HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1995-8-4 BOUCHER IV1G.HKA'LARSON . ,t tlrchitt'cts ~U9 SW Oil\'; . Suite "ll(] Portland, OR 9720-1 503 I 223..181{6 Fa.\ 223-5094 August 4, 1995 Duane R. Hussey City of Springfield 225 North Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477 RE: Shorewood Packaging Plant Dear Duane: This letter is in response to your "Note to File" dated July 31,1995 regarding "mezzanine access requirements for disabled". We have reviewed this issue with Mr. Dave Huber of the Oregon State Building Codes Division and Mr. George McCart of the Oregon Disabilities Commission, Both interpret the amended code (copy attached) as not requiring disabled access to the mezzanine, Please note that the exceptions now read "floors or portions of floors not customarily occupied, ., These spaces may include storage rooms, lofts and some warehouse spaces." (emphasis added) Please note also that the mezzanine is not finished, has only minimal lighting and- no air distribution. The definition of occupiable space in the underlying Americans with Disabilities Act (see page 35609) is " A room or enclosed space designated for human occupancy in which individuals congregate for amusement, educational or similar purposes, or in which occupants are engaged at labor and which is equipped with means of egress, light and ventilation." It seems clear that the mezzanine in question meets the requirements of the exception in the amended (1995) code as well as the ADA, and, therefore, does not require disabled access. Sincerely RAB:seb cc:.maY.I',P.uentl Jim Griffiths, Bob Reeves;Chuck Kreussling, John Tyler, Walter Daffe f{,'ynwnd A. BIludwr AlA Kenl1l'1h I. ~Iuu.:hk.l AlA G'lry H. L\~\'l\ AlA Rl1~\'r H,'rnd'lII/\IA I,wll':> L. ;\11'YL'r/\JA D.wiJ I. ~t'lrl'Y AI,\ A Limited f',ntlll'l~hll' 1II1dcrOrt'SOIlI1l11'. . . " . ":l'"'!" ........1',. ..11.'...., , >rt1.11h..l. ~ ll{ ";-:'I! -.1, .:: ~.,l,"',";r. ]. 2:.~- ;Il~ t July 19, 1995 Duane R. Hussey City of Springfield 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, OR. 97477 RE: Accessibility Requirements for Mezzanines Dear Duane: 111is letter is in response to your request for more information why elevators were not provided to both mezzanines in the Shorewood Packaging manufacturing areas. 111e 1991 Uniform Building Code with Oregon Amendments, Chapter 31 Accessibility - Building Accessibility, New Construction. Section 3106(a) Where Required - General outlines the accessibility requirements of permanent and temporary buildings. Under the Exceptions paragraph, item No.1, its states the following condition: "Floors or portions of floors not customarily occupied, including. . .", Both mezzanines in the main manufacturing area were designed for equipment and storage purposes which are not customarily occupied except for maintenance reasons. 111e mezzanine storage is not to be for ongoing dav to day uses. There are two large warehouse areas on the ground t100r for this. Rather it is for dormant or so-called "dead" storage, old files, job samples required to be held for 5 to 10 years. infrequently used equipment eel, If you have anv iurther questions regarding, this issue, please let us know, Sincerel\', BOUCHER "'IOUCHKA LARSON Architects -, " 'Ii'" .-- '" y/ . /' I , J.." '.-' Ravmond A, Boucher, AlA R.-\B/mwf -,n'II"'lld.\ ""'11 11.'1" II \ . ,'lllld:l! '.1"C:.lll 1.,1., "~I',: ..1-,'11 ,I, " :,'1 I :. '~I:,:' ':' ,1__ ,ll:"~ I '.:.'.: . '.:.1 ~ ~. ""\ . I .. cc Daw Puent. ,Iim Griffiths, Bob Reeves, Ken Mouchka, Michael Frazier, Walter Daffe ,...., , ..:.:..~m llll;\')'l:"d,',: ...!<.... \" I ' , I' ! j' \ , I I Subject: Submitted by: Date requested: t Received: Comment: . Oat.: 8/1/95 Tim.: 08:58:52 . , Letter explaining their position why they did not make this area accessible pag",2 012 ,~, ~1J ," ' 'm " l!~ ,r,',1 "ft ~ ' . , . ',' ': II "'.' ~,.I " '~'. ("4' ,\ '~.t ., :,~ ~ "Xl .:: ,if f,~ lr) ':, .., 'Co'.' ~''''';1- , .-;t: '..' Request exemption of mezzanine areas from access requirements for disabled .,'; ,:' "I.t Boucher, Mouchka, and Larson " ..' Original: July 26, 1995 li' . '\ . \, 'It' ~~ '~ .! ,i ..'If" ',:J rl From: Duen. R Hussey To: JOHN TYLER 'f Note to the file Shorewood Packaging Plant July 31,1995 We have reviewed the Chapter 31, section 3106 (a) Exception 1 and visited the s!te, , ~ The mezzanine area E.5, 3.5 - F, 3,5 to E,5, 5.125 - F, 5,125 being a mechanical equipment area would be exempt from accessibility requirements. ,:,. . ~.: ~' The multi-functional use described in this letter for the mezzanine area B,l- C.25,1; to B, 3-, C.25, 3. Would have both administrative and labor access needs possible. Employees having physical disabilities of this facilities would not be able to accomplish jobs associated tcdhe materials stored in this area. Conclusion: Unless additional infonnation is available please provide access to the area B,1 - C.25,1; to B, 3 0, -C.2S,3. ,,-\', ,:' " ::>-- . :> . . 3104-3105 199.11N1FORM flUllOlNG CODE : ~e) JJe-sign and (fmslrUCliftrl. J.. Gt'I1~r31. A(ce~.sibk pJrl~il1.~ "p;\ce~ reqlli:-\,~ by lhi" se..:~ioll ~l1;11l hr .~~:-i~l\d :)!ld t.:C'm!T\lctt'tl in J(I.,'Qrd:..mct... ilh lhi~ ~ecri:"n. F", Ihe H;'1\lin:d nUfT't>'t1 .:1' ;..'c..:C"_~~ii"'k pJfkir,:;. :-rK::~ 'it::: Seclion .1104 ell ~_ Vertic;!1 dt'3r&ncc. \\'h::rc a\:~'cs,i~k pUr!\ill~ $.';,).\:C5 .:III': H'4uiteJ f('1 \ ...r.~. (he ,t'rticall..'lc:uJncc~h;"lI "'.'t be k~s loan 913 il1;;h(',~ allhc p:.lfklne:: SpJC; 3111.1 ;tlollJ; ;H k~1 (Int' \'ehi<:l~ ;,u.~['e:;.'j rotJtl: W "\1.::11 ~:r;}('t:S Ih1l11 !oil!.: emlk!' :,md e.\it~. .l. Siope. ;\(,:c.:o!'.i~k r;lI~kil1g SpJI:('~ 3"~ JC~C$~, :lisle.-" ~h.dll~ I",;ued 0/\..1 ~llr- "\CO: \l.'jtl'1 .) )lof'C T1<;(IO t'x<.trd I v:rtit.:;,1 in 50 hQrizuntal. ~ SUrfitl"e. P~fhi~g 'rJ.(t=... and ;l((:':!:S ,)j:"('~ ')hall bo: firm, :-ut-le, ~mnOlh anJ ,lir tt:,:-istJnl. . , : , . Pa~senger Drop.off and loading Zones ~~('. .1105, (ot) LfJCalion. Whne pnwided. pa.'.:;ell~cr drC'p-nft ,md lo;tding 7.Cl\e~ stull be lor,lI.:=.j (lrl ~n :1({~..siNc route. It-I l.)~si~n and Construelion. I. General. P;u.":nger drop.olf ;tuJ 10:.Jf1i:lg l(.nc<:= s>h::t1J N: ":1':!~igned and con.~tlucled ,t(;;:on:lin~ TO this 5.r:(cie;l1. 2. P,,'.)sengn dr!)p-vfr ~Oll(:'j. Drop-off' %One.. ~h:1l1 nor be J~~.. lhOin 12 feel .....id~!-1y ~5 feet I('ng ,-..,th tht" I(,"'ng. ditl'l~nsi.)n abuTling ::I1lt1 p::lr':lllcl to;til <lC'o:e';'iiblc T('Iot.:. ~ PaS1<fogu loading l.ont'~. P.~::;'~ng~'-loJdin~ zonr::~ ~h.11l PfQ\ ide o.n :>.CCt:~S .Ji~.I(> n('~ le~'i th.in 5 fe';-l \,'ide hy 2{J tzt:llollr,: with Ihe leng dim::nsi\'n Jf'.utting 3!'ld rJr:file-llo 11 i Ihe: \'<,:hido? :.r~ce ("\11 0"( wk "r.cJ C~.l "11 .l(,'cE'.;~,iDI~ jt)Ult ':'11 :~IC .\!h~r ::'C'!! .....DAAG ,.igur:: In. J. !'Iope. r:J~~~n~"~1 :.!rcp-c.rr i:~d 1!.'~Jing l(,'l"!e.' :.:hi..dll't kC<lI..d \'~.I "l.1lla.-" witt-> .1 sk'l't' n'JI e\;:etdmr:: I "'~11h:,t1 in 50 l':C',il.{Int..1. 5 Verlir;,' dC3ranC('. ..l" minimulll vertic...il ck:.HJn((' ..:f IIJ iuc.hc.o; ..1).\11 Le rl':l'.':d~J a.t ;:r("('~....it-!e drflr-off .1ltd 1.)Jdin~ 7;')Il~~ Jnd Jlvng :l[ 1t';t~1 Ol'le \'ctJk1(' .:l;1 \.,:.s." foul:: a.' 'luch itrC'd~ fr(lm ~i:, clllr..nt:"ef.,'! <l;1l~' e~:it(s). (. Of1fdohJr \\<trllincc:. 'fh,r~ f!1~I,S1 ~ 4J (kl:-.:.:Itlhk \'.:::tmin~ ..l)Tllpl~'ill~ \\ il:J ~t'l'fi('n~ *ll()) :!:-I : A ~nd : I '>i (P.). SCe' Ort'gi'n figUf-: ,12 BUILDING ACCESSIBILITY New Cons1ruction ~e(. ~\10h. (J" \\"ht're R~f1lJired. I. Bud,Jil1p ':11.illl1(", :.l~~o-~~,!-k J.. IC\lui:etl in ORS .JJ7 .2:'0. 1lK'1 lI1-l'FORM BUILDING COOE 3106 '~ II ORS 4~7:w;Ts~'1 part of Ihie; cf';-~~;t;;-;-errC'dll.:~d h{'t~ r:;-li,= r~~~ COIl\-elllel1('c: 'f 447.220 Purpt1'e. II i~ Ihe ptlrp')"c; of ORS -W7.:::1l) 10 .1...t7::SlJ to n1.ikc JffcClt'J t-uihJings. includu-:g ':lul n{lllimir,~d 10 comil1~r...-i.l1 r>tcj)j(ics. public l:lccommodiJtinns. prh'31~ cnli!ie~. private TI1c=mtoershi~ cJuf:t~ .loll chur.;ht'S. i'l tht ~I;lte Jel.-'r.ssiblc toand usahk. fly persoll') wit!l,li3=\hilitics. :t." provided in the AmcficOJn~ with Di~Jhilitjf"lS Acl. iJnrl IfI matel.-'II\'e-red n1ultif:mlil) dwellings 10 th(> stote .'\c(.;e~~ibft' IQ :111(1 osablc by JI) }:It'l-::'ons n:ilh di~.ahi~iti~~;. as rr(l\'id~d in Ihe Fair Ht:"u:,ing A(!. ''lI'~uiril1l;:: Ih"t ~ui!.1illl;:1'o 3.n.1 f~,:ilitj~.;~. u:--a\:llc h~' J-.er- !-Oll$ with di"lIbilili~<:=. i: i~ nol th..~ iillenlt"1l \If 111-: l,'~j"I<ill\'f" ^,~:f,~ntl;ly 10 requiTe Ihat itcm, of per'iQnill <....I1H~llit'll..:c ~,,('h a~ Ie:,1 H)'JIIl'.. tcl~ph(l"<::"" :lllJ drinkin(t fClUtltains bt. pr.-,vidcd tOr members ofth.... plJblic ...ho han' di~"bjliti<:~ if they are n(lt othclwi~:c pro....idoe-d for 1l1'='llber" or lh~ plJtolr.-; who (101hH h;\\!~ di~abilities. HOWe\Cf. pUr...\I;111( to the American:-- wilh Disahilitie.;" An. the Ditel.-.tol of the Der;:n1mclIt tit Con~ulllef ,tod Busill~S5 S~r..ice..... "lay PCOVid~. pealer pI0ftuiol1 1(. indi",'iduals with disJhilhit."$ by adC'r1ill.g mOrt' 'ill ingE."fll sI3111l:trd$ Ihan j'I'-(:~Cl'ibcd by the Amerit:an's with Di<:=al:oililics A~t. _. - --=-----~-~-------~~ EXC'EPTIO:-lS: I. FIO('lf) IJr p.lr!ic;:l~ .)1 ''l<Y.'r~ nor (lJ-:,l;'f!)."ih: o-:("coi:(l. ir.-:hJd. int.=. flut 'l'Jllirnilo:d 1'-', t'1c\'3Im rit... ')I.::y:-~valjon goltl,,1 ;t:"~ t;s.7d ~";Ol~rily f'lr StCU~ ii.. puroo~~s. <:1.:'.';111..1' pt:lllhou\t'~. n-)llon:'II'Ii.bk ~p;',.{'.. J( r.;T~_;~:S Olil) b~ lod.lel\_<:JI. \,l,'JII,-;. i'rdwl ~p,I::C~. "l'rlll;'rro'.. r':'''~.1~t':\~uy~ Or p;~'il:l:.= .1:1,'1 :-q'Jipncnl ":.:;w1'II.;. .md n1.~~ hin(1)'. m~;cl1JnjL\1 ,~r.j eltdric;ll ('q~,il'm~f1f r.....-)fl'~. Tht.:"-o! ,'-p'.e.::, :l:.JY If:- dud~ ~lOr.l~" r\~m-s. Ir>tl'i ..md O;0r1l= .....H':"hou.;~ ~r'(l;'S ~. N('nJ.:~\'S~lttl(; 00..1 i 'Jr POqiO'l~ o!- t!0('l''': 'm <;I.)(jo:, ''ll I~~.. th.lll 1.'''')0 "l!IM~ f,,,=1 JTl.J ;lre.l) (II cn\'iml.m(".nl~l'::\lfem"'" '.ur1, .\~ ,::oh'l'.'\;lh\?r.~~ n(\~ )ur;()o~;1i;,;, Ill':. (.,. wllh ,:,....lr:nw IC'll~l('rUIO(~~ .2. T('mporl'lr)' l'vndrucliort stn.f(:tu,-~S. TOilpPJal}' :-!nJClurcs. ":lh~., IInd r:quipmenl rlire("ll~' J:'l'o'cciah~d willl ih~ \:onr.lflKtin'l rr.x;css ~uch a... CI)rhLlltCtIO:-: ,il<': IrJiln,S. 'c;lf"..ldillc.l-;ridJ:ir.~ '." rTl::lleri;d ll(li,,!; a"'~ n..:: r.::mJ!,:::~ [t:. t'f; .1C.~ ~~5i. blot-. .. - . 3. Grl)Up ~ O(~upallde~. 0\. t;~"tral. .....11 'lffi'~led bu:ldi;l;r. IT: (in'up.\ U{. (upancie.. ~hi:l.lIlx i:l.c(.:c~sibk 3~ ptoviJc;d i'llhi!t ..I;aptl:i. EXCEP1I01'\: V.'hcc(': ,m:uc.lol ~".i'.t;l';II'-: "'='J!ill~ i, no' aJi.l...rll( 1(, ';'".;-!C..HOI and l~ 1Il~1 !.t('rt" (1'.'11 2~, ~fl;cn: cf the I'.'!:.!! o;'-",Ilir.,l:: ~J:-.m ol!...,=;>.I'!~ Jf(.!. ~.: J. d'!lIi1!; \'r dl:nkl~t "~liJbh:;hmcnl ('r r("!i[:ivu:; (",;11:;-. ;." ..l~C':"~:;II.'k H'o::.1n~ ..t \f'tl;':"Jl 1,,,;'1 '.- [;~n lIi"lIl 1(' !h~ ll'('ajJnitj~ " 11'yl r.f!lIlf-.! I't'.,.;;j.."; tb.l' i~l~ ;.'1111": ;~'. "i~ ':'. .17" P"'_ \'Ide-,i In:m;u lC'<;~Ir-1c ~r,1((' ""hi.. I, i,;q')1 r.~..tri,:lql t,.' \j;'~ 11~'I":"I'I~'~ I'M dt-.,I.:l,n(~ ('oml'.'rJhl~ I.JC';llliC'~ :;h.ll1 be !lrv\'i1-.:.J Hl .!!I :'=.llit'l6 21(!,.~ In b.Jn\lllel fl'tlm.. .)1' ~r:lr;.('~ wherr.l"~ hr,...J 'rl~.,ker'~ !~.::\t'tl i,:: Ir.\(,'t!C'd flf'l:l P::I_ mancm raiseJ rl:lIf.:Jml. thr: plalfQon ,::hJII ~~ <)('l"CS:;ih!r; I') n.'n!pli:'I1Ct: '.\ t!~l $C(. liol1 31(\Y. OP'::l ,=dge~ ~'n a r,1is<.'L1 rb.lfn~lfl ':!1~lIl~ pr{I:.:-':t-:tJ hy <J t..~:'!) -,'.-ilh d /leighl of Tlol Ie..:,; 11'.Hl 2 im:he, Sl3dillm.'i.. Ih~2IIc:rs. Judi!OriulIl~ OJnd ~iTTl~!J" '.l{r.ur;tnei~'; 51:JlI t'roJvlc1~ "'he,;-!- ch;lir 5p~I,:n in ac...:tndan(t'. <t'iLh Tal,1t: ;~f'. _.1..... p.:'rn....\.,lh'~ ~::'.J;.j :.-11..,111)';' F". Illlllt'tJ in (h~ ....~I~.;I.:h.Ji! _'p,H;~!'. :< , , ; . . ;