HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1996-7-15 r~ .Jul".Ll:.i..C.:Jt.:j LO: lilt-A r'lot""t', iQr' t._rTg :jll:!t1!.,....ln~ .. \ ~'+ -+ ) .-t~'.1."'- \,;JO~::;:l' MORTIER ~~NGINEEIUNG, P.c. cl~n' 139 0 124'5 PE.AAl STREET "\ ,'{E. OREGON ')'ful1t) , olE (~n:III\84.9~lJlO . FAX I~OJI ^a4."8~,'.) ,.."t'.,",.. . (,'-"J.....,./ I" '-..:. ... ~J) " ~' i' ~~' ',":'" \ ~w._' i 01' .r 'r': l. \ I I : I. .' I " k'116,ll..2I_::S-) ~(:~"", , "\'1 \:\'-.... 'KJ..~..:....-:.. . " , , S fRUCTURAl BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE f";::lOTl;CIIQN CODE CONSULTANT ePlJIN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPE'G710N July 15, 1996 K]m Clllupbell "-528 Ivy St. :-lpringfielCl, ?( (jJ 0 (Ji/'? Wl1t.v Ditch/G8raa~,Slab...-':-4521l Tvv st,.lsDrinl:lfield W.O. 119174 ~ OR 97478 Illi : An you requested. an inspectioll was performed to determ1.ne if the proposed 9aJ:'a<Je Ellab is "formed" to close the existing utility ditch. Th"l :\6" to 48" wide utility ditch extends along the we"terly port,ion of the proposed l1Iono pour garage slab. 'fhe ditch ieapproximately Hi" dElep at the northwest corner of the g81:'age and 28" deep at thu Bouth'''eet carnllr, The ditch cont,ainR i'I 4" diameteT' IIllnit.i!ry ABWllr Une and two )/4" 1.0. utility lines install.a in the bottom of ditch. l'he ditQh is approximately 18" away from the form work at the ..."northwest corner and adjac"~,~ to the form work at th.. southwest, ~:orner .' . 9 Ba~ed upon site observations, the following recommendation 16 made to ensure the stability of the ditCh adjacent to the proposed gar>.\ge. The ditch, after utility and sanitary sewer inspection, should on t ,HIed w1 th concrete. The concrete: shall extend from 4' south or t.lw ,,,,\\t,h.W4Ilst corner and extend 10' along the edge o,f. the proposed gll.:r-nge !'lab. The concrete shall be "flush" with the top of the ditch. 1 hope you find this report adequate for your purpo~?~ at this ~im~. D\......,..... '~ontaot me if you have further questions. ThanX you for th 1,9 orrortunitr to b. ofl!1erv1.ce. Ilrll !!llIll ...... " 10\~~!~Jt~'0 ,~ ~j,1\ 1.. /f"lWOf\ , II ((, l.r ~}JI J"'~I '.',' , r l ~. f "'1,r,. \ L...."...... ";,,,.',-- \1 ,I ~wtn ilyvor\ V.E. {._IIII1, ' '_.4___.._":.':__._ .___. ,'4._ '::'),1 ,JdL17:n 9661 [c 'In[ 661S 689 117S : 'ON 3NOHd , 'IN I SlN3W1S3r"\N I NOfDSI:i30 : WI)<J.:I