HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-1-2 ~ .. RESID~TIAL" APPLICA./PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpY'ingfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD .~ Rcce-:.pt .'I r 2-973 " :.~~~ .._, / -' Job Location: 441'-1 T Vi4 ~. I Asses Gore Map 6 TGX Lot # Subdivision: J....t- -# 7Y /J( u ~.,.v<.. ~d~,--" .r CkJnel' " ~ 1& 1<1-....- 17'1J.-. C-- IV- ~4/~,j t1Lr-- o . 0 Phone: 11I1 /01 Add:res s,' City: zip:'. fWdl rn..-NPl" n Addition n Remodel n !!obile Homa Describe fl'01'7<: sF j:(..... '--'-'<.... Value ~-'J: 000 eL- I- 3- C(f tR ~.A r/.1ollr E;r4~P~ ;:;'q'YP"';'#-~"" ? C/q,...-.=/.,....,.;._ - M:> ?'fi4T/e:> O;?P ~ ;PJr/i:S1'f" '7~'-"77 Date of Application tfl.$%F' Sigr:ed: Date: Contractors Address Lise. # Exvires Phone 3(,l{ipy SU." vJS--.J/ J ~ .27 S-V ( r./f f ~'I'L-rJ.L. t.. .3Fd'JG 7/0' ~VL-J,,'7 L .:2~ 1. '-10 ' , .:J../tt-<; 7 YI -oooL Genera! Jf...ii.... I!. II......-.. Ilf J 1':..._ -.J V ~,Y7 vc.J{ P!wnbing ii ~fJ{~, '0 t1..J.. LS3 c <- rNL- V E!eatrica!~~rR...-&- 7~lD) 4;,1 ~d. t!,( G-v f'7"lJ.v .:Ir-7() 6.,J'f- IVI-Ic i..., Mechar.ica! ~ .li....t:. Construction LJ'ndcr .~. ~ It is tho responsibility of the permit holder to see that all inopections are made at :h8 proper tim~, that Qcch ~es3 is roadabZe 11"OITI ths streot, and that the permit ctll'd is l.ocated at the front of the property. ~ AEui!di~ Divi:::ior: appro?"'od plan shezz. remain on thz Bu.-!.ldinp Sits at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION R~OUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job nur.;ber, job adi:rcss, typo of ir.3poc-;icl, requested ar'.d when you will be ready for inspection, Contractors or Ol.mers name end phone number. Requi;sts received before 7:00 c:': ;,,'iZl be made th~ Bams day, requests m~e afta' 7:1)0 tX71 will be made t.lu3 nat :.;orkin.; day. .l?t:t01Jir.q,,1 T,.,."tt?",,!~ip1JR O SITE INS~: To be 17rlde after excavation, but prior to set up of forms. O UNDERSLAB PW/ofBING, ELECTRIC,1L & . MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is covered. Your City Desigr.atcd Job Nwnber In: B807~CJ D FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring concreto:;. \ r;j;J INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION, ~ To be made after azz. insuu.tum cr.+.d .'" 1'oquired vap01' ba:r-riers are in place . . but before any lath, gypswn boa.rod or wU .covel'i~g i~ applied, and befC21'e ~ Septic tank pu."?ed and filled with gra"JGl any l.1Wulatwn 1.8 concealed. q. ~_ .' rAl DRYWALL 'INSPECTION: To be made \ ~ I Pinal - flhen a~~e i~o"!7s are ccmpleted ~ after all drywall is in place, \'\ ~ and when demol-:.t'Lon .1.S completo 01' 8t:>u~- but p1'ioT' to any taping. ture moved ane pl";;:ntt.ses cleaned up. DEUOLITIOH OR l.:OVED BUILDIj!GS =:J Sanitary se'..)el' ::=appBd c:t p~opcr'ty line '.. [] O MASONRY: Steel location, bomt UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. S....WE... W.4TE.~ b . r v t ! DRAINAGE: To be 1TKlde 1;'. Q t r t eama, grou...ing 0 er ica s in . h p1'1.01' 0 1, - acco1"dancs with U. B. C. Section l'Lr.g trenc st:. . 2415. UNDERFWOR PL~gBING ~ MECHANI~AL: g ~D WOODSTOVE: After inBtal7.ation is To be made p1"t.O.1' to 'Lnatal.lat1.on of ccmpl.eted. . floor insulation or decking. ' POST AIID BEAM' To be made prior to A)(l instaUation of floor insu.lation o~t.':::::::'J decki,,". , ROUGH PLW!BIlJG. ELECTRICAL & /'.fECH-? ~I "'I ANICAL: No work is to be cOI,..'el'ed 0.-' -" ^ until. these inspections have beer. LJ 2: made and approved. \ FD?EPLACE: Prior to p7.acir.g facin;? m~teriaZ8 and before framing inspec- \~. t'Lon. o I Mobile Hernes ~ :::J Blocking a1Ui Sat-~p :::J Plumbing connections -- scwer and water CURB & APPROACH APRON.. Afte:- forms' :::J Electrical Com:oction - Blockin;J, set-up are c1'ected but priOl' to pouring ClD and plwnbing connections rrr..:at co approt:ec ~ncrete. I befol'c requesting eloc;rical insp6c-;io~ SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: POI' all con- ~ :::J . . crete paving tJithin street right- () Accessol",,' Bu1.ld-:.ng of-ux:.y, to be made afte1' all ezca-- J j" vating cCf1tl?let~ & fom work & sub- . --, Final _ AftIJr p:Jrcr.oB, skirting~ decks, ~se mate1'1.al, 1.11 pl.a.~e:.... -.J etc. are comple-;cd. L3 [2] o 2J FHA/fINe: Must be requested after approvat of rough plumbing~ alectri- cal & mechanical. All. roOfing t ~ bracing & chimneys, etc. nr~st be ~ ,completed. No lJ()rk is to be CQn- " cealed until thin inspection has 'be~n made and approved. ~ENCE: When c~~plo:;te -- Provide. gates or movabte sections through P.U.E, D o ~, :lJ FIliAL PLU/tBIIIG ZI FIliAL /1EoHANICAL KJ FIliAL ELECTHICAL :::J 'l-q ,?/c, qq AIL project conditions, such as tJw installation of street treesJ c~~Lation of t~e ~quired landscc.pir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. I?i\ \ PINAL BUILDING: Tho Fina! Building Inspection must be requested a,fter the Fina! P!umbi"-J V Electrical, and Mechanical Inspecti.ono hava been made and approv.:d. "ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!!EUT TO BE /.f.1DE ,!T NO C~ST TO CI'!'Y I Pafc ! of :: ..:.....:, ..'\;!'al,~~:-'~"'~"~"f' .n........:.. . '.';'.~ '~" ',.,,' .<.. . '." .'~h ,'. I JOB NO, 860'70Q SOLAR ACCESS REQ,- Zone; / ----f') R... Oacuoana" G~- '3 Lot Sq. Ft{;. 7Y7~ WT TYPE I Lot Faaes - I s ~f lot C:>ve1'age ? ~"::'o Interior I P. L. 1I of Stories I Cornel" INol'th TotaL Height /,( !.t;I'Jt:- PanhandLe I[ast Topography ~-:2 ~ V CuL-de-sao ,ISouth ....a.- West I lITEM ' SQ.FTG I I ~lain 1/ '/3." I I /"tDt>.'2il This pel"n'rit iG gronted on the express condition that the sdid construction Ccr>ace b"f it::> 7 7 shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted b'y the City of Ie l I I Springfield, incZuding the Zoning OPdinanc8, l'egulc.ting the ccnstrdcticn I arVOl't and use of buildings, and m:;,y be suspended 01' revoked. at cr.y time upon vic- Accessol'U I I I I lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. I ;2;"'''''D,.r_k--~ ~J-:r. ~.J..A' ~ ,,_qj. I. -z, 2/ I T~TAL VAWE 17";S;~"'l/ (~ff ~eV/ct-y ~ ~/"" Is.D,c, 1,5 x Iva'"") I 1t75':;r--, ?/i'/~ ~___.rr. -;?6t:>. S"'~ J~fl7lv 27~.~1' I I I 1~5Z'>1 I I I I I I I I I CHARGE ~7_5"o 1 I I I Y7-6"o I 175:-1 I ::s'--?S"I I 78.?$" I, ; NO, I FEE I CIIARCE i III I ~.SC>I 1'21~__1 6.-= I I I I I I I I I I I MeohaniaaL Permit~#. i 5-':> I ) State Suraharao I - /5" I ltI I b5':;?S' , I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED t.w completed application for permit, and do I hereby certify that aU info:>r.1ation hereon is true and correct, and I , fUrther certify that any ar~ all work pe'f'fo~ed shall be do~e in ac~o'f'- I dance ~th the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and thz Ur~s of the * state of OregQn p~rt~ining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCV- /) PANCY will be made of any structure withou.t pal"tTlission of the Building rr~- /~. 5"'&' 11 {/'lision. I furother certify that only contractors a;~d e:;rp!:;yees lJr.o are in "'=l'7.<::;5'" I \ J~Pliance with CRS 701.05E will be used on this pl'oject I I I I I I I x Value Building Permit State Sla'cha::rge Total Cha.....ges lITEM I Fixtures I ResidentiaL :z bath) I Sanita.ry Sewer I Wate!' I INOol 1"71 I I I FEE CIlAHGE Plumbing Perrd t 5"2.5b ::7-<h'31 (; 0:/"3 ,~ I I I State Su:rcr.lU'ge Total Charoaes I ITEM I ~o I Res, So, fta.l/~a I> I I I Temporary Service I I I :::?.::%!>~..c?1 " I FEE New/Extend Circuits Ele~trical Permit State Surchcu>ae Total Charc:es lITEM Furn.::we ETU'S E::haust Hood Vent Fan Woodsto"Je , I Per>rrrit Issuance , T()-tn. Z ChaT'lum -- EIICROACHMENT -- j Sec-..tritu Deposit , I Storage I Maintenan~e , ! Pcrmit Total. Chal'aa.s CUrbcu; /~ -=k:> I /-/77' SidewaLk Pence I I I I I ~j/~/.?/ Electrical Label Mobile Home I TOTAL ANOUNT DUE:" L-COC-<r> .. Bedrooms: '3 I I Enerau Sources Tu'Clc I I Heat ~< 7- C< <l;' . Access. I I Water Y~Qt{>p B..~~ I I Hanqe ,., I 1/ I Fireplace I I Woodsto?,;e 'I I Type/Cor:st: -:::;a."""T# Setbacks Hou.se I Carage "f l'1'/Al /;;l. - I ql I /~/ I I I~' I, Fees Building Value & Pe r m i t Plumbing No percon ahall const1'Uct~ instal.Z~ aZter or change any new or e:isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part~ unless su.ch person is the legal possessor of a valid plumbero's licenseJ except tr~t a person may do plumbing work to property which is Ok~edJ leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Perm it Where State Law requires tr~t the electroical work be done by an Electrical ContractoI'J the electrical portion of this per>mit shall ".at be valid until the label has been signed by the ElectI'ical Controactor. L/ Mechanical Permit 4~ ~~') 'r~~- p- '7-,;' ...B vaLe (R. ~ Signed If /:;tJ/<f J' Date -,