HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1998-9-16 ~: . . .' ~. =,..",oA!leI!Y7"";-'.' . ......: ~F.ilj~~-- P'iYN j., .. ~rO v _ . ~~ Notice of Decision - Limited Land Use - Site Plan Review Date of Letter Journal Number September 16, 1998 1998-07-144 Owner/Aoolicant Leona Rice (owner) 3635 Game Farm Road Springfield, Oregon 97477 Consultino Enoineer CAS Properties (applicant) Attn. Chris A. Smith P.O. Sox 1602 Portland, OR 97207-0615 Mortier Engineering 1245 Pearl Street Eugene, OR 97440 Nature of Aoplication: The applicant submitted a Type II Site Plan Review Application to the City of Springfield for approval to construct a warehouse and offices for a Federal Express Regional Distributing Facility in the Gateway area of north Springfield. Decision: Tentative Site Plan Aooroval, with conditions, as of the date of this letter. This is a limited land use decision made according to city code and state statute. Unless appealed, the decision is final. Please read this document carefully. Final Site Plans must conform to the tentative. site plan approval. Other Uses That Mav Be Authorized Bv The Decision.: None. The proposed primary use is permitted in accordance with SDC 20. 020(1)(eO. Final Site Plan and site development must conform to this decision. Uses permitted in the zone but not listed on the application require additional review and permits. Site Information: The 6.285 acre development site is zoned Campus Industrial (CI) within the Urban Fringe Overlay District. The zone classification is consistent with the Gateway Refinement Plan and Eugene-Springfield Metro Plan. The abutting zoning on all sides of the site is Campus Industrial. Regional distribution centers are a permitted primary use in the CI District. The existing use of the land is a filbert orchard. The land is flat and lies entirely within the 100-year flood fringe of the McKenzie River. There are no structures on the site. A 500 kV SPA powerline crosses the southeast portion of Tax Lot 300 removing a 100- foot swath under the lines from building construction. ^ o' 2 Journal Number 98.4 . Criteria of Site Plan Aooroval: Section 31.060, Site Plan Review Standards, of the Springfield Development Code states: "The Director shall approve, or approve with conditions, a Type II Site Plan Application upon determining that criteria (1) through (4) of this section have been satisfied. If conditions cannot reasonably be attached to satisfy the criteria, the Director shall deny the application." (1) COMPLIANCE WITH THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS OF SECTIONS 3.050 AND 31.050 OF THIS CODE. The site plan application was accepted as complete on July 28, 1998 and contained all information required to initiate Type II Site Plan Review procedures in accordance with SDC Articles 3 and 31. This decision is issued within the required 120 calendar day review period. Findino: Criteria 1 has been met because the applicant has complied with all submittal requirements and the decision was issued within the required 120 days. (2) PROPOSED ON-SITE AND OFF-SITE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS ARE SUFFICIENT TO ACCOMMODATE THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AS SPECIFIED IN ARTICLES 31, 32, THE APPROPRIATE ZONING AND/OR OVERLAY DISTRICT ARTICLE AND ANY APPLICABLE REFINEMENT PLAN. Subcriteria 2a. Conformance with Article 32 (Public and Private Imorovementsl Water and Electric Service. SDC Section 32.120 states: "Each development shall be provided with a water system having sufficiently sized mains and lesser lines to furnish adequate supply to the development. " The Springfield Utility Board (SUB) will provide water and electrical service to the site. Water service is provided to the site from a 12" line located in the right of way. The proposed building will require water development fees for connections and metering. Backflow prevention devices are required. Bart McKee of Sub Water Department, (726-2396) is the contact person. SDC 32.120(2) states, "Wherever possible, utility lines shall be placed underground." There is three-phase electrical power to serve the site in a vault located at the southwest corner of the site. Power will be extended underground to the proposed structure. Additional public utility easements have been requested by SUB Electric for the provision of three-phase power to the site and surrounding properties. SDC 32.120(5) gives staff the authority to require easements necessary to fully service a proposed development (See attached SUB correspondence and diagrams.) Ed Head of SUB Electric (726- 2395) is the contact person. Services will be installed upon the collection of development charges. Findino: The proposed plans for installation of water and electrical service do not comply with the standards in the SDC for the provision of key urban services because additional public utility easements are necessary for the provision of 2 .' 3 Journal Number 98__4 . underground electrical facilities to the site. The following Condition of Approval is applied to achieve full compliance with this Code: Condition: Perimeter public utility easement connections must be provided to SUB Water and Electric in accordance with SDC 32.120(5). Easement documents must be submitted to the City Surveyor with a legal description and filing fees prior to Final Site Plan Approval. Fire and Life Safetv. The existing fire lines and hydrants on International Way have sufficient fire flow volume to provide fire protection to the proposed developments as shown on the submitted site plan. Please contact AI Gerard, Fire and Life Safety at 726-2298 if you have further questions. Sanitarv Sewer. SDC 32.100 (1) states, "...sanitary sewers shall be installed to serve' each new development and to connect the developments to new mains. Installation of sanitary sewers shall comply with the provisions of this code, the Standard Construction Specifications, Chapter 2 of the City Code, and the Department of Environmental Quality regulations..." Sanitary sewer connections to the public system can be constructed as proposed on Sheet C3 of the submitted tentative site plan because the City Engineer has determined that the proposed plan for the development site conforms with the provisions of SDC 32.110. All new sewer taps wiU require permits from the Public Works Department prior to connection. Ken Vogeney of the Public Works Division (726-3666) is the contact person. Findina: The proposed site plan does not address sanitary and storm sewer service and water provision for the remaining area that is part of this parcel of land. Condition: Prior to final site plan approval, the applicant must provide a conceptual sanitary and storm sewer plan for the remainder of the site for Public Works review and approval. Storm Sewer. SDC Section 32.110 states, "The Approval Authority shall grant development approval only where adequate provisions for storm and floodwater run-off to the City storm water drainage system have been made as determined by the City Engineer." Stormwater Svstem A publiC storm drainage system exists in International Way, with two 12-inch stubs to the site. The applicant is proposing to retain all storm water on site in .a system of interconnected retention ponds. Findina: Overflow connections from the retention ponds to the public s'ystem . must be provided as part of the final drainage system design. Alternatively, the site must be designed such that overflow from the ponds will be contained totally within the site and wiU be prevented from entering the building. 3 4 Journal Number 98-.4 . Condition: Prior to final site plan approval, the applicant must provide design calculations, prepared by a registered engineer, for the proposed drainage system. Finding: The proposed site plan does not address storm drainage for the remaining area that part of this parcel of land. Condition: Prior to final site plan approval, the applicant must provide a conceptual storm drain plan for the remainder of the site for Public Works review and approval. Stormwater Qualitv The drainage plan must be approved by the Public Works Department. Please show flood plain and floodway boundaries on drainage plans. Findino: The site parking lots exceed 5,000 square feet of pavement area, so Storm Water Quality Measures must be incorporated into the site design. All storm water runoff from the impervious areas of the site must be filtered through vegetated swales prior to discharge into a site retention pond. Findino: The applicant proposes to collect all of the storm water runoff from the site into constructed retention ponds. The ponds will be landscaped with various wet land types of plants in the bottom of the ponds, with turf areas along the side slopes. Runoff will sheet flow through the vegetatio'n prior to infiltrating in the bottom of the ponds. Findino: Floor drains in the interior truck loading and material handling areas must be connected to the building sanitary sewer. The applicant must submit the design of the proposed oil and sand separator for the building for City approval prior to final site plan approval. Findina: The truck well area must be covered and graded such that storm water runoff will not enter the truck well. The drains in the truck well can then be connected to the building sanitary sewer system as proposed by the applicant. Alternatively, the truck well drains must include an oil-filtering medium, as well as being provided with a manually operated sump pump that has a discharge to the site biofiltration swale system. Findinq: Connection to the public storm water system is not proposed. The City Engineer has determined that the proposed plan for the on-site retention and treatment provides adequate pretreatment and reduction of storm water. The City Engineer recommends an overflow connection to the publiC system for the detention ponds to prevent flooding of the building area if the ponds overflow. The proposed catch basins must provide an oil~filtering medium for parking lot drainage. 4 .' 5 Journal Number 98"'4 ., Findino.: A public sterm drainage system exists in Internatienal Way, with two. 12-inch stubs to. the site. The applicant is prepesing to. retain all sterm water en site in a system ef intercennected retentien pends. Findine: Oil/water separater catch basins and ether drainage systems are required to. be cleaned and maintained at least ence a year, nermally in September. All waste material must be dispesed ef in a lawful manner. The ewner/develeper must decument the activities fer the City ef Springfield to. inspect and review. Cenditian: All starm water runaff from the imperviaus areas af the site must be filtered through vegetated swales priar to. discharge into. a site retentian pand Canditian: Overflaw cannectians from the retentian pands to. the public system must be provided as part af the final drainage system design. Altematively, the site must be designed such that averflaw from the pands will be cantained tatally within the site and will be prevented from entering the building. Canditian: A private drainage easement from the narthwesterly camer af the site to. Maple Island Slaugh must be reserved priar to. approval af the final site plan to. provide far a future starm drainage cannectian. Canditian: FIOar drains in the interiar truck laading and material handling areas must be cannected to. the building sanitary sewer. The applicant must submit the design af the propased ail and sand separatar far the building far City approval priar to. final site plan approval. Condition: The truck well area must be covered and graded such that storm water runaff will nat enter the truck well. The drains in the truck well can then be cannected to. the building sanitary sewer system as propased by the applicant. Altematively, the truck well drains must include an ail-filtering medium, as well as being provided with a manually aperated sump pump that has a discharge to. the site biafiltratian swale system. Nate: All new starm sewer taps will require permits from the Public Warks Department priar to. cannectian. Ken Vegeney ef the Engineering Divisien (726- 3666) is the centact persen. Flaadwater The site lies entirely within the 1 DO-year flaad fringe af the McKenzie River. Building canstructian must cenferm to. the standards af Article 27 FP FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT and specifically the develepment standards prescribed in Sectien 27.040. A Land and Drainage Alteratian Permit is required befare any alteratien af the grades en the site. An applicatian has been submitted with this site plan applicatien. Cantact Lame Pleger, Plans Examiner in the Co.mmunity Service Divisien, fer specific infermatien necessary far Building Permit review at 726-3669. Street Imaravements: SDC 32.020(10)(b) states, "Whenever a prapased develapment will increase traffic an the City Street system and that develapment has any unimpraved street frantage abutting a fully impraved street that street frantage shall be fully impraved to. City specificatians..... 5 6 Journal Number 98-.4 e. International Way is a fully improved collector street with curb, gutter, sidewalks and streetlights. International Loop as depicted on the McKenzie-Gateway Special Light Industrial Conceptual Development Plan will be constructed north and east of the FedEx development area along the northern property line of Tax Lot 300. Findino: Public right of way improvements are not necessary because International Way is a fully improved street and International Loop will be constructed north and east of this development site. However, a coveyance land sufficient for possible future right of way along the east property line of the subject site is necessary at this time to assure implementation of the Gateway Refinement Plan for access and circulation for Tax Lot 300 and the surrounding industrial area in the event the Maple Island Slough Road is not dedicated and constructed. (See Subcriteria 2.c below). The following Condition of Approval is applied to achieve full compliance with this Code: Condition: The applicant shall convey to the City of Springfield a 30 foot wide strip approximately 754 feet long for a possible one-half street right of way along the entire eastem edge of the subject site. The private access road proposed within the conveyed land to serve the subject site should be constructed to City . standards to avoid costly reconstruction and inconvenience to the occupant of the subjecf site should the City exercise the right to construct a public street within the conveyed land. The City will provide the applicant with a joint use access agreement to use the conveyed strip for access. Condition: The applicant shall convey to the City of Springfield a 7 foot public utility easement and slope easement of sufficient width to pace an embankment on a 4: 1 slope from the back of the sidewalk along the entire west side of the 30 foot wide strip specified in the condition above. Subcriteria 2b) Conformance with standards of SDC Article 31- Site Plan Revie~ and Article 21- Camous Industrial Zonina District. Setbacks and Heiaht Restrictions: The submitted site plan complies with the setback provisions of SDC 20.050(1&2) because the structure proposed is setback 160 feet from the front property line where 30 feet is required; and 100 feet from the east line and 67 feet from the west line where 20 feet is required. Parking proposed is setback a minimum of 40 feet from all property lines. No outdoor storage is proposed. The proposed 24' building height at the north property line meets solar setback provisions of SDC 20.060(1)(a) by using the hypothetical fence formula. The 24' building height is below the maximum standard for the District of 45 feet. Landscaoina. Liahtina and Screenina. The landscape plan exceeds the minimum planting requirements of SDC 31.140(1). All locations, number and type'of plantings submitted on the tentative plan.are approved and can only be altered with written permission from the Director. The existing street light pole located in the middle of the proposed driveway should be relocated towards 6 1.\ 7 Journal Number 98-A4 '.' east at a distance of 30 foot from its current location. This relocation of streetlight should be done under Public Works permit (SDC Section 32.060): Findino: The westerly driveway approach will require the relocation of an existing street light along International Way. Condition: The applicant must obtain City Engineer approval of a privately engineered public improvement project to relocate this light prior to commencing any construction on the site. In addition, this work must be completed prior to occupancy of the new building. Parkina. The site plan submitted provides 100 standard and 4 handicapped accessible vehicle parking spaces to comply with the parking requirements of SDC Sections 20.070(2 & 6) & 31.180. The break down of required parking is: o 13,225 square feet of gross floor area (gfa) @ one space' per 300 square feet = 45 spaces for office use. o 54,595 gfa @ one space per1 000 square feet = 55 spaces for the warehouse use The parking spaces provided are the minimum necessary to satisfy the code, however, curiously, exceed the projected number of employees by 23. The site plan depicts four handicapped accessible spaces at the front of the building where the SDC requires three spaces. Findina: The parking provided is the minimum number required to meet the off street parking requirements of SDC 21.090 for office and wholesale warehousing uses listed on the site plan. Subcriteria 2c) Conformance with Aoolicable Gatewav Refinement Plan Policies: (as adopted by the City of Springfield, October 19, 1992, Lane County, September 1,1992, and the City of Eugene, November 9,1992) the proposed use is a permitted campus industrial use. The Gateway Refinement Plan incorporates the transportation system proposed in the McKenzie Gateway-Special Light Industrial Conceptual Development Plan (SLI-CDP) (August 1989). The SLI-CDP proposed a loop road between what is now Sports Way and Game Farm Road. The road depicted on Figure 4 of the. COP coincidentally aligns with the north and east property lines of the proposed FedEx development. However, the COP is conceptual and the alignment shown in the plan is illustrative only of the need to have a road connect Sports Way east to International Way and south to Game Farm Road. A street system analysis by the City Traffic Engineer revealed that the loop road would better serve the area if located further north along the north property line of Tax Lot 300 (parent tax lot of the subject development site). The easterly extension of the loop road should be approximately 1500 feet from Sports Way 7 8 Journal Number 98"4 . instead of the 900 feet depicted in the COP. Therefore, the owner of Tax Lot 300 must provide for the future development requirements of International Loop by dedicating the right of way as a condition of the concurrent partition approval of Tax Lot 300 (Jo. No. 98-07-165). .FEES AND PERMITS SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE: The applicant must pay a Systems Development Charge when the building permits are issued for developments within the City limits or within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary. (The cost relates to the amount of increase in impervious surface area, transportation trip rate, and plumbing . fixture units. Some exceptions apply to Springfield Urban Growth areas.) [Springfield Code Chapter II, Article 11]. An estimated total of the SDC's is $74,000, and assumes no drainage connection to the public storm drain system at this time. The actual fees will be determined at the time of building permit issuance. SANITARY SEWER IN-L1EU-OF-ASSESSMENT CHARGE: The applicant must pay a Sanitary Sewer In-Lieu-of-Assessment charge in addition to the regular connection fees if the property or portions of the property being developed have not previously been assessed or otherwise participated in the cost of a public sanitary sewer. Contact the Engineering Division to determine if an In-Lieu-of-Assessment charge is applicable. [Ordinance No. 5584] (The current rate is $0.28 per square foot of land.) The estimated In-Lieu of Assessment charge for this use proposal is $25,105. The actual charge will be determined prior to building permit issuance. This charge is due and payable in full prior to building permit issuance. OTHER CITY PERMITS: Encroachment Permit or Sewer Hookup Permit (working within right-of-way or public easements) example: new tap to the public storm or sanitary sewer, or adjusting a manhole. [The current rate is $80 for processing plus applicable fees and deposits]. A Sewer Hookup Permit is required to make the sewer connection for the new building. A Land & Drainage Alteration Permit is required for this project since more than 50 cubic yards of material will be moved during construction. ADDITIONAL PERMITS/APPROVALS MAY BE NECESSARY: . Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (Pump station, sanitary sewers 24 inches or larger) . . Lane County Facilities Permit (If the project is within Lane County jurisdiction) . . Railroad (If the project crosses a railroad) . Oregon Department of Transportation (If the project is within ODOT jurisdiction . . Division of State Lands (Storm water discharge, wetlands) 8 9 Journal Number 98-a4 .' . Oregan Department af Environmental Quality (Erasian cantral (5 acres ar greater), pump statian, starm water discharge, wetlands) . U.S. Army Carps af Engineers (Starm water discharge, wetlands) (3) INVENTORIED NATURAL (INCLUDING REGULATED WETLANDS) AND HISTORIC FEATURES OF THE SITE HAVE BEEN ADEQUATELY CONSIDERED IN THE PROJECT DESIGN. The site is defined as Tax Lat 300 an Lane Caunty Assessar's Map 17-03-15-30. The Gateway Refinement Plan, the Draft Natural Resaurces Special Study, the Natianal Wetlands Inventary, the draft Springfield Wetland Inventary Map, and the list af Histaric Landmark Sites have been cansulted. . The Maple Island Slaugh is an inventaried Gaal 5 natural resaurce as indicated an the inventary af the Draft Natural Resaurces Special Study. The slaugh is the sauthern baundary af the McKenzie River f1aadway and can nat be filled ar encraached upan. Therefare, the right af way dedicatian far InternatianalLaap must be af sufficient fram the tap af the bank af the slaugh to. ensure that road canstructian will nat impact the bank ar riparian vegetatian. The setback will be determined in the partitian review and a canditian af the partitian approval far Tax Lat 300. Springfield's drinking water aquifer is an identified and delineated Gaal 5 natural resaurce. The subject site is lacated aver the Springfield drinking water aquifer within the five-year time-af-travel zane far the Sparts Way/l-5 wellhead. A hazardaus material, such as petroleum ar salvent, spilled in this site cauld patentially percalate to. the groundwater and migrate to the drinking water well within 5 years. Therefore, pratectian measures must be implemented to. minimize the risk to. Springfield's drinking water. Findinq: SUB has well fields to. the narthwestaf this site, and the graundwater flow gradient is from the site taward the well heads. Therefare, the design af the pands must be dane to. cantral the infiltratian rates to. SUB's satisfactian. Findino: This criterian is met because the afarementianed resaurces were cansulted and no. histaric resaurces have been identified, while the natural reseurces identified as the Maple Island Slaugh and Springfield drinking water aquifer will be pretected by the canditians specified belaw: Cenditian: The dedicatian ef right af way far Internatianal Laep and the setback fram the tep ef the bank ef Maple Island Sleugh will be a cenditien ef the cancurrent partitien ef Tax Let 300. Cenditian: Prier to. appreval ef the final site plan, the applicant must previde written decumentatien ef SUB's appreval ef the retentien pand system. Nate: There are no. inventeried histaric features er archeelegical sites lecated en the develapment site. If any artifacts are enceuntered during censtructien, there are state laws that cauld apply, ORS 97.740, ORS 358.905, and ORS 390.235. If human remains are discovered during canstructian it is a Class 'C' felany to. praceed under ORS 97.740. 9 10 Journal Number 98.44 . (4) PARKING AREAS AND INGRESS-EGRESS POINTS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED SO AS TO FACILITATE TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY, TO AVOID ONGESTION AND TO MINIMIZE CURB CUTS ON ARTERIAL OR COLLECTOR STREETS AS SPECIFIED IN ARTICLES 31, 32, THE APPROPRIATE ZONING ANDIOR ZONING OVERLAY DISTRICT ARTICLE AND ANY APPLICABLE REFINEMENT PLAN. Parkina Areas. The Director and Transportation Engineer have reviewed the submitted parking lot design. The parking plan provides emergency turnaround area and internal pedestrian connections, bicycle racks, and handicapped parking in accordance with the federal Americans With Disabilities Act, Oregon Administrative Rules TPR 12, SDC 31.180, 32.070 & 20.070 and the Gateway Refinement Plan. Inaress and Earess Points. SDC 32.080(2)(a) states, "Driveway access to local streets is generally encouraged in preference to access from streets of higher classifications.' The site plan submitted proposes access to International Way via two curb return driveways at south corners of the property. Vision clearance areas are preserved on the utility and landscaping plans provided. The proposed development will be allowed to have two access points from International Way. These driveways should be designed as curb return driveways in accordance with City's Industrial Driveway Standards SDC Section 32.080, table 32-3. . Provide 10ft. of vision triangle at all site access points. (SDC Section 32.070). . Provide and show on the site plan the location of bike racks. (SDC Section 31.190 (9)) . . Revise the site plan to show wheel stops in all parking stalls. (SDC Section 31.190 (3) Pedestrian Safetv.. Findinq: Staff finds the site plan has designed parking and access points to facilitate traffic and pedestrian safety, minimize curb cuts and congestion in accordance with the provisions of SDC Articles 20, 31, 32 and the Gateway Refinement Plan. Findinq: Staff finds that the site plan does not depict how pedestrians will safely walk from the public right of way to the building entrance pursuant to the Transportation Planning Rule 12 (660-12-045(3) and SDC 32.040(c). The following condition is attached to comply with the SDC: Condition: The site plan shall depict a five-foot wide pedestrian sidewalk from the building entrance to the public sidewalk along International Way with handicapped accessible design as necessary. 10 II Journal Number 98-0_4 .. What Needs To Be Done Bv the Aoolicant To Obtain Final Site Plan Aooroval? Three copies of a Final Site Plan and any additional required plans, documents or information are required to be submitted to the Planning'Division within 90 days of the date of this letter showing substantial conformity with the Tentative Site Plan and compliance with SDC Article 31 Criteria of Approval 1-4, as conditioned: 1. Perimeter public utility easement connections must be provided to SUB Water and Electric in accordance with SDC 32.120(5). Easement documents must be submitted to the City Surveyor with a legal description and filing fees prior to Final Approval. 2. Prior to final site plan approval, the applicant must provide a conceptual sanitary and storm sewer plan for the remainder of the site for Public Works review and approval. 3. Prior tei final site plan approval, the applicant must provide design calculations, prepared by a registered engineer, for the proposed drainage system. 4. Prior to approval of the final site plan, the applicant must provide written documentation of SUB's approval of the retention pond system. 5. All storm water runoff from the impervious areas of the site must be filtered through vegetated swales prior to discharge into a site retention pond. 6. Overflow connections from the retention ponds to the public system must be provided as part of the final drainage system design. Alternatively, the site must be designed such that overflow from the ponds will be contained totally within the site and will be prevented from entering the building. 7. A private drainage easement from the northwesterly corner of the site to Maple . Island Slough must be reserved prior to approval of the final site plan to provide for a future storm drainage connection. 8. Floor drains in the interior truck loading and material handling areas must be connected to the building sanitary sewer. The applicant must submit the design of the proposed oil and sand separator for the building for City approval prior to final site plan approval. 9. The truck well area must be covered and graded such that storm water runoff will not enter the truck well. The drains in the truck well can then be connected to the building sanitary sewer system as proposed by the applicant. Alternatively, the truck well drains must include an oil-filtering medium, as well as being provided with a manually operated sump pump that has a discharge to the site biofiltration swale system. 10. The applicant shall convey to the City of Springfield a 30 foot wide strip approximately 754 feet long for a possible one-half street right of way along the entire eastern edge of the subject site. The private access road proposed within the conveyed land to serve the subject site should be constructed to City. II 12 Journal Number 98-84 . standards to avoid costly reconstruction and inconvenience to the occupant of the subject site should the City exercise the right to construct a public street within the conveyed land. The City will provide the applicant with a joint use access agreement to use the conveyed strip for access. 11. The applicant shall convey to the City of Springfield a 7 foot public utility easement and slope easement of sufficient width to pace an embankment on a 4: 1 slope from the back of the sidewalk along the entire west side of the 30 foot wide strip specified in the condition above. 12. The applicant must obtain City Engineer approval of a privately engineered public improvement project to relocate the street light prior to commencing any construction on the site. In addition, this work must be completed prior to occupancy of the new building. 13. The dedication of right of way for International Loop and the setback from the top of the bank of Maple Island Slough will be a condition of the concurrent partition of Tax Lot 300. 14. Prior to approval of the final site plan, the applicant must provide written documentation of SUB's approval of the retention pond system. 15. The site plan shall depict a five-foot wide pedestrian sidewalk from the building entrance to the public sidewalk along International Way with handicapped accessible design as necessary. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT: In order to complete the review process, a Development Agreement is required to ensure that the terms and conditions of site plan review are binding upon both the applicant and the City. This agreement will be prepared by Staff and upon approval of the Final Site Plan and must be. signed by the property owner prior to the issuance of a building permit. SIGNS: Signs are regulated by the Springfield City Code Article 9, Chapter 7. The number and placement of signs must be coordinated with the Community Services Division. The locations of signs on a site plan do not constitute approval from the Community Services Division. A separate sign permit is required. Lisa Hopper (726- 3790) is the contact person. THE APPLICANT MAY SUBMIT CONSTRUCTION OR BUILDING PLANS TO OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH SDC 31.080 AT THEIR OWN RISK. ALL CONCURRENT SUBMITTALS ARE SUBJECT TO REVISION FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FINAL . SITE PLAN. A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SDC 31.090 WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL ALL PLANS SUBMITTED BY THE APPLICANT HAVE BEEN REVISED. CONFLICTING PLANS CAUSE DELAYS. 12 13 Journal Number 98-A4 e. Additional Information: The application, all documents, and evidence relied upon by the applicant, and the applicable criteria of approval are available for free inspection and copies are available at a cost of $0.75 for the first page and $0.25 for each additional page at the Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon. Aooeal: If you wish to appeal this Type II Limited Land Use Site Plan Review Approval decision, you must do so within 10 davs of the date of this letter. Your appeal must be in accordance with SOC, Article 15, Appeals. Appeals must be submitted on a City form with a fee of $250.00. The fee will be returned to the applicant if the Planning Commission approves the appeal application. Questions: Please call Mel Oberst in the Planning Division of the Development Services Department at (541) 726-3783 if you have any questions regarding this process. 13