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Permit Unfit for Use 2005-4-5
. ~ \ ( ~ .~ Methamphetamine Lab/Address Trackine Report (Updated 04/05/05) Address I Notification Date I Case Number I Case Agent I Certif. of Fitness J . . . ." . 907 Hayes St.,. Eugene . .',' " , 995,W. Hilliard Ln., Eugene, ,', . '1' ;.. !.. 137062 Hills Creek Rd.;Sprlngfield. 110:"Holemati Ave,'EugeIie ,', .' 195984 How~o Ln"lunction <:;jty . ,. .~ . 23370 Hwy 36, Milepost 38.4, Alderwood State Park, Cheshire,',f . ' . ';,'., I 0.8 miles south ofHwy 58, Milepost 29, Oakridge 1595 H~y'99N:'(Rriom #25) Valu~ Inn , ~ug~rie >;;. ' 1 11601 Hw)i99N #221, Eugene .,"P" .' \. ,: . 833.36 Hwy 99 Creswell (Living quarters attached" ' ;to separate garage) Does n()t include main resigence. , , , ' .. ,90030 HwY 99 N., Euge~e '1848?4 HWy 10~S., Florence " . . '1,8415 Hwy 126; Walton(garagelstorage:building next to modular.J'tome) ~esidence not considered ,. contaminated 24945 Highway 126, Veneta ~ .-375i'Inttici~~fi6fi~rCU1'Spri~'~W(Mdfei'6:~5ir, ' 08/22(98 , , ,. 98~17628"" Doe" , . . Per ODH 3/2210\::,' . I This site receiv~a COF. Iio isSue, ; - ; \" . ,"' .date'w~ given '.'.,~ " ..' :;". OS/20/96 ~8:033 1'9 Kemr. ,.' Per ODH3/22101 :.This'site received aCQF', nO'iisue:;, , ~'" daiewas give~:.~' !~, . ., 10/15(99 , ,06(30/04 05(03/PO 04(17/92 ' 99~20140 ,', ,04-12113 " ,00-07915 Unknown " .. , ' ~. " 6(12/02 , , 0' ,Doe;,' , Rauch poe . UnknoWn , Taken from ODH Urifit for Use , " !List 3/21/01. {i.':':, 'ReceivedCOF 7/1/03 ;'. , .' .\~. .', 03118/93 Taken from OOH Unfit for Use List 3121/01 Unknown Unknown 07/26/01 . ~.' "1.- it. Myers,; ~' :c' . ..< " , , '.", 1 0(8/0 I :; Oh13935' 03(14/05 inc#19451 Hart 5(6/03 03-06918 Rauch', , ., '. " . 02/12/98 0 98-03319 "', Giin;'es' None . Received CO,F 8/4/03' . ,,,. ../ ". (, -.'I'A I .~_ , :?,. ~ ~ "!..-' .'.", j"l .' Per 'ODH3t2VO(I' '.' '~This site received a COF. no 'i'ssue ,; . '.~.- . date_was given. ,'. '10/17(90 .. U !liffiowIi Un\q1own. ~. ",;.'c COF,dated '1120/04 .. , 7(17/02 02"i33,14. Humphreys 9/17/02 " " .' ., .. , . .. '. .. .. . " 11/14/04 DEA-Ptld unk none , "' , 11/13/98. Unknown UnknoWn ' Unknown HOPPER Lisa' . From: Sent: To: Subject: PUENT David Thursday, April 28, 2005 8:15 AM HOPPER Lisa FW: Updates to the'Meth Lab listing FYI From: KLEWS Janel M rmailto:ianel.m.klewslalci.eucene.or.usl Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2005 6:02 PM To: WILllAMS Judy M; CHASTAIN Adra; SIEGENTHALER Ann; Brett Sherry; DELF Carolyn L; REYGERS Cindi S; PUENT David; BROOKS Debbie E; NOWAKOWSKI Donna L; DORAN Jebediah A; HALLETT Jackie C; BURGESS Jane; MCDONALD Janis K; HENRY Jim R; WICKS Joseph; CUTTER Leland C; WILSON Loretta; DENBERG Matt H; MCKERROW Mike J; OLSHAN SKI Pam K; KOUBELE Sandi L Subject: Updates to the Meth Lab listing Hello, AllI Today's update reflects the following changes.. 375 Carolyn - COF 2069 Brittany - COF 1637 Ferry St #1 - Added to list The City has switched to Word so I will not be sending out this infonnation in WordPerfect any longer. Sorry for any inconvenience! Janel Klews - VNU(SlU/IDLRT 682-511=-= ~ Methlab Tracking 1637 Feny St Report.doc (5... #1.doc (32 KB) 1 b . , II