~~.... ,'\", ~~~~. ~"... 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Me t 36"" I . f t f lect al L - . ,,~.r ~ . .. ..... . .t.. . ~ .,. ..... ... , ..", _.~ 1 ::;; ':;~ ~~ .. M.:~~~ WI'I;g7:~~'~~~~II;" :nd ;~ol~7;" .;~;;;;;~"1;f::;;~;tr~"1~::::91\'Fi;':~; ;~. ".',;:~ ' :-i,/s.iJ d-.'~:;1~,,:: 'j~'ii/ ;'::", ';'\f: I~:.r,:'. '. . .:..{; - M .. EXITS' ,.,~:; "'_',~~ :o,~",,"....~_.?:(;:._...~ ::'.,..:._'::~"';j.;:;:..;;"n ~~~l:.'::-.~.:t."f."'''':'.'itf,;~''7.:F>:~t~:;.:t.~':t~;;''~!' ~.."-t~ I',:'" ..~~- '12.104(b) " 1. Remove unappro~.d lock. or latch.. from .xlt doo.... ~:~-,.:~~j,t'f~..;::..~~ ;:"1~r_..~~,.~.~f::'.H;:'~~. '.:; Pi::'..: .;':'?*;';{.!:::'i.-;'~:;;':"~~~....~i~'~:~'~):' . ~,~< , . 1210'(01 -2.U'--kll Id dl bul h "4"":""~\~~"""''''''''_'r;.'_'''_^''''~''''''''''''I.~;-,l., . .',.., ~.... ....\~. . , . ~. n....... . .XI oorI urng aneaa oura. ......" ,:.. . "~',...., :;,~.",,"'''''r''''~...~ ~"~"",\~' ~"_''''. -,'J ....:>:...,_,........{j;t..~l...,.:..'.... r. .. .... '. .-'2103(8).'- 3. R.mov. obstructions 'rom .alla. .1,le.. corrldori"Md al.lrwav-.....:.~(::-':~ ~~-::tf'.',.};..~;;.:~:::~.:.i~:;.. . 1n,..::..~~..;::,.!.'\:.. ~:~...,'=...., ~ "~>'....' "t-.;"""'1.,1. '~=1f ~~:~~., ...,' '.~ 12.105(f) l. = 4. R.move obstructiOns from smoke doors and ma!nt.ln 10 oper.ta properlY,";~ :7..~.~t~~:;tt&1?L .~ti. ~~'~l/'..f'.tI' :'r-L...:..:4:;~"t-:~.'-~~Ft:~t ~:.:. .f{;: -:: 12.104.. '..:~ S. ~epur or maintain ex.it door and hardw.re 10 oper.ta property: ~";~~jr 't..~t::~,,:~~:;,"'~":;~.I~J;~.:..:. ~~ -:1. ..... fr..L2. ~.... .,1...,. ~ tJ...,: :::"":"':: ....::...' ".;:~.--;~.ii. ...'.-~' ~ . ~ "'.- '~~~:'t'I~t.'-, ..r;z;::J1,....\,;'~'.:.:..-.;';:.~.:;.;! .;<~. :;.-~::-,~.:; :~:;,~.:....;-;i.t;.~~.;.;":.-c;--:-=.:4\~- . "..~~...~l-'.~ .':O::..l.~.:x;.~.~-~'.: ~,-,"-.q...~ ,,'~'''i'.'~ I' ';,;~.; .....~.... ....,':' c.. EXlTLlQHnNQ ...... "..--", '-:o..;J5'[!......,":". ~~~t..:.,,.,....~.~.::l;"......,..~.:d..."~,./.~L~~:J3:~-..~ .~.l.n.r.'.."l'o~l.;........~~' ~,.._....o:~,.:.~~.~.;..lo';, _..:. ..... ....:. 12.1 13(c) :~.::.::.... 1. Malnt.in lighting for exit signs. .,.::'.O".'.:::7t"... ,:"",:v~,j: ,,~'-',;:,'.~,'\:"';:;:;'~".'-:""':~-1... :~:t:"":';-"':";';;:::~_I' .~ "', ....... .,:: ,~"'-: .\...... ~...... .~-;- :;.:~'t ,~:.. - ~ 12.1131.. :---:. 2. PrO'flde lighting for corridors. st.lrwa.,. and ext.rior exltw.ya. .;;....:..:'..(~~.~-:-.:~~8-~..t.;..t; '..;. '";" ,';.~,::~.,r.~:': ~~\tl~.';:'";:-""?!1-~' .;.:r l.r:::1'{i,I....;l '~-:: 12.113f.) .3-2.... 3. Exit. all.11 be Illuminated at all times the building I! OCCUpled..~;..:.;.~;:~ ::.~~;,~~~~..,a-r,:..~ . . . ';''' ... ,. ...... .... . "Z' :: ,";~-o::;.;i';~t D, ~~Ap~:.~NGUI.H:~~g:~~i;;;~ r<:%'i:';,":}>'~~~~:;~;,~~;f.~fe~'~S~i~~;:ff;~" .' !:'=!;:~':~~i~/:~':"f.'ij.:'::::;~' Ij~:~: to.301(a). ~ 2. Mount extinguisher where re.dity 8va...ole. wltn top not highe, than 5 reet. ":;';.'~' ;:.:_;'. .:>_.,....:.:'".~~.H .' "~""~I"".. ,'J '~",,,:';' ..... .:..,\,.'. .,. .-::-;:'. I ..' 10.301 (a).. 3. sPost, signs indicatingh IOCt~liO~ where extinguishe~ .r. nOI readily .visible... :::,;,::]...,..'0". ~~~.~.~:;: \ ..::,:. I . ~...: ':~.'::; ;::\ :~~_.:. ..' >:.... ...: ,~~~..:.,'I :~.~. I . :'" 10.301 (a) _... ervlce .nd tag e.c ex IngUlsher annu.lIv .nd aner use. , -,.:::.:..::',:....:,~:-:::;.:.:~ ~;::~:;~? :::_'.~.~....~:~.(. . . ,.,:. E. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS ..... .:.; ;::.'-: ~,P '~~..-. .;.r..",'..'!..< ;::.-:..~.t.-.'~::.: -1':" :.: ".'::~ "~:;" ':~~'<l.'i :~;.~:..:... \ . ~~:~.'.: ~':::..:'\ ;'.~"~' I ;.'. - i ~:~:t.~~c:e: ~~~~~I:::;::~o; ~~:t~~~~tl=~~r~~...~Prin~~.r. ~~.~~~...~~.~~~!.~~r~~~s). :.:.~~. I. ..... ;.... .'~" '~(:.. .f..., .......1 ,... ~ 3. lden~itv sprinkler ~.IV8S .nd ~t.-"dpipes and s~ure in ~pe~ position. ~<{",~~:?:,;.<;~~\ .:.(2'=.o~_~2:'f'~'., I .. . ...,... ,....., . '.. 4. PrOVide spare spnnklers (6 minimum) .nd sprinkler wrench. : . .....;:..:":-.. ":~_. .~.. ':::'../.~~";\< .' ,.'. ,";"i;~."'7,:'.:.))'_'. ,:., ~~;-: ....;...'('vii....:-:. ::'. .:~,. I .' - 5. Inspeel and aervice hood .nd dud extinguiShing system over cooking equipmenL ,;:; ::;: '~';: .' :.' :.'"1.' - 6. Repl.ce dam.ged. corroded or painl.d sprinkl.r he.ds. .._~ .... ~ ,>:<:"",:~:':: :l ~~'.':'~...,L'~~;.. '1'.;. . .::';" ;::.,~ :.;.' . "'}:~.::~~'., '-:.-:;,::'; ;:.,-:...~.:._I ..': F,I.R~e~o'::~~:~~~o~~ ;~~~~~i:re d~~~ '~'~:d ~~;~ta~~'t~' o:~~:t~:.~.:~;;;~:~::~~t:,~:~'.~/:~~~~:~:~-::r~P'\':: I '. .~ .~. ,;:\::=.' '.'~';. .~~, ..~ " I" ,<.~: 'G, :':::::~~::L70:~::;~~~~:":~~~~;e:,=~~,~'\:", ~~;~:\:;t;!~~~t;;t.~:'~;~~f:.g:t:., "';:"'''~'''>', ,,:::',.:/:::,', ,,, :,',;:.: 1. Reduce Class I 10 less than 5 gll. Inside or 10 gal. outside without perm, It.' './:"j. . ,....:...:~ . '...<- ~';:.. I -, - 2. Reduce Class II & III to 25 gal. inside or 60 gal. outside without permit. \:.;;; . ~,_. . ";'-. -/. . I ". ..'Co .'-,: .. - 3. R.moveliqulds not stored in original containers or closed metal conlalners. .' . ,"'':'. - 4. Remove flammable liquids not used for maint. in assemblv.bldg... offices. .pts. or motels. :'. ~...,- I 5. Discontinue use of Class I liquids (gasoline. otc.) for cle.nlng. .. 6. Star. liquids 8way from corridol'll. aisles. st.irways .nd exit areas.. I" "" - 7. Discontinue dispensing tram containers exceeding 5 gal. or provide pump laking suCllon from top. ' - 8. Discontinue the discharge 01 liquids into dr.ins or on th. ground. 10.302(a) 10.302(a) 10.302(a) 10.3021a) 10.313 ~0,302(a) 10.402 10.401 11.408 79.103(1) '79.103(2) 79.104 79.402(b) 79.111 79.402(.) 79.109(al 79.110 11.406(d) 11.406(d) 11.201(b) 10.313 11.201 (b) 12.103(e) 11.203(b) 11.203(b) 11.203(b) ".101 ".102(.) I 13.101 10.208 to.207 74.107 ,.. " \''''. . ..'- . '..-'.' ...;........:..;; H. HEATING APPLIANCES ~. "'. '~',;'~..':~'~f".::"'- 1. Remove combustibles .nd storage from heat.r are. or room. '. ...... .,' -". = 2. Provide clear.nce between he.t producing appli.nce and combustibl. material. .' :""'1;- ..... L HOUSEKEEPINQ ': .,-:. .:>,.:: ~':'-:-:'_" 1. Remove or store rubbish. waste m.teria!.'olly rags In closed met.1 cont.iners, .. .: - 2. Clean grea58 finers and hood duct system over cooking appliance. .....;..;. '.. = 3. Provide .pproved waste containers for combuSlible waste. ;. "~ - .~ ...~'-;. ~-~:: ~;~~': _ .: .-'..-'. J. STORAGE .. 1. Remove storage from exits. aisles, corridors .nd on Of under st.irw.y.." '".: -'- - 2. Arrange stor.ge in orderly m.nner and provide for exiting and fire department access. ':-~:. :f"'; - 3. R.mov. stor.ge to 18" below 'evel 01 sprinkler (36M for slorage piled over 12 feet high). '_; = 4. Reduce stor.ge height to .t least fWo feet below ceiling. .",,"" . .. : _' , K. PERMITS -~ '__. ~...' .' 1. Obtain. permit from the Fire Prevention BunNw. or discontinue.. ..r' .. '._ ~ r., = 2. Comply with permrt regul.tlona. :. - . ,.:':.. - . ..".. . ';:'::.;,;;:b ;.. ..._ L. MISCELLANEOUS ".,..~-:;..__<f_~.",. - ~ ..:,..........-,...,".-.. '-, ,.~.' .:,..... 1. Post .nd enforce No Smoking signs. . _ .' - - 2. Provide address in such a position .s to be visibl. .nd legible from the sl. 'rontlng property. - 3. R.mov. obatrudions .nd provide .cc.ss In fire lanes. ... Secure .11 compressed gas cylinder. In upright position with n.me or product: Y. OTHER .;:~::<~:.,::' ;."~~~ .. ..: :.....':~ ...-. '... ~ .:::..-~~.<. .;~ -,~':'A:~-;' ':;""':' ". . ~ '.. :.;.';'.:' .~.: ....:~._... ......1.:. '.. ../ . - ..' -. ~. ~.' ':,:,.:,.~ -' ...:' i I I I", - I"~':"~~', I' ".:,,",~:; .....:. .; '..: ":' ~i' ';':~ .;;;. ~:;...' :::~:~ . ..". . '-';'.. . .... .'. ,,'- ..1: .:'~ ;.',; .._"M.' ";'" .:. .:',.:-.. .. ",~... . ;~..~:-:.;;:;::'" .:;~~.. . . T' .~. -:.:. '.~_ . . ~'.::~ ::. '- ....;..!~- ...;.,.-~ " -." .. ~.- t... _....:.:. . . .'~";"' ;:,::.~~. . ~. ".,:.:':::.': ....;...::...~. ", .-.. .... . ~ , . :.' :;.~. ....: ,'VOU ARE HEREB~ NOTIFIEO TO CORRECT THE ABOVE VIOLATIONS WITHIN : ,.,. I ~ :'." DAVS. -' ,s--;;I. '1-g~ .';1:';":~i";?jo:'(:,,:.:, ~;:'2: .,' .,~......:...,...,. ~ /..-L....~.-~-:~.../.- ~._~,.....~....:....;-."..... ;"r'..-..,;~\~", .':-._ ....~:.._.....:....~..~.' '.. .:.~:.....:.~~.-:..~.1';...::..~). ~;""I,i~' ,'_.' Signed. ,...,:......;.:... ":1.1;.?'7 ........;...;...; . V:.' . .. :t~.... ~ 0"'" 7-"'" ..:or...... .....:. ';'~ ~.~~... )~..~-~ -')'. _....~-"..,:":II'.....-=....-. VIOLATIONS' Noted'" 1....c;..~..~_~ .......,.,...~...}~.1 A.~:." ...,._.:. /..': - -. :...;,."".- "':'- '-,~:::'.:/;-,;;:~,:~~~I:.~,)~tf:.:.~.;}:';.:;.~~:._..~'.....:..~.: '. ::.,.. ...:.~....:.~:.,.: ~f5;:' ~.$o ".. REFERRED TO FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU FOR LEGAL ACTION....:.I'~..., ':~.~ ,':' .:t.:~.~. ~ .:--~:P.~~~.....'~,-..:~' Abated' :t"./:'l"~~:~"";':""'.f.;.~: " ,,,,., _ ~ ,_. _ . .~.\nM'':""" .....,\.:_<".:.:_....,~.-._.. ....-:a.,:-~....4,;;,~...;'-..~ . r' -:.-.l.~~' .,.. .,.... .'..' ',,- 1~''''''lIl' ,'" ..,' ....',.."'., .-.,,<-'..' ,... "". ...."'....".H~..>>;J'.""'O"',""'~,- 6054"" ......,' I~" "" INSPECTOR oOL. ;.,;:.~e;ou..""';;';'.J' vWl-CO, ,; A -7" ,; ,,'. DATE S-- /1. -}l'S':'k:';'.i.~;~~j't.-,<;'.::.-Ja~i<~',;';~j.r:,' ':":'('i"1 ~k~E;:}!;i!~~~i~;,~;;~t~~:~~,:~~i;~j;;j~~/;H~;~~;~{ti%~{0.;,;j~~f0~i;tXiE~~1~~~#.~t.,~i:3:~~'~:~~~f.1ii~~:i;i;i~~~;jt~~2~~{~~i ;'''-~